Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2005 23:58:41 -0500 From: JT Poole Subject: Boybands - If I Ain't Got You - Chapter 34 Warnings and Disclaimers: I don't know any of the members of NSYNC or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading. ====================================== If I Ain't Got You Chapter -- 34 by JT Poole and Nicole Brown // Orlando, FL - The Poole-Wahlberg Estates -- Sunday Afternoon // "When we leaving to go git mah baby?" Mablean asks, walking into the JT's office. "Well Andrew says her doctor should be doing rounds around two or three, so maybe around that time." JT replies standing up. "She's going be alright Judge." "Don't tell me mah baby's gon' be alright. She laying up in that hospital because of that man of hers. I tole her he wasn't nuttin but trouble." Mablean says, pacing around the room. "Judge it's not Kevin's fault that she's sick right now." Mark says, walking over to JT and sitting in his lap. "Things happen to people and well this happened to Angie." "It wouldn't have happened if she had left that fruity man alone." Mablean says as Kevin walks to the doorway of JT's office. "Speak of the damn devil." "Hello Judge." Kevin says, almost afraid to come into the room, keeping his eyes on Mablean as he passes her to stand in front of JT's desk. "Andrew just called and said that Angie's doctor is doing rounds now." "Okay thanks Kevin." JT says. "See Mablean, maybe they will let her come home today." "She would already be here if it wasn't for him." Mablean says, popping Kevin in the back of the head. "Why you had to go and stress her out!" "It wasn't me Judge." Kevin says, stepping back, holding his hands up in case he needed to defend himself. "My angel wouldn't be in the hospital if she wasn't always worried about you changin' sides!" Mablean shouts. "Come on Judge..." Mark says. "Stay out of this Mr. Mark. You don't want none of this he's fixing to get!" Mablean shouts, pointing her hand at Kevin while looking at Mark. "Mablean calm down." JT says wheeling between her and Kevin, trying to block her path to him. "It's not Kevin's fault that Angie is in the hospital. It's everyone's fault. Angie's sick because she's always worrying about other people... including you Mablean. She worries about me, Mark, Kai, Justin and Nick too. She worries about everything that goes on in her life." "She wouldn't have to worry if she hadn't marry this thing here." Mablean says, rolling her eyes at Kevin. "No Mablean, she worries you questions every decision she makes. She feels like you gon go off on her or Kevin because they are not doing what 'you' want them to do and she worries because of all the drama that goes on around this house." JT explains as Mark gets out of his lap. "Well then maybe she should move out of here then. If this is what's causing her to be sick, maybe she shouldn't be here." Mablean says. "You might have a point, but Angie likes it here. We're not holding her here. She stays here because she loves us just like we love her." JT says. "Boy don't you bow up at me like that again. I know Donnie and Marie didn't raise you like that." Mablean says. "I am just telling you the truth and nothing less Mablean." JT says as he wheels towards the door. "Let's head to the hospital. Mablean you coming?" // Later at the Hospital -- Angie's Room // "Hello darlin'." Angie says to Kevin as he walks into the room followed by JT, Mark, Justin, Nick and Mablean. "Hey girl get on up. The gang's all here to take you home." Kevin says, leaning down to kiss her passionately on the lips. "Woooooohoooooo." JT says, giggling as he and Mark start doing catcalls. "That was some kiss. Lucky she was already laying down. That would have knocked her off of her feet." "Oh cut it out man." Angie replies laughing as Andrew and Dr. Applegate walk into the room. "That's what I like to hear, a happy patient." Dr. Applegate states, walking over to Angie's bed. "Looks like you are going to be in safe hands withy our family here." "You think so?" Angie asks, looking around the room spotting Mablean. "Yes I think so. You have your husband here along with your mother and your friends. I am sure they will do everything in their power to keep you stress free and where you belong." Dr. Applegate states writing something down in Angie's chart. "I am going to release you only on one condition." "What condition is that doctor?" Angie asks, already knowing what the doctor was about to tell her. "You can go home on the condition that you stay off of your feet and that you get some rest in a stress free environment for the duration of your pregnancy. I am ordering bed rest for you for the next few weeks. That means no unnecessary movements Angie." Dr. Applegate states, patting her on the shoulder. "The way you have been working around here, you can use the bed rest." "Oh Great. So that means I am stuck at home with these crazy people. Thanks a lot doc." Angie says as JT and Mark start laughing. "Don't listen to her doc. We are not that bad." Mark says laughing as she gives him a strange look. "Yes you are." Angie says with a straight face. "Angie...I...I don't know what to say." JT says, looking at her intently as her expression doesn't change. "You can start by saying you are so darn gullible." Angie says laughing. "I had you going there for a minute." "Yeah you did. On that note I am going down to check on some patients. Let me know when you guys are ready to go." JT says wheeling out of the room. "Alright Ms. Sebastian you know the drill. You get dressed and you can leave when someone gets here to escort you out. As for everyone else, get out so she can get dressed." Dr. Applegate says, laughing as she left the room. // Down in the Gym // "Hi Mr. Poole." Taran, a new patient says to JT as he enters the open space. "Hello Taran. How are you doing today?" JT asks, wheeling over to the young man. "I am doing good now." Taran says as JT raises an eyebrow. "Did you cause problems for anyone this morning?" JT asks, looking at the little boy. "No sir. I got up this morning and did everything all by myself. I even got down here by myself." Taran replies, giving JT the biggest smile ever. "You are down here without Erica?" JT says frowning a little bit. "No he's not sir. I'm right here." Erica says scaring JT a little bit. "Don't do that. You trying to give me a heart attack or something?" JT asks wheeling away from Erica. "No sir. I wasn't trying to do that." Erica states, laughing as she stands behind Taran. "Taran has been very nice today and very well behaved." "Well that's good to hear." JT says as he leans over and gives Taran a hug. "Have a cool day kid. Stay out of trouble." "I will Mr. Poole." Taran says, smiling as he and Erica return to their activities. "Don't overdo it." JT says as his cell phone starts ringing. "Hello handsome. Are you guys ready to go?" "Yes baby. We are waiting on you." Mark says as JT wheels into the gym office. "Alright Mark. Let me grab something from the office and I will be on my way outside." JT says as he notices a folder on the edge of the desk. "Alright baby." Mark says as JT rolls over to the desk and opens the folder. "Mark wait." JT says before the call is disconnected. "Is something wrong baby?" Mark asks. "I don't know yet. I need to handle something here before I leave. Why don 't you get Angie and the others home and I will call you back later when I am ready to go home." JT says. "Ah...okay baby." Mark says. "I love you baby." "Thank you baby. I love you too." JT says as he hangs up his phone and turns on the computer. What do we have here?" As JT sits at the desk waiting for the computer's operating system to connect with the hospital's network, he thumbs through the folder, reading different pages of the file. Reaching the end of the file, JT comes across a startling piece of information. Reading over the page again to be sure of what he read, JT starts to cry. "I don't believe this. He's been right here under my nose all this time. Why didn't I see this before now?" JT asks aloud, picking up the phone and dialing a number. "Momma it's me JT. I found him." "Thank the Lord above. Thank the Lord." Marie, JT's mother says as he could her the happiness in her voice. "Where is he John?" "He's here in the hospital where I work momma." JT replies, tears in his eyes. "He's there? How long has he been there?" Marie asks. "His record says he's been here for the last two years in the children's ward. I just saw him a few minutes ago momma. He's so beautiful." JT says, tears in his eyes. "Does he know who you are baby?" Marie asks. "I don't think so. He calls me JT like everyone else does momma." JT replies, wiping his eyes. "I just don't know how I didn't notice it was him when I first saw him three weeks ago." "Are you sure it's him?" Marie asks. "It looks just like him Momma, it's got to be him. He looks just like Tomias did back then." JT says, still crying. "Is there some way you can make sure it's him? I don't want to get my hopes up boy." Marie says. "Momma it's him. This chart I am reading says it's him." JT says. "Is there like a test or something that can be ran on him?" Marie asks. "Momma we can do a DNA test but it wouldn't be 100 percent conclusive because Tomias isn't here. Since both he and Jenna are dead, there's no way of getting a DNA sample to compare his too." "Why couldn't you use your DNA sample John? You and Tomias were twins. I am quite sure the DNA will be similar." Marie says. "I will see what I can do momma, but the way I see things here, it's going to be a helluva lot of trouble to get things taken care giving the current situation he's in." JT says. "Boy me and your father are on our way." Marie says as she hangs up the phone. "Please God, don't let this end in heartache and devastation." JT says, a tear rolling down his cheek. // JC House // "Mmmmmmm that feels so good Josh." Dean says as JC rubs his shoulders. "Could you move up my neck a little bit baby?" "Sure can handsome." JC replies as something on the end table catches his eye. "Dean what's that?" "What baby?" Dean asks, looking back at JC. "That on the end table over there?" JC asks, pointing at the package on the end table. "Oh that. I don't know what it is. It was delivered by courier service yesterday." Dean replies getting up from JC's arms and getting the package for him. "Here baby." "What do we have here?" JC asks, opening the package as he jumps up from his spot on the sofa in a hurry. "Josh?" Dean asks, standing back up. "Oh my God. I can't believe he did this." JC says turning away from Dean. "I...I guess I deserve this." "Deserve what Josh?" Dean asks walking over to JC. "What's going on?" "I can't live in this house anymore. Justin sold the house to a rental agency. They want this place empty by next week." JC says, handing Dean the papers. "Shit man. What are you going to do?" Dean asks, looking at JC. "I don't know right now. I am not prepared for something like this." JC says falling back on the sofa. "Oh baby, don't worry about this. We will think of something." Dean says, rubbing JC's back. "Today we will worry about nothing and tomorrow you can deal with this little matter." "This isn't a little matter Dean. I have no place to stay. I will be homeless at the end of this week!" JC shouts, pushing Dean away from him. "What am I going to do?" "Baby calm down." Dean says as JC starts crying. "I screwed up the best thing in my life and now I have no one." JC says, getting up and running up the stairs to his room. "Josh! Josh...oh what's the fucking use." Dean says as he sits down on the sofa. "He's never gonna get over Justin." // Back at the Hospital -- Down in the Gym Office // "Baby is everything okay?" Mark asks, standing in the doorway of the office. "The guys put together a small barbecue. We're waiting on you." "No Mark everything isn't okay." JT responds, rolling towards the door. "Mark look over there." "What am I looking for baby?" Mark asks, looking in the direction that JT pointed. "All I see is a little boy and Erica." "That little boy over there is Tomias' son." JT says, holding his head down as more tears came. "Tomias? Your brother Tomias?" Mark asks. "Yes Mark. That little boy over there is his son." JT says, wiping his eyes. "How do you know that JT?" Mark asks. "When I came in here today there was a folder waiting for me. That's why I didn't go back with you all. I thought I had a new patient review to do but it was for him." JT says. "I thought he died in the car accident that killed Tomias and Jenna." Mark states, kneeling next to JT's chair. "They never recovered his body Mark." JT says hugging Mark as he starts crying again. "I had no idea who he was until I started reading through his file. It was like the file magically appeared or something. He's been a patient in this hospital for a long time now. Why is he just now coming to my attention?" "I don't know baby. Maybe this is a sign. This might help bridge the gap between you and your family." Mark says, rubbing JT's back. "I don't know Mark. I just know that he's been here all this time away from his family." JT says as Mark kisses him on the cheek. "He hasn't really been that far away from his family if he's been here all this time. You and Angie are both here. He's been close to the both of you." Mark says, lifting JT's chin and kissing him on his lips. "I wonder if Angie's ever seen him before...he's been here for the last two years now." JT says, sniffling, as Erica and Taran get ready to end their session. "She's the head nurse, I'm sure she has come across him before." Mark says as Erica waves at him and JT as she and Taran walk by. "Baby let's go home. We have to get the house ready for mom and dad." JT says, reaching into the room and turning the light off. "What? Your parents are coming?" Mark asks. "Yeah baby they are coming. Momma wants to see Taran for herself. She wants to make sure that he's her grandchild and not some random look-a-like." JT states, putting the folder into his bag. "I need a drink." "I need one too baby. Let's go home and warn the others." Mark says as he walks behind JT pushing him through the gym. // Back at the Poole-Wahlberg Estates // "Guys and Girls we home!" Mark calls out. "We in the kitchen!" Justin yells out. "Hi JT, you hungry?" Nick asks, placing a plate in front of him. "Not right now I'm not. I will get something later Nick." JT says taking the glass that Mark hands to him. "Thanks baby." "Is there something wrong JT?" Nick asks as Justin rolls around the table. "My mother and father are coming." JT says taking a sip of the wine. "Cool man I get to meet your parental units." Justin says smiling. "You don't want to meet my parents. They don't like gay people." JT replies as both Justin and Nick get quiet. "Ohhhkay. So what should we do?" Justin asks. "Do we hide the fact that we are gay or something? I don't want to get on their bad side. I want to make a good impression." "Well just be yourself. It ain't like they have any control of what goes on around in my house." JT says, taking another sip of his wine. "Besides why hide your feelings about your soon to be husband?" "You have a point. Thanks JT." Justin says as Nick exhales the breath he has been holding. "Calm down Nick. They aren't that bad." Mark says patting Nick on the back. "Mark shout up, they worse." JT says, downing the rest of the wine in the glass. "I need a refill." "No you don't baby." Mark says sitting next to JT as Kasai walks into the back door. "Hi daddy." Kasai says, hugging JT around the neck and kissing him on the cheek. "Work wasn't so boring today. I got to work behind the counter and...daddy is there something wrong?" "Momma is coming." JT says as Kasai tenses up and steps back away from JT. "I think I will go to my room now daddy." Kasai says walking out of the room. "Ah JT what's wrong with him?" Nick asks. "He's just worried about seeing his grandma. She doesn't like him much." JT says as the doorbell rings. "I wonder who that can be." "I'll go get it baby." Mark says leaving the room. "Why doesn't she like her grandson?" Justin asks. "She doesn't know he's her grandson. She thinks he's adopted." JT says as Justin looks at JT and Nick. "It's along story baby. A lot went on while you were gone." Nick says, kissing Justin on the cheek, assuring him that they would catch up later on that night. "Baby Dean needs to talk to you." Mark says walking into the kitchen with Dean following him. "Oh great, just what I need. What is it Dean?" JT asks as Dean walks over to where he was sitting, glaring evilly at Justin. "Well I need to ask a big favor of you." Dean says, sitting down in the chair next to JT, turning his back to Justin. "This favor involves a person that I know isn't liked here, but he needs a place to live since he just recently got kicked out of his place. I wanted to know could this friend of mine move into my room with me?" "Who is this friend?" JT asks, looking up at Dean. "It's my boyfriend Josh." Dean says as Justin spits his drink out, spraying the table with root beer soda. "Josh who?" Justin asks. "Josh Chasez." Dean says, shooting Justin an evil look. "You know him very well don't you Justin?" "Yeah I do Dean. You know I do." Justin says putting his glass down and looking at Dean. "JT if you want to let JC move in here that's fine with me, but what about Angie and Kevin?" "Hmmm..." JT says, looking at Mark. "JT please...I wouldn't have asked you if I thought this would cause a problem." Dean says, standing up. "Calm down Dean." JT says pushing away from the table. "I'll go talk to Angie about this. Seems like you two need to talk." // A Few Minutes Later -- Angie and Kevin's Room // --- JT's POV --- Am I making a big mistake considering letting JC Chasez move in here? I don 't know if I should or not. Dean really wants him to move in since he has no place to go, and Dean really loves him. Given his past with Justin, Nick and Kevin, I don't know if that's the right thing to do. I guess Angie will be the deciding factor. I don't know how she's going to take hearing what I have to say to her. But I need to go ahead and say it and get it over with. Besides they will both be outside. They won't be in here all the time to cause too much trouble. "Hi Angie. Can I talk to you for a bit?" I ask her, wheeling into the room. "Yeah sugarloaf. Come on in. Make yourself at home." She says, putting her baby project down. "Angie how do you feel about JC Chasez moving into the pool house (no pun intended)?" I ask her, not meeting her eyes. "JC? As in Kevin's old... whatever he was JC?" She asks me, eyes bugging out. "Why does he need to move into the pool house?" "Yeah that JC." I say to her, moving a little ways from the bed. "He needs a place to stay. His house was sold and he has no place to go at the moment. Since Dean has fallen in love with him, he wants him to move in with him for now." "Dean? Our Dean? He's with Justin's ex?" She asks looking like someone had spit into her cereal. "Holy shit man. Does Justin know about this JT?" "Yeah he knows. They are downstairs talking right now." I tell her. "I was almost afraid to leave those guys down there alone." "Is Justin okay with it?" She asks me, taking a sip of water. "For right now he is." I say to her. "I guess he's made his peace with what happened between him and JC already." "Well sweetie, if Justin is okay with it I can be too. But you know this decision is ultimately up to you." She says, placing the glass down on the night table. "After all this is your house." "You live here too and I know how you feel about JC." I say moving closer to the bed, knowing now that I'm safe from any attacks from her. "Well I mean it's your house. If you say he can move in, I'll just deal with it." She tells me patting my arm. "You shouldn't have to deal. You are more important to me than JC is." I tell her. "I know that sweetie, but Dean means a lot to you too." She says smiling. "Yeah a lot like an old shoe without a match." I say as she giggles. I make ugly faces, shaking the bed. "Not as much as you Snookie." "Stop it." She says laughing at the face I was making at her. "You know I hate that name man." "You don't hate it when your family call you that. Besides you're family and you are more important to me than Dean and JC is." I tell her as my expression changes. "Speaking of family...I found...I found Taran." "T-Taran? My nephew Taran?" She asks me, tears springing to her eyes. "Yea girl, one in the same." I tell her as I hold her hand. "Where is he JT? Where is my little baby?" She asks me, as I slide out of the chair and sit on the bed next to her. "He's at the hospital. He's been there for the last two years." I tell her as I wrap my arms around her. " mean he was right there? My baby was right there under our noses all this time?" She asks me, holding on to me tightly. "How the hell did we miss him JT?" "I don't know girl. I just don't know." I tell her. "Does Marie know yet?" She asks me. "I called her today after I was finished reading through his chart. She wants to come and see him for herself." I tell her. "I am quite sure she does. He's her grandchild JT." She says, wiping her eyes. "Did you ever tell your parents about Kai?" "No I didn't. Momma was dead set against anyone in her house including daddy talking to me." I say as she pulls away from me. "Christ JT!" She shouts, closing her eyes and placing her hand on her head. "You do realize that Marie and Donnie are gonna kill you right?" "Probably so Angie but you know..." I say as she cuts me off. "I don't wanna hear it JT! Kai is there grandson too! You know how much they loved Taran. When she thought he was dead that tore her apart." She says turning away from me. "You need to tell them about Kai and soon." "I know I do Angie but..." I say as she cuts me off again. "No buts about it JT. You have kept that secret from them for a long time." She tells me. "You know how momma is. When she first met Kai she just thought he was some child I had took in." I say, looking away from her. "So I let her believe that." "But honey you never told her the truth about Kai." She says, touching my hand. "Momma doesn't want the truth Angie. She refused to even see him." I tell her thinking back to some of the times that she would never visit him in the hospital. "She only thinks of him as an adopted outsider." "Well maybe it's time for you to tell them the truth about your baby." She suggests to me. "And I suggest you do it before Foul Tal has the chance to screw it all to hell for you again." "Don't you worry about Foul Tal Angie. The way things are turning out around this place, I'm getting ready to give her the ax, literally speaking." I say as we start laughing. "Since she's been here, it's been wall-to-tall drama. I don't want her here anymore." "You need me to pack her shit up in the hefty bags for you? You know I can do that for you free of charge." She tells me smiling as she leans over and turns on the lamp. "Yeah I know you would girl. I know Tal is giving you a hard time, but just let me handle it. You don't need to be stressing yourself out right now." I tell her sliding off of the bed and getting back into my chair. "Shit man I need an excuse to get out of this damned bed. I'm bored as hell sitting up here. This crocheting isn't doing it for me." She tells me picking up what she was working on to hold up what looks like the start of a beautiful baby throw. "Well it's good to see that you are doing something productive with your time while you are on bed rest." I tell her laughing at the look on her face. "You're making something for the baby. That's something nice to spend time doing. Besides, saves me from buying an expensive blanket." "Yeah right El Cheapo." She says laughing at me as I give her the bird. "Yeah whateva woman." I say wheeling to the door. "I can't just lay here all the damn time. I need to move around JT." She says, looking at me with a touch of sadness and a whole lot of evilness. "My damn ass is spreading like peanut butter in the summertime." "Yeah whateva. Blame it on Kevin." I tell her smirking. "No one told you and him to get buck while in the swimming pool." "Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever punk." She says, returning the favor of my earlier bird. "I love you too Snookie." I say laughing at her expression. "Like I haven't seen you and Mark gettin busy in there too." She comments, sticking out her tongue. "Like you said earlier, it's my house darlin, I can do that. I use to love that pool until you and your husband defiled it. Now I don't want to do nothing kinky in there no mo." I tell her waving my finger at her. "Whatever you big baby." She tells me as I open the door. "Yeah you say whatever all you want girl. I'm going back downstairs to talk to Dean. Are you sure about this?" I ask her. "Yeah I am sure. Just make sure he knows that I'm not supposed to be stressed out cause of the baby okay?" She says. "I gotcha." I say blowing a kiss in her direction. "Thanks sugarloaf. Please come back later. I'm going insane up here." She says frowning a little bit. "Girl, call your husband, he's right down the hall." I tell her, waving behind me as I roll out. "I hope this goes well." "I hope so too. Send my husband in for me please." She tells me. "I will do that. You get some rest." I tell her. "I hope this goes well." "Aye, aye captain... and it will." She says as I close the door behind me. // Kevin & Angie's Room // "Hey pregnant lady!" Kevin said brightly as he walked into their bedroom, stopping in the doorway and watching his wife working diligently on the baby 's blanket she was crocheting. He walked over and kissed her on her forehead, fingering the blanket. "It's really coming along baby. I'll bet Sweet Pea loves it." "She'd better," Angie replied with a grin, returning his kiss but then frowning. "I'm gonna go insane if I don't get out of this bed soon!" "I know... but it's only for a few more weeks," Kevin said sympathetically, his hand rubbing the small bulge that was their baby. He leaned over and kissed it, smiling when Angie giggled. "Hey Sweet Pea. You miss Daddy while I was downstairs?" "You so silly!" Angie said, rubbing her fingers through his hair. Ever since she'd almost lost the baby Kevin had been loathe leaving her alone, and he took a lot of pleasure in talking to and singing for her and the baby. She relaxed against the pillows in her back, enjoying her time with her husband until she remembered something that JT had mentioned to her when he'd come up to visit with her a few minutes ago. "Did you know that JC is moving into the pool house?" she asked casually as she studied the afghan instructions. "What?" Kevin exclaimed, watching her face as she worked. "You're shittin' me right?" "Nope," Angie replied, frowning in concentration as she worked her pattern. "Apparently Justin sold their house and Dean begged JT to let him move in here with all of us. With the stipulation that JC not cause problems with Nick and Justin, or bother us at all." "Well hell," Kevin exclaimed, getting off the bed and going to sit in the easy chair by the window and stared out into the back yard. Angie watched him, her expression neutral, as he seemed to process the information. He met her eyes, his own expression guarded as he assessed his wife. "How do you feel about this Angie? Be honest." "Honestly, I think I'd probably be more worried if we weren't already married," Angie replied, putting her crocheting aside and facing Kevin. "I trust that you wouldn't do anything to hurt me because you love me and our daughter. But at the same time, I can't help but feel a little wary of the whole situation because of your past with him." "I guess I can understand that," he said after a pause. "Especially after what happened the first night we had sex." "Don't remind me," Angie said sourly, her face screwing up as she remembered the night Kevin had inadvertently called her by JC's name in the throes of passion. "I wanna know how you feel about this too. After all, he is your ex." "Like you said, don't remind me," Kevin said sardonically, sitting on the bed next to Angie and taking her left hand in his. He tugged gently on her wedding band and then looked into her eyes, his hand resting on her belly. "That ring is the only thing that matters to me. Sure Josh and I have a past, but that's just what it is: the past. You and our girl in there are my future." "Speaking of our girl... when are you guys gonna get started on her nursery?" Angie asked in amusement. "I shole hope ya'll ain't waiting for her to get here to start cause I'm not putting my baby in a drawer." "You are a hot mess," Kevin replied, laughing as they shared a kiss. "I'll probably get Nick, Aaron and Kai to help me get started sometime during the week. Have you decided on what color you want the walls to be?" "I was thinking something like a pastel yellow with pink bunny stenciled borders," Angie stated as she grabbed a magazine from the bedside table and flipped it open to a dog-eared page, turning it around so that Kevin could see it too. "See? The stencils are really easy to do. I can design them on the computer and just put them on a cardboard cutout for you guys to use." "Cool," Kevin said as he kissed her again and then got off the bed to stretch. "I'm gonna go ask the guys if they'll help me. Back in a few." "Walk a few miles for me!" Angie called behind him as she picked up the baby 's blanket and began to work again. When there was a knock at the door, she didn't even look up, but called out, "Come in!" "Hey Angie," Chantal said softly as she walked over to the bed. She sat down in the easy chair; touching Angie's hand to get her attention. "The blanket looks really cute Angie. I'll bet the baby likes it." "What do you want Tal?" Angie asked, relaxing against the pillows and looking at her former friend and lover. "Kevin went to ask the guys for help with the nursery, and I know he's not gonna want to see you in here. So just..." "Why are you with him Angie?" Chantal asked suddenly. "Judge Mablean told me that he used to date some guy that used to date one of the little pop stars JT has hiding here. Why the hell are you settin' yourself for a heartbreak like that?" Angie stared at her like she'd grown a second head for a few seconds before she responded. "I know damn good and well you ain't up in here talkin' to me `bout no damn heartbreak! Much shit as you put me through when we were together? You broke my heart more times than I can count Chantal, so you the last somebody I wanna hear talkin' to me about who I should and shouldn't be married to." "Angie I know I hurt you, but baby I'd love to have the chance to make it up to you," Chantal stated, blushing furiously. "If you just let me, I know I could make you a good girlfriend... and that little girl you're carrying would be my whole world." "Chantal do you even hear how crazy you sound?" Angie asked. "Girl I am married to a man I love and I'm trying to have this baby in peace. Now would you please just go the fuck away?" Angie's voice broke and she started to cry as soon as the last words were said. Chantal touched her shoulder, trying to comfort her but Angie shoved her away. "I said leave!" she shouted, slapping at Chantal's hands until Kevin walked into the room. "Nick and Kai said... Angie? Baby what's wrong? Is it the baby?" Kevin said, scared for their child. Angie just shook her head. Kevin turned to the other woman, his fury hot enough to melt her where she stood. "Get the fuck out! And don't let me catch you in here again or I'll rip your fuckin' head off!" Chantal recoiled like she'd been slapped; shocked first and then anger came. "You ain't gonna do shit to me, you bastard! It's all your fault she's hurtin' like this! Don't you see you bad for her! Why don't you just leave? She don't need you in her life you fuckin' faggot!" Angie faced Chantal, furious. "Chantal, I want you to listen and listen good. I wouldn't get back with you to save my life! I love Kevin and if you were really my friend, you wouldn't be in here talkin' this crap to me right now." Angie's face crumpled, but she held Chantal's gaze without flinching. "'Tal, I'll always remember the time we shared together... but I love my husband and I could never go back to being with someone I don't trust." "Come here baby... Chantal, would you please leave," Kevin said as he gathered Angie into his arms. Chantal walked to the door, turning around one last time to watch the couple on the bed. "Angie?" she said. Angie looked up from her spot in Kevin's arms, her face once again impassive. "I-I'm sorry for everything... can we at least be friends?" Angie looked at Kevin, smiling at him. "I'd like that. I miss my old friend. But you have to promise not to disrespect my husband anymore." Chantal nodded wordlessly, smiling at them before walking out into the hallway. She closed the door, leaning back against it, the tears falling slowly as she cried for the love that she had been too stupid to see. Inside the room, Kevin and Angie held each other, each breathing a sigh of relief. "That went well," Kevin muttered, kissing his wife as he settled next to her on the bed. Angie snuggled into his side, but was silent as she thought of her missing, but now found nephew. "Angie? What's wrong?" "Kevin, I have something I need to talk to you about. You remember my Dad mentioning my sister Jenna right?" at Kevin's nod, she continued. "Well, Jenna was married to JT's brother Tommy, Tomias actually, and they had a son named Taran. Taran was my whole world. You should have seen him. He was just such a beautiful baby... so sweet and full of sunshine. Well, when Jenna and Tomias were killed in that car crash, they never found Taran." "Angie, what's going on?" Kevin asked, concerned for his wife. Angie smiled, her face lighting up. "Baby, JT thinks he found Taran!" she exclaimed, hugging her husband. "All this time he's been a patient in the hospital. He was disabled in the accident so he's in a wheelchair and I think he might have amnesia, but we think he might be my little nephew." "Oh Angel... oh baby!" Kevin said as he hugged his wife tight. "When will you know for sure?" "As soon as JT's parents get here we're going to get the paternity test done," she replied, quieting suddenly. "Kevin, if it is Taran, he's gonna need a family member to take custody of him... and since I'm his closest living relative on his mother's side, it might have to be me." "Are you sure you want to do that Angie? I mean with everything goin' on with the baby, are you sure you need to be taking on this added stress?" Kevin asked. When Angie scowled, he added, "I'm not trying to dissuade you. I just want you to think carefully about what this could mean to your health and our baby. This is an awesome responsibility and the stress level would be huge. I don't want you to loose our baby trying to be super woman." "Kevin I'm more sure of this than I have been of anything in my whole life. If, and I mean if, this is Taran, I want my nephew to be a part of my family. Please," Angie begged, grabbing his arm when he tried to move away from her. "Kevin, I need to do this! I can't leave him in that hospital when he has family who are willing and able to take care of him. I just... I need you to support me on this." "You know I will," Kevin finally said after a few minutes of silence. He held her close, kissing her as she cried her relief. "But let's just take this one step at a time. We won't know anything until after the test, so let 's just hope and pray that it is him." "Thank you," she whispered, kissing him gently before she relaxed against the pillows again. She looked down at Kevin, a mischievous grin playing over her face. "You know, we still have to tell Momma. You wanna do the honors?" "You are so funny. Come here you!" he said, pulling her down and tickling her sides until she begged him to let her go. He rested his hand over her stomach, nuzzling the side of her face. "You know I love you right?" "Of course I do silly," Angie replied, kissing him one last time before she sat up and grabbed her crocheting. Kevin sat up next to her, holding the ball of yarn while she worked, his heart content. // Downstairs in the Kitchen // "Well you best not make me regret this Dean. Call him and tell him that I need to talk to him. " JT says, taking a sip from his drink. "I don't have to call him. Let me go outside and get him." Dean says getting up and walking from the kitchen. "Mark could you hand me another piece of pie please?" JT asks, patting Mark on the leg. "Sure baby." Mark says, taking JT's saucer and walking over to the refrigerator. "How big of a slice do you want?" "Big enough that I don't have to ask you to get up again." JT says laughing. "Okay baby, another piece of pie coming right up." Mark says as he pulls out the pie pan, opens it, and cuts a slice of pie for JT and one for himself. "Do you want some whipped cream on top of it?" "Naw baby, I think I will wait for tonight to have some of your cream." JT says, grinning as Mark starts blushing. "Don't act like you haven't heard me talk dirty like that before." "It's been awhile baby. You trying to get me all hot and bothered." Mark says, kissing JT on the next as he hears someone open the door. "I will bother you a whole lot when we get to bed." JT says, patting Mark on the ass and then turning his attention to the door as well. "JT, Mark, this is Josh Chasez." Dean says as he and JC walk into the kitchen. "Hi there Mr. Poole." JC says, shaking JT's hand. "Hello Mister ahh...I don' t know what to call you Mark. Is your last name Poole or Wahlberg?" "It's Poole-Wahlberg and you can call me Mark Josh. You don't have to act all strange now." Mark says laughing at the expression on JC's face. "I am trying to make a good impression on you guys." JC says. "Well then stop trying. You can call me JT, Mr. Poole is my dad and I don't think he likes being called that either." JT says, shaking JC's hand. "Have a seat." "Yes sir." JC says sitting down in the chair next to JT. "Stop that." JT says shaking his finger at JC. "Before I can approve of you moving anywhere within my property, I have some rules you must follow." "I follow rules very well." JC says. "Good then. That means we won't have any problems around here." JT says as Mark sits down across from him. "As you know Justin and Nick already live here along with Kevin Richardson and his wife." "Kevin and his...his wife? Kevin married? who?" JC asks, stuttering. "Yes he's married and married to Nurse Sebastian, the young lady you met at the hospital." JT states, looking at JC intently. "JC are you okay?" "Yeah...yeah I am fine." JC answers, looking averting his eyes from JT. "Could I get a glass of water?" "Sure you can. Mark could you please get him some water?" JT asks, looking over at Mark. "Sure baby." Mark answers, getting up to get a glass of water for JC. "Thanks." JC says as Mark hands him the glass. "Are you alright Josh?" Dean asks, frowning a little bit while trying to hide his emotions. "Ah JT what are the rules I need to follow for being able to live here?" JC asks, sitting the glass down on the table. "Well first, I don't need any drama created between yourself and Justin, Nick, Kevin or his wife Angie. You got that?" JT asks, looking at JC. "Yes I got it. I will be on my best behavior." JC replies, picking up the glass and taking another sip of water. "Second, while you live here on the premises you will respect everyone around here. There will be no invasion of anyone's privacy, which means no going into anyone's room without their permission." JT says, looking at JC. "Also, you will be expected to use proper etiquette during parties or get togethers. We seem to have lots of cookouts around here and I occasionally have people from the hospital staff over. So it is required that you have good manners and please leave any drama or whatever you may have in your bedroom before going into the areas where guests will be here in the house or out back." "I like cookouts and parties." JC says. "Well you are welcomed to join us as long as you don't cause any scenes, which goes back to rule number one." JT says, patting JC on the shoulder. "Come with me." "Okay." JC says, following JT out of the room. "While you are here you are welcomed to use the entertainment room, you have access to the den, the library and the kitchen. You can put food in the refrigerator and you can get food out of the refrigerator anytime you want, as long as it isn't marked by someone else. You understand that?" JT asks, patting the sofa for JC to sit down. "Yes I do." JC replies. "JC listen to me and listen to me good. I know you have a history with Justin and I know you have a history with Kevin. I'm only going to say this once. Don't cause drama in this house. There is enough craziness going on in here now and I will not allow more to be created. You have a clean slate with me and it will stay that way as long as you stay on my good side. Are we clear?" JT asks. "Yes, crystal." JC replies. "Good then that's all settled. You are welcomed to move into the pool house." JT says, wheeling towards the kitchen and then stopping. "Wait. JC." "Yeah?" JC says standing up. "Angie is pregnant right now. Don't stress her out. If you do that will you on my bad side really quick." JT says, rolling back over to JC. "Now we are all set. Welcome to the Poole-Wahlberg Estates." "You make it sound like a hotel." JC says laughing. "Sometimes I think it is with all the people here." JT says, laughing too as he rolls back into the kitchen. "Well?" Dean asks, standing up. "Go help him get his stuff." JT says, rolling over to where Mark is sitting. "Handsome go get the tub ready. I have to go get something and give it to Angie." "Okay baby. I will be waiting for you." Mark says, leaning down and kissing JT passionately. "Mmmmm you tease." JT says, pulling Mark closer to him and kissing him again. "It shouldn't take long." "Alright baby." Mark says getting up walking up the back stairs as JT leaves in the other direction. // Back in Angie's Room // "Hey guys, sorry for interrupting. I won't be long." JT says, wheeling into the room as Kevin held the door open for him. "You are not interrupting Sugarloaf, we were just basking in our alone time." Angie says, smirking. "Okay I know that look." JT says smiling. "As I said I won't be long." "Boy, stop that." Angie says, patting the bed next to her. "What do you have for me?" "This." JT says laying the folder on the bed. "That is all the information the hospital has on him. It's really him. I just know it is." "I hope you are right." Angie says as Kevin sits down on the bed. "Momma will be here in the morning." JT says, holding his head down. "Look through that and I will get it back from you before I leave for work in the morning." "Thanks sweetie." Angie says, hugging JT. "Welcome girl." JT replies. "Oh and your dad. He needs to be here tomorrow when everyone else gets here." "Okay JT." Angie replies as JT wheels to the door. "Goodnight you two." "Good night JT." Angie and Kevin said in unison as JT rolled out of the room, closing the door behind him. --- Angie's POV --- Angie picked up the phone, dialing her father's office, anxious to tell him about his grandson, but not wanting to upset him. I waited patiently while my call was transferred to his office, and grinned when Kate answered the phone. "Robert Sebastian's office, this is Kate speaking... how may I help you?" "Hey Katie it's Angie. By any chance would my Dad be in his office?" I asked, playing with the yarn sitting on the bed next to me. "He sure is Angela," Kate replied. "Your father told me about your little trip to the hospital. You take care of yourself sweetie and try not to let Mablean aggravate you too much ok?" "Thanks Katie... I'll try but you know Mablean," I said, grinning mischievously. "You know that woman ain't happy unless she driving me crazy." "Hush talking about your mother like that," Kate said, barely concealing her laughter. "Here's your father. Take care and kiss that hunk of a husband of yours for me!" "Hey baby girl, how are you?" Robert said after a few seconds of silence. "Are you doing okay?" "Yeah Daddy I'm fine. Listen, I need you to come to a family meeting at JT's house tomorrow. Will you be able to?" I asked as the sound of Daddy shuffling papers around on the desk could be heard as he looked for his calendar, finally finding it, he checked the date he was looking for. "Sure I can be there baby girl... but what's this all about?" He asked as he gathered the files he would need for the meeting the next morning to take home with him. "Just come tomorrow evening okay." I replied, looking over at my sweet husband as he rubbed my tummy. "I'll see you when you get here. I love you Daddy." "I will see you then sweetheart." He replied, hanging up the phone. TO BE CONTINUED... Contact Information Mail: Yahoo Group: Instant Messaging: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: gayboyjt2001 MSN: