The Pirate Affair Chapter Five Copyright 1997 by The reaction of the Voodoo fortune teller was going to be difficult to explain to Jack. Yet that and a lot more must be disclosed in the near future. The only problem was that right then was not the time. Scott wanted the boy's heart to be full of love, and in the throws of passion when he explained that his lover was a ghost. Jerry took the incident in stride, joking that the black woman was trying to scare them into spending more. Her jovial cover up succeeded even though her comments were illogical. The three continued walking toward the Granville's plantation. Jack was in the middle with Jerry closest to the river. To the casual observer they were three young men intent on an evening of frivolity. "Are we going by the Granville's to see Lucy before the dance?" Scott's question surprised Jack. "Dance? I didn't know we were invited." "No. I asked Mrs. Granville if I could call on her daughter, and while she didn't exactly say no, she said that tonight would be inconvenient due to the party at the Eyber's. In a way, I guess what she said was kind of an indirect invitation." Jerry was addressing Jack, who did not look particularly comfortable at the prospect of being an uninvited guest. "It's all just fine for you. You are dressed for a dance. All Scotty and I have are my seaman's pants and shirt." Jack's face showed that a stray thought had re-entered his mind. Now addressing Scott he asked, "And exactly where are your clothes?" "I told you, I haven't any." "That doesn't make any sense. The only people who don't have clothes are new born babies." He kind of chuckled to himself, "And that you ain't." The two ghosts were silent. Then another question which had been incubating in the young sailor's mind pushed itself to his lips. "And what's with your dressing up like a man, and this talk about Lucy Granville. It sounds like you want to court her." Still Scott and Jerry were silent. Then Jerry's true intent began to don on him. "Oh. I think I see." Jerry filled the silent void, "You and Scotty have a thing going, so why can't I." "I thought you and Sean spent the night together. You like it both ways?" The question was short and to the point but lacked subtly. Jack's directness caught Jerry off guard, "I don't like sex with men. It's just necessary." The inevitability of taking Jack into their confidence again forced its way into the moment. Yet, neither felt the time was ripe. Scott, surreptitiously grasped Jack's hand, squeezed it reassuringly and said, "Soon. I have much to tell you, but not right now. When we are alone. Just you and I." It amazed Jack that just the touch of Scott's hand should arouse him. Ignoring the girl's presence, he put his hand inside of his pants, repositioning his pego so that it didn't tent his trousers. That action brought a lustful glean to the ghost's lips, "Would you rather go back to the ship? We can always climb up to the crow's nest." Jack replied, "Sneaking you on board would be difficult. Later tonight I can probably do it. But what about Jerry? Is she still staying at the d'Iberville?" "Don't worry about me. I have plans for the night." "You mean Lucy?" "Yep! She is one sexy gal, with the prettiest womanhood ya ever saw. Hair is just as blonde as the hair on her head." Jack's look at Jerry brought her up short. She had said too much. "Well, that's what Sean tells me." "Hmmm, I see. Did he tell you that man to man?" "No, while we were in bed." Jack repeated the question, "Man to man, or fucker to fuckee?" The conversation continued to converge toward necessary disclosure. It was then that they heard the hoofs of a horse overtaking them. The horse slowed. It was Sean. "Jack'O. Are you going to the dance?" He looked confused as he examined the other two. At first he had thought the man on the right was Scott. He realized his mistake as he examined the stranger. Jack saw the confusion, and covered for it, "Hello. I thought you were still partying at the hotel. Oh, you know Scott from last night." Sean rather tight lipped acknowledged the introduction. "And this is Jerry's cousin." "We'll have to get together later. Right now I have a date waiting for me at the Eyber's. And if you happen to see Jerry don't mention the date. Two chances for the night are better than one." He spurred his horse into a gallop, and thus didn't hear her response. "Yeah better than none, and none is what you're gonna get." "Never throw out the food before dinner is served." Jack looked confused by Scott's meaningless comment. While the three comrades continued their stroll, Sean had entered the grounds of the Eyber plantation. After tying his horse to a hitching post he looked around, expecting to see Miss Lucy on the front porch. Since she was not there he entered the building, and turned right into two large rooms which had been converted into a ballroom for the evening's festivities. He saw that Lucy's mother was talking to their hostess, and facing away from him. Avoiding the mother he moved out on to the back porch where he found the two girls leaning over the railing looking into two rows of cypress trees. He was surprised at the dress Lucy was wearing. He could have sworn that it was the same one the woman who had fucked him silly last night had worn. Seeing the teenage girls bathed in the light of the setting sun made Sean stiffen in anticipation. At the moment even horse-faced Julie Eyber would feel good on the end of his cock. As his mentor had often said, "You'se can put a flag over her head and then fuck for the glory of France." We should stop at this point in our story to restate, and explain several facts which are fundamental to our understanding of young Sean. We had stated that the French chef had been his mentor, and had taught him the arts of seduction. That is not all together true. From Sean's earliest days he never had to want for attention to his penis. Even when a tiny child if it stiffened one of the black women would gleefully massage it till he reached a dry climax. Later, as he became sexually potent there was always a willing female at his beck and call. Unlike most boys of his age, he never experienced a nocturnal emission. The constant attention to his sexual desires resulted in a sizable instrument and a firm conviction that he was the greatest stud in all of New Orleans. But as for his understanding of women, the simple fact was that he did not. His sexual partners were divided into three groups: The black women from the plantation, the white girls who had heard of his bedroom talents, and the white girls who had experienced those talents. The boy had never learned that unlike a male, a woman's interest in sex started in her mind, and worked its way down to her netherland. In reality he had never seduced a female; it had always been the other way around. ------------------------ The wooden floor squeaked as the young man approached the two girls. Lucy turned in Sean's direction. Her eyes took in the bulge in his pants. The recollection of him naked at the hotel made her blush. Julie was not privy to her companions experience. Her eye's also took in the lustful stance of the youth. Her blush was one of anticipation rather than recollection. Like Lucy she too was a virgin, and like Lucy she was intent on changing that status. However, she lacked the beauty of her friend. She knew that she couldn't afford to play the control game. Her sex was the only asset with which she could barter. Intuitively she knew the only way she would marry would be if she became very good in bed. She smiled to herself as she thought about the rumors she had heard about Sean. They could have a great time with her willingness and his experience. Just the thought of it caused her pulse to beat more rapidly. "My, my. I can't imagine why the dance has not started. Mama has arranged for it to start with the cotillion. Then later we will pair off into couples." She whispered into Lucy's ear, "If Sean asks you to dance turn him over to me; please!" Ruth Granville was not pleased when she observed her daughter and the Eyber girl step into the ballroom, followed by that scoundrel Sean. The boy's manhood was there for all to see. In truth, it reminded the mother of her younger years. She was shocked to notice the moisture increase in her own Vee. The fleeting thought of the youth riding her made her blush. She could see herself laying on the bed, her legs wrapped around those tender buttocks, pulling the lad's instrument into her. She could almost feel the swinging balls bounce against her. Shaking her head free of the fantasy she beckoned the two girls to join her. She was dismayed to note that the boy was following. It was then that she noticed the young man she had seen at the hotel. For some reason the fact that the man's suit matched her daughter's dress pleased her. Remembering the man's wish to call on her daughter, she thought that this would be the time to do it. The meeting would be under her observation, it would also give her an excuse not to include Sean in the group; or at least to dilute it. Ruth Granville raised her chubby arm, and waved at the threesome. "Who's that?" Jack asked. "Lucy Granville's mother. She wants us to join them." Jerry was eager for the meeting. Sean was perturbed by Lucy's mother inviting the three strangers into their conversational circle while excluding him. "Lucy, this is Sean's cousin Jerry." Sean did not hear the "Sean's" part of the introduction, only the cousin. Ruth continued, "He wanted to apologize for his cousin's behavior, but I don't think right now is the appropriate time. That should be a matter done in privacy." She hoped the young upstart would appreciate her sensitivity in avoiding an immediate confrontation. Lucy's eyes fastened onto Jerry's. There passed between them a feeling as though they had known each other forever. She couldn't turn away. They were compelling. They were intimate. The young man caused her pulse to increase, her body temperature to rise, and her hands to sweat. She emitted a gasp, as she began to sink to the floor. Sean, who was immediately behind her placed his hands under her arms preventing the girl from falling. Jerry was quick to steady the girl. Lucy was momentarily embarrassed. She felt more like a child who had been twirled in swing. The faint faded quickly. It was into Jerry's eyes that she looked as she regained her balance. The smile on his lips was delightful. But there were hands still under her arms. They were not loving or gentle. She turned to discover Sean. She gave him a scowl which did not send the same message as her voice. "Well thank you Sean. My you are so gallant." In the back of her mind she added, "Gallant like a stud horse." The cotillion had commenced. "Shall we?" Jerry was quick to remove the girl from the circle. Sean did not take the girl's obvious rejection seriously. He could smell a hot pussy, and if there ever was one hers was it. This left only Lucy's mother or Julie. He opted for the horse-faced girl. If worse came to worse he could always find a flag and follow his mentors advice. "Miss Julie? May I have the honors." The 19 year old self made stud, bowed at the waist as he offered himself to the young lady. "Sean, how nice of you. As the hostess I am expected to lead the dance." The couple swept to the center of the ballroom in perfect accord with the music. Julie's hooped skirt lingered just behind where she had been adding a charm to the dance as her handsome escort sought to dominate. Being the center of attention felt good. Sean reasoned that his being with Lucy's best friend would belie any gossip that might be circulating about his conduct on the previous night. The nightmarish picture of himself standing naked in the middle of the hallway of the d'Iberville would not leave him. The other guests were moving around the dance floor in a large circle, rapidly exchanging partners, just moments spent before facing the next. Only the lead couple did not exchange. It was when the movement caused Julie to momentarily lean into Sean that he thought he felt a firmer than expected pressure against his crotch. As the girl moved away he was treated to a wink, and a sly smile. Ignoring the fact that his partner was the ugliest girl in New Orleans, his cock lurched upwards. Julie saw the results of her handiwork, and thought, "Tonight I shall become a woman." Lucy and Jerry made an attractive couple in their his and hers matching garments. The cotillion was designed to mix people, not to further intimate relationships. In that regard it fulfilled its purpose as during the entire 20 minutes the two were partners for not more than a minute. Sean's erection would not subside. Being in the center of the dance floor prevented him from correcting the extreme tenting in his tight trousers. Most of the guests smiled to themselves thinking Miss Julie might well capture herself a husband. Jerry watched the lead couple with the interest a starving man would take while watching someone else eat their meal. Ruth observed Julie thinking the same as most of the others. She again envied the girl while imagining that it was her legs which would hold the boy against her pelvis. Scott and Jack had been victimized by two giggling girls who had asked them to join in the musical exercise. Jack was laughing to himself while considering the lustful youth and his homely consort. Scott was looking at the situation through Jerry's eyes. Her meal was close to being ready, but she wasn't the invited guest. The music came to an end. With a sigh of relief the guests retired to the side tables for refreshments. Jerry and Lucy were intent on joining her mother when Julie intercepted them, whispered in her best friends ear, and then excused themselves to "powder their noses." Jerry joined Ruth Granville while the two girls disappeared in the direction of the back porch. "Jerry, I am pleased that we have had the opportunity to become better acquainted." She continued as through she was in a race to say everything that was on her mind in as short a time as possible. "I must say you and Lucy make a stately couple. I hope you will forgive my saying so but your cousin is so... so unlike you. How long will you be in New Orleans. Where is your home. Oh, My. I do go on and on. Please forgive me, but Lucy is at that age that I daren't take my eye off of her." "Yes, Mam." Jerry wasn't really cognizant of all the lady had spoken. The fact was that both of them had Miss Lucy and her whereabouts in mind. Ruth's eye was scanning the ballroom. Sean was no where in sight, and neither were the two girls. "Goodness me, they seem to have disappeared. Would you care to join me for a stroll? I do want to speak with Lucy. Her father and I have been considering sending her to school in France. The Sisters of Lyon's take many girls under their wings. What do you think?" The lady did not pause; the question had been rhetorical. The "young man" escorted the older woman from the ballroom. A few minutes earlier Sean had intercepted the two girls. "Please Lucy. Let me have him," Julie whispered desperately in her friends ear. "I saw what happened on the dance floor. Did you do something to him?" "Who innocent little ole me?" Her question was a blunt admission. "Then be my guest darlin' but I hope you know what you are letting yourself in for." Sean had squeezed himself in between the two girls. He could feel Lucy's unfriendliness. But Horse-Face was rubbing her foot against his. Then Julie leaned across in front of him to speak to Lucy. "Lucy dear would you like to go for a stroll along the river. The moon is so pretty." Julie's hand had first brushed across Sean's cock, and now was rubbing it. Even he was shocked to feel the girl's hand slip inside of the waist of his trousers and grasp his instrument. "No dear. But why don't you and Sean take that stroll. Mama won't let me out of her sight. You two go ahead." Sean slid his hand into his trousers, grasping the girl's hand, pulling it free. Once he had rearranged himself so that his boner didn't show, he said, "What a delightful idea Miss Julie. Shall we?" Lucy had gone back inside as her mother and Jerry stepped on to the porch. Jerry saw the couple disappear around the side of the house. She knew that Lucy was not with them, yet she feigned innocence. She waited for almost 15 minutes before saying, "Mrs. Granville, I do think I saw your daughter going that way." She pointed in the direction she had seen the couple disappear. The ghost fully expected that the couple would be engaged when discovered, and that was what she had in mind. Sean and Julie had hurried along the path to the river. They were not strolling. Both had something more exerting in mind. In her imagination Julie had her hands around the instrument of her desires. She could still feel the life in it. It had been so hot, so pulsing. It had been enormous, but she wanted that thing inside of her, and it was going to be just as fast as they could find some hidden alcove of bushes. Sean was imagining that first entrance, his cock head resting just inside of the girl's lips. The gentle but firm pressure he would exert. The breakaway as he finally pushed all the way into her. He had better strip for that event. He didn't want his clothes stained. Jerry could see the couple darting into a clump of bushes as though it were daylight, while Ruth Granville blindly followed. Julie sank to the ground, trying to pull the boy with her. He followed her, while her hand attacked his straining cock. His hand could not get past the hooped skirt. In exasperation he grabbed the bottom of it and threw it over the girl's head, exposing her pretty cunt. He smiled to himself as he thought about "Fucking for the Glory of France." His hands moved along the inner thighs. He could smell her desire. Her Vee was a furnace. He could imagine the feeling of the heat enveloping his cock head. Sean bent down and kissed the approaches to her woman hood. Julie moaned in anticipation. "Bear with me just a moment. I need to get out of these pants." The boy moved away from her. She could hear him shedding his clothing. The hooped skirt hid him from view, but her fertile imagination filled in the details. Sean, now completely unclothed, lowered himself between her legs. His rigid shaft, hot and full slid along her leg. The cock head rested at the lips. The girl moaned. He slid up very gently. Her lips now completely enveloped the head of his shaft. The feeling was incredible as the desire built between the two of them. He nudged his shaft gently in and out. She was very tight. Within a few more movements he felt his head come up against her maiden-head. He gloried in the feeling. Yet it wasn't quite enough. His cock was less than a quarter of the way in. He pushed back and forth. The girl's sounds of pleasure changed to a mixture of pleasure and pain. He needed to enter in a single push. He withdrew till her lips held just the tip of his cock head. Then with a lunge his cock broke through the hymen, and he was buried totally within her. Julie had accepted the pain. She loved that early approach where he moved back and forth at her entrance. The pressure when he pushed against her hymen had hurt. The sharp pain when he broke through had startled her. But now that he was fully in her, the memory rapidly evaporated. They lay there, resting for a moment in anticipation of the ride. Jerry was not happy about what she saw happening. She and Ruth were on the edge of the clump of bushes where the lovers were preparing to dance. "Ruth, I really don't think Lucy is out here." Jerry had spoken loud enough for the couple to hear. Sean's reaction was instant. He pulled out of the girl. Leaped to his feet, and ran from sight, neglecting to pickup his garments. The sight that greeted the two interlopers eyes was of Julie, her hooped skirt over her head, her legs wide apart, with a small trickle of blood flowing from her vagina. Ruth gasped. "My dear, what has happened to you?" It was a stupid question. But Julie took advantage of the opportunity to create a deception. "Oh Mrs. Granville, I was feeling faint. I could feel my period coming on, and... " Julie had lowered her skirt and sat up. Seeing Jerry she simply stopped talking, leaving an impression of innocence. The girl's charade did not deceive Ruth Granville for one moment. She knew exactly what had happened, and who the girl's partner had been. "Jerry, would you help Julie back to the house. I'll be along shortly." From a distance Sean saw the large woman stoop and pick up his clothing. She rolled them into a tight bundle, and carried them away with her. His cock which had been so large and stiff now dangled like a limp balloon between his legs. Julie's vaginal blood glisten along the appendage. He knew he had been caught, the question was what would the old woman do about it. Ruth had come to a decision. Julie was Lucy's best friend, and she was rightfully worried that Lucy would follow in her chum's foot steps. A convent would be the best place for her. Tomorrow she would make the arrangements. As she hurried toward the house she passed a barrel whose odor told her it was a mixture of water and horse manure for fertilizing the garden. She tossed the bundle into the container. Slowly the garments soaked up the water and excrement, but did not sink to the bottom. In the meanwhile Sean realized he must travel to the other end of New Orleans, totally naked, and without being observed. Jerry had seated Julie on the front porch. She was torn between watching Sean trying to hide in the bushes, and seeking out Lucy. Watching Sean won out. "Good! It will take him forever to get back to the hotel." This would give her time to dally with Lucy before surprising Sean with a repeat of last night. At this point she was certain that dinner would keep. Sean was furious. Just the memory of that virgin vagina surrounding his cock caused it to lurch upward. He could not get to where his horse was tied up, and even if he could he couldn't very well go riding through the center of town naked as the day he was born. He had two choices, either scurry in and out of the cane fields along the inland side of the road, or stay close to the river and dart from clump to clump of bushes. Either way would only take him as far as the first buildings, after that he would either have to swim the length of Dock Street or scurry like a rabbit inland where he could then be concealed in the sugar cane 'till he reached the other side of town. He opted for the inland route. He had walked through the first field, traveling south. A dirt road divided it into a second field. He watched carefully for any passerby. When he was certain he was unobserved he crouched down, and scampered across into the protection of the second field. It was there that his luck came back to him in the form of a scarecrow dressed in a tattered black dress. Still low to the ground he sprinted to the figure, and removed the fabric. It was ripped in the back, but it would cover his front. It was covered with white spots. The blotches were not consistent in size or pattern. He touched one, and realized the dress was covered in guano. Bird shit or not, he pulled the dress over his head, holding his breath. After it was in position he found the back was open. The night air told him his butt was exposed. He still did not want to be seen, but getting to the other side of town would not now be the risk that it had been. He cursed to himself. He had had too much bad luck. He had been seen naked by both the hotel staff and Lucy. Now it seemed her mother could be added to that list, as well as that cousin. All he wanted to do was get laid, and it seemed any progress in Lucy's direction would be plagued with pit falls. He wondered where the woman was that had accommodated his needs on the previous night. Eventually he found himself at the rear of the hotel. It was very dark, but the back yard was flooded by light from the bottom floor. John-Boy was picking through a cord of wood facing toward the building. Sean crept along the outer perimeter, trying to stay in the shadows. There was about 50 feet of well lit space that he needed to cross if he were to climb up the vines to his second story window. He must have made a noise as he suddenly sprinted along the lit pathway as John-Boy turned. He blinked, not certain his eyes had seen what they had. Massa Sean running crouched in a black dress with white polk-a-dots. As the white boy climbed the vines his ass was completely exposed. John-Boy shook his head in wonderment about the wild escapades of the little fool. This was almost as funny as him being naked in the hallway. The kitchen staff were in for a treat with this story. The black servant pretended not to have seen the boy, and continued with sorting pieces from the wood pile. In the security of his small room, the boy pulled off the dress. It stank. He stank. Looking down as his naked self he noticed the crusts of dried blood. He needed a bath. At that moment he wished he had swum the river rather than taking the inland route. He was naked. He had nothing to wear but that dress, and that he would not don. He pulled on the call chain, summoning the hotel staff, then wrapped himself in the bed spread, and waited for someone to come. Ten minutes later he pulled the chain again. It was then that he realized it must be close to midnight. John-Boy and the Manager were probably the only ones awake. Sean stuck his head out of the window and whistled at the black slave. In response to a beckoning wave John-Boy went into the building, through the kitchen, and up the stairs. Deveraux, the manager, was sitting behind the lobby desk writing something in a ledger. He glanced up as the Negro started up the stairs. "Massa Sean want's me." "Yes I know, he's been tugging on that call chain like the place was on fire." He knocked on the bedroom door. Sean opened it, admitting the servant. "Is there anyone in the master suite?" "Don't rightly know boss. That young couple ain't checked out, but der's no body in there. Hope they didn't skip without payin'." "John, tell Deveraux that they are guests of the house; there is to be no bill." "But sir, they's run up quite a lot. Dinner, best wine, the Room." Sean was not in the mood for any argument. "Damn it John do as I tell you or you're going to be in big trouble. You read me?" "Yessah, but Mr. Deveraux ain't gonna be happy." "I need a bath. Go run the tub in the master suite then come back here. I need for someone to run over to my house and bring back some clothes." "Where's yo clothes. You'se want me to have that dress washed." John knew he had made a mistake as Sean's face turned red. "Take that thing with you and burn it. Now get your black ass out a here and draw me that tub." The man's voice had started out soft but angry and had built to a shout that was heard in the lobby. The black man hurried down the hall. By the time the tub was half filled Sean came into the room. He had calmed down a little. He shed the bed spread, stepped to the tub, put one foot in it and glared. "Now go get me some fucking clothes." John-Boy kept a solemn face, and started to pickup the bed spread. "Leave that GOD DAMNED thing where it is. Get out a here. NOW!" ------------ Jerry, still disguised as a young man had been joined by the Ms. Ruth and Lucy Granville. The mother was still visibly agitated over the encounter with Sean and Julie. "Jerry darling, why don't you be a dear and find us two girls something to drink." As soon as the ghost had left them the mother expressed her concerns to her daughter. "Lucy, I have just had the most awful encounter with Julie and that scalawag Sean." The girl forced a blank expression on to her face. If it involved Julie and Sean, she knew the encounter must have been sex. "Honey, I have decided that there just are not enough eligible men around New Orleans. Your daddy and I have been talking about this for sometime, and we've decided to send you to a fine school in France." "But, Mama, I don't know anyone there." Lucy was not happy with her mother's decision. "And I have just met that delightful young man Jerry." The big woman was momentarily confused by her daughter's response. "Lucy, dear, you hardly know him. Besides he doesn't live in New Orleans, he is a visitor." The girl pouted. Then asked, "Well how long do I have," as though she had just been told she was dying. "First thing tomorrow morning I will visit Father Peaso and make the arrangements." Lucy's eyes filled with tears. "Oh Mama, I don't want to leave Nawlens." She looked at her mother's face, and she knew there would be no changing her mind. Jerry joined them carrying three glasses of lemonade. She noticed the tears in Lucy's eyes, and realized that Ruth must have chastised the girl for something. Turning toward the mother she asked, "May I have the next dance with your beautiful daughter?" "No, but the one after that. I want the next one." "At your service madam." Jerry bowed from the waist, extending her hand. The musicians had started a slow waltz. "Lucy, you stay right there, 'till this delightful young man comes to claim you." Ruth and her escort moved across the porch and into the ballroom as two young lovers might have moved. It was a conflict between eye and spirit. It was a comedy of perception, a fat middle aged woman in the arms of another woman substantially her junior, dressed as a man, a ghost who lusted after the daughter. It was Ruth's intent to find out how trustworthy this young man might be. During the course of the waltz she moved tightly against the young man's crotch, intending to arouse him. The lustful side of the woman wanted to arouse him, the maternal side hoped he would not become erect. Jerry smiled to herself. The old woman was trying to turn her on, expecting an erection. There was nothing to get erect. After the dance Ruth looked questionably at Jerry as they returned to the porch. She stared at the crotch of the tight trousers and was disappointed that there was not even a bulge. She thought to herself that the boy had admiral self control. Lucy would be safe with him. Jerry had seated Ruth, turned and extended her hand to Lucy. "Shall we." The girl's cheeks were still wet with tears. She smiled at her rescuer, "Thank you Jerry. You are so gallant." The couple moved out on to the dance floor. The music had not as yet begun. When it did, it was another slow waltz. She saw at once, that Lucy had been taught to dance by her mother. The youthful body was close. Jerry could feel the warmth of the girl's crotch. Their complimentary clothing blended well. They looked like a couple designed to be together. Had Jerry been endowed with a penis it would have been in a pounding state of rigidity. Ruth had moved inside and was observing the couple; she was certain Lucy would rouse the boy. Her motherly side was hoping the boy would exercise the same degree of self control that he had earlier. Her lustful side was dying to see a protruding male genitalia. "Oh Jerry, Mama just told me that she is sending me away to school." "Is that what the tears were for?" Jerry held the girl close, whispering in her ear. Her partner's breath startled Lucy. Her ear began to tingle. Quite unexpectedly the breath was followed by a warm, wet tongue, tickling the ear canal. The humidity around her vagina jumped by two hundred percent. But creeping back into her mind was the only male genitalia she had ever truly seen; Sean's. That thought brought her back from an extreme state of sexual intoxication. She moved away from Jerry. She did as her mother had and observed the crotch of her partner. Not seeing a giant male pole pleased her. She allowed her partner to pull her back against him. The musicians took a break. The couple joined Mrs. Granville as she stood next to the doorway. "Mama I have a headache, would it be all right if Jerry walked me home?" Lucy's question surprised both mother and suitor. She paused for a moment, her eyes again swept the crotch of Jerry's trousers before replying, "Certainly. But you must go straight home. No dallying along the way. Tomorrow will be a busy day. We must start making preparations for your voyage." The couple walked out on to the front porch, hand in hand. The mother smiled at what she saw, and for a moment wondered if maybe the decision to send Lucy to France might not have been a bit premature. They passed the carriages and horses tied close to the entrance gate. Jerry noticed Sean's horse, and smiled to herself. The rascal had had to go back to the hotel naked, and afoot. --------------------------------- John-Boy had passed on Sean's instructions to Deveraux. They were the only two members of the staff that were on duty. John-Boy would have to walk out to the plantation. It was pleasantly warm for one o'clock in the morning. The black boy was grinning to himself about that ass hole Sean. Seeing the white boy in a dress had begun an interesting chain of thoughts. The primary question was, "Was Sean queer?" He hoped so. His cousin Jacarac did very well servicing some of the gay white boys around the city. He would suddenly be summoned to one plantation or another late in the evening, and when he returned the next morning he always had something nice to show for his efforts; a hardly used suit of clothes; a pair of boots whose soles needed just a little repair. He would pass this information to his cousin. Jacarac was always generous in sharing the wealth. But even if he wasn't he was still family. Jac never gossiped about those overnight calls; John-Boy hoped his cousin would make an exception in this instance. ------------------------- Jerry and Lucy strolled along the river road towards the Granville Plantation, hand in hand as though they had known each other for a thousand years. Jerry's heart was overflowing. It was not just passion, it wasn't just a desire to titillate the girl sexually. The lesbian ghost wanted to be with this southern bell for eternity. But there was lust there. Oddly enough Lucy was replaying that incredible night she had spent alone in her bedroom. If someone had suggested to her that she felt her companion had been part of that fantasy she would have rejected the idea. Yet deep within her, that seed somehow had been planted and was growing. The tip of the sprout had not as yet broken into her consciousness. "Lucy?" "Yes Jerry?" "It is a beautiful evening, let's walk along the river bank." The girl's reply was a squeezing of her hand. Her companion could feel the warmth of the hand. She could also feel an increasing of heart beat. They found a path which slopped upward through the tall grass, then walked north, with the river thirty feet to their right. In just a few minutes they reached a little park like clearing on their left. Without asking, Lucy moved in that direction. They stood in front of a rough hewn wooden bench. The girl looked up into Jerry's eyes. The make-believe boy, looked down into strangely curious eyes, just above smiling, glistening lips. She felt compelled to kiss that mouth. As they touched, an electric shock passed through Lucy. The negative image of men imparted by Sean exploded out of existence. Her heart began beating wildly. The two embraced. Lucy's arms held Jerry tightly against her. Lucy was pleased to note that Jerry had his masculinity under control. She did not want to be reminded of that huge penis of Sean's; yet in a way she was a little disappointed in the lack of expected male response. That thought burst like a bubble as Jerry's tongue sought to part the girl's lips. There was just a momentary resistance before she permitted entrance. She felt a little dizzy, and held even tighter to keep from slipping to the grass covered ground. They had not spoken in 15 minutes; at least not in words. They didn't need to. They shared the silent communication of new lovers. Jerry's lips kissed the tender ears, then nibbled on them slightly, before permitting her tongue to explore the shell like organ. A shudder passed through Lucy's body, as her passion suddenly sky rocketed. She had wanted to loose her virginity, but Sean had made that idea repulsive. Not so now. She was eager. Her mind kept echoing "Now girl. Now it is going to happen. Now you have met the man of your dreams. Now your future is assured." Intuitively she moved her hands down to Jerry's buttocks, and pulled the lesbian tight against her crotch. She had a sudden compulsion to feel a warm, stiff, male penis. She began moving her hand around to the front of Jerry's trousers. The ghost knew that that moment was not the time for full or even partial revelation. So instead she put her hand against the girl's crotch, extending a finger so that it placed pressure in the general vicinity of the young girl's clitoris. It was a good move, and a lucky touch. The tiny penis like female organ shoved all other thoughts from her mind. Lucy almost swooned with passion. Jerry began unbuttoning the girl's blouse. When her breasts were exposed to the warm New Orleans night air, she could see the evidence of passion. Her nipples were erect and standing out. Lucy followed her to the lawn. She rapidly undressed the girl; she could see her dark patch of pubic hair, and her nipples became incredibly erect. The ghosts mouth sought the small apple-like tits, titillating them with her tongue as she had with the ears. Lucy put her arms around Jerry's neck and pulled her mouth to hers. They hungrily kissed each other in the manner of new lovers. Jerry slid her hands up Lucy's body and started to massage her breasts. The nipples were now in full blossom. Lucy's hands moved over Jerry's back and cupped her firm ass cheeks, pulling their groins together. Their lips remained joined. Jerry broke away from the kiss first. She bent and let her tongue flick over the young girl's left nipple. She then locked her lips over it and sucked gently. She sucked the nipple and surrounding flesh into her mouth. Her hand massaged Lucy's other breast and pulled and twisted her nipple. Lucy's head was rolling back as her seducer gently ministered to her heaving chest. She quickly shifted to the other nipple and worked it over too, pinching and rolling it as she flicked at it with her tongue. The girl was panting and moaning by this time. She pushed Jerry's head up and then kissed her gently on the lips. The girl's hands then sought the top of the pseudo-boy's trousers. Jerry moved lower. The time was not quite right; but close. She moved her hands up inside of the teenage thighs. Unexpectedly Lucy put her hands on Jerry's head and pressed it tightly against her swollen mound. The smell of the hot eager cunt was almost more than Jerry could stand. She wanted to taste it. She buried her tongue into the thin fabric of the girl's panties. Her hands them moved upward and grasped the tops. Lucy raised her hips in silent permission. Lucy opened her thighs and let the warm intruding tongue move deep into her. She let out a loud moan and gripped Jerry's shoulders as she quickly shuddered to an orgasm. She then put her arms around Jerry's head, pulling her upward till their lips again met. They kissed gently as they lay side by side. Jerry swiftly realized that the time had come. The passion was still there. There was love steaming from the young girl's eyes. She would now be able to accept the fact that her new lover was not a man. Explaining that she was a ghost and not a woman would have to wait until another time. Lucy began unbuckling Jerry's pants. Then moved up to the shirt and began removing it. Once unfastened the hidden breasts were exposed. Lucy stopped and stared, then lifted her eyes towards Jerry's. The expression of love that she saw confirmed an unconscious knowledge that it didn't matter. Lucy slowly trailed her tongue down her lover's torso till she encountered the top of the pants. Her hands rapidly unfastened the garment, revealing what she already knew was there. She licked her tummy and navel and then eased down toward the pussy. Her hands were moving all over Jerry's body, from breast to thigh and back. When the girl's tongue slipped through Jerry's pubic hair and flicked across her clit, the seductress's head fell back. She arched her back, pushing her box into her lover's face. She slid a finger up Jerry's thigh and slipped it into her juicy hole. Another finger followed and soon she had three fingers sawing back and forth into Jerry's cunt. She continued to flick her tongue across the clit. Jerry was grunting and bucking her hips upward, trying to get Lucy's fingers deeper into her aching hole. Jerry then gasped and moaned in a choked voice as wave after wave of orgasm rolled through her body. As the older girl's body went limp, her partner slid her tongue back up her body. She slowly crawled up, letting her breasts slide along until their nipples met. As they pressed their breasts together, they kissed passionately. They laid next to each other on the lawn and massaged each others tits. They made small talk about how much they wanted each other. Then the passion returned. Lucy had slipped her hand down between Jerry's thighs and was softly caressing her soft pubic hair. She stroked the trembling thighs, then slid her thumbs into the soft tight pussy slit and gently opened it up. She pulled it wider, displaying the delicate pink flesh inside. Jerry's juices rolled out of her. Unexpectedly Lucy licked her lips, then leaned down and let her tongue slide up and down the pink flesh. She pressed her tongue against the tight hole and wiggled it into the opening. She began to pump her tongue up and down in that cunt as Jerry again moaned and humped up against her. The invading tongue withdrew and slid up over the bursting clit. A gasp of pleasure was an instant reflex as the tongue slithered across the clitoris. Jerry reached down and used her fingers to open up the flesh and expose her hot button as Lucy sucked. Lucy then slipped two fingers into the gaping hole and began to move them in and out. The subject of her desire began to moan and twist on the soft lawn. Jerry then pulled on Lucy's legs until she maneuvered her around into a 69 position. Both women licked at each other's womanhood until both shuddered in orgasms. The two women rested for a few minutes and then dressed, and continued their stroll toward the Granville plantation. They were silent most of the way; or at least they spoke no words. Their proximity shared a world of suddenly gained knowledge about themselves, and about the other. Both realized their worlds had within the last hour changed forever. "Will I see you tomorrow?" "You had better believe it sweet thing." Jerry reluctantly left the young girl. The effort and the passion had drained her of all energy. As she walked south on the river road, her body began to flash on and off. Finally, she willed only her hand to stay materialized so that she could carry the purloined clothing with her to the d'Iberville Hotel. ----------------------------------- Jack and Scott had left Julie's party. The insistent intrusion of the young girls had driven them apart. Both of the boys would have preferred to be alone with the other. Long before Sean had escorted Julie from the party Scott had decided to leave. After just a short search he cornered his lover as he stood chatting with some pubescent girl. Jack was trying hard to keep an interested expression on his face, but he was not succeeding. "Jack I need to talk with you for a moment." He turned to the girl and bowed, "Miss will you excuse us for a moment?" The two found Julie's mother, told her they had enjoyed the dance, and stated that they had duties on the Seagull which must be attended to. They strolled southward along Dock Street. They both were surreptitiously looking for a private space just off of the road. Their goal was the same, but their motives were slightly different. Scotty wanted for Jack to be in the full throws of passion when he disclosed both of his secrets. Jack just wanted tenderness, love, and sex. For Scott the order was reversed. Like Jerry, he was running out of energy. The two noticed a dirt road, hardly more than a path, which broke off to their right, and moving somewhat diagonally inland. There would be a greater likelihood that they could find a secret place among the stalks of sugar cane. Once off of the main road, they joined hands, sharing their building passions, looking for some tiny alcove in the vegetation. They passed a clearing on their left in the center of which was a solitary scare crow. It's black dress would have been invisible had it not been for the many white spots that dotted the cloth. Once they had reached the far limit of the clearing they walked into the field. Scotty who had led the way, stopped, and turned toward jack. Their arms went around each other. Their lips met. Their passions were unleashed. Each sought the manhood of the other, holding on to the aroused symbol of their mutual desire. They looked around, for a flat spot where they might lie. The earth had recently been turned so that there was not even a small area covered with grass or weeds upon which they could rest. But the passions had built so that that ceased to be a concern. Scott withdrew from his lover's mouth, and sank to his knees while fumbling with the laces on Jack's trousers. In eager expectation Jack released his pego. It sprang into the warm night air, and was immediately engulfed in the waiting mouth. The boy's hands immediately sought the head of his lover, guiding him in this oral consummation. Scott could sense Jack's climbing the slope towards ejaculation, and despite the craving, stopped. There was something far more important that need to be shared. He stood, and Jack wishing to extend the affection started to sink to his knees. "No not yet. We must talk." Scott held the boy close to his breast. "You know that I love you." "Of course I know. Why do you think we are here, doing what we are doing. It ain't just cause you're sucking my pego." Scott was cheating to an extreme. He was relying on Jack's hard cock to pave the way for acceptance of the ultimate disclosure. "If I promised never to leave you, would you want me to stay even if I told you a most awful truth about myself." Jack's response was to cut off further speech by placing his lips over the moving mouth. His tongue was gratefully accepted. Their hard cocks got even harder as their tongues mimed the ritual of sex. Again, Jack started to sink to his knees, but Scott's embrace held him. He then looked into the other's eyes. There was such love, such deep passionate love in those eyes that the young sailor would have been willing to accept anything. The hold was relaxed, and he sank to his knees, exposed the instrument of his desire, and took it into his mouth. The rod was at extreme rigidity. Scott had to be careful. He knew that allowing Jack to suck him would increase the youth's passion. It was also risky as he must not allow himself to reach climax. Yet he wondered how long that energy draining almost epileptic climatic event would continue if he were not shocked out of it. The feeling of running up that slope was almost beyond his control to stop it. But stop it he must. He pulled back, so that his stiff member was no longer in his lover's mouth, and pulled the boy back to his feet. "Why did you stop me. I want you so badly. I cannot wait." Jack started to sink back toward the ground. Scott held firmly. He knew that now was the time. "In a moment my love. I have told you that I need to share a dark secret with you." Jack's eyes locked to his lovers, "I don't care. I just want you. I just want to be with you. I just what to taste you." "What would you say if I told you this experience wasn't real." Jack chuckled, "Not Real. You have got to be kidding." He reached down and rubbed their two cocks together. "That pounding thing ain't fake." "Do you remember when you heard the warning about the dark ship lurking off of Cuba?" Jack did not want to listen. He wanted to continue the passionate adventure. Yet he was surprised that Scott knew about the incident. "And?" "The warning did not come from Jose. It came from Jerry and me." "But!" "No! You need to hear this from me. I doubt if you will believe what I am going to tell you. But it is important that you know that above all I love you with all of my heart, with all of my soul." Jack was silent. His stiff pego had not released its control over his mind. His driving passion demanded the interruption of their love making cease; that they continue the race toward climax. His lips again attempted to silence the words. His hand sought the raging, pulsing cock of the factory of those words. Scott would not be silenced, but his hand did grasp Jack's penis and continued its reminder that all would be fulfilled shortly. "Make me believe that you will love me forever, regardless of what I tell you. Tell me that you will love me forever, even if I were some kind of monster, ghost, or devil." He had spoken the word. He had couched it in others, but he had spoken the word. Jack forced himself out of the embrace and sank to his knees engulfing Scott's timber of sexuality. Scott's march toward the perilous precipice continued. "Please don't make me cum. It will kill me." Jack continued. The words did register. He felt his lovers muscles transmit the progress of the slope. "Jack, I am a ghost. I am not a living person. I died at sea the day before I met you. I need you to exist. Without your sperm I would fade away. If you make me cum it will drain all energy that I posses, and it takes a shock to bring me out of it. If Jerry had not thrown that cold water on us at the hotel I would have ceased to exist." The words made no sense. Jack heard them, but there was no comprehension. Scott released Jack, and knelt before him, taking the stiff member into his mouth. The sucking was gentle but passionate. The march up the climactic slope had resumed. The feeling was incredible. His juices were boiling with in him. The words were still there; they were invading his mind while his pego was getting ready to explode. Even though his manhood was in control, the words began to make sense. As he reached the peak and exploded into Scott's mouth he had accepted the fact that his lover was a ghost. ------End Chapter Five The Pirate Affair-------------- If you would like to receive Chapter 6 by E-Mail, a critque on this chapter will be greatly appreciated. Please E-Mail me at Thank you. AUTHOR22