Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2013 13:25:02 -0500 (EST) From: Michelle Aguilera Subject: My First Love - Chapter 4 - Bisexual - Adult Youth Chapter 4 I had to talk to Coach Lambert the next day after pulling an all-nighter doing my homework. It was 3:00 PM and I had swimming practice today. It wasn't in Coach's plans to tear me apart again. He was one of those people that would have sex one day and wouldn't do it again until the next week. Why this hottie had slowed down at such a young age, barely 32, I had no idea. "Dude, it turns out Allison is not as sweet and innocent as we thought." "She's not sweet, but she is innocent, Larsen." "You know what she confessed to me yesterday that she likes to do? Sneaking into the boys' restrooms to watch them pee and check out their dicks." He gasped. "Whoa!" "Have you caught her watching you in a compromising position?" "If I caught any of you guys watching me peeing or showering I would make arrangements to get transferred to a different school, and if it happened again, I'd go back to school myself and study acting to land a role in Days of Our Lives." I burst out laughing. "I am dead serious." "Yet you don't mind fucking me in the pool." "Shut up. I don't mind losing my job, but I do mind going to jail." "Allison told me she has the hots for you, too." "Why do you think I have the hots for her? I don't set eyes on someone unless they set eyes on me first. I don't barge in. You'd have to invite me in. Sex is not like just randomly showing up at a friend's house without calling first. You don't go to jail for that, but you do go to jail for accosting someone." "You can come into me whenever you want and however you want." That was said in double meaning. "That's nice, but listen, you have to get Allison to stop watching guys piss in the restrooms. She will get raped one day." "I'm going to talk to her." "Remember you have practice in 2 hours and 45 minutes. Get ready. If you need to take a shower beforehand, go ahead." * * * * I went to the showers, took my clothes off, and got in. It didn't take long for me to have flashbacks of my encounter with this teacher right here. I imagined him with me in the shower again and had to cover my own mouth to muffle my own screams. I was having orgasms and coming all over the place. That day, practice went normal. I did my best, and Coach kissed me when everybody was gone and went home. Just when I was about to go home, I found Allison in her two-piece bathing suit taking a dive. I couldn't control myself. I jizzed all over my undies and my pants again. Curious, I went over to the pool, thinking she'd just swim, and I'd watch her. Not a chance. She was naked from the waist down in the pool, and giving me that smile of hers again. I cleared my throat. If she wanted it now, now was the time. She was in total control because she was the virgin and she got to call the shots. That's the way it had to be. That way, the weaker one wouldn't be at an obvious disadvantage. I took my dive and swam closer to her. She was leaning and hanging on to the edge. "You're so hot." "Allison, I have to ask you. Do you think all the guys and girls are hot." She nodded, still grinning. "Of course, dumbo, I'm horny as a three-balled cat!" She wrapped her left arm around me, her stronger one, pulled me closer to her until we were skin to skin, worked my shorts down to my ankles, and said, "Are you ready for me?" She felt me slippery. "Oh, yes you are!" "Allison..." "I thought this would be more difficult, but we're all good to go, aren't we? Come on, don't hover." "It's just I..." Coach had forgotten his phone in his office and he was back, watching us, sitting there, looking like he'd just seen Adam Lambert naked. Allison eased my cock into her pussy, got it in deep, and started rocking my body. I had no choice but to respond and pump in and out of her hard. She didn't scream or anything. It was as if she hadn't felt anything tearing down there. Forty-five minutes later, Coach was gone, still in his office, and recovering from the initiation of a heart attack, as we got out of the pool. This man in his early, early thirties had to take Bayer medicine. If he hadn't, he'd have to be taken to the hospital in the ambulance. When he recovered, he packed up what he had left in his office and placed the strap of the bag on his shoulder. Allison and I accidentally blocked him. He dropped his bag, and the look of sheer fright in his face forced us to step back a little. Allison said, "Whoa, can't a woman check a man out without having him screaming for his Mama?" "I just saw the two of you fucking. I thought you were coming back for more, with me, instead of going right to round 2 between the two of you." "Look, man, we're not going to assault a grown man. That would be fucking sick. We just wanted to invite you to sleep with us at my house." "What about your parents?" "They don't care what I do anymore. I could smoke a joint in front of them and they wouldn't even look my way." "You have the most terrible parents in the world." "My best friends say I have dream parents." "Parents that would let their kids literally do whatever they want? Yeah, I dreamed of parents like those as a kid. I used to use drugs, get high on marihuana, and uh...I had to be in rehab for years before I was free from that addiction. Now no one can smoke marijuana around me because I'd want some and relapse. It's just like an alcoholic being served a drink or someone serving themselves a drink in front of him." "Dude," Allison said, smiling, "I don't smoke pot. I don't even smoke cigarettes or drink. That was just an analogy to explain to you how fuck-free my parents are when it comes to me." "That's great. That is really great." "So can we go to my house or what?" * * * * One hour later, we went to Allison's house and her parents weren't even there. Allison's mother had just left her father for cheating on her with a 22-year-old and Allison's father had just had a breakdown and been Baker Acted. There was one neighbor, though, who was peeking on me out the window, and on Coach Lambert. Coach, when not dressed in his work clothes, could easily be mistaken for a fifteen-year-old boy, another boy I was bringing home. She thought, "I knew it. She turned out a whore just like her mother." We went into Allison's house. It wasn't a mansion, but it was beautiful. It had four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a big eat-in kitchen, a dining room for all of those people that didn't wanna eat in the kitchen, a back porch, and a spacious living room. Allison's father was a doctor and her mother was a real-estate agent. Allison asked, "You want to watch a movie, guys?" "No porn," Coach Lambert warned. "We don't watch porn in this house, Coach. We do watch a lot of Rated-R movies and shit, but no porn." "Oh, what a relief!" "Were you addicted to porn, too?" I asked. "No, but Dad was. Guess where that got him? He raped a girl and he's in jail. I know not all porn addicts commit heinous crimes, but some do. I don't want to lose my contact with reality." Allison played a DVD, but it was a music DVD, the Glamnation Tour by Adam Lambert. "I thought you wanted to see this since you're such a hardcore Adam Lambert fan and look-alike." "I look too much like him. My eyes are bigger than his and my eyebrows are different, but sometimes, I look too much like him. I am always careful to not style my hair the same way he does, but then again, what hairstyle hasn't Adam tried? And they all look good on him." "I should arrange a meet and greet with you guys." "No thanks. I'm afraid people won't tell us apart and be confused because when I wear eyeliner, I look exactly like him. Exactly. I was horrified and I took the makeup right off." He laughed. "Never again. Some people ask me if I'm his twin, but I show them a picture of him right beside me and they notice the difference." "Your last name's Lambert, too. How did that happen?" "For starters, Adam and I aren't related. I'm from London and he's from America. My family and I moved here when I was 2." "You lost your British accent." "Not completely. I can talk with a British accent if I want to. I just don't want to, I guess. I got used to the American accent." He finally sat down in the sofa. I thought he was afraid to. Allison took this chance to sit beside him and start caressing his chest. At first he was hesitant to respond, but soon enough, they forgot about the DVD that was playing and started kissing. He started going under her shirt and touching her breasts. He wasn't accustomed to this. We could tell we were the only underaged people he'd ever been with. Then I quickly realized he was falling in love with her. And he was already in love with me. * * * * Allison and the grown man went to her room and lied down on her bed, still kissing. She threw her short dress over her head and removed her underwear. He started caressing her abs and she pulled him closer to her and kissed him again, trying to take off his clothes, but she was weakened all of a sudden, so he took off his clothes. He started kissing her and within minutes, he plunged himself so deep inside her that she let out a loud scream. The myth that the second time didn't hurt must've been a lie because she clearly hadn't recovered from the good fuck I gave her earlier, or at least what she'd told me was a good fuck. I doubted it. It was my first time with a woman, my second sexual experience ever, and I'd just learned to fuck someone. He wasn't hard on her. He was deep, but he was slow. He clearly knew what he was doing better than me. Several hours later, they finished and she lied down beside him. He put his arm around her and they fell asleep. The following morning, Allison got up. She was feeling strange. She'd just lost her virginity to two different men, and she always thought sex was a game, but she realized it wasn't pretty quickly. Her demure had changed. Now she was crying silently, going into her bathroom. What had she done? Shane got up, put his clothes back on and went after her. He went into the bathroom to talk to her, leaving the door open. "Are you OK?" "You'd never been with younger, inexperienced people, had you?" He shook his head no. "I can tell." "Was I too cruel?" "No. I thought I'd just lost my virginity to Arnold, but as it turned out, he didn't do it right because I was still closed up, you know, it hadn't expanded fully yet, and it hurt like hell. It wasn't your fault." "I never wanted to hurt you because I love you. I'm sorry." She looked up at him. "What did you just say?" "I said I love you." "For real?" "Yes. I'd been in love with you for a long time, but I never thought this would happen. You were constantly on my mind but it wasn't like I was imagining me having sex with you. You'd just pop into my mind and I'd go on about how pretty you were, and I liked you, but now this has all gone so wrong. If only we'd waited 2 more years. I can just see myself in jail." "You won't go to jail. This is a secret between the three of us. I'm not saying anything. Neither is Arnold. We care about you, and we know we're the ones that got you into this mess. We started it, and you just responded. You were too weak, but you shouldn't pay for that." She hugged him and continued to cry in his shoulder. What the hell had we done? Michelle Aguilera