Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2006 16:51:52 -0800 (PST) From: HR Lind Subject: Meeting Love: Joey and Drew 2 This story will also jump in time to coincide with Continuing Love. This chapter is going to be from Drew's perspective. It will be a combination of journal entries (indicated by italics) and regular narrative and speaking parts. February 26, 2009 Today is the third anniversary of the day that Kelly, Joe and I decided to live our lives as a threesome. Who would have thought that so much would have happened in so little time? Things were going great. We really had it all worked out. Joe actually found the house that we ended up moving into. Six months after we moved in, Kelly came home with some bad news. She had breast cancer in both breasts. She had a double mastectomy, but it had spread. She lost the battle on January 3, 2007, and we lost a great friend and lover. It was hard to adjust after she left us. Brianna was a total wreck for so long, but Joe and I found a great child psychologist, she is doing much better now. After Kelly's death, Joe decided to also come out as being bi. He had more of a hard time than Lance did, but he received a lot of support from fans. Joe and I decided that although Kelly is no longer with us, we would still celebrate today as our anniversary. As I write, we are on a plane heading north to Boston. Joe, Bri and I are going to go visit our newest family members; HR and Lance's babies. I was shocked when I heard how they were going to have children of their own together. Maybe someday Joe and I will try, but for now life is hectic enough with my two kids an eight year old and a thirty-two year old. And though we were two of the very few people who knew when Tribora was going to have the babies, we were sworn to secrecy and had to promise that we wouldn't arrive before anyone else knew. Now of course once I knew when it was happening, I booked our flight and hotel. Well actually I booked the flight. HR did the hotel stuff. His boss was amazing, and made sure that the entire family had rooms at the hotel. The family that had once just been made up of five boys, was now overwhelming. Chris and Josh have both gotten married. Chris now has two little boys, Austin (18 months) and Jeff (6 months) he and his wife Shayna got married shortly after they found out she was pregnant. Josh married a lovely woman, Charlotte, and they have a little girl Alicia, who's first birthday was just two weeks ago. Chris and Josh are convinced that Austin and Alicia will grow up, fall in love and get married. They are just too funny. Justin is actually engaged to Josh's sister Heather. No one saw that coming. I'm not sure who was more surprised by it Josh or Heather. And now more than ever each guy's parents think that they are everyone's parents. Each kid has at least six sets of grandparents (Brianna has seven, including my parents). And with the quints being born, everyone is going to be arriving in Boston this week. I stopped writing when Joe took the ear bud from my ipod out of my ear. "Sugar, we are going to be landing soon, you need to turn off the laptop and the ipod." "Thanks babe. I didn't realize how long I've been writing for. I'm sorry that I neglected you the whole flight." "Drew, don't worry about it. Bri and I had a fun time without you playing with our GameBoy DS's." Didn't I tell you I had two kids? "Dad, stop it." Bri whined. "DD was doing work. Don't make him feel bad." Oh, I should probably clarify that. Brianna started calling me Daddy Drew, and as she got older shortened it to DD. I still tear a little every time I hear her call me that. She accepted me as part of her life without question. "Bri, you know that I'm just joking with DD. Now, you put away our toys, and DD will put away his toys. I want to get off the plane as soon as we land." I leaned over and kissed Joe on the cheek. "Babe, you need to put your own toys away too. Do not make our daughter do it for you," I said laughing. "Yeah, I agree with DD, put away your toys," Bri piped in. "Hey," I said. "I can say it to Dad, you cannot. Apologize to your father." "I'm sorry Dad for being fresh." "It's okay Sweet Pea, let's just do as DD says," he said, and then continued in a whisper "I don't want to get in trouble." Once we landed, we got our luggage and went to pick up the rental car. Joe didn't see a point in renting a car, considering we were in Boston, and could take the T. I knew better, I would rather drive than take the T. Especially to get to Lance's house from the hotel, I mean we're in the middle of winter in Boston. Who wants to stand around waiting for a bus or a train? I being the practical one, made sure we had something with four wheel drive. I had also ordered a new winter jacket and snow pants for Brianna from LL Bean, which I had sent directly to the hotel. She had grown out of her old things, and since we hadn't gone north yet this winter, we hadn't purchased new ones. I got them a size big, so that hopefully she can use them next year too. It was really cold and snowing when we arrived, so I made Joe wait inside the terminal with Brianna so I could get the H3 (okay so I splurged, but its just such a cool looking thing, and it was the only thing they had with four wheel drive). I drove to the hotel and we went to the lobby to check in. I was glad to see Jackie at the desk. Over the past three years, we have spent a lot of time staying at HR's hotel. I have seen many staff members come and go, but there are a few old timers still around. We waited until all the other guests were assisted before approaching the desk. "Mr. Fatone and Mr. W," Jackie started. "Jackie. What have we said?" Joe interrupted. "I'm sorry Joey and Drew." "Much better. Now Jackie, how are you doing?" "I'm great." "And school?" "This is my last year. I'll be graduating in May with honors." "Wonderful," I said. "We're gonna miss you being here." "I'm going to miss being here too. But I've already gotten a few offers from some of the big drug companies. Now, we have you in 804 and 802 this time. The Kirkpatrick's took the two bedroom apartment." "Oh, that's fine. It's better for them with the babies," Joe said. "DD, can I go visit Uncle Bill and Mr. Brian?" Brianna asked. "Oh, sweetie Bill isn't here today," Jackie replied. "Is he sick? He's never not here," I said worried. "No, he's fine. He just has a full day meeting off-property. He'll be back tomorrow. He wanted me to make sure that you guys get in touch with him while you are here." "No worries there. Bri, couldn't be here without spending time with her favorite Uncle Bill. Speaking of Bri, has a package arrived from LL Bean for her?" "Yup, it's already in her room. And let me call up to Brian and see if he's available." We waited a few moments while Jackie made the call. "He said to just stop by his office once you're settled. He'll be in there all afternoon. Have you heard how Tribora is doing and the babies? We all miss her terribly." "Everyone is great. She mentioned yesterday on the phone that she would probably be taking non-family visitors by the end of the week once she's back home," I explained. "Hey can you let us know when everyone else arrives and make sure they know where we are?" "Of course." We said our good-byes and went to our rooms. The connecting door was opened and everything was set just the way we like it. Bill even made sure that my favorite coffee was in the room. The hotel is just too good to us. "Dad, DD, can I go to Mr. Brian's office?" "Sweet Pea, why don't you unpack first? Then we'll go to Brian and afterwards we'll go see your new cousins," Joe said. "I can't open the box by myself, DD will you help?" "Of course Sweet Pea, I want to make sure they sent the right things anyways." Within the half hour we were unpacked and with winter coats and my camera in hand we went to go visit with Brian. "Bri!" "Mr. Brian!" "It is so good to see you darling. Are you all excited about your new cousins?" "Yes Mr. Brian. I can't wait to see them. Did you know the oldest has my Dad's name, because he and Uncle Lance and bestest friends?" "I didn't know that. I haven't had much of a chance to talk to HR or Tribora. I didn't want to bother them with everyone else coming by. But I do have something that I'd like you to take over to them if you don't mind." "Not a problem," I said. Brian pointed to a huge box behind him. "This is from the hotel, for the babies, and one of the smaller boxes is for Tribora, the other is for Lance and HR." I was surprised at the size of the boxes, considering that the smaller boxes were still quite large. "I'm not sure we can carry that." "Oh, yeah, I guess it is a little large. I went a little overboard shopping, but on the other hand everyone at the hotel chipped in. And considering I'm the GM, I decided to have the hotel itself chip in too. The smaller boxes are from my wife and me. How about I send one of the housekeepers along with you. He can use the hand truck to cart the boxes over." "Um, sure." I didn't want to say anything, considering this is HR's boss, but don't you think it would make more sense to just send everything over to the house instead of the hospital? But I'm not going to argue with the man. So after Brianna got to play `Hotel' with Brian for a bit, meaning he let her play on his computer and lets her make `decisions' about guest issues and the hotel in general. We headed over to the hospital, with giant boxes in tow. Joe and I were walking holding hands, Brianna skipping ahead of us. "Not so far, Sweet Pea," I called out. "Ok DD." She said as skipped back to us. What I would give to have the energy of an eight year old. I love staying at home and being a full time dad, but that girl wears me out. Although her dad does a good job of wearing me out too, and I'm a year younger than he is. I chuckled. "What?" Joe asked. "I love you Joe." "And that is something to laugh about?" "No, but thinking the dirty thoughts I am, is." "Oooh. Am I getting lucky tonight?" "Hmm. I think that would be a yes." We stopped walking and he kissed me. Hard and passionately, right in the middle of the hospital lobby. When he started slipping his tongue into my mouth I knew it was time to stop, and I pulled away. "Joe, babe. This is not the place." "Sorry. I got carried away. I love you Andrew." I love it when he calls me Andrew, it means he's really serious about something, and when it's prefaced with an `I love you,' it means he is extremely horny. If he's mad, he will also call me Andrew, but it is usually followed by my last name. I leaned over to him and whispered in his ear. "Maybe we can get the guys to watch Bri for a bit, and we can find an empty room to play in." "Really?" "We'll see what happens, but first I want to see our new nephews and nieces." We went up to Tribora's hospital room. It was filled with flowers and balloons, and of course people. Bora's mother Diane and brother Antwun (pronounced like Antoine) were there, as were Lance's parents, HR's parents, Craig and Aimee. "Hey is there room for three more in here?" Joe asked sticking his head in the room. "Joe! Drew! It is so good to see you guys. Thanks for coming up." Lance said. "Where's my goddaughter?" "Did you think we wouldn't be here? Let's be serious," I said. "And she is right behind me." "Uncle Lance, I missed you. You never come to visit anymore." "Baby, you know that I live up here. And with waiting for the babies to come, it's been hard to visit you guys in Orlando." "I know. But now that I am in third grade, I can't just drop everything and visit here either. Do you know how much I am missing in school because I am here? Why couldn't Auntie Bora have the babies last week when I was on vacation?" Wow, power trip anyone? "Brianna, that is not nice of you to say to your godfather. You should treat him with respect. Your teachers know why we are away this week, and I have all your work that you are missing. Now apologize to Lance. And to HR and Tribora too," I said. I hate being the disciplinary one in the household, but Joe would let our daughter get away with murder. "I'm sorry Uncle Lance, Uncle Heath and Auntie Bora. I didn't mean to be rude. It's just that third grade is so hard. We're doing multiplication, and learning script letters." "Baby, maybe one afternoon while you are here, we can spend some time together and we'll do the hardest work that you have." "Really Uncle Lance? You want to spend time with me still, even though you have your own kids now." "Brianna, of course I want to spend time with you. It is going to be a little harder now, but I will always be your godfather and your favorite uncle. Now come here and give me a hug." Lance got down on his knees and Bri ran into his arms, holding on for dear life. Now I understand why she has been acting out the way she has. Leyton was never a threat to her, because the girls had always known each other, and the older Lindsay children became her friends when they became part of the family. But with new babies, she is probably feeling like she is being replaced. "So where are the little ones?" Joe asked as he stuck his hand in my back pocket and pinched my ass. HR saw what Joe had done. "They are in the nursery," Fran replied. "Bri, would you like to go see your cousins?" I asked. "Why don't you leave her here for a little bit, so she can spend time with Jamie? You guys go down there and take as much time as you want. Bri will be fine here," HR said raising his eyebrows, and giving us a smile. "Ahh, yeah. So that sounds good. We'll see you guys in a little while. I want to get a bunch of pictures, and stuff." "Yeah, stuff," agreed Joe. He and I walked out of the room, his arm around my waist. "Do you want to see the babies, or find an empty room first?" Joe asked. "Joe I was kidding earlier. We are not going to have sex in a hospital room. That is just wrong. Never mind the fact that neither one of us have lube with us. Let's go see the babies." "Okay, fine. We'll play with the babies, and then I am going to get to play with you." He said pulling me close to him and kissing me hard. We walked towards the nursery. I saw them right away. Five beautiful babies, with gorgeous light brown skin, and most of them had a full head of hair. The girls look almost identical, and just like HeathRiley. Two of the boys were a good mix of their three parents, but the third one, Joe's namesake, was a little Lance. Even his hair was spiky the way Lance used to wear his. "Joe, look at them," I said snapping away with my camera, trying not to cry. "I know Sugar. I know. Lance and HR are so lucky that they have someone that would do this for them. If only. . ." he started crying, and so did I. We sat down on a bench in the hallway, holding on to one another. Both missing Kelly so much, but unable to say the words. If only she were still alive the three of us could have gone through this process as well. We could have had a child that was all of ours. Not that Bri isn't mine in every sense of the word, except biologically of course. After Kelly passed, I had adopted Brianna. It was a little while later when Lance came down the hall wondering what had happened to Joe and me. We had stopped crying, but were still clinging to each other. "Joe, Drew? What's wrong?" Lance asked. Joe picked up his head, and looked at Lance. Lance knew. The two of them were that close. Lance ran the rest of the way over and enveloped both of us into a hug. "Joe, I am so sorry. I didn't even think how much this would hurt." "Scoop, don't worry about it. We're okay. It just hit hard, ya know?" "Oh, I know. I wish that I could make this easier on you." "Please, don't worry about us. Let's just be happy about your quints, and how much these little guys are going to be spoiled," I said. "Lance, I promise you, we'll be okay." "Okay, if you say so. But don't forget I am here for you if either of you need to talk, or even just some more alone time. Ry and I would be happy to take Bri home with us tonight." "No you guys need your rest before the babies come home. And Bri has her own room anyways." Joe said. "Oh I forgot to tell you. Justin and Heather are here, and so are Chris, Shayna and the boys." "Great. Do you know when Josh is coming in?" Joe asked. "Tomorrow, on the red-eye. He couldn't get a direct flight for today, and didn't want to transfer with Alicia. He's hoping she'll sleep the whole flight. Personally, I hope so, because otherwise there will be a whole plane pissed off at him." "Ali is a good flyer. They do cross-country all the time with her," I said. We headed back to Tribora's room, which was more packed than ever. Sometime while Joe and I were crying, they had moved the babies to the room for feeding time. And with the six new people, the room was stuffed. Joe and I greeted our friends with hugs and kisses, and decided to head back to the hotel for dinner. The nine of us, Chris, Shayna, Austin, Jeff, Justin, Heather, Brianna, Joe and I ate at the hotel's restaurant. It was a great meal, even with Jeff spitting up his formula all over my pants. Afterwards Joe, Bri and I went to our rooms and watched a Disney movie. When Bri went to sleep, Joe and I went to have our own fun. "Wow, it has been one hell of a long day. I'm gonna go to sleep," I said teasing Joe. "Yes it has, and we are going to bed, but who said anything about sleep," Joe said coming up behind me and sucking on my neck. "But we've been up since four." "And you, mister, have made sure to keep me horny all day long. We are going to make love tonight." I turned around in my love's arms and said, "Yes we are." We undressed each other and climbed on the bed. On our knees with Joe in front of me we started touching each other. We were both so hot, that it didn't take very much foreplay before I cried out, "just take me, please." Joe moved so that he was behind me. He slicked himself with lube, and entered me slowly. I threw my head back, and he started kissing along my neck, and playing with my nipples. I moved my hands to his hips, and started caressing them, eventually pushing him to move deeper inside me. Our bodies were glistening in the moonlight. Each time Joe hit my spot I cried out. It wasn't long before I couldn't hold back any longer and I came, long thick ropes of cum shooting across the bed. Joe came deep inside me moments later. I fell down on the bed, trying to miss the wet spot, but failing. "Babe, I think we need to clean up." "Sugar, I think I need to kiss you, and then we can go clean up." Which he proceeded to do. We showered together, and then Joe checked the closet, where sure enough there were extra sheets. Bill knows us way too well.