Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 08:14:22 +0100 (BST) From: Lashrac Subject: Destiny's Decision chapter 5 Disclaimer, you know the deal, no reading unless you are over the age limit of 21 or whateva it is that your country says it is! blah blah blah! This story does not imply that anyone ('Nsync) mentioned here is gay blah blah, or that I know any of them personally blah blah....... I wish I did know them though, it wouldn't be all that bad. Woh, I guess this is a really long way for me now, chapter 5! I never thought I would get this far. Thanx for all the emails! theyve been really helpful and supportive! as for what is gonna happen anytime soon, I have no idea, U'll hafta keep reading to find out! hehe! but I will tell u that A1 are gonna be joining this story for a while, and NO they are not gonna be the bad guys, no-one is a real bad guy in this story, but maybe there will be some conflict every now and then, but that's giving away too much so i'll shutup now...btw, there are some really good stories out there: Dream of Guardian Angel, Nsync Saga, Justin's Dark Angel, Brian and Justin (i think he's retired now, but its REALLY REALLY GOOD!), my new life, and of course i can't leave out Justin's Real World, by the author and my friend, Malak! so lets get on with the chapter! **Destiny's Decision** |Previously on *Destiny's Decision*| "AND NOW FOR WHAT YOU HAVE ALL COME FOR!" the speakers blaired out. Hundreds to thousands of screams echoed away through the area. "WELCOME, BEN ADAMS, MARK READ, PAUL MARAZZI, CHRISTIAN INGEBRIGTSEN because they are...A1!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 **9:30am Tuesday 13th** Justin had stayed over at Jason's place, and because the guest room wasn't 'ready', Justin stayed in Jason's room (well DUH!). Jason woke up to Justin's rising chest and strong arms. Jason had his head on Justin's chest and Justin had his arms wrapped around Jason, they had spent the night, once again, together. Jason lay there for a while longer before he tried to get Justin up. The problem was that Justin was such a deep sleeper that not much could wake him up. Jason attemped to shake and call him, but it didn't work. "Justin if you don't get up soon, I will hafta be nasty." Jason attempted to threaten Justin's sleeping form....No response. Jason leant down and kissed Justin on the lips. Very soon Justin started stirring and joined in the kiss. Finally they parted and Justin was smiling from ear to ear. "That has to be the best wake up call EVER! I could really get used to not waking up now." Justin was still smiling as he talked. "Well if you don't wake up next time, I'll use my mum's trick...cold water." Jason made an imitation of him pouring water on Justin. "You won't!" "Maybe, maybe not," now Jason was smiling, "Now hurry up and get up already, Kathy and Jesse are probably having breakfast now." Jason walked over to the bed and dragged Justin up. It took Jason and Justin another half an hour to finish 'getting up' and stumble downstairs for breakfast. Luckily Jesse had woken up a bit late and had only just finished making breakfast. She looked up and almost fell over in shock as she saw who was infront of her. "Oh my god...Jason, that is not who I think it is, and he is not standing infront of me with his arms around your waist." Jesse just sat there and stared. Jason slightly tipped his head back and told Justin, "told you she would freak out when she saw us." Justin merely responded with a smile and a kiss on Jason's cheek. "Oh my...I thought you and him weren't..." she just stopped mid sentence. "Well, we weren't when I talked with you on the phone last, but things kinda changed," Jason sat Justin down, "hey babe, whatchya want to eat?" "Some cereal?" "K, Jesse be nice and stop freaking out, I think you're scaring Justin more than you're freaked." Jason walked past her and patted her shoulder. During the whole time Jason was in the kitchen, Jesse didn't speak. Jason returned with his breakfast and Justin's cereal and sat down. "Hey Jase, the guys are coming back today and I thought maybe you could go meet them, and maybe tell them about us." Justin pointed to himself and Jason as he said the last word. "Sure, but are you sure you wanna tell em? I mean, anything could happen you know, don't you think you might be rushing things a bit?" "I don't want this stuck inside me, we're like brothers and we always help each other out when something's wrong, and it feels really weird to keep things from them, even if there's a chance they won't accept me for me." Jesse finally spoke up. "I take it that we're the first ones to know?" Justin plainly nodded his head, inside him he was aching to tell everyone, but because of his status in public he couldn't do such a thing, he wasn't about to ruin the dreams of his band mates or his own. The three finished breakfast, but no sign of Kathy was seen all morning. "Justin, you can go upstairs and have a shower and stuff ok?" Jason grabbed Justin's hand and gave it a little squeeze. "K." Justin got up and leaned down to give Jason a quick kiss. "How sweet..."Jesse observed from the otherside of the table. "Where's Kathy? She usually doesn't get up so late." "She had to work early today, she's on duty all the time remember..." Jesse was so used to Kathy's 'schedule' that she barely needed to think of how to answer Jason. **2:30pm, Justin's place** "Justin, don't be so nervous man...I thought you weren't gonna freak out before they get back? hmm?" Jason sat and watched as Justin either paced around, or sat and fiddled in nervousness. "It's hard....I have no idea about what I should say to them." Justin sat down next to Jason. Jason put his arm around Justin and placed Justin's head on his shoulder. "Don't worry, I'm sure they'll be cool about it, don't get yourself so worked up." Suddenly the doorbell rang. Justin jerked up off Jason's shoulder. Jason smiled at Justin and calmly got up. As soon as he opened the door, he saw 4 confused faces. He laughed lightly at the sight, and let them in. "Hey Justin!" They said in unison. Each gave Justin a hug before settling down on the couches. Jason sat next to Justin, while JC, Lance, Joey and Chris sat on the couch opposite. "Um...guys, I two really important things to tell you." Justin stuttered a bit at first, but slowly built up the courage. "WOH, Justin has something important to say, that's a first." Chris added in. "Well, to begin, this is Jason," he pointed to Jason next to him. Jason shook hands and exchanged greetings, "and he's gonna be our Assistant Tour Manager from now on." "That's great! now I don't hafta do all the work myself, I'm liking you already Jason." Lance had this gorgeous smile on his face. Chris and Joey looked at each, then at Jason, then at each other again, and then suddenly burst out laughing. Jason just stared at them in confusion. "Ignore those two...they're idiots." Justin stated as a matter-of-factly. "And the second thing I want to say is this..." Justin took a few deep breathes before starting again. "Well, when you were gone, I had to go to that interview for the new Assistant Tour Manager, and as you know, Jason got the job, but...well we spent alot of time getting to know each other during these few days, and......" Justin just stopped, he didn't know how to put it. "Well....come on, we're waiting." Chris urged Justin on. "Shut up Chris, this is serious, let Justin say it in his own time," JC snapped at Chris, then turned to Justin, "take as long as you need, we're always here for you." Justin looked at Jason, who lovingly put his arm around Justin's shoulder. Justin found that last ounce of courage he needed. "Guys......I'm gay.......". Justin lowered his head in shame as he said the last word, he expected only 'evil' from the guys. But he got none, nothing was said, so he looked up, only to see 4 normal faces. "Is that all? I thought it was going to be important, remind me to not listen to anymore of Justin's IMPORTANT things again." Joey blindly stated. "I agree on that one there." Chris chimed in. "You guys don't care? I mean, I'm gay." Justin was shocked. "Your point being? I mean, you're the same Justin we've known eva since, well, we've known ya. And who you like is of no concern to us, you're still the same little brother of ours." JC offered the first real support. "Yeah, you're the same Justin we knew before we left, nothing has really changed, its just that we know a bit more about you now, that's it, and that little bit more won't change the fact that we still love you." Lance kept the encouragement up. "Thanx guys," Justin got up and all 5 guys of Nsync gathered together for a group hug, "that means alot to me." "I'm still here you know." Jason sat there watching the guys get all 'emotional'. "Oh yeah, sorry, we forgot." Justin said as they seperated. "Thanx, I feel so welcome, I guess I should leave." Jason said sarcastically. Before Justin picked up on the sarcasm, he bolted back to the couch and has his arms around Jason. "You are going NOWHERE!" Justin stated, of course loud enough for the others to hear. Jason just laughed and kissed Justin's forehead, since it was the only thing he could reach with Justin on him. "Um.....are we missing something here?" Joey said, making gagging noises afterwards. "Am I right to say that you two are more than just friends?" JC made a stupid observation. Only to annoy Justin. "NO, we're two normal guys who hug and kiss each other." Jason tried being calm, but he couldn't hold his laughter in. "What are you laughing at? Joey chimed up. "Nothing much, just the fact that but I'm your boss, not surprisingly, since you're all older than me, but dumber than me." He kept laughing. "Now THAT was uncalled for, lets get him!" Chris bolted up as he spoke, picked up a cushion, leaped over to Jason, and started wacking him with it. As soon as it started, Lance, JC and Joey all joined in, while Justin sat back and watched. When they were satisfied that they had taught Jason a 'lesson', they stopped to sit down. Jason looked like he just got mobbed, of which he did, and was panting from trying to fight back against the 4 guys. "Justin, you're a great help, just sitting there and laughing while I get the shit beaten out of me by cushions." "Hey, the odds were too high, even if I did join in, I probably would've been on their side." "THANX! now I feel REALLY assured that I can rely on you." Jason pouted. "OK you two, kiss and make up." Joey said sarcastically. But Jason and Justin took it seriously and did as he said. They started making out on the couch, infront of the guys. "HEY, HEY, HOLD IT! Either go get a room, or wait till we leave before you make out. We said we accept you being gay, but we didn't say we wouldn't mind you sucking face infront of us." Chris was already up and about to run. "If you insist, we will get a room, namely mine." Justin got up and dragged Jason along with him. "Have fun, don't do anything I wouldn't do." Joey said to the 'couple'. "That doesn't make sense Joey, you wouldn't do nothing, so that means that you're telling us to not do nothing." Jason turned to see what Joey's face was like. Infact he was as confused as ever, he did not know what Jason was talking about. The two disappeared up stairs into Justin's room. *IN Justin's Room* "See, they that wasn't so hard...was it?" Jason and Justin lay down on the bed, with Justin's head resting on Jason's chest, and Jason's arms around Justin. "Kinda, I was scared man, REALLY scared. I didn't what they would say." "It turned out good didn't it? So what's there to worry about?" "What if they reacted exactly opposite to what they did? And what about mum, she still doesn't know." "I told you to not get yourself worked up over this. I'll be here with you when you come out to her, and the guys will be there for you too, its gonna be perfectly fine." "What would I do without you Jase, you've done so much, and yet I've done so little in return." "You being here with me is enough, I ask for nothing more. Your love is the only thing that counts now" "Jase, I love you." "I love you too." ------------------- Well there was chapter 5! And I really want to know if I should continue this story, its getting a bit tedious for me, and I also want to write another story, a more Fantasy style one, it suits me MUCH MUCH more. And I can just abandon this one (if I don't have the time for it) and use whateva I left out in this to add to that. BUT to tell you all, if I continue this story, A1 will be appearing soon, not now, but soon, and don't you come and ask me what they're gonna do, they will be playing a pretty major role in this story if it goes on. BUT PLS PLS PLS send me your responses! send to THANX EVERYONE!