Date: Sun, 20 May 2001 00:05:35 -0000 From: Suma L Subject: Double Jointed 1 Double Jointed S. Disclaimer - This story isn't supposed to imply anything about the members of Nsync or anyone else involved in the story. This is all made up. In better English, IT'S NOT REAL! If you're too young in your area or it's illegal, then leave. If homosexual themes offend you then you may want to leave as well. ------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 Lance Bass hid his face behind his Calc 2 book as he hurried along to class. The bell would ring any minute and he would be late! He checked his watch. 30 seconds! He ran faster hoping to make it on time. The never-ending taunts were yelled at him as usual as he ran down the hall. "Fuckin fag!" "Nerd!" "Reject!" The usual taunts. Nothing Lance couldn't handle on a daily basis. Suddenly, a hand reached out in front of him instantly clothes lining him. He was knocked onto his back, his books splattering everywhere. "Jesus, what the he-" He looked up to see Joey Fatone, Jr and Chris Kirkpatrick staring down at him. "Guys, not again, please?" "Riiiight. Like we'll listen to the little geekfag. What are you doing on the floor little boy? Waiting for your prince to comeeeeee?" They said gleefully, and did a little dance around him. "No, I-" "HEY! Guys! Whatsup?" JC Chasez's voice called over. Joey and Chris immediately walked away towards him. Lance sat up and adjusted his shirt, and began to gather his books, yet still maintaining a good look at JC, a high school god. Amazing blue eyes, sexy, dark, tall, handsome, more than he could ever want. Lance licked his lips, and then picked up his books quickly as he realized he was staring. Then the bell rang. "Well, see you around guys!" "Okay, Chasez! Bye!" Joey and Chris called as they walked away. JC knelt down next to Lance and began helping him pick up his books. "Hey. Sorry about those guys. They play rough sometimes." Lance laughed nervously and rubbed his neck. "Yeah, I know." "I'm JC." He extended his hand in a friendly manner. "Lance." Lance said nervously, and shook his hand. "Uh, well, yeah, best get to class. Kind of late as it is." He paused nervously. "Hey, next time those guys mess with you, tell them JC said to stop, okay? It should work. See you around!" "Yeah... bye..." Lance murmured to himself. "LANCE! GEEZ! YOU'RE LATE TO CLASS!" Justin Timberlake called from down the hall. There was a snortlike wheezy sound as he came to a halt in front of Lance. "Oh my gosh, Lance! JC just talked to you! Like you were cool or something! WHOA!" "Yeah, yeah, I know, Justin." Justin snorted. "Yeah, whateeeeever!" Lance rolled his eyes at him. "Justin, PLEASE don't act so geeky all the time. I love you and all, man, but this is retarded." "Did you just call me a retard? Lance Bass, with that attitude, I don't think you have the right to even talk to me. Oh, what? Now your too cool to hang out with me because you have guys like Chasez to hang out with?" Lance sighed and then stood up brushing off his jeans. "That's not it. Sometimes... just... don't you ever feel too geeky?" Justin adjusted his glasses and started to dig in his bag for his inhaler. "Nope, not at all. I'm me, and I'm dang proud of it." "Damn proud of it." "LANCE! Don't curse like that! You know how I feel about swear words." "That's right. I know..." "C'mon, let's go get to class before we get an absent slip." "Oh, wouldn't that be terrible." Lance muttered. "What?" Justin asked, snapping his head back to look at Lance. "Nothing. Let's get to class." "Okie dokie!" Justin said cheerfully, and scampered off to his homeroom class. --------------- "YO! CHASEZ!" "Yeah, coach?" JC said, running to talk to the coach. His muscles glistened with sweat built up from running laps on the track with the other guys. "How's that arm of yours doing?" "Uh, good.. It's good, why?" "Want you to be QB this season. You do so well in baseball, why don't you go out for football too?" "But you know how I feel about it. It's so... barbaric." "I guarantee you'll love it, Chasez. And if you don't come to practice one day, I'll just let it slide." "Sir, that's favoritism." "I'm full aware of that! But you're worth it son! C'mon, say yes to this old man's plea!" "I'll... I'll.. think about it." The Coach patted him on the shoulder. "Good! Good! Well, you think about it real hard, and I'll give your old man a call tonight and discuss it with him a bit. Bet he'd love the idea!" JC nodded. Sure Roy would. Roy's sons a winner; losing is not tolerated in the Chasez family. "Sounds great coach, well, I think I'm gonna go finish my laps." "Hey! You know... if you'd just maybe want to cut out of class for today, I think that'd be pretty acceptable." JC's conscience was in overdrive for a moment. It wasn't fair, yet, then again, he was tired of doing laps. "Thanks again, Coach!" He yelled, and then ran off the field to shower. ---------------- After he had gotten cleaned up, JC headed out into the hallways of the school. He hoped to find Joey and Chris, his ever faithful buddies. Okay, so they were a bit stupid, and followed blindly, but they did pretty good. The halls were empty because classes were still going on. He was hoping that Joey and Chris had decided to skip. Unfortunately, they didn't that day. JC pathetically scouted the halls for someone to talk to. No one. He heard the click of a door, and quickly headed to the corner of the hall, and peer around it. There was that boy he had helped early. Lance... that was it. He was coming out of the guidance office. He didn't LOOK busy. Hmm, maybe he'd want to talk. "Hey, Lance." The boy jumped about a mile at his name being called. He slowly turned around. "Yes...? Oh, hey, JC." "What were you up to in the guidance office?" "Oh, um, just going over some papers with Mr. Jones." "Oh, I see." "Yeah..." "So, you, uh, wanna maybe come with me and get a snack in the commons or something?" "Can we do that during class?" "If you're with me, you can." "Well, okay." Lance nervously followed JC to the commons area. The snack and drink machines were running, and Lance suddenly remembered he had no money with him. "I don't have any money. Sorry." "Hey, that's okay. I'm buying!" JC got the snacks and they went and sat at the tables set up around the machines. "So, who all do you hang out with?" Lance almost choked on his food. Odd question. "Oh, well, um... Justin Timberlake." "Dunno him." "Oh." "Is that it?" "Sometimes my sister let's me hang out with her and he boyfriend Ford." "I see. You need to get out more, man." JC laughed nervously, but then stopped when he realized that Lance wasn't. He was just sort of staring at his coke, and playing with the tab. "Is something wrong?" "Why are you hanging out with me?" Lance blurted out. "We're not even in the same social group. If this is just some ploy to be able to make fun of me or help your friends do so, then I'll just go." Lance stood up to leave. "WAIT A SECOND! SIT BACK DOWN! If this is about Joey and Chris, I have nothing to do with the teasing or hurting those two do. They are my friends, yes, but personality wise, we aren't all alike. I would never hurt you. What would I get by doing that? I sense of self-satisfaction? Ha. Not likely." "I'm sorry..." Lance hung his head. "Hey, it's okay. I know you have it rough around here. I'm not deaf or blind. I know what they do or have done to you. I'm sorry. I don't think you're a nerd or a fag. Your just a cool guy to hang out with." JC reached over and patted his hand. "What if I was?" Lance almost wanted to kick himself. He kept blurting out things uncontrollably. "What if what?" "What if I was a nerd or a fag or even both?" "So what? What if I am too?" The boys just paused and stared at each other for a second. "Are you...?" "Nerd? No, don't consider myself that. Gay? Yeah... But don't tell anyone okay?" Lance almost fainted. JC Chasez, MR. POPULAR himself: gay? Oh boy. "Only if you don't tell anyone that I am too." "You are?" Lance nodded. "So when the boys tease... they're not kidding?" "No... I guess you don't listen to too much gossip do you?" "No. Hate the stuff. Why?" "Awhile back, I had my first boyfriend. It was... Justin." "Your friend Justin?" "Yeah, THAT Justin. We never went on dates or anything, we'd just make out a lot. One time, we got caught. And, there's been taunts since. We broke up afterwards so we could deny it without lying. He hates to lie, so we made it so he was just bending the truth." "Oh. I'm so sorry. No, I've never heard that story before. None of the guys know that I am... the way I am. I date Christina Aguilara. She's my cover-up." "Isn't she a bit slutty?" "Oh yeah! Has blown almost every guy in school... but me. Refuse to let her. I'm her biggest challenge or something. I think I will always be, too." He smiled warmly at Lance, and then realized he was holding his hand. "Oh, uh, sorry." He said, blushing as he dropped his hand. "It's okay. I liked it." The bell rang, and Lance hurriedly grabbed at his papers. JC jumped up as well, cleaning the wrappers and cans off the table. "It was good talking to you, Lance. I'd like to do something again sometime with you. How about I come get you after practice today? I know where you live, my mom sold you guys your house. I remember where it is." "Okay..." Lance said nervously. "GREAT! See you then! Bye!" And JC was gone. "LANCE!" It was Justin. "What, Just?" "You missed almost all of homeroom! What were you doing? And with HIM!?" "Just talking." "Oh, good! Don't forget, scholars bowl meet tonight!" "Justin, I can't go." "Why not!?" Justin threw his books down on the table angrily. "I have plans." "With who? WE had plans to go to the meet Lance! I AM like, your only friend!" Lance glared at Justin, and picked up all his books so he could make a quick exit after he what he was going to say. Justin had a tendency to follow someone, yelling, if they made him mad. Rowdy little guy he was. "Well, not anymore!" And he took off to his next hour class. --------- Okay, what did you all think? I got inspired last night, and popped out this first chapter. Please give me some feedback on this so I will know if to continue or not. Thanks a bunch! Hope you enjoyed it! ---Sum Sum/Suma ---