Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1999 22:20:26 EDT From: Subject: NSYNC & the Vamps 6 Sorry to leave you hanging, but hey, I like that cliffhanger thing! I'm getting used to it, and pretty good at it too, I might add. Wouldn't you say? Anyways, no special speeches or nothing, here you go! Enjoy! "Now, one of you tell us what the hell happened up there!" JC said as he and Chris sat across from them. "Well, I had this dream!" Lance began. "Me too!" Justin cut in. "Yeah same here!" Joey said immediately after Justin. "One at a time!" Chris said, "Lance, you go first." "Well, I had this really weird, scary dream." He continued. He told them all, the dream and they all listened intently. "Oh yeah, and there was this voice that kept saying.." "Open your eyes and I will show you!" said Justin and Joey simultaneously. "Yeah! How'd you know!" all three of them said. "Wait a minute! You mean that all of you had the same dream?" JC asked. "No, but I had that same voice in my dream!" Justin said. "Yeah, me too!" Joey said. "What was your dream Justin?" Chris asked. He told them his dream and they again listened intently. "And just like Lance's dream there was a voice that kept saying `Open your eyes and I will show you!', that shit scared the shit out of me!" Justin said. "Joey?" JC asked. He told them his dream and the once again listened intently. They were all freaked out by the dreams and they didn't know what the voice meant. "Hey Just? What was wrong with you this morning when I went into your room?" JC asked. "DUDE! I saw something last night! It was like around 4 in the morning! There was a light shining from my closet. I didn't know what the hell it was! I grabbed my bat from under my bed and went to go open the closet and see what it was. As soon as I was about to open the door wider, this thing flew out and I fell back! I don't know what the fuck it was but it scared the shit out of me! I crawled into the corner and stood there for the rest of the night, afraid to fall asleep and too scared to call anybody!" he said getting scared again. "What did you see?" Chris asked. "I DON'T KNOW! That's why it scared me so much! All I know is that it was bright and it flew out of my closet. That's all I saw!" "You think it might have anything to do with the book?" Lance asked. "Which, the dreams or the thing he saw?" JC asked. "Both!" "I don't know! Let's look and see if we find anything." JC said as he got up to go get the book. "NO! I don't think that's a good idea! I think you should just get rid of it!" Justin said getting up and going for the book. "Let go!" "NO! I'm getting rid of this thing!" They were struggling over the book. The rest of the guys got up and went to go try and stop them from fighting. Joey grabbed Justin and Lance grabbed JC. Chris went for the book and when he got it out of JC's hands, his hands flew back and the book flew out of his hands and onto the floor. When it hit the floor it opened and they all looked at it, scared to see what might happen. The book lay there on the floor open. All of a sudden the pages started to turn rapidly by them selves. "What the fuck is going on?!?" Lance asked looking at the book scared out of his mind. "I don't know! I think you pissed it off!" Joey said. Just as he said that a light started to shine out of the book. They all crouched back and huddled together out of fear. Just as they did that, something slowly began to rise out of the book. It looked like a lady dressed in all white. "Open your eyes and I will show you!" she said as she rose from the book. "W..w..what the hell is that?!?" Chris asked in fear. "I..I..I think it's that thing you saw Justin!" JC said equally as frightened. "Well, what does it want?" Lance asked. "I don't know!" JC said as he got up enough courage to walk towards it. "Careful Josh!" Lance warned. "W..what do you want?" He asked approaching her. "Open your eyes and I will show you!" she said looking directly into his eyes. He was caught in her gaze. She began to go through his mind. "I know how she got here!" JC said mono tonally. "Josh?" Justin yelled. "JC!" Followed Lance. "I brought her here! She's here to show me." JC said still caught in the trance. "Show you what? JOSH!!" Joey yelled. "JC!!" Lance yelled as he ran up to him and shook him. "She wants to show us!" he said, the shake not snapping him out of it. "Show us what?!? JOSH! SNAP OUT OF IT!!" Lance said as he slapped him across the face. "Huh!?? What happened?" JC said coming out of it. "Thank god!" Lance said as he hugged him. The rest of the guys came, hugged him and then pulled him back. The woman was floating over the book still looking at JC. "What is that thing?!?" Justin asked. "She's a sprit that I summoned to help us." JC said still looking in her eyes. "What do you mean you summoned her?" Lance asked trying to turn JC's head towards his. "Last night, when I was looking through the book, I came across this spell. It was a `spell of understanding' I didn't know what it was at first. I read it out loud and the wind started to blow. Then, I don't know why, but I said it again louder. That time something hit me in my head and I fell to the ground. That spell brought her here. She was sent to help us." "Help us with what?" Joey asked. "The vampires." "What the fuck are you talking about?" Chris asked. "You know what I'm talking about. In all of your dreams, you saw something with fangs. All the people who you saw last night are the people who we met at the club. Though you didn't know it, she was trying to show us what would happen if we went to the club tonight. It was a warning." "But, we didn't make plans to go to the club tonight." Lance said. "Maggie called a while ago and invited us down." "Maggie?" Joey asked as his eyes lighted up. "Yes, Maggie, she's a vampire." "What?!? No, you're just bugging out!" Joey said not believing him. "She is, so is Lael, and Yolanda, and Brady, and Alexander. They are out to get us. Why? I don't know. But they are." "NO! I don't believe you! Maggie's not evil!" Joey yelled. "No, she's not by nature, she is being forced by Lael." "Then we gotta save her!" "We can't. It is too late for her!" "NO! WE HAVE TO!" "WE CAN'T!" JC said turning around facing them. His eyes were lit up. The spirit was speaking through him. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Lance yelled. "I am alright! Do not worry!" JC said. "I don't believe you! She's controlling you!" "Snap out of it Josh!" Justin said slapping him. "Ahh!" JC said as he collapsed on the floor. The guys caught him before he hit the floor and brought him over to the couch. "Josh?!? Are you alright?" Lance asked with concern. "Yeah..I'm..I'm fine. I understand now!" He said rubbing the side of his face. "Sorry about that Josh!" Justin said noticing the red hand mark in his face. "Don't worry about it!" He said getting up from the couch, "She didn't mean to scare you! She just wanted to show you." "Yes, we know!" Chris said. "I did not mean to scare you all so much." The spirit said as they all looked at her "Who are you?" Justin asked. "Who I am is not important, it's why I'm here is." "Why are you here?" Joey asked still scared. "There is no need to fear me Joey Fatone. I'm here to show you." "Show us what?" Justin said getting upset. "Not you Justin Timberlake, him." She said as she pointed to JC. "Why him?" Lance said stepping forward in front of the woman and JC. "He is the one that must fight." "FIGHT WHO DAMNIT, STOP TALKING IN RIDDLES!!" Lance yelled. "The Darkness is what he must fight, and fight he will, with the help of all of you." "Us?" Chris questioned. The woman slightly nodded, and looked back at Lance. "We must get started, Josh Chasez. Are you ready?" JC stood up and walked out from behind Lance and said, "I.......I guess, What do I have to do?" "Open your eyes." The woman quickly flew back into the book and it shut. Justin, Lance, Joey, and Chris stood looking at the book. JC slowly walked over to it. He bent down to pick it up when a knock came on the door. Justin quickly ran and answered the door. When he opened the door he saw Alexander standing there, fangs showing. He jumped on top of Justin and snapped his neck. JC's eyes flew open, he sat up in bed and looked around. It was getting to be nighttime and he looked at the clock, it said, "4:15" Then there was another knock. "Come in." he said. "JC are we going to go to the club and meet up with Maggie?" Joey asked as he peeked in the room. JC tried to remember the dream he had just had, but he could only remember little pieces of it. Something to do with the book, Alexander and Justin. JC shook it off and figured it was just another dream, but something doesn't fit. He remembers waking up and talking to Maggie and they set plans for tonight, but he doesn't remember going back to sleep. "Well are we?" Joey asked again. "Yeah sorry man, let me fix myself up and then we will go." "K, see you down stairs." JC got up and fixed his hair, and his cloths. He left his room and ran down the stairs. "Damn you!" He heard Justin yell. JC smiled. Lance must have beaten him at Mortal Kombat again. He walked into the living room and looked at all the guys. "Well are we going?" JC said as Joey's face grew a huge smile. "Yeah, lets go." Lance said as he stood up. All the guys left and once again piled into Lance's 4runner. This time the ride was a lot more relaxed. No one was afraid of going there tonight. It seemed that they all were at peace with the idea. Knowing that nothing could be wrong with these people, they're just kinda weird. People you don't normally find in Orlando, but are still some out there. They drove for about an hour till they got there. Lance pulled into the parking lot and saw 8 cars sitting there. The all calmly got out of the 4runner and walked into the building. "This is kinda cool." Justin said with a smile. "Why's that?" Chris asked. "I don't know it just kinda is." "Oh god, I can't wait till he gets to be as old as me." They all laughed at him and he laughed too as they got to the big blue doors. There was some people talking into a microphone and you could clearly hear what they were saying. Justin pushed the doors open, and everything went silent. Justin felt weird. You know that feeling when, you feel like everyone is looking at you. Then, all the other guys went in. "Hey you guys can't be in here!" a man said from the back of the room. "It's ok there with me." Maggie said as she came running into the massive room. "Hey guys. How's it going?" "Maggie!" Joey said as he ran and gave her a hug. "It's good to see you too." She said with a laugh. All the guys heard some laughing coming down the stairs that lead up to the Jazz room. "And then he screamed...........Oh, hey guys." Alexander said with a smile. Brady wasn't far behind him still trying to control his laughter. "Hey Alexander." Chris said with a semi, 'I'm not scared smile.' "Please call me Alex, It makes it much easier for me." "Ok Alex it is, so what are we going to do tonight." Chris asked. "Well I was thinking of getting a bite to guys like Italian?" Alex asked with a smile towards Maggie. Maggie gave him an evil stare and said, "No." "God Sis, can't even take a little joke." "A little joke is what you call that thing in your pants." Everyone started laughing. Brady had moved closer to JC, but was still pretty far away from him. "No actually, we still have to work for about another hour or two. Some people didn't show up tonight so they need us to stick around and help a little bit. You guys are free to stay, but it might get pretty boring." Maggie said looking at Joey. "It won't get boring. Not if we put them to work." Brady said with a smile, then an evil glare to Maggie. "BRADY, get your butt over here and help me move this thing!" Yolanda screamed from another room. "K, I will be right there." Brady looked at JC and smiled. "You look like a pretty strong guy, can you come and help me?" Before JC could respond Brady had grabbed him by the hand and pulled him towards Yolanda. "Dude, I don't think this is a good idea!" JC said as they got nearer to Yolanda. "Why?" Brady asked. "Because I kinda ran out of the Kissing room on her." Brady began to laugh. "What's so funny?" "That's why she was so pissed last night." "Oh great, is she going to kill me now?" "No. You only bruised her ego a little bit. She is over it now." They finally got to where Yolanda was working. "Ok, I need you to move all this stuff up to the Jazz room." JC began to look at all the stuff. There were some instruments, some music stands, glasses, plates, and a whole lot of stuff. "Ok." Brady said as he started to pick up the stands. "And as for you JC." she said with an evil smile. "You owe me another twenty minutes back in the kissing room." "Um, I don't think so." Brady said as he began to walk off. "And what makes you say that Brady." She asked with smile. "Cause, I says so." JC grabbed four glass cases and began to walk away. "Nice butt." Yolanda said as she started to turn around. JC laughed as he helped Brady carry the stuff up to the Jazz room. Brady was the first one up the stairs and JC was second. JC looked up and saw Brady's ass. Then thought to himself with a chuckle, "I wonder if she was talking about him or me." They got all the stuff up to the Jazz room, then went into the Kissing room to mover some furniture, Brady sat down on one of the chairs and huffed. "I really hate to do this bullshit." "Why?" JC asked breathing semi hard. "I work here every night. I don't get to go out and have any fun. The only thing that has kept me here is the pay." "Well then it must be good pay. Also good looking women would be the plus too." Brady simply smiled. "You don't have to pretend with me JC." "What do you mean?" "I mean, I know your gay. You just try and play it so well that no one will notice." "I am not gay!" JC said as a smile appeared on his face. "Ok, maybe I was wrong." Brady got up and started to head for the door next to JC. When he got to the door he grabbed JC and kissed him. JC started to fight back, then stopped. He could feel Brady's tongue begin to slip in and out of his mouth. He began to do the same. Their bodies pushed together and JC pushed Brady up against the wall. Still not breaking the kiss. JC had his eyes closed in complete bliss. Brady's eyes slowly came open and grew a yellow tent. His hands began to move down JC's back. JC moaned softly. They kissed for about ten minutes until the door came flying open. "Oh Shit!" Maggie said as she slipped out of the door. JC quickly pulled away from Brady and looked down at the floor. JC thought to himself, "What the fuck did I just do?" "I'm so, so sorry guys. Are you done?" Maggie asked from behind the door. Brady looked at the shame on JC's face. "Yeah, Maggie." Brady said as he looked back at the door. Maggie opened the door and stuck her head in. "Um JC, Lance is looking for you." Brady rolled his eyes. "Ok......t....tell him I will be down in a sec." He stuttered. "Oh and JC?" JC looked at Maggie as he forced a smile. "I won't tell a soul." JC became very clam at that moment. He didn't have to worry about the guys finding out. Maggie came in the room and stood next to Brady. JC left the kissing room not even looking at Brady. "I hope the master does something about Lance soon, I can't wait to kill that fag JC." Brady said as he face changed into his vampire state. "Just remember Brady, what the master said. There is something about him that he doesn't trust." "JC will not be a problem for me to kill. He is just going to be some dinner." "We will kill them all when the master says it's time. NOT before!" Brady's face went back to normal and he walked out of the kissing room. Maggie leaned up against the back of the wall and took a deep sigh. "I only hope, that Joey isn't here when it happens." She said out loud to herself. She left the room and walked back down to the main dance hall. "Hello Lance." Lance quickly turned around and saw Lael standing there. "Oh hey Lael, how's it going?" "Great, I was hoping you would come by. I really enjoyed talking to you." Lance felt awkward, whenever someone paid him a complement. "Thank you, so what are you doing here so early?" "I own the place. It's my last chance, and so far I have been doing really good." Just then JC came down the stairs in somewhat of a daze. "You wanted to talk to me Lance?" "Yes, will you excuse me?" Lance said as Lael bowed his head. Lance took JC by the arm to the middle of the dance floor. "Dude, something isn't right here." "What do you mean?" JC asked knowing something was wrong, but didn't say anything. "I think these people are like stalking us." Halfway across the room Lael heard every whisper that Lance and JC were saying. Yolanda came up behind him and he said, "They're smarter then we thought. We have to be more careful. And tell Brady to put more charm on JC, I don't think we have got him yet." Yolanda nodded and walked off. "I really want to go home." Lance said to JC. "Me too let's go round up the guys and tell them." Lance went and walked back to Lael. JC could see Lael's face go from a smile to a frown. Lance started to walk back to JC when there was a scream. Chris came running out from behind Alex and Alex was all wet. Chris ran into JC hard. Chris fell to the ground and rolled. JC was hit so hard he flew up into the air, but instead of landing on his back he flipped, and landed on his feet. When he landed, his hands were out in a fighting position and his face had no expression on it. "JC!" Lance yelled. JC quickly turned around. And looked at Lance running for him. "What?" "How.....How'd you do that?" Chris asked as he stood up. "I....don't know, I just did it." "Are you ok?" Lance said as he ran up to JC. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine, can we just go?" JC said with a confused look on his face. Maggie and Joey had come into the room when the accident had happened. So had Brady. Maggie walked over to Brady calmly and whispered into his ear, "Do you still think he is going to be that easy to kill." Brady took his eyes of JC and snickered at Maggie as he thought to himself, "Mmmm! A challenge!" TBC.. The cliffhanger thing again! Gotta love it! Anyways, you know the deal, but I'm gonna remind you anyway. Questions, comments, all welcome! Email us at Dtang2000@aol. com and/or