Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999 19:27:21 EDT From: Subject: Nobody but You 4 I already said it, it's fiction. I hope you like it. Whether you want to say something good or bad Email . Pretty please, with sugar on top? I like knowing what ya'll think. ;) Oh wow people, sorry this took me so long, life has been beyond strange around here. I hope someone still cares about this stupid story.... The two entered the hotel room giggling, both already half asleep. "AJ, Why do I feel like I'm in Mission Impossible?" "How should I know, ya moron." "Well who are you sneaking around to avoid, and why did you make be run into a wall?" "It isn't my fault that the building was that close behind the bush." "Ok, I'll try again, why did you make me run behind a bush?" "'Cause THEY were going to see us." "Oh of course what was I thinking.... Who the hell are they?" "The guy from White Zombie and the Taco Bell Dog." AJ said nodding seriously. "Yes, and what did you take when I wasn't looking?" AJ threw a pillow at Raine and grinned. "None left for you, so who cares?" Raine tried to look hurt but failed miserably. AJ yawned. "So you can sleep on the couch, or the floor, or the bed, or the bath tub, or the.. um.. the.. uh.. I don't know where else." "Ok, goodnight." Raine collapsed across the foot of the bed. AJ shrugged and decided that wasn't such a bad idea after all. He kicked off his shoes and flopped backward across the bed. Just before he fell into a deep sleep he kicked the phone off the hook. I don't care, he thought sleepily, I am not getting up tomorrow. "Where they hell is he?" Nick exploded "Relax buddy," Brian shook his head. "You've been way to uptight lately. I'll go see, all right?" "No, no." Howie interrupted. "I think I should, something was bothering him yesterday morning and he wouldn't talk about it, and then I didn't see him all day." The others nodded acceptance and Howie left the lobby. "Hey, Kev, you were the last person who really talked to him, what's going on?" "Nick is right." Brian added "I know AJ is never on time, but this is ridiculous for even him. Whatever it is, you can tell us." "I know," Kevin sighed "but I would really rather talk our problems out with AJ first. Actually I thought I had done that but..." Kevin trailed off and shook his head. What went wrong here? He thought. I was sure AJ understood it would just not work out. I wish I had a chance to talk to him, tell him that I do care." "Earth to Kevin." His cousin said uncertainly. "You still with us?" "Yes, of course. This had better be important, we were supposed to be at that meeting twenty minutes ago." Kevin let his responsible side take over once again, shutting out his real feelings. Just then Howie reentered. "Guys, we've got a problem. He didn't answer the door or the phone." "Well are you sure that he could hear you?" Kevin asked "Look, my hands and my throat are raw from pounding on the door and yelling at him, and I tried to call there was no answer, the phone rang twenty times." Howie's concern was increasing but Kevin looked at it another way. "Trust me, nothing is wrong with him, if he want's to be a jack ass and do this to us, fuck him. Now come on, we have a meeting to get to and I will not be any later than I have to be." "Jeez, Cuz. Why don't we.." Brian tried to calm him but Kevin's dark glare left no room for argument. Up in the room AJ sat on the bed staring at the door. He'd forgotten about the meeting entirely. He sighed and looked at the clock. Why didn't I just answer Howie? But he knew he didn't need to ask that, right now he just wanted to stay there with Raine. All these years and his friends, his so called "brothers" had never noticed his pain and worse than that Kevin had discovered it and thought nothing of it. Then, by pure chance, he'd met this guy who, in one night, had brought to light everything he'd always been afraid to face. No one had ever cared and AJ just wasn't willing to risk losing this chance to have someone. Raine lay still with his eyes closed wondering silently why this was happening, why was he even still here. Obviously AJ was expected elsewhere but he'd ignored that. What did he want from him, probably more than Raine had to give. In his 20 years of life there had hardly been anyone he could fully trust but out of the blue last night there was his knight in dingy armor. AJ had told him everything, confided in him totally and he had done the same, they had so much in common. That frightened Raine to no end. AJ looked down to see Raine gazing up at him. "Good morning and might I add, you sleep like a rock." Raine smiled, suddenly all doubt he'd had faded. AJ gave him nothing to fear. "Maybe I do or maybe all the hair dye has gone to your head and you've been hallucinating." "Hey now, watch it there little boy." "Little? Oh now you are asking for it." Before Raine could move AJ pushed down on his chest with both hands. "AJ buddy, what's bothering you?" "Nothing." "It's not nice to lie, you know." AJ remained silent just looking at Raine. "Where are you supposed to be right now?" "Just a stupid meeting with the stupid band about the stupid tour and the stupid album." "Am I sensing a little hostility here?" "No." "Well for future reference, a heart cannot beat with this kind of pressure on it." "Oh Jesus, I'm sorry." AJ pulled his hands back. "It is all right, I swear. I just want to know that you're ok." AJ studied Raine closely for a long time before answering. "Yes, I think I will be ok." He sounded surprised at his own words. Raine felt uneasy but for all the wrong reasons, all he was worried about was why AJ's behavior wasn't bothering him. Those looks, the feel of AJ's hand resting on his stomach, his strange words. All that should be bothering Raine, yet no matter how hard he tried it didn't, in fact, it felt good. "AJ, has anyone ever told you that you're beautiful?" "What??" AJ raised an eyebrow in surprise. "You are a very beautiful person, your soul, I love looking into your eyes. It's so strange when you connect with a person this quickly. I want you to know that I seriously want to be your friend." "I keep hearing that line." AJ sat back as he realized Raine had spoken the words along with him. "How did you know what I was going to say?" "Lucky guess?" "Do you believe in fate?" "Most definitely, my dear Alexander." "We were supposed to meet last night, weren't we." "I think that is a possibility, in everyone's life there are a few people that they are just meant to be with. I think I have three now." AJ looked at Raine, confused. "Chris and I connected the day we met, we were both working in an independent fed, we were set in a match against each other and became partners before the bout was over. Then there is Katie, she lived next door to me when we were little, we were born in the same hospital on the same night. We also ended up in the same preschool class. She has been my best friend ever since." Raine smiled and reached up to run his fingers through AJ's hair. "Last night I met you..." He trailed off. AJ closed his eyes and sighed. What was he going to do, Kevin broke his heart but he still loved him. On the other hand he had this beautiful boy right here in front of him that he already felt so close to. He was certain that he could fall in love with Raine and that would kill any chance he had with Kevin. No, Kevin already made it clear, he didn't want AJ and AJ felt he deserved to be happy, Raine could make him happy. "Forget it." AJ spoke softly. "Wha ?" Before Raine could get his question out AJ leaned in and kissed him quickly. He sat back gazing at Raine hopefully. "What was that for?" "I want you." AJ stated flatly. "Yep, that sounds romantic to no end. Raine rolled his eyes looking up at the ceiling. "You already said it, we were meant to be together." "I said friends, Alexander James." AJ frowned. "Don't you do this to me." "I thought you had confessed you love for another..." "It was a major fucking mistake." "And this wouldn't be?" "Does it feel wrong to you?" Raine could not argue with that. He looked back to AJ slowly and nodded, smiling slightly. He grabbed the front of AJ's t-shirt pulling him down. Raine then gripped the back of his neck and kissed AJ firmly, pressing his tongue between AJ's lips. AJ squirmed around until he was over Raine and took control, kissing him deeper. AJ carefully pressed his weight against him and heard Raine groan at the contact. AJ moved down, kissing Raine's ear softly, then further to suck at his throat. Raine sighed with pleasure, rubbing AJ's back and shoulders. While slowly grinding against him AJ reached down to open Raine's jeans. He'd just gotten the first button undone when he felt his hands being pulled back up. Raine broke their passionate kiss, whispering, "No, wait." AJ tried to hide his hurt. "What did I do?" "It's nothing like that, I just think it's too soon. I mean, don't you?" "I guess but I really want this." Raine smiled. "Trust me, so do I but I want to do it right." AJ grinned at him. "You are so great, I was lucky to find you." "I know that." AJ punched him playfully. "You are so full of yourself." "Raine considered it briefly. "I'm not sure but I don't think I could manage that..." "Eeewww, get your mind out of the gutter." AJ laughed "Maybe someday, Angel." Raine leaned forward and kissed Aj softly. "Do me a favor?" "Anything you want." "Well, aren't we the eager little boy. Can we go back to sleep a while?" AJ smiled warmly. "That, my dear Watson, is an excellent idea." Howie paced the room nervously, gripping the phone tightly to his ear. "Answer the damn phone." he muttered in his frustration. "Uh, wha..? Hello?" A groggy voice came over the line. "Man, Bone, where have you been??" "Huh... D? Is that you? What time is it?" "Jeez, yes it's me. Are you ok." Howie's tone turned to worry. "Yeah... Oh, yes, I'm fine. I was just asleep." "At four thirty in the afternoon??" "Well, yes." AJ realized he did not want to deal with his friends next line of questioning. "You either went out and got drunk again last night, or you brought back a girl. Which is it?" After a few moments of silence he knew AJ didn't want to answer him and continued. "Come on man, you know you can tell me. I was just worried about you, it's not like you to miss an important meeting." AJ sighed with resignation. "I didn't get drunk." He stated simply. "Is she still there?" Howie sounded surprised. "Uhm, yes..." "And why are you acting so weird? You were never shy about the girls you picked up before. Is there something special about this one?" AJ thought for a moment and decided it was now or never. "Yeah D, he is special." "What is her name, how did you meet her?" "Howie, did you hear me?" "Of course, you said she was special." "Damn it." AJ muttered quietly. "Yea buddy, I did say that HE was special." Aj accentuated the word he as much as possible. "Oh no no, you're messing with me right?" "No, why would you think that?" "This isn't funny, AJ." "I'm not joking." AJ said softly, regretting bringing it up "You know, this is none of my business. I'd better go. Talk to you later." Howie slammed down the phone and AJ sighed in frustration. Great, he thought, I try to be honest and this is where it gets me? Well who cares anyway, they will just have to deal with it. "Are you all right?" Raine asked carefully. "Uhhuh, I'll live." AJ shrugged "Good, 'cause I gotta go." "What, why, where?" Raine chuckled. "It is nothing like that. I have to work. Hey you are welcome to come see the show." "I don't know about that, I've never even watched wrestling before. I always thought it was fake." "You thought what!?!?" Seeing the surprised look on AJ's face Raine couldn't contain he laughter. "You need to relax, I was only kidding ya! It is fake, dear. I'm an entertainer just like you." "I don't think it is quite along the same line, Raine" "Ok, so you have a point. In my line of work you actually have to have talent." AJ swatted at Raine trying to appear offended. "Ok buddy boy, I'll come watch your little show but I'd better be impressed or you're in trouble." Raine yawned as he stood up, stretching. "A shitload of well built, greased up, half naked men? I think you might like it." He smirked slightly, heading for the door. "I'll meet you at the JAR in an hour, Hon." He paused again just before closing the door. "And you know what? I think you're pretty special, too." There you go everyone, I'll go send this in right now to appease all the loving fans that have sent me violent e-mails. (j/k) I promise I will work on the next part asap and have it out WAY sooner than I managed this, ok? Feel free to drop me a note, I'd love to hear from you.