Date: Mon, 05 May 2003 17:35:57 +0000 From: Nake Body Subject: Mystic Sinners Guild Chapter 5 The Mystical Sinners Guild Chapter 5 Sacrifices and Punishments After work the next day, Richard made his way to the Guild Mansion, arriving a full half hour before the 7 o'clock meeting. He was not going to be caught out on time keeping! He found Robing Room 6, and entered. It was empty, he was obviously the first to arrive. He put both his robes on top of Locker 8, stripped off, and put his workaday clothes into the locker. By the time he had done this and was heading for the shower, eight other men had arrived, and were starting to undress. He opened the glass door and walked into the shower room. He felt clean and refreshed as he walked out and dried himself. He pulled on his purple robe, and waited. A few minutes later the others had all showered, and hurriedly donned their robes. He turned to the Junior at the next locker. "It would be a bit crowded in there if all thirteen were here and in a hurry at the last moment!" he said, eager to strike up a conversation with a fellow Sinner. "It can get very friendly in there at times!" smiled Number 7. He looked at Richard. "I should shoulder your hems if I were you," he advised. "If the Senior enters and you're not ready, all hell will be let loose, for us as well as you!" He shouldered his own hem, sticking the Velcro hem pads on to the shoulder pads, exposing himself back and front below the waist. "These Seniors can get quite vicious about even minor transgressions." Richard followed suit, just in the nick of time before the Robing Senior walked in. "I am Gerald. Obey me, Sinners!" he roared as he entered. He was very tall, and looked awesome with his long black robe and painful looking riding crop. All the others got down on their knees and kissed the floor in front of Gerald. Richard decided he had better follow suit. Whilst the Jumiors remained kissing the ground, their exposed rears uppermost, the Senior sauntered around them, inspecting their anuses. "We obey, Oh Gerald!" they all chanted, repeatedly. As he walked around them, he occasionally cracked the business end of his crop over a buttock, drawing a wince from its owner. Richard felt the blunt end of the crop exploring his crack. "Ah! Newly shaved. Our Novice, I see!" he announced, catching Richard a blow on his naked arse as he moved on. "Circle!" he commanded. "We obey, Oh master of our Robes!" chanted the gathering. The Juniors stood up and formed a circle, facing outwards. The Senior held a clipboard and pen, and started walking around the circle, stopping by each Junior in turn. The first had a small stubble of hair on his abdomen, through which he riffled his fingers. "We'll let that grow a bit more!" he pronounced, and made a note on his clipboard. The Senior scribbled on his sheet. He took a Backside Icon out of a large pocket in his robe, and unshouldering the Junior's robe, stuck the icon on his chest Velcro. He proceeded in this manner around the circle, Richard getting more and more nervous as she approached. "Ah! Face to prick with the Novice, at last!" he said, observing Richard's completely bald pubes. Richard gave a sigh of relief. The state of his hair was so obvious there would be no need for it to be felt. But Senior Gerald was fastidious. "Let's see if they shaved it nice and smooth!" he said, and slid his hand under Richard's balls, moving it backwards and forwards a few times. Richard's penis was just about to start enlarging when he withdrew it. When he had completed the circuit, he commanded them to stand easy. "Lower hems!" he commanded. "Learner Richard!" he said, turning to me. "You are to attend an Instruction Briefing in Senior Room 5 during Association Time." Soon they were given leave to attend the meeting, and filed out to the theatre, took a seat, and waited. The Populace grew, and before long there were almost one hundred Sinners present. At seven thirty precisely, the Body Lord took the stage, accompanied by his deputy Senior, Peter. Senior Peter addressed the Populace, some fifty Sinners. "Tonight we welcome Junior Learner Richard to his first Meeting!" "We truly welcome thee, Richard!" chanted the Populace. "Take the stage, Richard, that the Populace may see you!" Richard climbed up the five steps on to the stage. "We greet you, Oh Learner Richard!" chanted the Populace. "Show us your new Learner's robe, and that you go naked under it!" "Raise your arms to the horizontal," instructed Peter, "and rotate slowly." Richard raised his arms and turned, displaying the naked sides of his body through the open sides of the robe. He was then dismissed from the stage. "And now, welcome the great Body Lord!" "We venerate you, Oh Lord!" they chanted. The Body Lord stood forward. "Oh Sinners!" he intoned. "Tonight, after association time, we must punish the Externals Darren, Mitch, Tracey, and Chas, who will present themselves for punishment after association time." "And now, as is my right, I demand a sacrifice!" intoned the Lord. "Oh Lord, what sacrifice do you demand?" "I demand two nice juicy cunts to be opened to my sacred tongue and lips!" intoned the Lord. There was a mumbling through the populace. "Not again!" I heard one mutter. "Which maidens shall sacrifice their labia, their clitoris, and their vaginas, to your sacred lips?" asked the acolytes in unison. "I demand the cunts of the Juniors Wendy and Jenny be so sacrificed!" intoned the Lord. There was a startled rumbling now. "Not those two again! That's the fourth meeting running they have been picked on!" muttered a Maiden next to me. Through the crowd Jenny and Wendy emerged, and alighted the stage, trembling. "Stand and face the Populace, that they may see you!" intoned the Lord. Looking at their robes, I worked out that both were Juniors. Jenny was a Competent, Wendy a Learner. "Bare the Maidens to the Second Degree!" commanded the Lord to the two Senior Hands who were attending him. The two Hands unceremoniously untied the cords, and ripped the robes off the Maidens from the shoulders. "Table the Maidens!" cried the Lord, and two Senior Hands grappled the naked Maidens to the table, laying them face up, with their legs dangling over the edge from the knees. Cords were attached to their knees, and tied to the legs of the table, forcing apart their legs. Their hands were secured above their heads. The Maidens obviously didn't like this at all, nervous to be in such a vulnerable position, and were straining at their securing bonds, but to no avail. The Lord approached the Hands. "Bare me to the First Degree!" he commanded. The two Senior Hands raised the Body Lord's robe over his head (for it had no splittable shoulders) and he stood in a scanty black slip. He turned to the table, and to Wendy, the Learner, obviously recently initiated for she was almost as bald as Richard. The details of her labia were clearly discernible. The Lord inserted his fingers between the labia, and parted them, then went in head first. Before long, Wendy was groaning. Then he moved on to Jenny, a natural blondes, by the look of it. Soon she too was soon groaning. The Lord stood to face the acolytes. "The Maidens moan with pleasure at the lips of the Lord!" he intoned. Richard was transfixed at the sight of the bulge in the Lord's slip. So rampant had he grown, that the head of his penis was protruding above the top of the low cut waistband, slippery beads oozing from it. His attendants enrobed him before turning to the still spreadeagled Maidens. They donned their robes as soon as they were released, and started to walk off the stage. As she passed him, Wendy spat in the face of the Lord. One of the attendant Hands immediately grabbed her, whilst the other departed and shortly returned with her Punishment Robe. Even before he arrived, the first Hand had ripped her robe off once more, leaving her naked again, ready to be put in her Punishment Robe. "You shall be Punished severely!" intoned the Lord. A hush fell on the Populace. "I hereby decree that you shall wear Punishment Robes for the next four meetings. I shall personally whip your pretty arse before and after Sacrifices on each occasion!" Maiden Wendy was then pushed roughly off the stage, and Association Time was announced. Richard left the auditorium and wandered down the corridor until he came to an imposing door marked "Senior's Suite". He entered, and found himself in a small lobby. On one side of the wall was a notice. 'Juniors shall shoulder their hems before proceeding into the Senior Suite' it read. Richard dutifully raised all four corners of the hem of his robe to the four Velcro patches near his shoulders, exposing himself back and front, approached and entered Room 5. It was a blaze of light inside. "Welcome, Learner Richard," the only occupant of the room, a male Senior, greeted effusively. "I am Sethimus, your tutor and mentor until you reach the rank of Competent. What lovely balls you've got!" he added, unashamedly gazing at Richard's genitals. One hand gently cupped and stroked Richard's recently shaven testicles. Richard felt he had no option but to submit silently. After a minute or so of this, Sethimus withdrew his hand. "Enough of this, mustn't get you too excited so early in the meeting!" he chuckled, as Richard's prick had started to enlarge. "Your first learning assignment will be Punishment Administration. You will watch the punishment of the two Externals Darren and Mitch, and then take the stage and punish Externals Tracy and Chas, with, if necessary, the help of two Stalwarts. You will be judged on creativeness, severity, and the fitting of the punishment to the crime. You will report to me after tonight's meeting, for my adjudication on your performance. Any questions?" Richard gulped. In at the deep end! "Do I have a completely free hand?" he asked. "More or less. If you inadvertently exceed our limits, a Stalwart will discreetly inform you. Oh, by the way," he added, "take these." Sethimus handed Richard a white cord, and a green leather slip. "Wear these during the punishment session. It humiliates the Sinner being punished more if his tormentor is covered, particularly if the punishment involves removing garments of the Sinner." With that, Sethimus dismissed Richard, who, dropping his hems on the way out, rejoined the populace in the meeting hall. Senior Peter opened the second half of the meeting. "Acolytes! We have only one Sinner to punish this evening." he intoned. "We have Junior Competent Brian, of Room 3 Locker 1 to punish tonight. He was seen feeling the buttocks of Junior Learner Martin. The Lord has determined his punishment. Brian, wearing his Punishment robe, was brought on to the stage by the two Stalwarts. His prick hung down just a fraction below the front hem, by design. "Bare Junior Brian to the Second degree!" commanded Peter. The two Hands stripped him naked in front of the Populace. "Junior Brian shall now have his own bottom punished!" decreed Senior Peter. Senior Mary walked on stage with a thin cane, and a grim look on her face. Brian was bent over the table and held there by the attendant Stalwarts. Mary laid into him, until his buttocks were striped. He was released, and hobbled off stage carrying his Punishment robe. "Now for the externals!" announced the Lord. Three males and one female, all in their twenties and dressed in ordinary street clothes, were marched onto the stage. Each carried a response sheet. "Sinners of the street!" intoned the Lord. "Do you repent?" "We do, Oh Lord!" read the outsiders. "Shall we stick up posters with photos of you committing your crimes, all over the town?" asked the Lord. "Pray no!" chanted the Externals. "Punish us with your own wrath!" "Do you agree to undergo the punishment I decree?" demanded the Lord. "We do! We surrender to you and your Stalwarts and Maidens, that you may punish us for our misdeeds," they read from the sheet. "So be it!" intoned the Lord. "First we will deal with Darren and Mitch." The Stalwarts pushed Darren and Mitch forward. "These two Sinners," announced Senior Peter, "were caught red-handed defacing buildings with graffiti. Have you decided upon a suitable punishment, Oh Lord?" "I have!" confirmed the Lord. "Stalwarts! Forcibly bare the External Mitch to the second degree!" The two Stalwarts grabbed hold of the hapless Mitch, and roughly stripped him naked, throwing his clothes to the floor on the other side of the stage. "Table the Sinner face down!" intoned the Lord. Mitch was roughly forced down on to the table, and shackled by wrists and ankles to it. Darren looked on, trembling with fear. "Sinner Darren!" intoned the Lord. "Take these felt tipped pens, and recreate your graffiti on the body of the Sinner Mitch!" Darren moved to the table and got to work on Mitch's back until it was covered in meaningless scrawls. "And the rest!" intoned the Lord. Before long, the whole of Mitch's back, including his buttocks and legs, were covered in colourful patterns. "So be it!" intoned the Lord. "Stalwarts! Turn the Sinner Mitch over!" Mitch was unceremoniously unshackled, turned over on to his back, and reshackled. "Sinner Darren! Continue!" commanded the Lord. Soon Mitch's chest, stomach, and legs, were looking similar to his back. Then the Stalwarts took the felt tips from Darren, and gave him a small jar of red ink, and a narrow brush. "Sinner Darren!" intoned the Lord. "Now complete the job. "Paint the parts you have not yet covered!" Darren nervously took hold of Mitch's penis, and started in with the brush. "Stop!" interrupted the Lord. "It must be fully extended when painted, or it will appear striped when erect later." "But, er, but it's soft, Oh Lord!" stuttered Darren. "Then make it hard!" commanded the Lord. Darren looked extremely embarrassed and nervous, as he started stroking Mitch's prick and balls, until, gradually, it started lazily enlarging. A stream of invective came from Mitch, who was straining against his bonds to escape his treatment at the hands of his friend, but to no avail. Darren's confidence was growing as he saw Mitch was unable to thump him one, and he took Mitch's prick in his hand and roughly pumped it up and down until it was rigid, its head purple and shiny. Then Darren applied the paint. "A very artistic job!" remarked the Lord. "You have made your friend's body look as ugly as the buildings you vandalised with your scribblings. Admire your work a little longer, whilst stroking Mitch's genitals!" Full of confidence now, Darren stroked Mitches prick and balls until they were straining so much, it was obvious to all he was about to ejaculate. Darren withdrew his hands. "Continue!" demanded the Lord, "Unless you wish the same fate to befall you!" Darren's hands returned to Mitch's scrotum and penis, and resumed their gentle stroking. "Stop Darren!" cried Mitch. "You'll make me come!" "That is the general idea, Mitch!" replied the Lord, smiling. Darren relentlessly continued the stroking. "Grasp the shaft and pump!" intoned the Lord. Darren got a grip on Mitch's shaft, and worked it up and down. Mitch started straining against his bonds and panting. Within seconds a series of bursts of hot liquid shot from the end of his prick. The acolytes applauded. Stalwarts! Release the sinner!" The Stalwarts undid Mitch's shackles, and dried him crudely with a piece of rough old towelling. They roughly pushed his bundle of clothes into his arms, and marched them to the front door and out into the grounds, Mitch still naked and clutching the bundle. Richard turned to the Sinner next to him. "Why's he letting Darren off scot free?" he asked "It will set them against each other!" explained the male Competent. "Think how guilty you'd feel if you'd graffittied your mate's body, and played with his cock in front of an audience, until he came! And think how pissed off you would be if you were on the receiving end!" Richard smiled, seeing the funny side. "And now I call on Junior Learner Richard to his Punishment Training!" intoned the Lord. Richard climbed up on to the stage. Tracey and Chas were brought forward. The Body Lord read out the charge. "I hereby condemn you to Punishment by the Guild, for lewd behaviour at midnight last night in a public place, to wit, attempting sexual intercourse on a park bench, with lower garments removed. How do you plead?" "We are guilty, Oh Lord!" the chanted in response. "Learner Richard will decide your fate. Richard, My Stalwarts are at your command!" intoned the Lord. Richard walked over to the Stalwarts and had a quiet word with them. They nodded, and one left the stage. Richard turned to Tracey. "Strip, and hand your clothes to the Stalwart as you remove them!" he barked. Shamefacedly, Tracey started undressing in front of the Populace. Shoes, jeans, and sweater came off, and one by one were handed over. Tracey stood in her bra and panties. "Come on, do the job properly!" shouted Richard. Tracey looked miserable, hung her head in shame, and shook her head. "Stalwart, shackle the female Sinner to the table!" commanded Richard. The Stalwart bundled Tracey over to the table, and shackled her face up, so that she was spreadeagled. At this point the second Stalwart returned, with a plastic crate containing equipment. From the crate, Richard took a pair of scissors. "Oh female Sinner! Whether you like it or not, you shall be bared to the second degree!" So saying, Richard snipped through the centre of her bra between the cups, so that it fell away exposing her ample breasts. "Please don't!" whimpered Tracey. Chas came over looking angry, but was quickly restrained by one of the Stalwarts. "I've hardly started yet!" snapped Richard, snipping through the sides of her panties, and removing them, threw them to the Populace, who were now all gazing at the hairy mound between her legs. "Thought you'd be exhibitionists and have a fuck in public, did you?" asked Richard. "Well, this will be a fucking that all will see very clearly. Chas! Strip!" Not wishing his underwear to suffer the same fate as Tracey's, Chas did as he was told, and handed his clothes over to a Stalwart, standing on the stage stark naked. He had a slightly smug smile, having the inkling he was about to get to shag Tracey, lying helpless on the table. Richard took the smile off his face. Handing Chas the shaving kit which he produced from the crate, Richard commanded Chas to shave the pubes off Tracey. "Let's see every detail under those hairs!" encourage Richard while Chas set to work. Tracey squirmed and squealed, but her bonds held tight. Soon her genitalia were exposed, and Chas was rinsing away the surplus shaving foam. "Chas! Stand and face the Populace!" commanded Richard. The Populace thus observed that Chas had developed a massive erection whilst shaving Tracey, just ready, he thought, to insert into that moist cunt he had just unveiled. Richard had other ideas, however, and produced from the crate a vibrator, which he instructed a Stalwart to play with on Tracey's clitoris. While this was going on, Richard turned to Chas. "So you like fucking, do you?" he asked Chas. "I do, your Lordship, sir!" replied Chas. "Take him to the table, then, Stalwart!" commanded Richard. The Stalwart forced Chas to bend over the end of the table, and shackled his wrists to the same points as Tracey's wrists. Chas's head was inches from Tracey's cunt, while his ankles were being shackled to the legs of the table, spreading his legs wide apart. Chas got a close up of the tip of the vibrator playing on Tracey's clitoris. Tracey had started to moan quietly in pleasure. "This is where we get fucking!" announced Richard, taking the vibrator from the Stalwart, and gently introducing it between Tracey's newly shaved lips, right in front of Chas's nose. He slid it up inside her until only a couple of inches were protruding, and set it to full speed. Tracey started twitching and gasping. Meanwhile, on Richard's orders, one of the Stalwarts removed his leather slip, revealing that the proceedings had considerably excited him. He dropped hi robe to the floor, and came up behind Chas. "Like a good fuck?" asked Richard. "Love one!" replied Chas, unaware of what was going on behind him. "Here comes one, then!" promised Richard, and Chas, with horror, felt the tip of the Stalwarts penis inserting itself into his anus. "No!" he screamed. "Be a good boy, Chas. You'll enjoy it after a while!" The Stalwart slowly slid his prick deeper and deeper into Chas, and soon both he and Tracey were gasping and twitching uncontrollably. When they had both reached a climax, they were released, their clothes thrown at them, and they were told to make themselves scarce. "Well done, Richard! You are well suited to our craft!" intoned the Lord. The Populace applauded. "The meeting is ended!" intoned the Lord. The acolytes moved to return to their robing rooms, but Richard remembered he had an appointment to see Sethimus before leaving. He made his way to the Senior Suite. He dutifully shouldered his hems, glad that this time he was wearing the slip that Sethimus had provided. He knocked on the door to Sethimus' room. "Enter!" came the voice of Sethimus, and simultaneously the lights in the corridor went out, plunging Richard into complete darkness. Richard opened the door, expecting to see a blaze of light inside. It was just as dark as the corridor. "Come in and close the door behind you!" came the voice of Sethimus. A hand guided him to the other side of the room, and indicated for him to lay down on a sofa. "You have done very well tonight!" congratulate Sethimus. "My friend Agatha and I have decided to reward you. Richard felt two hands undoing the temporary cord from his robe, whilst another two hands slid the slip down over his hips, and off his legs, leaving him naked. Then hands indicated he should get off the table, and he soon found himself in the embrace of two naked bodies, one male, one female. Before long he had an erection. "Are you enjoying this, Richard?" asked Sethimus. "Ooh! Yes!" panted Richard. "Lay him on the sofa Agatha!" intoned Sethimus. When Richard was comfortably on the sofa again, The lights came on, and the naked Agatha stood over him, admiringly stroking his prick. "Don't be afraid, Sinner Richard!" spake Sethimus soothingly. "We are not going to punish you as you caused the External Mitch to be punished. He came over and stroked Richard's penis a little, to ensure it was rock hard. "Here is a feast for your eyes!" And turning Richard off the sofa, he rolled Agatha on to it, and before Richard's very eyes, fucked her energetically. "You may leave now!" he said, and Richard returned to his robing room, feeling a little disappointed and extremely frustrated. Next: The Maidens revolt ...