Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 01:22:02 EDT From: Subject: Crimson Tears - 4 Disclaimer: Too young, or illegal where you are, you should probably go. This is a complete work of Fiction. It is not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of any of the members of Nsync. Still not my business ... Note: I'm always learning new ways to improve this story. I have to make up excuses and put them somewhere in, though. That gets a little tough at times. Like putting more into the description of my characters. I'll try to think up a good excuse, but it'll require Jake to talk directly to you like in the intro. I'm just hoping that doesn't take up too much of my story-writing energy for tonight. One more thing before I go. I realized I named Chapter 2, but not three. I didn't show any reason for the chapter to be named that, either. I apologize for this, and hope it doesn't make you all think I'll forget other important elements. I WILL stick to this chapters name... Promise! **************************************************************************** From Chapter 3: Flash. I was in the field with the grass again. I heard the voice, but it was much closer. "Five beings of great power will come to you. Someone you love will die. You must move on from the tragedy that will occur. It won't be easy, but you must!" **************************************************************************** Chapter 4 - Sadness I awoke covered in a cold sweat. Why did I keep dreaming of that night? I had suppressed the memory for so long, I had almost forgotten. I glanced out the window at the position of the sun. It seemed like it had been almost an hour. I guessed I had about half of that left. I decided to pay a visit to Gail. I walked out of the room and across the hall. I knocked on the door and it swung open to reveal a young girl in a fighting stance. Her hands were on fire. She was ready to kill me, but she realized who I was. "Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't know it was you! I thought you were one of them. Please hurry." She pulled me into her room and locked the door behind her. I guessed she was about twenty. Her brown hair flowed with every move she made. Her eyes were like mine, only they were showing her inner most fears. Any empath could tell, and recreate her fears easily. Her slender, yet muscular form moved with the most graceful agility. She was wearing a white robe with silver runes sewn into the fabric. The robe seemed to flow with her hair. The room was brightly lit, even with the shades drawn. There was a small bed in the corner with an oak headboard. She was standing over a large, exquisitely decorated cedar desk. The aroma of the desk was thick. Sprites hated the scent of cedar, so I guessed a spell was cast to keep the aroma flowing to protect her power. This told me she was powerful, and someone wanted desperately to protect her. She was flipping through a book on the desk. She turned to me suddenly and looked directly into my eyes. "I can't thank you enough for saving my life. I only wish you could've saved everyone else's." I was confused. What did she mean? "What do you mean?" "You don't know?" "Know what?" I asked. "The only way you could've slept through the attack..." Her eyes grew wide. "You had a vision, didn't you?" "I guess. I thought it was a dream, but it could've been a vision." "What was it about?" "My past." I told her everything that happened in my dream. She listened intently and waited for me to finish before asking questions. "Your past?" She asked with a horrified look on her face. "I've been having the same vision. I think there may be more who have. They may be the only ones still alive." I was confused again. "You still haven't told me what happened while I was asleep!" She lowered her head. I knew this would be another source for my sadness. She began telling me what she knew about the situation, as she referred to it. "It was horrible. An evil super power was on a rampage. Determined to kill someone here. Instead of killing one person he killed everyone. The only two, I know of, that are still alive would be me, and you. His power was so evil. The next thing I knew there were two more super powers. They weren't evil though. They destroyed so much of the center fighting him. He was stronger than both of them! I was in fathers class at the time. He was one of the few that tried to help out the good." She broke down into tears. I ran over to her before she fell, and grabbed her. She cried on my shoulder for a while. She recomposed herself, and continued. "I've been waiting for someone to show up so I would have some help in finding any other survivors. I have a theory about why we didn't die with everyone else. Any survivors we find may be chosen ones. Do you remember the stories of the chosen ones?" "I'm afraid I don't." I replied. "Oh ... OK. I'll tell you then. Their past shall be hidden. Their future unknown. They will survive a terrible tragedy. The visions will come. Of the past of their leader. The most powerful super power known to man. His past will be known to the chosen ones. They will follow him into the war of the super powers. The balance of power will shift, good will finally triumph over evil. Let this warning be known to all who will meet him: He will lose someone he loves. If he gives in to the pain of this loss he will go mad. He will destroy the world with one simple spell. The storm of fire will kill the super powers of good and evil will create havoc among the people of Derux. I saw your past, Jacob. I will follow you anywhere you should lead. I don't understand one thing, though. What loss have you suffered?" The sudden realization of what happened hit me. "Ryan." I whispered. "Ryan?" She asked. "The Ryan that studies here?" "Yes. I didn't realize it until now. The visions. I could've stopped it. If only I had thought about it. I have to find him! He may still be alive somewhere! If he isn't, I have to say goodbye." "Ryan. No, it can't be." She lowered her head again and stared at the floor. "Whats wrong?" I asked. She looked up at me. Tears forming in her eyes. "The message wasn't only meant for you. It was meant for all of the chosen ones. Ryan was my brother. My twin. He changed his appearance, so no one would notice." She walked over to her desk and picked up a picture frame. "This is what he really looked like." I took the picture and studied it. He had brown, flowing hair. His eyes were blue, like mine, and showed his happiness. Any empath could see, and recreate that happiness easily. He was at least 6'0''. His slender, yet muscular form granted him great agility. He was the male version of Gail. "We have to find him." I said. I let her pack anything she would need. I knew we couldn't stay here after we searched. We left her room and stopped at mine. I gathered everything I would need for any magic I might have to do. As well as clothes and other things I would need. We decided to start at his office. We opened the door and saw his chair turned away from us. I ran over to it and swung it around. It was empty. We searched the office, but found nothing. We continued down that hall and searched every room. Most were empty, with the occasional dead body. Most of the bodies had already been consumed by sprites. Gail cast the cedar spell on the ones that hadn't and we moved the to the courtyard. After we finished getting all of the bodies from that hall we began working on the others. When we got to the last hall, the fatigue was getting to us. We opened the door and saw a boy -- about 14 huddled up in a corner crying. We rushed over to him. He looked up at us with a look of total fear. "Who ... Who are you?" He said through his tears. It looked as if his vision was blurred by the tears. "Anthony? Is that you?" Gail said worriedly. "Gail?" Said Anthony, looking Gail in the eyes. He seemed to leap the short distance between Gail, and himself. He latched onto her and I didn't think he was going to let go without a fight. His black hair was ruffled. It was cut short, and came down to his ears. He was wearing a red robe, with silver lining. The lining spiraled into a dragon on the back. His undershirt was torn and he had very well defined muscles for his age. His eyes were naturally silver. The silver seemed to keep his hair from making him appear ghost-white. "Anthony, have you seen anyone else alive?" I asked. He looked at me strangely, then turned back to Gail. "Who is that?" She chuckled and looked at me. "Thats Jacob." She looked down at him and stroked his hair. "Have you had any dreams lately?" She asked him. "Yes, They were nightmares. There was a little boy in them, around 10 I think. It was terrible." "I know. I had the same nightmare." "Am I a chosen one?" He had a twinkle in his eye when he asked this. "Yes, I believe you are." She smiled warmly at him and knelt in front of him. "That was Jacob's past you saw. Are you prepared to do what you have to?" She had a serious look on her face. She really believed in me. "Yes, I am." He turned to me and smiled. "Jacob, I'm Anthony." He extended his hand. We shook hands and I got a taste of his strength. My hand was pounding when he finally let go. Gail saw I was in pain and grabbed my hand. Her hands began to glow slightly and the pain faded. "You're a healer?" I asked. "Not exactly. My mother was a healer and my father a wizard. I'm a combination of the two. My being a woman makes me very deadly." She grinned evilly and down the hall. There were only two bodies left here. Anthony picked them both up, with no strain, and carried them to the courtyard. We spent the rest of the day burying the bodies. "Did the sprites destroy Ryan?" I asked. "They couldn't have. We're both protected from sprites. Maybe he got away?" Those four words brought new hope into my soul. Then I remembered the message. "What about the visions?" I was getting more worried by every word we said. "We haven't searched outside yet. I haven't felt him die. He must still be alive. He is dying where ever he is." She was on the verge of tears again. Anthony, and I both saw this. We both moved to her and hugged her tightly. She was exhausted, as well as sad. She cried herself to sleep in our arms. Anthony set her gently on the grass and lay next to her. He was asleep soon after. I took some things from my bag and prepared them for a sanctuary spell. I set four tall candle sticks: north, south, east, and west. My eyes turned aqua-velvet and my body began to glow. A beam of light extended from my forehead and slowly outlined a circle around us. It flashed and there was a wall of air. The light moved above us and flashed again. I walked out of the circle and set out to find Ryan. I searched the courtyard and found nothing. I came to a small path cut into the bushes and followed it. I walked for at least an hour and finally came to a steel gate set into a stone wall. I opened the gate and walked through. There was a pentagram drawn on the stone in the center of the garden. Roses lined the wall with ever-blooming morning glories covering the gray stone. There were other various flowers creating circles around the stone. The last circle was of the most beautiful flower in Derux. Black Roses. I gasped at the beauty. I walked towards the stone and saw a body lying there. I ran towards it and saw that he was still alive. "Ryan! I'm so glad I found you!" "J.. Jake." He looked deep into my eyes. "I'm glad you found me." He coughed up some blood and I quickly cleaned his face with my shirt. I kneeled on the stone circle and placed him over my knees. I stroked his hair. He was too weak to keep his seventeen year old form. He slowly faded to his natural form. "Ryan, I was afraid to admit this to myself before, but I was finally able to do it. I love you." His eyes were locked on mine. "I... I love you, too. I only wish *cough* this could've been different. In the short time I've known you *cough cough* I've come to love you like a brother. Please, Jacob, fulfill your destiny. Derux ... must ... survive." His heart slowed to a stop. He stared blankly into the sky. I couldn't contain my tears any longer. I buried my face in his chest. I cried for what seemed like hours. Until a hand gently touched my shoulder. I didn't even turn, I knew who it was. "Why? Why me? Why Ryan?" I said through my tears. "It was meant to be. Everything happens for a reason." I knew he was right. The visions were coming true and there was no way I could stop it. I stood and turned to face him. Tears were still streaming down my face. He looked at me with concern. "It'll all be OK. You can avenge his death." "Revenge? I don't want revenge. I want peace. No more death." I broke down and he caught me before I fell. "I understand. Thats what we all want. You're the key to Peace." I cried until every tear I had left in me was shed. When I stopped I saw Gail and Anthony standing behind him. They moved in and hugged me tightly. "Jacob, what happened that night? "Asked Gail. Suddenly I felt all the pain and suffering of the villagers. "I ... I can't. Not yet." "OK." Was all she said. Was all she had to say. We moved back to the courtyard. When we got back to the sanctuary we saw five figures lying inside. I couldn't make out their faces. There were two blondes, and one brunette. One had hair like painted fire. The other, I wasn't sure, but he looked like a goblin. "Are they...?" Started Anthony. "Yes, I think they are." Gail cut him off. "I don't think they're from Derux." I said. "They're going to have a hard time believing this. Trusting us." I suddenly remembered something. I turned to him. "I remembered something..." He cut me off. "Vincent." He said. We moved toward the figures. They were sleeping. We decided to sit outside the sanctuary until they woke. To be continued... **************************************************************************** I started writing and I couldn't stop! I finished this chapter right after I submitted the last one. I hope you enjoyed it. You do know who Vincent is, don't you? I sure hope so. : ) So ... How am I doing with the descriptions? E-mail at Feel free to IM me at any time. No AIM? ICQ, anyone? 72484179. Now that it's 4:30 AM I think I'm going to bed. Goodnight everybody!