Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2005 22:15:44 EDT From: Subject: As The Eyes Have it-Episode 3-You Have To Come To Leave Hunter always hated the silent treatment. As a kid, he tried it with it with his parents and then always gave in. As a teen, his girlfriends did the silent treatment and he hated it. Now, his son was doing the same. Only this time he was trying not to break. Hunter sat at the kitchen table trying to concentrate on the news. Corey sat across from him ignoring him as he sat playing game-boy while eating cereal. Hunter couldn't take it anymore. "Talk to me," He said breaking after three days. "Please for god sakes talk to me. It has been three days, seven hours, 14 minutes, and thirty seconds. Just talk to me." "I really have things that I have to do besides talking to my Dad," Corey said getting up. "I am going to go play my Ps2." ***************************************************** Cameron walked into his house with his mother following. "Oh, my god," She said excitedly. "That woman was checking you out, Cam." "That woman was Mr. Perry, the neighborhood transvestite," Cameron said to his mother. He heard a gasp. "Oh my," Mrs. Moore said. "They just let those people roam free. Well, who was that blonde girl that checked you out?" Cameron smiled at that thought. "That was Tammy," Cameron said. "The girl I told you about." "That was the girl you had dinner with?" She asked him. He nodded. "And she skipped out before paying the bill? Girl has a hidden agenda and looks like a slut undercover." "Mom," Cameron said with a laugh. "You said the same thing about Audrey and... Well, you may have a point there." "And you went on a date with another boy?" She asked him. "Cameron, please tell me you are not turning into a homosexual." "Mom, what is up with you and this vendetta against homosexuals?" Cameron asked getting the ice cream out. "I rather not talk about it," She said getting up. Cameron grabbed two spoons. "Oh, come on, Mom," Cameron said to her as he followed her to the living room. "What is so bad about homosexuals beside their taste in men and their flair for all things rainbow?" Mrs. Moore looked as if she was crying. "Mom?" "I'm sorry," She said turning around. "They said that I looked like a blind drag queen." "What?" Cameron asked choking on the ice cream. "I was walking down Second Avenue when these homosexuals told me I must have dressed in the dark or either be a blind drag queen because no gay male would come out dressed like...." "Who did it, why, and What for?" Cameron offered. She shot him a dirty look. "Look, Mom, as traumatic and troubling as that is it is really time to let go." "I can't," Mrs. Moore said. "By god, I will get even with those fickle little bastards or my name isn't Amy Moore." ***************************************************** "Okay, that was amazing," Brent said after he climbed off me. "I know," I said sarcastically. "It was me you were having sex with after all." "Something's wrong," He said as I headed to the bathroom. He followed me. "What do you mean something is wrong?" I asked him. "Drew, our sex life was decent for married people but that was some mind-blowing sex that I haven't had since my teens," He said. "Is there a point here or are you just talking to be talking?" I asked him. "The point is that something is bothering you," He said to me. "What is it?" "I hate Xavier," I said suddenly. "I mean he is so pathetic." "He seems nice," Brent said sitting on the counter. "Why would you say something like that?" I asked him. "I mean he fears his wife." "She is kinda scary," He admitted. "She looks like a dog. Cute and cuddly but when you piss it off it will attack you. Balls first." "That made no sense at all," I said with a laugh. "We have our reunion Thursday," He said going back into the bedroom. "I know," I said with a shudder. "God, I can not believe I have to smile in these people's faces. I mean these are the same people I wish an comet would fall on." "Hey, do you remember Fat Larry?" He asked turning on the television. "Do I?" I asked him. "No. No I don't." "Really? He was the guy who always begged for bacon," Brent explained. "Oh, is he the one who I punched out because he asked me for some chicken just because I am black?" I asked him getting back in bed. "No, that wasn't Fat Larry," Brent said. "That was the guy in that shelter. And he didn't ask you could he have some chicken. He asked did you want some chicken." "Because I am black," I said snuggling up to him. "Why aren't you getting this." "I love you, Drew," He said to me. "Do you know that?" "Of course, Brent," I said with a laugh. "What's not to love. I have a nice ass, kick ass personality, and I been told I am great in bed." "Would you ever cheat on me?" He asked me. My heart skipped a beat. "What?" I asked him. "Would you ever cheat on me?" He repeated. "Of course not," I said with an uncomfortable laugh. "Yeah," He said. "I mean why would you cheat on me? I am perfect. I am everything you need or want." "Exactly," I said kissing him. "But, Drew, if you ever do cheat on me...I will castrate you like a bull without anesthetic medicine. Right?" "Right," I said with a gulp. ***************************************************** Taylor and Lauren walked through the supermarket. "I can't believe that you wanna divorce me," He said to her. "I can't believe you still masturbate to porn at 28," She said to him. "Look, it's healthy," He said defensively. "Yeah, so is lung cancer and aids," She said sarcastically. "You know what?" Taylor asked getting really steamed. "You make me so sick because you are nothing but an uptight..." "Taylor? Lauren?" A voice said from behind the couple. They looked behind each other. "Oh no," Lauren said to Taylor. "Maybe she didn't see us." "I thought that was you guys," The girl said pulling her husband along with her. Taylor and Lauren recognized the couple as Zach and Brittany Leonard. "Damn it," Lauren muttered. "Hey! Guys!" "Taylor, my man," Zach said grabbing him up in a hug. "Zach," Taylor said straining to breathe. "I see you are still big on the bear hugs. Unfortunately." "Guys, how are things going?" Brittany asked curiously. "Well, we are actually in the middle of...." "Renewing our vows," Lauren quickly interrupting her husband. "Really? Brittany asked her. "I always figured you to would probably divorce." "What she means is that this is really great," Zach said elbowing his wife. "Thanks," Taylor said placing his hand around Lauren. "We are so much in love. Never want to get a divorce." "Never. Cope. Not us," Lauren said chuckling uncomfortably. "That's...Um...great," Zach said. Brittany gasped. "You have gotta have dinner with us," She said to the couple. "OK, I don't think we have can do that...." Lauren said looking at Taylor. "You are gonna have dinner with us," Brittany said firmly. "Meet us at The Garden at 7:30." "Okay," Taylor said with a sigh. *********************************************** I answered the door to see Xavier standing there. "Oh god," I said with a growl. "This would be the perfect time for the Jehovah witness to knock on the door. Instead it is you." "Can we talk?" He asked me. I smiled. "Don't you have to ask your warlord, Carmen?" I asked sarcastically. "Drew," He pleaded. "Brent is here," I lied. "I saw him leave forty-five minutes ago," Xavier said folding his arms. "Shouldn't brad be screwing your brains out?" I asked him. I moved to shut the door but he stuck his hand up to stop me. "Move." "Not until you let me in," He said grunting. "I said move," I said trying to get him from coming in. He applied more pressure against the door and I fell to the ground. "Damn! I thought big people only got this excited over an all-you-can-eat special." "Not funny," He said helping me up. I sighed. "Fine, I'll talk to you," I said with a chuckle. "Let's talk outside because it is nice out." "Okay," He said opening the door. As soon as he was out, I locked the door. "That was fun," I said with a laugh. *********************************************** Hunter and Cameron sat eating lunch at Cameron's house. "So what's new with you man?" Cameron asked him. "Oh, Let's see," Hunter said sipping his Pepsi. "Work is good. Sex life is good thanks to my right hand and my son hates. So nothing major." "What's wrong with you and Corey?" Cam asked curiously. "Well, I may have gotten jealous of his friend's dad, called the guy a child molester and in the process embarrassed him," Hunter replied. "I just want my son to start talking to me again." "I may have an idea," Cameron said after a thought. "Do something that would make Corey started liking you again. Think of something that is nice. Just think of anything." Hunter sighed. "I will," He said with a weak smile. "So, enough about me, Dr. Phil what is new with you?" "I am trying to get over Audrey leaving me," Cameron said getting up. "I have my mom to help me with that?" "Dude, your mom is here? Wow, I have been avoiding my mom for like two months now. She wants to move in with me," Hunter said with a laugh. "How is that going for you?" "Well, I love her and all but I just went out and sent her to a expensive spa just to get some me time," Cameron said. "Oh, and guess what dude. I met a girl." "Really? Who is this unlucky girl? Hunter joked. "She lives here in the neighborhood," Cameron said. "Two house down from me." "That's great man," Hunter said happy for his friend. "I wanna meet her. What's her name?" "Tammy Curtis," Cameron said. "But there is a possible roadblock from me getting to know her." "What's that?" Hunter asked looking up from his plate. Cameron laughed. "Who do I hate with a passion?" He asked. "Um...what does George Clooney have do with this?" Hunter asked curiously. "And why do you hate Georgie boy?" "He is such a pretty boy but that is not who I am talking about," Cameron said to his confused friend. "I am talking about Daniel." "Morzella?" Hunter asked and Cameron nodded. " Oh shit. He like her too." "I think so," Cameron said with a sigh. "I mean we went to school with him and he has the same get-in-your-pants-and-get-off personality now as he did back then." "Well, you gotta do something to make sure she knows you are a good guy," Hunter said. "Like you said, do something that could make her like you and in the process knock Daniel out the way." "You may be right," Cameron said with a confidant smile. "I am always right," Hunter said throwing a playful punch. "Except when it comes to my son of course." *********************************************** "Why the hell did you have to lie?' Taylor asked Lauren as they walked into the house. "You know that Brittany is a gossip," Lauren said. "Let her find out we are getting a divorce. I might as well write into the local newspaper." "People get divorced all the time," Taylor said. "Look at Jennifer Lopez. She wrote the book on divorce. I mean Britney spears even got divorced after being married for a night. We have been together six years. What is so different about us?" "I feel ashamed that we are getting a divorce," Lauren said. "I never pictured myself divorcing the man that I married." "Then why are you going through with this then?" Taylor asked her. "We can work on this." "Taylor, I have talked with you about this porn situation and you have yet to admit that you are wrong." "I don't see that I am wrong," Taylor said with a shrug. "See and that is why I am thinking of a divorce," Lauren said looking at him directly. "Because you do not see that." "I don't know what to say," Taylor said. "So on that note, I am going to go take a nap so I can deal with you and them both tonight. Hopefully, I want have an urge to blow my brains out after this evening." ***************************************************** Hunter walked up to the Lopez door. He was so nervous about what he was going to do. Just a few days ago he was causing Carlos Lopez of being a child molester. Carlos answered. "What are you doing here?" He demanded. "I just wanna talk to you," Hunter said desperately. "Here to call me something else?" Carlos asked sarcastically. "Oh, did I tell you that I beat my wife and I rob old people out of their life savings." "I am so sorry," Hunter said breaking down. Carlos' cold glare fell. "You really are having problems aren't you?' He asked genuinely concerned. "My son has barely talked to me in three days," Hunter said sitting on a step. "I just got jealous when I saw how much fun he was having over here and I got stupid." "It's OK," Carlos said with a smile. "No, it's not," Hunter said with a sigh. "I am a bad father." "No, you are not," Carlos said. "Then how come my son hates me?" Hunter asked. "I have no idea what to do to start working together with him." "Let me help," Carlos said and Hunter noticed the gears working in his head. ***************************************************** Brent climbed out of his car and noticed Xavier sitting on his porch. He sighed and put his briefcase down on the hood of his car and walked over. 'Hey," He said to Xavier. "You look miserable. Trouble with your wife?" "No, trouble with your husband," Xavier said. Brent laughed. "You are letting this stupid argument bother you that much?" He asked him. " Drew maybe right. You are pathetic." "Excuse me?" Xavier asked confused. "Sorry, I was thinking that," Brent said with a shrug. "Look, I don't know why Drew hates your guts and I don't know why Drew does most of what he does. I love him though and I think you like being his friend." "I do," Xavier said desperately. "I just want to be friends again." "I have an idea," Brent said excitedly. "But you may have to play dirty." "Um.... OK." Xavier said nervously. ***************************************************** Brent walked into the house as I sat at the table on the laptop. "Honey, I'm home," He said in his Ricky Ricardo accent. "Honey, I don't care," I said looking up briefly from the computer. I looked back up to see Xavier standing at the door. "Oh, hell, no." "Drew, wait a second," Xavier said. "It's not his fault." "Actually, it's all my fault," Brent said pleased with himself. "Why are you here?" I asked him. "You are like herpes. An outbreak that once you get rid of it comes back again." "He wants to talk," Brent said looking at me glare at Xavier. "He can talk to my ass as I walk into the kitchen," I said making a move to turn around. "Maybe I should go," Xavier said. "Yea maybe," I said smartly. "Drew, talk to him," Brent demanded of me. "Nope," I said with a shrug. "If you don't, then so help me god I am banning you from credit cards," Brent challenged. "Really?" I asked amused. "Do that and I am gonna ban you from sex." Brent and I stared at each other for a moment. "Damn it," Brent said turning to Xavier. "Looks like you are on your own, dude." He walked upstairs. "So if I talk to you will leave me the hell alone?" I asked him. "If you give me a chance to talk, I will never speak to you again if you don't want me to," He said hopefully. I sighed. "Fine," I said giving in. "I swear to god if you tell me about your dirty sex with my fuck buddy, I will punch your Adam's apple down your throat and force it out your rectum. Are we clear?" "Crystal," HE said with a gulp. ******************************** "So we are going camping?" Corey asked Hunter. "Yep," Hunter said. Corey looked at his dad suspiciously. "There are a few things wrong with this," Corey said eyeing him. "First, you hate camping ever since that time that deer rammed his antler's up your poop hole. Second, you hate Mr. Lopez." "I do not hate him," Hunter said. "Dad, you said one time that you wished a rabid wolf would rip him to pieces," Corey said amused. "The bastard tried to say his dog didn't crap on my yard," Hunter said. "Yeah, it had to be him because there are only fifteen other dogs in the neighborhood," Corey said sarcastically. "Go get packed before I feed you to a rabid wolf," Hunter said happy to be back on speaking terms. ********************************************* Cameron walked into his house from catching a movie. He heard laughing in his living room. "Oh, you are such a gentleman," Mrs. Moore said with a laugh. "She made a new friend," Cameron thought. "How nice." "Thank you," Daniel said making Cameron's blood run cold. He walked into the living room. "Cameron," Mrs. Moore said. "I met this young man named Daniel when he helped me carry some bags in from shopping. Daniel meet my son, Cameron." "Hey Cam, Man," Daniel said faking a smile. "Daniel, why are you still here if you just helped bring in bags?" Cameron asked. "Cameron, don't be rude," Mrs. Moore chastised. "I invited him for dinner." "What?" Cameron asked. He wanted to punch the smile off Daniel's face. "Cameron, do not be rude to guests," Mrs. Moore said with a stern look. Cameron sighed and realized he was trapped. "Daniel, can I get you anything to drink?" He asked his worse enemy. ********************************************* "So you brought me to Mcdonald's to get back on my good side?" I asked Xavier as we both sat eating. "I remember you said that this was your favorite restaurant," He said smiling making me smile. "Well, so far so good," I said sipping on my sprite and coke mixed soda. "I haven't felt the need to kill you yet." "I want to talk about Brad," He said cautiously. "I spoke too soon," I said with a heavy sigh. "Drew, can we just talk without all the anger?" Xavier asked me. "Whatever," I muttered. "Let me ask you a question," He said folding his arms. "If it was Brent that I had slept with instead of Brad would you have been this upset still?" I hesitated before I answered. "Of course I would be," I said nervously. "He's my husband." "Then why are you having the affair?" He asked me. "The same reason you are," I countered. "My wife beats me and talks down to me," Xavier said. "Brent doesn't do that. He loves you." "He isn't the same man I fell in love with," I said with a sigh. "He doesn't do the romantic things anymore that he used to. I loved the way he would leave voice mails and attempt to sing my favorite song or the way he used to try to cook dinner for me but always managed to mess it up. Now he is this Power hungry, Money hungry guy and he doesn't do that anymore." "What is Brad doing that Brent can't?" Xavier asked me. I looked in his face and saw genuine concern. "He is helping me punish Brent," I said after a moment. "I always thought that if Brent found out he would be hurt to know his best friend did this to him." "You are a mean dude, Drew," He said flashing me a smile. "What about you, Mr. I-am-married-to-a-woman-yet-my-friend's-fuck buddy-is-screwing-me-on-the-side?" I asked him. "The side and on my back," Xavier teased. "It's kinda the same as you, Drew." "How so?" I asked him. "I just figured if Carmen ever found out that she would be devastated to know a guy was making me feel more better than she ever could," He said. "And I am mean?" I asked throwing a fry at him. "Then you are evil." "Evil at it's best," Xavier said making me laugh. "So are we good?" "No," I said and his smile faltered. "Oh," He said looking down. "We're great," I said and he smiled again. ********************************************* "What is your angle here?" Cameron demanded as he and Daniel were washing their hands. "No angle," Daniel said with a shrug. "Just accepting a free meal. Although, I am getting satisfaction out of seeing you squirm around." "I know you," Cameron said as they headed down the hall to the kitchen. "There is always an angle for you." "Well, you saw through me," He said with another shrug. "You should be a detective. Because you suck as a stockbroker." Cameron was about to retort when his mom poked out the dinning room. "Come on," She said dragging them both in to the room. "Wow, Mrs. Moore," Daniel said looking around. "Everything looks great." "Thank you and please call me Amy," She said with a smile. "What do you think, Cam?" "It's looks like it usually does," He said sitting down at the table. Amy scowled. "Forgive him," She said to Daniel as they both sat down. "His wife left him." "Mom," Cameron said angrily. "Don't raise your voice," She said to him. "That is awful about your wife," Daniel said faking a sympathetic smile. "I tried to warn him but as you know kids don't listen no matter how old they get," She said to Daniel who sat soaking up this scene. "God, please take me now," Cameron muttered. "I hope I am not overstepping any boundaries but why did she leave?" Daniel asked her. "She left him for an older man," She said causing him to and Cameron to spit out their drinks. "MOM!" Cameron said pissed off. "What? He was older," She said not seeing how she was in the wrong. "He was in his sixties." "Oh my god," Daniel said genuinely surprised by this revelation. "Why would you tell him that?" Cameron asked her standing up. "He is a sweetheart," She said beaming at Daniel. "He wouldn't tell a soul." "Maybe I should go," Daniel said. Yeah, you should," Cameron said shooting him a deadly look. "As a matter of fact, never set foot in my house again." "Cameron," Amy said. "Stop overreacting. It isn't like I told him you wet the bed until you were 10." "Mom," He said blushing. "OOPS!" She said looking down. "This is why I should've committed you and Dad to that home when I had the chance," Cameron said to his mother. "I am only forty-five," Amy lied. "You're fifty and a serious pain in my ass," Cameron said storming out of the room. "He is like this when he drinks," Amy said to Daniel he stood soaking this scene into his mind. ********************************************* "And Katie just gives me the hardest times when I try to bathe her," Brittany said laughing at her story. "Katie is a cat right?" Lauren asked her. "Yeah," Brittany said. "Why?" "I just thought that cats bathe themselves," Lauren said. "They do but I much rather do it myself as if it was my own child," Brittany said. "I have a tiny vagina so every time we have sex it's painful so I doubt we will be having kids anytime soon." "Little to much information, Hun," Zach said to his wife. "Sorry," She said blushing slightly. "Well, I mean there are other options," Lauren said. "Adoption and foster parenting. In vitro and surrogate mothers." "What about those Knicks?" Taylor asked trying to get off this topic. The three of them gave him a look. "Sorry. I just was trying to change the subject. Didn't work." "How is Skylar doing?" Zach asked. "Great," Taylor answered. "He is at the stage that boys get to around eleven." "Oh, he is like I was," Zach said with a smile. "He is afraid of the dark like I was. I didn't get over it till I was 13." "He still has relapses," Brittany added and Lauren flashed Taylor a desperate look. "He hasn't been afraid of the dark since he was eight," Taylor said. "I meant wet dreams and curiosity about the female body." "My first wet dream was delayed slightly," Zach said. "My parents withheld love from me. That was also why I lost my virginity to my cousin." "Write that down in your journal," Brittany told her husband whom merely nodded. "I have got him to start writing his feelings down." "Yeah, the psychiatrist wasn't working very well," Zach said nostalgically. "He reminded me so much of my father that it did more harm than good." "I found him hiding under the bed when I got home from work," Brittany said. "Just like I used to do when Daddy came home and called me the defect son," Zach said lost his memories. "Oh," Lauren said at a loss for words. "We should do this again," Brittany said to them both. "How does next Thursday sound." "Not sounding good," Taylor said shaking his head. "Friday?" She asked. "Nope," Taylor said. "We'll get back to you guys," Brittany said to them both. "Well, hurry," Zach said coming out of his thoughts. "I can tell you all about the friends from planet utopia I had before they all moved away. I wonder how Bok is doing." ********************************************* Hunter was bothered by the sitting arrangements at the bench the four sat at. Corey and Carlos sat across from Joey and himself. "Guys, I feel bad about ruining the dinner you had caught and attempted to cook," Hunter said to the other three. "I thought I was going to get stung." "Yeah, by a fly," Corey said to Carlos and they both shared a laugh. "Well, I personally wanna say thank you," Joey said to Hunter. "I hate fish and beans." "I did it on purpose," He whispered to Joey. They both laughed. "Let's go trail walking before it gets dark," Carlos said and he rushed to get his camera while Corey rushed to get his own. "I hate this," Hunter and Joey said in unison. They smiled at each other. "You know Joey we are stuck on this trip without radio and television," Hunter said as they walked behind Carlos and Corey who were flashing pictures of every little thing. "I am missing Will & Grace." "No you aren't," Joey said mischievously. "I snuck my portable television and cellphone." "Nice," Hunter said and they both laughed. "Hey, pick up the speed back there," Carlos called out to them. Hunter growled inwardly. "Crap," Joey said swatting. "BEE!" "Where?" Hunter asked panicking. "WHERE IS IT?" "Oh bother," Corey said shaking his head in an embarrassment. ********************************************* I walked into the house. Brent sat watching ESPN. "We are talking again," I said plopping down beside him. "That's great," He said eyes still glued to the television. I made a move to unbuckle his pants. "What are you doing?" "I am in the mood," I said trying to finish unbuckling his pants. "I'm not," He said pushing my hands away. "I wanna watch this game." "Okay," I said getting up. "I am going back out." "Whatever," He said absent-mindedly. I let the tears stream down my face. ********************************************* Hunter lay asleep in his tent. They each had brought one man tents. He opened his eyes to see a raccoon sitting on his sleeping bag. "Shit," He yelled out jumping up. "WHAT THE FUCK? SOMEBODY HELP ME!" "What's going on?" Carlos asked as the three climbed out of their tents. "Raccoon...In...My...tent," Hunter said in between breaths. They watched as the Raccoon scurried out. "Same thing happened to me once," Joey said patting Hunter on the back. "Only it was a bear." "Hunter, why were you sleeping with the tent door unzipped?" Carlos asked him. "It got hot," Hunter said with a blush creeping up his neck. "You don't unzip a tent door like that Dad," Corey said shaking his head. "And then you freak out over a raccoon." "I give up," Hunter said angrily. "The only reason I came on this trip was to try and get back on your good side. But you are impossible. You are always under Carlos. Even through this trip. I even get along with somebody else's kid because I can't get along with my own. Maybe you should have stayed with your mother because you are a constant headache and you are ruining my social life. Nobody wants me because my son is a tiny terror. Thanks Corey. THANKS A LOT!" "You don't mean that do you?" Corey asked him. "I just need some time to think," Hunter said grabbing his stuff out his tent. "Carlos, bring him home in the morning please." "Sure," Carlos said to Hunter's retreating back. Hunter climbed into the car and Corey watched as his father drove off. ******************************************** I drove back into my driveway. I had been crying. I needed that temporary fix to take my mind off of this. I couldn't use Brad anymore. I climbed out the car still crying. I noticed Hunter pulling sitting on the porch of his house. He noticed something was wrong and rushed over to me. "Drew, what's up?" He asked concerned. That was Hunter for you. We had been good friends since sophomore year in high school and I had a slight crush on him. "Brent doesn't love me," I said to him. "Why do you think that?" Hunter asked me. But I shook my head. "I don't wanna talk about it," I said feeling my lust come out. This was Hunter. I couldn't proposition my friend like this. Or Could I? "I just want somebody to make me feel good." "How can I help?" He asked me. I smiled at him. "Kiss me," I said to him. He looked at me with an unreadable look. Then he took me by surprise when he kissed me. "Come on, I will make you feel good," He said leading me to his house. We had no idea we were being watched. ********************************************* Taylor spit his toothpaste out and rinsed his mouth. He walked into his bedroom to find Lauren sitting on the bed. "Tonight was brutal," She said to him. "Can you believe that they want to get together again?" "What are you doing in here?" Taylor asked her. "What do you mean?" She asked him. "We have slept in separate beds since you announced you wanting to get a divorce," Taylor said. "Taylor, I just want to sleep in my bed with my husband," She said to him. "I was just a little upset. I don't wanna divorce." "Maybe we should," Taylor said shocking his wife. "What?" She asked him. "I think you need to go downstairs and go to sleep," Taylor said climbing into bed. "I want a divorce." "You can't want a divorce," She said to him. "I said so didn't I," Taylor said to his wife. "You're kicking me out of my bed and expect me to sleep on the couch?" She asked him. "Looks that way," He said cutting his lamp out. "Good night and shut the door on your way out." ********************************************* Hunter's thrusted deep inside me and cause me to moan loudly. I felt lust with Brad when we were together. But I felt a connection to Hunter that I did not feel with my husband. We were both going through some things. He was helping me get through some things and I was doing the same for him. I felt electricity in each kiss that I hadn't felt with Brent since we gotten married. "You are making me feel so good," I whispered in his ear as he continued to thrust inside me. "I'm glad," He said and that night he carried me to a level of ecstasy that neither Brent nor Brad combined could take me to. ********************************************* What in the world is going on Polo Drive? The men are getting even dirtier and they are going to get even dirtier before it's all over. In the next episode, Hunter faces repercussions of his night with Drew and also deals with Corey. Brent and Drew's six-year anniversary is here but someone is blackmailing him. Cameron battles rumors around the neighbor hood. Lauren's parents visit the Throckmorton's residence much to Taylor's Chagrin