Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 05:28:27 -0000 From: "})({ Priscy G })({" Subject: Thank You For Loving Me - Part 3 Hey ya'll... Thanks for all the feedback for all of my stories... You guys are great! :) And thanks to all the friends that I've made through Nifty... you're all very special and I love you all very much :) Well, I have to say here that if you haven't read my other stories on Nifty please go there and read them too, k? The names are "French Kiss Me" (series) and "Starfucker" (short story), click there and enjoy them (this is called "shameless self-promotion" *cheesy grin*)! Time for our loved and adored disclaimer (don't we all love them?): This is fiction (F-I-C-T-I-O-N), I'm not any of the guys from *Nsync, I don't know any of the guys from *Nsync, I don't know anything about their sexuality so don't go around saying I affirmed any of them was straight/gay/bi/whatever. And I don't care if they are straight/gay/bi/whatever either, it's their lives and I have nothing to do with it besides being a (very) dedicated fan of their music (and looks too because they're gorgeous and I'm human *g*). If you shouldn't be reading this then you probably know it and it's not my saying that will stop you from doing so. Just don't let your mom sue me if you get caught. I don't have money lol If you're not comfortable with two guys in a relationship, tough shit! Nuff said? Good! Now, to the ones who decided to stay and read this work of mine, feel hugged, kissed and loved. Hope you enjoy your stay and come back for more :) Enough of this talking s**t and let's get on with the story, right? Hope you enjoy it! Luv, hugs and chocolate! Fallen ^A^ngel Thank You For Loving Me - Part three by Fallen ^A^ngel ~*~Kevin~*~ "KEVIN!" "WHAT?" "PHONE!" "Who's it?" I asked my sister as I came down the stairs, put her in a headlock and took the phone from her "Joshua" she said, grinning like the fool she was "And you, mister, better tell me who he is later" she whispered and I rolled my eyes at her "Just go make me something to eat" I said pushing her in the direction of the kitchen "What? Now I'm your slave or something?" she whined and I waved her off "Hello?" I said into the phone as I followed my sister into the kitchen and hoped off on the counter "Hey, Kevin, it's Joshua. I'm sorry I'm calling you at home but I couldn't reach you at the club nor on your cell phone" "No prob. My cell was out of charge. So, have you decided about the party?" "Yup. We land in New York tomorrow night. Is there enough time?" "In two days I can give you the best party you've ever been to" I chuckled "Then, please, do it. Lance's been kinda down lately, we need to cheer him up" "Sure. I'll start working on it today then. Is there anything special you want or anything you don't want?" "I don't think so. I'll fax you some small details later today but it's nothing out of ordinary "OK. I'll be waiting for it then" "See ya, man" "See" I replied before we hung up "Who's he?" Keera asked with the most pathetic shit-eating grin "Joshua Chasez a.k.a. JC '*Nsync' Chasez" "AAAAAHHHHH!!! You know him!!!" she shrieked, almost breaking my eardrums "How old are you again?" I asked and laughed when she stuck her tongue at me "Very mature, big sister!" I rolled my eyes "Where did you meet him? And why is he calling?" "Met him at the club a while back. He's calling me about a b-day party to one of his bandmates" "Which one?" "Lance" "Awww... he's so adorable" she sighed and I laughed at the goofy look on her face ""I gotta go make some calls. Where's Keith?" I asked as I hoped down from the counter "Went to pick up Adelia" she rolled her eyes "Stop that! She's a nice girl. She's good to him" I scolded her "Too good if I might say so myself" she grumbled "You're just jealous" I glared at her "Worried. I don't want another bitch treating my baby bro like shit" "She's not Michelle" I replied "She better not be anything like that whore" she replied and I gave up. Se wouldn't change her mind anyway. "When he gets in, tell him I need to talk to him. I'll be in the office, k?" I said as I grabbed the pills and glass of water that Keera handed me "Sure" she replied as I swallowed the pills and then took the sandwich she handed me "Thanks" I smiled at her and left the kitchen, going to the office so I could get a head start on all the things for the party. I'd have one hell of a lot of work. ~*~JC~*~ "Anything else I should add?" I asked Justin and Chris. Joey had taken Lance to the mall, giving us time to decide what we thought Lance would like for his party and make a list to send to Kevin. Knowing Joey's shopping spirit, we'd have more than enough time. Lance didn't really want to go but we didn't give him much choice. It was a good thing that he had this really big heart and wasn't able to say no because no one could stay long around Joey and be in a bad mood. He could make a statue laugh. "Lance won't like anything too fancy... I think this is good enough" Justin replied while going over the list "OK. I'l fax it to Kevin as soon as I can" "On that note..." Chris started with that smile of his that indicated I was in trouble "This Kevin guy..." "What about him, Chris?" I replied without much emotion "Anything happening there?" Justin asked, with that same JC-you're-in-trouble smile "I guess you could say that I have a snowball chance in hell of anything happening" I gave them a cheesy grin "He treats me like a business man treats another" "A business man doesn't give their house number and stuff like that to another business man" Chris pointed out "Don't even start! I've convinced myself that I have no chance with him. Don't make me re-think that conviction" I glared at them "The question is, will that resolve be strong enough that you won't jump his bones when you see him?" Justin smirked at me and I laughed "Probably not" I said and they laughed "Not jumping him will take some very tough self-restraints. He's amazing!" I sighed "And I have a snowball chance in hell with him" I groaned and banged my forehead on my desk "A snowball chance in hell!" TBC... Short and slow, I know that. But my mind is on French-Kiss-Me mode and I haven't been able to think much about this one. I just wrote this in like half an hour because I needed a break to collect my ideas for the next part of FKM. Anyway, mail me at and tell me what you think so far, k? :) See you guys next time! :) Luv, hugs and chocolate! Fallen ^A^ngel