Eleven-and-a-half: A Fantasy Of Great Length by Ray Wilder Chapter 29: Patty This is a work of fiction. All the characters, events and locations portrayed in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to real persons, events or locations is purely coincidental. Copyright © 1996. All rights, implicit or implied, except for distribution by this archive and personal use by the individual downloading the file, are reserved. Inquiries regarding publishing rights for this book should be directed to: raywild@aol.com ======================================== The rest of the afternoon passed with a lack of eventfulness that seemed downright boring compared with what she had been through already, both emotionally and physically. Peter spent a half hour locked in the office with the blinds down doing God-knew-what to get rid of his erection. Patty figured he had some method he used. After all, a sexy stud like that, no matter what his sexual proclivities, had to spend a great deal of time with a hard-on. She wondered what it was he could do, if he wasn't able to achieve orgasm. Several times she was tempted to knock on the door and feign some important need in the office just to check on his progress. The fact of the matter was, despite his obvious abhorrence to having his cock touched and her own devastating sexual fulfillment at the hands of this amazing boy, she had an incredible desire to suck Peter's cock. Her mouth watered at the thought. A half-hour after their encounter, Peter emerged from the office. Patty was at the front desk, taking care of some paper work. As he passed her she turned to him and caught his eye. Her gaze then dropped quickly to his crotch where she knew she would find the thing her mouth and tongue desired. Her eyes flashed back to his, telegraphing her passion and desire. "Oh, Christ, Patty." he moaned and turned right around and headed back into the office. Click went the button on the door knob and he wasn't seen for another fifteen minutes. This time when he emerged Patty made sure she was down on the main floor. She didn't want to send the boy into agonizing frustration again and so busied herself with plants and clients. He stood at the railing that overlooked the gym and waited for her to see him. The look on his face told her he had things much more in control this time and even dared her to try to stimulate him in front of the rest of the people there. Patty made a subtle gesture with her hand towards her crotch which Peter answered with a modest thrust forward with his pelvis. Everything seemed to be under control. Everything, that was, except Patty. The devastating experience of the orgasms she had achieved in the office filled her with mixed feelings. Feelings for and about Peter. Feelings within herself about herself. She certainly didn't want to slip into the ridiculous role of "superwoman saving the poor homosexual from the horrible fate of his own sexuality". But the boy (and he really was still just a boy) had stimulated in her the same mothering instincts that had gotten her involved with many messed-up, muscle-bound men. She made a silent promise to herself that she wasn't going to fall into that trap again. Or had she already? Peter returned to the floor and stepped back into his roll of cheerleader and motivator. Several other members had arrived during the last hour and each had asked the whereabouts of "the kid", confirming (as if it needed confirming) Arnold's observation of Peter's value. To each inquiry, Patty had answered that "Peter" was taking care of some business in the office and would be out soon. "Peter? Who the hell is Peter?" "That's his real name." "The kid's?" "Yeah. I think he wants us to call him that from now on. Peter." "Sure thing, Patty. What ever you say." "No. What ever Peter says." "Huh? Oh. Right." The members of the club had been admitted on the basis of their personality and personability as much as for anything else. Those present understood that something had changed and were immediately willing to accept the new as status quo without question. Patty's attitude about it made it clear this was not up for debate. They all knew Peter's value and respected him. Peter had been called "the kid" for the last time. For the rest of the day, whenever someone new came into the gym, one of the people already present would make a point of asking Peter something, using his real name, so the newcomer would get the hint. Later in the afternoon one guy, Claude, called him "Petey". Peter called him "Claudie" in return and that was the last that was heard of that. No assholes allowed. Peter's own view of himself increased visibly throughout the day. He was a little less hesitant about offering advice, a little more forceful when intimidating the people he was working with to push them past their point of physical endurance. Patty had to reign him in a few times by calling him "Sarge," an in-house term for someone swinging a bit more weight around than what was attached to a barbell. Peter got the message and soon found a balance between the meek, insecure but amazingly sensitive "kid" and the new, more confident but less malleable Peter. About three o'clock Patty decided she had put off the inevitable long enough. It was time for her to take off for her sister's house. She turned the keys over to Peter and was able to barely resist the temptation to go over the close-up checklist which she knew he knew by heart but, until this time, had felt the need to go over in minute detail each time he covered for her. Peter, sensing the new order of things, made an extra effort to assure her all would be well and reminded her he had her sister's phone number in case anything untoward happened which, they both knew, would not. When it was apparent she was not going to leave of her own volition, Peter, sensing the need, walked her out to her car, closed the door for her after she was in, and stood in front of the building, pointing the way to the freeway in a commanding pose of "get thee hence." Patty went south with a head full of thoughts and feelings which made it difficult to concentrate on the masses of cars that sped by and cut her off and chugged along at half the speed limit in front of her until she couldn't stand it any longer. She bailed out and headed over to the road that ran down the coast. A bit more tedious a drive, but the scenery made up for it. Long stretches of road paralleled the coastline, offering spectacular views of crashing surf and green, verdant fields. Then the road swung inland a bit and the sky would disappear above a tunnel of huge, overhanging branches thickly covered with cool, green leaves that allowed sparkles of sunlight to penetrate and flash off the chrome frame of her windshield. The off-shore afternoon breeze carried the scent of salt air and a clean, well-scrubbed feel. She breathed deep and enjoyed the freedom it filled her with. She had changed into a blouse and skirt for her drive down and had decided to forgo a bra until she reached her sister's house. The crisp air flew over the windshield and dove down the open neck of her top, whipping the fabric of the camisole against her unfettered breasts. Her nipples tingled deliciously as the stimulation of the friction kept them powerfully erect. She clasped the steering wheel hard and forced her pectorals to press her breasts harder against the inside of her blouse, increasing the sensation even more. She attracted quite a bit of attention when she stopped at a little service station far out between two seaside towns. She had not gotten over the stimulation of being with those two sexually powerful men, Arnold and Peter. Her cunt buzzed with a teasing tingling and her head spun around memories of Peter's amazing finger and dreams of Arnold's amazing cock both in her at the same time. The wonderful odor of her sex was permeating the air, filling her head with images of sex; raw, pure, animal sex. Patty got out of the car and noticed three men; one sitting in a chair which leaned precariously against the side of the building. He was flanked by two others who sat on the curb and smoked cigarettes and were laughing too hard at something he was saying. She knew there was precious little dress to cover her firm, muscular ass and as she bent over to retrieve her bag a serendipitous breeze lifted the back and gave the lucky men a fine view. When she turned around to head for the restroom all three leered at her unabashedly. She gave them a wave and strolled around to the side of the building. The door was locked so she had to go back to the office to get the key. As she came around the corner she could see the man in the chair was swinging a strip of Plexiglas with a key attached by a piece of string. He held it purposefully between his spread legs and, as she neared, rested it on a sizable bulge in the front of his button denims. He looked her straight in the eye and dared her to reach for the key where it rested. She circled out just far enough so she approached him straight on, avoiding any close contact with his two cohorts. All three of them were in their mid-twenties and had dark tans, sun-bleached hair and taut, hard bodies gotten from lots of activity on the beach. She almost had decided it wasn't worth the trouble, but the thought of backing down really pissed her off. She hated the idea of letting these beach jerks get the better of her. She tried the even, reasonable approach, already knowing it wasn't going to work. "Is that the key to the woman's bathroom?" "Why, yes it is, ma'am." "Could I have it, please?" Without moving a bit he said "Why certainly, ma'am. Here it is." He locked stares with her and waited for her to try and reach toward his crotch for the key. She checked the other two men out and saw that, although they were expecting a confrontation, they were not, themselves, in any state of readiness. They apparently expected their seated friend to be able to handle things by himself. At least in this initial phase of contact. Patty knew that, were she to reach for the key, he would probably move it out of her reach. So, instead, she aimed just a bit lower, and when, as she had suspected, the jerk jerked the key away, she grabbed the front lip of the seat between his spread legs and yanked it forward. The man's head flew back and hit against the wall of the building. His hands flew up and she grabbed the key. There was little doubt in her mind that she was not going to be allowed to use the woman's room without further confrontation, but she had already established a position of authority that would undermine the other two men's confidence. The one on the left jumped to his feet and reached to grab the key from her outstretched hand. She grabbed his arm and pulled him towards and across the legs of the fallen chair. His forward motion sent him reeling off balance and he tumbled helplessly on top of his friend. The other man had taken a more compassionate attitude; towards his friend that is. He had reached back to catch and break the fall. This, of course, did nothing more than pin him under the chair. Patty grabbed the head of the man on the left and jammed it between the legs of the chair. She then dug her fingers into the crotch of the man on the chair and began to slowly squeeze his balls. For just an instant she regretted the fact that this guy had to be such a jerk. He apparently was packing a nice load in the front of his jeans. She was still hot enough that a quick tangle with that hunk of man flesh would have been refreshing, under different circumstances. In fact, the physical nature of this confrontation was really turning her on. But the mood of this little episode had already been set, and these scum were not worthy of any access to her incredible body. She squeezed harder. He screamed. "You boys are messing with the wrong person." She tensed her body and every muscle jumped out. "I'll kick all three of your asses if you even so much as think about trying any of that shit. I appreciate being desired, but you children have a very uncool way of showing your appreciation of my body. I have a perfect right to use the bathroom here without any interference. I expect to be able to do just that. When I come out here again, I want to find all three of you boys sitting in the same position you were in when I pulled in here. If you are not," she tensed her muscles even more, the eyes of her would-be assailants bulging, "I will rip your fucking dicks off and jam them down your throats. You got that, assholes?" The young man whose gonads she had clasped firmly in her hand nodded weakly, his eyes darting back and forth across the phenomenal body before him. The other two were in such a position that they could not really see her, but neither of them moved, sensing in her voice the will, even the desire, to do just as she threatened. Patty headed for the end of the building. She turned the corner and glanced out of the corner of her eye to see if the men were moving. They remained in position like some weird, contorted frieze on a Mayan temple. She unlocked the door and went into the restroom, closing and locking the door behind her. Only then did she start taking deep, jarring breaths. Her heart raced a mile a minute and the adrenaline that had flooded her body caused her to shake uncontrollably. She knew this was what was happening and just let her heart pump it out of her system. After a few moments she calmed down enough to accomplish her task. She half doubted the three men were really going to heed her warning, expecting them to be waiting in ambush for her outside the door. She listened intently, figuring they wouldn't be clever enough to be silent as they snuck up on her. Nothing. She took two more deep breaths and flung open the door. They were not there. She stepped outside and headed around the corner. She had a very hard time not bursting into laughter. The three men were, indeed, sitting in the exact same position they had been in when she drove up. She shook her head and walked over to them, the key in her outstretched hand. The boy in the chair cautiously took it without making the least eye contact with her. The other two, as well, stared intently at the ground before them. She went back to the car and got in, started the engine and pulled up around to the curb, stopping in front of the threesome. "The thing that's really sad about all this is that I was feeling really horny when I pulled in here. The three of you studs would have been just about enough for me." She popped the clutch and left a substantial skid mark stretching almost out to the roadway. In the rearview mirror she saw the two boys on the curb reaching over and beating on their seated friend. She hoped they weren't going to get in a car and come after her. She doubted it. It took her several more miles of scenic beauty to get her blood pressure and heart rate back down to normal. The fact of the matter was, she really was horny, and although she probably would not have been in the mood for all three of the young men at the same time, she felt she could have done a good job of wearing them all out in succession. Every rolling hill reminded her of a bulging bicep. Every telephone pole was a eleven-and-a-half inch cock. Broiling thunderheads out over the ocean looked like the intricate interwoven muscles of a finely developed back. Even the constant flash of dotted white line zipping past her side window took on the rhythm of a cock steadily pumping into her hungry cunt, the constant assault becoming more unbearable until her insides begin to throb and thrust to the same insistent beat. The heavier her foot rests on the accelerator, the faster the cock slams into her vagina. Her juices begin to flow and drench the insides of her thighs and the mighty organ which pummels her hungry, sucking cunt at. . . "Holy shit. A hundred and ten!" Patty quickly lifted her foot off the accelerator and the needle dropped down to a more reasonable seventy-five. She was breathing hard, her nipples were jutting painfully against her blouse, her fresh panties were soaked and every inch of her body longed for sexual release. Something was very wrong here. Or at least out of control. Sure she enjoyed sex. Sure she was the first one to drag a handy tool, er, person back into the office and get some fling flung. Sure she liked to have hard, wet things in and on her body, jabbing into her various orifices, driving her to wonderful heights of pleasure. But never had she been so uncontrollably hot, so unable to leash in her desires. She started to think about spending the evening with her sister's family and the depression it brought on was almost as bad as the sudden visions she had of hopping in the sack with her brother-in-law. This was out of the question. Arnold. This was all his fault. She knew what she really wanted. She wanted that big cock up her ass. She wanted to be filled by that huge stud like she had never been filled before. And she knew it wasn't just the cock that was doing this to her. It was Arnold, himself. He had her. . . what? Under some kind of spell? Something. She pulled over to the side of the road and stopped the engine under the widespread branches of an ancient tree with an impossibly thick trunk that suddenly reminded her of. . . Shit. This had to stop. She closed her eyes, trying to clear away the temptation to see something sexual in everything around her but her inner vision was suddenly flooded with incredible images of her's and Arnold's incredible bodies doing incredible things to each other. And there was another body there, too. Fucking Peter. What the hell was going on here? She had never had a fantasy of sex with Peter and anyone else. Now, suddenly, her mind was flooded with incredibly vivid thoughts of her tight, muscular body being sexually ravished by these two studs. In her own bedroom. Very detailed images flashed across her brain pan, sending jolts of sexual energy shooting through her body, triggering a flood in her vagina as though someone were actually licking her there. She opened her eyes and realized her right hand had found its own way to her cunt; flicking and rubbing her clit through the fabric of her sopping wet panties. She moved her other hand to her breasts, violently rubbing and squeezing them as she knew she would want these two hunks to do. Her whole body ached and she knew she would have to find sexual release or have a miserable time at her sister's house. The image of her hand grasping the crotch of the young man back at the gas station flashed through her mind. Before she had time to rationalize her behavior, she had the car started, in gear, making a screaming U-turn and heading back to the station. Two or three times she tried to convince herself she was out of her mind, she should turn around and get her ass down the coast. But her hot, aching cunt told her what she really wanted. Nothing was more desirable right now than a cock between her legs. She had never, before, gone against the urges of her body. Why should she start now? As she approached the filling station she could see the three youths sitting about as she had left them. Not much happening on a hot, sunny Sunday afternoon. They all recognized her car before she even pulled off the road and each was on their feet, as if to run, by the time she skidded to a halt before them. All three of the boys could sense a change in her. Her body language was speaking a completely different message this time and there was an electricity that shot between the four of them. The middle one, the one who still held the key to the restroom, came around to her side of the car and leaned against the top corner of the windshield. He thought he had the advantage and exuded a cockiness that was both infuriating and magnetizing at the same time. "You forget something?" "What's your name, stud?" "Hank. These are my friends, Bob and Al." Bob and Al nodded. Patty returned their greetings with a cold, devastating appraisal of their physical forms. All three were cut from the same mold. Hard, lean bodies, sharp, chiseled faces. Bob and Al had on surfing trunks and T-shirts. Hank had a dirty T-shirt tucked into his jeans. She turned her gaze back to him and locked her eyes on the buttons of his fly. "You got an office here?" "Inside." "You boys made me very angry a few moments ago. Usually, when I get angry I work it off by lifting a few hundred pounds a couple hundred times. But I'm out here, far away from the gym, and I got a lot of energy to burn off and it's all your fault. Who's first?" Hank pressed the crotch of his jeans against the edge of the windshield. "Guess I'll have to be first. You guys have any objections?" Al and Bob looked at each other and shrugged. Patty got out of the car and followed Hank into the office. She turned back as she went in the front door. The other two were just standing there with their mouths hanging open. "You assholes just gonna stand there? Waitin' for an invitation or something?" Again the two just shrugged at each other and followed Patty and their friend into the office. Patty could already feel the energy beginning to flow through and around her. She wanted sex in a bad way and knew that, between the three of them, these boys would probably be able to relieve a good portion of her need. She waited until they were all in the room and then closed the door. Penetrating their clothing with her eyes, she sized up their abilities with a well-practiced glance. Each of them was already showing signs of intense arousal. She had a feeling the one called Al was going to be the first to pop his cork. With a sudden, rapid movement she had her blouse up and over her head. Her incredible breasts, those magnificent structures of flesh and finely honed muscle which had kept her from being a serious competitor, stood out on her chest. The lengthy nipples jutted into the air, hard as pencils. She brought her arms up over her head and then tensed her lats and slowly lowered them to her side. Every sinew, every vein, every fiber stood out like a road map. Blood flowed to her upper torso and, by the time her arms reached her sides, swelled her pecs and raised her breasts to a level of definition that none of these boys had seen before. Al let out a groan and his hand involuntarily reached for his crotch. His palm began to vigorously rub the front of his swimsuit and a painful looking erection soon was begging to be released. Patty brought her gaze to bear on the protrusion and raised her hands to her breasts, crushing and manipulating the awesome mounds of flesh. The long, hard nipples flipped back and forth between her fingers as they fanned across the surface of her breasts. Al fell back against the wall, the shaft of his cock clenched tightly in his fist. With several violent movements he succeeded in cumming inside his suit. One down, two to go. Patty next turned her attention to Bob. She reached down to the zipper for her skirt that ran up her left hip. With agonizing slowness she pulled the zipper down, then allowed the loosened garment to slip to the floor. Bob was also attending to his erection through the front of his suit and, as her skirt hit the floor, he, too, grabbed his cock and began to pump it. Patty decided she had wasted enough orgasms and yanked his hand away from his cock. She reached down inside his suit and grabbed hold of the hard, throbbing shaft and squeezed with all her might. The youth sunk to the floor, crying for mercy. When he was on his knees she let go of his cock and thrust her pantied crotch into his face. His arms flew up around her waist and ripped her underwear off her body. The force of his motion was unexpected and Patty groaned in response. She loved it rough and any indication of a little forceful entry, within the limits of the game, served to heat her up even more. Bob's face dove for her crotch and his tongue sought out her hard, throbbing clit. Hank moved up behind her and brought his hands up around her chest and cupped her breasts, teasing and milking the hard, long nipples. His own erection was pushing desperately at the button front of his jeans and he ground it into her naked ass. Patty's body sizzled as she flexed her muscles, turning on all three boys and drawing them in close to her. "Oooo, yeah. Oh, lick my cunt. Lick it. Suck on my clit. Harder. Yeah. You boys ever had a body like this? Oh yeah. Oh, my nipples. Squeeze 'em, yeah. Huh-oh. Oh yeah. Oooo. You like those, huh? Lick 'em. Suck my tits. Suck my hard nipples. Oh that feels good. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. OH. Mmmmm. That's good. You're gettin' awfully hard back there, stud. You better let me take care of that." She pulled away from Bob's attentions. Al, who had begun to suck her nipples, was also disengaged as she turned to the button fly of Hank's jeans. "Unbutton, stud. One at a time." Hank undid the top button and she grabbed his hands and forced him to stop. She stared him right in the face and brought his hands to her breasts, pressing his palms to her long, hard nipples. His hips began a circular, thrusting movement that demonstrated what he wanted to do. She let go of his hands and allowed him to undo one more button before grabbing his hands again. This time she pulled his arms up to her shoulders and then flexed them violently. He grabbed hold of her huge biceps and squeezed and caressed them, enjoying the hardness of them. She dropped her eyes to his crotch and he reached down and undid one more. This time her hands pressed his own to his crotch and she began a pulsing rhythm, pushing against the hard, hot shaft beneath the fabric. His hips immediately matched her beat and within seconds his head was flung back and a low moan was drooling from his throat. Bob had moved up behind her and had begun pumping his crotch against her ass. She pressed back against his attack with her hard, firm ass which he was grabbing and grasping with both hands. His movements became more rapid and within seconds he, too, had coated the inside of his suit with cum. "Well, Hank. Looks like it's just you and me, now. How about you unbutton that last one, huh?" Hank's hands flew to his fly and he tried desperately to get the last button undone. The faster he moved, the worse it got. Finally he growled in frustration and reached into his crotch and yanked his hard, thick cock out above the offending fastener. Patty felt a hard, swift stab of desire in her cunt. Though not as big as Arnold's it was certainly enough to bump up against. She took pity on the poor lad and reached down to expertly undo the final restraint, all the time staring him right in the eye. She also made sure she rubbed up against his cock and pushed and moved it as much as possible. He moaned and groaned with each contact. When he was finally set free he stepped back and swiftly, with an almost comic speed, removed his jeans and shoes and socks in one motion. His T-shirt followed and he stood before her, naked. His two friends stood back against the wall and watched the proceedings. They stared unabashedly at the two naked bodies before them. Patty loved the idea of an audience. She wondered if Hank had ever performed for a crowd before. She decided not to mention it. It seemed that Hank was totally oblivious to the fact that there was anyone else in the room with him besides the amazing woman before him. His cock was a deep, dark purple. It bounced with each beat of his heart as blood continued to be pumped into the hot, hard shaft. He turned his eyes to the desk in the middle of the room and, with his gaze, suggested that Patty lay across the top of it. Patty had a better idea. She reached out for Al and dragged him over to the desk and sat him on its top. She reached into the waistband of his suit and, with one deft motion, pulled it down and off his legs. His still hard cock jutted out from a matted bush of cum-covered pubic hairs. He was momentarily taken aback, being suddenly naked before two other men, but Patty instantly dove down on his shaft and began sucking the hard pole of flesh. The smell and taste of his cum was a powerful aphrodisiac to Patty and she soon forgot everyone else in the room. Forgot, that is, until she suddenly felt the head of penis pressing insistently against her exposed cunt lips. She waved her ass back and forth and then pushed against the thick head. She knew it was Hank and with one motion had him inside her. He swallowed a yelp and began to pump his cock vigorously into her incredibly tight, muscular vagina. Patty turned her head to the third boy, Bob. He was leaning against the wall and had removed his suit as well, his hand pumping his shaft with slow but deliberate movements. Patty noticed that his gaze traveled to all three of them. He was as interested in his two friends as he was in her. She lifted her mouth off Al's hot cock. "Lick us. Lick my clit and his cock while he fucks me." Bob needed no encouragement. In one motion he was down on the floor between Patty's and Hank's legs. His upturned face brought his tongue in contact with the point where the two of them were joined and he began to lick first her clit, and then her vaginal lips and Hank's cock as it slid in and out of Patty's cunt. Hank cried out in surprise and doubled his efforts. His hips thrust violently, driving his cock into her cunt with amazingly rapid movements. Patty bore down on him and increased the sensation of her impending orgasm. The hard cock in her mouth began to show signs of a second volley of cum as well. Hank had hold of her tight ass and was plowing her with a vigor that was sure to drive them both over the top very soon. Bob had found his own position and was busy licking and manipulating Patty's cunt with his tongue and one hand while alternating between her breasts and his own still hard cock with the other hand. A quartet of groans and cries of ecstasy began to rise from them and soon they were heaving and thrusting and licking and pulling and pushing and crying out in rhythm with each other. The pace increased, the pitch of their cries increased, the electricity in the air increased, Patty's body swelled and bulged as she exerted herself and drove her own sexual tension to the breaking point. She smelled the sex of the cock in her mouth, tasting the salty sweat and cum of his previous orgasm. The sound of the three boys as they slurped and heaved and thrust in time with each other set her pace and caused her to push even harder. The feel of the cocks that penetrated her cunt and mouth, accompanied by the stimulation of the tongue on her clit all served to whip her into a sexual frenzy that promised a powerful orgasm. She began to loose touch with her surroundings and dove head first into the first tremors of her own sexual release. She knew the three boys were so turned on by her rippling, ripped, muscular body that they could not help but follow her to the precipice and jump headlong over the edge of her orgasm with her. She felt something on her abs and looked down to see that Bob had cum again, his semen hanging in gobs from her undulating abdominals. This was the last straw. She drove her hips back against the cock in her cunt, drove her mouth down on the cock in her mouth, and threw herself off the orgasmic cliff. It felt like hang gliding while pumping about three hundred pounds with every muscle in her body simultaneously. Her body contracted as it was wracked with mighty climactic vibrations. Her cunt clamped down on the cock inside her and oceans of cum-juice poured from her as the walls of her vagina constricted around the hard, thrusting cock. Hank continued to throw himself uncontrollably against Patty's muscular ass and, as her vaginal walls clamped down on his cock, his balls heaved loads of semen up his shaft, sending it spewing out against the inside of Patty's hot, sucking cunt. At the same moment, Al's cock swelled and shot its second load of the afternoon into Patty's mouth as she devoured his shaft. She drove her head down on the boy's cock and drank his cum straight down her throat. Bob's continued attack of her clitoris sent her whirling up into a second, almost simultaneous climax. Within seconds she was cumming again. Hank pumped the last of his load into her cunt and his knees weakened, forcing him to pull back and out as he sunk to his knees behind her. His sudden exit surprised Patty and she stood up, Al's cock dropping from her grasp. She looked around her, saw the carnage she had caused, collapsed bodies and limp cocks wherever she looked, and smiled. She hoped they were as devastated as they looked. Before they could recover, she grabbed her clothes and one of the boy's discarded T-shirts. She wiped her rippling abdomen clean with the shirt, slipped on her dress and blouse and went outside to the restroom, plastic strip with key in hand. She washed up, using the T-shirt again, fixed her tousled hair, rearranged her hastily donned clothing then smiled smugly at the image that appeared before her in the mirror. She had devastated those three young men in the other room. Her body tingled with the remembered sensations of their joint experience; her cunt pulsed at the thought of Hank's cock slugging away uncontrollably. If she hadn't felt a sudden need to get down the coast to her sister's house she would have turned right around and stormed back into the office, demanding further satisfaction from the trio of cocks. She was certain that, in light of their ability to achieve orgasms so quickly, they would probably be able to muster up a few more hard-ons between them. Her nipples pressed firmly against the material of her blouse as the thought aroused her. One final check in the mirror, one last appreciation of her incredible attributes, a slight tensing of the muscles of her upper torso, her breasts rising proudly on her chest, and then she turned away from the mirror. She suddenly realized that she, herself, had just achieved a couple of orgasms and yet, unlike the boys in the back room, littered on the floor like so many used and discarded condoms, felt none of the devastation which had laid them out. In fact, she felt invigorated, stimulated, positively buzzing with energy. She closed her eyes and an image of Arnold and Peter flashed before her. Pressing their firm, hot bodies against her. Pressing their firm, hot cocks against her. Pressing their firm, hot lips against her. Pressing. Pressing. Pressing. Her hands pressed into her breasts as they cried out for attention. They then slid down her torso and found her crotch, clothed only by the material of her skirt. She abruptly raised her skirt and, without a thought, sought out her clit and began to massage it vigorously. She opened her eyes. The image of the two men still floated before her. She could feel their bulging muscles enclose her body. She could smell the hot sex of their cocks. She could hear the heavy breathing as the three of them twisted and groped and exerted themselves against each other. Her searching fingers dove into her cunt and began rubbing the inside of her vaginal passage, her fingers spreading out, stretching her wider and wider as she imagined Arnold's huge member sliding in and out of her. It's hot. It's hard. It's very, very thick and it's very, very, very, very long. It takes minutes to travel its full length. It presses and stimulates the wall of her cunt. The movement never seems to end. By the time the huge length of cock has traveled its complete distance she has shivered to orgasm. He draws the magnificent cock out. At the same time she feels Peter's cock move against her ass. She spreads her cheeks and he slowly enters her from behind. They lock her between their thick, powerful bodies and begin to raise and lower her on their twinned cocks. Each trip down the length of their shafts brings a new orgasm. Each trip up brings an incredible feeling of emptiness that only the anticipation of another downward trip can conquer the devastating effects of. Up. Down. Up. Down. Fullness. Emptiness. Orgasms begin to rumble through her body with such frequency that she looses all ability to dissemble any reality at all. Her beautiful nipples catch on Arnold's pecs with each upward pass. His huge biceps swell as he lifts her into the air. Her ass sucks hard on the shaft within it. Up. . . Down. . . Up. . . Down. . . Knock. . . Knock. . . Knock, knock, knock. "Hey, Lady. You all right in there?" "Oh. Oooohhh. Yeaaaahhhhhhhh." "Shit. I think she's in there popping herself off. Hey, Lady. You need any help?" Patty's eyes refocused on the door before her and the images of her two mighty lovers faded in a cloud of reality. Her hand was sunk deep in her crotch and she was very close to an actual orgasm. She had no idea what the hell was going on with her, but she knew she needed to cum very badly. She swung the door open and grabbed the closest male she could get her hands on, pulling him in. It was Hank. She remembered the trouble he'd had with his button fly before so she did the honors herself and had his pants down around his knees within seconds. His semi-rigid cock bobbed before her and she quickly took it into her mouth to help it to full hardness. Hank was not able to take all this in as quickly as it was happening. It wasn't until Patty had his cock well down her throat that he said, "What the hell's going on here?" Patty wished she knew the answer to that, herself. All she knew was that she had to get this stud's rigid cock inside her cunt again as quickly as possible. Within seconds his member was stiff enough to fuck with. She stood up and leaned against the sink, spreading her legs, revealing the moist lips of her cunt. Hank still hadn't caught on. He stood there gaping at the magnificent sight before him. Her strong, firm thighs were scissoring back and forth as her desire for his cock became more intense. Finally she could stand it no longer. She grabbed his shaft and yanked him forward, jamming his swollen penis into her. Fortunately, nature took over at that moment and there were no further delays due to mind gap. Hank's cock attacked rapidly and, after a few swift thrusts, Patty's body began vibrating on the edge of her hoped for orgasm. She bore down on Hank and huge waves of overpowering sensation rumbled through her body. Her muscles tensed, her breasts felt like they were going to explode. She grabbed Hank's hands and pressed them firmly to her. Sparks of energy shot from her painfully erect nipples down through her hard, firm abdomen and right to the erect nub of flesh which vibrated deliciously between her legs. She let out a loud scream and pushed herself hard against Hank's attacking cock. Thrust. Thrust. Thrust. Wave after wave after wave of shattering orgasm rushed through her body. Her muscles tensed uncontrollably as though her finger had been inserted into an electrical socket. Her needs took control. She had no choice but to satisfy them. Hank's hot breath pressed against her face. His own cries told of the delicious agony he was being driven to as he pressed time and again towards climax. His thrusts came faster and faster, harder and deeper. Their cries mixed and entwined, each one higher and louder and longer and more ecstatic then the last. Patty had already reached her pinnacle and was hovering on the ultimate plain of ecstasy waiting for Hank to join her. Time stretched out and she looked back at a wide, swirling trail of orgasms left in her wake. She floated in the maelstrom of energy and watched as Hank quickly approached her. His face showed him abandoned. He, too, floated far above the physical reality of their thrusting, heaving bodies. Patty felt his cock thicken within her and his actions stepped to an even higher level of urgency. One final, deep thrust and the floodgates opened. His sperm leapt from his cock with such force that it caused him pain. Seemingly against his will he flung shot after shot of cum from the head of his cock. Patty's hips continued to thrust against him, her hard, muscular abdominals working her internal organs in an effort to force him to continue his near maniacal attacks. He heaved his hips forward one last time, as though dragging some huge load to a precipice and shoving it over, and then he collapsed against her as she perched on the edge of the sink. He was still. As quickly as that. He just stopped. His heart beat so loudly she could hear it. His breathing sent gusts of hot air past her neck, his arms had thrown themselves around her neck. And now he was still. Patty looked about the room and saw that Bob and Al had come in to observe the commotion. She saw that both of them displayed hard-ons and she almost feared they would demand satisfaction, too. But as soon as she met their eyes, attempting to read what they had in mind, their faces were covered in a mask of fear and they bolted from the room, letting the door slowly close behind them. Patty put her hands against Hank's shoulders and pressed him off her. His quickly softening cock slipped from her with a saddening slurp. He tried to focus on her, but his pupils could not find their mark. She guided him to the toilet and eased him down onto the seat. He'd be okay in a little while. In the meantime, she had to figure out what the hell was going on. Hank was, without a doubt, one of the least inspiring sex partners, physically, she had ever had. There was no reason why she should be so turned on. This had something to do with Arnold. And Peter. What? Who knew? She couldn't wait to try this on Arnold.