Date: Thu, 20 May 2004 13:45:48 -0400 From: JT Poole Subject: X-Sync Tales - Fire and Ice Warnings and Disclaimers: 1) If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this. 2) If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story. 3) I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction. Questions or suggestions can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good. X-Men are copyrighted by Marvel Comics and Stan Lee. X-Sync, Psychic Warrior, Channel, Blaze, Pull, Echo, Planetoid, Wildcat, Tattoo, WolfShadow, Catastrophe, Spirit, Incognito, Katalyst, Hellion, Setterwynd, SuperNova, Cell, Shade, Aqua, Tigersbane, Hellfire, and Psion are the ownership and copyrighted by John Poole All other characters used that are not part of Marvel Comics, are the sole ownership of John Poole ============================== X-Sync Tales -- Fire and Ice by JT Poole // Salem Center, NY -- The Xavier Institute -- Bobby's Room // "Talk to me Bobby, don't turn away from me like this." Joey spoke, trying to hold Bobby. "No Joey, just stay away from me!" Bobby screamed, icing Joey over. "Bobby regardless of what you do, I am not leaving you." Joey spoke as he thawed out. "I love you and I always will Bobby." "Joey I told you, you can't say that, not to me." Bobby stated, walking to the other side of the room. "What does it take for you to get the message Joey? I can't be with you anymore, you or any other man." "I know you are scared baby, but we can work through this. I am quite sure the profess..." Joey spoke as Bobby cut him off. "The professor can't help me, you can't help me! Don't you see, there's nothing any man can do to help me!" Bobby screamed, running from the room. "I am not letting you go." Joey stated, running after him as the two of them bumped into Rogue and Cyclops. "What's going on with you two?" Cyclops asked. "Nothing. This is over." Bobby stated, pushing past Cyclops as Joey sat there and started crying. "I don't know what to do anymore. I love him and I can't take his pain away." Joey spoke as Cyclops knelt down besides him, hugging him. "Things will change. He just needs some time to get over what Sinister did to him." Cyclops spoke. "I love him Scott, I thought he loved me." Joey spoke, still crying, sniffling as he wiped his nose on his sleeve. "How can I help him if he won 't let me?" "I don't know Joey, I don't know." Cyclops spoke, just as Rogue came back into the room. "Scott we got problems, he's gone mad." Rogue spoke. "Who's gone mad?" Cyclops asked. "It's Bobby, he's freezing everything in sight and I'm talking about everything. He doesn't look like the old Bobby either." Rogue stated, running back down the stairs. "Come on." Cyclops stated as he and Joey got up and ran behind Rogue. // Downstairs // "Bobby please stop this." Storm spoke, trying to calm Bobby down. "I said get out of my way weather witch!" Bobby screamed, throwing an ice ball at her. "Bobby stop this, you know I am impervious to your powers." Storm spoke, trying to keep from hurting him. "Get outta my fucking way or pay!" Bobby yelled out just as Joey, Cyclops and Psylocke came into the room. "What the hell is going on here?" Psylocke asked, examining the scene before her. "We are trying to stop him." Storm spoke. "Who the hell are you?" Psylocke asked, looking at Bobby, not recognizing his new form. "That's Bobby." Storm spoke, creating some hurricane force winds and knocking him back against a wall. "You will pay for that you bitch!" Bobby shouted, projecting shreds of ice in all directions from his body. "Everyone down!" Psylocke screamed, just barely being able to protect herself from the ice. "Baby please stop this, I love you. I know you were hurt, I want to help you through this." Joey stated, changing into his fire form and flying up to Bobby, making sure that any ice that connected with his body would melt immediately. "Stay away from me Joey Fatone, I am not the Bobby Drake you loved. I am the new and improved IceMan." Bobby stated, grabbing Joey, covering his fiery body with ice. "Oh my God, he froze Joey's fire form. I didn't know he was able to do that. Didn't know he had that much power." Cyclops spoke, rushing towards Joey to catch his falling body. "Oh God, Oh God, he's going to die." Rogue spoke, rushing to Cyclops side. "Everyone, do what you can to keep him busy, we must get Joey to the infirmary. "We need to get this ice off of him and fast before his body temperature drops too low." Cyclops spoke as Rogue flew Joey to the infirmary with Cyclops running behind her. // The Infirmary // "Oh man, he froze him and didn't care. He's gone off the deep end now." Rogue stated. "We have to get this ice off of him somehow. He's been in there for too long now." Cyclops stated. "Where's Hank?" Rogue asked. "I don't know. We need to get this stuff off of him now!" Cyclops screamed. "Calm down Scott. I have an idea. Could you like pierce a hole in this ice?" Rogue asked. "Why?" Cyclops asked. "If you can get a hole in the ice big enough that I can make a connection with Blaze's skin, then I can use his powers and melt this ice." Rogue explained. "I don't know, but I will try." Cyclops spoke, making an adjustment to his visor as he started firing at the ice surrounding Joey's body. () "We have an emergency here!" JT screamed appearing with a young man in his arms. "What's going on? Who's this?" Cyclops asked. "I don't know. His mind is blocked from me, but enough about that, he's hurt!" JT screamed. "What happened?" Rogue asked, trying to melt the ice off of Joey's body. "Channel happened. He's drunk and his energy beams accidentally got this guy." JT stated, as his eyes started glowing and he fell to the floor. "So much pain, so much anger." "JT are you okay?" Cyclops asked. "Pain, so much pain." JT stated, eyes glowing as his body faded away. // The Main Room // `Bobby listen to me. You need to calm down. This is not you. You have let your anger take control of your inner fears.' Professor X spoke into Bobby's mind. "Get out of my head Professor! Try it again, and I will put you out of your misery old man!" Bobby yelled, as there was a flash of light in the room. () "Oh my God, it can't be." Storm stated as an image of the Phoenix appeared in the room, apparently the Phoenix Firebird Effect created by JT's telepathic and biomorphic powers. "What the hell are you doing here?" Bobby asked as the astral image of JT raised it's Phoenix wings, knocking Bobby against the wall. `It would be wiser if you didn't get up Bobby.' JT mindspoke, floating closer to Bobby. `This has gone on long enough. I know Sinister hurt you, hell he hurt me and Justin, but still! You have a man in the infirmary that you almost killed because of your hatred. If you ever loved Joey, go save him.' "I did love him, but that love can't continue anymore. I can't love any man anymore, not after all I've gone through." Bobby stated. "You can still love him. I know that kind of hurt Bobby. I was raped by someone just as wicked as Sinister, but I got through it, I moved on and me and Warren are happy." Psylocke spoke. "I am not you Betsy!" Bobby screamed, icing his body over and attacking the image of JT. `Silly man, this is only an astral image of me. You can't touch me, nor can you hurt me in this form.' JT mindspoke again, using his powers to bounce Bobby off the wall again. `Calm down Bobby and go save Joey before it's too late.' "I will not save him, he's lucky that I didn't shatter him." Bobby stated, creating his ice slide and sliding away. `You are not going anywhere!' JT telepathically spoke as the wings of the Phoenix rose again this time grabbing Bobby and the two of them fading away. // Unknown Place // "Where the hell are we?" Bobby asked. "This can't be Limbo." "This is one of my little pocket dimensions." JT stated, reverting back to himself. "Why did you bring me here?" Bobby asked. "I wanted to show you something." JT stated, using his telepathic powers to project images in mid air. "Do you remember this Bobby?" "Yeah that's you, and that's Havok, why?" Bobby asked. "Do you remember what happened to Havok?" JT asked. "Yeah, and he's never been the same since." Bobby spoke, holding his head down. "That's because he let what happened to him eat away at him, just like you are doing now." JT stated. "Bobby I know you are hurting. I know nothing I say or Joey says can ever take that hurt from you, but Joey loves you, he has always loved you since you two met. Don't throw it away Bobby." "You are one to talk, Mr. I'm okay, nothing's wrong with me. You haven't been alright since you came back JT. You are this hard acting person, you are not you, it's like you are cold inside. What happened to that warmth you use to have? What happened to the softer you?" Bobby asked. "I don't remember having a softer side." JT stated. "I'm okay, I am me." "What happened to the JT I fell in love with a long time ago?" Bobby asked. "He died." JT stated. "He's not dead, you just need to stop being Psion and be Incognito again. No one was scared of Incognito, we were not afraid that you would punch our lights out for saying the wrong thing." Bobby stated. "You have us so scared around you, we don't know when you will go off. So don't stand here and tell me you are okay because you are not." "Bobby I am the same person you met twelve years ago." JT stated, as he started glowing and his clothing changed to resemble the costume he once wore as Incognito. "That's the JT I remember." Bobby stated, reaching out and hugging JT. "Everything is going to be okay Bobby, just go back to him. I promise you, Joey will be there for you always." JT stated, eyes glowing as Bobby cried on his shoulder and the two of them faded away. // The Infirmary // () "Joey, Joey are you alright?" Bobby asked as he and JT appeared in the Infirmary. "He's stabilizing right now. If I hadn't melted the ice he would be dead right now." Rogue stated, slapping Bobby across the face. "Rogue!" JT shouted. "He deserved it JT, it's his fault." Rogue stated, flying out of the room. "Oh Joey I am so sorry. Baby please forgive me." Bobby stated as Joey's hand moved and reached for Bobby's. "Bay you're awake." "Barely." Joey spoke, barely audible. "Have you come back to your senses?" "Yes baby, I am so sorry." Bobby spoke, placing a kiss on Joey's lips. "Baby I never should have done any of that. I could have killed you." "Well I am still alive. I know now not to get on your bad side." Joey stated, trying to laugh. "Baby you will never be on my bad side." Bobby stated, as the others walked out of the room. // Out in the Corridor // "JT who was that guy you brought into the Infirmary?" Cyclops asked. "I don't know. I tried scanning his mind and each time I tried, well let's just say my psionics projected in other directions." JT stated. "What actually happened to him?" Rogue asked, the three of them walking towards the Danger Room. "Well to start, Lance left here earlier tonight and got drunk. After talking to Kurt he told me what had happened, then Spirit came back and said something was wrong with Lance, so me, Justin and Beyonce went to see what was going on. After a few minutes, we saw that Lance was in a confrontation with another man that was threatening him. Lance didn't back down and after several attempts of trying to get him to leave, Beyonce handled things her way. The guy in the infirmary tried to protect the drunk that was bothering Lance, and he accidentally got hit with Lance's powers." JT explained, eyes glowing again. "I know that look. What's up J?" Rogue asked. "Nothing, I just have to get to my man, he's calling me." JT stated, half phased out of view. "I will be back later." "Yeah right. I remember that look from when you were with Alex, you will be busy for a few hours." Cyclops spoke, laughing, heading into the Danger Room as JT faded away. // In Lance's Room // "God what have I done? I wasn't trying to hurt him. I didn't mean to do it. Please God let that guy live. I don't want the reputation as a killer, mutant or not. I couldn't live with myself if he died." Lance stated, as JC appeared in the room. `Scoop he's alright for now. He's stabilized for right now, but he's still in some sort of coma.' JC mindspoke, "Oh God Josh he's in a coma and it's all my fault." Lance stated, getting up from the floor. "I must go see him." `Scoop don't do that. You don't need to punish yourself like this.' JC mindspoke again. "I have to Josh, I just have to." Lance stated, walking out of the room, heading in the direction of the Infirmary. // Infirmary -- Med Bay 2 // "Damn he's hot. Why did I have to hurt someone that looks cute as him...what am I saying, a guy like him would never like a mutie like me." Lance stated, sitting down in a chair in front of the stranger's bed. "You never know, I don't know you." The unknown young man stated. "You are awake. Stay right here don't move." Lance stated, getting up. "No, don't leave me. Please stay here with me, I don't want to be left alone." The young man stated. "Okay I won't leave you." Lance stated. "What's your name?" "My name is Chad." The young man stated. "Chad is a nice, cute name." Lance stated, grabbing the young man's hand. "Chad I am so sorry for hurting you like this. I didn't mean to do it." "I am quite sure you didn't mean, accidents happen." Chad stated. "Yes they do, I just wish this one didn't happen." Lance stated. "Well in a small way I am glad it did happen. If it didn't happen, I would have never met this hot guy in front of me. Your name is Channel is it?" Chad asked. "Yeah I'm Channel. That's me the guy that can absorb and energy and almost kill people with it." Lance stated. "Well I am not dead, I am still very much alive. Don't worry about that Channel, I am okay." Chad stated. "Yeah a stroke of life saved your life along with Psion getting you as fast as he could considering the circumstances with him. But that's nothing to talk about." Lance spoke. "Chad do you live around here?" "Actually no, I just moved here from California, I was staying in a hotel in Manhattan." Chad stated. "As soon as I get back there, I will be moving on to the next town." "Moving on to the next town, what do you mean by that?" Lance asked. "I am sort of homeless." Chad stated. "Why are you homeless?" Lance asked. "Well I came over here to find a job, but when I got here, I was misinformed about the requirements of the job so I didn't get hired." Chad explained, still allowing Lance to hold his hand. "So basically you came here from California for work and now you are homeless, correct?" Lance asked. "Yeah that's correct. So I am going to use what little money I have and move on." Chad spoke, coughing up a little blood. "Oh God, let me go get someone." Lance stated, getting up and running from the room. // The Danger Room // "Hey! Beyonce you have some fucking nerve doing that!" Cyclops screamed, running towards Tigersbane. "Don't cross me wrong one eye, you may end up a casualty." Beyonce stated. "Are you threatening me?" Cyclops asked, getting in Beyonce's face. "I don't threaten, I take action." Beyonce stated, grabbing Cyclops by the front of his uniform and throwing him clear across to the other side of the room. "Oh my God! Scott, Scott are you okay?" Jean Grey asked, flying into the room. "What is your fucking problem bitch!?!" "Excuse me. You don't know me well enough to refer to me as a bitch! Watch your back chick, you might get some of what he got!" Beyonce stated as she disappeared in a burst of light. "Oh my God, we must get you into the infirmary, what the hell is going on in this place? Has everyone gone mad?" Jean Grey spoke, levitating Cyclops as the two of them floated from the room. ============================== Comments or Suggestions Contact Information E-Mail: Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AOL/AIM: ICQ #: 146925768