Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2000 01:03:50 EDT From: Brandon M. Subject: Two Souls In Passing, Chap. 2 OK my first chapter was a lil' hard to read. I hope this one is somewhat clearer. I have learned the save format better. I hope everyone doesn't mind but I have added some of my local slang to the story. I'm an Appalachian boy so you know. :) OH, and I wanna think my human dictionary B/F for editing the story this time and my bud Kyle, of course. If you underage or offended by gay and/or sexual content please leave this site and do not read this story. This story also doesn't suggest anything about N'sync's sexuality. It is merely a figment of my imagination. ____________________________________________________________________ Two Souls in Passing "We want one shot of vodka and a VIRGIN strawberry daiquiri" Amy screamed at the bartender, then turning to Angel "You gonna come dance with me after a sip of your fluid? Babe! I said BABE!" "Huh? Oh, um yeah a strawberry daiquiri" Angel stammered after suddenly being jerked out of the guy's gaze. "Angel, honey what were you looking at?" Amy mused as she glanced in the direction Angel had been so fixed on. "Oh, I see now and COMPLETELY understand." "I wasn't lo..." "Oh please you so can't pull that on me!" Angel blushed furiously at the knowledge he'd been caught. "It's OK, you stay here and sit I have a feeling you just might have a good night. Oh and if need be I can find a ride home." Amy spat out quickly and bolted to the dance floor as she had noticed the guy that Angel had been starring at making his way in their toward them. The bartender sat the drinks Amy had ordered on the counter just as she had run off. "WOO Friggin' HOO! She left me at the bar with the bill for the drinks and she's got my wallet" he said with a smile hoping to gather some sympathy from the bartender. "Why don't you let me get that for you. You can pay me back when your friend shows back up. I'm sure she will especially since I gather she'll want her drink." JC spoke sweetly to the guy he'd pegged as "his" for the night. "Hi and...uh thank you. Your name is Ange... I mean my name is Angel and you would be?" Angel blushed yet again. This time at the thought of how dumb he sounded. "Well my name is Josh and your welcome." JC flashed his award-wining smile and handed the bartender the cash. "I apologize for my lack of verbal ability I was just a lil' shocked. I haven't had many "knight in shinning armor" saves like that." "Don't be silly. Besides I did it out of partially selfish reasons. I didn't want to lose sight of you in that mess of people. I might not have gotten introduce myself." "It was still very nice. Why don't we go sit at one of the tables and talk" Angel suggested. "Sounds good to me" JC gushed a little to quickly. The men elbowed their way through the crowd to a small table at the back of the bar. They sat down and didn't say anything for a second. Just looking into each other's eyes. "You know you look familiar. I just can't place how, but you do" Angel spit out hoping to break the silence. "Yeah I get that a lot. My friends and me get that actually quite often. Anyway so how did you get to live here? No offense but you don't seem like a local." "None taken and I'm originally from a place called West Virginia." "Really? I would have never guessed. I mean you know. You don't have the accent." "Well thank you it took a lot of work to prevent myself from acquiring it" Angel spoke with absolute perfect pronunciation and his nose in the air. "Very funny" JC barely got out the words as he giggled. The two continued to talk as the hours went by. The subject bounced from travel to TV to love. Angel occasionally noticed that Josh would about say something and then just trail off onto something else. Throughout the conversation Josh kept mentioning his friends Red, Chris, Curly, and Scoop. Those names sounded so familiar, but Angel just couldn't pull it together. Of course he didn't really care just talking to Josh was heaven. He couldn't believe how good it felt to talk to Josh. He knew it was happening, the beginnings of love. "Damn! It's thirty minutes till closing" JC said as he noticed the wall clock. "Really?! I need to find Amy!" "I'm right here sugar!" Amy said as she walked up behind them. "Here's your wallet and keys. I've got a ride home." "I can..." Angel began. "It's OK, I'll be fine. I found me a bi-boy in this here bar! He's SO yummy!" She quickly spouted as she headed turned and headed to her guy. "Well have fun Ames!" Angel yelled loudly. "You too! Oh and you'll have to tell me how your lil' singer sounds!" she yelled as she turned her head and winked. Angel looked a little puzzled. Singer? How did she know that? Josh had told him he did sing, but she wasn't around. Oh well maybe she like saw him perform or something. "Why don't we go for a walk. So we can talk some more." JC cooed sheepishly. "I'd love to!" With that the two men got up and headed out of the bar. It was a lot less crowded now. Most of then man had "paired up" and went home. He was glad he'd meant Josh. Josh had to be one of the last nice guys left on earth. Angel's mind drifted back to the comment Amy had made. "So have you performed in this area much. I know you said you sing, but Amy seemed to know that you did. I was thinking maybe she'd seen you" Angel asked brimming with curiosity. "You really haven't figured out who I am yet?" Josh said with doubt in his voice. "No, what do you mean?" "I'll give you a hint," Josh said an then begin to sing "I'm doing this tonight. You're probably gonna start a fight. I know this can't be right. Hey baby come on! I loved you endlessly. When you weren't there for me, so now it's time to leave and make it alone." Angel just stood there with his mouth open. The realization of who'd been talking to all night just about caused him to faint. Actually he was getting kind of dizzy. Just as that thought came to mind he felt his eyes close and his knees go weak. "Angel!" JC yelped as he lunged forward just in time to catch the stunned man. Not knowing what to do exactly he drug Angel's limp body over to a bench and laid him down. "Angel! Wake up, man! Are you OK?!" JC's tone was one of complete concern. "Huh, oh god! I'm so sorry! I don't usually do that but the shock of realizing who you were kinda plowed me over. I can't believe I didn't recognize you. I love you guys and ... Oh god you must think I'm so stupid!" Angel put his head in his hands and started to tear up a bit. "I do not! I think your great." JC said as he sat down beside Angel and took him into his arms. God what was he doing! He was falling for this guy and hard. He couldn't but he was. The knowledge that JC had hurt Angel even a little was enough to make him hurt deep in the pit of his heart and soul. OK there has to be away to make these emotions go away. Of course there was. Sex. Pure raw sex! He had to otherwise he'd let himself get close but hard sex would make him realize that his guy was just a good lay and nothing more. "Why don't we go back to my room and I'll show you just how special I think you are." JC said with nothing but force and sex in his tone. As Angel looked up JC thought he'd see eyes of a horny gay man. Instead he saw fire, the kind of fire that could burn you if you looked to long. "What the fuck do you think I am? A whore? I don't sleep with ANYONE after one date and especially not after a few hours of knowing them!" Angel spat these words as fiercely. "I though..." JC started to say. "Stop! You know what I don't care what you thought. You can kiss my ass! You know I thought I had found someone special. Someone who had a good heart and that didn't run on testosterone! Figures! I bet you think just because you're a celebrity you can get it whenever you want well I'm sorry but, no! So good fucking bye, jerk!" Angel's words came out with the sting of fire. He turned and ran towards his car with the drive of a wild man. Angel had to get to his car. He couldn't let that "star" see him cry. He was proud and strong. No one would see him break down over a guy. He would though. He knew as soon as he got home he'd fall into his bed and cry himself to sleep. . . . . JC just sat there speechless as Angel ran-away. Ran-away from him! What had he done? The pain he now felt was overwhelming. He didn't know what to do. So he called the only person that he trusted with all his heart. He picked his phone out of his pocket and dialed. "Justin?" JC whined on the verge of tears. "No it's Lance, are you OK Josh?" "I need to talk to Justin, please!" "OK it's me now Josh. What's wrong?" Justin said with concern in dripping from his voice. By this time JC couldn't even talk. The tears and sadness had just taken' him over. "OK, just tell me where you are! Me and Lance will be there in like two seconds." Justin had slipped into fear for the safety of his friend. JC had always been there for him and had always been strong. This weak JC was rare but when he did show it was serious. JC managed to give his location and clicked his phone shut. He just sat on that bench wallowing in his pain and waiting for Justin and Lance to find him. To be continued...