Date: Sun, 7 May 2000 19:48:53 EDT From: Subject: Beryl Saga 8 Hey all! Miss me? I hope I had you waiting on the edges of your seats for the next chapter! If not, then, oh well! Anyways, sorry for taking so damn long! I've just been really busy! Ok, so anyways, without further ado, here you go! "Ok, just put it between your thumb and index finger and throw it either underhand, upper-hand or side-hand." JC said demonstrating each way to throw the knives, "Got it?" They all nodded their heads and tried it. After an hour of practice, they got it down pretty good. "Ok, now that we got that down, we need some stakes." Joey said. They went back to the weapons chamber and loaded up on stakes and wooden crosses. "Time check!" JC said. "A quarter to 10." Lance said. "Ok, what else?" "Wardrobe!" Justin said. "Black leather?" Joey asked. "No, we need something more free." JC said. "I got it!" Justin said. He snapped his fingers and a bright light rose from the floor covering them. When the light passed, they were all dressed in suitable clothes. They all had on the same thing, a tight black crew shirt, a black tech vest, and black cargo pants. "Perfect!" JC said, "Now transportation." "The stuff in the basement!" Joey said. "Let's go then!" They went over to the elevator, got in and exited on the lower level. "Wow!" They all said upon turning on the lights. There was a gas pump, various mechanic stations, a lot of tools, and as Beryl said, the 2 motorcycles and black firebird. "Why does this look like a garage in a train station?" Justin asked. "Whatta yah mean?" Lance asked. "Well there's a whole bunch of stuff like at a car shop, obviously for fixing up the wheels. But, what's with all the signs and tunnels?" "Where?" "He's right!" JC said, "Look, that one says, 'Uptown and the Bronx', that one says, 'Downtown and Brooklyn', that one, 'West Side and New Jersey', and that one, 'East Side and Queens'!" "Those are secret passages." Joey said. "But we can see them all." Justin said. "They probably lead to those places underground and come out a secret passage." "Ok, who's taking what?" JC asked. "I want the Ninja!" Justin said. "I want the Harley!" Joey said. "I guess that leaves us with the car." Lance said. "Ok, do a fuel check and we'll find the keys." JC said. They all went to their respected vehicles and found that the keys were in the ignition, but all needed some gas. After filling all of them up, Joey said, "What's this?" "What?" Lance asked. "This!" Joey said holding up a headset that was in the helmet to the Harley. "Looks like a headset to a walkie-talkie." "There's one here too." Justin said. "What about the car?" "Let me check." JC said, "Nope." "Hmm . . ." Lance said scratching his head, "Try turning on the car and bikes." They started them all up and various lights went on. "Ok, something tells me these aren't regular motorcycles or cars!" Justin said. "Just as I thought; they're to communicate while you're on the bikes and we're in the car. Put them on, watch!" Lance said as he got back in the car and pushed 2 buttons, one labeled 'Ninja' and the other labeled 'Harley', "Can you hear me?" "Yeah!" Justin and Joey said. "Can you hear us?" Justin asked. "No." Lance said stepping out of the car and walking over to one of the bikes, "You see that button that says 'Car'? Press it and try again." He walked back tot he car and heard them talking, "Ok, it works. Ok, your console is set up pretty much like the one in here." The 3 vehicles had some different special features, but were pretty much designed the same way. They all had engine silencers, booster speed, ejection seats with parachutes, cloaking devices, a mini computer with a digital map and internet access, a remote control, and an electronic fused with magic force-field. The Harley had 2 ultraviolet lasers mounted on the side of the wheel frame. The Ninja had one mounted on the wheel guard. The car had 2 mounted on the ends of the hood. The car also had 2 grappling hooks that shot out right below the headlights, bulletproof glass windows, a sunroof for the ejection seats, master controls for both motorcycles, and the computer was more of a laptop than a mini computer. "Ok, time check!" JC said. "Five to 11." Lance said. "Ok, so let's get going!" "Ok guys, log on to the system, Josh you're driving. Let's get going!" Justin got on the Ninja and Joey on the Harley. They both put on their headsets and helmets. JC and Lance got in the car. JC was in the drivers seat and Lance was in the passenger side. They buckled up their harness style seatbelts and Lance flipped the dashboard monitor up and the glove box keyboard out to him. He booted up the system, logged on and said, "Can you hear me?" "Yeah." They both said. "Ok, I'm sending over the location of the warehouse now. The map will highlight the route we have to go." "Um . . . Lance?" JC said. "Yeah?" "How do you know what you're doing?" "I . . . I dunno . . . I just do." "Smells like someone has a new power!" Justin said. "You think so?" "That would explain it." "Ok, can we fawn over Lance's new power later please? We only have an hour till the ceremony!" Joey said. "Yeah, let's go!" Lance said, "We're going downtown. You two go ahead and we'll be right behind you." "Copy that!" Justin said as he revved his engine and headed into the tunnel, wheels screeching. Joey followed right behind and after a couple of minutes the car caught up. "Ok guys, your helmets should have a button on the side that turns on the night vision in the visors." Lance said. "Thanks Scoop! That's way better!" Justin said. "Ok, so it's me and Justin through the docks, and you two through the roof right?" Joey asked. "Yeah. You guys try and find Chris and we'll free Beryl." JC said. "Ok, listen up!" Lance interrupted, "On this next right turn we're gonna come up to the surface, then it's about a 15-20 minute drive." "It'll be close, but we'll make it!" ----------------------------------- Lord Samuel stood in his quarters with Sarah. She was painting symbols on his bare chest with baby's blood. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" She asked. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Well, we know that they are coming to save their friends, and I know how important this ceremony is, but, you're going out there without your armor. You'll be vulnerable!" "Are you implying that I'm weak?!" "N . . . no, never!" "As I told you, I have something in store for them." "Yes, but what?" "They will know what true fear is!" "What are you planning?!?" "You'll see!" ----------------------------------- "Chris, wake up! They are on their way!" Beryl said telepathically. "What if they don't get here in time?" Chris responded. "Have faith! They'll be here!" ---------------------------------- "Ok, we're within 5 minutes of the complex." Lance said, "I'm muting the engines so they don't hear us." "Looks like security's tight!" JC said as they got closer and saw a team of vampires on guard. "I'll take care of them!" Joey said as he slowly pulled up to the group. The guards stood there on watch and were prepared for an attack. As Joey sat on his bike, a target appeared on the screen of his visor. When the target locked on, Joey said, "Fire!" The 2 lasers rapidly shot all 6 of the vampires in the heart and they vaporized. "Whoa!" Justin yelled in excitement. "Ok, now is where we do the impossible, sneak in without anybody noticing." Lance said. "Or at least take out everybody that does before they get a chance to tell anybody else!" Joey said. "Basically!" JC said, "Ok, you guys go down that way and do as planed. We gotta go up." "Josh, how exactly are we getting up there?" Lance asked. "Here, take this and aim for that pipe up there!" JC said handing Lance a grappling hook. "Whoa . . . Just like Batman! Where'd you get these?" "Beryl's, now let's go! We only have a few minutes!" ----------------------- Justin and Joey crept their way down to the edge of the dock. There was a ladder leading down from the boardwalk to the loading dock. "I'll go down first and blend in, so I can clear the area!" Joey said, "I'll let you know when the coast is clear." "Cool!" Justin replied. As Joey stealthily climbed down the ladder, he saw 3 vampire guards playing cards. He slowly walked over to the table, knocking over a crate, as he got closer, it hit the floor and the vampires jumped up from the table. "What the fuck was that?!?" One of them said. As they looked around, they saw a black and white cat jump on the table. "Just some stupid cat!" Another vamp said laughing. "Get outta here!" The 3rd one said exposing his vampire face and hissing. The cat hissed back, jumped off the table and crawled under it. They all sat back down and were about to play again. The table was suddenly pushed up, hitting each of them in the chin, making them fall back in their chairs. Joey broke off a leg of the table and stabbed each of the vampires. "Coast is clear!" Joey telepathically said to Justin. Justin climbed down and ran towards Joey. "Hey, I got some more beer! What the . . ." A vampire said walking out a door that led to the basement. "DUCK!" Justin yelled to Joey. "PIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCAAAAAAAAACCCCHHHUUUUUUUU!!!" Justin yelled as Joey flipped out of the way and a bolt of lightning shot out of Justin's hand, hitting the vampire in the chest and electrocuting him. "Come on, let's go find Chris!" Justin said after the vampire turned to dust. They sneaked around the lower level; every so often they encountered a few vampires. After about 5 minutes they saw a heavily guarded cell, and figured that's where Chris was being held. "I'll take those 2 on the right, you take the ones on the left." Justin said. "On 3!" Joey said, "1 . . . 2 . . . 3!" They charged in and quickly killed the guards with a stake to the heart. Four other guards heard the commotion and joined in on the fight. Trying not to gain too much attention, Joey and Justin worked together to kill the vampires as quickly and as quietly as possible. Justin using his magic, and Joey using his shape shifting, they managed to kill the four guards within seconds. After killing them, they tried opening the door, but it was locked. "I'll take care of the door." Justin said. He stuck his hands up, put them together and put them in front of the middle of the frame of the top of door. He pulled his hands apart and traced the frame of the door. When he brought his hands back together, a red glow filled the cracks around the frame. "Get against the wall quick!" Justin yelled. Chris was inside the cell still in chains. He had heard the fighting, saw the door starting to glow and heard Justin yell. He was relieved that they had finally come and was impatiently waiting to be freed. The door exploded, blowing out into the hallway. Joey and Justin ran into the room and Chris said, "It's about fucking time! Now get these off of me!" "Hmmm . . . magic chains. Ok, this'll only take a second." Justin said. He stuck his hands out, palms facing down towards the chains. He closed his eyes and started chanting an almost inaudible spell. The chains started to rattle, and as he continued to chant his spell, the chains melted, setting Chris free. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "You ok?!?" Justin asked quickly looking up at Chris. "That wasn't me!" Chris said, "That came from upstairs!" "Beryl! Come on, let's go now!" Joey said leading the way out of the cell. ------------------------------------------------ JC and Lance reached the top of the roof, and just as planned, no guards were posted, all that was there was the skylight, which they planned on dropping down from. "So, how do you wanna do this?" JC asked, "We could just drop down without anything, or we could use the lines of the grappling hooks." "I say we get a running start from the ledge, flip in the air and crash through the skylight, total Batman style!" Lance said getting amped up. "What is it with you and Batman today?" "Come on! The house, the car, the motorcycles, the grappling hooks, its totally like Batman!" "Whatever, never mind that!" "I'M BATMAAAANNN!!!!!" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" "What was that?!?" "It's Beryl, come on! Let's go! On 3!" JC said as he pulled Lance along with him the edge of the roof, "1 . . . 2 . . . 3!" -------------------------------------------- "Tilt the table towards me! It is time!" Lord Samuel said while walking in a black velvet robe, towards Beryl, "In just a few minutes, you'll be dead, and I'll be restored to full strength once again! And not even your pathetic little friends, who I know are here already, can save you!" "We'll see about that!" Beryl said. "Enough! Sarah! Bring me the baby's blood!" "Here you go my lord!" Sarah said, handing him a bowl full of baby's blood. "You won't be needing this!" Lord Samuel said ripping Beryl's shirt off. He started to paint symbols on Beryl's chest, similar to the ones on his, and as he finished, he shouted "Let it begin!" On a table beside him were 3 knives, 2 regular ones and the curved one. He took the 2 regular ones and stuck one in each palm of Beryl's hands. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Beryl screamed in pain. "That's right! Let me know how much it hurts!" "FUUUUUCK YOU!!" "You'll pay for that one!" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Beryl screamed as the other knife was stuck in his palm. "You know, slayers blood is very valuable. Now for the part where I slowly cut your heart out and . . ." TBC . . . Hee hee hee . . . you gotta love the cliff hangers! So my dear fans, let me know what you think! Email me at LATER!