Eleven-and-a-half: A Fantasy Of Great Length by Ray Wilder Chapter 40: Flashback This is a work of fiction. All the characters, events and locations portrayed in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to real persons, events or locations is purely coincidental. Copyright © 1996. All rights, implicit or implied, except for distribution by this archive and personal use by the individual downloading the file, are reserved. Inquiries regarding publishing rights for this book should be directed to: raywild@aol.com ======================================== Mr. Ridell was dead. Arnold had just gotten off the phone with Sam. She'd not expected Arnold to answer and the desperate need they had for each other, combined with the inconsolable grief over the loss of their friend, made the whole event tragic and stupid. Nothing was able to satisfy either of their needs, there were thousands of miles between them. They hung up without even saying good bye. David, Mary and Ed all tried, in their own ways, to comfort him but he shut himself in the basement gym for an entire day. The sound of free weights and metal plates being flung furiously around the room could be heard all through the house. Huge screams of effort erupted as Arnold tried to wipe away his grief with the exquisite pain of the pump. Finally, at three o'clock the next morning, the house fell silent. David went to the basement the next day and found Arnold's collapsed, exhausted body lying on the bench press. Ed was asleep on the floor beside him, his arm thrown over Arnold's abdomen, the latter's huge, flat pec his pillow.