Date: Thu, 1 May 2003 17:38:27 -0700 (PDT) From: Author James Subject: Judgments of a Real Dark Knight 13 Disclaimer: This story, though maybe not in this chapter but in subsequent chapters, will have celebrities in it. I have no knowledge of their sexuality and this is not intended to imply their sexuality. This is all from my own mind. Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, Angel and all related characters created by Joss Whedon. Copyright 20th Century Fox. Batman, and all related characters created by Bob Kane. Copyright DC Comics and Warner Bros. X-MEN, and all related characters created by Stan Lee. Copyright Marvel Comics and 20th Century Fox. The Vampire Chronicles and all related characters created by Anne Rice. Copyright Anne O'Brien Rice. Star Wars and all related concepts created by or based on the universe created by George Lucas. Copyright 20th Century Fox, LucasFilms Ltd. and Lucas Books/Ballantine Books. I don't know for sure if I will use all the above elements, but just in case, I have myself covered. I have received many emails from people who have enjoyed it and some from those who do not. I would enjoy hearing from you. Any emails you send, please tell me what chapter and story you are commenting on. Thanks. I also have several online messenger services. If you want to chat with me in real time, email me and tell me the services you use and I will tell you my screen name. Chapter 13 Homefront "This isn't good," Mr. Freeze muttered to no one in particular as he looked up the vampire creature that stood in the alley. The creature looked up at him and let out a shriek. Mr. Freeze pointed his arm at the creature and a beam shot out enveloping the creature, sealing it in a block of ice. "I don't know how long that will hold it, but I hope it's long enough for me to get this blood sample to Kara." Mr. Freeze ran further into the building hoping that, if the creature were to break out, it would lose the scent somewhere in the building and not follow him to the penthouse. "The kids," the bartender said, "they kept going in and out of a building nearby. They said...they said they were looking for the threats. That probably means you, huh?" Batgirl pulled the bat out of the wall freeing the bartenders arm. "Thanks," he said rubbing his wrist. Batgirl turned to Nightwing and Robin. The bartender took advantage and grabbed a bottle. As he swung it at her head, she ducked. He couldn't stop the momentum and the bottle smashed against the wall. Batgirl rolled backwards and swung her legs up. They connected with the man's face and knocked him out. She continued to roll and stood up on her feet. "If they know about us, they will find a way to get to us. Despite their animalistic appearance, they are very intelligent." "How good are they at smelling things?" Nightwing asked. Batgirl looked at him and his thoughts instantly became hers. The three of them ran out of the bar and headed for the hotel. Mr. Freeze entered the lair through the sewers and went to Kara, who was talking on the monitor with someone unfamiliar to him. "I'll keep you posted," she replied. Then she turned off the monitor. "Kara," Freeze said. She turned. "Yes, what is it? Where are the others?" "On the trail of the vampire kids. Unfortunately, I met one outside." "What? How did it get here?" "It followed me," he answered, "because of this." Freeze held up the blood sample. "Why do you have the creature's blood?" "Batgirl asked me to deliver it to you for analysis. She figures wherever these creatures are feeding, we should be able to determine where they live." Kara turned around and typed in a few commands. Several images appeared on the screens. They were different cameras set outside the building. She was looking for the vampire creature in case it attacked. "Give me the sample. Keep an eye on the monitors. If that creature should attack..." "I know, I know. Get out there and kick its ass." "Precisely," Kara said as she took the sample into the laboratory. Mr. Freeze watched the monitors. One was focused on the building he was fighting in earlier. He could see the ice block in the alley. After a few moments, the ice shattered and the creature flew up into the sky. Freeze quickly looked to another monitor that covered the skyline and he saw the creature circling. "It's free," he called out to Kara. "Get out there! Its appearance will cause great panic!" "Gotcha," he replied and he left the lair. Moments later Mr. Freeze emerged on the rooftop of the building. He looked around for the vampire and found it soaring overhead. The people below screamed in terror at the sight of the creature. Freeze took aim and fired. The beam shot around the creature as it maneuvered away. "Damn," he muttered. The creature turned on him and dove. As it neared, Freeze stepped back from the edge of the roof giving him enough space. The vampire came down to him swiftly. Freeze fell backwards, though it was on purpose. He planted his feet into the creature's stomach and used its momentum to toss it into a nearby air conditioning unit. The side dented up and the creature slumped to the rooftop. "Yes!" Freeze exclaimed in triumph. "Score one for the ice man." As Freeze looked over his victory, he did not notice the second vampire glide to the edge of the rooftop and look upon its prey. "Freeze," someone called out. Freeze looked up and saw Batgirl, Nightwing and Robin standing at the other side of the roof. Batgirl had a crossbow and had it aimed right at him. "Batgirl?" he said in shock. "Get down." Freeze ducked down as Batgirl fired. The crossbow bolt whizzed over his head and he heard the sound of the bolt sinking into leathery flesh followed by the screeching of the vampire creature. He turned to see it flying backwards in obvious pain at the impact of the bolt. "That won't hold it," Batgirl said. The Slayer ran toward Freeze. She jumped into the air. Placing her hands firmly on the air conditioning unit, she flipped over and pulled out her sword. The creature zoomed on her angry now at the pain she caused. As it neared, Batgirl brought the sword around and sliced the wing off the creature. It shrieked in pain and crashed into the roof now unable to fly. "Your wings have been clipped," she muttered as she turned and helped Freeze to his feet. "Thanks," he said. "I didn't see it. I didn't even know it was in the area." Nightwing and Robin approached the two heroes. "What did you find out?" Freeze asked. "They dwell in that area, although knowing that is moot. Here they are on our rooftop." "How did you know they were coming here?" "They are intelligent creatures bent on stopping us," Nightwing answered. "They are good at smelling, too. They followed the scent of their own blood here." "I only encountered one when I got here. It wasn't until you showed up that I even knew the other one was here." "What could the other one have been doing?" Robin wondered out loud. "Kara!" Batgirl replied. And she ran to the door leading to the stairwell down. As the four raced through the hallways, some of the tenants were in shock and surprise at seeing the four strangely clad individuals. However, the four ignored any stares. Their purpose was one of utmost importance. Robin attempted to raise Kara over his radio but had no success. Batgirl arrived at the penthouse door first and tried the door. It was locked. She stepped back and let her foot fly. The door flew off its hinges into the room. As she stepped inside, she was met with a small band of vampires of diverse species. "Lovely she said as she pulled out a silver stake and a wooden stake. Her three companions entered and followed suit, readying themselves for a fight. "Where's Kara?" Batgirl asked. "Ah, so we meet again," Kane said as he came down the stairs with Kara in front of her. "Kara?" Batgirl said. The Slayer's Watcher was in a zombie-like state. She appeared to be unaware of the danger she was in. And she seemed oblivious to her Slayer's call. "Hello, Slayer," Kane said finally. "It is about time you got here. I've been wondering where you've been." "Out hunting down your dogs," Batgirl answered as she moved into the room a little further. She looked at the vampires lined along the perimeter of the room. "Though apparently you have a great many dogs at your beck and call." The vampires growled at her. "Pay her insults no mind," Kane said. "You will have your time to play. We all will have our time to play. Isn't that right, Slayer?" "You are sick, Kane. And your master is as well. The chaos and destruction you are causing is madness." "You blame me for the chaos and madness? Look around you. Buildings are being knocked down by religious zealots. Thousands of lives were snuffed out in moments of time. That was just what happened a few days ago. Look at the world around you. Rulers of countries kill their citizens to test weapons of enormous destruction. Thousands starve while select few grow fat while throwing away their leftover food that could feed the hungry. "No, Slayer. I do not think we vampires are to blame for the destruction going on in the world. You and yours have plenty to be responsible for. The systems of life hum accordingly Every day, every year, every century But, everywhere humans go things get worse and worse Can you tell through the smoke of the dirty city? The jungle was once a tranquil hideaway For the king of trees and the mountains themselves But man those things sell a million dollars a pound Cut them up, dry them out, good display for the shelves Why can't we just leave them alone? Who is the animal? Who is that dangerous beast? Why were the other ones made? I know it wasn't just for our feast And now they're down to 250 lone souls They're a breed of a losing generation it seems The killers are ourselves so you know who to blame It was man with his plan and his frightening greed I don't think we'll ever leave them alone. Batgirl was taken back at what Kane said. She remembered it vividly from her dream. But they were in a club. Why did it happen here, in her penthouse apartment? "You see, Slayer, you and your little band, your club of do-gooders, cannot rid the entire world of the evils that unfold on a daily basis. You stop a few vampires, some demons of darkness, and save a few lives in the night. What about those who suffer both night and day? Who will champion their cause? I tell you the truth, while you wake up and drink your pleasant drinks in the comfort of your dwelling, hundreds wake dreading they are alive. For to be alive to these humans means only to suffer another day. Would you grudge them their prayers, their cries of deliverance from such torment? I ask you, what would you do?" Batgirl remained silent. Nightwing, Robin and Mr. Freeze waited for her to signal them to action. But she gave no inclination what to do. "You cannot do all that you wish to do. So you blind yourself to the evils that man perpetrates against man, woman against woman, and child against child. You ignore the millions who go lost in the crowd. You wish to free them, but you do not have the power to do so. "I, on the other hand, do. You misunderstand our cause. Not all vampires look at human beings as food. We look at humans as creatures needing our protection. We desire for the human population to thrive, to have abundant life. In fact, many of us do not feed and kill. Only those who are soulless beasts do so. They are merely animals preying on instinct. "Those like me seek to benefit all of humanity. Your war with us is one based on deception and fear." "He's playing you," Nightwing said to Batgirl. "Don't listen to him." "Silence!" Kane said lifting his hand. Nightwing flew back against the wall and Robin tended to him. Batgirl seemed oblivious, lost in her thoughts as the words of Kane penetrated her heart. She knew deep down that some of the things he said were true. Mankind was responsible for many of the world's suffering. And there wasn't anything she could do to change that. Tears fell from her cheeks as she felt the weight of the sadness in the world upon her own shoulders. "You know what I say to be true," Kane replied as he stepped passed Kara and approached the Slayer. He got close to her face and whispered. "I'm not your enemy. We fight on the same side, the side that wants what is best for humanity. You cannot win fighting against yourself, Batgirl. It is pointless. Just let it all go. Live your life without this calling, this burden of futility. Let those who can change things do so without further interference. The world would be much better off." An ice beam shot out and hit Kane knocking him back against the wall. Then a wall of ice enveloped the four heroes. "I'm tired of hearing that bastard yacking his jaws," Freeze said. Turning to Robin, he asked, "Is he okay?" "Yeah, he'll be fine," Robin said. "He just got the wind knocked out of him." Slowly Robin helped Nightwing to his feet. "You," Freeze said to Batgirl. "You've got to snap out of this. He's right about one thing. We can't win the war. We can't change the world and make it a better place on a global scale. That is for the politicians and world leaders to do. That is for humanity as a whole to do. "Our job is to do what we can because it is worth fighting for. Those few lives we save every night do add up. Those lives we save count. Maybe they don't count to the strangers in New York who are suffering from their own grief and loss. But they count for the individual we save. They count for the family and loved ones of the individual we save. "And right now, one individual who is very close to you is being controlled by a mad man. Does he have some valid points to his argument? Probably. But should a mad man run a country simply because he knows a truth? Hell, no. And you shouldn't let his words get you down. You can't give in to his words. You can't." To Be Continued... Will Batgirl give in to the words of Kane? What about his words? Do you see them as being true? I'd like to hear your thoughts on this subject, especially in a time when there is great strife going on. Please let me know if you are enjoying the storyline! Also, if anyone has artistic talent and would like to help out, please look at the "Real Dark Knight" contest! If you intend to enter, email the address given and let me know!