Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2007 22:04:47 -0700 From: Cornhusker Fan Subject: Surviving the Apocalypse, part 21 Are you still interested in this continuing? I have a couple of other story ideas brewing, and if you think this has about run its course, let me know. I'll try and wrap it up somehow and move on. This story will feature sexual acts between adults and children, so if that's not your cup of tea, then move along please. The story is strictly fantasy, pure fiction. No part is true in any way. The author, nor any website that might post this, does not condone illegal sex with children. Also, though little or no protection is used in this story, please always practice safe sex. Author's note - I have never been any part of a military unit, and profess no real knowledge of the military (except for my admiration for and gratitude to those serving our country), so please do not look for any accuracy in the information contained in the story. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I was on my second cup of coffee and working on the work assignment list when Frank joined me. "Morning Bob. Hard at it already?" "Just trying to think of everything for the work assignment list Frank. There are so many things that have to be kept up with to keep this place livable, especially as we continue to grow. And I've got to have a list of names of everyone that came in yesterday before I can start assigning tasks." Larry and Laurie joined us just then. Laurie volunteered to get a list put together of everyone, which would help immensely. I decided right then that we do a morning and evening roll call to make sure everyone was accounted for. The last thing I wanted was for anyone, especially the kids, to wander off and no one realize it. I could smell breakfast being prepared by a couple of the adults and a couple of the kids who were helping out. I'm glad people were jumping in and doing things without being asked until we could get the group organized. Most of the group was now up and moving. As people filled plates and sat down, I wandered through the group, talking to folks. "Good morning Marty. Up for a little touring today?" "Name it Colonel. What did you have in mind?" "Would you take Hugh and a couple of the older boys and start inspecting the sewer and water plants and electrical substations in the area?" "Yes sir. We'll make a list of anything that Hugh thinks might need immediate attention and talk about it tonight." "Perfect Marty. Thanks." I moved to Glenn. "Glenn, I need you to undertake something for me today." "Name it Bob - you know that." "I want you to scout out some farms close to town. See if you think they would be defensible. While your at it, I want some chickens crated up and brought back, as well as loading a couple of milk cows in a trailer and bringing them here. We need some fresh milk and eggs for this crew. We'll also need hay for the cows and feed for the chickens. It's going to be a temporary thing until we can get some folks set up on a farm to help supply our needs." "Sure Bob. If it's alright with you, I'll take John with me, along with some of the kids." "Great Glenn. Thanks." "What will you be doing Bob?" "I'm going to take a couple of kids and start checking out a couple of warehouses that we could use. I want to find something not too distant that we can start warehousing everything we scrounge. I've got a couple of ideas that I think might work." "Be careful out there Bob." "You too." Frank was starting physicals today, so I had to take mine first before I could do anything else. Jake was starting on his security plans for the motel today. I asked Dan to oversee getting the scrounging program started, and Larry and Michelle would be working on gathering supplies for the school. Everyone was going to be busy. My physical took about an hour, after which I rounded up the kids I wanted to take with me. I asked Nick and Steven to come along, as well as a couple of the new kids. Dina was a 12-year-old girl with long mousy hair and a cute little button nose. Brian was a 15-year-old boy who looked like he'd been a swimmer. He had flaming red hair and as many freckles as there were stars in the night sky. If there was a poster boy for the typical "boy next door" look, it would have been him. We set out in a large pick-up truck and I headed to an area where I thought they had recently built some new spec warehouses. I was hoping some of them were still vacant and we could take them over without having to move anything out. When we got to the new development, a couple of miles from the motel, everyone piled out. As Nick was 17, and had done some bird hunting, I had armed him with a 20 gauge shot gun. I probably wouldn't kill anyone from a distance, but it would certainly slow someone down and get them to think twice. "Everyone stays together gang. I don't know if there is anyone here, but let's not take any chances. I will enter each building first. As I do, Nick will cover our rear, entering the building last." We moved to the first warehouse. I could see that it had been occupied by an auto parts chain, obviously using it as a regional distribution center for the surrounding area. The parts might come in handy, but I wanted something empty for now. The next warehouse was a book distribution center. I made a mental note to let Larry and Laurie know about it. We moved across the large parking lot to the buildings opposite the ones we'd checked out. The first unit on that side was a printing firm. I doubted we would have much need of that. The next unit appeared to be empty. I opened the door and stepped in. It looked like it had been occupied, but whoever it was had given up their lease and moved out. The kids followed me in. We moved through the office area, seeing nothing in any of the rooms, then back into the warehouse area itself. It was large, and it was empty. There were two loading docks that would make things easier. A couple of mice scampered away as we entered. We would need to set out traps and poison to keep the area rodent free. The last unit on this side was a gold mine. It appeared that someone had probably recently signed a lease and was just getting started. There were pallets full of warehouse shelving stanchions, crossbars and plywood. There were also two-wheel hand trucks, a couple of pallet jacks, and two forklifts. I couldn't have asked for more if Santa was there. I decided to hold in impromptu forklift driving school. I showed the kids how to operate them, and had them practice moving the pallets of plywood around. Dina was obviously a little small to run them, but I had her help me so she wouldn't feel left out. Brian and Nick seemed to pick up on it pretty quickly. After about an hour, I called a halt to the little training. I told the kids to wait up in the office area, and I went out and got the cooler we had brought along with some sandwiches and drinks. We enjoyed a little picnic there in the office. One of the ladies had even packed some cookies for us. After lunch, I felt the need coming on to take a leak. I started to look around for the bathroom, then had a better idea. I knew one of the things that Nick and James had made Scottie and Cathy participate in was some water sports. I had everyone come outside to the little lawn area in front of the warehouses. "Nick, we haven't addressed one of the things that you made Scottie and Cathy do, and we are going to remedy that right now. Please get down on your knees, face me and open your mouth." When he did so, I opened my pants and pulled out my cock. I proceeded to piss all over the boy, from his hair to his genitals, soaking his clothes, and making sure he got a mouthful. "Swallow my piss son, just like you made the kids do." Nick didn't argue, knowing it was all part of his punishment, and continuing to accept it like a man. "Do any of you kids need to pee?" Both Brian and Steven whipped out their dicks and pissed all over the boy, making sure they hit his open mouth, and further soaking his clothes. When they were done, I asked Dina if she needed to go also. "Yes sir, but I can't really do it like you boys." "If you want to help in Nick's punishment, we'll help you. But if you don't, we'll find you the bathroom." "If it's ok, I'd rather use the bathroom." "Of course it is Dina. Go on back inside and relieve yourself, and then join us again." Dina headed inside, and when she'd gone, Nick said he had to use the bathroom too. "Go ahead son, but you can do it right here." Nick started to open his pants. "No need for that son, just piss your pants." Nick looked at me, and then his eyes dropped to the ground. He just stood there, and soon we could see piss running down his legs. When Dina was done and came back out I had Steven grab the cooler and we headed back for the pickup truck. I told Nick he had to ride in back as we didn't want to smell him all the way back to the motel. The kid now reeked of urine. When we got back to the motel, I told Dina to go inside and grab some soap and come back out, and to let anyone she saw know they could come out and join us. I had Nick stand in the middle of the grass area on the side of the building while I turned the hose on and let the water get good and cold. Dina came back with the soap and stood with the rest of the kids. Half a dozen more people came out to see what was going on, including Beverly. I started hosing Nick down with the cold water, getting some of the pee smell out of his clothes. "Ok Nick, you can strip down now. We'll all watch you enjoy your cold shower." Tears were running down the boy's face as he disrobed, obviously uncomfortable in having to do so in front of a crowd. When he was naked, everyone could see how his dick had shriveled from the cold water. Dina handed him the soap she had retrieved. I turned the hose back on the boy and everyone shouted encouragement as he washed himself in the freezing water for everyone to see. Nick washed as fast as he could so that he didn't have to endure the cold water any longer than necessary. I rinsed him off a final time and turned the hose off. "Go in and get some dry clothes on Nick and throw your clothes in one of the washers, then come back out. I want us to join the scrounging team for a few hours before we knock off for the day." The kids that had been with me hung out waiting for Nick while the rest of those that had come out to watch the shower had gone back to what they were doing. Nick joined us about 10 minutes later, and we climbed in the truck. I radioed Dan and found out where his team was working and drove to the area. He had Mandy and MaryAnn with him, along with a couple dozen of the kids of all ages. They had managed to fill several coolers with frozen foods and dozens of boxes full of non-refrigerated foods. They had collected all of the jewelry they found in the homes, along with other assorted goods. As we worked, I noticed that James and Nick had sought each other out, and seemed to be shadowing Scottie and Cathy, the two youngsters they had abused. It appeared to me that they were kind of watching out for them. I led the way into another home and checked it out before turning the kids loose to start gathering up everything that we wanted to take at this point. I was at the end of the hall when I saw Scottie and Cathy, who stuck close by each other stop in front of a closet door. I watched as they started to open it and heard what sounded like a growl. Before I could react, Nick and James, who were just coming around the corner, launched themselves at the two kids, knocking them out of the way. The door burst open and a huge German Shepherd came barreling out, teeth barred, and laid into James and Nick. I couldn't get a shot off for fear of hitting one of the boys. The dog tore at the boys with teeth and claws as they tried to fend him off. I ran the short distance down the hall, turning my rifle as I went so that I was holding it by the barrel in order to use it as a club. Raising it above my head, I brought it crashing down, but missed the dog's head and only landing a glancing blow off it's shoulder, which didn't even slow it down. On my second try, I hit my mark and the butt of the rifle crashed squarely into the dogs head. I put every bit of strength I had into the swing, and the dog dropped like a sack of potatoes right on top of the two boys it had attacked. Pulling the dog off the boys before it could recover, I used my sidearm and put a bullet through its head. I dropped to my knees next to the boys, but they weren't moving. They had numerous bites and claw marks, some of them extremely deep. Nick was bleeding badly from one eye where a claw had torn the eyelid. The two young kids that Nick and James had probably saved were screaming in terror. At the sound of the gunshot Dan had come running and arrived a minute later. "What happened?" "Mad dog. Hurry, we've got to get these boys back to Frank." I grabbed a couple of blankets off the beds. We hurriedly wrapped the boys up and each of us lifted one of the boys in our arms. They were still breathing, but I was worried that they might bleed to death before Frank could help them. We put them in the back of one of the pickups and I jumped behind the wheel, telling Dan to radio ahead and alert Frank. The tires squealed as I raced away from the house and headed back to the motel. It had taken about 5 minutes to get to the area from the motel - I cut that to about two getting back. As I screeched to a halt at the front entrance, Frank and Phyllis were waiting along with several others. We pulled the boys from the back of the pick up and raced inside. Everyone tried to crowd in with us, but I yelled for them to get out. Frank was cutting the clothes off of Nick while Phyllis was doing the same to James. "Do you have a pulse Phyllis?" "Yes, but his breathing is very shallow. Bob, put pressure here to stop this bleeding." The boys were a mess of torn flesh where the dog had used his teeth and claws on them. As quickly as Phyllis and Frank could work, the stemmed the flow of blood. "I've got no pulse on Nick Phyllis. I'm starting compressions - grab the paddles." Phyllis wheeled a cart over and switched on a machine. She squirted a gel onto a paddle and rubbed them together. "Charging to 250." "Clear." Phyllis put the paddles on each side of Nick's chest and shocked him. Frank grabbed the boy's wrist. "I've got a pulse. It's weak but steady for now. Go back to James." Beverly and I assisted Frank and Phyllis in whatever they had us do. They worked on the boys for three hours before they finally had all the wounds cleaned out and sutured. Frank gave both boys tetanus and anti-biotic shots, along with a shot of morphine for the pain. He was very worried about rabies and sent Dan, who had brought everyone back to the motel, to the hospital to see if he could find some vaccine. Dan took two of the older kids and raced out the door. Frank and Phyllis got the boys blood types and started transfusing the boys. "What do you think Frank? Are they going to make it?" "I don't know Bob. Both boys were pretty badly injured and lost a lot of blood. It will be touch and go through the night." I stepped out of Bob's office and gave everyone an update. "Constance, will you over see dinner tonight and get everyone fed?" Constance just nodded and moved off down the hall, followed by several others. "There's nothing you can do here in the lobby folks. Move on please. We've got to let the boys rest." Everyone started moving out in small groups, whispering amongst themselves. I overheard snatches of conversation. "...saved those two kids..." "...hope they are ok..." "...very brave..." " they were watching out for them to try and atone..." I asked Mandy how Scottie and Cathy were doing. "They are pretty shaken up right now Bob. They are pretty young, and have been through an awful lot. But they realize what James and Nick did. They know that if it wasn't for them the dog would have been all over them." "I feel so bad. I didn't check that closet before I turned the kids loose to start scrounging." Dan, who had returned from the hospital over heard what I said. "NO sir!" "Pardon me Dan?" "You cannot blame yourself for this Bob. It was just an accident. If you start taking every accident that happens to the group onto your shoulders it will soon crush you." "But if I'd..." Mandy jumped in. "Dan's right Bob. It was no more your fault that those two boys got hurt than it was mine that Joni was nearly kidnapped. We're human. All we can do is our best for each other and especially for the kids, and hope that we make the right decisions. And hope that God is watching out for us." It was a long night. At some point during the night someone had put a blanket over me where I'd fallen asleep in a chair in the lobby, having refused to leave the area. Frank and Phyllis switched off monitoring the boys, making sure they didn't take a turn for the worse. The sun was just coming up when Phyllis shook me awake. I'd dosed off and on, and was pretty groggy. "What, uh, what is it Phyllis?" "Come inside - you're going to want to see this." I followed her into the medical office. Both boys were awake, but obviously in some pain. Frank was changing a couple of their dressings. "How are they doing Frank?" "I think we're out of the woods Bob. Their pulses are strong, and they've each gotten a couple of units of blood. If we don't end up with a rabies problem and can ward off infection, I think they're going to come through just fine." "Thank God Frank." "I already did Bob." Frank whispered in my ear. "We've removed the devices from their genitals Bob." I whispered back. "Good Frank, thank you." I smiled at him and moved to Nick's side. "How are you doing son?" "I'm ok sir. Just in some pain but the doctor gave me a shot for it." "You were very brave Nick, both of you were," I said, looking over at James. James smiled at me weakly. "If you say so sir. I don't really remember what happened." "Neither do I," agreed Nick. "Let me just say that you saved Scottie and Cathy's lives. You've gone from the recipients of a long and harsh punishment to being heroes overnight." "Do you mean..." "Yes boys. You proved yesterday that no further punishment would be necessary, and that you are both people that we will be pleased and proud to have as part of our community." "Thank you sir." "Yes sir, thank you." "No boys, thank you." Frank interceded. "Bob, that's enough for now. They need rest." We stepped outside. "I want you to get some rest too Bob." "I'm fine Frank." "Don't make me sedate you Bob." I laughed. "Ok doc, I'll go get a bit to eat and nap for a while. But if it's ok with you, I want to give everyone an update." "Go on you hard headed son of a bitch." As I walked off I flipped him the bird. Frank just shook his head and went back in the office. After letting everyone know that the boys were going to be ok I realized I was starving, not having eaten any dinner. I gobbled down some breakfast before heading off to bed. I slept for a couple of hours, then got up and showered, feeling refreshed. I headed immediately towards the lobby and medical offices, but was stopped by Scottie and Cathy. "Mr. Bob, do you think it would be ok if we go and see Nick and James?" "I think that would be very nice, kids. Let's go see if they are awake." When we got to the lobby, I saw that Phyllis had posted a sign saying, "QUIET PLEASE. NO VISITORS AT THIS TIME." I knocked softly on the door. It jerked open and Phyllis stepped out with a scowl on your face until she saw who it was. "Oh, it's you Bob. Sorry, I was about to give you a tongue lashing." "No problem Phyllis, I understand. Are the boys awake?" "They are. Frank has then eating a little soup right now." "I know what the sign says, but do you suppose Scottie and Cathy could see them?" "I think that would be just fine Bob. Kids, come on in with me." The three of us followed her into the room and I shut the door behind us. The two boys were sitting up in bed with a tray of soup in front of them. When they saw who had come to visit them they didn't know how to react. Scottie was the first to speak. "Are you, um, are you ok?" "Yeah," James said softly. "We're sorry you got hurt," Cathy said. "Um, well, thank you. And we're sorry for, for..." Nick couldn't go on, but broke down in tears, followed by James. I watched with a tear in my own eye as Scottie and Cathy moved to the boys, hugging them as gently as they could so as not to hurt them. Nick grabbed Scottie in a hug, weeping openly as James and Cathy held each other. No further words were needed. After a few minutes Scottie and Cathy both extricated themselves from the boy they were with and went to the other boy, hugging him. I glanced at Phyllis, and tears were rolling down her cheeks as she watched the scene in front of her. Finally she intervened as the four kids crying began to slow. "Ok kids. They boys need to finish their soup and get some more rest. Why don't you come back tonight to check on them?" "Can we?" "Yes, but you are the only ones!" That put a smile on their faces and I led them out of the office. "Go on kids. I'll see you later." Phyllis stepped out of the office and we watched them walk off down the hall. "Did you ever think you'd see that Bob?" "Kids are amazing creatures Phyllis. They have a capacity to love and forgive that I wish all of us had." "Amen to that Bob." That evening Frank said that the boys were well enough to join everyone for some solid food. After he'd gotten them dressed the boys were brought to the dining room in wheel chairs. When they appeared cheers and applause broke out from the assembled group. There were balloons and streamers and a big banner that the kids had made and everyone had signed. It said "WELCOME TO OUR FAMILY JAMES AND NICK. YOU ARE BOTH HEROES!" More crying ensued from the boys as everyone gathered around them to welcome them. I moved to the mic and signaled for everyone's attention. Frank and Phyllis pushed the boys to the front area of the room and then moved to take a seat. "Please, everyone, please sit down." Finally everyone found a seat and quieted down. "We are gathered here tonight to say thank you to a couple of very brave boys and welcome them into our family." Cheers again broke out with everyone surging to their feet in a standing ovation. The applause went on for a couple of minutes before everyone sat back down. "Boys, needless to say, your punishment is over. You took everything you were given like men and I would be proud of you even without your selfless act of bravery." More applause. "Ok, ok. I think we've embarrassed the boys enough and Dr. Frank is going to get after me if I don't let these boys eat something pretty soon." Laughter greeted that remark. Right after dinner, Frank insisted that the boys still needed rest and he and Phyllis wheeled them out of the dining room to get them to bed. A festive atmosphere prevailed however, and most people moved to the pool area once the dishes were done. As the splashing and playing was going on in the pool, there was also a lot of groping and feeling going on. I sat on the steps of the pool and pulled Brian onto my lap feeling his hard 5-inch cock. "God that feels good sir," the boy said as he stroked my cock. I led the boy up out of the pool and sat down on one of the lounge chairs. I pulled him in front of me and took his hard prick into my mouth, lapping up his sweet precum. I stroked his ass cheeks as I sucked him, working my fingers into his crack and feeling his pucker. Brian moaned as I worked a finger inside of him. As I sucked Brian's tasty cock, I saw that I wasn't the only one enjoying a bit of young flesh tonight. Beverly was bent over eating the bald pussy of one of new young girls as 17-year-old Nick was fucking her from behind. John and Michelle were tag-teaming Bethany; Michelle sucking and fondling her young breasts as John fucked the 13-year old. Larry was on his hands and knees, sucking off little 12-year-old Simon as Bradley, a 14-year-old blond boy fucked his ass with what appeared to be a pretty impressive piece of teen meat for his age. Kyle was going at it with one of the new girls, fucking her like there was no tomorrow. Alicia and another girl were in a hot 69, eating each other off, and right beside them were Jonathon and Donavon, each of them with the other's cock firmly embedded in their mouth's. Brian pulled his boy dick from my mouth and knelt in front of me. He reached out, taking hold of my dripping cock and moved his face towards my crotch. He licked up and down my dripping fuck stick, getting all of precum that he could before moving to suck on my balls. I leaned back and spread my legs, letting the boy pleasure me with his 15-year-old and very talented mouth. Brian repositioned himself, climbing up on the lounge chair and facing my feet. As he got ready to take my cock in his mouth he looked back at me and shook his ass in my face. "Care to eat a young boy's ass sir?" I didn't need a second invitation and quickly spread the boy's ass cheeks with my hands and dove in. I ran my tongue up and down his crack before zeroing in on the puckered pink flesh of his boy pussy. I lapped at the wrinkled skin until I felt it began to loosen then plunged my tongue as deep inside of him as I could. He moaned around my cock in his mouth, sending shivers up and down my spine. When my tongue began to tire, I grabbed a tube of lube sitting on the table beside me and squirted some on my fingers. I worked a finger up into his tight ass, lubing him up. I worked a second and then a third finger into the boy, stretching him out, and bringing forth more moans of pleasure. The area was filled with moans of ecstasy from all the sex going on. When I felt he was ready I asked Brian to turn around. He straddled me as he faced me, first greasing up my cock with the lube I handed him, then lining it up with his asshole. Slowly he began to sink down onto my steel hard shaft. When the head of my cock popped in, I saw a look of mild pain pass over his countenance before a sublime look of pleasure replaced it. Brian had obviously done this before and wasted no time settling down on my cock until it was fully ensconced in the hot moist tunnel of his boy pussy. Brian bounced up and down on my cock and met his downward moves my thrusting up into him. The satiny walls of his asshole stroked my cock as he leaned forward and brought his lips to mine. He stuck his tongue in my mouth, exploring my teeth and gums as he continued to massage my cock with his ass muscles. Between the incredibly talented ass of this 15-year-old boy and the orgy going on around me, I couldn't stand it any longer. Thrusting as deeply as I could into his tight hole, I fired jet after jet of scalding spunk into Brian's guts, forcing so much sperm into him that it began running back out of his pussy around my cock and down onto my balls which were pulled up tight against my body. I continued to fire into him as Brian's own orgasm over took him and he coated both of our chests with his hot boy cum. Finally he collapsed on top of me and I held him as we both came down from the incredible sex we had just enjoyed. When we both recovered sufficiently Brian pulled me to my feet and let me to a shower that Hugh had rigged over a floor drain. He had installed it in order for anyone to wash away their cum and such before they went back in the pool. Brian turned it on and we stood together under the warm spray, gently washing each other's bodies. We could have stayed there under the warm spray all night, but other's were ready to use it as well, and as we stepped aside two of other boys stepped in to wash the cum from their bodies that they had sprayed all over each other. It was indeed a night of celebration, and this group knew a lot of ways to celebrate in the most pleasurable of all possible ways. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX What do you think? End it here for now, or keep going? Let me know what you think at