Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 07:34:44 -0500 From: RJ Gilmore Subject: Through all the Fame-2 Well guys,here is chapter two. I guess Chapter one was a little wierd for you guys, but that was just to get the story going, so here is Chapter Two, and it gets more serious, okay. Again, just bear with me! Okay Chapter two! Chapter 2- "We have been walking for hours!" Chris excalimed breaking the silence that had been lingering in the air. "We've been walking for 3 minutes!" Joey said almost tripping over a rock. The guys had decided they would walk to the nearest place to use a phone. Where ever that was. Joey, J.C., and Chris were up ahead of Justin and Lance. J.C. and Justin didn't want to make it too obvious that the guys were madly in love with each other, so they decided to distance themselves every so often. "Wow," Lance said to Justin. "Someone's awfully quiet." Justin gazed into the endless grass fields beside the road as he walked. The air was hot and the wind blew ever so often, so Justin enjoyed the little bursts of air. "Whats to talk about?" He asked Lance, still not looking at him." He heard Lance sigh and then say, " I don't know." The guys walked on for a few minutes, and Lance began again to start a conversation with Justin. This time his attempt to do so, worked. "Do you ever get tired of touring?" Lance asked. Justin finally looked at Lance and nodded. "Yeah, all the time." Lance kicked a couple of rocks and watched them roll a little ways in fromt of him, one almost hitting Joey, who still was trying to avoid falling from the many rocks in the road. "Why?" Justin asked. Lance didn't say anything for a moment. "Your different now Justin." He finally said. Justin looked confused. "How?" he asked. Lance smirked. "Justin, I remember the day I met you guys. You were just this fourteen year old kid with no problems in the world. You had your heart set on being famous, and being an NBA all star. And now...well, thats not you anymore." Justin stopped. Lance stopped as well. "I," Justin exclaimed, "was a kid. Things were easier for me then. I didn't have a problem in the world." Lance looked at him for a moment. "Yeah," he said. "I guess I just see you as J.T. the lil' guy." Justin laughed. "You still remember that?!" Lance smiled. "Always have, always will." He told Justin. "Hey!"J.C. yelled from a little ways up the road. "Come on you two!" Justin and Lance stood still. "Your my best friend J.T." Lance said. Justin couldn't help but smile. "Your mine to, Lance. From now until forever." Then the two began running to catch up with the three guys, knowing that was a moment they would always treasure. 1993** "Justin, honey, J.C.s at the door." Justin's mom Lynn said opening up his bedroom door. Justin was laying on his bed watching a movie. "Whats he doing here? He never hardly comes by here." Justin asked getting up and making his way to the living room. "Well," Lynn said, "Hes got some important news for you." Justin walked into the living room to see J.C. standing at his front door. "Hey Justin!" He said making his way over to him. "Hey J.C." Justin replied. "Have a seat." J.C. remained standing. "Um," He said. "Justin, I've come to tell you something." Justin heart started beating faster. 'Ís he gonna tll me he likes me?!' Justin thought. 'Wait, no, Yuck! Its not right.' He turned around and saw his mom standing in the kitchen doorway. 'No!' He yelled in his mind. 'Mom, go away!Please, go away!' "Um, Justin?" J.C. said interrupting his thoughts. "Are you alright little man?" Justin felt himself get red. "Yeah, I'm fine!" He answered trying not to show his embarrasment. "Whats the news?" J.C. looked as if he were about to fly himself through the roof. "Well," he said with a big smile on his face. "How do you feel about being in a boy group?" Justin gave J.C. a funny look. "Boy group?" Justin asked leaning on the back of the couch. "Yeah,"J.C. said his smile disappearing. "You know? Singing, dancing..." Justin smiled. "Really?!" He yelled. J.C.'s smile came back. "Yeah! A friend of mine wants to start a group. And he asked me to be in it, and another guy. We need one more guy, and I thought of you." Justin looked back at his mom, who was smiling. "It's up to you, honey." She said. Justin looked back at J.C. "You've got yourself a new member!" Justin replied. ** ** ** ** Later in 1993 ** ** ** "You guys... sound.. good." Mr. Johnson said after hearing Justin, JC's, Chris's, and Joeys accapella. "But your missing something." Joey glaced at the three guys. "But," Joey said clearing his throat, "We have everything we need." Mr. Johnson laughed a sly laugh. "You need a bass. Someone with a deep voice." Justin rolled his eyes. "Come on guys," Chris said walking out Mr. Johnsons office,and into the sixth floor hall. "Lets go." The three guys followed him, each not looking at Mr. Johnson. "A bass?!" Chris remarked reaching the elevator and pushing the down button. "Why do we need a bass? Every person we've sung for, has told us we needed a bass." The elevator door opened and the four guys made their way in it. "Well," Joey said, pushing the 1st floor button, "I'm just guessing, but I think we need a bass." The elevator doors shut and the elevator began making its way to the first floor." Justin and J.C. laughed. " It's not funny." Chris said, but he was smiling. "Where are we going to find a bass?" The elevator reached the first floor and the guys walked out of the elevator once the doors opened. "I got it!" Justin yelled, loud enough for an old lady who was sleeping in her chair to suddenly shoot up as if she had just had a terrible nightmare. "How about my vocal coach!" Justin said ignoring the fact that he was too loud. "Justin, come on, hes like 50!" JC remarked not getting what Justin was saying. Justin shook his head. "No, not that! He flies around the world teaching all kinds of people to sing. Maybe he could recommend someone for us. I'm sure hes taught bass." Chris laughed and hugged Justin. "Alright J.T.! Thats perfect!" Joey said. "Excuse me!" the little old lady said. "Could you please shut the f-" the lady was interrupted by a woman in her mid- thirties. "Mom! Please!" * Lance Bass finished singing and looked at the four guys in front of him. All was quiet, and it was making Lance even more nervous than he already was. The four guys then huddled up and started whispering, and Lance felt he was about to faint. After a few minutes the guys parted and all looked at Lance. "Lance, right?" JC asked. "Yeah." Lance answered. "Lance," JC continued, "We just have to say that were really gald you could make it and-" Lance interrupted him. "You know what? You don't have to tell me I was fortunate to make it here. I traveled a long way just to sing with you guys, and I really don't need the pity party alright? If im not in, im not in." JC looked at him with a look Lance didn't recognise. "Lance," he finally said. "Your in." Present Day: "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Joey said laying himself on the old fashioned bed that looked as if it hadn't been slept in in years. The guys had walked and came to an old motel where they had figured they would stay the night. "Tell me something," Lance said coming out of the bathroom. "Why in anyones right mind would want to own a motel out in the middle of nowhere?" Joey sat up with a playful anger looking face. "Hey!" he said. "We would still be walking if it weren't for this motel." Lance laughed then said, "Yeah, well if I owned this place, i'd put two beds in each room. Having to sleep with you is a nightmare." JC and Chris decided to let Justin have his own room. Justin sat on the motels window sill in his room looking out to nothing but grass and fields. In his mind, he thought of his life, and how it turned out to be. He was famous, he was gay (which he was finally admitting to himself)in love with JC, and miserable. What had happened to the happier him? Lance was right. He had changed. Now every time Justin began to go on tour, he just wanted to be home. He wanted to be with his other friends, and happy. Justin thought expressing his love for JC would help, but it didn't. His heart wasn't satisfied yet. And Justin had yet to know what to do with it... he knew one thing though. He couldn't wait to be alone with JC. Because Justin knew his heart felt satisfied enough to let Justin enjoy being around with JC... but how long would that last? Okay, theres my story.Chapter 3 coming up! Email me at with comments!