Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 01:47:49 GMT From: Jason Subject: Justin and Jason-22 Justin and Jason-22 This is fiction and doesn't mean anything about anyone involved. If you too young or offended by this, take off. I went back into the arcade and into the office. I called my brothers and informed them of the events of the last half-hour. We decided to go out and party one last time before I left. "Well Cliff, you gonna come tonight?" I asked walking out to the car. "Sure, can I bring Sarah?" he asked. "Of course. Why not." I said leaving " seven O'clock at the Bar and Grill." I walked out to the car and drove home. I pulled up my driveway and into my garage and went into the house. I started to put a few of my smaller belongings into boxes to move back to Orlando when I heard the doorbell ring and looked at the clock. It was six o'clock. I walked down to the front door and let JC, Lance and Justin in. "Hey guys. So how do you like small towns." I asked. "There isn't anything to do, except for your arcade, bowling alley and roller rink." Lance replied. "Well, in one hour we are going to a bar on the main drag called the Bar and Grill." I informed them "The Bar and Grill," JC asked "Boy, imagination is something else in this town" "Hey, I like this town. People here keep it simple. It's a good thing too, a lot of people in this town are too stupid to know otherwise." I interjected. "So what do we do until then?" Justin asked. "I want to show you guys something." I said motioning them to follow me. I walked into my garage and showed them my vehicles. "The truck you know. But take a look at the mustang and camaro. "Holy shit." Lance said looking at the Chevy "This is awesome." "Jas, where did you get the Mustang?" JC asked. "I rebuilt it." I replied. I ran into the house and grabbed some keys. " Here ya go guys." I through Lance the keys to the Chevy and JC keys to the Mustang. They both looked at me with disbelief in their eyes. "Go ahead, just met us at the Bar and Grill." I said smiling. They both took off like bats out of hell. "Justin follow me inside." Justin and I went inside and sat on the couch to talk. Before I sat down I went into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of milk. "So Justin, why don't you tell me what going on." I asked. "What do you mean?" he asked. "Is Zack still in Orlando?" I asked. "I don't know, I never talked to him after you left." He replied. "You mean after I was arrested and jailed." I corrected him. "What else?" "Not much," he replied. "You know, when you guys preformed in Pittsburgh a few months back, I was tempted to go see ya, maybe get backstage tickets." I replied. "I wish you would've." He said, "what stopped ya?" "Not what, who. My brothers didn't think it was a good idea to go see ya. Opening an old wound they called it. How can you open a wound that never healed." I said looking at him. "Justin, things are gonna be different than they were before. First I may not trust you a whole lot, just because of the Dave thing. After a while we will be better off then we were before. You and I were in love, but there was always something there that kept us apart. I hope to get closer than I was before." I said looking at him. "Jason, I know exactly what you mean. We always said we loved each other, but for some reason, it didn't feel like it until we were apart. I tried to replace you with Dave, and almost did. There was something you had that he could never give me. I always felt that there was something you did to me that he never even tried to." Justin said looking at me. "Well, it's time to go." I said looking at the clock on the wall. We climbed into the truck and we headed into town to the Bar and Grill. We arrived and I noticed a sign posted at the closet parking spot and said my name. Justin and I walked into the Bar and I heard a huge roar of applause. Just about everyone I knew was in the bar. All Ben's friends and Jerry's friends were there. Every one of my relatives and a ton of friends I haven't seen for a long time. There were people I graduated with from high school. "What the hell?" I asked. The only reply I got was a lot of laughter and someone handing me a beer. I handed my beer to Justin and we headed towards my brothers. I noticed Lance and JC already there. We sat down and I looked around. "Guys, what is going on here?" I asked. "When we got the word out that you were leaving again, every one decided to come say good-bye." Ben said innocently. "Bullshit, you told them there was free beer," I replied. Everyone at the table laughed and I got grabbed from behind. I stood up and turned around to see who it was. It turned out to be a friend of mine I had graduated with from high school. "Eric," I said astonished. "You surprised to see me?" he said. "Yeah, I thought you were in North Carolina." I said. "I was. I came home to see my parents and heard that you were having a party." He informed me. "Cool. Hey this here is Justin, he's a friend of mine." I said pointing to Justin. "Justin Timberlake, I must say Jas, you have good contacts to be able to know him." He said looking at him. "Come on, the rest of the guys are here too." "Justin, you want to meet the rest of my friends from high school." I asked him. I would have asked Lance and JC, but they were off talking to a few girls. "I'll be over in a minute." He replied. "Well, don't take too long," I said. He nodded and I got pulled away by Eric. "Ok, Justin I didn't want to say this in front of Jason. Jerry, John and I don't want to see him hurt again. Personally, I think that him going back to Florida is a big mistake. He finally gets his life straight here and you come to pull him back to Florida." Ben said to Justin. "But he obviously loves you. I don't know why after the shit you pulled." John interjected. "Hell, if it were me. I would've just knock the shit out of ya. But like John said, he loves you. So we wish you both luck and happiness." Jerry said throwing in his two bits. "However, if he comes home again, brokenhearted. Well, the three of us are going to take a vacation down to Florida, most likely close to were you live. You know what were getting at." Ben said ending the conversation. "Ok. All that sticking up for the younger brother crap out of the way. Justin, you better start drinking faster than that of you gonna get left behind." Jerry said smiling and chugging his beer. "I am gonna end up driving Jason home, looks like he gonna get plastered tonight." Justin said looking my direction. I was talking with a group of people my age and raising all sorts of noise. "One more thing you ought to know, Jason is one of the best drunk drivers in this town. In this town, it is fun drinking with your friends, but it is also fun trying to get home." John said laughing. Justin smiled and stood up; he started walking my way. He almost made it to my side, but I had a bunch of my friends around me and he couldn't get through. He yelled my name a few times, but I didn't really hear him. All the people yelling, laughing and with the music blaring I just couldn't hear him. I turned to see him walking away with his head down. I forced my way out of the circle of people and came up behind him and grabbed him from behind and picked him you and gave him a big bear hug. This got everybody in the place laughing like crazy. I put him down and he turned around and looked into my eyes. I couldn't help but feel that this time, we were together for keeps. As time went by, people started to leave and the crowd started to thin out. They would always say good-bye and wish me luck before they left. By about four in the morning, they were about ten people. Justin, Lance, JC, my brothers, a few other friends, and myself where the only ones there. The bar usually closed at one o' clock, but it was left open for this special occasion. We were all pretty hammered. We all said our good-byes and parted our ways. My brothers climbed into the individual trucks and left. If I hadn't known better, I would sworn they were sober. "How the hell are we gonna get to your house, I sure can't drive?" JC asked. "I won't even attempt to drive that car," Lance said stammering around a little. "Guys, climb into the back of the truck and lye down, I'll get us home." I said climbing into the cab. "Jason, are you able to drive home?" Justin asked holding onto me for support so he wouldn't fall down. "What about the other cars?" JC asked. "Leave em', well come back for them tomorrow," I said. "Justin, It isn't the first time I've had to do this." I replied starting the truck. I pulled out of the parking lot and started home. We made it home all right; I had to help all three of them into the house. I put each of them in one of the spare bedrooms. I started to put Justin into my room and started to walk out. "Jas, I want to sleep with you," He said lying on the bed. "Not tonight. I am gonna sleep on the couch." I said turning to leave. "No you're not," he said trying to get up. I started to, but fell on the floor. I went over to him and helped him back up and into bed. "Justin, go to sleep. I will be downstairs." I said tucking him in. "If you don't sleep in here, I am gonna sleep downstairs with you." he said. "Alright, let me check on JC and Lance first." I said. I walked down the hall to the to spare bedrooms. The doors were still open. I looked in on Lance. He was right were I had left him. I walked in and pulled back the covers and helped him with his shoes and socks. He started mumbling, but I wasn't paying any attention. I laid him back on the bed and pulled the covers over him. I went into JC's room and did the same thing. I went back into my room and Justin was already asleep. I didn't want to disturb him, so I grabbed a spare blanket and pillow and slept on the floor. By this time it wad about five in the morning. I woke up the next morning at about nine o'clock and Justin was sleeping next to me on the floor. I stood up and almost fell onto the bed. My head was pounding. I went into the bathroom and grabbed some painkillers. I decided to take a shower while I was in there. I started the hot water and got cleaned up. When I was done I turned off the shower, climbed out and dried off. Just as I was leaving the bathroom, with a towel around my waist, Lance came walking out of his room in his boxers. "Sup Lance." I said greeting him. "My head is killing me, you got any medicine?" He asked. "Sure, it's in the bathroom. Help yourself." I said smiling. I walked into my bedroom and Justin was lying on the floor moaning and groaning. "Good morning," I said. "What's so good about it." He said sitting up. "Nothing I guess," I said reaching into my closet for close. "Your head hurt too?" Justin asked as I heard the door shut. "It did, but I took some medicine," I said grabbing some clothes. "Can I have some?" he asked. "Depends," I replied. "On what?" he asked. On if you a good boy or not." I said. I felt him wrap his arms around my waist and his bare chest press against my back. Just as his arms where all the way around me, he grabbed the towel and ripped if off my waist. "Hey," I replied turning around. He started to backup with the towel in his hands "it don't matter, I was going to put so underwear on anyway." "Too bad, I was gonna show you what a good boy I can be." He said seductively. "Well, you'll have to behave for today. I have to tie up lose ends up here and start boxing shit up. Before I can do any of that, I have to go get my two cars at the bar." I said putting my shirt on. "Jason, what's wrong. You used to like to mess around in the morning," Justin said walking up to me. "And I still do, but we don't have time for it right now." I said as I put my belt on. I saw a little disappointment in Justin's eyes, so I gave him a kiss on the lips. At first it was just intended to be a quick kiss, but it turned into a long and passionate kiss. Justin and I moved closer to the bed without breaking the kiss. Once we were at the bed, Justin fell backwards and I laid down right next to him. We didn't break the kiss the entire time. The both of us lay sideways on the bed making out until there was a knock on the door. I broke the kiss and looked rather discouraged, and I was. I was starting to enjoy it when we were interrupted. "Yeah," I said. Once I said this JC walked into the room. "Oh, am I interrupting something?" he asked innocently. "No, what do you need?" I asked getting off the bed. "Well, Lance used your last towel and I need one," He asked. "In the closet in the hallway, there a spare towels in there," I said looking a JC. He thanked me and closed the door behind him. "Now, where were we," Justin said standing up. He walked over to me and put his arms around my shoulders. "Justin, you need to shower and I have to make breakfast. We can continue with this later." I said taking Justin's arms from around me and holding them between us. "Ok, but it is gonna be hard to contain myself," Justin said smiling seductively. "I feel a guy like you can manage," I said walking towards the door "see you downstairs." I continued downstairs and into the kitchen to start breakfast. I got some pans around and sprayed them with that spray on butter. I got out the eggs, bacon, toast, and even some orange juice. I had set up the breakfast table in the kitchen and had everything prepared when the guys walked into the kitchen. "Damn Jason, you learned how to cook," Lance said looking at the food. "I got tired of eating take-out," I replied sitting down and starting my eggs. Justin sat to my left and JC sat on my right, which left Lance to sit across from me. The guys were talking and carrying on while they were eating. I didn't say a word while I was eating. I was really thinking about what I was about to do. I wasn't having second thoughts or anything. "Jason, what do you think?" JC asked. "Huh, about what?" I asked looking up at them. "Weren't you paying any attention?" Lance asked. "No, after eating alone for so long, I just sit here and eat in silence. I didn't here one word you guys said." I said looking at them. "Ok, we were thinking of ways to get all you stuff down to Florida," Justin informed me. "You mean moving all my worthless shit. That isn't a problem, I'll bye a trailer for my truck and haul it down. It might take a few loads, but I'll get it all down there." I said looking at my kitchen walls with pictures and stuff. "That's a long way to make trips though." Justin said. "It's ok, it's not like I have anything better to do." I said finishing my breakfast. I stood up and put my dishes in the sink. I grabbed everyone else's dirty dishes and put them in the sink. I started to wash them when Justin stood next to me and grabbed a towel to start drying them after I cleaned them. In no time we were finished cleaning. I turned around and Lance and JC were still sitting at the table watching Justin and I. "What?" I asked. "I don't know about you Lance, but I think that's a Kodak moment." JC said trying not to laugh. "Yeah, and me with no camera." Lance replied. "Shut up, before I beat ya," I replied throwing a towel both of them. We finished cleaning the kitchen and decided to go get the two vehicles that were left at the bar. Lance, JC and Justin went to get the two cars while I continued to pack my stuff. I wasn't sure what all to take. I figured that most of the furniture could stay, Justin already had some and Cliff might like it. I was just about done packing my clothes when the guys came back. "Hey, what all should I take with me?" I asked Justin as they walked thought the door. "I don't know, what all do you want?" he replied. "Well, got my clothes all packed. I am gonna grab some of the stuff in the basement and a few other things, but I don't want to leave cliff with an empty house." I said looking around. "Well, he'll probably have stuff to fill it with. Besides, it your stuff, why give it to him?" He said also looking at some of the stuff I had lying around. "I am definitely gonna grab my guns and stuff" I said heading into the basement. Justin followed me into the basement and into a room that was right to the left of the stairs. The room wasn't very big at all. In the room was a table and attached to the table a weird looking press. "Jas, What that thing?" Justin asked looking at the reloading machine. "That is a reloading machine for shotgun shells." I answered walking over to the table and showing him how it worked. After Justin was satisfied with the reloader, I continued to put all my guns and pistols into travel cases. "Justin, would you grab a few of those cases and take them upstairs into the living room." I asked pointing at the gun cases sitting on the floor. "Sure," was his only reply as he picked up a few of the cases and started to carry them upstairs. A few seconds latter I heard a huge crash. I hurried out the door and I saw Justin standing there with the cases all around the floor. "Jason, I'm sorry. I dropped them." He said looking at me as if I was about to yell at him. "Justin, that's why those cases are made. Just take one in each hand, no more ok. And don't worry about, if anything busted I can fix it." I said looking at him. I grabbed the ones he left and helped him take them upstairs. Once in the living room, I told the guys to start getting things around to be put into the truck. I walked them through the house and instructed them on what to take, and what to leave. After I hand done this I told Justin to come with me. "Justin you and I are gonna go bye a trailer for my truck." I said to him as we went out to the mustang. "Why don't we take your truck? Isn't that what we a gonna haul all this with." He asked getting into the car. "Not that truck, my other truck." I answered starting the car. We went to this Place out in the country. There was this big farmhouse and behind it was a huge barn. We stopped by the house and went up to the door. I was about to open the door when Justin stopped me. "You can't go into someone's house without knocking," Justin said almost scolding me. "Justin, I think my brother Ben won't mind too much." I answered as I continued to open the door. I walked into the living room and Ben was sitting watching TV. "Hey Ben," I said walking by him to the kitchen "Just getting my keys" "Alright. When you leaving?" he asked. "As soon as we finish getting my shit around." I answered. "Ok, remember to write and all that." Ben said as I walked out the back door with Justin in tow. "Jason, are you gonna see you brothers before you leave?" he asked as we headed for the barn. "I might call them, but that will probably be it." I answered. We reached the barn and I started to open the huge barn doors. Once the barn doors are open light floods in and shines off the body of a Peterbuilt rig. "Ah, ain't that a pretty sight," I say as I look over the truck. "Is this your?" Justin asks. "Yep, all mine." I reply as I unlock the driver side door. I climbed into the truck and started it up. It took a few tries to get it started, but it had been sitting there for awhile. I reached over and unlocked the passenger side so Justin could get in. Justin climbed into the cab a looked at the interior of the truck. "Damn, this is a nice ride," he said. "I should be for what it costs," I replied driving the truck out of the barn. I stopped and climbed out to shut the barn door, then jumped back in. "Justin, you are gonna follow me in the mustang to the house. Then you can help Lance and JC. I will go get a trailer and be back in a hour or so." I said as I drove Justin up to the car. He climbed out and started the car. I drove down the road towards the house and I would look into the mirror to make sure Justin was still behind me. We made it to the house and Justin pulled into the driveway as I kept going to the Peterbuilt dealership in the next town over. About an hour later I pulled into the dealership and climbed out. I wasn't there for very long before some salesman came up to me and tried to get me to trade my truck on a new one. I told him I was looking for a trailer. He wasn't the easy to talk to, so I told him where he could go and continued to look around. I looked around for awhile and was about to leave when I noticed a trailer along the side of the building. I walked over and checked it over. It looked in good shape, didn't have a damage. The trail had a picture of a stagecoach. So I went inside and asked them about it. At first they tried to give me the run around. "Really, with that cab on trade I can put you in a truck really worth the money." He said "Well, I don't want one worth the money, I just want a price on that trailer along the building." I asked getting irritated. "You don't want that, I junk. What you want is that one right there." He said pointing at a trailer that was hooked up to a rig. "You can that trailer free of charge. I'll take your truck on trade and give you a good price on the rig." "I don't want a damn rig!" I yelled. "You know, the hell with it. I'll go somewhere else." "Ok, Ok. Don't get pissed off. If you want that rig, I'll sell it to ya." He said sitting down at a desk and looking through a stack of papers. I pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to me. It was to the trailer. I talked with the guy and fifteen minutes later; I was leaving with the trailer hooked up to my rig. TBC... I know it took along time to get this chapter out and I am very sorry for the delay. If you do have any comments or just want to BS. Please email me at Thank you for reading. later