Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2000 17:02:55 EST From: Subject: My Night with Howie D Part 19 The rumors are true folks. My Night is going to be ending in the next few parts. I have honed my writing skills and met some great people. This almost feels like high school all over again. I have received many mails raving about Howie and then I have received some about killing him. Both were great because you all showed me what I was doing right and wrong. Little tip here aight? Email an author if you read their story and liked it. There is nothing like getting emails telling you that. Even the bad ones are appreciated. Anyway, enough of the drama. On with the story. Oh yeah, the legal stuff. If your under 18 don't get caught reading this. If this is illegal in your state, city or town or village or WHATEVER don't get caught reading this. This part of the story is being told from Craig's, Howie's and others points of view. The name in bold caps is the narrator of that section. My Night With Howie D. Part 19 The middle of the end HOWIE So many thoughts running through my head. Above all the biggest one would be "It wasn't supposed to be like this." I took a break from preparing the new album and touring to come to Tucson. To be here when Rachel gave birth and me and Craig would become fathers. It was supposed to be a happy time. A joyous time. But instead of a happy, joyous time, I found myself in a hospital (which I hate). I was in a waiting room with Scott, and Sel. Rachel and Craig were both inside and we were waiting to hear something. Debbie was in with them. I looked at Scott and saw in his face the same fears that I had. He reached over and patted my hand. "They will all be fine Howie," he said. More thoughts. Scott and I running down the street after the guy who shot Rachel. And myself. Leaping for him and tackling him hard. Hitting him. And surprisingly Scott pulling me off of him and telling me to calm down, when I could see in Scott's eyes the same fire and the need to hit. But worse than that was being in the ambulance with Rachel. Seeing her unconscious, and then turning to Craig and seeing him torn and bleeding. Then he noticed and passed out. The paramedic was busy with Rachel, so I held him. He was breathing and his pulse was strong. God, please let them all be all right. I look up and see that Debbie has entered the waiting room. "He's all right you guys. The bullet ripped the shirt and a couple layers of skin. He had to get a few stitches, but he will be out in a minute. Howie, he is in room 4," she said. I bolted out of my chair and flew to the room. And I entered and saw him on the edge of the bed. My man, the love of my life. He looked up with tears. I went to him and held him. "Its all right Craig. Your okay and everything will be fine." I said, yet doubting it at the same time. "Howie, where is Rachel? Is she okay? The baby?" "We don't know yet Craig. We only just got here." I reassured and helped him up. He got to his feet and looked into my eyes. "I'm scared Howie. And pissed. I want to kill that bastard. And if anything has happened to those two, I just might." "Calm down Craig. Lets just get through this first." I said as we walked into the hall. Then we saw Debbie and the doctor running to us. "We need you to in the OR immediately! " the doctor said. "What's happening Dr. Hannigan?" Craig asked. "Rachel is giving birth. But the problem is she isn't hanging on too well. We need to get the baby out of here and then work on her." "How is the baby?" I asked. "Considering the circumstances, fine. There are no problems. Yet." With that we flew to the OR. We scrubbed and donned the masks. And then we entered. I have a strong stomach, but the scene that greeted me was horrific. Rachel was on a table with a mask on her face. Her eyes were glazed over and there was blood everywhere. "Is she okay?" I heard Craig ask. "She is slipping in and out of consciousness. We need to stabilize her so she can deliver." We went over to Rachel and each held a hand. Her eyes focused. Through the mask she gasped,"Sorry........never knew ......such..a bitch." She smiled and it made me smile. She had to know what was going on but she was trying to lighten Craig up. "You hear me okay Rachel?" Doctor Hannigan asked. "Yeah." "Okay we are going to bring this baby on. I need some pushing from you. You already started to bring him out and you need to finish it." "You mean your not c-sectioning?" Craig asked. "No, the shock must have induced labor." "Push?" Rachel asked. "Yes." She started to push and passed out and the machines went off. Loud beeps. The nurses pushed us back and went to work on her. It then dawned on me what was happening. This birth was putting too much strain on Rachel. Her body was shutting down from the trauma. The problem being, the baby was halfway here. So she had to push. And overtime she pushed. She knocked herself for a loop. They stabilized her again. This time her eyes wouldn't open. "Craig, we need your say on this." Dr. Hannigan started, and in my gut I knew what they were going to say. "You need to tell us this now. Both are in jeopardy. I will be honest. The bullet entered and exited her lung. Her lung is on the verge of collapse. She has lost too much blood. But until the baby is out of her we can only stabilize her. The baby needs to be out. There are too many risks involved. Who is primary, Rachel or the baby?" Before he could answer Rachel's eyes flashed open. "You save this baby before you think of saving me," she gasped out. "Rachel I...." "Dammit Craig, promise," she said and closed her eyes. Craig took her hand and told her,"I promise." Then he turned to the doctor and told him to go ahead, Right when the cops entered. And told Craig to come with them willingly, or be led out in handcuffs. ****************************************************************************** ********* CRAIG Gut instinct. Fuck the cops. Sensible decision. Do what they say. My decision. "There is no way in hell I am leaving. This girl is giving birth to my child and dying. Because of the man you took away." "Yes sir. Also being the man to assaulted. The man who is pressing charges. Now please, just come with us an answer our questions, or you leave us no choice but to take you away in handcuffs," the cop said. I looked at them and then at Rachel. There was no way in hell I was leaving. "Craig, this is spiking up Rachel's condition. She is hearing. Please trust us and Howie. We will try to pull them both through this. Just go with the cops." Dr Hannigan said. I looked at him and then realized that I had to. And maybe answer fast enough to get back here. "I need my lawyer present." I said. "He is out in the waiting room with your family." I guess I looked shock. "Your mother called him Craig. Remember, he was supposed to be here when Rachel gave birth." Howie said. I turned to Howie. He looked at me and understood. He knew how hard this was. "I'll go, but Howie stay and make sure our child is okay." He nodded. "And Doctor?" "Yes, Craig?" "Don't let my best friend die." "We will try not too." I went to Rachel and kissed her. In my heart I knew she wasn't going to make it. But I had hope against hope that she would. "You can do this Rache, you can. You will give birth and recover and we can be a family. Me. you, Howie and the baby. Just pull through." She opened her eyes and smiled. I turned to the cops and went with them to the waiting room. My lawyer was there, along with my family and Jeff? "I came as soon as I heard," he said. "What?" "There was a news report. The lobby is swamped with fans," he said. "Sir, we need to question you now," the cop said. "Fine." "Do you know Mr. Drew Brewer?" he asked. "Is that his name?" "Do you know him, sir?" "The name is not familiar but he is, he has been following me for a while now. "He has?" the cop asked. "Yes." "And why didn't you call the police about it." "Listen, you know who I am right?" He nodded. "Then you know that celebrities have people following them all the time." "Yes, but that gives you no reason to assault them." "Assault him? He's lucky that's all that happened. Have you been paying attention. He just shot my friend. My pregnant friend. Making her go into labor. And did you know she is in their right now giving birth and more than likely is going to die!" Someone gasped and the room was silent. ****************************************************************************** *********** RACHEL Pain. Hurt. Darkness. This was my life. Always full of those three. Since I was little. Wanting to be loved but never being the one that people want to love. Little girl trying to get mommy's attention. Mommy is playing with the new baby. Look at me mommy. Look at me. Little girl, a little bigger in school. The last one picked. The last one invited. Big girl. High school. Finally popular. Sex is the key. Craig. Cute. Love. Best friend. Wedding. Mommy finally paying attention to me. Loves Craig. I love Craig. Spend my life with Craig. Craig is gay. Won't turn straight. Drew. Handsome. Loving. Drew. Handsome. Abusive. Missed periods. Calculating. Craig. Find Craig. See Howie. Craig is happy. Time with Craig's family. Love AND attention. Being liked. Pain. Hurt. Death? Darkness then bright light. "Rachel? Can you hear me?" I open my eyes and see Howie. He is holding my hand and looking concerned. Out of all the guys that could have gone for Craig, he is the best, he makes Craig happy. I want to tell him but mouth wont work. "You cant talk? Okay just listen. Craig is here still. Just busy. You will be fine. Just bear with the pain ok?" I nod. "Your strong and you can do this. They are c-sectioning. Just grip my hand when it gets rough." I feel tears. He wipes them away. He smiles at me. "You know, when I first heard about all this I was jealous. I mean. You know Craig. His one desire is a child. And that was never something I could do. But you come along and can. I was jealous. But I know there is nothing to be jealous of. And I know you will pull through Rachel. The doctor told me that you are doing better than others." Strong tolerance to pain. I know that I am almost gone. He knows too. Strong. Deep pain. Feel like my middle is being ripped apart. "That's it, just grip my hand. The baby's coming Rachel." My child. Craig's child. Not Drew's. Have to tell. "Oh my God. Rachel its a boy. He is beautiful." I look. The doctor is cleaning him. My son. Craig's son. "" "He is fine Rachel." "" "I don't understand Rache." Strength. Please God, strength for this. Then I will go. Please. "" Please understand Howie. Please. "Baby? Blood? C? J?" No. "Wait, CJ is Craig's nick.......the baby is Craig's?" I make my head nod. "He doesn't know. Rachel, why?" I see motion. I turn. My baby. Craig's baby. He is so cute. "Here is your son Rachel." Dr. Hannigan says. Howie takes him and bring him to me. There are tears in his eyes. "tell.....c......tell." "You will." A strange laugh bursts forth. And I feel my lung collapse. The baby cries. I am dying and my child is crying. The doctors fly to me and try to save me. But I know they won't succeed. ****************************************************************************** ************** CRAIG "Did you know that Mr. Brewer is the father of the child Mr. Bingham?" "No, I didn't. But please, explain this to me. Rachel is in there dying. WHY are you keeping me out here?" At that moment, Lieutenant Stone came into the waiting room. I knew him from my dad. He helped him a lot. "Craig, I heard over the system. How is she?" Stone also knows Rachel. "I don't know Stone, this bozo is keeping me out of there." I say gesturing to the cop. Stone looks at him and the guy get squirmy. "Who are you?" "I er um ....bye" he says and bolts for the door. But not before Scott bodyslams him. Stone gets on his radio and tells the sit. I run for the OR. And pray that I am in time. ****************************************************************************** *********** HOWIE One minute everything is calm and then chaos. Rachel gave birth. Revelation that the baby is Craig's. The she laughs and flatlines. The baby is thrust into my arms as they work on her. I move back and look down at him. He is looking back at me. He has the Craig's eyes. And he looks at me as if he knows what is going on around him. I hold him tightly to me. "I swear to you that you will never have to go through anything as crazy as all that again, little one. I am here to for you." I said with tears in my eyes. Took a moment, then it kicked in. This is my son. Well, kind of. I signed the papers naming him that. Craig is going to be so happy. I look over and they are working hard on Rachel. I pray that they can save her and she can be a part of this child's life. She deserves that much. Then a male nurse comes to me and tells me they need to take the baby into the nursery. And I realize I need to tell Craig what is happening. I hand the baby over, but not before giving him a kiss first. The nurse cradles him in his arms and looks at him like a father would. Then he walks to the door. I go out the other door to find Craig. I walk into the waiting room and find chaos. Scott is sitting on top of a cop. Another cop is on the radio while talking to Debbie and Jeff. I ask,"Whats going on? Where are Craig and Sel" "Scott looks up. They took off for the OR. What are you doing here?" "Rachel gave birth and..." "Drew is loose." the cops says. Everyone looks at him. "He had his friends intercept the officers who had him. That is how this bozo got the uniform. There is an APB on him, but we have no idea where he is." "I think I do. Oh God I do." "Where Howie where?" "He is in the hospital dressed like a nurse with Craig's son." "What do you mean?" "I mean that he took the baby from me in the OR. He said he had to take it to the nursery." Stone put that out on the radio. The guy under Scott spoke up. "Drew thinks that child is his. He wasn't aiming at Rachel. He was trying to shoot the Craig. He wants his girl and child back." ****************************************************************************** *************** CRAIG I am almost to the OR when I hear someone behind me. I whip around but find its Sel. "Come on, lets go." she says as she whips past me into the OR. We enter and see only doctors. "Where is Rachel? and Howie?" Dr. Hannigan turns and comes to us. "Congratulations Craig, your a daddy. Rachel gave birth to a fine baby boy." "Where is everyone." "Rachel is in surgery. We stabilized her. Her lung collapsed, but we got to it in time. The baby should be in the nursery and Howie is more than likely there too." I was stunned. A son. Rachel all right. Then it came back to me. "Doctor, how long will the surgery be?" "An hour." "Thank you." We left and headed to the nursery. "Your a daddy now." Sel said. "I know. But we need to get the rest of this figured out. What's happening with Drew and the cops." I answered. We heard pounding footsteps behind us. We turned and saw Scott and Howie. "We're daddy's Howie!" I said and hugged him. "I know. But Craig you need to know some stuff. Drew is on the loose in the hospital. And he has the baby." I feel as if someone sucker punched me. "No." is all I can say. Howie and Scott support me and lead me to the waiting room. We get there and find Stone and Mom and Jeff. The bozo is gone. "Craig, sit down, we have a lot to tell you." Mom says. I do as she says and Stone starts. "Drew is loose. He escaped police custody. He is Rachel's ex boyfriend. He is also the father of the child. He is here to get his baby and Rachel. He was dressed as a nurse and took the child from Howie. We have closed off the hospital and are searching for him. His friends are in custody. I am sorry. I wish I had better news. We believe the baby is safe." "How can you say that? He shot Rachel!" "Craig, he was aiming at you. You luckily were missed. He regrets doing that. He loves Rachel." The key. If I hadn't had bent over I would be ..... dead? "What do we do now?" I ask. "We sit. You of all people cannot be seen. Your going to have to let us find Drew." I sink into the chair. Howie holds my hand and everything looks at me with pity. I pray for a miracle. AN HOUR LATER Dr. Hannigan comes in and informs us that Rachel is out of danger and in the recovery room. To give her twenty minutes and then we can go see her. The twenty minutes drag and we find ourselves outside her door. Us being: me, Howie, my Mom, Sel, Scott, Jeff and five police escorts. Drew hasn't been found yet. I think he got out before they locked down. But Stone tells me that he couldn't have. But all I can think about is the baby. My baby. Or not. Even though I have the papers, Drew has the legal right to his child. God, Rachel, why didn't you tell me this. Maybe...well maybe we could have called him and avoided this. "Now remember, you shouldn't tell her much. She is still recovering." Dr. Hannigan told us. "Then what do I tell her when she asks about her son? I lie? Or do I tell her that her exboyfriend has him?" "Craig, do what you feel is best." he said with a sad look in his eyes. "What's up doc?" "Did Rachel ever tell you she was sick these last few months?" "Sick? Sick how?" "Sick as in she has had diabetes and asthma her whole life. Being pregnant toyed with her chemistry. She has been on meds. But that was all right. Listen any normal person fully healthy would be bad off to lose as much blood as she did. BUT with her condition it has gone worse. The collapsing of the lung was caused from the bullet as much from the crystallizing of her lung from her inhaler. And the blood loss has put her body into a shock. She is not responding to pricking from her waist down. She knows all this. Now my concern is the child. There may be nothing wrong with him. BUT he might have something. When I delivered him he was healthy and kicking, but he needs to be examined. The longer Drew is in hiding the possibly worse it could be." So with this information I went in with my Mom and Howie to see Rachel. She perked up when we walked in. "Rachel, honey, how are you?" my Mom asked. "I cant feel my legs Debbie." "Honey I am sorry," my Mom cried and held Rachel's hand. "Its all right" she said and looked at me. "How is he Craig?" "Who Rachel?" "Our son you bimbo." "I haven't seen him yet." "You were more concerned with me? Get your ass out of here and go see your son. He has your eyes Craig." All three of us stopped. "How does he have my eyes Rachel?" I asked. But I was interrupted when Stone crashed in. "We found him. He is on the roof." "What? Who? Tell me what's happening?" Rachel asked. "Mom stay her with her. Rachel we will be right back I promise I will tell you everything then." Howie and me took off with the cops. We rode the elevator to the roof. We got off and saw the cops had two people against the wall. One was holding a bundle and they both were dressed like nurses. The guy put the child down and then backed up to the wall. A cop grabbed the child and the rest flew over and started handcuffing. He came over to us with the baby. He handed him to Stone who handed him to me. I held the child in my arms and looked down at him. He was a cutie. My eyes watered and I kissed him. Howie hugged me and looked down. Then he looked back at me. "Craig, this isn't him." "What do you mean Howie?" "Your son has brown eyes. This kid has blue." I looked and saw. Then it dawned on me. "Howie, my son. The baby....the other baby....he is MY son. For real?" "Rachel told me while she was in labor." Right then the cops came over. With the two guys. Drew was nowhere to be seen. "Stone! I know where Drew is." ****************************************************************************** ************** RACHEL One of my not so greatest days. I remember everything from the OR. All my thoughts. I thought I was dead the last time I passed out. But now I find that I am alive. Paralyzed, but alive. With a beautiful son. Everything would be all right. As soon as I found out why Craig was acting weird. I had Scott, Debbie and Sel with me. And they weren't talking. I had so many questions, but was getting no answers. Then everything was revealed with the opening of the door. And Drew standing there. With my son. And a gun. Before anyone could do anything he locked the door and ordered the others to the wall. I prayed Scott wouldn't do anything stupid. But luckily they all thought the same and did what Drew said. He came to me with a smile. "Look babe. Our son. He's beautiful." He leaned and kissed me and showed me the baby. My son. He was squirming and crying. Drew handed me him. "Now, you need to hurry babe, get dressed and we'll get out of here." "Drew, what do you mean? I am not going anywhere wit you." "You have to babe, the place is swarming with cops." I looked down at my son and he looked back at me. He had Craig's beautiful hazel eyes. "But Drew we're over. You said so yourself." "I know babe, and I promise to never hit you again. But look, we have a son. We owe it to him to give him a good life. I want to do for him what my father never did for me." "You took him didn't you?" "Yeah babe, from the latino guy. But I know your fag will be here soon and then we can deal. I mean I am so sorry about shooting you babe. I was aiming at him." "And that makes it better? That's attempted murder Drew. How do you think they are going to let you loose? They are going to imprison you." Debbie yelled. He whirled around with the gun. "Shut up! This is all because of your fag son. He took my girl away from me and now he is trying to take my kid." "Drew, I gave him the baby. It was my choice." "Wrong babe, he is my child to and I have a say in the situation." I couldn't tell him that the baby was Craig's. He was too tempered. He might do something stupid. "Well, we cant go anywhere. I cant move." "What do you mean?" "She means you paralyzed her dumb ass." Scott said. Drew looked at me with tears. He came to me and hugged me and the baby. "Rachel I am so sorry. I didn't mean to. Oh God." Enter the cavalry. Craig, Howie and Stone stood at the door. "Freeze Drew." Drew turned. "I don't think so cop." And the next thing he did was put the gun to my head. "Me, her and the baby are leaving. Fully pardoned." "How do figure?" Craig asked. "This way fag. You let me leave with my girl and child and I don't kill you." "What if we told you the child wasn't yours Drew?" Howie asked. Everyone held their breath. "What do you mean? Who else could it be? You?!" "Yeah drew. Me." Craig calmly said. "I don't believe you would try this." Drew responded. "He's not trying anything young man." Dr. Hannigan said. All eyes went to him. "What do you mean?" Drew repeated. "Simple. Rachel told us in the delivery room that the child was Craig's while you have been avoiding the police, I was in the lab doing tests. On the baby and Craig's blood to be exact." "And." "Craig is the father of this child." "I don't believe you. Any of you." "Its true Drew. I did the math when I got pregnant. The baby is from my one time with Craig." I said. "No, your trying to side with them. I am telling the truth babe, you don't need to be scared of me anymore. I am never going to hit you again." "That's hard to believe when you have a gun to my head." I respond. He dropped his arm and hung his head. And that is when Stone grabbed him. He struggled but gave in. The cops got him and led him out of the room. Craig came over to me and I handed him the baby. He glowed. He held the child and said to him," Hello, son." Everyone cheered. I looked at Craig and Howie hovering over him. "Can I make one suggestion guys?" "Sure." "Can we name him Dominic?" Howie smiled,"I like that." "Me too." Craig said. Then the door burst open. It was Drew. He had the cops gun. "Your dead bitch." he said and pulled the trigger. I felt nothing. The last thing I saw was Craig protecting our son. Then darkness. I'm coming home mommy. ****************************************************************************** ************** HOWIE "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Drew screamed. He had just shot Rachel. Right in between the eyes. She slumped over. Craig held Dominic and I feared for him next. Everyone was frozen. The Drew turned the gun and put it in his mouth. He pulled the trigger and it was over. The cops came in with the doctors. Stone was bleeding. Turns out Drew had faked fainting and got him and his gun. And now, Rachel was gone. We were all ushered out of the room. Craig was in shock. He would not let go of Dominic. I had my arm around him. A nurse came up to us and told us she had to take the baby. Craig freaked. Until Dr. Hannigan came over and assured Craig it was his nurse and that we could go right along and watch everything. We followed her to the nursery and gave her Dominic. And watched her as she did all the normal procedures for a newborn. Hours passed and we stayed in the nursery. Craig would not leave and I wouldn't either. The family came and saw the baby. And that was when we heard everything. Rachel was dead. Drew was dead. And the papers were in order and we were the parents. Such sad things for what was supposed to be a happy occasion. Hours passed and it was the next afternoon. We had fallen asleep and I woke up to AJ's face. I jumped up and saw Craig wasn't next to me. "Where's Craig? What happened?" I said. "Whoa, calm down D. He's okay. He is in the nursery feeding Domininc. Wow. Your both freaking out. What happened?" "You don't know?" "No, we just got a call this morning from Debbie to come here. Where's Rachel?" "Oh shit." "What's wrong D.?" Brian asked. I looked up and saw all my friends were here. Taking a deep breath I told them the whole story. They hung on to every word. When I was finished my eyes were dripping and so were theirs. We all got composed and went into the nursery. I saw Craig with Dominic in his arms. It was the coolest thing I had ever seen. Then I realized I needed to call my parents. I turned and ran into Debbie. "How are you?" she asked with concern. "Okay. I thought maybe I should call my parents." "Actually, I called them last night and they are on their way. The should be here in an hour." "Thank you." We hugged and then went back into the nursery. ****************************************************************************** ****************** TWO DAYS LATER CRAIG We are loading Dominic into the car. Its his homecoming. And I couldn't be happier. With all that has went on these past two days, I need to just be at home with my family. I have spent every waking moment by his side. I just never want to take that chance that he will disappear again. Along with Howie he is my life. Howie has been great these last two days. He loves my son as much as he loves me. When I fall asleep Howie is there with him. Holding him, singing to him. I am sad. Rachel shouldn't have had to go. But talking to Dr. Hannigan, I found out that Drew may have done her a favor. How cold that sounds. But its true. Regular child birth was going to be hard for Rachel in the first place. We had already been counting on the c-section. But add to that the shock, trauma and loss of blood and her chances were slim. On top of that the collapsing of the lung. She was lucky to survive the surgery. After the surgery she was drugged still, so she wasn't feeling the effects yet. Which is why he said she died painlessly. But after the wearing off she would have had a lot of pain. And the chance of pulling through after it all wasn't good. A relapse had probably been on the horizon. But my son made up for my loss. He had been tested and he was healthy. We were 75% sure he was totally mine. You see, Doc had been bluffing a bit. While our bloodwork is the same, that isn't 100% positive. So we will have the paternity results within the week. So we were going home with our son. Howie's parents were at the house. So were mine. Yes, my dad was here. I was excited. I get the car seat adjusted. After checking ten million times. And I slide into the driver seat. Howie gets in the passenger side and Sel is in the back. I sit there for a moment. Howie reaches over and grabs my hand and I turn to look at him. No words spoken. Just a kiss. And a smile. And suddenly it seems better. "Ewwwwwww!!!!!!!! No more PDA's!" Sel teases from the back. "My car my rules." I say and kiss Howie again. We laugh and take off. The drive is short to the house. We pull up and apprehension overcomes me. This was where it started. How was I going to go up the walkway and not think of Rachel? How would I feel comfortable? Then I noticed something. The bushes were cut. They were no more than two feet tall now. We got out of the car. I had Dominic and Howie and Sel got the rest. I walked up the walk with my son and saw no signs of anything happening. Only the bench that we had all been sitting on was the same. I would always think of Rachel when I saw that now. But that wasn't a bad thing. Before I reached the door it was opened and my Mom and Paula were standing there expectantly. "Hurry! We want to see our grandson!" Paula teased. I walked in and she took him. I looked around and saw all my nearest and dearest. Mom, Dad, Scott, Sel, Beth, the twins, Stone, Hoke, Paula, Angela, Polly Ana, Johnny (Howie's bro and sisters), their kids, and the rest of my family. Love filled the room. Regardless of what had happened, love would prevail. Right? ****************************************************************************** **************** Next up...the Finale. Questions, comments, all that good stuff should be directed to Thanx. :P