Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 21:49:47 EDT From: lictor (at) aol (dot) com Subject: NSYNC_Lance-JC part24 'N SYNC: LANCE 'N' JC CHAPTER 24 ---------- Usual disclaimer applies: This is a work of fiction. It is not meant to imply anything about the orientation, beliefs or anything else about the real members of 'N Sync, the Backstreet Boys, or anyone else depicted here. If you are under 18, or are offended by graphic depictions of homosexual relationships, please go find something else to read. Hey guys, sorry it's been a while and this is a short chapter, but I've been kinda busy (whine, whine). Story content copyright 2000 T. Kevin. ---- Terry woke up early, as usual. He contented himself for awhile just watching Justin sleep, but as cute as the singer was, that activity eventually wore thin. He considered several different ways of waking Justin up, most of them hopefully leading to... fun. But since it was still only seven AM, he decided it wouldn't be fair to wake Justin, who was not a morning person like himself. Instead, he slipped out of the bed to take a quick shower. The house was silent, but as he passed JC and Lance's room he noticed the door was open. Terry couldn't resist peeking in, and was surprised to see the bed was empty and unmade. Where had those two gone? Returning from his shower he found Justin was still asleep, and in fact he had taken over the entire bed in his absence, his long limbs sprawled out in every direction. Terry had to fight the urge to crawl on top of Justin and start kissing him. It was tough but he managed to resist, even when Justin rolled around and kicked the covers most of the way off, exposing his back all the way down to the curve of his round little ass... Terry smirked to himself and turned away before he lost the battle. While he was rummaging in his suitcase he heard more shifting around, then a sleepy, irritated voice said "Why are you up so early? Come back to bed!" "I can't sleep any more. And I need to get to work." "Who said anything about sleep?" Terry turned around and Justin was propped up on the bed, hands behind his head, and smiling at him lasciviously. By the tent in the sheets, something else was up as well. ---- "My back hurts." JC groaned. "Blame the guy who's bright idea it was to sleep outside on a chaise lounge." Lance mumbled, his head half under the quilt. "Oh fine, blame me, thank you very much!" JC growled, but at the same time he wrapped his arms around Lance and hugged him, letting the blond know he was only teasing. For just this moment it was only Lance and him in the whole world... "I guess we should get ready. Dress rehearsal today." They trudged back into the house. Lance heard giggling coming from Justin's room as they passed. "Kids!" he muttered, smiling to himself. JC frowned. He was hearing his mother's voice in his head. "Sodomites! Sinners!" ---- It was a long day for everyone. Terry was secretly relieved to have a full day to work without the distraction of Justin around -- gorgeous though that distraction was. Lynn and Paul left fairly early on errands of their own, so Terry had the house to himself. He needed to get the basic structure of the web site ready so he could have it up in time for the tour opening. While there were plenty of videos and still pictures, they all needed to be edited and sifted through... It was mid afternoon and he was deep in a complex frame layout when his cell rang. "Yes?" he answered shortly. "Nice way to greet your boyfriend!" Justin exclaimed. "Sorry, bud, I was just working and was kinda distracted. How's rehearsal?" "Brutal! Johnny and Darren are crackin' the whip! And if Joey screws up 'Tearin Up My Heart' one more time..." "Hey!!! Nobody's perfect!" Terry could hear Joey holler in the background. "Ah ahm perfect!" Justin gloated. "Well, I won't argue that, but try not to get a big head." Terry snickered. "We're gonna be here late. The crew is leaving tonight, and we'll take off early tomorrow morning for Jacksonville." "Well, I'll see you when I see you." "Yup yup! Gotta go! Love you!" "Love you too." Terry felt himself smile. ---- The guys stumbled towards home after midnight. Lance rubbed his face tiredly and mumbled something about the bus coming for them at six the next morning and everyone remember to set their alarms. After taking a shower, Justin flopped onto the bed on his stomach, wearing only a little pair of blue boxers. "Ah am soooo tired!" He moaned. With a smile Terry closed his laptop and got undressed. Still wearing his boxer-briefs, he climbed on the bed and straddled Justin, then leaned down and began to gently massage the teenager's shoulders and neck. "Ohhhh, I knew there was a reason I liked you." Justin sighed. "That feels so nice man." "Good. Just tell me if I'm doing it too hard." "I like it hard." Justin said, then giggled. "I just bet you do." Not coincidentally, Terry had already gotten an erection. He lowered himself and rubbed against Justin's rounded butt a couple of times, his hardness sliding between the blond's muscled cheeks. "Mmm. Tease." Justin raised his ass to meet Terry and rotated his hips a few times. "You are the tease!" "I wish I wasn't sooo shleepy." Justin sighed. "That's okay babe. Just relax." Terry sat back and continued his massage. It was only a few minutes before he realized that Justin was asleep. He turned out the light and pulled the sheet up over them both. ---- Lance and JC crawled into bed together. Lance wrapped his arms around his lover and pulled the brunet's back to his chest. He felt JC tense for a moment then relax in his embrace. Lance kissed him tenderly on the neck. "Night Josh." He whispered. "Night James." JC sighed. He lay awake long after Lance's breathing settled into the easy rhythm of sleep. ---- The house was pandemonium the next morning. Five guys fighting over the bathrooms, trying to eat breakfast, packing for a trip that would last for weeks... Lance wandered from room to room, coffee cup in one hand and cell phone in the other. "Joey!" He practically shouted into the phone. "Do you know what time it is? Get your butt over here! The bus will be here in half an hour." "I still don't see why we have to go so early." Joey whined. "I guess you forgot the radio interviews and the photo shoot Lou scheduled before the concert -- not to mention our first Meet & Greet!" Lance snapped. "Oh, uh, yeah." "Now move!" "Yes mommy!" Joey sighed and hung up. He actually didn't mind Lance bossing him around... at least that meant he didn't have to try to remember every little thing they had to do himself. "Justin are you almost done?" Terry knocked on the bathroom door. "You can come in, I'm just shaving." "Not like I haven't seen it all anyway." Terry grinned as he slipped inside. Justin had a towel wrapped around his trim waist and was evening his sideburns. "Yah, well you'll be seein' a lot more than you'll ever want to after a few days on da bus. Seein... smellin..." "What, you guys don't wear deodorant or something?" Terry turned on the shower. "Think about it man, a bunch of guys on a bus... we eat junk food a lot. Joey and Chris especially like Taco Bell..." "Ohhh I think I get it." Terry wrinkled his nose. "Yup! Joey can stink up the whole bus." "I can't wait. But for you, I'll suffer." He got behind Justin and wrapped his arms around him, lightly running his fingers over the singer's tight abs. "Hmm, that tickles man." Justin shivered. "Don't make me cut myself!" "Sorry. I guess we can play later on the bus." Terry let Justin go and stepped in the shower. "Well in the hotel room at least. We have to be cool on the bus." "I know. You think Steve is okay with us?" Terry asked as he started to shampoo his hair. "Well, I know Joey is..." Justin examined his face for pimples. "And he'll keep Steve in line. Don't worry about it dude." "Whatever you say, baby." "Whatever I say??" Justin smirked. Terry popped his head around the shower curtain. "Anything." He grinned. "I'll remember dat!" Justin wiggled his eyebrows before sashaying out of the bathroom. ---- The bus wound up being almost half an hour overdue, which was a good thing considering that Joey and Steve were twenty minutes late themselves. It was actually 2 busses, one for the boys and one for the bodyguards and a few support people. The rest of the road crew was already on their way, in less comfortable busses without bunks. The guys staggered out with their bags. Jimmy, their driver, helped load things in the cargo compartment underneath. Everyone seemed to have several suitcases -- Justin more than anyone else. JC finished first and stood next to Justin's mother. "You feeling all right, JC?" She asked in her soft southern accent. "Didn't sleep well last night." He shrugged. "I heard you talked to your parents the other night about you and Lance." "Well, yeah, about me at least. I didn't get to Lance. It didn't go too well." "I'm sorry." She put a reassuring hand on his arm. As a parent I can tell you it is difficult to accept at first. But it helps to see him so happy with someone." She nodded over to where Justin was teasing Terry about something. I know your parents are religious too; it's another issue I had to come to terms with... I'm not sure I have yet completely." "Yeah, that's what my mom's problem was." "I'll talk to them if you think it would help." She offered. JC smiled crookedly. "Thanks for the offer, Lynn. I may take you up on that, but not yet." "You have my number, just let me know." "Okay. Well, better get moving." "I'm sure I'll see you on the road." "Yah." JC loped over and hopped on the bus. The place was already a wreck. Lance and Joey were throwing pillows at each other, Justin was slamming all the cabinets in the kitchen, Steve was throwing stuff out of his bunk and into the aisle while Chris was trying to hop up into his bunk. Terry seemed to be trying to arrange stuff in his bunk on the bottom while Chris was kicking him in the head. Jimmy stood by his seat with his hands on his hips and shook his head. "Boys will be boys." "Yeah well, they'll settle down -- I hope. Let's go!" "Okay!" The diver settled in and closed the door. "We're rolling!" JC shouted. He was pretty much ignored. The bus lurched forward, sending everyone careening backwards. "Hey!" Justin shouted and ran to a window. "Bye mom!!!" He shouted at the top of his lungs and waved both arms. Lynn stood on the curb and waved as they pulled away. ---- For Terry, the bus quickly became a very small, crowded place. Despite having three separate areas, it felt cramped. He tried to work on his laptop in the kitchen, but he was constantly interrupted by one or another of the guys coming from the lounge in the back to use the bathroom or get a drink. His computer was apparently infinitely more interesting than the movie they were watching. "Whatcha working on?" It always started out. "Your web site." "Oh. Cool. Can I see?" "Not much to see yet. I'll tell you when it's loaded on the internet." "Uh, okay." Then the inevitable slack-jawed staring over his shoulder for awhile, then an insightful observation like "You sure type fast" or "Wow, I can't begin to understand what you are doing" or "That's a nice laptop, is that a Mac?" or, the best one, from Joey. "Wow, you really are a computer geek." When Terry was just about to try crawling into his bunk and working there, Justin came bounding down the aisle. "Hey! I almost forgot!" He handed Terry a large shoebox wrapped with last Sunday's comic page. "Your 'welcome to the bus' present." Terry furrowed his brows and gingerly took the box. "Uh, thanks." He turned it over, handling it as if it were a bomb. "Well, open it!" Justin hopped from foot to foot like a child on Christmas. The designer tore open the wrapper and opened the box, which was covered with Warner Brothers logos. Inside was a pair of huge furry slippers... Marvin the Martian slippers. "See, on the bus nobody wears shoes." Justin raised one leg up high (making Terry once again admire his flexibility) to show off his Bugs Bunny footwear. "I got those for you 'cause the Martian guy always has all those goofy gadgets and stuff. Lance has Taz slippers, JC has Speedy Gonzalez, Joey has Porky Pig, and Chris has Mickey Mouse." Terry obligingly took off his Vans and put on the boat-sized slippers. They were hideous monstrosities in dark green, black and maroon, but so over the top that they were kind of fun. "You even got the right size!" He stood up and tested them out. Justin grinned and nodded. 'He must have checked my shoes to get the right size... he's obviously given this little gift a lot of thought; something to make me feel like I fit in.' It gave Terry a funny feeling inside. "Thank you." He smiled at the blond. But Justin pouted. "I was hopin' for a little more in the way of gratitude." "I think that can be arranged." Terry gently pulled Justin against him. The blond put his arms around Terry's waist and they leaned in together. Feeling self-conscious standing in the middle of the kitchen, Terry gave him a little buss on the lips. "Thank you, handsome." "Thassit? I don't THINK so!" Justin smirked and grabbed the brunet's ass, grinding their hips together. Then he planted his mouth on Terry's, his long tongue slithering between the designer's lips. "Oh, here we go! Not even on the highway yet and they are fucking in the goddamn kitchen!" It was Steve, standing in the doorway to the lounge, hands on hips. Of course his comment made everyone else in the room jump up and crowd the doorway to see what was happening. Terry pulled back, but Justin wouldn't let go of him. Instead he turned to the cameraman. "Hey watch the language, Fatone! And you might as well get used to it, you're on a bus with four fags." He punctuated his statements with a little hip thrusts. "We ain't doing' nothin' I haven't had to see you and Joey do the last time we was on a bus together. In fact, Terry an' I still have a lot more clothes on than some of the bimbos you hauled on board." "I'm sure that won't last long." Steve muttered, his face reddening. "We are NOT gonna do anything more in front of you than a little kissin', so don't worry. I'm not interested in givin' you a show, and neither is Terry." "That's bad enough. And you're doing it right in front of the windows! People can see you!" "Nobody can see in unless you are right at the glass." Justin rolled his eyes. Steve turned around, looking for support from the other guys. Chris pretended to try to get a better look. "Hey! I wanna see sex! ANY sex!" JC stared very intently out the window. Lance started shuffling through video games. "Who wants to play Mortal Kombat?" Joey put his hand on his older brother's shoulder. "We talked about this before. Chill out man." He said softly. "Whatever." Steve shrugged his brother off and threw himself into his bunk. ---- Things settled down after that; everyone got into their bunks for a nap except Terry, who was determined to get some work done while the others were out of the way. Before he knew it though, they had arrived in Jacksonville. The bus pulled up to the venue, joining a raft of trucks and other buses. The other guys hadn't even emerged from their bunks when the bus door opened and Melinda climbed on, clipboard under her arm. She gave Terry an appraising look as she stuck her hand out. "So you must be the new web guy!" "That would be me." Terry stood up to greet her. "And you are...?" "I'm Melinda Bell, the tour publicity manager -- I ride in one of the cheap buses. You don't look like a computer geek." She added with a funny smile. It occurred to Terry that she had an idea already that his presence on the 'N Sync bus was not just because he was doing the website. "Uhh, should I take that as a compliment?" Terry turned to shut down his computer, suddenly feeling the need to be doing something -- anything. "Sorry. I guess I imagined the stereotype: nerdy little skinny guy with Coke-bottle glasses, polyester clothes and a pocket protector. You look more like an Abercrombie & Fitch model." "Wow, uh thanks." Terry felt himself blushing, both from the compliment and her unmerciful stare. Just then Lance wandered up, rubbing his eyes. "I should never take naps! Hey, Mel. I guess you and Terry have met." He smiled. "Yeah I was just telling him how he didn't look like a nerd to me. Are you sure he knows what he's doing?" She teased. Lance's mouth worked for a second like he was going to make a smart comment but then he stopped himself. "Yeah, he's good. He just hides his geekiness really well." He winked at Terry and slipped into the bathroom. Terry glanced at Melinda in time to catch her making a very strange face. 'She thinks that Lance and I are... uh oh. This could get interesting.' "Anyway..." Melinda continued. "I'll be back in five with the posse and show you to the dressing rooms so get your acts together." Without waiting for an answer from Lance, she was gone. "I guess we know who's boss around here!" Jimmy called back from the driver's seat. Joey, JC, Justin, Steve and Chris were stumbled out of their bunks during this commotion. "I guess it's time to go to work." Joey sighed. They straightened themselves up somewhat and a few minutes later Melinda returned, with Lonnie right behind her. Terry glanced over at Justin in time to see the blond's face light up. "Lonnie my man!" He slipped past the designer (but managed to cop a feel of his butt on the way) and gave Lonnie a brotherly handshake and a hug. Terry could have sworn he saw the bodyguard give him a glowering look. They filed out of the bus; the security seemed unnecessary since they were already in an enclosed loading-dock area. The day had turned hazy, but it was still hot and humid as they trotted into the building. They -- along with the rest of the crew -- were served late lunch cafeteria style. Terry wandered around the stage while the guys went into an interview with some local media and a few magazine editors. ---- Lance watched JC worriedly during the interview. His lover seemed distracted... even sad. He didn't answer any of the questions -- although that wasn't all that unusual. The interview was unremarkable until the very end, when a young woman identifying herself as 'Bobbi from TeenBeat magazine' asked a pointed question... "What's the latest on boyfriends? JC?" Josh's head snapped up "I'm sorry?" "JC, I was asking if you had a girlfriend." She smiled in a way that Lance did not like. Just then he heard Joey whisper something to Chris and the two of them snickered. "Uh, we're all too busy to date really." JC gave the canned reply. "But just the other day Lance said he was dating." Bobbi pressed. "And it's common knowledge that Justin and Britney Spears are an item." "Britney and I are NOT dating!" Justin snapped. Bobbi was not making herself popular with 'N Sync; apparently she realized this as well and let the question drop. The interview ended soon afterwards. As things broke up, however, she made a beeline for JC. As Lance noticed this to his dismay, Joey gently took hold of him by the arm. "You remember her?" He whispered. "No." The bass singer frowned. "She was in the 'I Drive Myself Crazy' video with us. She was my doctor." "She's a babe." Chris said appraisingly "You know, I think she knows Dani too." He added, referring to his off-again, on-again girlfriend Danielle. "Could you get her away from JC?" Lance pleaded. "Excuse me." Bobbi rushed up and touched JC on the arm. "Yes?" Josh spun around, wondering where the bodyguards were when he needed them. Bobbi pushed her brown hair behind an ear. "I wanted to apologize for my question; I didn't mean to annoy you." "Apology accepted." JC snapped and started to turn away. But Bobbi was not so easily blown off. She slipped around in front of him again. "I was wondering if I could make it up to you; buy you a drink or something." JC glowered. "I don't drink much. And if you are coming on to me, frankly I'm not interested. I'm kinda into my own thing right now." But she wasn't dissuaded by even this blunt statement. "I don't see how it would hurt you to talk to me for a few minutes, off the record. I'm not some preteen fan off the street." As if to emphasize this she put a hand on her shapely hip. JC had to admit -- objectively speaking -- she was beautiful. "You're obviously going to do whatever you want no matter what I say." He said, and started walking towards the cafeteria. Before Bobbi could move, Joey and Steve intercepted her. "Hi! I'm Joey! Remember me!?" "Yes I do." She gave him a sly smile. "You were the one in the red cape." Joey grinned at her, wondering if he was being insulted, then realized he was staring at her generous cleavage. "Nice to see you again!" "You too." Bobbi said distantly, her gaze fixed on JC's receding back -- and butt. "What's his problem?" "JC isn't really into dating right now." "Hah! I like a challenge!" Bobbi started after Josh. "Unless he's gay or something." She muttered under her breath. "Hey babe, I'm Steve, Joey's brother." Steve trotted after her. "I'm in charge of cameras for the tour. If you need any exclusive pictures, you can talk to me!" Lance walked up to Joey "What was that all about? What did that woman want?" "Just some exclusive info I guess." Joey shrugged. "I don't like the way she looks at Josh." "Well, if it's any consolation, I don't think he likes it much either. Let's go eat." ---- To be continued... End of Part 24! Email me and tell me what you think! lictor (at) aol (dot) com