Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2002 18:30:08 +0000 From: Suma L Subject: Double Jointed 6 Guess who's back? Back again? SumSum's back! Tell a friend! Guess who's back... Guess who's back... Guess who's back... Alright, I'm stopping. After almost.. forever, I am updating. But only with a final chapter. I realized a few days ago that.. I need to finish what I started, and I hate that I just left you all hanging. I know what that's like, and you all must hate me by now. I appologize. I am sincerely sorry. I've been very preoccupied with my website. I have produced, actually, quite a bit of Nsync slash fiction over the past few months, but have kept it primarily on my website only. If you would like to read it, the link is by my name. I'm sorry to see this story end, but I'm glad that I have finally given it some kind of closure. This chapter was written with a co-author because it had been so long since I'd written on this that I didn't even know where to begin. He has helped me out a great deal with this, and I am thankful that he is my friend. I love you, Adam. Your friendship means a lot to me. If you would like to send feedback, which we hope you do :) then you can email us at: and I will forward it to him. Please read and enjoy! ---SumSum ?- Slash fiction and more! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Super Fun and Exciting Disclaimer: I don't know Nsync. I don't own them. I'm actually pretty broke. All the stuff you'll read below is just fiction. Just a bunch of stuff me and a friend made up. It's all lies. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---*Chapter 6*--- "Get out of the pool NOW, Joshua!" Josh slowly made his way out the pool. He really had no other choice and he wasn't sure of what to expect. On one hand, he wanted to believe his parents would only be pissed that he was in their pool making out and fucking when they weren't home. On the other hand, he knew that wasn't going to be the case. "I hope your friend's parent's will pick him up, because you have some serious explaining to do." Lance wanted to say something, to apologize, or to at least defend himself, but all he could do was slowly get out of the pool in the same manner Josh had. He was too embarrassed to even look at Josh's parents, instead he covered up his crotch and grabbed his clothes. By the time he was fully dressed, Josh was inside, and he was alone. With no one to call, and no car to drive, he took off walking. --------------------------- "What the fuck were you doing? Do you wanna throw away your life? Because that's what you'll do if you keep up that type of shit." Mr. Chasez was screaming, and Josh wasn't going to interrupt. He knew it was best to let his dad get it out and then to say something, not that he was sure of what he would say. "Josh, please, honey! Why are you having sex with boys? Isn't Christina good to you, are you willing to just throw away your relationship with her. She loves you! We thought you loved her. You can't do this to her, especially not with a boy. You have to think before you throw away everything we've worked so hard for. You can't do that to us." Josh listened to his mom and by the time she was done he had figured out what he needed to say. "We, mother? We? WE didn't work so hard for anything. Who I love has nothing to do with you! Christina and I were never dating, she's just my cover up. She knows I don't love her, I could never love her. I like boys, mom, but most of all, I love Lance. I just don't go around having sex with random guys from school, I'm dating Lance, and I'm not throwing anything away because of it. This isn't about you guys, or Christina. it's about me, and what makes me happy. If you don't want that for me, then tell me now, because I'm not going to change who I am for you." Josh's mother turned her head in sadness and began to cry. His father stayed firm, staring his son down. "I'll never be happy with a fairy for a son." Josh was shocked by his father's comment, but it didn't last for long. "Fuck you." Before Josh's mother or father could say anything he was gone, keys in hand. He was going to find Lance before he got too far, and was going to make something right if nothing else was going to be. He pulled down second street, his high beams on. He was hoping he would see Lance, and sure enough the cute blond haired youth was making way down the sidewalk, kicking stones in the process. Suddenly he got nervous, what if it was too late. What if Lance had thought he chose to end the relationship by letting him walk home, what if Lance didn't want anything to do with him now? He wasn't the type to just forget about things, not after all his feelings had been put out in the open. Lance looked over to see the car pull up next to him, and smiled nervously. "Can I drive you home?" Lance nodded and got in the car. "What happened?" Lance asked both timidly and anxiously. He wasn't sure he wanted to know the answer, that could just lead to rejection, but he wanted to know what had happened because it involved him. "I decided to finally be myself." Josh smiled and looked him in the eyes. Lance looked confused. "I chose you, because I didn't have any other choice. I told them that I loved you." Lance gasped. "You do?" "Yes. Yes, I do. I know they say that you can't love someone that fast, but I feel like I do. I'm positive I do. I've never felt this strong, and... I'm sorry that I just left you when they caught us. I was scared, and I didn't know how to react. Nothing has ever happened that has really tested the relationship between my parents and I." "That's okay, I.. I love you too. I didn't want to say anything either because I didn't want to scare you away by thinking I was too clingy. I've never felt like this." Josh's hand slid over Lance's, the car slowed to a stop. Josh turned to him and kissed him. It was passionate, sweet and tender and nothing else. There was no tongue, because it wasn't needed, and there was no groping, because it wasn't appropriate. Just lips touching lips finding acceptance and comfort. When it broke their smiles were as bright as ever until Lance realized that Josh never mentioned how his parents had reacted. "What does this mean? I mean, what did your parents say?" "They weren't very happy. Dad was angry, and my mom cried. I told them to fuck off, and I feel kind of bad about that because I've never said anything like that to them before. But if they are going to hate me for who I love, then they can fuck off because I'm graduating this year. When I do, I'll move out. If they want me out sooner, then I'll just go stay with Chris or Joey. I just have to ride it out, y'know?" Josh replied, suddenly not as happy. Lance gave him a comforting smile and squeezed his hand. "What do you say we go to my house? I don't think my parents will mind an extra guest for a little while. Plus the dance is almost over and we can have Chris and Justin over. I'm sure they'll be dieing to tell us about the dance, and then we can see if they can help us out." Lance suggested and Josh smiled. The drive back to Lance's house was slow, seemed to go on forever, laced with little smiles and loving gestures. Josh took comfort in the fact that Lance wasn't giving up on him just because his parents had. Lance led the way into the house, and up past his parents who were asleep in the living room. He made his way past Stacey's bedroom too, surprised to see that Ford wasn't there. He smiled about that one. Maybe she would find out what it was like to walk by a family member doing sexual things with their boyfriend. Then she'd get the picture to knock it off. As soon as they got in the bedroom the phone rang, and Lance picked it up anxiously. He knew it was Justin. "Hello?" "Hi, Lance!" "Hey, Justin." "I was just gonna leave a message! I didn't think you'd be home! Why aren't you at Josh's? Is anything wrong? Are you okay?! Is he okay? Did he hurt you?! Oh my God, he DID, didn't he!?" Lance couldn't help but snicker knowing that Justin was practically dieing on the other end of the phone. He burst into laughter when he heard Chris freaking out too trying to calm him down. "Justin, I'm fine. Ccome over, okay? I have some important stuff to talk to you about. And bring Chris, too." A little air swooshing sound could be heard, followed by a gasp. Justin stopped hyperventilating and breathed normal again. "Okay! Don't ever do that to me again!" He hung up the phone and Lance looked over at Josh. "He was freaking out. Worried that something happened to me or you. I guess it did, but I didn't wanna cause a car accident because he's panicking all the way here. I think Chris was freaking out about Justin freaking out. I think maybe them getting together was a bad idea." They both laughed, and then laid down, enjoying the peaceful silence. After about ten minutes of relacxing, Justin came running up, dragging Chris behind him. "What happened?" Justin yelled as soon as he ran into the room. Lance and Josh laughed at the looks on the two guy's faces. "My parents caught us." Chris's jaw dropped at that, and Justin looked like he was ready to faint. Lance sensed it as an important time to jump in. "Yeah, um, so. They know. The next few months are gonna be hard." "It'll be okay, man. You can stay with me. My mom loves you. Or Joey's house. His mom loves you too. Plus, she makes better stuff than my mom." Josh smiled and pulled Chris into a hug. "Thanks, man. That means a lot." "No problem." Lance decided maybe he should change the subject. "What about you two? How was the dance?" "Um, well, tense, but good. Me and Joey had to lay down the law a couple of times, but we did just fine. And Justin over here is a good dancer for someone who claims he's never done any." Justin blushed and Chris kissed him on the cheek. "I'm glad to know you guys all had fun." The conversation continued and some laughter mixed in with it, and every thing was almost like normal. Well... As normal as can be for two gay couples in a little town. -------------------------- Josh moved in with Joey. Even though his parents said he could stay til the end of the semester, he left. It would be too akward and he would never be allowed to have Lance over. Joey's mother was understanding, and still loved him the same, if not more. Somehow, word got out about the incident. Joey suspected that Steve, his younger brother, was listening in on his phone conversation. Josh called Christina to explain things to her, and she could only sigh and wish him the best. It was their first day back since the incident, and Lance was so scared that he wanted to vomit. Classes went by as normal as they could go. He wanted to skip lunch and hide in the computer lab, but he knew Josh was counting on him being there. Also, when he walked by the lab, Justin wasn't in there, so that made another person counting on him. Justin, Chris, Joey, and Josh were all seated at the table when he got there. A lot of looks from neighboring tables were shot his way, but nobody said anything. "How has your day gone so far?" Josh asked, grabbed Lance's hand under the table. "It was good. Nobody.. said anything or whatever. Did it go okay for you?" "I was asked about it by a few people. I got mixed reactions, but it's okay." He paused for a moment, then pulled his hand out from under the table that was gripping Lance's. "It's okay." They smiled at eachother for a moment, and then went back to eating their lunch. It was all very quiet because no one really knew quite what to say. When they were done, Josh looked over to Joey and Chris questioningly. Lance felt sick to his stomach again. They were going to do that stupid walk of superiority crap. The guys nodded and picked up their stuff to go throw away. Josh turned back to Lance, and reached for his hand. "What? I don't... Um.. Huh?" "Come with us." His eyes darted around nervously, then he pushed the hand back. "I can't, Josh. We can't... People might, uh..." "You know what, Lance? I don't care. I've been hiding for too long, and they all pretty much know now, so why go back into the closet?" He reached out again and Lance took it. Josh was right. Hiding it was stupid now. When Chris reached out for Justin's hand too, Lance had to hold down a gasp of surprise. Chris wasn't... Out. They all went and dumped their stuff, then started down the cafeteria. Chris holding hands with Justin. Christina. Josh holding hands with Lance, and then the rest of the popular crowd. Lance kept his eyes straight ahead, and only concentrated on the feeling of Josh holding his hand. In school. In front of everyone. People looked up, shocked expressions on their faces. Some smiled and a few looked as if they were about to applaud. But all in all, there was a general feeling of acceptance. And Lance felt that maybe things would be okay. People change, and life changes. Sometimes, you just have to go with whats in your heart, because love is never wrong. ----------------------------------- I hope you liked it even if it wasn't much. You guys have been really awesome about this story even when I didn't update for... a century. Thank you. I mean it. ---SumSum