Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 00:17:35 EDT From: Subject: Crimson Tears - 16 Disclaimer: Too young, illegal where you are, or if you are offended by homosexual themes, there is an X for you to click. This story isn't meant to imply anything about the sexuality of any of the members of Nsync. Note: Hiya! Welcome to 16. I promised a huge chapter, unsurpassed by most other stories, didn't I? Well, I'm sorry! :) I stopped at the last actual person from Derux, and decided to figure out what I'm gonna put in place of the *earthlings* past. I know close to nothing about their past, so I have that much to go on. ::shrugs:: I'll figure out something. I may change the story from what I'm describing here. You'll know if I do. *In Luke's past* - OK, he refers to himself as "He" or "Him." You'll find out why. I just didn't want this to get too confusing, and make you guys leave me! Enjoy! :) Thanks to-Matt, John, Sam, Crazy, Gene, Hawk, and Steelo. Each of you gave me a quick kick in the butt, and really got me moving! Thanks! There was one other person, but instead of hitting the *keep as new* button... I hit delete. Sorry! -LilAlfie ***************************************************************************** From 15: The scenery flashed, and I was standing in darkness. The God of Life stood before me, a smile on his face. "Why? Why did you make me go back there? Why..." His smile faded. He watched as I lapsed into unconsciousness. ***************************************************************************** Chapter 16: *Gail* I looked down at the circle I was standing in. It was a picture of me, in my other form. I was on my knees, my face buried in my hands. I looked at the wall in front of me, and saw a glimmer of blue light. The light pulsated, and grew. Something seemed to be carving the light. A form was slowly appearing in front of me. When it was finished, her hair was almost flapping. It looked like the ocean - Waves beginning at the top of her head, and ending at the ends of each strand. Her eyes were brown, glowing slightly around the pupils. They, too, had an endless wave to them. Her lips were curved in a small smile. She wasn't wearing clothes, instead her form was enveloped in a white light. It was tied at her shoulder, like a robe. She was wearing sandals, as white as the robe, but not shining. She reached out to the wall in front of me, and touched it lightly with her palm. The wall pulsed, flashed, and turned a deep blue. The white waves flowing through the wall looked as bright as the sun, but not as harsh. She pointed to the wall, and spoke. "Enlightenment is the key." I looked at her while walking up to the wall. I touched it, and my hand went through. I slowly walked through the portal. I was standing in the grove where Jacob found Ryan's body. I looked around, and realized what I was going to see. Ryan ran through the gates, pure terror on his face. He stopped in the center of the grove, and looked around. Seeing there was no escape, he fell to his knees, and started crying. I walked over to him, and tried to touch his shoulder. My hand went through his body. I tried to speak to him, but no sound escaped my lips. I glanced at the gate, and noticed it had closed, and locked itself. I heard a clicking noise on the other side of the gate. The next thing I knew, the grove was part of an explosion. The gate had disintegrated, and the fire from the explosion spread through the grove. I couldn't feel it, but Ryan was screaming in pain. The fire slowly extinguished, along with his cries. He stood, and watched as Malak walked through the gates. "Hello, Ryan." He spoke menacingly. "No. Please. At least let me find her, first. Please." Ryan seemed exhausted. He could barely keep his eyes open, and his voice was weak. "Who? Oh, you must mean the Ancient. Don't worry, I haven't found her, yet. I heard another Ancient is here. Where is he?" Ryan couldn't speak. He only shook his head. "Damn it, tell me where he is! I could kill you easily. Tell me, now!" He shook his head again. "Damn you." Muttered Malak. He turned to leave. He stopped before reaching the gate, and looked over his shoulder at Ryan. He narrowed his eyes at him. Ryan howled in pain, and grabbed his chest. A bead of sweat ran down his forehead. His hands moved from his chest to his head. He curled up into a ball, screaming, holding his head. He suddenly stopped, slumped, and fell into the position Jacob found him in. The scenery flashed, and changed to darkness. She appeared, and smiled. "Who are you? Why did you make me watch that?" Her smiled didn't fade. "I am the Goddess of Light. I am sorry for that, but enlightenment is the key. It was the only way." I fell to my knees. "Why did Malak say that? Who was Ryan looking for?" Her smile faded this time. "You don't know? Celeste..." She trailed off. That is the last thing I remember before lapsing into unconsciousness. *Anthony* I looked down at the circle I was standing in. It was of me, as a child, standing in front of Camelot. I moved to get a closer look, and bumped into someone that appeared by the wall. "Excuse me." I said, turning. I stopped cold, in awe. His beauty was beyond anything I had ever seen. His hair was a slight mix of red, and brown. It rest gently on his shoulders, but continued down to the small of his back. His eyes were as beautiful as both Lance, and Jacob's. They seemed to be a swirl of the two colors - Blue, and emerald. He reached out to the wall, and touched it lightly with the palm of his hand. It flashed, and vibrated briefly. It changed to a glowing gold, with waves of white flowing through it. He motioned for me to walk to the wall. "Enlightenment is the key." He said, as I walked toward it. I reached out, and followed my hand through the portal. I was blinded by an immense light, and soon found myself in a familiar room. I stood, watching my mother give birth to me. I was on one side, and my view was slightly obstructed by my excited father. I heard a baby crying. A cleric holding me, wrapped in a red blanket, embroidered with the royal crest. He placed me in an elaborately decorated crib, and walked back to my mother. I heard a gasp from my father, and the doctor began scurrying around the room. I walked closer, and saw my mother. Her long, brown hair was spread across the pillow like lightning spreads across an iron roof. She was gasping for air, her eyes were fluttering. The cleric was doing everything he could to get her to breathe, but nothing seemed to work. She tried to speak, but could only gasp out fragments of sentences. "Don't ... Anthony ... his ... Please ... no ... blame ... Take ... to ..." The cleric shook his head, somehow understanding. "Now." She gasped. The cleric stroked his chin, and nodded. He, and my father carried her to my crib. I followed them, and looked down at myself. I was looking up at my mother, my eyes seemed to be filled with sadness. It was almost like I understood what was happening. My mother gasped something out to me. "Love ... you ... Follow ... destiny ... sweet ..." Before she could finish, she slumped in their arms. Both of me started crying. The baby wailed. Tears were running down my face. I caught a glimpse of myself in one of the mirrors around the room. My eyes were red already. The cleric left my fathers side, and began tending to me. My father held my mother, and cried into her shoulder. He carried her to the bed, and set her down on the sheets. He covered her in the large blanket, and walked over to my crib. "You did this to her." He whispered. "I will never forgive you for this." He was ignoring my mothers request to not blame me. He never acted this way when I was around. I always thought he did the things he did out of love. I knew at that moment that he did them out of hate. The scenery flashed, and changed to darkness. He stood, with a slight smile on his face. "Before you say anything, let me apologize. I am sorry for making you witness this, but it was the only way. Enlightenment is the key." The realization of my fathers hate for me hit me suddenly. My body spasmed, and dry heaves overtook me. His smile faded as I lapsed into unconsciousness. *Vincent* I walked around the circle, examining it. I reached down, and touched it. I found it strange that the paint used was as flat as the marble floor. There was no texture. My examination was interrupted by a man appearing out of nowhere. He was examining me, almost as I was the picture. "Greetings, Vincent. I am the God of Knowledge. I noticed my friend forgot to mention to Anthony who he is. He is the God of War. Be sure to tell him that." He reached out, and touched the wall. The wall vibrated, and changed to a glowing black. The purple waves flowing through it were hypnotizing. I looked at the God, and tried to study his form. It was somewhat blurry, and I could not make out any of it. I shrugged, and walked through the portal. I was startled by the change of scene. I hadn't been in this village for over twenty years. I remembered, vaguely, what happened here. I saw something in the sky. I looked like a swarm of some kind. As it got closer, I realized what it was. I suddenly remembered everything. Where I was, and what was going to happen. I looked around, and saw myself in a barn, hiding from what was to come. I ran over, and knelt behind me. I was in my early twenties at that time, and was poised for attack. I was used to vampire attacks, and this was not the first I had fought in. As they got closer, I could see their huge fangs. The first wave landed, and looked around. Suddenly, they all turned toward where I was hiding. They started walking over, menacing grins on their faces. "Hey, you lookin' for us?" A few men emerged from behind a wagon. I recognized one of them as my father. He glanced in my direction, and shook his head. Satisfied that I was going to stay, he turned his attention back to the vampires. The rest had landed, and were facing the group of slayers. The master stepped forward, and laughed. "You are the slayers that killed father? You don't look strong enough to kill a fledgling." That being a heavy insult in my world, one should never say that to a slayer. My father pulled out a twisted blade, infused with holy powers. He lunged, and stabbed one of the Elite vampires through the heart, and puled up. There was an explosion inside it's body, causing it to bulge. It fell to the ground, and deflated blood. One of the other men had done the same to the elite standing on the other side of the master. "Almost impressive." Scowled the master. He pointed at one of the men, and pointed to each of them. All five of the men changed stance. Five vampires advanced, approaching each man. They drew swords as they walked, and slashed in unison. Again, in unison, the five men side stepped, and punched through the chests, crushing their hearts. The master raised an eyebrow. "Now, that was just stupid." He muttered, looking at his fallen comrades. "OK, look. I have about three thousand vampires, and you have five men. Just give up. I do not have all night." The leader of the men grinned, and raised his hand. "Did you really think we attacked your fathers lair alone?" The vampire's eyes widened, as he turned, scanning the area. Different groups of slayers emerged from behind various objects. I waited for my fathers signal, but it never came. I watched as vampires fell. Not many, but I also watched slayers fall. The master was standing in the middle of the chaos, killing the few that dared advance on him. "Enough!" He screamed, bowing his head. He was chanting, softly at first, then louder. A wave of firs surrounded him, and enveloped his body. It shot away from him, striking all living beings in the area. I ducked behind the wall, and the fire passed me. When it cleared, I looked back. The master, and what remained of his minions stood among the charred remains of the slayers. I saw my fathers body, holding his dagger tightly. I was frozen in fear. The intensity of that spell was overwhelming. I watched as the horde of undead lifted into the air, and vanished into the horizon. I walked from the barn, and to my fathers body. I knelt beside it, tears streaming down my face. "Father ... no. It can't be." I looked after the vampires, watching the sun rise slowly. I silently vowed to study the art of spell casting. I vowed to become a master of fire, and hunt down the lair that did this. That vow was long forgotten, until that moment. The scenery flashed, I was standing in darkness. The God of Knowledge stood before me, a slight smile on his face. "Why did you have to remind me of that? I was happy not remembering how my father died." I stared hard at the God. His smile faded quickly. "Enlightenment is the key. You do feel tired?" I raised an eyebrow at his question. "No. Get me out of this place, damn it!" He looked surprised, and looked somewhere in the darkness. A bright light flashed, and a portal opened. I walked through, and found myself standing in the circle. I looked around the room, and saw everyone else unconscious. I didn't think anything of it, and resumed my examination on the painting. I noticed something I hadn't seen before. I was standing in the middle of a ring of bodies, like before, but me eyes were lined with red. A trail traced it's way down my cheek, and ended in a single crimson tear. *Luke* I stood in the golden circle, looking around me. I could see everyone else standing in different circles, looking at their feet. I looked down and saw the golden outline of what seemed to be a painting. I was kneeling in the center of a huge pentacle outlined with large stones. The pentacle was brighter than the rest of the painting. I believe it was glowing. I heard a sizzling crackle of electricity, and turned toward the origin of the sound. Near the wall before the circle stood a tall man wearing a white robe, tied with a blue length of cloth. The blue length was interwoven with golden dragons here, and there. He held a long, shining staff. Also white, but with crystal blue gems lodged into tiny notches. "Journey into a universal world of good versus evil. Raise your sword to conquer an empire torn with vengeance. Do you remember that?" I looked at him, confused. "No, I'm sorry." I muttered. "Soon. You may call me Xavier. To answer your next question; No, I am not a God. I am but a demigod. I have not yet earned the right to be called 'God'." He turned to the wall and touched it lightly with his palm. Bolts of lightning flew from his hand, creating a sight almost like the brightest maelstrom. The wall pulsed, and waves flowed through it like he was mimicking the ocean. "Enlightenment is the key." He motioned for me to step through the portal. I walked up to the portal, and stepped through slowly. I looked around as the light faded. I was standing in the open plains. I saw someone walking in the distance. I walked toward them, only to find that it was me. I concluded that Xavier had sent me into the past. I knew I wouldn't be able to stop my past counterpart from doing anything harmful. I knew I had to endure whatever was to come. I recognized the scenery, but nothing else. I followed the past figure through the plains, at times wondering what the hell I was doing. He suddenly stopped, and kneeled. He began chanting a complicated spell, pulling out different materials, while drawing arcane symbols in the air with his hands. Suddenly the ground began to shake violently. A steeple began rising from the barren soil. As I tried to get to a safer place, I realized the surrounding area was covered in lush grasses. I ran to the edge of the grass, and watched as the temple rose out of the Bahatar plains. The rumbling stopped, and before me there was a path, traced with wilted roses. I walked down, trying to find my other persona. I continued down the path until I saw the spot where I saw him bring this temple to the surface. He was still kneeling there, tears slowly drifting down his cheeks. He got up, and slowly began walking toward a huge iron door. He inserted a key into a small hole, and pushed the doors open. They swung to the inside walls, screeching loudly as they did so. He walked by, his black robe flowing behind him, catching a rush of stale air as it escaped the chambers. He continued down the long hall, until he reached a huge room, decorated with various runes. The runes gave a faint glow as he walked by. They acknowledged my presence, but since I was only a spirit, they gave up their search for me. He reached a small altar placed in the center of the room, and kneeled once again. He began drawing symbols in the dust on the table, chanting loudly as he did so. His hair was black, then. I looked around the room as skeletal hands began reaching through the granite walls. They weren't destroying the walls, but phasing through them like they were nothing but air. When the Skeletons had lined up in three rows behind him, he stood. "It's been so long since I've been home, my children. Please, forgive me. I have arranged for a little fun, to show you how sorry I am." He grinned wickedly as the skeletons teeth began to chatter with excitement. He paced in front of the creatures, communicating with them in only a way a Necromancer can with his children. What remained of their hideous heads nodded, and they filed out of the room. I counted as they left. There was at least fifteen of them. Plenty to take over a small castle to claim for their master. He turned back to his altar, and began his chanting. He was interrupted by the sound of bones shattering against the wall. He turned, and saw his children running toward him, running from a holy light. The light seemed somewhat unholy. The light struck the backs of the creatures, shattering them. The cracking of the bones hurt my ears. A sound one could never describe. A robed man walked slowly into the chamber. His face was covered, but he seemed to know who he was. "I don't believe I invited you, Angel." The other man remained silent, staring a hole through him. "Oh, thats right. I forgot. Please, go. I do not need your interference, now. I'm too close." The other man didn't move. He was growing impatient with this robed man, his eyes glowing dark red. "Damn you! Why can't you let me obtain it?" The robed figure moved swiftly, grabbing his head, pushing in at his temples. He screamed in pain as every drop of blood he has shed in his life flowing into him. The souls he released flowing into the room, tormenting him. I began to remember the evil I felt back then. I began to remember how he saved me from that. Through pain, anguish he set me free. The scenery flashed, and I was standing in darkness. Xavier stood before me, smiling slightly. "I had forgotten..." He cut me off. "Of course. Thanks to us, you forgot the pain you so generously bestowed upon every person you met. You forgot the tormented souls still imprisoned in the temple. Do you remember me, now? Do you remember where you are?" I held my head as the pain surged through it. "Yes. I remember!" I screamed. "Why? Why does this have to happen? I am not a prophecy! I am evil! I am nothing but a lowly necromancer, evil since the day I was born!" His smile faded. "No, Luke! You can't believe that!" He looked into the nothingness above. "Why is this happening? You promised!" He screamed. I was still holding my head, trying to suppress the pain. His watched as I lapsed into unconsciousness. I saw two additional figures before I had reached the point where, not even now, I can't remember. One figure had eyes of emerald green, flashing brightly. The other was but a brilliant glow. *Alexander* Hello. You would know me as the creator. As you know, Alexander cannot speak, therefore he cannot tell you his story. You are the only mortals to be spoken to directly by me, since the prodigy. I have come to end this tale, for now. When Alexander stood in his circle, awaiting the God to show him his past, he began to wander. He looked at each circle, noticing only one, other than his, had color. He returned to his circle, and examined it further. The crimson tear was flowing down his cheek, frozen within the golden portrait. Behind his was nothing. He knew what it was, and remembered it clearly. The story of how his voice was lost forever. He is urging me to stop. He does not think you are ready. Maybe one day, mortal, you will be ready to accept his tale. Maybe one day you will be able to know the truth. Until then, farewell. *Journey into a universal world of good versus evil. Raise your sword to conquer an empire torn with vengeance. * ***** TBC... **************************************************************************** How was that? Sorry about the abrupt ending, but I was having trouble with something. I had it all planned to have Alex tell his take, when I remembered, he can't talk! I have to figure out how to show you what happened. Don't expect a super tragic thing. I was just trying to end it. (Of course I'm the creator! I didn't create most, if not all of it. :) In other words, anything he says will be a narration. These pasts just have to be told by the people that lived them. A little rule of mine. ;) ) E-mail at! IM there, or at Morbddream! ICQ should be in some past chapter. See ya next time! -LilAlfie