Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2003 10:25:59 +0100 From: Beverly Taff Subject: Dog Day Afternoon Chapter 9 Despite my having only brought forth my puppies that same morning, I felt the old familiar twinge of lust stir in my loins. I squeezed my thighs together and squirmed slightly as I felt Betty's arm reach around my naked waist. The huge bump of course, had gone, but I was still swollen from my pregnancy and Betty gently kissed my stomach as she whispered reassuringly. "It won't take long for this tummy to go down. Do some light exercises every day and it will soon tighten up. When you are feeling up to it, you can join us in the park again." I lay silent and still as Betty's lips investigated my lower nipples. I twitched then whimpered nervously as her ministrations sent shafts of pleasure sizzling down to my core. Billy whined and sprang easily onto the bed to stand bestride me as he sniffed Betty's face close to my bitch pussy. Betty recognised his threat but being a vet she was well versed in animal psychology. Billy was only defending his mate, - his Alpha bitch. To reassure him, Betty slid off the bed then unbuttoned her skirt and stepped out of it. Then, with no more ado, she slipped off her panties and tights and knelt upon our bed again. She leant forward on all fours and presented her pussy for Billy's inspection. Billy's ears pricked up as he caught her delicate scent and he nosed forward to sniff her exposed cleft. Betty was now exactly the same as me. Her lower parts were bare and only her silky blouse covered her girly breasts. Finally Billy completed his investigation of her genitalia and satisfied himself that there was nothing there to compete with his cock for my services. His eyes softened and the raised hairs on his hackles settled back again as he wagged his tail with evident satisfaction. Then the dawning realisation struck me. Betty was into animals! Her familiarity and ease around Billy was a giveaway. She was just too familiar and relaxed around him. It was more than just a companionship, pet thing. She knew exactly how to keep Billy sweet. He was after all a powerful dangerous animal when roused but, by exposing her vulnerable parts and 'presenting' her butt, Betty had readily identified herself as just another submissive bitch in Billy's pack. Betty obviously knew all about pack behaviour and dog psychology. Her vetinary qualifications and training were simply a brilliant ploy to conceal her sexual interests whilst providing ample opportunities to satisfy her own needs. My business partner Jack must have had an inkling of this and that was why he knew I could trust Betty. I sagged with relief as Betty's eyes caught mine. I quickly recognised her message. Betty could never blackmail me. We were in the same boat! A single tiny tear had escaped down her cheek as she nodded her secret confession. "Can I share him?" She whispered. "I really do love animals." I swallowed nervously. Betty's confession had thrown me completely. 'Was she really into animals that much?' I asked myself. I mean; it was not like my situation, I considered my case to be different! I had unwittingly become Billy's partner by force of circumstance. My overwhelming transsexual condition and subsequent surgery had unexpectedly precipitated my bitch condition. I had become Billy's mate through 'force majeur'. My new hormones now dictated my bodily responses. I had I no way of stopping the bitch parts inside me from making me behave exactly like a bitch. I was what I had become and I was now a slave to my bitch-hood. Betty's attraction seemed altogether somehow less wholesome. After all Betty had a free will in this, she was completely human. I felt that I had not; those all-important parts of me, - the parts that directed my sexuality, were utterly and completely bitch! I lay thinking about it as Billy became more excited and expressed an even greater interest in Betty. He buried his nose deep into her receptive cleft then licked feverishly as he whined knowingly and finally gave her butt a gentle nip. Billy gave a little yelp of submission and her jaw dropped in wanton, submissive lust. I recognised Billy's actions. They were exactly the same as how he had treated me. Betty's body started to thrust unconsciously back and forth and her butt rose invitingly as Billy pranced eagerly awaiting my consent. It was obvious she had been in this situation before. She wagged her delicious butt to Billy and looked hopefully over her shoulder. Billy sniffed her urgently then whined again as a tiny white jewel of sperm leaked from his organ. Betty turned beseechingly to me. "He wants to do it! Look! You're his alpha bitch and he's waiting for a response from you. He wants your permission. Will you let him take me? Pleease!" She begged. "Is this really right Betty?" I asked uncertainly. "Some people would call it animal abuse." "Why d'you think that? You do it with him. He wants to do it with me. He is not hurt by it, so where's the harm? It's strictly private and it affects nobody else. Stop teasing me!" "But it's different for me. There are bitch parts inside me that drive me to do it. I can't help it!" I argued. "With you it's sort of different; what about your vetinary vows and stuff?" "This is about me and my body, not my professional position. I like dogs and I can't stand men! I've got needs just like you," She pleaded. " Please will you let us do it?" "But I thought you liked women. What about your jogging partner, what's her name, Jacky? She would be terribly hurt of she found out." "She's not my partner. She's only a friend and business partner. She's my vetinary nurse and we go jogging together. We share an apartment but we don't have a relationship. People think we do but we don't. It suits us to let people think were partners. It puts them off. Our relationship is a bit like yours and Jacks." "It's not quite the same," I protested, "Jack is my doctor. He knows all about me. With you and Jacky I have to be sure. Are you sure your not lovers?" I pressed. "I don't want to be blamed for the end of a beautiful friendship. I've seen you together in the club. You seem close enough to me when you are dancing together." "That's for protection and it keeps the bar flies away. Jacky's been through a tough time. Her family were real Bible-Belt puritans and her sexuality got her into really bad stuff with them. She's been there just like you and me. Why d'you think people like us gravitate to the village?" I knew the answer to that one perfectly. It was mainly for protection and companionship. The village now encompassed several old city blocks and its slummy reputation was rapidly disappearing. Property prises were rising as more gays, lesbians and other dysphorics like myself sought shelter inside its precincts. The village was becoming re-populated so quickly that there was even talk of re-opening the old derelict police station. I considered Betty's words and tried to place myself in her shoes. The old childhood memories came drifting back and I shuddered nervously. 'Yes' I thought. 'Betty and Jacky had probably both walked the walk, albeit down different paths.' I finally capitulated and decided to let her enjoy Billy's services. "OK then. You can do it. But don't abuse him or hurt him." "Oh thanks! As if I'd hurt such a lovely dog! He's fantastic." She smiled eagerly as she manoeuvred her butt towards Billy again and I grinned knowingly. "You don't have to do it doggy style you know. He can do it that way but if you really want to enjoy him, you can do it missionary style." "What?" Gasped Betty as surprised delight spread a wide smile across her beautiful features. "You mean he does it like us humans?" "Yes. I trained him to serve me so that I can enjoy our sex together. He's got it off to a tee. Just turn over and part your legs, he knows exactly what to do." Betty immediately lowered herself from the conventional, (for Billy that is,) doggy style posture and turned to lie on her back. She parted her graceful thighs and I stroked her stiffening nipples gently as I whispered encouragement to Billy. "Come on boy, 'go to it'." This was the expression I always used to initiate our sex and Billy fully understood the request. His ears pricked up eagerly as he sniffed Betty's pussy for the final time. Once more he whined then butted his huge forward to lick my face as he shuffled his body forward. Betty peered appreciatively at his rigid sex and manoeuvred her pussy receptively to commence the act with Betty. By letting Billy lick my face I was expressing my permission for him to screw another bitch in the pack. I was the Alpha bitch and the only one that could breed. As he continued licking my face, I gently tugged his collar and brought our heads together next to Betty's. Then I encouraged Billy to transfer his licking from my face to Betty's. "Don't worry," I whispered to Betty, "I keep him scrupulously house-trained and he behaves impeccably and never goes near any dog shit. He always showers with me after we've been out and he's got his own special drying cubicle in the bathroom. I'll tell you all about it after. There is absolutely no risk of toxicaris-canis or any other worms or diseases." He's absolutely clean." I felt Betty relax. As a vet she knew all about the dangers of letting an unknown dog lick her face. As I lay beside them encouraging the pair, Billy eagerly transferred his long tongue to Betty's nipples and she gasped as her arousal intensified. Eagerly she wiggled her hips one last time to locate Billy's organ then she twitched salaciously as she finally felt the hard tapered point contact her labia. There was a soft squishy 'plop' and Betty 'yelped' with pleasure. "Ooohh! That's nice! I've got him. He's there." She grunted eagerly. "Let him do the work." I whispered as our own lips met. "He knows exactly what to do." Betty wrapped her arms around both Billy and me as we consummated our new troilistic relationship. As I lay on my side snogging Betty, I gently nudged her leg with my knee to wrap her long shapely legs around Billy's powerful rump. Then I inveigled her toes into Billy's thick glossy wagging tail. The sensation of thick fur heightened her zooerotic engagement and Betty started humping eagerly as Billy forged a new bond with the second bitch in his pack. Finally Betty let out a little yelping squeak as she orgasmed and collapsed languidly under her new lover. Billy also reached his climax and Betty let out a whoosh of air as he collapsed onto her chest. "Ooof! He's heavy!" She gasped as she struggled to free herself. "Don't move. If he's done what he normally does, he's expanded his knot and you're now tied together." Betty grinned knowingly. "For God's sake Bev, I am a vet you know. I can feel it down there. Don't forget, I've got a proper woman's cunt. It's bigger than your little bitch hole. The knot isn't so tight." So saying, she wriggled again but Billy simply sat up again and lodged his cock deeper. Simultaneously, he expanded his knot further and Betty let out a squeak of surprise as she found herself tied tightly to him. There was now no escape as she groaned her submission. "Oooh, My God. How does he do that? It's huge. I can't move it!" "He's learned a few tricks," I grinned. "You'll be tied like that for at least half an hour. Longer still if he feels threatened." "Shit! I've got an evening surgery in an hour." "Well then you had better lie still and demonstrate your submission. You're his bitch now, you're one of his pack." Betty's face reddened with embarrassment as she concluded that her new lover certainly had her where he wanted her. There was nothing she could do to escape the bonding. I kissed her again then demonstrated how to make Billy move gently onto his side to ease his weight of her chest. Betty sighed with relief as her position became comfortable and her breathing became easier. I eased myself off the bed and offered to make some coffee. " Oh yes please, and some cookies if you've got any," she replied hungrily. "It's hungry work this sex stuff!" I smiled to myself as I pictured Betty munching cookies and sipping coffee whilst Billy lay tightly tied inside her. I took longer than usual with the coffee as I looked in on my puppies then I returned with a tray piled high with cookies. Betty still had nearly quarter of an hour to wait before Billy released her so she took a biscuit and opened her mouth to bite it. She never got a chance before Billy seized it in his teeth and wolfed down the titbit. "Hey! You greedy thing," scolded Betty. "That was mine." "The secret is to give him one then eat your own while he is busy. He's the boss don't forget" Betty grinned and held another cookie out for Billy to take. As he lurched forward to take it, Betty got another pleasant thrust into her pussy and she gasped with pleasure. "Ooh, mmm. That's nice! This is much better than getting him to beg!" I giggled and gave her nipples one last final soft caress before dressing. Eventually I heard Betty give a grunt of pleasure-pain as Billy released her. She appeared naked and walking a little gingerly as she minced into the living room. Her face carried an expression of utter contentment and her eyes sparkled as Billy padded close by her side. Her gait betrayed her sensitivity though as she held her knees tightly together. "Are you sore?" I asked. "Only a little. Fortunately I took your tip and didn't struggle. If you lie submissively and quietly, he doesn't hurt." "Teach your Grandmother." I replied over my shoulder. "Are you going to stay and watch me feed the pups?" "I'd love to but I haven't time. Tomorrow evening I'll be round. I'll re-schedule my surgery" With that we embraced then separated as Betty minced sensitively out and I turned to feeding my puppies. I now had time to develop a routine with my babies. I placed the nursing basket on a low stand beside the bed within easy reach then I lay on my side with all my clothes off. Firstly I selected the nine little girls and arranged them on my nipples thus leaving one girly nipple free. The pups started to suckle greedily then I unexpectedly felt my spare girly nipple begin to feel tight. I realised my milk was beginning to let down in all my tits. This was obviously a bitch response. After several minutes, the breast began to feel uncomfortable and I wondered how to relieve it. The milk started to leak down my breast and I hadn't put any tissues handy. The complication was an obvious result of having multiple nipples and bitch responses. As the milk trickled down my breast I cursed and tried to extricate the pups. It was too difficult. Every time I tried to remove one pup the others sensed the threat to their feeding. They latched on even tighter to my nipples and hurt them. I was condemned to lie still until they were fed. 'What was I going to do with the escaping milk?' I wondered. Fortunately, a very interested and greedy father solved my problems. He must have smelt the excess milk and ambled across the bedroom to investigate the source of the delicious scent. Gently he sniffed the sticky trickle then started to lick it eagerly. I gasped with pleasure as his tongue rasped gently on my nipple then I sagged as the sensations sent spasms of delight to the main source of my pleasure. Billy whined softly but had the sense to remain standing beside the bed so as not to crush his children. Eventually, all the little girls were fed and they flopped backwards to fall asleep. It was now the boy's turn. Fortunately, the milk build up had been relieved so there was no more pressure. No more milk escaped my tits, it only secreted, if they sucked. The boy pups simply had to divide their time between the eight bitch nipples. This however, still left milk in my girly tits. We solved this by me suckling one of my nipples as I gently instructed Billy how to suckle the other without biting me with his huge teeth. He was quick to learn and for the rest of the weaning period with the pups, my suckling techniques developed in to variants of this strategy until the pups were weaned.