Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2003 15:43:12 -0400 From: Weeg Ryter Subject: Translator - 2 Disclaimer: My mind works in strange ways, and I make up things all the time. This is made up, not real, very very false, and above all a crock of bull. I Do not know N*SYNC, and furthermore I do not know if they are gay, straight, bisexual, irish or any other sort of incriminating facts about them. know the drill...leave or incur the wrath of local laws which prohibit you from viewing such materials. I would also just like to quickly mention that as I have said before, I am a first time writer so I am still relatively new at this game. I would like to thank everyone who wrote me back with the copious amounts of praise that I recieved, and if I haven't gotten back to you yet, I do appologize and promise you that I will. I would also like to appologize for the delay, I just got back from a week in Texas that has proven my theroy that what ever it is the rest of this country is doing to their men, the state in which I live, obviously is not, because if there were a mere fraction of the amount of gorgeous men that I met in Texas living up here, I would be a much, much, much happier camper. So to recap: I don't know N*SYNC, the story is not real, minors are not allowed, thanks for the praise, I will get back to you, and kudos Texas on a job well done with your men. I chuckled to myself slightly, and looked over to Lance who reassured us he enjoyed his movies fully clothed. The movie started, and just as quickly became very boring, which led to all of us making fun of it in some way or another which led to all of us asking questions about each other. "My first kiss," Josh started having to mentally look back and think about it, "Oh I remember I was in what 6th grade? One of those seven minutes in heaven games or whatever. Her name was Shelley. How about you Lance." "My lips, my life, my business," he answered with a smug look on his face. "Fine," Josh said in an over exaggerated tone, "What about you Kai?" "Me and Leslie kissed when I was in 7th grade. It was my first real kiss, not just a peck on the cheek or anything. God bless Leslie, she was my first for many things." I smiled watching the moments replay in my mind. "Really?" Asked Lance with a devilish grin, "Did she steal your innocence from you?" "If by steal your innocence you mean fuck me with the carnal instincts of a savage then yes." Lance blushed. "Tell me Lance when do you plan on losing your virginity?" "I'll have you know I lost my virginity when I was 15 thank you." He said before realizing what he had said, "Shit." "Lance!" Josh said, "I'm shocked and appalled. You the goodie two shoes of this group, losing your virginity earlier than all of us, except for Joey but he doesn't count he's Italian." "Excuse me?" I interrupted. "What?" "What was that Italian crack all about? And may I remind you that the only thing I inherited from my parents, both Italian immigrants, was the Italian attitude." "It's just that all Italian men loose their virginity early," he commented nonchalantly. "That's ridiculous! You don't loose your virginity earlier just because you're a certain nationality." "Yes you do," He insisted, "How old were you?" "13, why? Oh. Well so what." "Joey was 14," Lance commented, with a smirk. "Then you were 15," Josh chimed in, "Chris was 18 I think, I was 16, and Justin was 17. Kai you have us all beat." He said with a triumphant smirk. "And notice how out of all of us you are the most Italian" "You know what?" I asked with a grin, "Mal Occio!" I cried giving him the evil eye. "We Italians are good at other things than banging at a young age!" It may have been a superstitious Italian curse, but I felt vindicated. "So Josh, who?" I asked. "Her name was Kim. We were in Math class together, and one day we got bored, skipped, and," He broke off and shrugged. "Josh you juvenile delinquent you. Sneaking out of math class to make babies." That drew a laugh out of everyone. "What about you Lance?" For a minute I thought I saw panic run across Lance's face before her responded. "Like I said, it's my business. Eventually you'll find out, but not now." "I can respect that," I said secretly wondering what it was he was hiding. We sat around asking each other the stupid questions that a group of 13 year old girls would ask each other at a slumber party game of truth or dare, but it was an enjoyable and enlightening experience for all of us. When all was said and done, I returned my room nearly 4 hours later, exhausted and ready to sleep for what was left of the night, and with any luck most of what would be the next day. I stripped down to my boxers and crawled back into the giant bed that was sitting in the middle of my room. A few scattered thoughts ran through my head as my eyes drooped closed and I drifted of into sleep. Violent tremors awoke me the next morning. Had I not been exposed to a younger sister, I may have feared an earth quake or something of that sort. However I had been exposed to a younger sister, so I reluctantly opened one eye to see Justin jumping up and down on my bed smiling down at me. "Mornin!" he hollered. The diplomatic thing would have been to say good morning to pacify him and to start my day. My response however was a swift leg shift and a laugh as Justin tumbled to the ground, a little less than gracefully. I was joined by four other hearty laughs, and with a quick glance to the adjoining door, saw my employers standing in the doorway in various stages of comic relief. "Not cool man," Justin said climbing off the floor and plopping onto the bed. "And trying to scare me awake with a mock earthquake was?" "Shut up." Once again Laughter from the door. "Y'all can come in you know," I said with a smile, "I don't bite...hard" "Good morning," Joey yawned, slouching into one of the over stuffed couches with Chris, nodding a salutation, sitting to his right. Josh gave me a hearty hand shake and joined me and Justin on the bed, and Lance grunted a bit and rubbed at his eyes opting for a prime spot on the floor, leaning against a chair. "Not a morning person, eh Lance?" Much to my amusement his response was another grunt while he shook his head. "Alright everyone," Josh said, "I ordered breakfast, meeting is in Kai's room whether he approves or not, Lance'll tell us what's going on today once he wakes up, be back here in 20 minutes, and I'm not kidding, the door's being locked." "Sir yes sir!" Justin said jumping to his feet, saluting Josh and turning to walk out of the room with Joey, Chris and Lance following. Josh however much to my surprise didn't move. "Don't follow your own orders?" "Already ready," he answered with a smile, "But I'll leave if you need to get changed and what not." "Don't bother," I said putting out a hand to stop him from getting up. I crawled out of bed, "I have no shame, so really I could care less if you see my junk or not." "Good to know," he said with a chuckle. "Sorry to wake you so early, but 4 out of the 5 guys are morning people." "Well score one for Lance's side," I said, "I rather party all night and sleep until noon." "Really? Well hey, just so you know. Chris is really the only morning person. Justin is kind of a morning person and Joe is good for approximately 19 weeks on 10 minutes of sleep, so he could care less what time he wakes up, and I just sort of got used to it." "Well I'm with Lance, fuck the morning." I said a little less embarrassed than I normally would be because of the fact that it was still early. I had thrown on a pair of, ironically enough, pajama bottoms and a wife beater and was walking into the Bathroom to brush my teeth and decide if I really wanted to shave or not. I decided I would, and was quickly ready to face the day. Josh was still sitting in my room when I walked in. "You gonna change?" "Nope, I'm a bum; I may as well dress the part." "Well then..." he said. Our conversation was on the verge of extinction, so I was in part grateful that the phone rang when it did. I walked across the room to where it sat, angrily ringing and waiting for me to pick it up. "Hello?" "You promised me you'd call," my little sister Capri sniffled into the phone. I knew she wasn't crying but she enjoyed guilt tripping me, and she always seemed to be able to get me. "I'm sorry Pri, I totally forgot." "So that's how it's going to be," her voice become quiet and wistful, "you start hanging out with celebrities and you have no more time for your own family. You've changed Kai, you've changed." "Pri, I've been gone from home for maybe 28 hours; I haven't had enough time to change." "37 and a half hours, and that's plenty. I don't even know who you are anymore," her voice laced with sarcasm. I could tell she was enjoying every minute of this. "If this is how you're going to be I'm hanging up..." "Fine, fine," she said giving in. "How's everything? How's London? Have you visited Zio Umberto and Zia Immaculata? Have you seen Justin's package yet? I bet it's huge." My sister had a knack for spitting out questions in a very rapid succession. "Good, great, tomorrow, no, most likely." She laughed on the other side of the line. "Admit it; you want to sleep with him." "Go die," "Ahhhh! You do!" she squealed with laughter. "I do not. Sweetie this is hard for you to understand, but when you grow up you get these things called jobs, and the guy in charge is your boss, and you don't sleep with him...oh wait yes you do." Touché "Die fucker. You know damn well I wanted to sleep with Brandon well before he hired me." "You're impossible," I sighed into the phone. Josh had excused himself when I started talking to Capri and I began to wonder where he had gone and why no one had come into the room, it was about time for that meeting he had ordered. "Listen sweetie I gotta go, I'll talk to you later ok?" "Alright, bye hun" "Bye," I said as I waited for her end of the line to close before I put my own receiver down. "Josh?" I called getting up to look for him, or anyone. I heard laughing coming from his room, and decided to investigate. "Guys?" "In here!" Joey yelled. I pulled open the door connecting my room to Josh's and peered to in to see them all eating breakfast already and laughing up a storm. "I had the group re routed since you seemed to be having a personal moment with your sister," Josh said sheepishly, "Hope you don't mind." "Well actually I'm not okay with it," I said with an emotionless face plastered on, I could see the group of young men become worried for a moment. "Cuz see now Lance's eaten all the French toast and I'm going to have to beat his blonde ass into the ground for it." The group started smiling, except for Lance who turned a bright shade of red. "Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Chris smirked as I grabbed an apple and lounged on a chair. "No, I'm always a bitch in the morning," I replied happily eating away at my apple. "Well at least you can admit it." "Can and will do!" I answered, "So on with the meeting, what goes on at these things?" They all shrugged and looked at Lance. He grinned a bit, and swallowed his last bite of French toast before starting to talk. "Alright it goes like this. These four do nothing unless I dictate it. They are happy sitting around being lazy asses. I organize basically every aspect of their life. I'm a walking agenda for them so to speak." "Ok" "And for today I though we could all just sit around and have a conversation like me you and josh had last night." "Ok," I said hesitantly. "I just thought it would be a good opportunity for all the guys to learn as much about you as we did, so I took the liberty of renting 10 of the worst movies in the history of the world, movies got us going last night, chances are it'll happen again." The rest of the guys seemed pretty enthusiastic about it, so I just went along. Besides last night had been pretty fun. It was completely spontaneous and I liked that. "Who's room?" I asked finally flashing a smile to the 5 pairs of eyes intently looking at me. "Mine," Lance answered, "We're going to be there for a while so make sure you're comfortable and when ever the rest of you are ready you all know where I am." With that he adjourned the meeting and left for his room. Joey was close behind. I stepped into my own room for a minute leaving Justin, Josh, and Chris in Josh's room. I decided I was most comfortable in my pajama bottoms and beater, so I grabbed my cell phone, and went on over to Lance's room, where we were still waiting on Justin and Josh. I almost laughed my balls of when Josh walked into Lance's room without pants on, saying he was ready for the movies to start. Lance hadn't lied, he had picked some terrible movies, so it was very very easy for us to get off track and start talking. We went over the `loss of innocence' thing as we had done last night and we all had a good laugh about it. Josh explained his Italian theory again, and I for the first time in the history of my life, beat up my boss, much to the amusement of the rest of the group. "Not cool man, you shouldn't be beating up your boss on your second day," Josh said rubbing a sore spot on his arm. I didn't respond verbally, a growl got my point across. "Alright, so we don't crack on Italians in Kai's presence," Joey said trailing off. "Oh no," I started, "Don't get me wrong. I'm all up for whop bashing as often as possible, but when you're wrong, admit it and move on." I pointedly looked at Josh. "Point taken." "Good," I smiled. "I hope nobody minds," Justin started, "But I've noticed something." "What?" the group asked. "Well it seems like every time we start talking about something, Kai gets lost in the background. I mean he didn't even tall us about his first time, Josh did." "He's right you know," Chris added, "I think we need to trap Kai into telling us everything there is to know about him." "He'll never tell everything," I said, "But he'll answer any questions you have, most likely." "Well then shall we begin asking the hard hitting questions that are in need of being answered?" "You may," I replied, "But Justin gets to go first since he brought it up." The group agreed. "Well," he started, "Really the only thing I want to know about is your life. I know it's a very broad spectrum to cover, but I mean, the events of your upbringing and stuff shaped who you are, and I guess I want to know what affects your decisions today." I smiled when I saw Joey motioning cut to Justin when he was asking the questions; it was comforting to know he had remembered that I hadn't wanted to talk about my past. "As much as I want to answer, it's not the right time." Everyone seemed to shrug it off except Justin. "Why not?" "Drop it Curly," Joey warned quietly. "No it's ok Joe." I turned to look Justin square in the eye. "It goes like this. My past sucks, it's filled with really emotional personal stigmas that I have. I will break down if I start talking about it, and I don't want to do that. It's not because I don't know you well enough, or that I don't trust you. It's the fact that I work so hard trying to get past it that every time it comes back into my life, I revert to being a scared 15 year old that sits in his room, alone, in the dark, listening to music, and pretending not to be home so his father wouldn't find him. I don't want to do it any more." Justin looked shocked, and some what sorry that he had ever asked in the first place. "I will break down while I'm here, 8 months is a long, long time, you will see it happen, now if you get the full story or just one event, I don't know, I don't have it planned out. But for now we're going to talk about happy things like fluffy clouds and bunnies. Ok?" "Yeah," he answered blankly, "I'm sorry if..." "Don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong." The rest of the guys were quiet for some time. I hated the awkward silences, it reminded me of my home life and that's the last thing I needed right when my history was forced back up into my face. "I'll be back," I said getting up and exiting the room. He hadn't meant to but he had come to close to home. I should have just let Joey deal with it. The thoughts raced through my head, the memories that made the bile rise into my throat, the pain that I'd never forget, the scars that were still fresh wounds. I walked into my room and sat on the bed determined not to break down. I needed to clear my head. I didn't how I would, I hardly remembered the city, and I was here all alone. I couldn't just leave; I'd have to tell them, they'd try to come along to ease the pain. I didn't know what to do, where I could turn for what I really needed; a cure all for my many insecurities. I walked out onto the balcony that I hadn't yet explored and pulled out my emergency pack of Marlboro Reds and lit up. I hated smoking, it was a disgusting habit, but the nicotine worked. "Those'll kill ya," Lance said quietly as stepped out onto the balcony. "I'll leave you alone if you want; I just wanted to make sure you were ok." "I'm fine," I barely whispered taking another drag of the cigarette. "Ok," he turned and reached for the glass door to leave. "Stay," I pleaded, "please. I just need someone here." "Yeah, sure," he said pulling up a chair and peering out over the city. Neither of us said anything for a long while. All I needed was for someone to sit there, and he completed the job flawlessly. "Can I ask you something," he finally asked finally breaking the silence. "Shoot," I said with a half smirk. "Do you like sunsets or sunrises better?" "What?" I asked incredulously. "Do you like sunsets or sunrises better? I like sunsets better because you get the stars to look at afterwards. You can stare for as long as you want and it's always a beautiful sight. If you keep staring after the sun rises, you go blind." I laughed, "I never though about it that way. I guess I like sunsets better too." He just smiled at me and then looked out over the city again. I had finished my first cigarette and was contemplating my second, when Lance reached over and grabbed the pack. "No more." "Excuse me?" I asked indignantly, mocked by his sweet smile. "I hate it when people smoke...they're killing themselves, and I'm not going to let you kill yourself before you finish the job you came here to do." I couldn't help but laugh at how goofy he was. He did have a way of making me feel better though, it was a remarkable talent, something that usually only women possessed. My sister was the goddess of it. Either way I was glad he had it, because I really needed it right now. Both of our heads snapped around when Justin cleared his throat from the door. "Can I get a word with Kai, alone?" Lance gave me a questioning look, and I nodded my approval. "Um, yeah no problem," he said as he got up and walked back into the hotel room. "Hi," Justin said with a smile. "Hi." "I have an apology to make." "No you don't," I began "Yes I do. Look it was wrong of me to dig into something that you obviously wanted to be kept private and I apologize for it." "Look Justin, There is no reason for you to apologize. I told Joey ahead of time that I didn't want to talk about my past; I forgot to warn the rest of you. It was a valid question, just it was asked to the wrong person. It's not your fault because you had no idea it was this hard for me to talk about." "Still I pushed it when Joe told me not to." "Yes you did," I said flatly looking away. "Well I guess that was all I came to say," Justin said breaking the awkward silence. "So, um, I'm gonna go back inside. I'll talk to you later?" "We'll see." I smiled at him and he smiled back. My answer could have been more comforting to him, but at the same time I am glad that I had held to the end that I was a bit miffed with him, even if it wasn't personally against, but more towards my past, and myself for being so affected by it. "You ok?" Lance asked popping back out after Justin had gone. "I'm fine," I stated. Lance sat down again and watched the time go by with me, without saying a word. It was getting late in the day when I decided to go back into the hotel. I hadn't used any of my time productively getting to know the guys. I hadn't visited my relatives, hell I had done basically nothing all day long, but that's exactly what I needed to do. Thinking things through was a great stress reliever for me, especially when someone had taken away my cigarettes. When we stepped back into the hotel room we found out that the rest of the guys had reportedly gone out for dinner without telling either Lance or I, they thought it would be better to just leave us alone. "So..." "So." "What are we doing for dinner?" he asked. "I'm not very hungry, are you?" He had opened his mouth to answer when his stomach grumble. "Point taken," I said giggling a bit. "We don't have to go out; I can call the concierge and order in or something." "Actually do you mind? I'm definitely not in the mood to go out." "Yeah no problem, do you want anything?" I thought for a few minutes debating on whether or not I wanted to eat, when I got a better idea as to how I wanted to spend my night, since I obviously wasn't going out. "Know what?" I asked with a devilish grin. "I need to go walking for a bit on my own, just to clear my head. Why don't you write down what you want, and I'll hand deliver it to the concierge? That way you get your food, I get my walk and I don't have to leave the hotel." He seemed unsure at first; not seeming to want to let me go alone, but finally relented. "Fine," he sighed, "All I really want is a giant chicken Caesar salad. And whatever you want you charge to my account ok?" "Alright," I said with a smile. I wrote it down quickly, grabbed my room key, and walked out into the hallway. The hotel was very nice, but it wasn't my style. It was decorated very modernly and was very elegant. But still, I felt out of place. I was a motel six kind of guy staying the Crowne Plaza. I walked through the gold doors of the elevator and pressed the button for the lobby. I was alone and grateful, I slid into a corner and slouched on the railings. I usually didn't like being alone, but this would be good for me in the end, I had done it so many times before and I cheered me up every time. I just hoped the guys wouldn't be upset. I didn't want to risk and take Lance so going alone was my only choice. Either way. The concierge at our hotel was a complete ass in my opinion. He was rude a snobbish and it took all I had to not pull him over the desk by the collar of his shirt and beat the shit out of him. I placed the order after arguing with him about my attire in the lobby which apparently was inappropriate and quickly returned to my room where Lance seemed much relieved that I was back. "Did you order yourself anything?" he asked curiously. "Not food no, but I did buy something. You don't have to pay for it though." "Of course I'll pay for," he said, "It's not like I'm hard pressed for money, just tell me what it is." "Oh you'll see." "I don't like the sound of that." "I wouldn't either." "You're not doing anything stupid are you? The last thing I want is to see you get in trouble." "It's not exactly stupid no, but you'll just have to wait until tomorrow to decide for yourself." "Why tomorrow, the food'll be here in like an hour." "I know," I smirked, "But you won't." "What?" I grabbed him by the arm and gently pulled him to his feet off the chair he had been sitting in. "See Lance," I said moving toward the door with my arm around his shoulder, "Everyone needs some privacy at some point. I need mine now," I said gently shoving him out into the hall, "You're food is coming to your room. Have a good night." I smiled and shut the door in his face, which was covered with the cutest little confused expression. I laughed to myself when he pounded the door demanding to be let in. We both knew damn well he wasn't getting back in, so eventually he stopped. I had parked myself on my bed and was just starting to doze of when `room service' knocked at the door. Assuming it was Lance again trying to get in I was pleasantly surprised when it actually was room service with my little package waiting for me. I thanked and tipped the hotel employee who was kind enough to bring me my box of hair dye and headed straight for the bathroom. "Good old African Violet," I said to myself out loud but quietly. Back home I was sort of a legend for dyeing my hair. In fact at one point I was dyeing my hair so frequently people starting spreading the rumor that I dyed it to match my mood. But then again what could you expect from someone who worked in a salon and got free hair dying samples? I eagerly tore open the box and started the dying process, actually looking forward to what was about to ensue. For reasons unknown to even myself I loved dyeing my hair. It relaxed me, and in some ways in a corny deeper sense, when I was down it changed me physically which helped me change emotionally. Every time I dyed my hair I felt like I could just start over again and maybe this time it would go right. After some light contemplation I decided I'd go for it and do my eye brows too, make it look more natural. I laughed at myself because I really shouldn't have been so excited about dying my hair, but I was. Two hours later, when the dye had set for long enough to actually color my very dark hair, I walked into the bathroom and washed out the coloring liquid. At least I tried too. The dark purple dye looked crimson red when it was being washed out and made it that much more noticeable when your drain was clogged. I finished washing out the dye and stood shaking my hair out like a giant dog before toweling it off. I chuckled at the red droplets that were splattered over the walls and the deep crimson splotch in the middle of the towel, but didn't bother to clean either of them up. I was still pretty decently dressed so I figured I'd just go down to the front desk to report the problem. Grabbing my room key quickly, I walked out the door not noticing that everyone had returned from dinner and convened in Lance's room. ~~Mean While in Lance's Room~~ "Someone should go talk to him." "This is your fault Justin, just incase we were unclear on this," Joey said not even looking at him. "Alright so I did something stupid ok, but I tried to apologize and he said not to worry about it." "What people day and what they mean can be very different things sometimes." "Look, I admit I did something wrong, I admitted it to him and I apologized what else do you want me to do? Do you want me to go talk to him again?" "You're probably the last person he wants to see." "Joey now you're just being mean," Josh chimed in. "But I do think someone should go check on him. They can get in through my door." "I'll go," Chris offered. The group remained basically silent as he and Josh walked out of the room. "I let him in," Josh said coming back in several minutes later. "But everything seemed pretty quiet so I'm not worried. He's probably just asleep." The room again fell into an awkward silence, until Chris broke it running into the room in a huff, "Guys I think something happened to Kai, there's blood all over the bathroom and he's not in the room." "What!" Josh gasped. Accompanied by the rest of the guys they rushed into Kai's room and to their horror they found blood splattered all over the walls, a pool of it in the bath tub and even a bloody towel sitting on the floor next to the sink. "Oh man," Josh said quietly. The four men combed the room over looking for any sign of Kai, while Lance dialed the front desk to see if they had heard, or seen him. "Guys, he was down at the front desk complaining about a clogged drain or something like that but it was almost an hour ago. They assumed he had gone back to his room, but they weren't sure because house keeping hasn't come up yet, and they didn't see where he went when he left. You guys something is really wrong." "Damn it Justin!" Joey screamed, "If you hadn't of pissed him off he'd be with us right now instead of where ever he is and we wouldn't have to deal with the fact that he may or may not be severely injured." "Joey, just stop." Josh said quietly, grabbing Justin, who was very visibly distraught and leading him out of the room. "What have I done," Justin said quietly as a tear rolled down his cheek. "Shhhh," Josh cooed, "It's ok, it's not your fault. You didn't know, you even apologized and he said it was fine." Walking down the hall, I noticed to people standing, one of whom appeared to be crying. Neither of them saw me approaching and I recognized Justin crying on Josh's shoulder when I only about 3 rooms away. I quietly walked up behind Josh, "What's the matter with Justin?" Both of them startled violently but seemed incredibly happy to see me. "Thank God you're alright," Justin said as he threw his arms around me and started crying on my shoulder. "Um, Yes I agree, thank god I'm alright. Now why are we thanking God?" "Because we thought you were dead," "Dead?" "Yeah, dead," Josh offered, coming out of my room with the rest of the guys who seemed equally relieved to see. "Why would guys think I was dead?" "Because," Lance started, "You were alone for a really long time, so we got worried and we sent Chris into your room, to you know make sure you were ok." "And that's when I saw blood all over the place," Chris finished for him. "Blood?" I asked, "What are you fools talking about?" "Come look," Chris said, leading me into my bathroom. He pointed out the red splotches on the wall and in the tub, and the towel. "I didn't know what to think when I walked in and saw blood all over everything." I was trying my damnedest not to laugh but it was hard, "Thanks for your concern," I started between chuckles, "But that's not blood." I lost control of myself and was laughing hysterically, "It's hair dye." I almost fell to the ground when I got their reactions which were a mix of shock and anger towards Chris for worrying them. "Hair dye?" Chris asked now getting upset with me, "Hair dye." "Wait now it makes sense," Lance said. "Now it makes sense why he went down to the front desk, hair clogged the drain so he wanted to get it taken care of, and since it couldn't drain the hair dye just sat there in a pool." "Right," I continued. I shook my hair out when I had rinsed the last of the dye out, and that's what splattered the walls, and the towel is from the dye too. Thanks for noticing the new color by the way." "Yeah yeah, purple nice, but where did you go afterwards?" Josh asked, taking a quick glance at my head. "Well I figured house keeping would be in my room so I stepped out by the pool for some fresh air." "Just fresh air?" Lance smirked. "Fine Lance and a cigarette too. Happy?" His triumphant grin seemed to be screaming yes at me. To Be Continued. And as always feel free...