Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 21:04:28 -0800 (PST) From: CJ Subject: My Night With Howie D. Part 12 ****DISCLAIMER: If you are under 18 or homosexual sex and situation offend you then read no further. Also, this is fictional and is not meant to imply that Howie, AJ or Brian are gay...... Now if you are over 18 and homosexual sex and situations interest AND you can remember this is fantasy and NOT reality then read on..... AJ, Jon, Nick, and Zaid.......this is to you :) And to all of ya who keep reading......... thanx and away we go My Night With Howie D. Part 12 by CJ "Howie, I am leaving to the set, what do you want to do when I get back?" I asked and felt twinges of guilt. "I don't know, whatever you want." he said not even looking up from his writing. "Well come on babe, its your birthday and you have to want to do something!" He just sat there writing. I went up and gave him a hug and grabbed my bag and left. I got into the limo and took off. I started thinking about how the last two days had been...... The guys had arrived and so they wouldn't be let out I took them out on Wednesday during the day while Howie thought I was at the set. We went to eat and then shopped for awhile. While we were shopping we ran into an old friend of mine, Zaid. It was obvious that Brian and him hit it off. After that they went back their hotel and I went home to Howie, and everything seemed okay. But then yesterday, Thursday, Zaid called me to go out shopping so I went and we met up with the guys again. That night I got home and Howie was distant and cold. So I figured that for today we would spend all day together and get him out of the condo so the others could set up. But then the show called and I really DID need to be on the set today. Brad moved up the taping and today was our first, and though I tried to get out of it, I was obligated. So I would be pushing to get back to Howie in time to get him out, which reminded me I had to call Kevin. I dialed up his room number on my cell and he picked up on the second ring. "Hello?" "Kev? Its Craig. We have a problem." "Why? Is something wrong with you or Howie?" he asked worriedly. "No, no everything is fine. I just got called onto the set and am going to be rushing back to get Howie out to dinner in time. SO you might need to have everyone wait til like six to get there aight?" "I can manage it, just make sure you get there. Talk to you tonight." "Later." We hung up and I braced myself for the day ahead of me. BACK AT THE CONDO After two hours of writing Howie got too frustrated to do it any longer. He took a towel and went to the beach,. It was interesting, he got occasional looks, but no mob action so far. Which was fine with him, it gave him time to think about Craig and what was going on. This trip had started out so well, they had come to get away from all of their problems and were having a great time. And then when Craig proposed to Howie, he was soo happy. It seemed that finaly everything was working out for them. But then Wednesday Craig took off before he woke up and said he was at the studio. Which was no problem, Howie understood the work thing, but then Thursday he went again and Howie took the Jeep out driving and happened to see him at a cafe with another guy. Now normally he would think it was just a friend and they were on break from the set, but when he got back to the condo he called the set and Craig wasn't there and hadn't been since the meeting. So now he knew Craig was lying and more than likely meeting up with the guy he saw. He should have confronted him about it that morning, but he was scared. He loves him and don't want to loose him, but if he is cheating and lying then theres no way we can go on. It makes Howie think of a saying his mom used to tell him, `ignorance is bliss'. Not knowing what to do, he laid back on the towel and started tanning. AT THE HOTEL All the guys were in Kevins room eating breakfast. "Okay guys, Craig called and we are supposed to get everyone to wait until about six to get to the condo." Kevin said as he sat down and grabbed a plate. "Why til six, I thought he was going to have Howie out by that time?" AJ asked. "He got called onto the set. So he is going to be cutting it close." Kevin answered. "Is that all?" Nick asked. "I am not sure, he sounded a little distant. And it made me think of something, he has been telling Howie that he is on the set all this time that he was with us. And I think that might be causing a little problem between them." Kevin said. "I hope not, they are a great couple and deserve to be happy after all thats happened." Brian said. "I mean the way the pulled each other through Caroline and Jesse's deaths shows how much they love each other." "Yeah, I hope I find someone like that one of these days." AJ sighed. "We all do, but hey Bri, how are things with Zaid?" Nick asked. "Oh man, he is great! I am so glad that Craig hooked us up. He is funny, and easy to talk to. We spent last night walking on the beach and talking about everything. I told him stuff that no one know." "Ah, so I am assuming you did the horizontal mambo?" AJ asked with his eyebrow cocked. "NO! Actually, thats the thing, usually its all just sex when I hook up with a guy, but Zaid is different. All we have done is hold hands and kissed." Brian said. Nick and AJ started making kissy faces and then gagging noises. Brian started getting frustrated but then started laughing along with Kevin. After they finished, they discussed what they were doing for the day. AJ and Nick were going shopping, while Kevin was staying at the hotel. Brian was going out for the day with Zaid. They all agreed to be back in Kevs room at 4:00, and went their separate ways. ON THE SET OF "One Of The Guys" We were all sitting around the table snacking on pizza. I was tired, I forgot how much energy it took to film one scene. And since we had all been away for awhile we seemed to be taking our time getting our old click back together. Either I wasn't leading off of Mat or Kyle right, or they weren't leading off of me. Our tempers were flaring and we were all hot and frustrated. It was already 1:30. I had already talked to Brad and though he pitched a fit about it, I had gotten myself out by 4:30. That meant I would be back at the condo in time to get changed and take Howie out while the others set up. "Okay guys, back to work, lets get this scene wrapped!" Brad yelled. We all looked at each other and muttered a silent prayer. JUMPING AHEAD TO 4:30 AT THE HOTEL All the guys and Zaid were gathered in Kevins room. Kevin was on the cell with Craig and they were timing eveything. Kevin hung up and turned to them. "Okay heres the plan. Craig is on his way from the set right now, he will get to the condo and grab Howie and be out by 5:30. Now the DJ is supposed to be there at 6, so I will be there for that and start setting up with the stuff AJ and Nick got today. While I am doing that, Brian and Zaid will be at the airport waiting for Howie's family and our friends. After Joel drops off Craig he will be ferrying everyone fromt he airport along with our driver. AJ and Nick, you need to get the last minute things and meet me and the condo to set up. OK does everyone got that?" Kevin asked. "Yes sir," Aj said and mock saluted. "Good, now lets hope this works." AT THE CONDO I get out of the limo and Joel is on his way to the airport. I look at my watch and see it is 5:15, that gives me enough time to change and take Howie out before Kevin gets here. I go in and call for Howie. "I'm upstairs." he answers. I go to the room and find him in bed wearing only his boxers and his skin a little reddish. "Howie what happened?" I asked. "I was out on the beach and I guess I fell asleep. How was your day?" I went over to him and kissed him trying not to touch his chest. I felt so bad. "It was alright." I answered. "But its even better now that I am here with you. Okay, I need to ask you something and if you don't feel up to it then say no okay?" He nodded. "I have reservations at Chez Piere, do you want to go or do want to just stay here?" His face brightened. "You mean you remembered?" he asked. "Yes! Happy Birthday baby." He got up and hugged me, but pulled back quickly. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing, I just better get some clothes on." "Yeah me too." I said. We both start changing. Howie put on some tan slacks, with a short sleeve white dress shirt. I put on my dark jeans, white Bum shirt with my black vest over it. We grabbed the Jeep keys and took off, and as we pulled out I saw Kevin and the others coming up. Whew! We cut it close. And that was the last thing to go right. We got to the restaurant and our reservations were delayed and we ended up waiting for 45 minutes, even our status didnt help us this time. By the time we ate I was noticing that Howie was not talking to me at all. No matter how I tried to broach conversation, he 't take it. The meal went and we left. We drove back to the condo in silence and when we pulled up saw all the lights and the cars. He smiled until he saw the guys come out. Then he frowned and I looked to see what he was frowning for and all I saw was the and . flew out of the Jeep and went to the beach. "Craig, what happened where's going?" Kevin asked. "Look, keep everyone busy and I will be right back with him." I said and made my way down to find him. I ran down the path and found Howie sitting on the beach. His knees drawn up to his chest and his head down. I could see him shaking and I knew he was crying. I cam up and put my arm around him. He threw it off and I lost my balance and fell to the sand. "What the hell is going on Howie?" I yelled. He turned and glared at me. "Why don't you tell me Craig? Why not start by telling me how long you have been seeing that guy? How about when you were planning on telling me?" he yelled back. "What guy?! I have no idea what you are talking about?" "That guys up at the condo with the guys. Who is he?" he asked. "Thats Zaid, he is my friend from school. Thats it Howie, if you don't believe me ask Brian." "You see thats exactly it, I don't believe you. You lied to me Craig. You told me you were on the set on Thursday and I see you having lunch with him. If he's just a friend then why tell me you were on the set. Cause I called and they told me you hadn't been there since the meeting. So where have you been all this time Craig? Thats Wednesday, Thursday and today that your were "on the set". You fucking him? " he screamed. "Howie I-I -" "Don't even talk to me. I can't believe a word you say anymore. Here take this. I can't wear it." he said and handed me the ring. So there we were, just me and Howie, sitting on an empty beach with the waves crashing and the moon lighting the sand. It was incredibly romantic setting and yet we were sitting apart and not looking or talking to the other. I turned to say something and he got up and walked away. As he walked toward the condo and I felt the tears find there way down my cheek, I thought about how this had all started with just a simple trip. TO BE CONTINUED Note: For all of you who I confused with the beginning of Part 10, you'll notice that the first paragraph from there is the last one here. Now does it make sense? I hope so, but hey you can still email me :)