Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2010 20:19:55 -0600 From: Subject: Boy Model Coop 8 Boy Model Coop by: dnrock( Eight Mark was sure it was authority that was doing some kind of undercover investigation. We all agreed but offered no suggestions as to why. The Davis twins suggested child porn as a possibility, saying in the past month they had three different inquiries. The first two were direct and just as directly rejected. The third one started out straight forward enough but turned to the child porn at the end. Balt said he all but physically through the "ass hole" out of the office. I have no doubt that, they love us so much that even if the money was needed they would not put us or the team at risk. Vic thought it best to play the industrial aspects and just bolt the lid down on everything. Force authority or who ever to come forward or back the hell off. Legal prepared all of us for what ever was to happen. If it is commercial and we can find out who, they would be in court so fast everyone's head would still be spinning. If we could not figure out who, they thought a good news story about thwarting the "spies" would send them, who ever, running for cover. If we discover communication monitoring they would force authorities hand, if it is them, by demanding to see the warrants. If it is commercial or illegal on the part of the cops, they should just go away. If authority and we can't prove they acted illegally, since they would get nothing, they may step forward and ask their questions. Vic wanted to hold off until the security boys reported their findings but the way the discussion was going he had to speak, I guess. He told us that when he got home some one had dropped the match. He thought if it was the cops they would have just come with a search warrant; however, the fire vault at the office had not be tampered with and the security tapes in the hall showed no activity on the floor after the cleaning staff left which was about 8 p.m. He told us the black cube van was moved but still in the neighborhood, just now around the corner at the end of the block. Mark had called the Coop and one of the computer techs to take a look around the neighborhood; if the van was still around, photograph it and get a license number. It only took him 10 minutes to do that and email a copy to us. He hacked the DMV for the license number but found it "did not exist", counterfeit or protected, he did not know which. Since the van was visible from the windows of the Coop they put a surveillance camera on it. You want to watch us then we want to watch you. Anyway if the cops showed up with any kind of legal search warrant or what ever, they were to be told you can search only in the presence of our legal council and call. If they want to talk to adults, call them first and no one talks to anyone under 18 without them and their guardian present, period. Security phoned to tell us they had found bugs in the apartment and the land lines had been taped the cells might be. They documented the bugs and removed them. They secured the land line and advised we use special scramblers, which they were installing. Don't use the cells or blackberry for sensitive information period. They also removed the spy ware from all the computers at the condo and were now at the office. In addition, they put new locks on the doors, made sure no tracking devices were on the cars and installed a hidden security camera in the Condo hall. They would put in a fancy alarm system later that day. Mark went to the condo to supervise and learn. When we got home the Coop techs told us, someone very sophisticated had been attempting to hack the system, they kept them out so far. The security firm found no bugs or taps at the Coop. The office turned up bugs, taps and attempted brake ins but the fire vault had not yet been breached. The security taps in the hall showed people had been in two days ago during the night but they could not be identified. Legal called the local police to complain about the illegal wire taps and the brake ins, making all of Securities' evidence available to them. They sent out people to investigate. Right after lunch the Coop got a call from the local middle school that a state police officer was in the office, demanding to interview the twins. Bert told the principal to make the officer comfortable until we arrive. He called the lawyer and headed out the door, with us right on his trail. Richie and I were not letting our "little brothers" face anything like this alone. We knew they would be intimidated by a cop. I didn't think Bert could move as fast as he did but he ran the three blocks to the school right with Richie and I. We knew the lawyer was on the way. So now was time to stall. The Principal met us in the hall and indicated which class room the officer was in. "Principal Edwards please reverse the PA in that room and if you hear me mention a red button, push it please." The principal knew me and Richie, we were former students here so I was sure of his cooperation. When I saw the twinkle in his eye I knew I had it too. This was not normal procedure and I suspected the officer flashed his badge and made demands, which did not sit well with Edwards. We entered the classroom, the fellow looked up. "Who the hell are you?" "I am Principal Davis of the Boys Modeling Cooperative, Peter and Paul's legal guardian, these are two of my students, who the hell are you and what do you want with my students?" "I am Sergeant Metres, State Police," he stated flashing a badge quickly and replacing it in his suit coat breast pocket. I held out my hand. "I didn't catch that sir, may I have a closer look?" He reluctantly handed over the little leather case with his badge and photo I.D. The I.D. was fake, the leather case looked new, the badge looked real. I said, "badge number 714, sounds like a number I should recognize. Its a good thing. I won't need the red button, I guess." I handed it back to him. (I knew that badge 714 was one of the names of an old cop and robber TV show from the 50's or early 60's. Set in L.A., as I recall the main character was named Joe Friday.) Richie eyed him and I could see was positioning himself for defense, if needed. Richie and I both did marshal arts as part of our BMC schooling, not that we are black belts or anything like that. Anyway, Bret sat on one of the student desks. "Well sir, you must know that it is not permissible to interview a minor child without his guardian or parent present and very often the child advocate as well." "Well I thought it wasn't necessary since I only need some questions answered." Richie why don't you and Carter find Peter and Paul and wait in the office with them until their lawyer arrives. We started to go, when the cop or pseudo cop interjected. "I don't think we need to get lawyers involved here." "I do," Bret said, waving us out the door. We did not get far when the real boys in blue, swat team in fact, showed up. I told them what I thought about the fake ID. and that he had a shoulder holstered fire arm and which man was Bret. They pointed to the office and we went in to listen. The cops burst in the door and demanded everyone on the floor. Bret did just that and fast to, from the sound of things. 714 was a bit slower prompting and few shouts from the three real cops. They arrested him for impersonating an officer, a concealed weapon and what ever else they could think of and departed. Peter and Paul knew nothing of this until they got home from school. By then it was on the news. I guess the press listens to police scanners. Principal Edwards was interviewed, saying nothing exciting happened and so on. The big thing was, "no students or teachers were ever in any danger". The evening news then reported that 714 was really some official with a vigilante, anti pedophile - anti child porn organization. In a separate incident the police also arrested several others of the same org., for stalking, breaking and entering, electronic snooping and so on. Vic didn't think we were out of the wood yet but at least things would be in the open. Sure enough several days later we met with some real federal investigators and our lawyers, Richie, Vic and me. They were incredulous at first and kept asking us about making pornographic films and photos. Finally our lawyer got just a bit hostile, demanding some kind of explanation for all these questions; since his clients keep telling them they do not know what you are talking about. That is when they opened an envelope and showed us some of the digital photographs, our naked parts subbed in. "This is you is it not," the agent said point to me. It was one of the pictures of my standing by my drum kit with the drum sticks lifting my scrotum and my erect penis glistening with precome. It was marginal porn but illegal since I was under 18 when taken or supposedly taken, I knew that. It was one of the Indian subs for sure. "That is my face and it looks like most of my body. But I never posed for that picture. In the picture I posed for, I was wearing a SA bright red swimsuit model A0275, men's size small. I posed for it in Amsterdam, about two years ago. You can see the whole series on my web pages. It is one of my most popular series." He looked at Richie. "I suppose you didn't pose for this one either?" He showed Richie one of his, he was playing with his shiny brass horn and using the mouth piece to lift his scrotum. "Yes, in fact Carter and I did those music series on the same day, same studio, same photographer and director. My series is almost as popular as Carters, same URL. We all knew his next question was, is that your genitalia? Vic to the rescue. "Let me look at that again," he said pulling the photo over. Do you have a blow up of this or some other?" The agent reached in the envelope and pulled out an 8 X 10 of Richie and I, arms locked, looking at each other with our erect penises crossing. I commented to Richie, "I didn't know we looked so sexy together did you?" Richie blushed. "Do you have a lens?" The cop nodded and went out coming back in a few seconds with a good quality hand lens. "Look here, see the tone range is the same but notice the slight offset in the upper leg and here just below the navel?" The cop looked, we looked, the lawyer looked. We could all see it. It was obvious in this one, for sure harder to see on the 4X5's, but easy on the 8X10's. "I think you already knew that didn't you," our lawyer said? "Yes but..." "But nothing, Vic interjected, you are wasting all of our time here on the supposition that Carter and Richie must have posed for these obvious frauds. I expect you to give all the help you can to Mr. Simmons here with his copyright infringement law suits on behalf of the BMC and the Dutch studio. It wouldn't surprise me if we find those vigilantes, arrested the other day, are behind this. You realize Richie and Carter are under exclusive contracts to the BMC." "But they claim that their are many more like these and that two Dutch boys are also involved. Do you know anything about that?" "We worked with two Dutch models at that time. Olivar and Caspar, Cart and I know them quite well. In fact, they are our friends and we have worked together several times since those pictures were taken." "What was the nature of that work?" "Same as this time. Individual set and duet set with small props. You know shake you ass for the camera and show off the clients swimsuit or shorts or whatever. That is the nature of the business." "It would seem to me that you people have been wasting your time and you should be looking for those bastards that produce the real kiddy porn, you know the stuff your press releases say shows little kids being raped and things like that," Vic matter of factly stated. "I can't comment on any investigations that are in progress. You understand. Any help you can give us with this will help with others I can assure you." "Unfortunately we can't add much more, but I assure you we will be acting to protect our copyright and good names, as well as the Dutch models and studio. Were these things real my clients would be in difficult positions with their clients and studios. Not to mention the off camera professionals. Non of them are prepared to jeopardize their incomes or future earnings. I know, you know, the BMC is beyond reproach." "I think you people should try and follow the money on this." Simmons added, "where it goes, not who paid it." "That may lead to the source of the product and rip off artists who are making it. Carter isn't, as his guardian I see his financials as do his parents. Every penny of income and expense is meticulously recorded and some very substantial taxes are paid. Carter and Richie as part time models have net disposable incomes, more money annually, than most families with two incomes gross. Fortunately most of that cash goes into trust funds or I would have spoiled rich kids instead of just spoiled models, working for my company." "We checked you out Mr. Stone and you seem to have a lot of unaccounted for income." "I guess you checked me out as thoroughly as you checked out this so call hard evidence. Had you done you homework you would know that I am not only a vice president of SA but Chairman of its' board and the second largest share holder, after my father who founded the company. I make more money than I could ever possibly spend, why would I risk it, my companies' reputation and my reputation for a few dollars of illegal cash. I think my accounts would take umbrage at your statement by the way. Have you even bothered to check with the IRS or just listened to the patter from those unreliable sources." "I think this has gone far enough agent, this fishing expedition is over. I trust none of this foolishness will find its way into the press. If it does you know the drill. Oh, one more thing, before you go running to the DNP, make sure you have all your facts straight. I can assure you the Dutch will have far less patients with the misinformation and suppositions of the vigilantes than we have been. Remember Texas." After that was over Mr. Simmons told us the bureau was backpedaling fast, since they had been using the vigilantes to do stuff they found more inconvenient ... but the local DA and police saw this situation as an election issue and were going after the vigilantes full force. He said the Feds were so desperate for any kind of news on the kiddy porn stuff that this was not the first time they grasped at straws and made wild claims, that proved useless or far less valuable than claimed. He would get a court order forbidding the vigilantes or anyone else from making any kind of public statement about what they thought they knew; and if any of this gets leaked to the bigoted, government friendly press, it is law suit time and he was just spoiling for that fight. To proceed they would be forced to present what evidence they have to a grand jury and that is secret. The boys, that's us, being minors could not be named or charged. They have no one to charge and apparently only a copyright crime. He was not even sure if the pornography thing would stick, since the pictures were not real. In any event it was up to the BMC and Dutch studio on the copyright side, since all the models were under contract at the time. The Brits found out the hard way, how unreliable some of their information was, and are now facing lawsuits and much embarrassment because they acted on it in haste. Many of the people accused of purchasing the kiddy porn were names from stolen credit cards. They had the wrong people. That was the Texas reference. At least this time it didn't get into the press or an over zealous prosecutor. It seems to me that this is all perhaps just a bit misguided. The idea that if you eliminate or restrict the market the product will go away, sounds good in the news but the reality is something else. Also a lot of what they were calling porn isn't. It isn't even exploitation of children, well all of us that are being well paid, that is. In fact for some of those young Russian models, a few years ago, they lost a lot of income and opportunities with these new rules. Sure many young and older models are exploited. So go after the exploiters, do something about working conditions and pay levels and other social things and let us boys and girls, that like showing off our bodies, alone. I know I would be sickened if I ever saw a child being raped or forced to have sex with an adult or another child. I think some of the adult stuff I see is gross so I don't look at it. Okay Carter, get off your soap box. One more thing it isn't black and white like people say; it is gray, gray, gray. Like my maternal grandpa keeps saying "a simple answer to a complex question, is an oxymoron". Richie and I raced home to tell Mark all about it, yes a good plot or maybe a sub plot line for a novel, I was sure of it. We talked about everything with Vic later that night. Richie and I had fun doing the shoots and we made a lot of money too. I don't know how much, neither does Richie, but I know I have all I want to spend off shore, just for the asking. We don't feel exploited. Sure we would have made more if the second digital step was not in place, but not that much I figure. One thing Vic brought up, but I don't know for sure, was what role if any, porn has in child molestation or the prevention of it. The data seems to be mixed and Vic thinks most of the studies are flawed. Sure many molesters use kiddy porn but given the amount that is out in the world and the relatively few hard core molesters, one wonders if the cause and effect is real or imaginary. I can't say but I know I look at lots of porn, all types and so far anyway, I have never forced myself on anyone and I don't think I even seduced a partner either. Sure I tried to seduce Wilma but I think she tried to seduce me at the same time. I don't think she looks at porn either. I just don't know. I'm two weeks from being 18 and Richie is 18 and Vic he is, my god, 32. I guess we are not kids anymore but we still fuck like we are and I'm sure glad of that. Tonight we, Richie and I, put Vic in the middle. Richie on his back and me pumping Vic's butt as he pumped Richie. Yes it was hot, sweaty, full out lust and we loved it. Richie and I are as tall as Vic and almost as muscular. Since we are all shaved also mostly hairless. Vic and Richie have a little treasure trail ending in a mustache of pubic hair. Me, I'm clean all over. Richie and I are about equally endowed with large low slung balls and good cock length in the 7"+ range. Vic is just a little longer. He is cut but Richie and I are not. None of us have big veins or bumps on our penises. We are both very flexible and graceful, Vic too for a guy of 32. Mostly, all of us know how to control our ejaculations and stay hard for long periods of foreplay. The Coop's sex education is, shall we say, a little unorthodox in what is covered. Sure we get all of the biological and social basics. A good dose of humanistic morality too. It is unorthodox, in that it also covered how to satisfy your lover and how to be satisfied in the process. By the time we are 14, all of us are proficient in giving and receiving oral, anal or vaginal pleasure to our partner. We are perfectly trained bi sexuals, that know how to make love to any human being we encounter and choose to share with. We know all the tricks of sedition for either gender and any orientation. We are not all over sexed but I think all of us are close to it. I learned only last year why sex is so ramped among the Coop student body. Well not all the reasons, just one I didn't know about before. The soap we use has a large dose of a powerful female scent that is drives males to desire sex. It is a kind of natural sex drive stimulant. Now lots of things drive males to desire sex. I think we men desire sex with no external stimulus and those external things just add to it. Seeing naked or near naked boys all the time, helps. Seeing photographs and movies of naked boys and girls, helps. Seeing your buddies and associates kissing and fondling, helps. Having permission to just let it hang and play with your own at will, helps. Being touched, kissed, fondled, sucked and fucked at your pleasure, reinforces pleasure. As models and actors we are all taught to use our bodies as a singer uses his voice or a drummer his sticks. Controlling our sexual activity is big part of how we use our bodies, or allow them to be used. You can't look seductive if you have never been seduced or seduced another. You must be able to control your eyes, mouth, angle of the head or butt muscles and so on. Sure photo presence is partly natural but that can only take you so far. Learning how and when to move each muscle group, independently or together, on demand, is critical. All the sex stuff goes along with that. I think the biggest benefit of all the boy sex, that goes on between the Coop members, is the absolute loyalty and comradeship we all share. Many of us are highly competitive, and motivated to succeed. We want to be looked at and we want the recognition or celebrity that go along with success. We all want to be the best or the top, therefore we are all in some form of compaction with each other; but like a family, our membership and shared love, keeps it friendly and in positive. If you fuck your competitor and he fucks you, a bond is formed. That way we are all willing to share in someone else's success or defeats. That way we share freely with each other, what ever is needed, value each other and each others contributions equally, regardless of what they are. I may be today's star but I shine only a brightly as the background people shine. Vic is fond of saying what goes around comes around. Simply if I want a good fuck given to me, I have better give a good fuck in return. We learn that early on for sure. Since the young boys don't ejaculate yet they spend a lot of time giving head to us older ones. I know the better job I did with my mouth the better job they did with theirs and their cocks and their hands. I also know I made sure the younger ones were well looked after by me, remembering what a good motivator it was when I was prepubescent. The End Epilogue: We were married at Fritz' estate in the Netherlands. Don and Klass got married at the same time, it was a double wedding. The twins came with us and stood up, one with each couple. Richie want on to be a real porn star, one of the most popular ever. He stayed in the Coop's adult division. The twins' father came to work for SA as a logistical specialist, after his military hitch ended. They live in NYC close to us and use our Western Condo for part of year, when the boys are studying. They went on to be our featured boys. Jenny found a set of girl twins who also live in NYC. The boys and girls were fucking each other almost from the first time they met. Fortunately their mother is also divorced. Dad and mom seem to like fucking as much as daughters and sons. Peter and Paul are frequent visitors at our home and in our beds too. I am still their mentor. I went to Columbia for my engineering degree and am now working on my MBA. Vic is working on his too. We are both at Harvard. Wilma stayed with modeling and is one of the tops today. She has had a string of lovers but still not settled. We get together off and on, as do Vic and Jenny. Zeyde lived for about three more years and passed in his sleep on a March night. John stayed on in the Long Island house for another year, until the other boys found places for themselves. He is now living in Washington state and we don't see him much. We closed the house when John left and will reopen it soon. When I finish my MBA I will take over as VP Male Clothing, that is in a year more or less. The President/CEO is due to retire in another two years and Vic will do double duty as CEO and Chair after that. Another President will be found from internal ranks I am sure. My sisters are now in university and my parents are looking forward to them having children soon. They both have boyfriends. Mark is still looking after our Western Condo. His last two books had record sales. He did use the little spy incident in one of them too. He has had several book tours and stayed with us in NYC when he came through. Fritz can no longer travel due to health but we see Klass and Don 4 or 5 times a year and him 2 or 3 times. That is always one hot, hot get together. I learned just last year I am the only boy he ever gave a diamond pendent to. I know he is in his 70's and had been a boy lover since he was young. That has got to be one big number of boys. I guess he truly loves me, just as he always claims. I am more than deeply touched and truly honored. Yes, I still ware the pendents and Vic his. The big news is Vic and I are sponsoring 2 boys, orphans we adopted, at the BMC. My parents are just esthetic and will have them completely spoiled by the time I finish the MBA. We brought them to NYC for about three months and them spent the summer in the west at the condo with them. I know that is not long enough to make a dad son relationship. With two dads it must be even harder but they seem to doing okay. Mark makes sure to see them frequently and the Davis twins are giving them a little extra attention for us. They told me the other day the boys moved into the same bed, a mutual decision, so I guess some family bonding is taking place just as I planned. Peter and Paul will be their big brothers and their dad offered to play the uncle role. Even better than I planned. About eighteen months ago I had a brain storm. Vic and Fritz gave me a good but not extravagant budget and I ran with it. Vic didn't say anything, except for business and commercial advice, about my staring role. It all came about while I was meeting with one of the older BMC former models. I didn't know him all that well but after we spent a few days together, mostly in bed, I sure did. We were in his hotel room parading around in our undies and just getting ready to go our separate ways when I noticed that his undies, and mine for that matter, did not flatter our assets to the extent I would have liked. The model I had was not even all that comfortable, his bagged to much in the butt. They were just boring to look at too. We talked about this a bit and after trying on sever others he had in his suitcase we concluded a market opportunity was open to a couple of cleaver models come designers. Both of us wanted back on the runway again anyway, even for just a few appearances. This was a great way to achieve that. Design our own and then show them off. Within six weeks we had the Carter Collection designed and prototypes prepared. These would be in bright colors and interesting patterns. The materials were new micro fibers that has a good stretch quality. Tobby did the basic designs and selected the colors. We chose the fabrics together. The Carter collection would not only be sexy but would make a fashion statement. I won't get technical with you about our unique manufacturing techniques or my industrial engineering methods. What we did was use the companies computers to scan our bodies, his a mine. Not our whole bodies just the middle part. Next we applied our designs to those images and developed prototype patterns. What came out was something that fit our bodies like a second skin, in any style we tried and we tried them all from thongs to boxers. The results were perfect. This process does have some interactions. They were reduced to about half the usual number. Tobby and I were delighted. Now don't get me wrong, this was a true team effort and that team was about 25 people. We settled on the Carter's Collection name early on, since neither of us had designer name recognition but Carter and SA had industry and marketing recognition, manufacturing, distribution and advertising in place. We launched it in the spring and included several shorts, swim suites and Tee shirts to fill out the undies line. To get the sizing right we had the marketing people do a statistical study of who the demographic was and what the average body characteristics of that demographic was. Once we identified the group we paid hundreds of them to be scanned in several population centers across the country. That gave us data needed to properly set the sizes. One thing we learned was in different geographic areas the size range averages changed. This influenced things like rise, leg cut and pouch. We also found different demographics desired different styles. That means slightly different marketing to different age groups by subculture. SA formed alliances with an Asian and a South American firm, who did the same kinds of studies in their markets. Tobby and I recruited models in each of these markets and our own too. He and I would headline but in each market we would also have locals as well. I was documenting everything as best I could since this project was a natural for my thesis case study. Fitz was just a bit skeptical at first but once he saw the product and business plans he not only gave his blessing, he rolled up he sleeves and got right into making it a success. Tobby's patterns, colors and style by model designs were applied to boys, young men and older men. Our marketing people used the internet in addition to most other advertising venues. I got to say, getting on the runway again was absolutely great. I was in my glory and I know Tobby was too. We even got Vic on the stage and in some of the photo shoots to represent the more mature gentleman. The design I liked the best was a very low rise bikini brief that tucked into my cleft like it was made for it. Surprise! The pouch had lots of room and easily stretched to accommodate my erection. This model left no doubt as to the assets it covered. I like his thong too but with so little material the patterns were not successful and we went for mostly solid colors. His greatest success with the low rise boxer brief. It comes in two sub styles. Low and very low. The main point of this style is the legs are almost non existent but still present. They do not ride up. The pouch has upward support but still accommodates any size and the ass cover has a hidden seam that pulls the material into the cleft to define the cheeks without being the least bit uncomfortable. The low rise comes about half way between the navel and the penis the very low rise waste band is just above the penis so that part of the cut scoops down from the hips. I just love preforming for an audience and I really like seeing my sweet ass displayed: in print, film, internet and on billboards. Since this was so successful I called Wilma and she accepted my offer to have a Wilma's collection produced as well. I set the pattern so our VP of ladies and girls knew just what she had to do. Enough of this. All I want to do now is get to know my sons. I don't think either one of them have the camera presents Vic or I have. I doubt either one of them will even want to be models when they grow up. Vic and I talked about it just the other day. It is not what they do or decide to do it is the doing and dedication we are most interested in. That is how I got to where I am today. What the future holds is another question. We will all be spending the summer at our Long Island home. We all, is just the four of us. Not that we won't have visitors like grandparents. It is that Vic and I will only work two hours each day and that we will only do by electronic means. No travel, no meetings. It will be very strange not to have a tight schedule regulating our lives. Somehow Vic and I need to reset ourselves and our boys too. ....................... Thank you for reading Boy Model Coop. Carter and I hope you have enjoyed the journey. He enjoyed tell the story and I enjoyed writing it. As authors we create characters to populate our stories. Some of those characters are not even likable, others are adorable. Charter is one that is not only likable but became my friend. He still lives in my head and from time to time tells me what he thinks of this or that model's performance or how he would do it differently. I have written a number of other stories that appear on Nifty. If you scroll down the intro page to "Information for Readers" and under that "Stories by Prolific Net Authors" and then DnRock you will find a hot linked list. I will be replacing Boy Model Coop with a new story in week or two. I have several ready or almost ready and have not selected which one or the category yet.