Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2002 16:56:48 -0600 From: Charlie Lambert Subject: nsync complications chapter twelve DISCLAIMER: Hello everybody! You know all this stuff, right? Well, I'll repeat it just to be sure. I do not know the sexuality of any celebrities in REALITY, however, in this little fiction world of mine, they are what I choose them to be. =0) Once again, what I come to call it, the Duh Factor: If you are not old enough to view this material, go away. If you are offended by homosexual material, why are you here? Reminder: Lance's thoughts are in greater than, less than arrows <> and Joey's are in regular brackets []. Charlie's thoughts are in parentheses (,). =0) Special Thanx: Chris and Daniel, first and foremost, that is always a given. James, my main man, thanks a lot for your motivation, its emails like yours that keep me going =0) Special Note: OMG! I can't believe I missed my man's birthday! Sooo...Belated Happy B-day to Joey! He turned 25 on the January 28. Keep up the great work cutie! Sorry it took so long to get this addition out, but once again, I have to remind ya'll, I do have the wonderful college life to deal with, lol. I know have a name under AOL instant messenger if ya'll would like to talk to me personally: collegebites2002. It says so much about what I think of college, doesn't it? =0) Special List: Okay, I know that there is a lot that I have written here, but it's a lot of necessary stuff ;0) People have been asking me what stories I read, soo, here are some of my favorites that I have read and/or follow closely. * JCs Hitchhiker (Duh, a JC story, also with a little Lance mixed in ;0) The Lottery (A really good Joey story that I love) Jamies Romance (A Justin story with JC/Lance as a couple) Lance's Story (A spin-off of Jamies Romance focusing on Lance/JC) Just the Truth (An awesome Kevin story!) Those are the ones that I remember right now, If I remember any more later, I'll be sure to let ya'll know, so, without further adieu. In the previous Chapter: Joey & Charlie officially get the hook-up. Lance and AJ are a couple now. JC wanted/needed more time to straighten some things out before he could pursue anything with Cooper. Breakfast was in the process of being made, and now..... Chapter Twelve Everybody was gathered around the breakfast table, after being woken up by Joey. Joey was sitting next to Charlie and everybody else was spread around the table. Everybody was going to dig in, but Charlie had made them all wait. "Okay, guys, first things first, I'd like to say grace," Charlie stated. Everybody smiled and lowered their heads. "Lord, our father above, please bless this gathering of people that I am happy to call my friends. Please be with us all during our days on this great Earth. Please bless this food and give us the strength we need to make it through the day...Amen." There were many mumbled 'Amens' spoken around the table as Lance spoke up. "That was nice Charlie." "Thanks, I hope you guys enjoy. There wasn't much to work with...considering someone forgot to go grocery shopping," Charlie said, putting an emphasis on the word someone. "My bad!" Cooper replied, being extremely melodramatic. "You guys are a trip," Joey stated. "Yeah, well, we can't help it...we know just how to push each others' buttons," Charlie said, grinning. "So...did you guys all sleep well?" "Relatively," Chris spoke up, "I'm still trying to figure out what I was thinking sleeping down here with Snoring Beauty." Justin grunted a reply, but you couldn't make out any words. "Is he always this chipper in the AM?" Cooper asked. "Normally you wouldn't even get a grunt, he would just sit there and continue eating his cereal," JC chimed in. Chris, noticing the fact that Lance and AJ were remaining relatively quiet, looked up at the two of them. They were completely lost in their own little world, staring at one another across the table. Chris coughed roughly, "Umm...guys...hello?" He took his hand and waved it in front of Lance's face, causing both of the guys to come back into reality. AJ and Lance both simultaneously, "What?" Chris just started laughing. "You guys were off in your own little dream world, anything you guys want to tell us?" Chris wanted Joey and Charlie to tell everybody, but he had picked up on vibe and was running with it. Lance blushed lightly, but it was a little obvious, considering his pale face. AJ took the opportunity, considering he had wanted to tell the guys anyways. He looked at Lance, who only nodded, as he spoke up. "Well, we're a couple." AJ smiled, it felt good trying out that word. Before anybody had any time to react, Joey took Charlie's hand in his own, "What a coincidence, we are too." There was a double take from Justin and JC, Cooper was smiling widely, knowing this would happen. Chris was just grinning from ear to ear, but he was worried about his two brothers. "Good for ya'll," Cooper said, wanting to break the silence. Chris just laughed and smacked Charlie on the back, "Hope you can handle him." He then turned to Lance and AJ, "Congrats guys, I'm happy for ya." Justin finally spoke up, "Woah, talk about missing out...don't get me wrong or anything, I'm happy for all of you guys, but where did that come from?" Lance decided to start, "I honestly don't know, we just kind of connected last night...and we stayed up and talked for a while...and it just sort of happened." Charlie smiled, "I think we started connecting at the hospital. At least for me it was." Charlie squeezed Joey's hand a little tighter. "Joey was just so nice and caring...I think I started falling for him then." Joey just smiled and was about to say something when Chris interrupted him, "Well, welcome to the family Charlie." There were smiles around the table, Chris turned to AJ. "You too AJ." "Thanks Chris," AJ replied as he smiled at Lance. The guys continued small-talk around the table and every time Charlie would look up, Joey would be smiling at him, which would cause him to blush. The guys didn't seem to notice, or they just didn't pay much attention. Breakfast was over pretty quick and everybody was stuffed. Everybody went into the living room to continue their small-talk while their food settled. Cooper took the recliner, while JC, Chris, and Justin sat on the floor. AJ and Lance settled down on the couch, like Joey and Charlie were the night before. Charlie sat on the couch, while Joey sat between his legs on the floor, leaning against his knee. JC spoke up, "Oh man, I've never been so full in my entire life." "It's a miracle," Chris said sarcastically, which caused JC to stick his tongue out at him. "Children, behave," Lance spoke up. "Yes momma," Chris said teasingly. Which resulted in a laugh from everybody else. "So, Lance, we still have some down-time, right?" Joey asked as Charlie was playing with his hair. "Yeah, about a week or so before we have to work on the new choreography." "Good." Charlie grinned, "What are you planning Mr. Fatone?" "Wouldn't you like to know?" Joey said, looking up. "Actually I was kind-of hoping that we could do something tonight." "Sounds good to me, sweetie." Chris made a gagging noise, "Aw man, they're already starting with the pet-names." Everybody laughed briefly. "And what is so wrong with that?" Joey asked. "Nothing really, Fat-one," Chris responded. "Hey! Don't mess with my Joey-bear," Charlie said, wrapping his arms around Joey protectively. "Joey-bear?" Chris asked, with a raised eyebrow. "Yes, he's my huggable Joey-bear," Charlie said, hugging Joey to prove his point. Chris just rolled his eyes, "I guess we should go ahead and head out. I don't know about you guys, but I really need to get some paperwork done today." "Yeah, I'm supposed to go pick Brit up at the airport later," Justin chimed in. "I need to get some stuff done too," JC commented. "What are you planning on doing today?" Lance asked AJ. "Well, I was hoping we could go out and visit Howie and Nick, you know, spread the good news," AJ replied with a grin. "I'd like that," Lance said as he pecked AJ on the lips. Everybody got up and went to hug Charlie and Cooper before they left. Joey was the last to come up to them. He hugged Cooper first and then he turned to Charlie, who spoke up. "So, what time do I need to be ready?" "Six sound good to you?" "Sounds good to me, you know, if you wanted to, you could come by earlier and we could just hang out here for a little while." "You sure, I mean, you don't need to rest more?" Concern was obviously in Joey's voice, as were his eyes. "Yes, I'm positive. I'm not a china doll, ya know?" Charlie grinned. "Okay, well, I'll be back around five, okay?" "Sure thing sweetie," Charlie said as he wrapped his arms around Joey's neck. "Now, where's my kiss?" "Who said you got one?" Joey asked jokingly which caused Charlie to stick out his lower lip and pout. "Come here you." Joey leaned in pressed their lips together, letting their tongues meet momentarily before pulling away. "Nice." Charlie blushed, "Thanks, I guess I will see you in a few hours?" "Yep, see ya in a few. Dress casual." Joey walked out and waved as Charlie closed the door. He turned around to see Cooper grinning from ear to ear. "What?" "Nothing," Cooper said giggling, he turned around and headed towards the kitchen. Charlie just laughed and picked up the phone, dialing his sister out of memory. "Talk." "Now is that anyways to talk to your older brother?" "Charlie!" his sister screamed ecstatically, "To what do I owe this honor?" "Gina, do I have to have a reason to call my little sister?" "No, but you normally only call for one of two reasons..." "...and they are?" "One, you call to beg me to come visit you." "Well, true..." "Two, you call wanting some relationship advice." "Well, two for two, you are good." "You are so crazy, two for two? You mean you already found yourself another man this quickly?" "Actually he found me, sort of kind of..." "Well? Details sweetie, details!" "Well, he's tall...has these gorgeous brown eyes...this extremely sexy goatee...brown, spikey hair...he's so cute too." "Sounds dreamy, well, does this guy have a name?" "Joey..." Charlie was waiting for his sister to put things together. "Joey...does this Joey have a last name?" "You know of him, let me put it that way..." "What are you talking about? I've never been down there, the only reason I know of him is because you just told me about him, all I know is that his name is Joey, that he has...brown eyes..." Gina's speech was slowing down as she started realizing who he might mean. "Gina? You there?" "Please...don''s in the music business?" Gina asked one word at a time. "Yes," the response was immediate. "OH MY GOD! JOEY FATONE?! YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME!!!!" Charlie laughed at his sister's antics, "Sorry babe, but I ain't lying to you." "You mean he's gay?" "Actually, he's Bi, but that's beside the point." "I still can't believe it." "Neither can I, its kind of a long story." Charlie filled his sister in on all the details pertaining as to how he and Joey met, he held nothing back and even told her of what happened with Billy. "That son-of-a-bitch! I'll kill him if I get my hands on him!" "Gina, that isn't going to solve anything, the police are handling it, they'll catch him soon enough..." Charlie's voice was betraying his statement. "Oh, sweetie, I'm they haven't caught him yet?" "No...and it doesn't look like they will either." "Don't worry, I am so on the next flight down." "Just because I'm dating somebody famous, now you are going to come down?" "No, I want to spend some time with my older brother, besides, I can leave the studio for a couple of weeks. I've got enough instructors now." "That's good, so how is you dance studio doing?" "Really good, you have no idea how much business has been rolling in lately, but I'll tell you all about it when I get there. I am going to pack and catch a flight tomorrow, okay? I'm going to call the airport now and find a flight, I'll call you with the details, you going to be home?" "Maybe, maybe not. We're going on our first actual date tonight, I have no idea when I will be back, so just leave a message on my machine and leave one on my voice mail to make sure." "Alright sweetie, I'll talk to you later, you take care, okay?" "Yeah yeah yeah, love you, see you soon." "Love you too, see you soon." Charlie just laughed at his little sister once he was off the phone. Granted she was only one year younger than himself, but she acted like she was twelve sometimes. He was really close to her though. It wasn't just because they were close in age, they had always had similar interests. Which is probably one of the reasons she wasn't shocked whenever he came out to her. After all, how many girls have older brothers that are seriously into boy bands? Not to mention the fact that the both of them loved to dance. They had both taken lessons when they were younger and she had decided to open up her own studio when she turned nineteen. Young, yes, but extremely talented. She was also very disappointed in their parents, who didn't accept Charlie when he came out...sad memories. Cooper returned to the room smiling. "How was Gina?" "Were you listening in on my conversation?" Charlie asked, sarcastically. "No, but seriously, I know you too well. You were dying to tell somebody and of course you were going to call your sister. So when is she coming down?" "Tomorrow'd you know she was coming down?" "I know you guys way to well, its freaky sometimes...I don't even want to go into what I think I going to come out of this date tonight." Cooper grinned from ear to ear as Charlie blushed furiously. "Dork," Charlie replied bluntly, then switched topics, "What's up with JC? He didn't seem himself this morning." "He has some serious thinking to do...some stuff to come to terms with...if you catch my drift. Your lips are sealed by the way." "Ah, gotcha. Okay, lips are sealed. So what are we going to do today?" "Today? Dude, its almost one o'clock as it is. Joey is going to be back here by five, so we can't really go out, now can we?" "Not really, I guess...however, we need to go grocery shopping, so get dressed." "Why oh why do I have to be put through this torture?" Cooper asked no one in particular. ***Meanwhile back at Joey's house*** Joey was on an emotional high. He couldn't believe it had happened that quick and easily. He had gotten to know Charlie pretty quickly through-out his stay at the hospital. He didn't know what it was, but finally admitted to himself that he was becoming seriously infatuated with Charlie. It was just the fact that he was a down to Earth person and didn't expect any special treatment from anybody else. He treated everybody the way he wanted to be treated...with kindness. [Gosh, how lucky can a guy get? He is the first person I've really met outside the group to treat me like a normal guy...then why do I feel this way with Lance and AJ? I should be happy for them. I am...but...why do I feel...jealous? The word is jealous...I can't believe I fell for Lance like that...I'll just have to deal. I have a boyfriend now, I'm falling for him...but I'm still attracted to it just attraction though?] ***Later on that evening*** Ten minutes. Ten minutes until five o'clock. Ten minutes and he would be here. Ten minutes and Joey would be here. (Why am I so nervous? I wasn't this nervous this morning...we've already slept in the same bed for God's sake. I mean...honestly...okay...breathe I'm talking to myself...great, I've lost my sanity already. I am so worried about screwing something up with him, I have so many concerns, I hope he doesn't think I'm whining or something...but I really want to talk about these things...) The doorbell rings and causes Charlie to jump. (Okay, moment of truth...breathe...) Charlie opened the door and there stood Joey. Smiling, with a basket in one hand. He stepped inside and sat the basket down. Charlie closed the door and turned around, Joey wrapping his arms around Charlie's waist as he put his arms around Joey's neck. "My Joey-bear is on time, great start to a wonderful date." "Actually, this could make it an even better." Joey said as he leaned forward and locked lips with Charlie. Charlie could feel his face getting flushed, he was thoroughly enjoying the kiss. He let himself go as Joey let deepened the kiss, but then he slowly pulled away. "Mmmm, that was nice. Why'd you stop?" "I figured you wanted to talk." "You know me too well already, its freaky. What's in the basket?" "That is a secret for now, but what do you want to talk about?" Joey asked this as he took Charlie's hand and pulled him to the couch. Charlie sighed as he leaned into Joey's arms. "I don't want to ruin our first date by having a 'serious' talk." "Sweetheart, if something is bothering you, then lets talk about it. I want us to have an open and honest relationship, so hold nothing back." "You know just what to say to make me feel better, don't ya?" Charlie grinned as he snuggled into Joey. Joey just smiled and kissed the top of Charlie's head. "Well, I started thinking today, about what is going to happen to Billy." Joey tensed a little at the mention of Billy, but he didn't take long to reply. "Don't worry about him, I'm sure the police will find him soon. Besides, you got me now." Charlie just smiled, he felt safe in Joey's arms. He felt safe being with Joey...something that he was missing with Billy. He knew that he would continue worrying about Billy, but decided to push the issue aside for now. Charlie took one of Joey's hands in his own and started playing with his fingers. "That's not the only thing, is it?" Joey asked, already knowing the answer. "No, but its nothing really." "It's obviously something, otherwise you wouldn't be thinking about it." Charlie sighed, he decided just to flat out ask the question. "What do you see in me?" "Huh?" Joey asked, a little stunned by the question. "What do you see in me? I'm not that attractive, I'm still bruised up, I still have this damn bandage on my freaking nose..." Charlie would've continued, but he was interrupted. "Don't sell yourself short. The bruises will heal in time, besides, you have a wonderful personality...your smart...nice...funny...why don't you think you are attractive?" Charlie didn't answer right away, "Because I'm not, nobody has ever found me attractive..." "What about Billy?" Charlie didn't answer, but he just tensed up hearing the name. It didn't take long, despite his trying to hold back, tears started to flow and he started sobbing quietly. Joey pulled Charlie into an almost crushing hug, "I'm sorry, I should stop bringing him up." " deserve to know...he told me..." "...that you weren't attractive?" Joey finished, not believing what he was hearing. How could somebody be that cruel? Charlie just nodded and sobbed into Joey's arms. "At first I didn't believe him, but after a while, I actually started thinking that he might've been right. He said that I couldn't do any better than him, that he was the only one that would ever love me..." "Well, he was wrong, that's all there is to it. He was wrong for doing that to you, he was wrong, because you have me now..." Charlie turned around and looked into Joey's eyes. Joey looked as lost as he felt, but he could tell Joey was telling the truth, he was ecstatic for that and wrapped his arms around Joey's neck and buried his face in the crook of it. "Thank you Joey, thank you so much." "No thanks necessary. You know he was wrong, just let it all out." Charlie sobbed for a few more minutes before he unlatched himself. He sniffed, "You must think I'm just a big baby now..." Joey reached up with his hand and wiped away the tears that were on Charlie's cheek. "No, I don' were lied to...just don't let it rule your life now...okay? Forget about Billy and everything he ever told you." "Okay," Charlie suddenly felt really uncomfortable. "So what's in the basket?" "Hmm?" Charlie just looked at Joey and laughed. "You aren't going to tell me, are you?" "Of course not," Joey said as he pecked Charlie on the lips. "Where's Cooper?" "Upstairs reading, why?" "Well, if you want your surprise, I suggest you go tell him to come help me." "Huh?" Charlie asked, totally lost. Joey started to get up and ushered Charlie toward the stairs, "Just do it, okay sweetie? And stay in your room until I come get you." "I'm afraid to ask, so I'll just play along." Charlie ran up the staircase and knocked on Cooper's door. "Joey's here and he says he needs your help." "Already? You going to stay in your room, right?" Charlie just stared at Cooper in shock, "You guys planned all this out, didn't you?" "I'm not saying a thing," Cooper grinned as he got up from the bed and pushed Charlie toward his own room. "You stay right here." Charlie just sighed and was running different scenarios through his head. (What in the world could they possibly be up to? I'm almost afraid to consider what it could be, especially if it involved Cooper.) Charlie kept himself occupied in his room for about fifteen or twenty minutes before he heard a knocking on his door. "There had better be a red-hot Italian stud standing behind that door." Charlie was starting to love teasing Joey. Joey just laughed as he entered, "You seeing someone else on the side?" Charlie just giggled as he got up walked into Joey's arms, " I get to see my surprise now?" "Of course, but first you have to put this blindfold on," Joey pulled out a piece of black cloth. Charlie was about to protest, but decided against it. "Okay, I trust you." So Joey tied the cloth around Charlie's eyes and started leading him down the stairs. About halfway down the stairs, he detected a certain odor. (Huh? That smells like cinnamon...and...vanilla? What in the world is Joey up to?) Joey was leading Charlie to the center of the room, "Okay, you can take the blindfold off now." Charlie untied the blindfold and stared in shock at the room that, until recently, had been his living room. Now it was full of candles, red and white, everywhere...scented candles, this is why Charlie was smelling cinnamon and vanilla. There were dozens scattered throughout the entire room. The couch and recliner were gone, and in the middle of the living room was a blanket spread out. The basket was on top of the blanket and was open. Inside there were many assorted fruits, apples and grapes just to name a few. There were two wine glasses and a bottle of wine sitting there also. Charlie just gawked at the scene that was before him. " did all this...for me?" "No, I did it for Cooper," Joey smiled teasingly, "Of course I did it for you." Joey finished talking and walked up behind Charlie, wrapping his arms around his waist, nuzzling his chin in the crook of Charlie's neck. Charlie just smiled and leaned his head against Joey's. "This is wonderful, thank you so much." "I figured we could have a little romantic dine-in, and get to know each other a lot better, you know, history wise, family, all that stuff." "You are so sweet," Charlie said as he turned around, wrapping his arms around Joey's neck. Charlie leaned in and soon their lips were touching, he could feel Joey's goatee lightly scratch across his lips as they merged. There was no tongue involved, but it was just a nice romantic kiss. Charlie broke it off and blushed. "You are so cute when you blush," Joey said as he started sitting down, pulling Charlie with him. "Yeah, well, you're cute no matter what." "Thank you much." "Where's Cooper?" Charlie asked, granted he didn't want to ask the question, but he really needed to know whether or not they were going to be interrupted. Just as he asked the question, Cooper entered the room, carrying two plates, "Good evening gentlemen, welcome to 'Cooper's love lounge', I will be your waiter, here is your 'Lasagna a la Fatone and Cooper' Hope you enjoy." Cooper deposited the two plates in front of Joey and Charlie. Charlie just smiled, "Thanks so much Cooper." "No thanks necessary, I'm going to head out and take care of some business, I won't be home until after midnight, so don't wait up," Cooper stated, winking at Charlie. He knew full well that was the question in Charlie's head, he grabbed his coat, keys, and was gone. The couple enjoyed their lasagna and traded childhood stories and of all the details about their earlier lives. It was a learning experience for the both of them. Charlie talked about growing up with his sister and Joey talked about the beginning of his music career. They shared a lot of common interests. They made small talk and somehow, after they had finished eating, Joey ended up laying down, with his head in Charlie's lap. Charlie was feeding him grapes as they just enjoyed each other's company when Joey spoke up. "Charlie..." Joey started. "Yeah Joey?" "I think...I think I...I think I'm falling in love with you." Joey stated, getting comfortable to the words. Charlie was so happy to hear those words it took him a few minutes, during which Joey sat back up. "I'm falling in love with you too." Charlie finished his statement of fact by leaning in and locking lips with Joey, who responded almost immediately by slipping his tongue into Charlie's mouth, they enjoyed that kiss for a few seconds before Joey felt his shirt being lifted up. He was about to question it, but Charlie cut him off, "I want to do this Joey, but only if you want me to." "Its just that I've never..." "Been with a guy? Don't worry, this is all about you tonight," Charlie finished pulling Joey's shirt off and pushed him onto his back. Charlie straddled him and locked Joey's lips in another kiss as he let his hands roam up and down Joey's chest. He started kissing his way down Joey's neck and eventually got down to a nipple, which he took into his mouth. "Oh, Charlie...that feels so good." Charlie didn't respond, instead, he moved over the other nipple and took it into his mouth as well, letting his tongue dance all around it. While he had one of Joey's nipples in his mouth, he was grinding his hips, crotch to crotch. He could feel Joey's erection pressing painfully inside his cargo pants and decided to do something about it. He started undoing Joey's belt and let his hand roam underneath the pants, he started massaging the growing bulge in his boxers. Joey just let out a low groan as Charlie pressed his palm against his boxers. Charlie let go of the nipples and kissed his way down the center of Joey's chest and stomach, following the 'treasure trail' to his awaiting prize. He started tugging on Joey's pants, Joey took the hint and lifted himself of the floor just enough to let Charlie pull his pants down. Charlie grabbed both the pants and the boxers, pulling them down, letting Joey's erection out. By Charlie's first estimate, it was at least seven and a half inches. (I'm going to have fun with this.) It was circumcised and Joey had low hanging balls, which Charlie immediately took in one of his hands as he let his tongue slide up the shaft. "Oh...Charlie...yeah baby..." Charlie just grinned, his own erection pressing painfully in his pants, but he didn't care, all he wanted to do now was bring pleasure to Joey. He let his tongue slide up one side of the shaft and then the other, he paid special attention to the crown, let his tongue wrap around it as much as he could. He decided to take the next step and put his mouth on the head, pausing momentarily before taking about half of the shaft into his mouth. "Oh my God...Charlie...suck it....yeah..." Joey placed his hands on Charlie's head, but didn't force Charlie to take more, he just ran his fingers through the brown and blonde strands. Charlie started bobbing up and down on the shaft, letting his tongue roam all around it. Charlie felt the head poke the back of his throat and decided to go for it, taking a deep breath and ignoring his gag reflex, he pressed his face down over Joey's erection until his nose was buried in his pubic hair. "OH GOD! Charlie...oh my God..." Charlie used the swallowing muscles in his throat, resulting in a deep groan from Joey. He continued bobbing up and down on the shaft, deep-throating it on ever down movement. "Oh, Charlie...I can't last much longer..." Charlie attacked with renewed vigor, knowing Joey couldn't last much longer. This caused Joey to grab a hold of Charlie's head, forcing him down. Charlie just grinned as much as he could, he knew the pleasure he was giving Joey. Charlie felt Joey tense up and he knew what was about to happen. "Oh God, here it....comes...aghhhhhh!" Charlie felt the convulsions running through Joey's shaft as he felt his seed being deposited down his throat, but he wanted a taste, so he pulled back. Keeping the crown in his mouth, he felt the hot splash against his tongue and tasted the saltiness of his seed. It was enough to cause him to go over the edge, Charlie cummed in his pants. Joey shot about six or seven times, Charlie lost count since he was too caught up in enjoying the moment. Charlie continued sucking, wanting to get all the juices he could, but Joey pulled him up. "That was...amazing..."Joey said, trying to catch his breath. He pulled Charlie down for a kiss, and tasted the remnants of his own juices. "Now, how about we take care of you?" "'s a little late for that." "What? You" "Yeah...I was enjoying it as much as you were." Joey just smiled and they shared yet another deep kiss. "I guess we should get cleaned up." After Joey slipped his boxers on, they went around the room cleaning up and blowing out the candles. Once Charlie had changed boxers, they climbed into bed together, both too tired for a shower at that point. "Thank you for tonight," Charlie spoke up. "It was wonderful," Joey started stifling a yawn, "I love you..." "I love you to, Joey Fatone." With that said, the two lovers fell asleep in each other's arms. *** So? What did everybody think? I know it took me a while to get this out and I'm sorry (how many times can I say I'm sorry? ;0) but anywayz, let me know what ya'll think. Feedback is always good, as long as it is constructive =0) What did you like? What didn't you like? I know ya'll are wondering about Lance and the others, but don't worry, I'll be taking care of them in the next chapter. Actually, I'm thinking of making a side-story type deal about the other guys, something like "Nsync complications: Lance&AJ" Let me know what you think! Keep reading and I'll keep writing, luv ya'