Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2000 19:41:58 -0700 (PDT) From: It's Gonna Be Me Subject: It's Gonna Be Me - Part 6 *OPENING GREETING - Ok... Sorry for the lateness of this issue. I just have had a 3 day writers block is all =) Oh well, what can ya do huh? Hehe. Well I see the Boy-Band story awards are here. Too bad I can't be nominated for anything, lol. Oh well. I'm not in it for the goods anyways. I just want you guys to read something you like, so help me out! Send any questions/comments/suggestions/ideas to Thanks and enjoy!* P.S. Jason? Where was my e-mail? I didn't get one for the last chapter? lol. Send me something! =) *DISCLAIMER - You know it. You hate it. But everyone has to do it. I am in no way affiliated with anything to do with *NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys and I am totally unsure of any of their sexualities. Except Kevin and Brian. (Honestly I hope that Brian's future marriage is a cover up but, well, whatever! Hehe - Think about it though! One of them has to be gay! You don't spend 5 years on a bus with 4 other hot guys and not get a little curious! LOL) I do not mean to imply that any of the boys are gay even though it might seem like it in the story. Blah, blah, blah, yadda, yadda, yadda, let's get on with the good stuff!* ********************* It's Gonna Be Me - Part 6 ********************* "He's not there? Ya, just tell him that I really need to talk to him. Ok, thanks Joe." Justin spoke sadly into the phone. He sat lonely in his room. Lance had moved into Joey's room and Kevin had moved in with Justin. Kevin was in the hotel gym working out leaving Justin alone in the room having no one to talk to. 'How could I mess up something that could have been so good?' Justin thought to himself. The worst part of the situation was that he had finally realized that he loved Lance, but Lance had already left him. "I can't go on without him" Justin said aloud to himself. He stood up from the bed he lay on and walked towards the door in search of Lance. ********************* Lance sat at the end of a long hallway on the floor of the hotel which he was staying on. He didn't know where he was, and he was hoping no one else did either. In his hand he held a picture of Justin. This was his favorite picture. He took it everywhere he went to remind himself of the one he loved. He just sat there and stared at it. He smiled thinking of all the fun things he and Justin had done in the past and how much he liked spending time with Justin. "Who am I kidding?" Lance said out loud. 'I can't go on without Justin... If Nick has his heart than I have to fight for it. He's too special to just give up on.' He thought with determination. Lance quickly walked to the end of the hall and turned the corner sharply. He had no time to react before he smashed into someone. Both people fell to the ground and hurriedly got up. "I'm so sorry I... Justin?" Lance realized who he had bumped into. "Lance, I'm sorry... I'm, i'm glad I found you..." Justin said almost nervously. "I really need to talk to you Lance." "I really need to talk to you too Justin." Lance replied. The two of them both started talking at the same time and they laughed a bit. "You go first..." Justin managed to smile a little. "Just, I wanted to tell you that I'll do whatever it takes to win your heart back. I can't just sit by and watch you and Nick be together." Lance started. "Lance, I.." Justin stopped him. "No, Justin, please. Let me finish. Knowing I can't be with you is like having a part of my heart ripped out. I have to be with you... and I need to love you. I know you said you don't love me but I just know I can't live without you." Lance looked down to his feet. Justin stepped forward and lifted Lance's chin gently. He placed his lips gently on Lance's and just kept them there for what seemed like hours. Justin pulled back lightly and whispered to Lance. "I do love you Lance. Always have and always will." Justin smiled as he embraced Lance into a warm hug. "I'm just so sorry it took something like this to get me to realize how much I care for you. Justin released Lance and moved back. He saw that Lance had tears in his eyes that he wouldn't let fall. "Lance I'm so sorry I hurt you. I don't want to be with Nick. I want to be with you. Will you please forgive me?" Justin pleaded with the silent Lance. Lance finally spoke. "I love you so much Justin." That was all he said. He kissed Justin briefly and rubbed his cheek with his hand. "So much." He repeated. "I love you to Lance." Justin smiled beginning to get teary eyed himself. Lance grabbed Justin's hand lightly and began to walk down the hall with him. ********************* "I still can't believe what you told me last night Nick." Brian spoke uneasily. "What, that I'm gay? Brian, I didn't know it either... it was just whenever I was around Justin I felt totally different. I got these weird feelings and I began to get really attracted to him. It just took me a while to realize my feelings for him." Nick explained. "What about Britney?" "Well, she's really great and everything... I really hope she understands." Nick felt guilty for having to dump Britney soon. They layed there on the bed for a few minutes staring at the ceiling. "So you really think this will work Nick?" Brian asked out of the blue. "I'm almost positive Brian. All we have to do is keep Lance and Justin away from each other for as long as possible. If we can accomplish that, than we will both get what we want. You'll have Lance... and I'll get my Justin." Nick spoke as if it were the easiest thing in the world. "I hope you're right, Nick." Brian said unsure. "I know I am, Bri." Nick said sure of himself. "So, when do we start? I mean... keeping them apart, you know they are probably already back together." Brian spoke while standing up. "At the concert tonight. You just leave Act 1 to me and when I need you I'll let you know." Nick said. "Ok, Nick. But what about the tour bus? We're on seperate buses... how can we keep our eye on them if we're not even riding with them?" Brian asked bringing up another problem. "Already taken care of." Nick smiled. "Oh, and Brian. In order for Lance to love you... he has to like you first." Nick laughed. "Just try your hardest." "Ditto for you Nick!" Brian laughed. "You're probably not Justin's favorite person right now either!" "I'll make him love me Brian... you just wait." "Whatever you say Nick... whatever you say" ********************* "I'm really nervous about this concert tonight Justin." Lance said while loosely holding Justin's hand. "What?" Justin asked surprised. "You never get nervous Lance!" "I think it's just cause it's the kick-off... that's all" Lance explained. "You'll do fine sweetie." Justin reassured Lance with a peck on the cheek. The two of them walked towards Kevin and Justin's hotel room. They walked into an unexpected full room. Joey and Chris sat on a two-seater couch, Nick and Howie sat infront of the couch on the floor, Brian sat in a big chair and JC sat on the arm of it, while Kevin sat on the edge of his bed with AJ beside him. "What's going on?" Justin asked confused. "Not much... we're just having a last minute meeting before the big show tonight." Kevin explained. "You know, just to let everyone know about the stops, and the bus arrangements and..." Kevin was cut short by Lance. "What do you mean bus arrangements?" "Well, I got a memo from management at the front desk today that had a list of which people would be on which bus... and." Kevin was once again interupted. This time by Justin. "What do you mean? Why isn't NSYNC on one bus and Backstreet on another? Simple as that?" Justin asked confused. "Well, the memo said that we should be spending more time mingling with each other and getting to know each other more..." Kevin started. Nick smiled a bit remembering his actions from earlier in the day. "We know each other well enough!" Lance interjected. "...Well it's no big deal Lance. I'm not going to second guess management. What they say goes for this tour." Kevin tried to ease Lance's nerves. "So who's with who?" Brian asked a little too eagerly and Nick shot him a quick look. "I was just getting to that Brian... ok, so it looks like we've got Justin, JC, Nick, Joey, Me, and Britney... then that leaves Howie, Chris, Lance, Brian and AJ on the other bus." Kevin spoke without a care. Justin and Lance stood awestruck while everyone else seemed fine with the arrangements. "Are you freakin' insane?" Lance asked loudly. "No.." "Because Brian IS insane! There is no chance in hell I'm spending the next 2 months on the same bus with him and not my own boyfriend!" Lance was extremely angered. "So does that mean you and Justin are ok again?" Kevin asked trying to ease things over a bit. "Yes, but that's beside the point... Brian is a psycho and he's virtually obsessed with me! How is this happening??" Lance became more frustrated and angry with each word he spoke. "Lance, I know we would all appreciate if you were a little bit more mature about this. I'm sure you and Justin being seperated won't tarnish your relationship too badly." Kevin kept a straight emotion in his voice as he spoke. "This is nuts! I'm staying with a guy who's nuts!" Lance murmered to himself while pacing around the room. "Watch, it Lance, you might start to hurt my feelings." Brian said in a sad tone. Lance glanced over at him for a quick second before barging out of the room. "He had better not act like that at the show tonight." AJ commented quietly. "Guys... just, just lay off him, please? He's had a rough couple of days and this isn't helping him one bit." Justin managed to say. Justin sat down on the bed that was his and layed his head down on the matress. Nick got up from his spot beside Howie and walked over to Justin's bed. He sat down beside him and asked him "Aren't you going to go after him?" Justin stood up and walked to wear Nick originally sat. "He just needs a little time to think, that's all." Justin said not even making eye contact with Nick. "Let's just hope he feels a little better before the concert tonight." Kevin spoke up. ********************* Lance sat in the hallway with his back up against a wall and his knees pulled up to his chest where he rested his head firmly on his knees. He had his hands grabbing the back of his neck as he sighed heavily. 'Why did this have to happen? How could management be so dumb? Why would I be put in the same bus as Brian?' Thoughts and questions raced through Lance's head as he tried to calm himself with no luck. He heard someone approaching him. "I don't want to talk right now, ok??" Lance said without looking up. "Well, hello to you too!" Britney laughed as she slid down the wall beside Lance. Lance's head lifted when he heard the young female's voice. "Oh, gosh, I'm sorry Britney. I thought you were one of the guys.. I didn't mean to snap at you." Lance appoligized. "No problem Lance. What's wrong? Whatever's eatin' you must be pretty damn big!" Britney said trying to bring a smile to Lance's lips and she succeded. "I've just had a really rough week. I broke up with Justin and then we got back together and then now with the bus arrangements, I..." Lance's was cut off in mid-sentence. "What???" Britney almost shouted. "You and Justin? Huh?" Britney asked clueless. "Oh, that's right... no one must have told you!" Lance giggled a bit. "Gimme the dirt Lansten!" Britney smiled. "Well I told Justin that I loved him... sorta. Whatever, it came out... but anyways he told me he had feelings for me too, and eventually he realized that those feelings were love and now we're a couple and I'm really happy about that. It's been my dream for some time now." Lance smiled. "Awwww, I knew Justin would find someone cute!" Britney giggled. Lance blushed. "But why did you guys break up then?" Britney asked curiously. "Well it was because I walked into Justin's room and he and Nick were kissing and..." "What?" Britney laughed. "Start over Lance, you're getting your story all messed up. You just said Nick was kissing Justin!" Britney laughed harder still. "Oh my god, that's right... you and him were... uh oh." Lance stuttered under his breath. "What Lance? What is it?" Britney asked more confused than ever. "I'm really sorry Brit, but Nick's gay." Britney's jaw dropped. "He was making the moves on Justin and that's why we broke up. I'm really sorry you had to find out this way." Lance sympathized with her feeling sorry. Britney began to cry and Lance wrapped his arm around her. "It'll be okay Brit. You'll find someone ten times better than him..." Lance continued to show his concern for her. "But.. I, I loved.. love him" Britney sobbed. She burried her face in her hands and continued to cry. "Boy, do I know how to pick 'em!" She tried to make the moment humorous but continued to ball. "Two gay boyfriends in a row. Am I that bad a girlfriend?" "Britney, any guy that could hurt such a great girl like yourself doesn't deserve to have your love. You need someone who loves you back and can be there for you." Lance rubbed her back and placed Britney's head on his shoulder. "Why are the good ones always gay or taken Lance?" Britney sulked. Lance laughed a bit at Britney's attempt to make light of the situation. "I don't know Brit, but I'm glad that I'm taken by such a great guy." Lance smiled. "He is a great guy isn't he?" Britney asked rhetorically. "The best." Lance agreed. The two of them sat there for a moment silent. Lance still rubbed Britney's back as she sobbed on his shoulder. "Do you wanna go inside?" Lance asked Britney. "No, not really. Is there a room we can go to and just avoid everyone for a while?" Britney said in a straight tone. "Ya, let's go." Lance stood up and extended his hand to Britney who pulled on it and straightened herself up. Lance wrapped one arm around Britney's shoulder and they walked down the hall together. "I can't believe Nick is going to break up with me." Britney said in disbelief. "Who says you can't break up with him first?" Lance laughed a bit. "Hmmm, that may not be a half bad idea." Britney smiled. The two continued walking down the hall. "Thanks Lance." Britney leaned over and pecked him on the cheek. "For what?" Lance asked keeping his eyes forward. "For being my shoulder to cry on..." Britney smiled. "Anytime Brit, anytime." ********************* There's chapter 6. Once again, sorry for the lateness but I just haven't been able to write anything good as you can probably tell from this chapter =) Anywho, send me some e-mail! Hehe Later aligators!