Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2013 12:33:59 -0800 (PST) From: Billy Billy Subject: This is your life 13 This is a fiction story, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence. This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation intended to entertain adults if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it. THIS IS YOUR LIFE chapter 13 When he talked with his father he was so furious that he thought that his father was going to enslave him in that moment. "HOW DID YOU ALLOW THAT THOSE BRATS USED THE PLEASURE PALACE TO HUMILATE DON'T SAY YOUR BROTHER BUT A FREE CITIZEN?" "I'm sorry Dad, I tried to stop that" "I'M NOT ASKING YOU WHAT YOU TRIED TO DO KRISTOF" "Dad few days before the event took place, Tom and Ross asked me if they could use the Pleasure Palace for a private event, they explained to me that they were going to have a fun time with the new enslaved boys and girls that were bought by some of their friends and even by them, so as you can see this is nothing illegal, and of course they paid the fee for use the hall" "Do you know that the Slave Department knew about what these two boys did to your brother?" "No, but this was the reason why I tried to stop the even as soon as I saw that the almost naked boy that was brought by them was Alexander" "THIS IS THE PROBLEM THAT YOU TRIED BUT YOU DIDN'T STOP IT" "But Dad what could I do?" "Stop it Kristof, I talked with the manager, and because he was present when this incident took place and he told the authority what happened, and because he didn't have other option considering your useless effort to stop it and your stupid promise to Ross that nobody was going to talk about the incident he stopped an action that you would regretted for the rest of your life, you must be aware that thanks to his action you weren't enslaved" Kristof was very nervous now, knowing that he could be a slave. "I'm sorry Dad perhaps I should tried harder to stop that, but really it wasn't my fault" "You have to understand one other thing Kristof, and this is that you're not a slave because your brother didn't complain to the authority about the violation of his rights and NO BODY DID ANYTHING TO HELP HIM, and the worst of all is that if he would had done that THEN ALL THE STUPID TEENAGERS THAT WERE THERE AND YOU WOULD HAD BEEN ENSLAVED so now you have to be thankful with little Sasha about you're still free" "I swear Dad I tried to do my best to stop that no sense thing, and anyway I had to promised Ross that nobody was going to talk because Alexander wanted his stupid former friend as his slave, and I didn't have other option but that if I wanted to take the control of the slave" "Don't you think that was your brother right to ask the slave custody as a reward considering the humiliation he had to go through in front of his friends? But there is a problem Kristof you're now inside the police data bank, and I guess you know what it means" Of course that Kristof knew what that meant, now he was very vulnerable, and anyone could enslave him if they knew that information, and his record would be available for any that wanted to consult the police public files on their data bank for at least three months. "Yes I know what it means" "I had to pay a fine because you allowed that Alexander's rights were violated in one of my business buildings, but as you were the one who was responsible for that, you will pay me the amount, and believe me it was very high, so you would have to figure out how you're going to pay me, and I want to warning you about I won't pay you as I have been doing as my employee, and of course all the allowance that I have been giving you for you extra expenses is suspended, and I want you to figure out how you'll show me that you really are worthy to inherit my fortune, One other thing I had to bribe a high rank police officer so your data record is not available for anyone, but that doesn't mean that some one who is skilled in computers can't see it, because is not deleted just is hidden but some one that knows how to consult even hidden files will find yours, now you're dismissed and I don't want to hear that you are going to parties or hung around with your friends, in other words you're grounded until I tell you that you're forgiven" Kristof had left the office thinking and he knew that the best option to show his father that he was worthy to inherit his wealth was married with Sheena and now he was thinking very seriously in that trip, his father was gone with Alexander and other boy to a business trip, so this was the opportunity he was waiting to visit Sheena learn about how to manage a farm and then with the time merge the farm with his father business. He was thinking in that when he received a phone call from Tom, a naked slave answered and then gave the phone to his master, with a bow that was a mandatory action for the slaves inside the Mesker household, but Kristof was so angry that with out thinking slapped the slave's face very hard twice, so the poor slave had to allow his better hurt him with out saying anything. "How do you dare to call me after what you and Ross have done?" "Is better that we leave the city as soon as Possible Mesker, the police commissioner is investigating the incident with your brother and he's not happy, and he's wondering why Ross was enslaved but you and me not" "What?" "We have to go a way as soon as possible and let the thing settle down if we don't want to face a trial, and Ross' father is exactly what is promoting, he is not happy that you an me are free while Ross is a slave and belongs to your family, he wants revenge, I know that Liam is living in a farm and also he was my friend so is better that we go and visit him and we stay there until my father tells us that is safe to come back" Kristof felt that his world was falling apart, if his father was there he could manage how to handle this situation, but with him in a business trip he was unprotected. "You're right is better that we go to visit Liam, We're going in my car so the police doesn't have any clue about where we go, I just bought it so only my closest friends know what car I'm driving" "Ok I'll be at your place in one hour" Kristof was wondering if he could use Ross as a safe conduct but even he didn't know where he were stood, his father didn't tell him what plans he had for him, and of course he was unaware that Ross had been crucified as a punishment before he was sent to serve his betters as a whore in a free government brothel provided by the Mesker family. When Tom was in Kristof's place he was very nervous, he knew that Ross father was trying to move his influences to enslave him and Kristof, but of course considering what had happened was unlike that Kristof was going to be enslaved, but of course for him was a very different story, Randy Mesker was a powerful man and he had a lot of contacts and he could move some strings to get what he wanted, instead his father was just a businessman that needed that more powerful people help him to make some important business, and thanks to those contacts his family was very rich, they had several slaves but also his father had been on the limit to be enslaved several times for one simple reason, he needed to make some promises to his friends to be on the mayor league business area, of course always he had been very careful to promise those things that he always could honored, so it was a matter of good look and have some kind of feeling to be in touch with the important guys that would help him to make a lot of money, but he always had warned Tom be very intelligent about the things he was thinking to do, because if he messed up with the wrong guys he could face a nasty situation, and now is exactly what was happening. Randy Mesker was so mad about how Ross and he had humiliated Alexander in public that he had not put much attention about what actions had done to Sasha, but he was sure that Sasha was not going to forgive him for that, of course he wasn't afraid of the youngest of the Mesker family but of the oldest one, until that moment he was trembling about how easy had been for Randy Mesker to enslave Ross, even with fierce resistance of his former friend father Randy Mesker just threatened Ross' father to enslave all of them if he didn't allow his son to be enslaved, and he didn't have the details about what kind of slave Ross was, but also he had heard that he was servicing his master in a shameful way, and the only thing he could imagine that Ross was doing was servicing his betters as Jacob but in a luxury brothel, but just to think that his former best friend was sucking cocks and be fucked by males made him tremble in disgust and horror. "Are you ready to leave Tom?" "Yes Kristof, and is better that we stay as far as possible from Ross' father" "I told you that it was very stupid from you and Ross humiliate Alexander in that way" "Now is too late to try to change the things, our main concern must be stay away from the Kovaltz family" "You know very well that we can't do that, Ross' father will know soon or later where we're and with my father traveling will be a very hard task try to hide from Ross' father" "But at least will be harder for him figure out where we are" "Don't bet on that, he must know about my relationship with Sheena, remember that we used to talk about her with Ross, and I'm sure that he told to his father about that" "Do you think that you can talk with your dad about that?" "I don't think so, after we talked about what had happened inside The Pleasure Palace, I avoided him for all the weekend, so I didn't have the chance to remember him to leave the hotels where he was going to be staying, and I don't know his itinerary" "But someone must know where he's, perhaps you can call to the travel agency where he arranged the travel to find out where is he" "The only one who could know where he is, is the overseer who is traveling with him, so we have to wait until he calls me, to find out where is he and also where he's planning to go and then tell him what's going on" "I guess that our best option then is stay few days with Sheena and then we leave the country" "Did you bring your passport?" "Yes, and what about you?" "I always travel with it; some of my friends some times like to go out of the country, so is much better and easier have it all the time with me, but in this case I don't think that is a good option leave the country, I'm thinking seriously to ask Sheena to married me, I guess that is the best option for she and I, about consolidate our business, hers the farms and mine the consortium that my father has and that some day will be mine" "If I were you, I won't be so sure about that, for me is not good that Alexander had gone with your father instead you" "If Alexander went with my father was because the school suspended him I guess for two weeks or something like that, and of course my father didn't want that I louse classes" "But anyway you're going to louse them and I don't thing that your father as soon as he knows what you did will be very happy, but in this case I prefer to be safe that be enslaved, I can assure you that, and the worst of all was when I told my father about what I was planning to do leaving with you" "I guess he was furious" "Yeah, but the worst of all was when your father talked with him, and he knew what we did with your brother" "Well is better that we don't mess with Sasha for a while" "I'll make that little fag pay for what he did to Ross; you can be sure about that" "Are you creasy? Don't even think about try to bully him, or do you want to end up enslaved as your friend?" "I'm not worried about the bulling, because he was going to be bullied by some of the school boys, jus think about what he'll have to face with our schoolmates when he comes back to the school, I'm sure that they will laugh at him because he was almost naked in front of them and even some of them will try to bully him" "Is better that you forget your revenge for a while, if you don't want to be in serious troubles, now is better that we change the subject is not worth keep talking about Alexander, he has caused us a lot of trouble and I don't want to keep talking about him" Kristof and Tom talked about other aspects of their lives, must of them related of what they were going to do on the farm, and they kept talking about that until they arrived to their destination. The slave had had a hard time, for unknown reasons to him, his mistress and master were very harsh with him, doesn't matter what he did he always displeased them and invariable he always was punished, but the worst of all was that he was punished by a group of teenager that were apprentices and was much more worst for him, the boys and girls came from the nearest town, and they were there to learn how to work in a farm, and when they were older could be a good overseers, but first they had to work hard staring performing the low task that a farm could offer to a free citizen. The last night he was working cleaning up the stalls where the pony boys sleep, his mistress had insisted about the pony boys had to defecated and urinate in public places and in their stalls, but for a reason that was unknown for him, his master hadn't allowed the pony boys to do this personal business on the street that day, when the pony boys went out taking their master or mistress to somewhere a naked pageboy went with them to clean the mess that they could leave behind them, the pony boys were trained to louse the control of their sphincters so every time that they felt the need to evacuate immediately the body waste went out of their bodies, and the pageboy duty was exclusively help his master or mistress go in or out of the carriage and clean the mess picking up the turds or diluting the urine that was left on the floor with water that was brought in a special container in the carriage. So the pony boys when arrived to their stalls, they desperately urinated and defecated, and they wait patiently until the straw with their wastes was removed, and this was the job of the slave, clean the mess. The slave didn't have an specific area where he had to perform his duties for his masters, the overseers had decided that every morning he had to be put to work wherever they needed him, but he always had been locked inside the slaves quarters with the other slaves when the rest time arrived at the end of the work day and he never had been before inside the stables, because the overseers had special slave boys to take care of the pony boys needs, but that night when he was preparing to spend another night sucking cocks and be fucked by his stronger fellow slaves and he was ready to go into the slaves quarters, one of the overseer stop him and told him that he had other duties to perform before he was allowed to rest. The slave wasn't happy with this new alteration of his life monotonous routine, but as slave he hadn't a word to say about what he wanted or not, just he had to obey or otherwise pay the consequences for his disobedience, and after his experiences living as slaves he knew that the best was follow the orders meekly and with out make any question. So he followed the overseer until the stables, he couldn't see any slave in that place. "Clean all the stalls, and don't disturb the pony boys that are resting in them, you have to take a way all the wastes that are on the floor and the dirty straw, when you have to remove the straw from a stall you have to change all and put the clean one, also the dirty straw has to be packaged in plastic bags so tomorrow can be disposed, you will use your hands to remove the turds and the dirty straw and before you put the new one you have to clean your hands first" "Yes Sir" The slave knew that this was an unusual procedure, because he had heard that the stable boys had special tools to clean the stalls and the stable, but of course he could not say anything to an overseer, when one of them had given an order it had to be followed blindly and with out questioning. As slave he had seen a lot of things and nothing now could disturb him, he even after he had been fucked by his fellow stronger slaves inside the quarters he had to clean their cocks that had been in his ass or other asses, and the smell had told him what was inside them, at first was something almost unbearable and the humiliation and the desperation to be fucked by other male had added the misery to clean their dirty cocks, but as all slaves he had to adjust or die, and he had thought that he was going to die and find the peacefulness of death, but he had survived to the horrors of to be a slave and despite his revulsion to the homo boys and not be fucked and even touched by a homo boy he had accepted what he must hated as part of his life and with resignation he had performed all that the stronger slaves had requested from him., but now that he had to clean the stables with bare hands and touch the pony boys excrement with them was a new thing, and of course the purpose was to degrade him even more than he had been until that moment, and also show him how much his master disdain him, of course he also disdained his master but as a slave he could not do anything to show him his feelings, he hate him he had enslaved him illegally and nothing was going to free him, all the free people who could help him had accepted the false documents that his master had show them indicating that he was a legal slave. Clean the stable and the stalls was a hard task, it was bigger than he had imagine and his masters had several pony boys, he even hadn't a broom or a rake to pile the straw up and then pick it up and put the dirty straw inside the bags. So he had to use his feet and hands to pick up the truds, but to his dismay some of the pony boys were fucking and enjoying each other, so he had to perform his task with out bother them, and then as soon as they changed position remove the dirty straw and put the clean one as soon as possible, but the worst of all that night was when he had to clean the stalls where the pony boys that had just arrived from be pulling his master and mistress rickshaws were and clean while they were eating. As they had been denied to do their business in public when they had needed it, they were desperate to relieve themselves but while they were bathed they weren't allowed to do it and one of the overseers was checking that they followed their masters orders, and as soon as they went into their stall they were feed and the instruction of the overseer was clear about while they were eating they should do their business, so they followed their instruction and when the slave went into the stall where the four pony boys were, he saw them shitting and eating, this make the slave almost puke, he was costumed to the human excrement because as slave he had to relieve himself beside his fellow slaves with out any privacy outside the slaves quarter, even he was used to see the turds going out of the slaves holes falling into the drainage and the awful smell, but he never had seen a slave eating, shitting and pissing at the same time, and he could not understand why this make him sick, but after that he released that what made him feel sick was the realization that this new task was part of his degradation and how low he was before his master and mistress eyes. When he finished his task, following the orders that he had received about not disturbing the pony boys doesn't matter what they were doing, he was admonished by the overseer because he had taken more time that the normal to clean the stable, he knew that was useless tell him about he didn't have any tool to clean the place and also he could not disturb the pony boys doesn't matter what they were doing, and when the stable boys were cleaning the place all the pony boys were out performing their duties, but this was a tricky situation where doesn't matter what he did he was going to be punished, so was better just apologize for his lack of attention and wait and see what the overseer had in store for him. "Your master needed you to perform other task, and he had to ask for other slave because you were so slow" "I'm sorry Sir; I did my best so I could to finish as soon as possible" "Well it wasn't enough, your master is mad at me and furious with you and he asked me to take you into his presence, and as you know this is not a good think, I hate to punish slaves who try to do the things the best they could, and you have been cooperating with us about that, but some times you show us that you don't care to please your master and you do stupid things as you did this night" "Sir, you know that I work hard to please my betters, but this night I had a lot of limitations to perform my duties" "I know that slaves are stupid animals, but when a better tells you what he wants that you do for him, you can use your useless brains to figure out how to work faster and to accomplish his order as soon as possible so you can satisfy him, and you didn't do that this night, so is better that you follow me, and see what your master has in store for you" The overseer and the slave walked to the house, the slave was two meters behind his better as a sign of respect for him, the night was lit up by a full moon, so the naked figure of a slave and the clothed figure of an overseer could be seen if you were close enough, and of course also the slave had to have his head bowed while he was walking, was inconceivable that a slave walked with out his head bowed. So when they arrived to the house, the overseer went in by a different door than the slaves. The slaves knew that for they was forbidden walk into the their master house by the entrances that were used by the free people, they had a special narrow door where they had to go in and out and when two slaves were at the same time on the door they had to push each other so the stronger could go and past first, their master and mistress enjoyed watching the slaves fighting between them to show who was the stronger, and some times this lead to troubles between them, and when two dominant slaves encountered in the door was the best spectacles that they can have, of course the masters had cameras that send the images to their rooms or offices where they could enjoy the spectacle if they were not present, but at this time of the night when only the house slaves where serving them was unlikely that he was going to face on the entrance other slave. As soon as the slave was inside the house, a desk with a slave that was checking who went in and out by that door checked the number of the slave that was going in, but the number wasn't in his list, so he used the internal communication system to talk with the overseer in charge and asked if the slave was summoned by a free citizen or even by his master or mistress that were in that moment inside the big house, and when the overseer confirmed that the slave was being expected by his master the slave was authorized to go in and he received the instruction to go where his master was, soothe slave always using the areas that was destined for the lower members of the society went to meet his master and face his punishment, and as soon as he arrived he entered the room with out disturbing his master and his friends and he waited patiently until his master acknowledged his presence. The Master was talking with several of his friends, and they were having an animated conversation about how the slavery laws had to be changed to allow the masters have more control and power over the slaves, but the slave after being waiting several minutes and have a good idea about his superior were talking about, was wondering how the free people could have more control over the slaves, almost the only limitation that they had was kill them or cause a permanent damage to the slaves bodies or mutilation, in this two specific matters only a judge could issue an order to make this things happens, but otherwise the slaves were helpless to protect themselves to the cruelty of their superiors, and the only thing that kept their masters to be more cruel over the slaves was the fact that the they had to pay money for the slaves, and the rule was when a master had paid more money for a slave more protected the slave was about to ended up with a bad injury because the master wanted to conserve as long as possible a slave that had cost him a lot of money and recover his invest and take advantage of it, but in his specific case he had not cost a penny to his master so he didn't know how valuable he was for him. The slave had to assume the display position while he was waiting, his legs was wide spread, his hands on the back of his head and arms full extended to the sides, his cock and balls were pushed forwards so they could be ready for inspection, and when his master looked where the slaves was a evil green was drawn in his face, and he went were the slave was and talking with his friends he said. "Gentlemen the slave has arrived, so we can start with tonight's entertainment, this slave has to be punished for its lack of attitude, it performed its duties in a very slow way, so any suggestion about how we can punish it, will be welcome" "Well I guess we can have some fun including other slaves in its punishment, what do you thing?" The judge who issued enslavement order said. "Is a good idea, but could you explain us what do you have in mind? "Yes, I guess will be fun make them have a race with us, and if you bring the two new slaves will be more fun yet" "Ok no problem, but I'm impatience to know what you want to do with them" "Is easy, how many guys are here?" "We're ten" "Ok, Mark, lest tie the slaves' arms to a pole that cross their shoulders and must be long enough to keep both arms completed extended, and at the end of each side the poles must have a small tray where a can of soda or beer can be put, and the diameter of the tray must be the same diameter of the can, and I know you have the trays because I have seen them, so we need five slaves, so every free man will have the chance to handle the slaves during the race, of course one slave will have to serve two masters, and the masters that share one slave will be a team, so will use belts, paddles, canes, and even electric discharges devises to encourage the slaves to walk as fast as the can, but the challenge for the masters and slaves is avoid to drop the canes, if the cane drops from the tray, the slave has to stop, kneel and lick the liquid that had spilled then stand up and wait until the cans are put again on the trays so it can resume its walking, of course the master can use the encourage devices to their discretion and the first to arrive to the finish line is the winner, we can have two winners if we want, considering also how many times a slave had dropped the cans., what do you think guys about my idea?" "Is a good one, but how long the slaves have to walk?" "What about four hundred meters, is a long distance where we can have the chance to encourage them, and is not long enough to make the slaves not reach the finish line, and if we put some money then the race will be more interesting" All the free guys agreed about the idea and were excited to start but they decided just have one winner, the one who arrived first to the finish line, and them Mark said. "Bring the two new slaves and one more" The slave that was in charge of the slaves that were serving the house went immediately for the three slaves that had been requested by Mark. When the tree slaves were brought the slave could not believe what he saw, two of the slaves were Tom and Kristof Mesker, he saw a luxury car arrived earlier that afternoon when he was working in the front gardens beside the cars entrance, but he didn't recognize Kristof's car because was a new one, but to his misfortune his best friend had decided to visit him and his girlfriend and now he had been illegally enslaved, and like him now he was a slave, also he was surprised to see Tom the school bully, but the slave surprise wasn't nothing compared to Tom and kirstof's when they recognized the slave that was already there when they arrived to the main house as his best friend Liam. Tom and Kristof bodies shown red welts and Liam knew what that meant, they were punished because they had dared to disobey their now betters, of course the shock to be illegally enslaved prevented to the new slaves to surrender to those who had enslaved them and make them fight against them, this was a great mistake because they could not win, so the best option was do what the new enslaved had told to do to avoid pain and later try to find a way to escape, of course this was impossible for one simple reason, when some one had been illegally enslaved the watchfulness over the slaves was more strict than with the legally enslaved until they found out that there was no way to escape and they accepted their new condition and started to behave as a meekly slave, but what he could not understand was why Mark and his wife Dorothy were enslaving illegally free citizen, they were rich enough to buy the best slave meat in the world with any of the must prestigious slaves dealers, and everyone knew that the slave dealers had the best slaves in the world, even his masters had better slaves than Tom, Kristof or he, and of course also he knew that they were taking great chances about be in this illegal activity for one simple reason, there was not a perfect crime and someone else that were not in their friends groups could discover that someone was illegally enslaved and talk with the authorities but not with their friends that were in the justice department but with the slave authority and then discover the illegal action and enslaved them, but also he knew that they were not stupid and they were covered by a judge that had issued the enslavement order, of course this was done with fake documents but as soon as a judged issued the order then all was legal, but anyway also the judge was taking great chances about that, because at any time the slave authority could ask the judge the documents where his decision to issue and enslaved order was supported, but of course was very rare that the slave authority demanded a judge the documents where he had based his decision to enslaved someone, but any way when the slave authority discovered that some one was enslaved illegally then the judged and all the court employees were enslaved, and the victim could be or not released depending who long he had been enslaved or if the SP considered that he could be readapted to be a responsible free citizen. Liam felt ashamed to be naked in front of his best friend doesn't matter that he was also naked and had now his same status, but also his arrogance was gone, the red welts on his body and his submissive attitude had shown Liam that his friend had understood that he could not win, and if he wanted to avoid pain was better to be submissive and obey, of course he had learnt that in a harsh way, but now he understood with Tom what was expected from them and what they had to do to survive the slaves harsh world. "You idiots come here and make one line, my friends and me are going to inspect you so we can decide what slave we want to control" Said Mark in a contemptible voice. The five slaves meekly obeyed Mark that was very happy four of the five slaves were recently enslaves and only two of them were legally. Then Mark's friend who was the one that Liam told him that he had been illegally enslaved said. "I chose this one; it looks like if it was a smart slave, well if some one of them could be considered a smart one" He had chosen Kristof The rest of the nine free boys started to chose their slave, and Kristof was handled by Mark and the one that didn't help Liam to be freed, Liam was handled by a doctor and the guy that had suggested fucking the slave when he was branded, and Tom was handled by two guys that Liam hadn't seen them before.. To have all ready the overseer had made the five slaves prepare the area where the friendly competition would take place, to accomplish that every slave had drawn two lines in a circle, so the slaves had to walk in the middle of the lines with their two masters encouraged them to walk as fast as they could. The lines were drawn over a concrete surface with lime, and the part where the slaves had to walk was wide enough to allow them walk normally but it wasn't too wide to let them feel comfortable, the concrete surface was chosen for one simple reason, as the slaves had to lick the liquid that had been spilled with their tongues the concrete was the ideal surface for the slave to accomplish that task., so when all was ready, the free masters went out and immediately they made their bets, and they were very high, the bets were the price of a class one slave, so the winner will take with him a little fortune, but this guys were so rich that this wasn't a problem for them, even if Kristof would had been part of the free boys groups with out problem he would bet the same quantity of money, but to his misfortune he was now part of the slaves that had the responsibilities to make win Mark and his friend or face the consequences. Also Tom was amazed about the money they had bet but as Kristof he would bet with out considering the amount if he had could, but also he was now part of the show as slave and he had the responsibility to win if he didn't want be punished, but he knew that Mesker and him had great disadvantage because they didn't have any experience as slave meanwhile the other three had to have some practice. The encourage tools were brought and all was set for the event of that night started, just the place of which slave had to start had to be decide by a draw and the first one to start, was Liam, the second was the slave that had been legally enslaved and just had arrived to the farm one day before, the third was Tom, the fourth the other slave that was serving in the salve entrance door when Liam arrived to the house and the fifth was Kristof. As part of the slaves humiliation, the free boys decided that only they will used one of the five circles that were drawn by the slaves, and they will take the time to see who was the slave that had done the lower time, with this the slaves' master and his friends were showing to the slaves that they could make them do whatever they wanted and then if they as free citizens decided that they didn't want to used what the slaves had done then they can discarded with out problem and laugh at the hapless slaves. Kristof was remembering all that had happened in that event now that he was very uncomfortable in one of the slaves cage that were located inside the slave quarters but they were apart from the place where the other slaves were sleeping, he didn't know what time was it, but he thought that dawn was close, his arse, back and balls were very sore, he was lashed constantly by the whip, but for him the worst of all was the cane and the paddle that were used on him to abuse his body and encourage him to go faster avoiding to make a lot of mistakes, but for more harder that he tried and did his best to arrive as soon as possible to the finish line with out drop the cans, that task was impossible to reach because the tray was very small and the worst of all his body movement made the cans unsteady and he dropped them frequently, but fortunately for the slaves they had to start the walk where the canes were dropped and had hit the floor, but the disgusting situation was that they had to lick to liquid that was spilt from the concrete that was dirty, and for his humiliation and horror the cans had urine inside them, so when for the first time he had to lick the liquid from the floor and discovered that was urine he wanted to vomit, but like he had to lower his face to the floor with out the help of his hands, that meant that his ass was up in t he air and a perfect target for his tormentors to encouraged him, using the cane the whip the paddle and only god knew what else, and fortunately for him never the electric torture was applied to him and he could not remember that was used on the other slaves either, but the pain and burn was awful, and now by his own experience he could say that the need to avoid the pain was the first thing that a guy in his condition had to think of, because the need to avoid it was stronger than his disgust to drink the urine that had been spilt on the concrete or even be touched and have to suck cocks or be fucked by other males, so he had to lick as fast as he could the liquid with his tongue and struggle to stood up and wait until the slaves that were helping his tormentors put the cans on each tray and he could be walking again and he was amazed that he could overpower his aversion to things that he hated if he could avoid the pain. He could not remember how many times during the four hundred meters distance that he had to walk he dropped the cans, but he remembered that his ass was constantly on fire, and since the first time that he had to lick the urine he was in great pain and agony, but his captors didn't care about what he could feel or how sore he was, also he didn't know how long it took him to arrive to the finish line, but he didn't win, also Tom and Liam lost, and the one that won was a slave younger than him about his stepbrother age, but he could see that his ass was dark red, and he imagine that his own must be the same or worst, he could not see the asses of his two friends because they were located behind him and he didn't have the chance to see them, but he knew it because he heard that Liam had arrived in second please, but for Kristof the must important and the only thing that was in his mind was that the pain that he was feeling for his punishment after he was illegally enslaved and the contest was something that he had never experienced before, and even he was amazed about how much pain a human been could bare