Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 11:03:32 GMT From: LHW . Subject: The Daemon Gate Chapter 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wow, this story has taken forever to be written! Well, after some This story contains homosexual content and should not be read by anyone under the age of 18. Also, this story does not imply anything about the sexualities of anyone from Nsync, Westlife, Backstreet Boys or any other celebrity mentioned here. I do not know them and their characteristics. This also does not imply anything about any other people mentioned in this story. Their names and descriptions are there but that doesn't mean that their characteristics are the same in real life. And none of them possess any special powers of any sort (I'm not kidding, someone really thought that Justin could really cast spells!) and this is totally fiction! And now you may read this next chapter! Happy reading! ______________________________________________________________________________ |The Daemon Gate - Chapter Two| The hotel room door flew inwards, blasting Mark, Nick and Lance off their feet. A large, ugly man with a lot of hair on his face and body stepped into the room. He was wearing chainmail armour and had a pair of giant dragon wings protruding from his back. His eyes glowed yellow with evil as he stepped into the room. He looked down at Mark. "Well, so they were right. The sithi are getting themselves involved in troubles that are not theirs," he spat. Mark, Nick and Lance slowly got to their feet, giddy from the blast. "What do you want?" Mark said, shaking his head. He glared angrily at the malenti, who gave him an evil snarl. "The Daemon gate will remain open," the malenti said. "I will not allow any to close it down. The Daemons will enter this world and feed off the pitiful humans. Then the malenti will serve them." "Serve?" Lance mocked the malenti. "Not rule alongside them?" "We malenti are survivors," the malenti replied. "More like killers," Mark sneered. "You're just in this dirty job because you get to kill people, doing the daemons dirty works. You make me sick!" "Spoken like a sitha," the malenti taunted. "Self-righteous, just like the sithi lords. Weak, just like the humans that are half your heritage." He took a step forward to Mark who had began chanting a spell. A large stream of web shot towards the malenti but as it neared, the web streamed off to the side, catching the wall. Mark looked confused for a moment before shooting another stream of web. This second stream veered off to the left. The malenti laughed an evil laugh before drawing a curved scimitar from its sheath by his side. He raised the scimitar to slice Mark in half when he felt himself hit from behind. He quickly turned around. "What the..." he exclaimed, finding Mark, Lance and Nick behind him. Nick's and Mark's hands were glowing with magical energy and Lance was armed with his trusty sword and throwing daggers. "Illusion," Mark said, blasting a stream of fire at the malenti. Nick was throwing balls of lightning at the malenti, while the magical throwing daggers owned by Lance stabbed the malenti and returned to their place on Lance's shoulder band. The malenti fell forwards to the floor, blood streaming all over the carpet. "Oh, no," Mark panicked. "How do we get rid of the body? Humans are not supposed to know about the sithi and malenti!" "Allow me," Nick said, stepping forwards. He uttered a few arcane words and the corpse dissolved into a pile of dust. Mark and Lance eyed Nick, who was suddenly very exhausted. Nick walked over to Mark and Lance. "Let's go," he panted. "That spell is very draining." "What does it do?" Mark asked, grabbing Nick and Lance by the hand. "It's a very powerful type of Death magic," Nick explained. "I learnt it before Nirnaeth Arnodied. It's powerful enough to kill a person instantly by dissolving their body into dust. But after it's cast, I can't cast any other spell for twenty-four hours." "That's good," Mark said fervently. "So you don't use it twice." Mark concentrated on the air around him, visualising himself to be a part of it. He felt the weightless feeling that came with the spell, and he could suddenly see and feel everything around him. Lance said. Nick agreed. Mark said, concentrating on a distant spot of light which signified their target. The three of them began floating slowly towards the target, then faster and faster. Nick yelled. They travelled for about half an hour towards the spot of light which grew brighter and bigger as they neared, when suddenly they found themselves standing at a street corner. A young man was standing next to them, oblivious to their arrival. "Denny," Mark said, causing the man to jump. His skin was slightly more tanned than any of the other three, probably a result of his Asian heritage. His hair and eyes were black as well. He smiled at Mark and shook his hand. "Mark, how've you been?" Denny asked, messing Mark's hair. "Aren't those two..." "Yeah, they're the heroes of Nirnaeth Arnodied," Mark quickly interrupted. "And I'm fine and happy, my fourth anniversary is coming soon." "I meant if they were Nick from the Backstreet Boys and Lance from Nsync," Denny corrected. "But I suppose that's an obvious answer. So what are you here for?" "Estel's orders," Mark said importantly. "We are to ask Vulcan and Psy-Lord for 'aid in the total annihilation of the fifth Daemon Gate'. Think you're up to it?" "Of course!" Denny replied. "But what about the Daemon Gate here?" "No fear," Mark said confidently. "They'll have to move their forces to defend the fifth gate from us. Estel's putting together a team of twenty of the best to help with this undertaking." "Okay, I'll do it," Denny said. "But you'll have to check with Peter...he's always busy nowadays." "Okay then," Mark smiled. "You coming with us or are you going to get there yourself?" "I'll get there myself," Denny shuddered. "Can't stand that dizzying air travel. And the water form is even worse." "Okay then, We'll meet you in Singapore," Mark agreed. "I'll get Peter now." He took hold of Nick's and Lance's hands and was about to transform them into air when Nick stopped him. "If you don't mind, I'd like to stay and get to know Denny a bit better," Nick pleaded, avoiding Mark's twinkling eyes. "Why Nick?" Lance asked. "You're going to meet him later." "But I'd like to get to know him better," Nick blushed, looking down at his feet. Lance and Mark exchanged grins and patted Nick on the back, then they were gone in an instant. Nick looked up at Denny and smiled sweetly. Denny blushed and turned away, walking towards his house, followed by Nick, both of them walking there in comfortable silence. "I was expecting you," the dark-haired Japanese man said. He glanced over at the two arrivals as though unintrested. Suddenly, he lunged towards the fair-skinned, dark-haired beauty and gave him a bear hug. "Glad to see you too," Mark said uncertainly as Peter messed up his hair. "What is it with Asian-Canadians? You guys just can't help messing up my hair!" "Canadian-Asians," Peter corrected smugly. "And we have to mess up your hair, you never even have one out of place. Just like your clothes in your room, too. How can Estel put up with you? You're such a perfectionist and he's so disorganised." "I organise things for him, then help him search for them for hours because the place is too neat for him to find anything," Mark sulked. "Then I clean up the house again." "How often do you clean house?" Peter grinned widely, causing dimples to form on his cheeks. "Forty-five times an hour?" Mark flushed and looked down at the floor while Lance sniggered under his breath. Mark finally looked up and faced Peter. "Yes," Peter replied before Mark could even ask his question. "And I'll come with you. I can't wait to see Estel again." "How do you do that?" Lance asked curiously. "I'm not called Psy-Lord for nothing," Peter replied mysteriously, smiling at Lance. He stood up from the computer chair he was sitting on and switched off his I-Mac. "I'll do it this time," he said. "You need to save your energy." "Thanks," Mark said. Peter closed his eyes and the world around them seemed to ripple and change. They found themselves in a small apartment with three bedrooms and a living room. A TV stood at one end of the room, near to a covered balcony. A sofa and two mathcing single-seater armchairs were placed around a green carpet. A large wooden chest of drawers stood as a divider to seperate the living room from the dining room. The wooden flooring was cool, contrasting the hot and humid weather. "Nice place," Lance observed. "Your house?" "Yup," Mark replied. "Wait here a moment, I'm gonna check if I need to pick or clear anything up." "Ever the house-husband," Peter teased a flushing Mark as he checked each of the three bedrooms. Two of the bedrooms had been converted into private studies for each occupant of the house. It was easy to tell whose room was whose, judging by the mess Estel left on his table. Lance wandered over to the TV set and found the remote control on top of it. He pressed a button on the remote control. The TV switched on and there was a really weird clip of a pair of lips sticking out of another TV set, which was driving a red convertable, singing "You drive me crazy, I just can't sleep. I'm so excited, I'm in too deep." As the 'camera' zoomed outwards, the license plate of the car could be seen, a pulsing blob of pink that proclaimed the following music video as 'pop'. The screen blacked out and a familiar music box tune started playing. "I love this song!" Peter exclaimed, turning his attention from a Claude Monet painting on the wall to the TV. At the bottom left corner of the screen, small white words proclaimed 'Bye Bye Bye by Nsync'. "You like this song?" Lance asked Peter, just to confirm. Peter nodded enthusiastically, putting his finger to his mouth to tell Lance to keep quiet as JC began his part in the song. Lance pressed a big red button at the base of the remote and the TV switched off. "HEY!" Peter yelled. "What'd you do that for?" "Why watch the music video if you can watch a live performance?" Lance asked. Peter just looked at Lance in confusion. He telekinetically grabbed the remote from Lance and switched the TV back on to listen to the music video. As soon as it reached the part where Lance and JC sat in the car while JC blew the CD and replaced it, Peter looked back at Lance and then back to the TV. He looked back at Lance, his eyes as wide as dinner plates. "You're Lance Bass from Nsync!" he exclaimed. "So?" Mark asked sarcastically, coming out from Estel's study. "I'm from Westlife but I don't hear you screaming." "That's because you guys suck!" Peter argued, sticking out his tongue. Mark rolled his eyes and jabbed his thumb at Peter. "Can you believe that he's nearly thirty?" Mark asked Lance. "I'm twenty-two," Peter corrected. "And you're twenty and married for three years, loser." "That's not a very nice thing to say about my husband," a clear voice interrupted. Peter glanced at Estel and smiled. His eyes widened as he noticed Justin and Joey standing next to Estel. His jaw dropped, causing everyone to laugh. A pale-looking, pasty-white faced youth of about nineteen stood next to Estel, his stance almost similar to Estel's and Mark's. "You're half-sithi," Peter stated, extending his hand to the ebony-haired boy. "What's your name?" "Jason," Jason replied, shaking Peter's hand. "And which country are you from?" Peter asked. "Canada," Jason replied. "And you?" "Same as you," Peter replied. "So which is your favourite hockey team?" "Hockey?" Mark gagged. "Football is THE game." "Football's too violent," Justin argued, giving Mark a cold look. "No it's not," Mark argued, ignoring Justin's stare. "It's really cool. Too bad I can't catch the England Cup anymore, I'm too busy. I wonder how Manchester United is doing." "Huh?" Justin was confused. Jason and Peter sniggered at the youth. "Silly Americans," Peter whispered to Jason, who sniggered in reply. "Let's not be racist, shall we?" Estel's keen ears catching Peter's remark. "Only Americans call football soccer, as far as I know." "Yeah, they always have to be different from the rest of the world," Jason snickered, drawing a warning glance from Estel. Lance and Joey giggled at the joke insults while Justin sulked, wishing he could just strangle Peter, Mark and Jason all at once. Estel, sensing Justin's anger quickly changed the subject. Alegifu and Kevin strolled through the streets of Mexico with a dark-haired tanned man. As the trio walked, Alegifu and Kevin explained to Neto about the Daemon Gate and their current situation while Neto listened. Kevin found himself attracted to Neto, and found himself flirting shamelessly with him. Alegifu smiled inwardly to herself as she saw Kevin and Neto enjoying themselves together. Neto was unusually playful and continued joking and teasing Kevin, who stopped acting so stoic around him. The three of them had so much fun taunting and poking fun of each other that they did not notice six men wearing black trenchcoats and sunglasses heading towards them. All of them were large and muscular. "Hold it right there!" one of them yelled. Alegifu, Kevin and Neto turned, as did everyone else in the street. The man who had shouted began to chant and soon the people in the street ignored the six men and the three heroes. The men began to advance towards Alegifu. "Malenti?" Kevin asked Alegifu as the men drew nearer. Alegifu shook her head. "Malenti have muddy-blue hair all over their body, and they're taller," Alegifu whispered back. "Those are Bounties." "Bounties?" Neto asked. "Aren't they the people who hunt down people like us, with special powers? They're very powerful. I ran into one before and it took me an hour before he ran out of weapons and left me very tired and drained. They should hunt themselves, they're almost supernatural." "How do we get rid of them?" Kevin whispered. Alegifu pushed Neto and Kevin back. "I'll hold them off," she replied. "You two get as far away as possible from here." "But they're powerful," Neto argued. "You can't take them all." "But I'll be able to hold them off for a long time," Alegifu said firmly. "I've got two thousand and three hundred years of experience on my side. Now go!" Kevin grabbed Neto's hand and dragged him through the gathering crowd. One of the men noticed them leaving and shouted, "He's getting away!" The men split up to try and cut of possible escape routes. One of them headed in Alegifu's direction. "Hello boy," Alegifu said seductively blocking the man's view of the street. "Looking for someone?" "Out of my way, bitch," the man replied rudely. "I've got no time for this." "Ooh, you called me a bitch," Alegifu replied, her voice still seductive. "I'm sure you'd enjoy me in a bedroom somewhere." "I said 'out of my way', whore," the man snarled, pushing Alegifu out of the way. "Oh, that does it!" Alegifu replied, backhanding the man with her delicate-looking wrist. "I've had enough of you." The man staggered backwards, holding his jaw where Alegifu had struck him. His eyes glinted with anger and he clenched his fists and began to punch Alegifu. Alegifu nimbly dodged or blocked every punch he threw, and returned with powerful kicks and punches. She kneed him in the groin and curled her fingers like claws, punching his face with her palm. His nose broke and the bone travelled upwards, stabbing his brain. He fell forward and the ground dead. Alegifu smirked and turned around. The other five men were standing behind her. "Oh, he tried to grope me," Alegifu glibly explained. "I taught him not to take advantage of sweet, innocent little me." The Bounties looked at each other, then parted to let her go her way. Alegifu smiled warmly at them as she passed. She turned around the corner and whispered under her breath, "So long, chumps." Suddenly, she felt a wave of pain at her back. She turned around and saw the five Bounties behind her. One of them was holding what looked like a palm pilot. He held it up for a few seconds before the machine stated with a robotic female voice, "Alegifu Narelen, sitha woman. Bounty for body equates forty-five million American dollars in cash to each Bountie bringing in the corpse." "Hey there! Nice to meet you again," Alegifu grinned. The Bounties surrounded her while she got into a fighting stance. Her back was to the wall, so she had no escape but it allowed her to not worry about getting attacked from behind. They six fighters stood in their fighting stances tensely, waiting for the other to make the first move. Alegifu suddenly dived and rolled forward, kicked one of the men in his stomach, then punched his face as he reflexively bent forward, and rolled backwards before the others could react. Alegifu grinned and revealed the gun she had picked from the bountie's pocket. "Y'all are too slow," she mockingly complained. She pointed the gun at another Bountie and tossed the gun high into the air, shouting "BOO!" at the exact same moment. She immediately ducked as the other three men drew their guns and started shooting at her. Their bullets missed the squatting Alegifu and hit their comrade instead, and he fell over, blood spilling onto the street. They stopped firing and Alegifu stood up from the ground, caught the gun and pointed it at another Bountie and pulled the trigger. The two remaining Bounties charged at Alegifu and she spun in a circle, her hands smashing the faces of the two Bounties. They both stepped back and charged her again. She tripped one of the bounties and he flipped head over heels onto the pavement behind her. The other Bountie grabbed a large gun and aimed it at Alegifu. A huge stream of energy shot from the gun, catching Alegifu by surprise. The blast caught her left arm and when she moved out of its way, her entire arm had gone numb and was totally useless. She advanced towards the Bountie who had shot her, anger blazing in her eyes. The man reached into his pocket but drew his hand out again, lifting both his hands high in surrender. He walked over to Alegifu, who had dropped her stance, and leaned forward on the wall of the building behind her. She felt his trenchcoat for something to hold him with and found a pair of handcuffs. She cuffed his hands behind his back and was about to lead him away when sudenly, a large explosion emitted from the pocket he had withdrawn his hand from. The grenade blasted out with a terribly powerful force, blowing both Alegifu and the man apart, and causing the building to collapse on them. Neto and Kevin heard the explosion and turned around. They saw a five-storey apartment topple and collapse, clouds of dust obstructing their view from the scene. "Alegifu," Kevin muttered and began to walk towards the explosion. Neto reached out and pulled Kevin's shirt collar, stopping the enraged man from walking further. "Don't," Neto said. "It's too late, she's dead." "How do you know?" Kevin asked angrily. "I'm a psioncist," Neto replied. "Or another word you'd be more familiar with is psychic. Her life-force is gone, she's dead." "NO!" Kevin wrenched his shirt from Neto's grasp. "She can't be dead." "I'm sorry," Neto hung his head. "I really am." "Dammit!" Kevin swore. "She died saving you, when all she was here for was YOUR help. And now that has gone down the drain." "Not quite," a black-haired young man with a pleasant face replied. His ears were partially pointed, not quite as sharp as a sitha's but sharper than a human's. A silver ring hung from his left ear and his hair was spiked, giving him an almost Bart Simpson look. "Who are you?" Neto asked the newcomer. "I'm Paul," Paul replied. "Alegifu sent me a Wind Thought, which is like a telepathic message sent by the wind. She told me to bring you guys to Singapore, and to take her place in the battle." "Well then, let's go. Don't waste time," Neto said. Paul blushed slightly and hung his head down. "Well, I'm not too powerful with Air magic yet," Paul replied. "It's the most powerful of the eight spheres of magic allowed to my people." "Great!" Kevin said sarcastically, throwing his hands up into the air. "And just how are we getting there now?" "Well, I'm only really good at Earth magic," Paul answered. "I could transport us through the earth but it's slow and can be painful. Or I could use my blinking." "Like blinking is going to be any good," Kevin replied, blinking his eyes. "No, you don't understand," Paul explained. "Every half-sitha gets one of the eight sithi innate abilities, and I got blinking. It allows me to move five feet away in an instant. I could blink us all the way to Singapore." "That would take forever," Neto raised his eyebrow. "I think I would prefer to stick with the under-earth way." "Okay, let's go then," Kevin said. "Exactly how painful is it?" Kevin, Neto and Paul screamed at the same time. The journey through the earth was like walking through a hot fire with pins poking every part of their bodies. And that was not including the pounding thumps that rattled their brains, or the loud hissing that deafened their ears. But the killer pain was the feeling of being skinned alive with white hot knives. Kevin, Neto and Paul appreared in the void deck of a multi-storey apartment building, panting and wincing. The pain did not disappear when they emerged from the ground, but instead lingered on, "I'm never taking that ever, ever again," Kevin vowed. "Not even to save my life." "I'm with you on that one, amigo," Neto agreed, patting Kevin's shoulder, withdrawing his painful hand while Kevin cringed from the pain in his shoulder. "I need to sit down," Paul said. He took a step towards a concrete table with concrete stools around it, all of them stuck to the ground. He winced and stood still, one foot forward, the other in its original position. "I think I'll just stand like this," Paul muttered, resisting the temptation of lifting his foot even though his sole hurt terribly. Suddenly a wave of cool air blasted them and the pain was immediately gone. "Ah! Much better," Paul excalaimed. He began to walk towards the lifts at the lobby, followed by Neto and Kevin. Suddenly, a bloodcurdling shriek pierced the air and resonated throughout the entire area. **********************[To be continued!]********************** Well, that's it for this chapter! Just to let you know, JC, Chris, AJ and Howie won't be playing a big part in this part of the series, so email your complaints about this to ;D Well, any suggestions, feedback, little notes of encouragement, compliments (hint hint) and questions can also be sent to the above address. The new, improved (and longer) reading list: Nsync Saga Justin's Dream Week from Hell NSYNC and the Vampires Brian and Justin My Lance Xtreme NSYNC A Tale of two boybands Justin's Secrets The Price and the Prize Eyes of Stone Fixing the Backstreeet Boys Brian and Me There are a lot of other good writers out there and if your story is not listed here, it most likely means I haven't read your story yet. Good job to those whose stories are listed here. Keep up the very good woork!