Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 00:13:55 EDT From: Adam P Subject: Light Part 2 (Boy Band) I think I had a Disclaimer of some sort on Part 1. well.whatever I said before still applies. Thanks John for the first feedback. The Light Part 2 I saw blue green when I first opened my eyes. Bright colors. OK, I thought to myself, everything is not all gone to hell yet. I could still see. Then it was the smell that got me. Musky and clean at the same time. Then I felt that weird melting, terrifying feeling again. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Jason." "Momma" Even as I said it I felt myself sink into the pit of shame. I hadn't called my mother Momma since I was three years old at least. I looked around in confusion. Everything felt so damn strange. My head stung, my mouth was dry and I wanted out. It was that simple! I just wanted out of where ever I was. "You had a bad cut on your forehead, just lie still." Mom was trying to pin me down. Oh yeah this was a hospital, wasn't it? It gave me the creeps already. All that color white around. sheets, curtains, even the damn dividers were white. "Can we go home now?" I was up on my elbows now, definitely not liking what I saw around me. I was also kind of confused why I was still lying in an hospital when all I had done was to cut myself on the head. "They've got to make sure about your concussion. Also they're running some tests." Mom pushed me down and I bit my pillow in frustration. Right now, I was starting to feel fine. Nothing wrong with this puppy here. So I had a what??? I'm alive and I'm not blind, so what's the problem? "Hi." I looked up. It was the big, blond guy from the Backstreet Boys. It was Nick! It was that guy from one of those bands that my friends always made fun of, including me.I knew that moment that something was happening. Something weird was happening. In a split of a second, a million synaptic connections almost fried my brain. It was all so quick and so surreal. The first flash was recognition. The second, warmth, the third, heat. I closed my eyes again. WOW!!! That had been weird! It must have been some pretty wicked drugs they gave me. All of a sudden I wasn't so set against staying in this white and silver place. It was really unsettling, but anything that made you feel that wild, breathless and scared at the same time had definite potential. All of a sudden I had another insight. I knew now why drugs took hold of people. "How you doing?" His voice was silky, almost insistent. "I'm ok" I mumbled. It was then that I noticed that sometime must have passed between my half councious conversation with my mom and what I was facing now. She wasn't in the room anymore. "You crashed pretty hard." He smiled. He seemed to hover over me. He was big! To a 5'8" skinny guy, you bet he seemed big! I hated it, but he intimidated me with his size. It wasn't only his height. It was his whole body mass. It was also the way he seemed to take control of space itself. At that moment I remembered how my cousin Wendy got all upset about how the media was on her `Nick"'s case about his weight. She was a die hard fan. She even took all the ridicule from everybody, including me. And now here I was the one with a wicked headache and my heart racing. "You're gonna be ok, you know," he moved suddenly from above me and went to the window. That big presence was suddenly lifted. I felt the loss right away. Know what loss feels like? It just feels like an autumn day when the morning promised rain, the afternoon counteracted with warm falling leaves and the night hits with a blast of cold, frigid air. In the end I didn't answer him. "So what happened?" His voice was as silky and rough as two opposites can be. I know it sounds weird, but I swear I could feel the velvet and steel in that sound. "I fell." "No shit." He laughed. I laughed. I wanted his eyes again.