Would You Take My Son

The following is a work of fiction. It is not based on any real events or people. Please, consider donating to Nifty, to keep erotic literature free http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html.

This story is about the day to day activities of two adults and two children that form a family. It includes bisexual, cross generational, and young friends sexual exploits. If it were published as a paperback, it would have around 500 pages.

This story is written and copyrighted by The_Curmudgeon@Yahoo.com


Chapter 1, Meeting Donny

I volunteer in the after school programs at the YMCA in the Los Altos neighborhood of Long Beach, California, USA. My job allows me to be at the Y by 4 PM most days. I also volunteer my vacation time and a few weekends each year as a camp counselor and cabin monitor at their week-long camps and weekend outings in the local mountains. The age range I enjoy working with most is the 10 to 15 year old boys.

On any given campout, boys will be boys, and after dark, in tents or cabins, conversations or sometimes even activities turn sexual.

Most of the conversations I've overheard were instructional in nature, usually an older boy sharing his knowledge with a younger boy or two, or two similar aged boys comparing notes. I allowed these sessions to progress as long as they remained informative and accurate. If the information became inaccurate, I would gently speak up from the shadows and correct the information and suggest they go to sleep for the night.

When I discover sexual activities, I will enter the area and reassure the boys they are not in any trouble, but that I am required to be there to insure everyone is safe and are a willing participant. While this is not really YMCA policy, it has allowed me to observe young boys engaging in sexual activity. These events often morph into educational opportunities of questions and answers.

Over the years I have developed a rapport with the boys where they are not afraid to ask me sex related questions. They know I won't get all judgmental and I'll simply provide a truthful answer with information they can understand. I keep things casual and the conversation light and friendly so the boys won't be afraid to talk with me again. My reputation has spread among the boys that they can talk to me, and get a straight answer.

One Monday evening when I was about 24, I had just finished working with a youngster on basic DOS commands when one of the parents, Miss. Baylor, walked up to me and asked, "Mr. McKinney, I'm Ann Baylor, would you mind if I brought Dewey over to your house to talk to you after work tomorrow night?"

"Please call me Aaron. What is it you wanted to talk about?"

She blew it off with a short answer, "Oh, you know, guy stuff."

That wasn't very specific, so I really didn't know what it was about. But I gave her my address and told her that I got home around 4 PM and she could come by any time after that.

Around 4:30, there was a knock at my front door. Dewey is standing there, and tells me his mom would like to speak to me. She's in the car in the driveway with the engine running. I invited him in, had him take a seat in the living room and walked out to the passenger window of the car. As I approached his mom blurted out, "Thanks for talking with him, he needs to learn about sex. I'll pick him up at 9." She backed out of the driveway and drove off.

I was in shock. This was not a subject that YMCA volunteers were trained for, or were even supposed to formally discuss with our members. We weren't even supposed to be alone with a child. I thought this was going to be him, his mother and me having a conversation!

I walked back to the living room and sat in my overstuffed chair as Dewey had taken over the couch. I looked at him for a moment and he was looking back. I asked, "Dewey, do you know why you're here?"

"My mom said you wanted to talk to me."

The conversation went downhill from there.

I filled him in on what his mother had said to me after the previous night's computer lab and our conversation in the driveway.

"That sounds just like something my mom would do. She won't talk about sex at all. She won't let me watch a TV show where they do more than just kissing. I know she's had sex at least once! I don't know what her hang-up is."

I tried to direct the conversation in some logical direction by asking questions about what he already knew. Turns out he had already been through 5th, 6th, and 7th grade sex education classes. In fact, he had more formal sex education than I did. All my school did was show us a movie in 7th grade, but I did have more practical application than he did. His experience was limited to the boy next door who was the same age. They had started with a little mutual masturbation, moved to oral sex, and they had recently graduated to anal sex.

I asked what he thought about having anal sex with his neighbor and he told me it was fun and felt good and was just something they did either after school or on sleep-overs. I asked several other pointed questions and he knew the right answers. I asked if he knew what a condom was and he pulled one from his wallet. Talking with him reminded me of the old joke about the nervous father who told his son he wanted to talk to him about sex, and the son replied, "Sure Dad, what do you want to know?"

Our sex conversation was over in 20 minutes. I made some Taco Tuesday dinner for us and we killed time till his mom picked him up at 9. I told her that her son was well informed for his age and seemed to have a responsible attitude towards sex.

Later at the Y, in a private conversation, she apologized for ambushing me that way, it was something she couldn't do herself due to her past. When she finally opened up, she revealed that she had been raped at 11 and had the baby when she was 12. Her mother continued to raise her and her child till she was 18, when she went out on her own. Her son was probably right that she'd only had sex once.

I dodged a bullet on that conversation, but it made me realize how unprepared I was for answering more complex questions. Over the next year, I made a conscious effort to acquire some age appropriate materials and educated myself on having "The Sex Talk" with a pre-teen or a teenager.

Having myself better informed on instructional methods did allow me to better handle the occasional random question and a few incidents among the boys on Y weekend trips to the mountains. The incidents were innocent enough. You show me yours and I'll show you mine, mutual masturbation, even a little anal sex. It was nothing outrageous or out of the ordinary for little boys with emerging hormones. I usually let it go on if they were being quiet and both parties having a good time.

The second time it happened was Monday, May 3rd 1982, 9 years later which made me 33.

Similar to the previous time, Miss. Chen, who is a very petite oriental single-parent, approached me in the computer lab. "Mr. McKinney, I wonder if I could ask you a favor. Could we step outside?"

We stepped into an office. She was staring at her feet while she spoke. "My son is 13 now... and he needs information. His body is changing and he doesn't understand what's happening. He needs to talk with a man he likes and he likes you."

Her son, Donny was one of the smaller kids in the computer labs. When I first met him the year before, he told me he was 12, but based on his size, I questioned if he was actually that old. At that time, he looked like he was about 8 or 9. He convinced me that he was in the 6th grade, so I registered him in the basic computer lab. He had serious issues with self-esteem and confidence. He couldn't hold his head up and look you in the eye during even a friendly conversation. He was intelligent, learned easily, and you only had to show or tell him something once, but had trouble using the information he acquired in a conversation with an adult or even with an older child. He always looked down at his feet. I actually felt sorry for this kid. I figured The Y would be good for him and help him come out of his shell.

As Miss. Chen spoke, my mind raced back to many years ago when a mother asked me to have "The Sex Talk" with her son. I believe Miss. Chen was asking me to do the same thing.

"Let me make sure what you are asking. You're saying that Donny is going through puberty and you want me to answer any questions he may have?"

"It's more than just questions. He doesn't know or understand anything about why he leaves stains in his underwear on his sheets or what's going on, you know, down there!"

I was pretty busy the rest of the week with previous Y commitments, but Friday evening was open. So we made arrangements for him to come over then. I could see where Donny picked up his shyness so it would not helpful for her to be there. She would only hinder him from opening up, and that is exactly what he needed to do. Yes, I was going to break Y rules about one-on-one contact with a member on purpose.

Miss. Chen called Friday afternoon shortly after I arrived home, "I only have a few seconds. I have to work a double shift tonight and won't be home till 5AM tomorrow. I will drop Donny off on my dinner break just after 6PM tonight. Since I won't be home till morning, Donny will spend the night at your house and I will pick him up in the morning around 10." To her there was no question of him staying, it was a statement that he was spending the night.

Wow, fortunately, I had nothing planned for Saturday and agreed just before she hung up.

She and Donny arrived at 6:10. Before she left she told Donny, "Mr. McKinney is in charge of you now, you are to do whatever Mr. McKinney tells you to do. Understand?"

"Yes ma'am."

With that, she was on her way back to work. She only had a 30 minute lunch break.

I put my arm around Donny's shoulder. He's still such a little boy. Even now at 13 he is only 4 feet 6 inches tall and weighs 60 pounds. Hard to believe he's 13. Maybe as his puberty progressed it would build him up. He's still looking at his feet as we walk into the house. That's the first thing we're going to work on.

"Have you had any dinner?"

"No Mr. McKinney, but that's OK, I'll eat when I get home."

"You realize that's not till tomorrow till almost lunchtime?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"What kind of pizza would you like?"

Speaking to his shoes he said, "Whatever you're having."

"Donny. Look at me."

Without moving his head he raised his eyes so he could see my face. I reached over putting my hand under his chin and raised his face to mine.

"What kind of pizza do you like?"

Actually looking at me this time, "I really like Hawaiian."

"Hawaiian, it is." I called Pizza Hut delivery and ordered a small Hawaiian and a small Meat Lovers for myself. I wanted Donny to realize that being more assertive with his answers might benefit himself sometimes. The store needed to know which crust. "Deep dish, hand tossed, or thin crust?" Donny replied actually looking at me, "Deep dish please."

Several more times during our following conversations that weekend I had to remind Donny to hold his head up and speak directly to the other person, but I'm not going to make all those reminders part of this story. Just know that by the time I took him home, I wasn't having to remind him anymore.

"So we have 45 minutes before the pizza arrives. Donny, do you know why you're here today?"

"My mom said that I needed to talk with you about my body changing."

"That's right. She asked me to have the same talk with you that a father and son usually have about sex and the changes your body goes through as you go through during puberty."

"What kind of changes?"

"Well, most noticeably, your penis will become longer and bigger around and your testicles will become larger." I could already see a look of confusion on Donny's face. "By the look on your face, I see you have a question?"

"Yes sir, what's a penis?"

I was shocked. I was the deer in the headlights. I do believe that question was being asked for the first time in recorded history by a 13-year-old boy. I tried not letting my mouth hang open.

"Before I answer that, let me ask you a couple more questions. You're in the 7th grade, right?

"Yes sir."

"Didn't you have sex education in Health Class in the 5th, 6th and 7th grades?"

"No, I was sent to study hall during those classes. My mom didn't sign the permission slips."

"OK. When you're in the showers after gym class, do you ever look around at your fellow students as they shower?"

"I don't take gym. Mom got a doctor's excuse so I don't do gym like the other guys. I'm the timekeeper or scorekeeper or do other things the gym teacher wants me to do, but I don't have go into the locker room or the showers."

"Have you ever seen another person without clothes on?"

"I accidently saw my mom's naked back side once, but when she saw me, she cried the rest of the day."

"So you've never seen another boy or a man naked?"

"No sir."

"Not even on TV or at the movies?"

"Mom doesn't let me watch those kinds of shows and I've never been to the movies."

"On our campouts, did you ever see your cabin mates changing clothes?"

"Yeah, but when they got down to their underwear, I close my eyes."

"Do they close their eyes for you?"

"I change my underclothes inside my sleeping bag."

"Have you ever heard the term "penis" before?"

"I've overheard some guys at school use it, but we're not friends and I don't know what they're talking about."


"Yeah, some guy at school called me that. What is it?"

"Not going to answer that just now. I will later."

There was a knock at the door, the pizza had arrived.

Time for a break, I handed Donny his pizza box and carried mine into the kitchen with him following along. I got us each a Mountain Dew from the fridge and sat at the kitchen table.

I sat there munching on my pizza and wondered how a boy can live 13 years, go to public school, and not know what a penis is.

"May I have a piece of your Hawaiian? I'll trade you one of my Meat Lovers." We exchanged slices.

"So tell me about your family, Donny."

"Not much to tell, just Mom and me"

"Where's your dad?"

"I don't have a dad."

"What happened to him?"

"I don't know, I just don't have one."

"Well somewhere out there you do. That's the way sex works. It takes a male and a female to produce a child."



Again I'm flabbergasted. He didn't know it took two to tango. I shouldn't have been surprised. If he didn't know what a penis was, how would he know it takes a male and a female to make a baby? I have my work cut out for me. I had been studying his face, and as an untrained observer, I could not detect any of his mother's Chinese ancestry. His father genes must have been powerful. He looks like a typical American kid, if there is such a thing. He was just small, like his mother.

For such a little kid, he sure can pack the food away. He ate his entire deep dish pizza along with two cans of Mountain Dew. I cleaned up throwing out trash and we moved back into the living room.


Next Chapter: nifty.org/nifty/bisexual/adult-youth/would-you-take-my-son/would-you-take-my-son-2.html

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