Eleven-and-a-half: A Fantasy Of Great Length by Ray Wilder Chapter 45: Arnold This is a work of fiction. All the characters, events and locations portrayed in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to real persons, events or locations is purely coincidental. Copyright © 1996. All rights, implicit or implied, except for distribution by this archive and personal use by the individual downloading the file, are reserved. Inquiries regarding publishing rights for this book should be directed to: raywild@aol.com ======================================== Ever since Mr. Ridell had slipped from Arnold's life, he had been concerned, almost to the point of obsession, with making sure he left nothing that mattered unsaid to anyone. There would always be the chance, as fatalistic as it might have sounded, that he might never get another opportunity to let someone know how he felt. Not that it might bother the other person, especially if they were to die, but that the missed opportunity would ride around inside himself for the rest of his life. A life of no regrets was one thing, a life of missed opportunities was another, especially when dealing with personal feelings. And so he had stopped at the last minute, returned to face the intensely beautiful woman standing naked in his hallway and told her how he felt. Her face had burst open with the same wonderful smile that had resounded in his memories of years ago. Without her saying a word, she had spoken volumes to him in return. Each face that had done that had been the same. The same glowing in the eyes, the same flaring of the nostrils, the same raising of the eyebrows. He had loved each of them so much, had been unable to control his emotional deluge upon them. They had all meant so much to him, just as Chris did to him now. And he loved them all. But he had never felt "in love" before. Before Chris. Before she had thrown herself open to him and allowed him to rummage through her emotional attic, finding wonderful treasures in each nook and cranny. And then she had latched onto his own libido and given him a roller coaster ride the likes of which he hadn't experienced since his first days of sexual adventuring. Those, including his life-shattering encounter with Sam, had been intense because everything was so new. Everyone had been so beautiful. Inside and out. And it had been so much fun he hadn't taken the time to look around to see what was making his emotions run so close to the surface. With those days behind him, and so many others as well, he was able to add it all up, divide by the number of souls he had tasted and reach a pretty high average. Until yesterday. Suddenly there were four people in his life, or soon to be in his life, or soon to be back in his life, who were going to raise the stakes dramatically. And each one of them offered to fill a different aspect of his need. Sam was his past, his glorious birth. She was his source, his fount, his first emotion and awareness of what lay inside him. She was also the link to his spiritual father and guide. Without Sam, Arnold was afraid he would loose touch with that part of Mr. Ridell he carried within him always. So it was important to know that Sam was in the world, carrying her own thoughts and feelings about that wonderful man. Together they were a living shrine to Mr. Ridell's love. Patty was his outlet for unbridled physical desire. He needed her openness, her sassy, brassy, bold and beautiful teflon coated soul to beat himself against. He knew they would devour each other and not even get indigestion. He also knew that to make love to Patty was to make love to himself. He needed strong, hard muscles to grab onto and be assured that this was what others felt when they grabbed onto him. He had built his body for sex. He enjoyed it for that purpose. And he enjoyed other people enjoying it, as well. Patty would feed that physical need for strong arms, strong legs, strong cunt, strong mind. Peter was Arnold's self. Peter was the youth teetering on the edge of discovery. Without that excitement, that wonderful moment of opening up to a much deeper and more physically stimulating world, his own life would not have been anything. At all. Peter's life would just be beginning today. He had felt such a tension in the boy, a cross between a bomb about to go off and a heavy, high-strung bow pulled back, ready to be released. Peter's arrow could fly far, Arnold knew that. It was really all a matter of getting it aimed in the right direction. Arnold was ready to relive that moment of flight through this young man. He was also curious as to what his own feelings about Peter would be. He enjoyed being able to express both sides of his libido and felt part of himself cut off when lacking sexual partners of both genders. There was little doubt in his mind that Peter was interested in him as more than just a new member of the club. Chris. . . He would have thought that, with the presence of these others in his life, every gap would be filled, every need met. And yet something within him felt so complete with every thought, every touch, every taste, smell, sound and sight of Chris. She was so unlike the other three. She took good care of her body, but it was not the hard, chiseled, massively muscled structures he was used to pressing himself against. Perhaps that was one of the attractions. He found himself just a bit ashamed at the thought that he was able to get a good ego pump from her. But she was so into his body. Her fascination with his physical attributes went beyond just the sexual. She viewed him as a work of art. To be photographed, displayed, enjoyed. Was this not why he had gone into body building in the first place? His desire to create something that people would long to touch, to look at, to have, to love? Chris certainly fed that. But there was more. She had proven that as they made love time and time again during the night. With each encounter there had been a deepening of union between them, offering more and more of themselves until, during their last melding, they had opened a gateway between their souls and had flooded each other with an amazing energy that had both drained and charged his body; drained of past needs, both real and imagined, and charged with a new feeling of wholeness that came from having pieces of a puzzle finally put into place. And they had great sex together. She took him so deeply, so completely. He felt himself fill her and she would strain and reach for more. And there was that amazing clitoris. He loved her clitoris. He had spent almost an hour the previous night between her legs, slowly licking and kissing that wonderful erection, taking forever to bring her to a climax that was so long in the making that when it finally arrived, when the tension finally broke, you could feel a wave of relief wash over the universe. She had shuddered and moaned for five minutes straight as her body was consumed by the delicious orgasm. Then, not only did she not beg him to stop, but rolled over on her hands and knees and begged him deep inside her so that he could do again with his cock what he had just done with his tongue. He had smoothly moved his cock in and out of her, her juices never running dry, for over a half hour and then, when he couldn't stand it any longer, she had begged him to continue and the agony of his huge cock became so complete that he thought he had passed out but, some time later, found himself still sliding slowly in and out of her hot, moist cunt. Still moist, still hungry. Finally she had begun to thrust herself back on him with increased pace until they were hammering their bodies together and crying out as the end to their agonies neared. When they both came, it was together and it was big and it was long and it was amazing and it was the end. Or so he thought. He was not at all sure how many times he had cum. He was certainly not sure why he had been able to cum as many times as he had. And then there had been that final, mind-shattering experience. He wondered if she had seen the energy between them. He certainly had felt it. From his center to hers and back again. He was certain it had been an image in his mind, but felt she had been able to image it as well. There had been the beginnings of the same explosive situation he had experienced with his friend, Mary, years ago. This time he would not let the moment go unobserved. He had tucked a small part of himself away in the corner of his mind normally reserved for such mundane tasks as remembering that he had a dentist appointment next Wednesday. From there he had a pretty good vantage point from which to watch the festivities. The images that came to his mind as he recalled those frantic few moments were filled with light and heat and a overpowering sense of wholeness, oneness, completeness, Chris-ness. In that moment he had felt all the striving, pushing, pulling, flexing, lifting, shoving, heaving of the past decade come to a point. This was the pay-off, the blow-off, the tip of the mark. This was what everything had really been for, to make himself strong enough, desirable enough, hard enough, full enough to stand up to the shear openness of being put face to face, soul to soul with another person. And Chris, for all her fears and seeming lack of understanding of what was happening, had been right there with him. Had, in fact, been the source of this feeling. The hallucination he had experienced on his balcony the previous afternoon had not been a trick of the light or low blood sugar. He had, in those several seconds of total physical abandon, when he was ready to step off the sixth floor to reach her, felt the part of her which, when they finally joined, had filled him to the top. As he had filled her. And filled her. And filled her. And he smiled a smug smile as a small rumbling was felt in his groin. If he hadn't wanted, needed, even craved (for he was, indeed, hooked on) the pump this morning, he would never have found a way to leave the apartment with her magnificent body and soul standing naked before him. And if all that wasn't enough, he had so little trouble waking up this morning that it almost scared him. It was as though his mind and body had leapt at the chance to spend more conscious time with her. He had very few memories of being awake that quickly and easily. So. Four people. Each one filling or ready to fill a part of his soul. Was he that big? Did it take four people to match him, fill him, fulfill him? He hoped it was his heart and not his ego that was so big. He guessed it was probably a little of each. As he drove his car out of the parking lot behind the building he turned his attention to what needed to be accomplished today. He'd done enough photo shoots by now that it was fairly routine, so he wouldn't have to waste a lot of gray matter worrying about that. What was more immediate, and of much greater importance, was his imminent workout and his initial meeting with Peter. He hoped the young man would be an early riser and would be open to the idea of being his regular workout partner. Not letting modesty get in the way, Arnold was pretty sure Peter would be looking forward to the offer. This was why Arnold was allowing extra time this morning. Besides being unfamiliar with the gym and its rhythms and ways, he also would have to lay a little ground work with Peter to help establish their working relationship. And he thought it would be important to establish the working relationship first. He had to know where Peter was going with his body building. He doubted he was into competition. In fact, he probably only had to look back on his own beginnings in the sport to get a good idea of what Peter's goals were. Back at his beginnings and between his legs. Several cars were parked in the lot around the old pump islands. He parked his car across the street and studied the building. Now that he knew what the layout was inside, the exterior seemed to make a bit more sense, but not much. The owners had obviously bought the lot behind the building and expanded back into it. And the fact that it was actually below ground helped give the room a greater sense of space. But it still seemed bigger inside than out. He crossed the street and entered the front door. A man he had not met before was working at the desk. Not surprisingly, he was hugely-muscled, deeply tanned, very blond and, thanks to Patty's taste in men no doubt, very good looking. He looked up from some papers as the door opened, a bright smile already on his face. "Hi. Can I help you?" "My name's Arnie." "Oh, right. I was just processing your paperwork. You're Patty's new neighbor, right?" "Yeah." "I'm Greg, the assistant manager." He offered his huge, callused hand and shook with Arnold. Unlike some, the handshake was even and welcome, without the physical challenge that tried to prove who could squeeze their cock the hardest. "I assume, by the fact that there's no application here, that you didn't get the once over." "I'm sorry. Was I supposed to fill something out?" "Yeah. It's mostly a formality and legal stuff. I guess Patty held a membership committee meeting by herself and voted you in, so most of this stuff is superfluous. It'd be nice to get the essential information, though." "Sure thing. Sorry if this threw you off." "No problem. Just slows you down when you're ready to charge in to do battle. If you want, you can wait until after you're finished." "That'd be great. Just point me towards the locker room and I'll get started. Do you assign lockers here or is it catch as catch can?" "I believe that has already been taken care of, as well. It seems you're expected." Greg nodded in the direction of the gym floor where Peter stood, trying very hard not to look too excited about Arnold's arrival. "He was sitting on the front step when I got here this morning. I believe you will be well taken care of." "I'm flattered." "You'd better watch it. I'm not sure what's happened, but something's got his spring wound awful tight. And I suspect it has something to do with you." "I met Peter yesterday when I came in to drop something off for Patty." "Peter. Right. I'm going to have a little trouble getting used to calling him that." "No you won't." They locked eyes for a moment and Arnold let Greg see the respect he had for the young man. Greg read it correctly and nodded. "You're right. It should have been 'Peter' all along. Did you bring a padlock?" "Yeah. Got it here in the bag." "Do you want to leave a spare key in the lock box?" "Great idea. I'll get it off the key ring when I come up to take care of the paperwork." Arnold looked out over the room full of equipment. Two others, a man and a woman, were working together on the cables. The singing of the wire and clanking of weights played in Arnold's head. He took a deep breath. "Well, time to make it happen. I'll see you in a while, Greg. Thanks." Greg extended his hand again, which Arnold took. "Welcome to the club. Literally." Arnold picked his bag up off the floor and started down the stairs and across the room to where Peter was watching the other couple working. He could tell Peter was trying to hold off turning his head until the last possible second. He hoped he wouldn't give the fake, "Oh, when did you get here" line. Everything, from now on, depended on a great deal of honesty and openness. Arnold had to admit to a heightened sense of excitement, as well. Much of it could be attributed to the newness of it all. But something deep within him felt the wonderful tension that was already building between himself and Peter. If there were no games played, if there were no detours taken, the two of them would soon be smoking up the joint. Arnold came up next to Peter and watched the couple work. "I'm trying to convince this guy that he's not isolating the movement of his arm enough. I can't quite put my finger on what he's doing wrong, though, so's I can explain it to him." Arnold watched the man work through his reps. All his movements seemed to be textbook perfect, but the development of his right inner pectoral gave signs of weakness. Somewhere in the cycle he was pulling with the wrong part of the muscle. Arnold watched carefully for several moments. He was impressed that Peter had recognized the symptom. Would he be able to spot the problem? Suddenly, Peter's face lit up. "Hey, Josh. Tilt your right shoulder forward about a half inch and stop bending your left knee so much. Your dropping your weight into your leg and letting it do the work." The man did as Peter suggested and suddenly the inner curve of his right pectoral expanded noticeably. Arnold was very impressed. Peter turned back to Arnold and greeted him with a bright grin and a wild look in his eyes. He was wound up, all right. He smelled of sex. His eyes cruised Arnold's body without inhibition. "Good morning, Arnold." "Good morning, Peter. Greg tells me you're the one to point me in the right direction as far as getting settled in is concerned." "Yeah. Follow me." They headed back to the shower rooms and Peter led the way to a locker along the back wall. He opened it with pride, as though he were submitting it for inspection. Arnold set his bag on the bench that ran between the rows of lockers and peered inside. It was clean, all the hooks seemed to be there, the shelf wasn't beat up or bent and the latch mechanism seemed to move up and down with ease. Yes, everything certainly seemed to be in order here. The quintessential locker. They both stood there, admiring the open door, waiting for something to jump out of it or something to jump into it or something to be said or done. Arnold waited. Peter was so wound up that it would have to be Peter's move first. "Is this okay?" "It's fine. Real clean. Did you just get it out the box this morning?" "Nah. Whenever someone moves out I get in with a big brush and lots of soapy water and go over it real good. Most of the folks are pretty good, but there's been a few. . . That's usually why they're gone." Arnold had forgotten that Peter took care of things like this. This was a point of pride with him. "Looks brand new. You keep everything looking real good, Peter. When do you have the time?" "Sometimes I stay late after closing and take care of things. I hung out here for a couple hours last night and caught up on some stuff." "You closed last night." "Yeah. I figured as long as I was here, I might as well take advantage of it. Did a little extra work on the equipment, too." "You feel like doing some work this morning?" "You need a partner, don't you?" "Kind of looks that way. You available?" Several volumes could be written in the process of describing the smile that flowed onto Peter's face. "Yes." "Great. Have you ever partnered with anyone before?" "Not on a regular basis, no." "Okay. I've got certain things I need from a partner, and I'm sure you have, too, although you may not know about them. So we'll learn from each other." "Great." "The first thing we need to know is where each of us is headed. This is going to require a painfully honest evaluation of each of our shortcomings and trust in each other's knowledge to help us see the solutions to them. After that little tour you gave me yesterday, plus what I saw you do with that fellow on the floor just now, I'm looking forward to having your input." "So what do we do?" "First we get naked." "Both of us?" "You bet." "Together?" Arnold sensed Peter's reticence. Was he just shy or was there something else he was afraid of? If Peter was as attracted to Arnold as he thought, then he shouldn't be nervous about revealing himself. He'd have to get over this. Besides, letting them both study their bodies in this way removed some of the sexual aspects of it. If Arnold treated it businesslike, then Peter was likely to be able to, as well. But there would be no denying Peter's physical needs. Best to face them immediately and get them out in the open. "Yeah. Together. And I'll tell you right up front that I'll be real offended if you don't get a hard-on." "Hah. No need to worry about that. I've had one since you walked into this place yesterday afternoon." "You do anything about it, or are you into long-term suffering?" Peter's eyes dropped to the floor. His shoulders raised and he let out a long sigh. "Whoops. Looks like I've stuck my foot in my mouth. Sorry, Peter." "That's okay." "Obviously not, from the look on your face. Can we talk about it?" Peter's eyes came up to meet Arnold's. They studied them for a moment and then he sighed again. He straddled the bench and sat. Arnold did the same, facing him, their knees a few inches apart. Arnold again waited. "This isn't going to be easy." "Do what you gotta do, Peter. We're in this thing together, and that means one hundred per cent to me. But that also means respecting the other person. So tell me what you need to and want to. If there's something I can do to help, I will. One hundred per cent." Again Peter studied Arnold. He made several attempts to form the words, but the thoughts wouldn't line up right. A parade of emotions marched across his brow and finally he just jumped in with both feet and related to Arnold the facts regarding his ghosts, how they haunted him, how they affected him and what he had finally accomplished the previous evening, starting with the still incomprehensible encounter with Patty. As the story unfolded and Arnold learned of his own part in it, his heart filled with more and more love and respect for Peter until it felt like it would burst. That he had been the catalyst for Peter's victory made him feel so proud his head became light with joy. And what made it even more wonderful was that Peter was able to open up to him and reveal these deep, close-kept secrets. When Peter was finished, he dropped his eyes and studied the bench between them. It reminded Arnold so much of the way that Ed used to focus on his shoelaces the memory almost broke his heart. Tears welled up in his eyes. When Peter heard him sniff his head popped up. Arnold's own emotional release triggered the same response in Peter. The two men moved together and threw their arms around each other's shoulders. They hugged, heads side by side, their bodies swaying back and forth, rocking each other in comfort. Arnold could feel the tension in Peter's back quickly drain away and his body was suddenly wracked with deep, heavy sobs. The emotional dam burst and years of pent up sorrow and sadness washed through his body, out, away, gone. Arnold joined his spirit with Peter's and supported him as the young man suddenly found a huge, empty void where once there had been a gigantic emotional rock. Arnold filled that void with his own spirit, assuring Peter that so many wonderful things were about to be opened to him. They recovered and began dealing with the physical world around and within themselves. Peter's hands explored Arnold's body; a cursory trip up and down the arms, across the shoulders, the back, the neck, and down around the waist. Arnold allowed the exploration for a time but then decided to alleviate Peter's curiosity. He pulled away from him and began taking off his clothes. Peter watched for a few seconds, and then stopped him. "What's the matter, Peter?" "I don't know if I'm ready for this." "Sooner or later, you're going to see me naked. And me, you." "Yeah. I know. But I've been fantasizing about this since you left here yesterday. It's kinda like I don't know if the real is going to match up to the fantasy." "If I understand what you're talking about, and I'm pretty sure I do, then you don't have anything to worry about. False modesty aside, I'm pretty sure you'll be satisfied. I know I'm eager to see your body. Anyone who can get Patty's engine running like you did must have plenty going for them." Arnold stood up and quickly removed his pants and briefs, the only two articles of clothing he still had on. As he stepped out of his shorts and his huge cock was revealed, Peter's jaw fell open and his eyes drank hungrily at the sight. Before he could fixate on the massive cock hanging between Arnold's legs, Arnold jarred him back to reality. "Hey. No drooling. Come on, off with the duds." Peter looked blankly at Arnold for a moment, until the meaning of the words sunk in. He slowly removed his own clothing until the two were standing, facing each other, naked. Peter made absolutely no attempt to control his reaction and in a few moments was wearing a raging erection. Arnold decided it would only be polite to return the complement and got hard as well. "Just remember, Peter. It's only a cock. It has nothing to do with what we're at the gym for. This doesn't lift any more weight for me, doesn't help me finish any more reps. It doesn't make my muscles bulge any bigger and the damned thing gets in the way far too often." Peter didn't seem to hear what Arnold was saying for a moment, but finally tore his gaze away from the huge erection before him and looked back up at Arnold's eyes. He nodded slowly then took in the rest of the beautiful body standing before him. Arnold did the same, evaluating the young man's work so far and making notes regarding what he felt Peter would have to do to fill in the gaps. He was happy that Peter was so distracted he had not tried to pump himself up to impress Arnold. Being in his relaxed state helped Arnold better see what was needed. He, too, remained relaxed and let Peter's eyes have their way with him. After several minutes the lust dropped away from Peter's eyes and the expert evaluation took over. They studied the different parts of each other's body, each one slowly walking around the other, appraising and evaluating. They began to talk about their workout habits, their schedules, their goals. Arnold was not surprised to learn that Peter's reasons for getting involved with body building were very similar to his own. Neither of them were interested in competition. Both of them were very interested in the effect a well-developed physique had, or potentially had, on their sex life. They both were interested in making themselves incredibly desirable to other highly charged, sexually potent, virile partners and thought a great way to make a living would be modeling. Peter had developed a workout pattern similar to the one Ed and Arnold had used years before: regular, general sessions accented with hard-hitting drills focused on specific muscle groups. Peter's biggest drawback was his lack of a partner. Arnold would fill that gap. When they had covered all the bases, discussed all the points needing discussion, both their eyes drifted down to the two erections still floating between them. Arnold's was hard, but he felt he could get over it. Peter's, on the other hand, looked painful and desperate. They were not going to get much done with his cock in the condition it was in. "Where's this bathroom you spoke so lovingly of a few minutes ago?" "Down the hall to the left." "Come on. Let's take care of this bulge," Arnold grabbed Peter's painfully distended member, eliciting a loud moan from the younger man, "then we'll see about our other bulges." Arnold threw his clothes in the locker, grabbed his workout outfit, tossed the gym bag in the bottom and locked the door. Peter gathered up his own clothes, led the way down the hall to the employees bathroom and locked the door behind them. He stood against the door, staring at the enormous penis that jutted out from Arnold's pelvis. It was obvious that Peter wanted very much to take care of Arnold's problem, as well. Arnold shrugged his shoulders. So be it. Arnold took Peter by the arm and led him to the toilet, seating him on the closed lid. He then kneeled before him and began to roll the younger man's hot, rigid cock between the palms of his hands. Peter gasped and grabbed the sides of the toilet, his fine, muscular torso swelling with the tension of his sudden ecstasy. He threw his head back, let out a deep, rolling moan, heaved his hips forward and filled the air with rocketing shots of hot, juicy cum. Arnold drove his mouth down on the young man's shaft and swallowed what he could. The affect of this on Peter was more than he could bear. He cried out loudly as wild, uncontrolled emotions and hidden thoughts and memories thrashed across his mind. Within seconds he had violently spent himself and he slumped forward, unconscious, his temporarily satiated cock quickly deflating. Arnold caught him and brought him into his arms, cradling him, rocking him. He knew when Peter awoke there would be a great deal of confusion and fear in his mind. He stroked Peter's hair and face, centered his own spirit and sent it out to the troubled lad. Peter stirred, reached around Arnold's neck and hugged himself to the man's strong, sturdy chest. He slowly realized where he was and began to search out the strength and size of Arnold's body. His hands were suddenly everywhere, stroking, feeling, caressing. His cock became intensely erect once again and he began to moan. Arnold had not anticipated the amount of pent-up desire held within this tightly wound spring of a man. It was clear that a simple hand job was not going to alleviate his passions and desires. And the younger man's attentions Ñ he was now trying to dive down Arnold's throat Ñ were making Arnold hotter as well. Soon the two men were standing face to face, Peter driving Arnold back against the sink. His mouth furiously sought out every part of Arnold's body and finally came to focus on the immense, aching hard-on that stood out proudly from the beautiful man's pelvis. He licked and sucked and kissed and chewed erratically with all the passion but none of the finesse of one more familiar with fellatio. Arnold withstood the attack for a few moments, but it soon became clear that Peter was going to do damage before achieving his objective. Arnold diverted Peter's attentions by maneuvering his hand to the younger man's cock and began to massage his balls. Peter stopped dead still and became transfixed. Within seconds his hips were beginning to buck forward again, trying to find something to push his desire-slaved cock against. It worked against Arnold's thigh and then the two men began thrusting their pelvises against each other. Arnold's huge cock pressed up against their abdomens and Peter's own substantial hard-on slid between Arnold's legs, rubbing against Arnold's swollen, heavy scrotum. As the head passed back and forth it began to catch and rub up against Arnold's asshole and wonderful tingling sensations buzzed through his body. Fine. If that's what it's going to be, then he might as well enjoy it. He pushed Peter away from him and the young man moaned in desperation as his hips continued to thrust involuntarily against the open air. After several seconds he realized the absence of Arnold's body and brought himself under control. "What's the matter?" "Nothing a handful of something slippery couldn't help. Let's see what's in the medicine cabinet." Arnold opened the mirrored door and found, not surprisingly, several fine choices for the occasion. He grabbed the familiar plastic jar and closed the door again. Removing the lid, he grabbed a few fingers full of the slippery stuff and spread it up and down the length of Peter's cock. Peter moaned. "What are you doing?" "I'm making sure you don't do to my asshole what you almost did to my cock. We'll have to give you blow-job lessons some other time, but right now I have a need to get that gorgeous cock of yours up my ass." "Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Holy shit. Are you sure?" "You take it easy at first until I get stretched out and then I want you to fuck the hell out of my ass. Everything you've been holding inside, every ounce of sex and desire, I want you to pump it into me. But easy at first, okay. Remember, this is another human being here, not a pillow on your bed in the middle of the night." "Oh my God, Arnold, I don't know. What if. . ." "Cut the shit, stud. I want you up my ass. You've got me so hot already I'm about to blow my wad. Now stick your fingers into this jar, get a good load of this stuff and do my asshole with it. Slowly." Peter reached for the jar and his hand began to shake. He grinned sheepishly at Arnold, but the desire, the lust on the other man's face, in his eyes, the superb sight of his well-muscled body, the huge cock before him, drove the nervousness from him as he accepted himself as this man's sexual equal. And Arnold wanted him. Bad. Two fingers full of lubricant. Arnold turned around and grabbed the edges of the sink and leaned forward, presenting his glorious, muscular ass to him. Arnold's mind was immediately filled with memories of a sink in a bathroom in a gym in a small town in another state in another decade, almost in another life. A wonderful thrill of nervousness ran through him as he remembered his first time. Peter was about the same size. He would fill Arnold quite nicely. He felt the finger begin to explore the edges of his rectum. He squirmed his ass back against the adventurous digit, telling Peter to get on with it. Slowly the pressure increased and then, suddenly, the slippery finger was inside him up to the first knuckle. "Ah. Yeah. Deeper. Come on, Peter, quit fucking around. Do it." Arnold could hear the other man's heavy breathing. As he pressed harder against Arnold's ass the breathing became faster and more desperate. "Don't hyperventilate, you'll pass out." "Sorry. God, Arnold. This feels great." "You think that's great, just get your cock inside me and I'll show you great. Come on. I'm ready for you. I want your cock." Peter pulled his finger out, grabbed Arnold around the hips and pressed his throbbing member against the delicious, muscular ass. Arnold relaxed his sphincter muscle and pressed back against the object of his passion. This was the best moment, just before entry when all desires and fantasies and hopes and dreams converged on the junction of two bodies. "Now." Peter lunged forward, Arnold pressed back. Peter's cock drove deep inside and didn't stop until Peter had mashed his pubic hair hard against Arnold's ass. "You feel real good, there, Peter. How're you doing?" "I think I'm gonna pass out." Arnold tightened his ass on the hot shaft within him and Peter moaned loudly. "Just a little wake-up call. You gonna be all right, now?" "I'm not sure. What do we do now?" "What do you think? I believe the correct phrase is 'we fuck'. You know what that is or do you need some driving lessons." Peter pulled his cock out until just the head was inside and quickly rammed it back into Arnold's ass. "Oh, yeah. That's it. Again. Oh. Yeah. Harder. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Feels so. . . Good. Yeah. Come on. Faster. Yeah. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Big cock. Yeah. Feels good. So good. Come on, Peter. Here we go." Arnold thrust his hips back against Peter and picked up the pace. Peter matched the rhythm and soon his hips were a blurring, powerful sex piston hammering away at the tight, muscular ass of this gorgeous man. Both of them tensed as their moment drew closer and their muscles bulged and strained in agonizing desire. Peter's lunges were accompanied by a deep, staccatoed breath forced out of his lungs with each contraction of his muscles. A sweat broke out and was soon covering his entire body with a glowing sheen. His cock began to swell and cry out for more action, a need to be pressed even harder against the resistance of Arnold's internals. Arnold sensed the change in Peter's size, knew what was coming and bore down hard on the cock as it drove into him with brutal strength. He could feel his own organ begin to ache as Peter's cock pressed hard against his prostrate. He let go of the sink with one hand and grabbed the shaft of his huge, aching member and began sliding his hand up and down the shaft, lubricated by the remainder of the gel on his hand from greasing up Peter's cock which was gaining in girth at a rate which told Arnold his moment would be soon. He tensed his own body, causing the familiar rush of sexual energy that always accompanied physical exertion. Peter violently slammed his hips forward, drove his cock deep inside Arnold's hungry ass and unloaded his pent-up fury inside his amazing lover's ass. Arnold squeezed the end of his own cock and felt the gates open within him. The load of cum shot up his cock and splattered against the edge of the sink. The two men cried out and sang as the joined efforts of their sexual drive sent the energy of the room spinning out of control. Peter thrashed against Arnold's ass and continued to ram his cock up the tight, cock-hugging asshole. His hands were all over Arnold's back and ass and he grabbed and scratched and clawed and pulled and pushed and could not seem to stop. He orgasmed for several moments, even though the flow of cum had subsided after the first couple of thrusts. His body threw itself into the joy, the rapture of the event and allowed him to release all the desire that had been bottled up inside him for so many years. Once Arnold was done cumming he reached between his legs, grabbed Peter's scrotum and gently squeezed the two wonderful balls. This drove Peter right over the edge and he made love to Arnold all over again. His passion overflowed into Arnold who began to press his ass against the younger man again. They pumped and heaved and thrust. Scratching and biting and hugging and pulling and bending and the fire built within them and Arnold drank in the energy of the young man and was filled with it. He dove down deep within himself, churned his own powerful libido, sent the energy of it out to his sex-crazed lover and felt the connection. A huge balloon of energy built within the room, between the two muscular bodies as they climbed their passion. The balloon expanded until the air became thick with desire and every breath brought in deeper and deeper sensations of total, unbridled sex. Peter began to moan loudly, his cock, never for a moment soft, grew again inside Arnold. Arnold filled himself with his own desires and then swung them around on Peter. The balloon exploded. Peter experienced the violence of the release, his cock seemed to split open at the top and all the energy, all the desire, all the want and pain and hope and fear and emotion of forever shot out of him in one magnificent release. He collapsed again. Arnold held the younger man deep within him and lowered himself. Peter hung on as long as he could until he sensed that he was close enough that he wouldn't get hurt when he fell, which he did, gently, softly, to the floor. Arnold turned quickly around, cradled his head and laid him, outstretched, on the tile. Arnold figured the cold would revive him soon enough. In the mean time, he wanted to collect his own thoughts and feelings about what had just happened. What had started out as a mercy mission had turned into a full-blown soul-searer. He had not intended it to happen so soon, but happen it did. They were bonded. They were now one. As he and Chris had done the night before. And Sam. And Ed. And now Peter. Why now? Why him? He looked down at the young man lying on the floor. His face finally relaxed, probably for the first time in years. A smile, warm and caring, was on the younger man's lips. His features became gentle and full, replacing the almost perpetual glower that had haunted his continence for his entire adolescence. Arnold saw the beauty of him and, again, felt his heart being tugged at. This was not just post-coital murmurings of the heart. He had been around the bases too many times to be susceptible to that. He knew what he was feeling inside for this youngster. Resonances of his own past, of his own needs. And the joy of knowing the escape from all that was. And the key. Love. Peter moved. Arnold had been through this enough to know what his lover would need at this moment. He knelt on the floor, picked Peter up in his huge arms and lifted him to his chest. Peter's head swung around, looked deep into Arnold's eyes and his face broke out in a huge, beaming smile. His hand came up to Arnold's face and stroked his cheek lovingly. Arnold was happy to feel the love from him, equal to his own, unfettered and unencumbered by sexual longings. They were finally equals. Peter felt this. Arnold felt this. They hugged each other tightly and their mouths dove deeply into each other's soul. Arnold felt the strength come back into Peter's body and set him down on his feet. Peter stepped back from him and again consumed him with his gaze. Arnold felt the caress of his eyes as it traveled up and down his body and it sent shivers through him. Not since Ed, ten years before, had he felt this way about another man. No one since Ed had connected with him, male to male, like Peter was right that moment. Arnold's respect for Peter's own capacity grew immensely. He had wonderful thoughts about a life with someone like the people he had met over the past twenty-four hours. Chris. Peter. Patty. Soon Sam would be there, too. The dynamics of his emotions as they swam around the thoughts of these people staggered him. He could feel himself becoming filled with their energy, even though they weren't even here. Except one. Peter. Who's eyes were focused straight on his own, reading every feeling as it passed across Arnold's mind. Did he know? How much? Could he feel the strength of the moment? "Yes." "What?" "I can feel you like I'm inside you still. It's like I can hear you." "You're kidding." "There's another woman and another guy, right?" "How do you know this?" "I don't know. But there's someone else. Someone I know. You know Sam, don't you." "Oh my God. You know Sam? How? Where? How did you know this?" "I don't know. Like I said. I feel like I'm inside you still." "What do you mean? Could you see this stuff while we were making love?" "Yeah. Like I was reading a book. I'm not sure, but it feels like we're the same person. I don't know. This is weird." "Tell me about Sam." "I met her a year ago at another gym. She tried to help me get myself straightened out, but I couldn't do it with a girl. I don't know if she knew that or not. I didn't at the time. I haven't seen her in about a half year, though. Where do you know her from?" "She was my first." "No shit. When?" "Ten years ago. We haven't seen each other since that day. I have a feeling she knows I'm here, though. We'll see. In the mean time, you and I have got some serious figuring out to do. This is no cheap circus trick here. I've got a feeling something big is going to happen. You saw two other people, you say." "Yeah. A redhead and a big guy with. . ." Peter blushed. "What?" "A nice cock. That's what I saw." "You saw right. Chris is the lady who lives on the other side of my apartment from Patty. Ed and I were lovers back east the summer after I graduated from high school. I haven't seen him since then, either. What I can't understand is, if you can see all this stuff in me, why can't I get anything out of you?" "Shit, Arnold. I can't even see me. My whole past is so lost in a lousy cloud of crap, I'm not even sure I want to be able to see it." "You know you'll have to deal with it eventually." "Yeah. I know. But I've got enough of the here and now to keep me busy for a long time. I'm sorry if I hurt you, earlier. I knew I wasn't doing a very good job of sucking you off, but I was way too excited. That's one amazing cock. I hope I get another chance at it." "I don't think you have anything to worry about, Peter. Something tells me we're each going to get plenty of chances to learn from each other. And speaking of which, while I'm quite happy to mash bones with you all day long, it's not getting us any bigger." "I wouldn't say that, exactly." "Down, Keemosahbee. We've got some work to do. You and I are going to get to know each other real well, starting with what makes us bulge in all the right places and where we want to bulge more. What say we hit the showers real quick and then we spot each other through a workout round?" "Sounds good to me. You've got a few fine developments there I'd like to find out how you got them. Sure wouldn't mind end up looking like you, that's for sure." Arnold remembered similar thoughts passing through his own mind upon seeing his old friend, David's, magnificent body for the first time. And so he had set his goal and achieved it. Surpassed it, even. And now he was going to be able to pass it on. His cock stirred slightly with the excitement of it. Peter noticed the movement and his eyebrows raised in question. Arnold sighed, flexed his cock again and the huge rope of flesh bounced against his scrotum several times. Peter slowly walked over to the older man, knelt before him and gently took the massive tool in his hands. He rolled it back and forth between his palms until it was steel-rod hard and then began to gently lick the length of the shaft. His mouth surrounded the head, took it in, pressed it against the back of his throat and then forced his head the rest of the way onto the magnificent cock. He held it there as long as he could, but the gagging impulse was too strong. He had to pull off. He coughed a couple of times, looked sheepishly up at Arnold, who's eyes were shut and head was thrown back in ecstasy. He felt Peter take him in again and his mouth slowly worked up and down the last six inches of his huge organ. The blood flow increased, the heavy tube of flesh thickened, the weight of his balls increased, the pressure built. "I'm cumming, Peter" Peter's lips clamped tight around Arnold's cock and the cum flowed softly out of it's head and filled Peter's mouth. Arnold felt Peter try to swallow, but could tell he wasn't ready for the experience. He took the younger man's face in his hands, raised him to a standing position, the huge cock slipping from his mouth. When they were face to face, Arnold pressed his lips to Peter's mouth and drank the juice from him. When he had finished he looked Peter in the eye. Peter seemed to be disappointed. He wanted to soothe him. "Don't worry, Peter. Love is never having to say 'I can't swallow.'" "Very funny. And thanks. You're amazing." "I've just been around a bit, that's all." "Is there anything you don't like?" "Yeah. Games. Fun is okay. But I don't like to mess with people's heads. And I don't like people to mess with mine. Besides that, anything goes." "I can see that. I'm glad you like it rough. I've had lots of fantasies about getting real rough with someone." "Wait until you have your first orgasm while you're working out. What we did here today is nothing compared to that." "Shit, Arnold. I'm getting hard again." "Good. Let's go get cleaned up and find a way to channel that energy. Something tells me you're going to be considerably bigger by the end of the day than you are right now. Nothing makes a workout like a good, well-stimulated sex drive." The two men went to the showers, cleaned up, got dressed and headed for the floor. Arnold attracted a lot of attention, partly due to his newness on the scene, but only partly. The two drove each other on with shouts and encouragements, taunts and jeering. They worked harder and faster, heavier and deeper. Their energy suffused the gym and their shouts, their speed, their joy drove everyone around them on. Before it was over, seventeen heaving, sweating, panting bodies felt like they had just participated in the biggest group sex event of their lives. Everything that could be erect was, and stayed that way for the rest of the morning. By eleven-thirty Arnold was ready to eat and take a recuperative nap. Arnold didn't know what Chris's schedule was like, but thought it would be best not to mix up too much of his life right now. He asked Peter if he had any ideas. "Why don't we just grab a couple of blankets and head on down to the beach. We can catch some rays and give everyone a hard-on? I've got some sunscreen and beach stuff in the back room." "Sounds fine to me. What about lunch?" "I'm not very hungry." "Wrong, my fine friend. You are very hungry. You've just been through one of the toughest workouts of your life. I know it doesn't feel like it because you feel so high. That's the adrenaline. It's going to wear off in a few minutes and your going to crash like a gooney bird." "A what?" "Never mind. Let's go. I'm buying, you're eating. That's final. We'll discuss your eating and financial habits at a later time. Where to?" "There's a place about a mile from here that serves a pretty good meal. Lot's of the folks go there." "Norma's, right?" "Yeah. You know the place?" "Too well. Let's try some place else. Grab the beach stuff and I'll meet you at the front door. I've got some paperwork to take care of." "See you in a minute." Arnold got his gym bag, locked the locker and headed back to the desk. Greg was just hanging up the phone. "Looks like you two really hit it off. I haven't seen that much action on the floor since I've been here. You really got everyone pumped up." "That's what it's all about, right?" "You got it. I guess I don't have to ask if you found everything you need. Peter knows this place pretty well." "Peter knows this place better than any ten people. I'm quite lucky to work with him. Here's the key to my locker. I assume Peter told you which one is mine." "Yup. Here's the papers. I just need your address, phone number, a contact person, in case of emergency, and your signature right there." Arnold filled in all the blanks, but stopped when he got to the emergency contact. Who? Who needed to know if something happened? What person would make a decision in case he couldn't? He left it blank. "I'll fill that one in later, okay?" "Sure. It's just for insurance purposes." Peter appeared down on the floor. He wore a pair of shorts and a tight, form-fitting T-shirt. Arnold noticed everyone react as though they had never seen Peter dressed this way before. Possibly he always wore the baggy sweats. He did look slightly unaccustomed to the attention he was getting as he walked through the forest of equipment, and, by the time he reached the stairs to the reception area, was blushing quite heavily. Arnold figured the best thing would be to just let it pass. "Is that everything?" "Guess so. Heading out, Peter?" "Yeah. I'm going to grab a bite to eat. I'll be back later on this afternoon." "Sounds like bankers hours to me." "Everything's done. I caught up last night after closing. I won't make a regular thing of it, don't worry." "Not worried about a thing. It's just a little strange, that's all." "Lot's of things are strange today, Greg. It'll all settle down soon, though. Okay?" "Sure. Enjoy yourself, Peter." "Thanks. Greg." "Nice meeting you, Arnold. See you tomorrow?" "You bet. Great place. I'm real proud to be part of it. See you tomorrow about nine." Peter directed Arnold to a great lunch place. He told him the gym across the street was where Sam worked. Although Arnold's head got light and his stomach started doing flip-flops, he held off. The moment would come. After lunch they spent an hour lying out on the beach, got involved in a game of beach volley ball, talked about their lives, their bodies, their hearts, and set a schedule for themselves for the next week. Arnold was overwhelmed with Peter's grasp of his relationship with the other people in Arnold's life. He seemed absolutely thrilled that Arnold and Patty were going to see each other that evening. In fact, he seemed to get a vicarious thrill from the thought of Arnold doing to Patty what she had so desperately wanted Peter to do the previous day. "She's really hot for your body, Arn." "That makes two of us." "Wish I could see. . ." "No way, Peter. Patty's going to be enough for me to handle. I won't need any further distractions." "Oh, don't worry. I wasn't suggesting that I should be there. This time." "You, my friend, are incorrigible." "I'll have to look that one up. But if it means horny, then you're right. I never came so close to doing it with a girl. She got me awfully excited." "I don't know about this decision you've made, but I gotta tell you, it's like finding out there's a whole other half to the universe that you didn't even know about when you do it with both guys and gals. I know, for me, it's all inside me. Both sides. I don't think of myself as 'gay' when I'm with a guy. I don't think of myself as 'straight' when I'm with a woman. I'm just a human. And the two kinds of sex are just two parts of being human. Without one or the other, I feel like a half of me is missing. I've got a male and a female side and they both need to be taken care of. And it's being in touch with both those sides that keeps me open, focused. It really is what makes the sex so great. All the time. And it just keeps getting better and better." "Well, if there's anyone who could make me want to play both sides, it's Patty." "And Sam?" "Sam? I don't know. I think I might have hurt her. Patty says she couldn't see through to my problem because she loved me too much. If she's right, then I'd be surprised if Sam ever talked to me again." "You underestimate her. Unless she's gone through some terrible inner change, she's only waiting for the right moment for you. You'll see. We can't stay apart too much longer. I can feel the tension. It's like the whole world is starting to vibrate on our energy. If we don't meet up soon, the universe will explode." "Sounds to me like it's going to explode whether you meet up or not. The only difference will be if it's a good boom or a bad boom." "You've got the right idea. But it'll happen soon. I know. In the meantime, don't say anything if you run into her. Okay?" "Oh man, Arn. How do expect me to keep something like that from her? You remember her. Just thinking about her, now, gets me all buzzy inside. I've got a lot of explaining to do to her and most of it has to do with you. Don't worry, I won't blow your cover, but I'll have to talk about you." "Is she still working out?" "She makes hard-ons, Arn. Her body is so beautiful. It has to be to keep up with her soul." "Peter. Your poetry astounds me." "She's just like you, Arn. Just like you." "I suppose it would be extremely uncomfortable for me to kiss you right now." "I want to press my body against you so hard right now I'm aching, Arn. We'd better not get started. I couldn't stop." "Lust is a wonderful thing, isn't it?" "I'm not sure about this lust stuff. I've had a lot of trouble getting it mixed up with something called love. But whatever it is I'm feeling right now: yeah, it's great." "I've got to get going to my appointment. You want me to drop you back at the gym?" "Nah. I can walk back. Besides, I haven't spent an afternoon by myself, away from the Pump House since I started there. I think I'm just gonna take my time. They'll get over it." "Okay. I just hope they don't blame your delinquency on me." "Who else?" "Good point. Remember. There are a lot of people at the gym who've come to rely on you. That's a big responsibility. And a big source of love. Go wallow in it. You deserve it." "Thanks, Arn. Good luck on your shoot. I hope you give 'em all hard-ons." "No doubt. I'll see you tomorrow at nine. Okay?" "Yeah, right. You really think you're going to be able to drag your ass into the gym that early after spending the night trapped in the clutches of the most over-sexed, cock-pulverizing, muscle-bound goddess this side of anywhere?" "Good point. Maybe we'd better make it an afternoon session." "Sounds a bit more realistic. I'll see you around three, okay?" "Three sounds doable. See you then. And thanks for your help today. It'll be good to have you as a partner. Real good." "Not half as good as it'll be for me. I already feel so different I'm gonna have to check the mirror tonight to make sure I came home with the right person." "Don't be too surprised with what you see. Things may have changed more than you think. See you tomorrow. Bye." "S'long. Oh Arn." "What, stud?" "She likes it hot and sweaty. Don't take a shower before you get to Patty's" "Thanks for the tip. It's going to be a long, hard afternoon." "No doubt. Have fun." Arnold walked back up to the bike path and then out to the street where his car was parked. As he was getting inside he turned for one last look out to where Peter was. He smiled as he saw his partner, his lover, his new friend run full steam towards the ocean and dive into an oncoming wave. Seconds later he broke the surface like a breaching whale and landed smack on his back, the water spraying in all directions. Had Peter ever let himself experience such joy before? He doubted it. Had Arnold ever felt such feelings for a man before? Only once.