Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2019 10:35:40 -0600 From: Not Given Subject: Discovering Noah Part 4 Discovering Noah Part 4 Chaosmode Intro: Part 4 is where Nathan takes mostly a back seat. This is the part where Noah gets to know Sarah. There is very little erotica here, its just three chapters of some light making out, some character development and then direction on where its all going in the fourth chapter with Nathan's point of view. After this the story picks up its final steam, there's some more drama stuff but most of Part 5 is explorations and first times with both Nathan and Sarah for Noah. Part 6 is probably the end but it also includes a really lengthy epilogue section where we get to meet a fourth person, but mainly its all there to close out where Noah ends up in his life... Thanks for reading and any thoughts are welcome: A donation helps keep Nifty's lights on: Fourteen. The absolute worst thing was the first Monday after the new year when school started again was when she realized that she was going to have to see Calvin when she walked into her first period class. Two and a half weeks of absolute bliss of not thinking about the dirt bag had come and gone and now she was stuck going back to school, walking into that class room and seeing that asshole once again sitting there looking smug and probably trying to beg her to take him back again. She had gotten so annoyed by his texts that she had blocked his number. Christmas break had been amazing, of course her parents and her sister had all enjoyed the gifts that she had gotten them, and the rest of it had all been so much fun. Sarah had loved Christmas since she was a little girl that still believed in Santa, even now with that belief long gone she still loved the feeling of what the holiday did to people. She tried to carry a little of that cheer with her all year long but most people just forgot that you were supposed to treat others the same way all year long. Kindness took a backseat to peoples' own base desires. As she walked into the classroom she was relieved to see that Calvin wasn't there yet. It wasn't that he had been having sex with someone else, or even who that someone else had been. It was that he had cheated. Cheating was unacceptable. Sarah had never told Calvin or even expected for them to be exclusive. It was why she was always so protective about things, why she didn't do anything with a boy unless he had a condom, because she fully expected that the boy wasn't telling her the truth about what he had actually done in his past. Or that he could indeed cheat on her. Having a sister who was going to school to be a sex therapist (along with training for other therapy professions) meant that you at twelve were bombarded with facts about boys after your sister walked in on you kissing one while masturbating him. She wasn't disappointed in Sarah for doing stuff, she just didn't want her preteen sister to end up pregnant. That had been during Karen's first year of college too. James had been a sweet boy, older already in the eighth grade but still sweet and as inexperienced as Sarah herself. So with her sister's guidance Sarah at twelve had learned more about sex education than most girls her age. Things that her mom would be pissed that she had known then and knew now as well. Her mom did not approve of her daughters being sexual active, dating was okay but you were due home by ten on a weekend and by seven on a week day. Now at sixteen even with just the experience of four boyfriends she knew more about sex than most of them and she had found that for the first two were uncomfortable with how easy she was with sex, but how she wouldn't let them put it in her. Sarah had made that decision long ago the first boy to put more of him than just his fingers in there was going to mean something to her. She had come the closets with Calvin, almost to the point where she felt that she might be ready, then he had cheated on her. Of course the reality she had learned was that most boys wouldn't actually even try putting their fingers in her. The last two she had dated both loved blow jobs but touching her? Making her feel good yeah good luck with that. Other kids filed into the class slowly and then finally close to the bell Calvin showed up. He was handsome as always, dark smoldering eyes, dark brown hair that was trimmed, and shorter now than it had been a few weeks ago. He was tall for sixteen, his skin was still tanned despite the colder weather. Her mom wasn't wrong about boys that liked to be tan all year long, they were real asses or could be. He looked at her once and then took his seat. After class as she was walking in the hall he caught up to her grabbing her arm, stopping her from walking. She yanked her arm out of his grasp and said, "we don't have anything to talk about Cal." "Come on Sarah, look it was an honest mistake..." They were walking down the hall towards her next class not his. "so it just sort of slipped in as you were helping her change a light bulb?" Calvin sighed, "Please, come on Sarah it was just the one time I swear..." Sarah stopped in the hall looking at him. She pushed a finger into his chest, "once a cheater Calvin always a fucking cheater, now leave me the fuck alone or I will tell someone that you're bothering me." Then she turned and walked away. Again she didn't care that he had slept with someone else, she cared that he had done it behind her back. Sarah realized that her thoughts on dating and exclusivity were not normal. She blamed her sister honestly, she had no interest in other girls, she wasn't bisexual or a lesbian. She loved that thing between boys legs, but she also had learned some things from her sister and how close they were with each other. She wouldn't tell Cal because he didn't deserve to know, but if he had told her he was sleeping with Helen as well as her she would have been fine with that as she didn't believe for a second that she would be spending her entire life with Calvin. She knew that he just like her and everyone else on the planet was looking for that right person, or as close to right as possible. Also she was young and didn't want to be tied down anyway. She had never met a boy that she wanted to be exclusive with or close that door on. The rest of school went better, not having to deal with Calvin trying to talk to her again made everything easier. At lunch as she was eating with Lindsey and Erin, Helen came over. Helen was every bit as pretty as Sarah herself. Not as tall as Sarah, but more developed for sure and with a sharp but small nose and rounded cheeks. Helen sat down, "I'm sorry Sarah.. Cal told me that you and he had broken up." Sarah sighed, "of course he did." Sarah knew that most boys considered her very pretty as well, she had known she figured since around the time she was six that she was pretty, not average, not stunning, but very pretty. She had always been a little tall for her age and she had used that to find her love of sports. It had been soccer when she was younger, but now in high school she had found track and volleyball. Sarah was long and willowy, she had gotten the figure from her dad's side, she had the same figure actually as her aunt. Straight lines, barely any curves to her hips or to her breasts, but they were there and plenty obvious even with their smaller size. Helen said, "if I Had known... he said that you guys broke up a few days earlier and he looked all sad and well... I'm sorry." Sarah shook her head, "no worries, are you going to keep seeing him?" Helen laughed, "fuck no, when you came in on us and he started chasing after you I knew that you two hadn't really broken up, and then he told me as much and I well, lets just say I'm sure he didn't walk right for a few days." Sarah laughed and said, "oh that would have been delightful to see. I'm glad you have taste." Helen shrugged and stood up, "he doesn't deserve us, guys like that, they'll just keep doing it over and over again." As she walked away Sarah wondered where that had come from, clearly Helen had been burned. She was finishing lunch when her phone vibrated, she figured that Karen was probably checking up on her, first day back dealing with Calvin. She had told Karen last night that she was worried about dealing with him. Instead it was a text from someone else, someone who had only texted her one other time to wish her a merry Christmas. She smiled seeing the name. There was no real reason why seeing his name appear on her screen should make her smile, she had only hung out with him for a few hours a short few days before Christmas and figured she might never see him again. Still seeing the name Noah with a little snowflake next to it above the text did make her smile. That day she had felt so bad for him, the thought of it being not only right before Christmas. but also his birthday and him having lost his dad. So she had been determined to give him the best Christmas and birthday that she could. She knew that he had been happy that day and she had realized at some point close to the end while they were putting up the decorations that she liked the boy. She had used the mistletoe to kiss him because he had looked so cute and vibrant in that moment and she had just wanted to add one more memory, but also well she had realized she was starting to feel attracted to the boy. Even if he was four years younger. His text was a simple one: you prob. didn't mean it when you said it but I could use someone to talk to. She smiled at the text, she had meant it. Honestly Sarah had no idea how good she could be or would be helping someone else get through something as horrible as what Noah was going through, but she had been serious about wanting to be his friend. She texted back: I did. I can come by your house after school if you want. He texted back: sure, thanks. Then he sent the address again saying that he got home around two fifty usually. After school she drove over to Noah's house, she knew hat he was in middle school and his house wasn't that far from her school, in fact they went to the same school district and it looked like he would go to her high school in two years as well. It was almost three when she got there and she was surprised to see Noah sitting outside on the steps of his front porch. She was also surprised that she felt a little nervous and uncertain about seeing him again. As she got out of the car the boy stood up, he was as she remembered, wavy sandy brown hair that went almost to his shoulders and seemed to curl around its ends, he was about average in height for a boy of his age, not quite five feet yet but just almost there. He made her reed look like a thick piece of grass as compared to his skinny frame. He was clearly going to be tall one day, just going by his long arms and already long legs, he just hadn't quite gotten there yet. He was about a foot shorter than her so his head came up to about her shoulders. He came over to where she was and hugged her, it took her by surprise but she hugged him back, "did you get some good gifts for Christmas.?" Noah smiled stepping back, "yeah, I don't know if I thanked you enough for that Wednesday with my birthday and all." Sarah smiled back, "you did, just by having a good day. You wanted to talk?" Noah shrugged, "I don't know.. I just wanted a friend and I figured that you might not have been serious but..." Sarah could see the nerves in his face, and the fear of rejection. "I was serious that's why I came. Come on, you want to inside or stand out here in the cold?" It was a crisp cool winter day which the city rarely got for a long time. Noah said, "yes. Inside." He walked with her into the house and as she took her coat off because it was warm inside she noticed more than once that he looked. Karen had told her that the boy was trying to figure out if he liked boys or girls or both. Karen had known at thirteen that she liked both, Sara herself had known at twelve that other girls were boring. She had to lead him to the couch. The Christmas stuff that had decorated the house was all put away, more than likely with Nathan going back to college it had been done on new years day. She knew Nathan was back at college because her sister was as well. "so what's up Noah?" Noah sighed just a bit, "I could have.. maybe I should have called Nathan but he's so far away now and that's kind of the problem I guess... I got use to having someone around that I could talk to about things..." Sarah leaned back on the couch looking at him. She had a feeling that this boy had no real idea how cute he was, how at twelve he was on that cusp where he would go from being a cute boy to a beautiful cute young man, like star level beauty. "what things?" Noah shrugged and sighed again as if he was afraid and she said, "just pretend I'm Nathan." Noah blushed this time and said, "but you're not. We barely know each other and I know a lot of things about Nathan and he knows a lot of things about me... I don't want to sound stupid and maybe I shouldn't have had you come over just because I miss my dad and wanted to talk to someone about how hard it is sometimes and how today was even harder because all the other kids and teachers kept giving me sympathy looks and talked in those words that Nathan said they would use..." Sarah moved and put her arms around his shoulders, "Okay I'm not Nathan, clearly I have girl bits as opposed to boy ones, but we do both have one thing in common, we're your friend." Noah rested his head a bit on her shoulder, "on my birthday when you kissed me was it because you were being nice? Or just because you thought it might be something to make me happy?" Well that was one way to change subjects. She had feeling though that this somehow was related to that. For some reason Noah wanted to know this before he decided if he could open up to her about things. "I did it for a few reasons, the first was that I was being nice, the second was that I liked seeing you happy, and the third was that I wanted to do it, I thought you were cute and I wanted to steal a first kiss." Noah softly said, "you weren't my first kiss, you'd be my fourth I guess, unless you count every time that I kissed the same person to be more than one kiss..." Sarah laughed and he flushed, "so three other girls kissed you before me, I am not surprised." Noah shook his head, "no, just one other girl, the other two were boys." She was surprised that he was forward like that. "Why are you telling me that Noah?" He shrugged, "because I want to be friends and I don't want to lie. I don't know if I like boys or girls and I don't know if I can choose one or the other." He stopped for a moment and Sarah wasn't sure where to go but he knew where he was going, "I liked it when you kissed me, even though I knew that you weren't really interested in me because I'm younger. I figured that you did do it to make me happy but also because you thought I was cute." Sarah realized that she really didn't know this boy at all. That one day had been a small glimpse into him. This Noah, while she could still see that sadness was not the Noah that had been there on his birthday. This Noah was still that Noah, but he was also telling her that he wanted to get to know her, he was trying to get around the age thing as quietly as he could. Almost as if he had gotten around it before, and then it clicked that he had. "Nathan, he's one of the boys you kissed." Noah flushed and said, "N-n-no." Sarah laughed, "I won't tell anyone, but I am right aren't I?" Noah nodded and she said, "you know how many times I've wanted to kiss Nathan?" "You want to kiss Nathan? Uh Sarah he's well he's only into guys." Sarah sighed, "I know that, doesn't change that he's handsome. You're dangerous Noah." Noah said, "I am? How so?" Sarah looked over at him, he really was cute, she could see why Nathan would give in and kiss him, if not do more. Those dark green eyes were unlike any she had seen before. "Because you're kind of disarming. You bring me over here to talk about one thing and then you go in a totally different direction." Noah sighed, "I don't really want to talk about it.. I'm afraid if I do I might cry and then you will see me as a kid..." Sarah touched his chin, turning his face up to look at hers, "come on Noah, I won't. If you want to get to know me and if you want me to get to know you then we're going to have to do more than just sitting here joking about Nathan being into guys. I don't date boys just because they're cute. Well... that's not true... but I'm trying to do better I'm tired of being burned." She saw Noah swallow and flush, "date?" The flush was beautiful, she kissed his cheek, "ask me if you being twelve bothers me?" Noah swallowed again, "does it?" Sarah smiled and then leaned over kissing his lips this time, it was a simple kiss but the promise was one of more to come. "No, Noah I don't care that you're younger than me." They sat there in silence again and then when Noah rested his head on her shoulder once more she knew he was going to talk about it. "I really missed him today Sarah, I wanted to call Nathan three times and ask him to come back because I don't know if I can do it. I don't mean I need Nathan to make me feel better, he does but so does Beth though she's going through her own thing. But today I really missed my dad." Sarah put her arm around his shoulders, "why today?" He shrugged, "Because on the first day back to school my dad would always take me to school instead of the bus. It was like our tradition, he'd take me to school, make me lunch, tell me that I was going to `knock them dead'." He paused then continued, "today though he wasn't there." He was silent and Sarah didn't know what to say. She really wasn't sure what the right thing to do or say was. "I don't know what to tell you Noah, I'm not... I've never been through what you've been through and I don't want to give you something that sounds fake... or one of those it'll get better champ speeches." Noah smiled a bit, "Champ?" "Yeah you know, boys are Champ or Sport, girls are Princess or Pumpkin." Noah laughed just a bit as he sniffled too, "you're kind of strange Sarah." Sarah laughed too, "takes one to know one." Silence again, "so what can I do Noah?" Noah shrugged, "so you know that my dad died, my mom died too when I was a lot younger I don't even remember her other than some small things." He stopped again she had a feeling that he was going somewhere here when he started speaking again, "I don't ever really miss her, I mean sometimes I'll remember something she used to do, but I guess sometimes I get afraid that I'll forget stuff that he used to do too..." Sarah said, "my dad used to pick me up and throw me really high in the air when I was like four or so. Its about the only thing I really remember from that age, or even from him as I rarely see him anymore. My mom though I have hundreds of memories of things that she's done or said to me or helped me with. Your dad was around for a lot more years than your mom, I think you'll have a lot more memories to hold onto when you forget some of the smaller ones. And some of them you'll even use to take care of your own kids when you have them." Noah wiped at one of his eyes and said, "I don't even know if I want kids. They seem like a lot of trouble." Sarah squeezed his shoulder, "I think some are pretty incredible, like me for example. Do you know that I was once voted most likely to do something incredible by accident?" Noah chuckled a bit, "how do you do something incredible by accident?" Sarah shrugged, "no idea but its the truth." He looked up at her and Sarah smiled looking at him, "so you feeling a little better?" Noah smiled too, "yeah, you didn't say any of those fake things that my teachers or the other students said. Um Sarah... there's just one thing... if uh we did.. I mean if you decided that you wanted to you know date me or take me out on dates or get to know me..." "yes?" "Well its only fair that you know that I like both boys and girls and that I kind of am seeing Nathan though we're not sure what it is because we're so far away from one another and our ages are so different... but I don't want to lie to you so if its a problem then we can just be friends." Sarah felt her heart stop for a second, her breath stopped as well. He had no idea what he had just done, no clue that he had just bared all of what he was going through to her. The boy was an enigma, he was somehow twelve but also older, like two different parts of his personality waged a war inside of him. He had also just admitted that he had feelings for her and that he and Nathan had done more than kiss probably. Sarah touched his cheek, "its not a problem Noah, the fact that you're telling me tells me that its important to you that I know. I have one simple rule, well I have more than one rule, but I do have one simple really important rule that friends, who might be more than friends can never break with one another." Noah was looking at her, those beautiful dark green eyes that she could have gotten lost in for hours or days only inches away. "What's the rule?" "Don't lie to me, be up front, and don't cheat..." Noah said, "isn't that three rules? And isn't being with someone else while your with someone already cheating?" Sarah smiled, and touched his cheek, "cheating is lying. Telling me that you're doing stuff with someone else isn't lying or cheating, If I know that you and Nathan are intimate with one another and I'm okay with it then how are you cheating on me?" Noah swallowed, "I guess, its just I didn't know that girls were okay with that..." "Girls are just like boys Noah, we're not all black and white straight lines.. we're not sure what we want either and are just trying to figure it out." She stroked his cheek and wondered if the boy had an erection as her lips were inches from him. When he leaned over she didn't stop him in truth she liked that he was taking it not waiting for her to ask or say he could. The fact that he could read that she wanted him to kiss her thrilled Sarah. His lips were as soft as she remembered, as wonderful as she had felt before. Then when his tongue pushed out she smiled and pushed a hand through his hair holding his head. The boy knew how to kiss and his tongue tangling with hers was wonderful. She pulled back after a moment when she felt one of his hands rest on her chest, his hand was small and though her breast was small it was still more than a handful to the boy. She gently moved his hand off and he said, "sorry." Sarah smiled, holding the same hand in hers, "its okay, so you like both boys and girls?" Noah shrugged, "I do, I think I do I mean. I'm not really sure. I like it when I kiss you and I like," he flushed and didn't finish saying that he liked looking at her, instead he said, "I like kissing Nathan too and doing stuff with him and its not just because he's older or making me or anything, he never made me, he wanted to do stuff but he was afraid to... and I mean is it bad that I might like both?" Sarah laughed, "no Noah, it gives you more choices, I wish sometimes that I could like both but girls do nothing for me. I tired once, but I just... I like well I don't want to be crude but I like a certain part of boys quite a lot I have discovered." Noah flushed, "me too, but I like certain parts of girls as much as I do the other parts on boys." "Karen says that its one of the hardest things in the world, lots of people don't believe that you can really like both, it makes it hard for you to find someone just right." Noah nodded and said, "maybe but Nathan said that I should enjoy it, that as long as I stay safe I should just see what I like and not worry about where it might go. I guess the only other thing is that my friend Hayley was right, I just don't find kids my age interesting..." Sarah looked over at him and then shook her head, "who is Hayley?" "Uh she was the first girl I ever kissed, and um well I saw her breasts too... and uh she was fourteen when I saw them and I was still eleven." Sarah stroked his cheek, "Oh what am I going to do with you Noah, the more I talk to you...." She kissed his lips again one more time and then said, "I should be going, its almost five... listen, I want to go out with you, an actual you and me date. We'll get to know one another, and then if we both decide we'll see if this is or can go somewhere." Noah stood with her and said, "okay, this weekend?" Sarah touched his cheek one more time, "Saturday, we'll do dinner and a movie, if anyone asks we'll just say we're friends or I'm watching you... just so..." Noah interrupted, "so it doesn't get awkward I know, Nathan and I talked about the same thing." She left after that and as she drove home Sarah could feel her entire body radiating heat and desire. There had never in her life been a boy that she had met that was like Noah, and she didn't mean that it was because he was younger, he was younger, but he was also so different than any boy his age or any boy she had met before. He wasn't mature or an old soul or something stupid like that. He was still clearly a kid going through things, but that didn't exclude the fact that he also had a maturity to him, in a way he reminded her of herself, her mom had always lamented the fact that neither of her daughters were ever princesses or girly girls. At Noah's' age was when she started doing stuff with boys as well. The new year was already turning out to be quite interesting.... In an unexpected way. Fourteen Noah had no idea how to approach the subject of doing something with Sarah to Beth. It wasn't like with Nathan, they were sort of family though Noah didn't see Nathan as a brother they still lived in the same house when Nathan was home from college and that made things easier. Nathan could just say he was taking Noah to the movies so that they could get out and do stuff. Sarah was not living under the same roof, she was a girl who was the sister of Nathan's best friend, someone that Beth barely knew even though she knew Sarah's big sister. He decided to call Nathan and see if he had any suggestions. Also really he wanted to hear Nathan's voice. It was the third ring before Nathan answered, "Hey Noah, how you doing?" When Nathan asked him how he was doing it wasn't like the people at school. They were putting on false niceness. He and Nathan hadn't talked in a few days so Nathan really wanted to make sure he was doing okay. "I'm good, really, um I wanted to ask you something..." "Go for it." Nathan sounded distant even though the phone made him sound clear, that was why Noah hated talking on phones, they didn't really make someone else closer. They did he supposed make the distance a little more tolerable. "Well um Sarah wants to go to the movies tomorrow and its just her and me and I don't know how to ask Beth if its okay." Nathan on the other end smiled, Noah knew it, he could hear it in Nathan's voice as he said, "you just ask her Noah, she kind of knows Sarah, just tell her that Sarah is your friend. I'm glad you paid attention to me and you're not just sitting around the house moping around because I'm not there." Noah smiled too, "You told me I only live once." It was something that they had talked about the day that Nathan had left back to school. That they would keep seeing what this was between them but that neither of them was going to be holden only to it. Nathan wanted Noah to keep finding out who he was, what he wanted. They had years to figure out if they were more than just friends, for now Noah had to be who he was. "Right, just ask my mom Noah, she'll let you go." He was confident and that made Noah feel a little more confident as well. He didn't get off the phone with Nathan right then and there, instead Nathan turned the conversation, "how is it going at school?" Noah lay back on his bed looking up at his ceiling and said, "its going okay, better than it was the first day. Sarah helped me out that day, and I asked her about the mistletoe." Nathan laughed, "of course you did. I'm glad that she helped you. You know I wish I could be closer and be there for you right Noah?" Noah held the phone tighter and said, "I know Nathan. I miss you too, a-are you still planning on coming down here for Spring break?" He was a little afraid that Nathan might have changed his mind or that Nathan might not want to now that he was talking about going on a date with Sarah. "Yes, I am. I was thinking as well that this summer if my mom lets you that I'd like for you to come up here for a bit that way I can show you New York. I know its one of those places you want to see right?" Of course Nathan remembered his dream about traveling. "I'd like that." They talked for a bit longer after that about how Nathan's school was going, and then how Noah's school was going besides the people at the school. A bit after that as Beth came home she came to his door to check on him and he told Nathan that Beth was home and told Beth that Nathan said he loved her. Then she let them talk a bit more but Nathan really did have to go and Noah needed to do homework. After his homework he went to help Beth with stuff in the kitchen and that was when he asked her, "Um Beth... my friend uh Sarah wanted to take me to the movies tomorrow.." Beth looked at him, and then she said, "Sarah? That name sounds familiar." Noah said, "yeah that's um because she's Karen's sister, they were here before Christmas she's the one who insisted on putting up the Christmas stuff." Beth nodded and he continued, "well I mean she knows that Nathan went back to school and so did her sister and well... I know she's older and all but we're just going to the movies." Beth laughed and ruffled his hair, "clearly you are. I think its nice Noah, yes you can go to the movies with Sarah, I just want you to remember one thing... I know that you're a boy and she's a girl but girls especially older girls can still do stuff to boys that they don't find comfortable, and if she makes you..." Noah flushed red and said, "I know Beth... we're just friends. B-but what if we did become more?" Beth studied him, then she said, "I don't know how to answer that one Noah, you're twelve, just be a kid for a while huh? Have fun, don't worry about growing up so fast." Noah nodded and she hugged him and kissed his head. That was her way of saying that she knew he was smart and wouldn't do something stupid. Then she went to her purse and pulled out some money, "that said even if she's just a friend, you be nice since she's taking you somewhere and pay for your own stuff." Noah nodded and took the money putting it in his pocket. He noticed that it was more than enough for one person to eat and go to the movies with. That night as he was laying in bed after his shower his phone buzzed with a face time call. At first he thought it might be Hayley, though since she had started seeing a boy named Aaron over the holiday she had stopped calling him as much. Out of respect to her Noah had deleted the picture she had sent him of her tits about a month ago. It wasn't Hayley though or even Nathan (though he didn't have an iphone so there was no face time there) it was Sarah. He accepted the call and at first the camera showed a dresser and then Sarah's face appeared as she picked it up and said, "hey there, you ready for tomorrow?" Noah said, "sure," he noticed that Sarah didn't have any eye liner on anymore or lipstick or the other stuff girls put on that he still didn't know all of the tricks of though Hayley had tried to explain it once. He decided that even without makeup Sarah looked very pretty. She moved again and he got the sense that she was laying on her bed and Noah sat back on his bed resting against the headboard still holding his phone by its little holder on the back of the case. "I thought we'd go get something to eat first, got anything in mind?" Noah shrugged, "not really, anything is good." Sarah said, "oh come on Noah, pick something, don't make me make all the decisions." Noah said, "I really don't know where I would want to go." Sarah said, "Okay so what kind of food do you like?" "Um lets see, Pizza, hamburgers, Mexican, Italian, Chinese, um and others." Sarah sighed, "great, that only narrows it down to almost every place in existence. Lets just stay simple, there's a pretty good Pizza place close to the theater, we can sit there get some pizza and then after that we can go to the movie. Now the only other thing is what movie do you want to see?" Noah wasn't sure what Sarah felt about it so he just suggested it, "Well I mean Nathan and I already saw it but I'd really like to see the new Star Wars movie again, but if..." Sarah said, "Nope decision made, Star Wars it is. Let me get our tickets. Tomorrow at two, I'll pick you up at twelve and we'll go get pizza first." Noah was a little disappointed, he thought that the chat was about to end, "Okay, that sounds good." Sarah nodded and said, "now that we made that decision, what are you doing right now?" Noah shrugged, "sitting on my bed talking to you, what are you doing?" Sarah laughed and she directed her phone to her bed which she was sitting on, he saw her legs just briefly, she had nice legs and then she turned the camera back, "the same. Hey!" She moved getting up and walking around her room as she said, "what do you like to watch. Like what's one of your favorite movies that is not Star Wars? Just say it right now don't think." Noah said, "Harry Potter." Sarah smiled, "ah excellent. Do you have a television in your room?" Noah nodded, "do you get syfy?" Again, "turn it on, come on." Noah humored her turning his television on and he could hear hers now as well. They were showing Prisoner of Azkaban at the moment and they were at the scene where Hagrid was lamenting that Buckbeak was going to have to be put down. As the movie got to another scene Sarah said, "you know I had the biggest crush on Harry, well more accurately on Daniel Radcliffe when I was your age, guess I still think he's handsome and all now but I grew out of the crush, went after boys that I could actually get." Noah said, "I... I liked Ginny and um Ron, but I always liked book Ron better though um Rupert Gint is really cute..." he went red as he said that and hoped that Sarah couldn't see it through the phone. Sarah said, "Oh wait, you have fantasies about Ginny and Ron both? Like together?" Noah shook his head, "no, not them together... its.. I'm not going to say..." Sarah leaned in closer so that one of her eyes was the only thing he could see as she said, "Come on, did you or did you not jerk off to Ginny and Ron together? Don't keep secrets Noah, its not nice to keep secrets from friends." Noah still flushing said, "not them together... just..." he whispered, "me with each of them." Sarah leaned back a bit so that he could see her whole face again, "so what in these fantasies you were blowing Ron Weasley while you were excuse my French, fucking Ginny?" Noah went deep red and said, "N-no... just uh... separate fantasies involving both of them... this is embarrassing, its like letting Nathan read my fiction..." Sarah said, "wait...there's fiction? Noah are you secretly a perverted little boy?" Noah didn't know what to say, he just stammered and had his mouth open before finally saying, "Nathan said that all kids have the kinds of thoughts I do." Sarah pushed a finger at her phone screen so that her finger was pressing on his head on her phone and she said, "oh sweetie they do, but you actually write them down." Noah flushed and then Sarah said, "would you let me read them?" "Y-you won't laugh?" Sarah shook her head, "no way, if you let me read them I swear I won't laugh Noah, that's not a good friend. I Might give you some constructive criticism. And if you let me then I will show you something equally as possibly embarrassing." "O-okay." He agreed. Sarah smiled, "good, oh its the part with the time tuner, this is the coolest, in the book its a little bit more descriptive but Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe do such a good job that I don't care." They both watched together in silence up to the end of the movie and then when it was over Sarah said, "good night Noah, I'll see you tomorrow okay?" "okay, good night Sarah... I'm glad I texted you on Monday." She kissed her phone and then ended the call. Noah held his phone in his hand a little longer and felt his heart beating quickly still. He couldn't believe that he had told Sarah about his fantasies or that she had told him about hers. He wondered what else he was going to find out about her. That night Noah did have a dream, a dream about Sarah and Nathan both that he woke up from quite stiff in the morning. On Saturday when he got up around ten Beth was already gone, on one Saturday of every month she went to a gathering of wives of fallen firefighters of which Nathan's dad had been one. Noah could only imagine what she talked with them about with his dad now gone as well. It sucked that people died, Noah had decided that but he didn't know what to do about it. After his shower he made a real effort to comb his hair and he went through three shirts before finally picking the Christmas stormtrooper shirt even though it was past Christmas, it was a gift that Sarah had given him. When the doorbell rang he answered it. A part of him was afraid that Sarah might not be alone but she was. She wore a dress today, it had thin straps on the shoulders and the top of it sort of formed around her breasts, just showing off the general shape of them along with her flat stomach and it stopped a bit below the middle of her thighs, she wore knee high socks to go with it. The dress was a dark blue with lighter blue lines on the hems of it. Sarah's skin fascinated him that bend of her parents different heritage had made this light brown color that was so close to a milky caramel or a french vanilla coffee it looked and felt so smooth and soft as well. Her light reddish blonde curls were pulled back and held by a clip so that her ears were visible as well. Noah had gotten his notebook as promised and was carrying it with him as she said, "you ready?" Noah nodded and they walked down to her car. It was the same car that Karen had driven a few weeks ago on the day of his birthday. He figured that they probably shared it since Karen was not here all year long. Sarah's phone was playing music on the radio in the car, it sounded like maybe the Foo Fighters, he knew from driving around with Nathan who they were, he didn't know a lot about music if it wasn't something from a movie. The pizza place that they went too was across from the movie theater and it was called Papa's Pizza Tavern, it was a cozy little place, there were tables and booths to sit and they let you order by the slice or a whole pie. As they walked up to the counter to order Sarah said, "what do you like on your pizza?" Noah said, "anything just as long as there's no onion or olives." Sarah nodded, "got it one pie with extra onion and extra olives." Noah shook his head, "no.. no onion no olives." Sarah smiled, "Yes I know, extra onions extra olives." Noah sighed and she pushed her shoulder into his, "how about a ham and sausage, do you like jalapeƱos?" "A little bit, if its not too many." Sarah nodded and she stepped up and order them a medium which was six slices and drinks. She started to pull out a card from the back of her phone but Noah pulled out the cash that Beth had given him yesterday to pay for it. He realized what he had done after he did it. Sarah stared at him for a moment, nodded to herself and then when the guy told them it would be twenty minutes she grabbed his arm and dragged him off towards the drinks. As they were getting drinks she said, "you know I'm not the kind of girl that expects the guy to pay." Noah flushed and said, "Beth told me I should pay for my half but the money she gave me was enough for both of us." Sarah nodded, "hmm interesting..." Then she said, "booth or table?" "Booth." Again Sarah said, "interesting..." Noah shrugged, "I don't get why that's interesting." Sarah looked at him and said, "everything about you is interesting so far Noah but that's expected I don't know you all that well yet." Noah agreed, "yeah you're interesting too, a little quirky I think." She eyed him, "I don't know if you're supposed to call girls quirky." Noah flushed and then she pulled his arm again dragging him to one of the booths. They sat down at the booth across from each other and Sarah said, "so it that the famous notebook?" Noah flushed, "um yeah... you swear?" Sarah did a cross the heart symbol on her chest and said, "cross my heart and hope to die Noah." He smiled and then slowly handed it to her. Noah said, "the first few stuff is older, mainly Star Wars stuff, and the middle stuff is some Harry Potter and uh the back is my attempt at stuff with Stranger Things." Sarah nodded and said, "some Eleven and Mike stuff?" Noah flushed, "n-no... umm some Will Byers stuff..." He went even redder. Sarah turned to the middle and read the title out loud, "Ginny and the new boy?" Noah flushed and she said, "let me guess who the new boy is...." She started reading it and at the third page she closed it and said, "you Noah are a dirty boy." Noah looked down, "s-sorry." Sarah laughed, "I didn't mean it in a bad way, most boys have your fantasies and usually they get crushes on kids on television that are around their own age too. Girls do too honestly, trust me as a girl I can tell you they do. Like I said last night most don't write them down." Noah shrugged, "I want to be a writer one day, and I start writing without the kissing and touching stuff but then I start thinking about well... that stuff and I get excited when I start writing it and well..." he trailed off. Sarah reached over the table and touched his arm with her fingers, "so is that why this stops in the middle of seeing Ginny's breasts?" Noah flushed deeply red and nodded and Sarah said, "oh Noah, Noah, Noah, sweet adorable Noah, you are quite the work. No one would guess that such an adorable young man has such a dirty mind about girls and boys both." Noah softy said, "I don't always think that way. I'm not always thinking about it. Is it really bad that I do sometimes?" Sarah shook her head, "not at all, everyone thinks about sex with others, well I guess not everyone but most people do especially people around our ages. I've had my own fantasies." Noah said, "yeah you told me about Daniel Radcliffe." Sarah smiled, "indeed, among others." The pizza arrived then and it did look really good, and there weren't a lot of jalapeƱos on it though he could have picked them off if there were too many. Noah liked spicy things but not too spicy. "So what others? I mean I guess you had fantasies about Nathan?" Sarah smiled, "I told you about that. Lets forget about sex for a little bit okay Noah?" He shrugged he was okay with that, honestly talking about all of the boys and girls that he'd like to do stuff with or that Sarah would was kind of making him hard and he didn't know if he wanted to be turned on while eating pizza. He ate some of his first slice and said, "this is really good." Sarah nodded, "only good thing that Calvin ever did." Noah said, "who's Calvin?" "My ex, he took me here on our second date, he wanted to play some game on the arcade more than he wanted to talk, but he was nice to look at and definitely a better date than David who was my boyfriend before him." Noah said, "Why did you break up?" Sarah shrugged, picking a piece of ham off of the pizza eating it, "he was a cheater, slept around on me with another girl at school." Noah thought about that for a moment then said, "I thought that you didn't care if... I mean you told me that if I we did become something more than friends that you'd be fine if I still was with Nathan too." Sarah looked at him, her eyes meeting his, "that's true, it wouldn't bother me. It wouldn't bother me if you wanted to hook up with Hayley either, as long as you told me you were doing it and I was okay with it. Calvin and I weren't exclusive really. I don't even know if I really believe in that stuff after all the things that my sister and I have talked about, but the difference Noah is a big one." She paused for a second, "if we were dating and tomorrow you told me that you were going to go over to Nathan's and let him, well lets just say do stuff to you, lets not be crude in a public place. I would tell you good luck and have fun. I might even ask if I could watch, but I wouldn't expect to." Noah flushed at that thought. Sarah though just said, "Calvin cheated, he didn't tell me he was going to see Helen, he didn't want to because he was an asshole, and that was something that I had realized earlier but chose to ignore because he was nice to look at." They both ate a little bit more and were quiet before Noah said, "is that.. I mean is that why you might want to date me because I'm nice to look at?" Sarah put her slice down and looked at him across the table, "no, don't get me wrong Noah, you are nice to look at, but I'm not interested in potentially being with you because you're nice to look at. Do you know why I pulled you around to all those places at Christmas?" Noah shrugged, "because you wanted to make me feel better?" Sarah said, "sure that was part of it, but afterwards when we were sitting in the food court before Karen and Nathan showed up I really liked getting to know you. Heck in the car before we got to the mall that was why I dragged you to all those places because you were cute, and it was your birthday and Christmas. and I don't like people being sad on Christmas." "Because its your favorite holiday, yeah you told me." Sarah smiled, "see you even remembered that." She scooted and moved the pizza tray over to the other end of the table so that they were sitting right across from one another now. "You're not like the four boys I've dated. You're different and that made me interested. On Monday when you texted me no other boy had ever done that before, wanting to actually talk to me about his bad day. If Calvin had a bad day do you know what he asked me to do?" Noah shrugged, "leave him alone?" Sarah shook her head and opened his notebook and then stopped handing it over to him. It was a crude description of what he wanted to depict about sex and said, "that's what he wanted." Noah quietly said, "he wanted a blow job." He looked back up at her and flushed, "I.. you've done stuff like that? H-have you... done everything?" Sarah said, "no, lets not talk about sex stuff Noah.... I shouldn't have said that about Calvin. I just wanted to show you that the difference between you and him is that you don't go right to the sex stuff. You're thinking about it, I can tell that you are, but you're... polite, you respect me enough to not talk about it. Calvin focused on one thing and one thing only when we were together and honestly it had started to get a little old to the point that I was about to give him what he wanted." Noah didn't know what to say, he got a feeling that he knew what she meant, but he didn't want to ask. Instead he decided that a change was better. "I wanted to ask you Sarah, um about something else not Calvin." She nodded and eh said, "I mean I know you bought the shirt, and you agreed to the movie but do you even like it? I mean Star Wars, we don't have to see it if you don't. I was thinking about that this morning, there's other things and..." Sarah interrupted him, "its fine Noah, and yes I do like Star Wars, I'm not like in love with it like you are, but that's okay people who see each other, friends or otherwise shouldn't have everything in common. Its enough that you love it and I like seeing that you love it." Noah thought about that, then he said, "yeah, I don't think that Nathan really loves it either, but he was really happy for me that I got to see it and enjoyed it. I don't know how much Nathan and I really have in common, we know a lot about each other I mean we spent nearly every day together but there's not a lot of things that we're of the same mind on when it comes to movies or television. It doesn't mean that I don't want to be with him though." Sarah said, "you're definitely not like any of the guys I've dated before." Noah flushed, "A-are we dating?" Sarah answered him truthful, "I have no idea Noah." "is it... well is it because I'm younger?" Sarah studied him for a moment, picking another piece of ham off of the pizza slice, "no, age is just a number Noah, you're not your number. You can't put maturity and the ability to talk to someone else about private things at a certain age. Somewhere around your age we're all pretty much the people we're going to be for life, our personality is set, its our experiences that are still left and those add maturity to the personality which adds more flavor. Some people mature faster than others, some slower. There's a girl in my English class who I can't believe can actually function in society, her posts on instagram or snapchat or twitter are just... well lets be nice and say stupid." Noah said, "my twitter's just tweets about Star Wars or re-tweets from people talking about it." Sarah smiled, "hmm what other social platforms do you use?" Noah shrugged, "not much my dad and Beth both said that I shouldn't be on facebook and instagram never interested me as I don't really take pictures. I kind of liked snapchat, but I watch a lot of vidoes on tictok though they're mainly of cute animals doing things. Like dogs that talk with human voices or have thoughts..." Sarah said, "So you're a dog person?" Noah said, "yeah, but Beth doesn't like all the hair so I don't think we'll ever get one." Sarah looked at her phone and said, "well, we've got two choices, the first one is we go see the movie that you've already seen or the second is that I introduce you to Molly." Noah was disappointed, was Sarah trying to vest him for an even younger sister? That was silly but he had no idea why she'd mention another girl, "Whose Molly?" Sarah smiled, "my dog, about the cutest golden in the world." She put her phone in front of him and it was a picture of Sarah a few years younger perhaps but still Sarah holding a golden retriever puppy, "she's a lot bigger than that now, but she's still adorable I swear." Noah thought about that, "well I've already seen the movie... maybe we could see it next weekend again." Sarah closed her phone and said, "are you trying to set up a second date?" Noah flushed, "M-maybe..." Sarah reached over the table and put her hand on his arm, "just ask me Noah." He swallowed, "W-would you like to go with me to see Star Wars next weekend instead of this one?" Sarah smiled squeezed his arm and said, "yes Noah I would." Then she slipped out of the booth and said, "come on, I'll introduce you to Molly." Noah slipped out as well, they left behind one full slice and one half slice of pizza. Fifteen Sarah didn't exactly know what was happening. Seeing him in the shirt that she had bought when she first arrived at the house had been the sweetest thing she could think of that a boy could do and he had no idea why it was so nice. A girl liked to see the gift she had gotten for a boy being used by the boy. Calvin, the three before him none of them had really appreciated her efforts. She couldn't believe that she was comparing a twelve year old boy to two fourteen year olds, one fifteen, and one sixteen, but she was. None of them held up to Noah honestly she decided. The surprise of his notebook had actually left her a little wet, reading his description of Ron and a boy named Noah making out, even as simple as it was with just the words: redhead Ron kissed Noah until he closed his eyes and then he felt Ron's hand sliding over his boner. It was still somehow cute and at the same time hot as anything because she could feel the intent behind it, that Noah wanted to feel those things, he wanted to experience the stuff that he was writing but he also clearly wanted to write more than the porn stuff. There were scenes before that with Ron and Noah pulling a prank on Harry, or the Ginny story where Ginny decides to ask Noah out since he's too shy to do it himself. They were cute, but also there was real talent there, she could see him getting more complex as he wrote more of them. The first few were not as good as the ones after. He was clearly honing his craft by writing and probably she guessed reading stuff online at one of those fan fiction websites which were full of these erotica stories about famous literature, movie, or television characters. Sitting there at Papa's Pizza Tavern across from Noah was nothing like her previous dates. The boy was curious about her, he wanted to ask her questions as well not just let her ask questions that came back with half answers. When he answered her questions he always answered them as well, not just kind of and then went back to eating his food like he had been all insightful and cool. Noah just was, he talked about himself and she figured it was because he knew she wanted to know about him. Hell he had shared with her probably his most intimate thing ever. On top of that she had told him that she would share something equally as embarrassing to share and Noah hadn't even brought it up that she hadn't shared it yet. She got the feeling that even if she didn't he'd not hold it against her. That made her like him even more. She knew that he wasn't perfect, that was an illusion. There would be flaws, or things that they disagreed on but that was part of life. He was a better person than all four of her last boyfriends. She almost laughed at that one, but it was the truth. She wondered how far he and Nathan had gotten, she was jealous of Noah in that regard, that he could interest Nathan because he was a male and Nathan only liked males. Yes, when she had first met Nathan that one week she stayed up in New York with her sister she had gotten a mad crush on him. That had been two summers ago roughly. She had only stayed one week that summer and the following one two weeks. That was also when she had learned that he was gay and wasn't into girls so definitely wasn't into a fourteen year old even if she was boyish in figure and barely had breasts. So yeah she was a little jealous that Noah got to be with Nathan, but she maybe got to be with Noah and that might be a better win anyway. As they got up to leave and head back to her house she looked at Noah, he was roughly about a foot shorter than her, not quite five feet and she was only five nine, so that was roughly right. She often got remarks that she looked taller than she was because she was so slender, but the boy almost made her slender frame look big as he was pretty skinny himself. You didn't need someone to tell you that Noah was cute, it was obvious from the moment you first looked at him, despite his best efforts his sandy brown hair was unkempt, just kind of going places all over his head not straight as it was slightly curly, but not like her own curls. He led the way out, it was a shame that boys didn't wear skinny jeans, well most didn't. She would have loved to get an idea of what his butt looked like. She almost flushed at her own thoughts, she didn't care that she was attracted to a twelve year old, lots of girls probably were they just were afraid to admit it. Anyway he wouldn't be twelve forever. Was she already thinking about down the line? Sarah shook her head and pushed any errant thoughts away she would just focus on the now not the later. In the car as she started it Sarah said, "Okay I promised you something equally as embarrassing to show off..." Noah said, "its okay you don't have to." Did he even know what he was doing? The `points' he was racking up in her mind? Sarah looked over at him and decided that no he had no idea he was just being Noah. "I do to, and its only right in fact you saying I don't just makes me want to show you more." She pulled her phone and wondered what he was going to think. She wasn't good, not at all but a promise was a promise. She handed it to him and said, "just push play when you're ready." Noah looked at the video and she watched as he pushed play and it was her singing in mostly off key to songs, it was a video that she had recorded about a year ago and right around when she got to the and I will always love you part of the song her sister couldn't help their laughter and Sarah eventually saw them and grabbed her phone and turned it off. Noah started playing the video again and she thought that he was going to laugh or something but instead he said, "Um Sarah you're really bad... I mean... what is it that Beth says to me when I try to dance... oh yeah don't quit your day job." He smiled then and Sarah shook her head and grabbed the phone. "Well thanks for that insight there Noah." She looked at him again and then said, "you can laugh if you want to." Noah said, "I was going to... I mean I was really close but when your sister started I felt bad for you.. you can't sing but at least you were trying." Sarah studied him, trying to figure him out again. "Well that's about the most embarrassing thing I have saved, at least you have some talent." Noah flushed and smiled as he said, "you do too.. you know if you want to break some glasses..." Sarah eyed him, was he.. he was wasn't he. "Do you want me to pull over and make you start walking back to your own house?" Noah said, "I'm only pointing out that your ability to sing badly might be useful." Sarah stopped the car and leaned over to look closer at him, their faces were about an inch away, "I swear Noah, if you weren't so cute I'd push you out of this car right now..." Noah swallowed, she saw it and then he smiled really big, "nah you're just joking I can tell cause your dimple is showing..." Sarah sighed and then before he could move she ruffled his hair. Then she sat back up and started driving again. Softly under her breath but loud enough for Noah to hear she said, "dimple showing... I'll show him a dimple..." Noah flushed a little and said, "I like your dimple." He had to stop, really he had to. She didn't know if she could control her self much longer. He complimented her without trying to, he knew that he could joke with her even when she seemed serious, somehow he could read that she wasn't mad at him. He liked her dimple, which meant he liked her smile, which meant that he had been looking at that more than anything else and she had worn a dress that was tight enough to show off attributes even if they weren't all that big. They arrived at her house, her mom and Hank were both gone which was a little strange, but not unheard of. As she unlocked the front door the sound of Molly coming was all that she needed. The dog barked excitedly and wagged her tail as she came up to Sarah jumping up to meet her and getting excited. Noah coming in a bit behind her was all that Molly needed to get even more excited. Seeing someone one new that someone had bought to the house always excited Molly. She came running to Noah and the boy almost fell back as the dog jumped up onto him and Sarah said, "Molly! Come on down!" She licked Noah's face and he laughed petting the dog and then when Molly got down he went on his knees and started petting her again. He hugged her a little bit too and said, "she's so soft!" Molly licked his ear and Noah giggled falling back and the dog started licking him more until Sarah had to pull Molly back and tell her to stop. Molly liked most people she met, but most people also pulled her back or asked her to stop, Noah just got back up and started petting her again and letting her play with him a bit. Finally after a bit of the two of them petting Molly, Sarah said, "Come on we'll let Molly out in the back yard and you can throw her ball for her for a bit." Noah agreed and they went out into the backyard. She knew that her house was a lot bigger than Noah's the backyard for one was big enough for the pool that sat to the left of it. She found Molly's ball and the golden got really excited as she handed it to Noah and said, "if you throw her ball for her Molly will love you forever, she probably already does but she'll love you even more if you throw the ball." Noah nodded and tossed the ball, he had a decent arm. As he threw the ball a second time Noah said, "I wish that Beth would let me get a dog." "Maybe you should ask her? She might say she doesn't like the fur getting all over but Noah she might also be afraid that she's the one who will be taking care of the dog and not you." Molly brought the ball back to him and when he couldn't get her to give him Sarah said, "just look at her and say Molly Drop!" As she said it the dog dropped the ball. Noah nodded as if he was filing the information away and then he tossed the ball again. "I could ask her and I would take care of the dog myself, I Don't think I want a puppy though, I know they're a lot more work." Sarah smiled as he continued, "I read that its like having a baby and I don't want a baby." Sarah laughed a bit as she said, "well that's good, I'm pretty sure I don't want a baby yet either, maybe one day when I'm done with school and find the right guy. I don't even know if I want to get married ever..." Noah looked over at her and he didn't ask about the marriage thing, she got a sense that he didn't care about that. "What do you want to go to school for you know when you finish high school and go to college?" Molly was still chasing the ball as Sarah said, "come on, lets go inside its a little cold out here, come on Molly." The dog came running following them into the house. As they walked in she said, "do you want something to drink?" Noah shook his head and she could tell that he was waiting still. Finally he said, "you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Sarah smiled a bit, "you're not twelve are you? I mean you have the body of a twelve year old but you're really some spy my mom sent to get me to admit my dreams." Noah shook his head and said, "no I'm really twelve, you were there on my birthday." Sarah smiled again and he smiled too as he said, "its okay if you don't want to tell me really. I was just trying to get to know more about you. You know lots about me." Sarah said, "come on," she led him up the stairs and down the hall, "that's Karen's room don't go in without her permission, somehow even though she's only here twice a year and usually only for a few weeks she knows if you went in there or not." Noah walking behind her with Molly beside him said, "maybe she has a spy camera." Sarah laughed, "she might! She is the kind of person that would do that." She led him past that room and then into her own. Molly jumped up onto the bed laying down on it curling up around herself as they walked into the room. The first thing you saw was her bed in the center, the light blue walls that she had painted herself about four years ago with Karen and her mom helping. She had a dresser in one corner, a vanity table and a desk for her laptop and to do her school work. A closet between the dresser and table, and on the other side of the desk was her display of trophies from when she was smaller until now. Various ones, from when she used to play soccer, up to now with her first, second, and third place wins from track last year and this year at various different school competitions. Noah looked at those first. "You run? You've won first place like four or five times..." "Yes, I do track and volleyball among other things, I want to try to get into college on a scholarship in one of those but I honestly have no idea what I want to do in school, I Just like running and playing sports." Noah turned looking at her, "you could do something like that professionally, I mean they have the Olympics and such." Sarah sat down on the edge of her bed. Molly moved thinking she might get a pet and dropped her ball on Sarah's lap. "I'm not good enough for the Olympics, not at track, but I don't know if I want to do that for a living, some people Noah just don't know what they want to do." Noah said, "that's okay you're still young right?" Sarah smiled and squeezed Molly's ball before throwing it out of her bedroom. The dog jumped down to go get it. "What about you?" Noah flushed a bit, "I want to write, it makes me feel good to create stuff and I don't mean the sex bits, I mean all of it really. I want to make my own characters and stories, not just write the fan fiction. More than that I know its stupid but I want to see everything. My dad only lived for forty six years and he never even left this city." He shrugged a bit before saying, "But he always wanted to and never did." Sarah could feel his sadness at thinking about his dad. She reached out and took his hand pulling him until he was standing before her as she sat on the bed. He was taller like this, looking down. One day when he was taller than her he would be even more beautiful than he already was, still right now he was far more amazing than any other guy she had ever dated. "Well there's nothing stopping you from seeing it all if you want to." Noah smiled a bit, "no just my age right now." Sarah threaded her fingers with his, "that'll change, every year you get older till you're old enough to make your own way... honestly Noah I'd rather just stay this young forever because then I won't have to worry about how I make it when I'm an adult." Noah bit his bottom lip, she had noticed it was something he did when he was a little sad or hurt or maybe nervous, "I think you'll be fine..." Molly came back sticking her head between them dropping the ball on Sarah's lap barking once. She picked the ball up and tossed it again before she pulled Noah's head down to her own and kissed him. It was simple at first, gentle, he stood there leaning down as she leaned up to meet him. Then they were falling back onto her bed, Noah on top of her, the smaller boy now felt smaller again as they tumbled together. She felt one of his hands on her cheek, stroking it, his chest pressed to her own. She ran a hand through his hair stroking the back of his head, her other hand sliding down his back as the boy's tongue met her own. The were about the same size despite his smaller stature, his tongue and hers as they twisted and played with one another. She was giving into her desire for this boy, all afternoon she had played and flirted with it trying to figure out what it meant that she liked a boy four years younger than her, and now she no longer cared if he was twelve or forty, he was what she wanted, what she needed right now. * When Sarah pulled him down to kiss her at first Noah was shocked, he had known that they were having a really good conversation and that somehow they were having a moment together. He had known for a bit now that he really liked Sarah even if they had a lot of differences he was starting to discover. Somehow her liking things that were different than his own likes was interesting, like with Nathan, but different than that too. She was so beautiful too and learning about her kept opening up more things that he thought were pretty. When he had seen all of her trophies for running and other sports he had realized he'd like to see her doing one of those things, cheer his friend on. It was clear now though as he fell on top of her on her bed that they weren't going to be friends. Her lips pressed to his own, their tongues finding one another. He could taste pizza on her breath, as their tongues tangled and he stroked her cheek. Sarah had such soft skin, the darker almost caramel color just added to the wonder that was her. He had never kissed a girl for as long as this either. Nathan yes, but never a girl. Her lips were soft and about the same size as his own. Her eyes were looking into his own as well. They had fallen so that her legs were open and he was laying between them his waist about even with her lower stomach and as they continued to kiss Noah moved one of his hands to her shoulder. He could feel her chest pressed to his own and laying like this, her hand in his hair, his middle pressed to her lower stomach he started to harden. He tried to not have it happen but it was impossible, her chest was pressed to his own, her other hand stroking his back and now it was sliding under his shirt, rubbing his bare back. It was about then as his hand slipped down a bit more and ran over one of her small but to him wonderful breasts through her dress that Molly barked and tired to push in between them getting up onto the bed since they were ignoring her. Sarah pulled Noah back, breaking their kiss and said, "lets slow down..." Noah swallowed realizing that his hand was still right there on one of her breasts though the dress she wore. He sat up slowly and Molly dropped her ball in front of him. He threw it and slipped off of the bed quickly re-arranging his underwear in his jeans as he was very uncomfortable. He looked at Sarah and said, "S-sorry if I..." Sarah touched his shoulder and interrupted him, "you didn't do anymore than I did. We've got plenty of time to do more... we don't have to rush things." Noah said, "yeah." He sat back down next to her as Molly brought the ball back again and said, "its different kissing you than kissing Nathan." Sarah said, "well I would hope so, he's a guy and I'm a girl." Noah flushed as he said, "yeah I know, its just I thought kissing was kissing, but both of you do it differently. I could still tell that you were about to kiss me though." He paused for a second then said, "I guess we can't be friends." Sarah said, "why is that?" Noah shrugged, then looked at her smiling, "because I want to be your boyfriend." Sarah laughed and pulled him closer to her again, kissing his lips for a second, "yeah, I do too." Noah stood up again when he threw the ball as he let his thoughts come out some more, "but I still really like Nathan too. I can't pick between the two of you..." Sarah stood up as well and turned him to look at her, he had to look up as she took both of his hands and said, "Then don't choose, just be young Noah, we're both young and have no idea what we're after. Lets just have fun together and let the other stuff figure its self out at some other date. The only reason why I'd be jealous of you with Nathan is that you get to be with him, not that he gets to be with you. I get to be with you too, so there's nothing for me to get jealous about. Then one day if we both feel we need to take other steps then we do." Noah twisted his face a bit and decided then as he said, "you're kind of strange." Sarah got a hurt look on her face, but he could tell that it wasn't real. "how dare you!" Noah smiled, "its true, but I like that.." Sarah kissed him again, this time leaning down as she was taller. After that she did take him home as it was getting kind of late and they were just on their first date. At his house as he stood outside with her Sarah kissed his lips once more and Noah said, "so next Saturday we'll go see a movie again right?" Sarah stroked his cheek once, "right, good night Noah. You swear you'll call?" Noah smiled, "yes, why wouldn't I?" Sarah smiled back, "I thought you might be one of those boys that kisses and never calls." Noah shook his head and she said, "I know you're not, cutie." Then she walked back to her car and drove off. Noah decided that he had just about had the second best first date of his life, the other one being that day in the field with Nathan that he counted as their first date. * While they had been kissing earlier she had felt him, at first Sarah hadn't even realized it as his body was pressed to hers, as her hands were on his head and his back, rubbing his slender frame as he moved on top of her. Then she had realized that she could feel it against her lower stomach. She knew the signs, she had seen and felt four other boys hard and harden when they made out. So she knew what it was that was growing as they had kept kissing. Then when his hand ran over her breast she had almost wanted to let him go and see what happened, but then Molly had brought her to her senses. Still, now later after her shower where her thoughts had swirled and she had touched herself just a little to Noah she was thinking about it again. It was clearly not as big as Calvin, David, Henry, or Neil had been, all of them had had at least two to four years of age on Noah, but it had been present and it had felt really good to know that she was turning the boy on. Still she was glad for Molly, if things had kept going she might have given into all of her desires at that moment. She couldn't say she was in love yet, that was still too far away, but she did know she really liked Noah. He wasn't afraid to get to know her, and he didn't care if they had differences in fact she got the sense that he liked that. She really had never met a boy like him, and she had no idea what that meant. What would a sixteen year old Noah be like, well other than dashingly handsome? Would she still be in the picture by then when she herself was twenty? Noah was the kind of guy that when it ended she had a feeling it would be mutual understanding and friendship might remain from that. What if it never ended? That was kind of silly, he was twelve, she was sixteen, you didn't meet the person you spent your life with at their ages, especially not his. It was better to just live in this moment, to be with Noah and forget about all the future stuff. One day when it came they would figure it out and if it had to be three of them figuring it out, well she'd come to that as well with an open mind. After all it wasn't Noah's fault he had been born bisexual, or that he wasn't sure what he wanted yet, she was pretty sure she didn't know what she wanted yet either. As she lay there on her bed where an hour earlier Noah had been on top of her making out a text came on her phone: you could use your ability to run to rob banks and get away on foot. With a winky smiley face at the end. Sarah laughed and typed back: would you come visit me in jail once they caught me? Noah took a moment then typed back: only if they allowed conjugal visits. She laughed at that really good and then she laughed even more when this game in next: I had to look that up because I kept spelling it wrong and this is what the internet says about it. Then below that was a screen shot of the wikipedia article for it. Sarah just typed back: pervert. Noah sent back another screen shot this one of the definition of a pervert. And then another text: according to this you'd be the pervert for wanting to date a younger boy. Sarah just stared at her phone, she just knew on the other end that Noah was having a good time with this. She typed: You're the one who wants me to rob a bank, get locked up in jail and then come visit me for a conjugal visit. I'm pretty sure your entire plan is one built upon a perversion of some kind. Noah sent back a text of nothing but sad faces then at the end he said: we're no longer friends. Sarah sent back: good I prefer perverted boyfriends over perverted friends. It was a good two or three minutes before he sent back again, this time it was a picture of him brushing his teeth. Sarah just started laughing and hit the face time button and a second later he answered his phone as she said, "what are you doing?" Noah said, "I was brushing my teeth, I thought maybe you'd like to know I have good habits." Sarah laughed and he flushed as she said, "you're so strange Noah." "I'm sorry." She rolled onto her side resting her phone as she realized that he was doing the same thing. "its not a bad thing okay?" He smiled, "I know. If you did go to prison I'd visit you even if you didn't have conjugal visits." Sarah laughed, "Oh you would huh?" "yeah, maybe we could find a way to do hand stuff..." his cheeks went really red as he said it. Sarah sighed, "is that all you think about?" Noah shook his head, "no, I'm not even really thinking about that, I'm just trying to make you laugh, I like your laugh." "Oh you do huh?" She smiled looking at him through the phone, "I like yours too Noah." They talked for a bit longer, not really about anything, just trying to make each other laugh until nearly midnight when she noticed that Noah was falling asleep. She felt tired herself and told him goodnight and that they both needed to get to sleep. Sixteen. The first few days away from Noah were the hardest, really after that with school picking back up in earnest there was too much other stuff going on for him to really think about Noah back in Houston. His focus ended up shifting back to school mode as he was more focused on that than he was on what might end up being a really deep and meaningful relationship with a boy that he had gotten to know over Christmas. break who was also nine years his junior. If Noah had been twenty one and Nathan thirty no one would have even looked at the relationship all that closely, but right now at twelve and twenty-one it was a problem that society didn't like. Still if he stopped and thought about Noah he did miss the young boy like crazy. They had spent nearly every day of those two weeks together, rarely apart and during that time he had gotten to know Noah quite well, and it wasn't just about the kissing or the start of their sexual relationship together that was the reason why he missed Noah. Seeing Noah naked shortly before their time ended had been beautiful. He knew though that it wasn't the end, he would see Noah again at spring break as he had already decided that he was going to be going home more often. Even if the sexual element ended he was going to be there for Noah, because he liked Noah, and not just for the other stuff. He genuinely liked the boy and was glad that he had gotten to know him even if it had been during Noah's worst moment in his life. Still school had to come first and that meant that a part of him felt bad for not talking to Noah as much as he should have, but then when he learned that Sarah was there he felt better. Nathan didn't know a lot about Sarah but he knew a lot about her sister and he trusted Karen when she said that Sarah would be good for Noah. Also she had made Noah not be sad on his birthday and that earned a lot of points in Nathan's mind. He was surprised as well to find out that he wasn't jealous if Noah and Sarah were more than friends, he was more than friends with Noah as well. Honestly the boy deserved to figure out who he was. At around Noah's age Nathan had struggled with the same thing, well not exactly, he had known that he didn't like girls right away. So it wasn't the same, he didn't really know what it was like to be bisexual, but then again he also didn't know what it was like to be Noah. He wasn't in the boys head and he knew that they both saw the world differently. Nathan sighed heavily later that evening and put his head down on his desk as he sighed. From the bed Karen said, "stop being dramatic." Nathan looked over at her, one eye studying her, "what are you even doing here? Its Saturday night shouldn't you be out finding a boy or girl to bring back to your room?" They shared the apartment, and each paid half of the rent. Karen shrugged, "I could be, but its more fun watching you get frustrated at your homework and clearly missing some boy back at home." She sat up a little as she said, "as a one day hopefully successful sex therapist this has been all very eye opening, leaning further evidence in my favor that age of consent laws are indeed a bunch of bullshit. You and Noah are cute together." Nathan sighed, "what about your sister?" Karen said, "oh so now you want to date girls?" Nathan again sighed and Karen laughed at his sigh, "fine, Noah and Sarah would be cute together too, but how would you feel about that?" Nathan closed his text book and said, "you're going to analyze me?" Karen shrugged, "like I said I'm bored and watching you suffer is kind of fun." Nathan grunted and walked over to his bed making her move over as he sat down next to her on the bed. "I don't know how I feel about Noah and Sarah, if it was another boy I might feel jealous or betrayed, but with it being Sarah I'm not. I don't know what its like to be bisexual, are all of you just trying to date both a boy and a girl at the same time?" Karen shook her head, "No, god that sounds like a chore. Its all about types for me. I mean when I was Noah's age I didn't know what I wanted either, and I did try seeing more than one person and that helped a lot for me to figure out who I wanted to be with. Or better what kind of person I was looking for. When you see a guy across the room that's good looking your first instinct is to find out if he's into guys or girls right?" Nathan shrugged, "Yeah sure, especially if he's there by himself. I figure I've got a fifty fifty shot that he might be if I'm not at a gay bar. So I usually wait and see what he's drinking, or if he's there with a girl that went to the bathroom. The chances either go up or down depending on other things. Adding in that he might be bisexual as I look at the guy now just makes it even more difficult." Karen said, "well I'll put you a little at ease, I don't think that bisexuals are all that truly common, compared to say gays or straights. What we do have is the extra added advantage of having two sets of people to find someone in. I get twice the amount of people to look at than most people do. The only people off limits to me are gay men, like you. Although when I tell a lot of straight guys that I am into girls as well they always come up with these fantasies of threesomes, and sometimes when I tell lesbians that I am into guys as well as girls... well they're sometimes not all that forgiving. Its the biggest problem I have." Nathan rested his hand with hers, "did I ever tell you how glad I was that we met? I mean the way we met was trash, but the fact that we met is a real gift. Not because you can maybe help me understand what Noah's going through with his sexuality, but because you're a real sister to me." Karen rested her head on his shoulder, "you're the one I come crying to when someone breaks my heart." Nathan said, "I know, believe me I know." She hit him softly on the stomach, "shut the fuck up. I'm glad you got over your age hang up problem though." Nathan shrugged, "its easy with Noah, I don't think it would be possible with anyone else. He's unique, its partly because we're going through the same things, partly because he is who he is, and partly because I am who I am I think." Karen said, "I know Sarah pretty well, and while I only know Noah a little bit from what I can gleam from the way you talk about him, she's going to fall hard for him." Nathan said, "what makes you think that?" she shrugged, "Hes not like any boy she's ever dated. Sarah's good looking, she's popular, she's really good at sports and makes friends at the drop of a hat because she's just fun to be around. Because of that she's also bad at making choices when it comes to boys. Being around popular boys all day long makes you start to see them as what you should be going after. You're popular, they're popular, you're in the same crowd." "Glad I was never popular in high school." Karen studied him, "big tall drink of water out fully gay and you weren't popular?" Nathan shrugged, "Not really, I think it might have been the fact that I was more focused on school than on what other kids were doing. Remember I already knew I wanted to be a doctor and after my dad died I focused more on that than anything else. It was the only thing that kept me going for awhile before I could process my grief. In a way I'm glad that I was there for Noah, and that Sarah is as well, and my mom too because Noah won't have to process it the same way I did." "Well, yes that is a good thing but back to Sarah." Nathan rolled his eyes and Karen punched him again, "I'm serious, she's never actually dated a boy that wanted to know her, or know about her and from what you told me Noah was always trying to find out things about you. I bet he's one of those guys that likes to solve puzzles figure things out." Nathan said, "well he does want to be a writer." Karen just sort of sighed and then said, "great, even better. It was only a matter of time before she fell hard. You fell hard too though didn't you?" Nathan shrugged, "he's a great kid, but we're from different worlds. I'm not saying that we won't keep being together. I'm looking forward to spring break in a few months, and this summer I want to have him come stay with us for a bit to see New York. I already talked with my mom about it and she thinks its a great idea." Karen said, "so you can have some more alone time with him but not have to worry about her finding out?" Nathan sighed and she laughed, "I was joking, but its true isn't it?" Nathan said, "maybe a little bit that thought had crossed my mind, but really its to bring him out here. Help him have other experiences than just at home. Its his biggest dream, to see the world and I figured I could show him a little bit of it as his friend and step-brother." Karen laughed, "you're not his step-brother. I mean you are by a loophole of a marriage, but trust me the two of you are not brothers. Friends, lovers, more perhaps but not brothers." Nathan nodded in agreement and she said, "I think its good that you care about him, and I also think its good that you let him explore what it means to be what he is. To find it out. I can tell you that bisexuals are just like everyone else, we're looking for the right person. Like I said before the difference is that the right fit could be one or the other. The biggest problem is that rather its a boy or a girl every one that I have ever been really serious with other than another bisexual has always expressed the fear that one day I might just want the other.. that I might miss dick too much or pussy too much. Its finding that person that gets I'm in it with them for the long haul rather they're a boy or a girl that's the trick and its what Noah's trying to figure out as well." Nathan said, "did you really try dating both boys and girls at the same time?" Karen moved resting her head on his shoulder again, "yup from when I was thirteen up till about eighteen I tried playing with both often at the same time. Even had that fabled threesome with a boy and girl that I had been seeing at the same time the summer before college. IT wasn't all that fun and it actually ended both relationships because neither of them could handle that I wanted to be with both of them. I realized around then that I should just focus on one or the other, just start dating one person at a time and try to get to really know them. Then I met Tim and the rest is history." Nathan laughed, "Yeah now you live with your gay roommate who is dating his twelve year old step-brother who might also be dating your sixteen year old sister." Karen sighed, "its a tangled web one weaves when they aim to please." She squeezed his hand once more and slipped from the bed, "I'm going to bed, you officially wore me out with all this talk about sex." "Should I pay you?" Karen laughed, "I'll bill you, but I'll make it all one lump sum sometime after Noah turns eighteen and we see where this all ends up going...." Nathan laughed too but he had a feeling she was serious about the whole Noah turning eighteen thing. He knew that he would still know Noah when he was eighteen, but he had no idea what their relationship would be like by then. One small event had taken Nathan's life and made it all confused and upside down again. Later though on Sunday when he talked to Noah over the phone, the two of them just catching up a bit he realized that he wouldn't change it. Even if it meant that he had to share Noah with Sarah at the moment. Even if it meant by the time Noah was eighteen and he was twenty nine that they were just close friends. Whatever happened in the next few months, the next few years, all of it would be a wonderful experience, and all he had to do was change his point of views on two things : the first that you could only have feelings for one person at a time, even when you were just learning who you might be. The second: that age was indeed just a number and sometimes two people from very different ages might actually find commonality in their lives to the point that they had to explore what it meant and if that meant ignoring laws that Karen called archaic and stupid then Nathan was going to trust her on that one thing and trust that he and Noah were both walking the right path together and neither of them was going to regret it six years from now. He trusted Noah more than he did Karen's notions, and that was what was most important. End of Part 4 Closing words: Sorry there's no real sex here just some making out. I had to go back to square one for Noah and Sarah getting to know one another. Part 5 picks up with a lot of action between Noah and Sarah and then some more action between Noah and Nathan. Part 6 is the summer and some other stuff with a lot more activities and fun with all three of them together. I believe that Part 6 will also include the ending but I'm not sure as it is all quite big and I still might split it into Parts 6 and 7 even if there's not a ton of sex in part 7 because of that. Again thanks for reading and any thoughts you have don't hesitate to send me an email: Also donating to Nifty is appreciated: