Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2004 00:14:34 -0400 From: JT Poole Subject: Boybands - X-Sync - X-Sync Tales - - Jem's Big Chance Warnings and Disclaimers: I don't know any of the members of NSYNC, BSB or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading. ====================================== X-Sync Tales Jem's Big Chance by JT Poole // Orlando, FL -- Universal Studios // --- Jerrica Benton's POV --- "Synergy Help!" I scream, trying to get away from that bitch Pizzazz, how the hell she find me in Florida anyway. ~~ What's wrong Jerrica? ~~ "Showtime Synergy." I say, running behind a trashcan as Pizzazz runs by with her new groupies Trance and Slash, a think a little bit drastic since Roxy, Stormer and Jetta left to pursue solo careers. ~~ Jerrica are you alright? ~~ "I'm fine Synergy, just a little bit winded." I say, hearing someone scream in the direction that Pizzazz had gone in. "This is great." ~~ What is Jerrica? ~~ "I think its time to play super hero again." I say, running in the direction I heard the screams. // A Few Meters Away // This isn't my day darn it. What is going on with the world? First Kimber gets mad with me because I decided to move out here and then Shana breaks up with Aja and Raya decides to let Eric Fucking Raymond manager her career. Has the whole world gone mad? "What the hell is this?" I say standing in front of what looked like a big robot. "You gots to be kidding me." ~~ What's happening Jerrica? ~~ "There's a big giant robot here and it doesn't look nice." I say, jumping back as it's hand came down trying to grab me. "Oh no! This look like that thing those guys were fighting her a few days ago." ~~ Maybe you should have gone with them. Maybe you could have used their help right now in stopping it. ~~ "I am not trying to stop it, it's trying to get me!" I scream as I fall down, getting the wind knocked outta me. "Showtime Synergy!" ~~ Jerrica what should I project? ~~ "Your lasers!" I scream, pulling my right earring off and using it to project Synergy's lasers at the robot. ~~ How are you holding up Jerrica? ~~ "Not good Synergy, I need more than your las...yowwwwwwwww!" I scream as the robot grabs me and gets me. "Let me go you thing!" ~~ Jerrica are you alright? ~~ "Let go of me you tin can!" I scream as I drop the earring that was my only protection. ~~ Jerrica what's happening? Jerrica...Jerrica where are you? ~~ // X-Sync HQ -- Justin and JT's Room // "Baby something's wrong." JT says, sitting up in bed as Justin rolls over. "What's wrong baby? Do you sense something? Is it Ms. Magic again?" Justin asks, eyes glowing, telepathically connecting with his husband to be. "Its that woman that tried to help you the other day." JT says, grabbing Justin's hand. "A Super Sentinel has her. We must save her Justin." "You're right baby. What are you waiting for, huh? Baby port us there." Justin says as JT's eyes start glowing and the two of them fade away. // The Outskirts of Orlando // "Put me down you infernal thing!" Jerrica Benton screams as the Super Sentinel continues to fly north with her. () "Incognito look!" Justin screams as he and JT appear to see the Sentinel flying away with Jem in it's hand. "That Sentinel has that woman in it's hand!" "Yeah I know Catastrophe. Let's help her out." JT says, flying towards the robot as fast as he can with pyrokinetic energy crackling around his body. "Hey that's my power." Justin says, flying towards the robot as well. "Hello Mr. Sentinel. How are you doing today?" JT asks, floating alongside the robot as Jem notices him. "It's you, help me please." Jerrica says, still struggling to get free of the robot. "We will try." JT replies, fading away. "Where did he go?" Jerrica says aloud as Justin appears on the other side of her. "Hello Mr. Robot. I know something you don't know." Justin says, as his eyes start to glow. "When I tell you to, turn away." "What are you going to do?" Jerrica asks. "I'm going to blow up its hand if I can." Justin answers her, touching the robot as his power starts to spread across the surface of the robot's hand. "What is that light?" Jerrica asks, as the center of the robot starts to glow. "That would be my friend and his powers." Justin answers her, working faster now. "I have to hurry and get you loose." "What's happening?" Jerrica asks. "Let's just say things are about to get hot around here." Justin replies still trying to get Jem free from the robot's hand. "Look away now." `Justin you need to hurry. I am telekinetically containing the robot's power core. Once you two are out of harms way, I'm going to make this thing go supernova.' `Baby are you able to do that?' Justin speaks telepathically to JT. `Yes I can do that. Just hurry I can't contain this energy for much longer. ' JT says telepathically. "Miss can you use your powers to help me out here?" Justin asks, still trying to destroy the hand. "Superpowers? I don't have superpowers." Jerrica answers him. "What do you mean you don't have superpowers? If you don't have superpowers, then why did this thing capture you?" Justin asks, trying to use his telekinetic powers to pull the robot's fingers apart. "I don't know!" Jerrica screams, as the sound around her body as amplified, knocking Justin away from her, causing him to fall to the ground. "Oh my God, what the hell was that?" "REGISTERING MUTANT SIGNATURE!" The Sentinel states, just as the bottom half of it's body explodes. "What the hell is going on?" Jerrica screams again, more sound is amplified, this time shaking the robots body, vibrating the hand open. "What the hell just happened?" Justin asks, floating up to the woman just as she falls from the robot's grasp. "I don't know what happened." Jerrica answers him as he swoops down and catches her in his telekinetic bubble. "What was that sound that hit me?" Justin asks. "Honest mister I don't know." Jerrica answers him. "You don't know what your powers are?" Justin asks, floating there with her as JT appears inside the bubble with them. "Hello there Catastrophe. Are you okay?" JT asks, turning to look at him. "I'm fine Incognito, just have a small headache caused by her." Justin answers him as he turns to look at Justin. `What's wrong with your head?' `It seems that she was able to amplify the sound around us and it hit me like a ton of bricks.' Justin replies, linking with JT's mind telepathically to show him what had happened earlier. "What are you doing?" Jerrica asks, looking at the two men. "We were actually talking." JT answers her. "I didn't hear you say anything." Jerrica responds, looking between JT and Justin. "We are psychics miss. We can speak with our minds." Justin answers her, smiling. "Sounds cool." Jerrica says. "Can one of you tell me what's going on here?" "Well I will try." JT replies. "That thing was a sentinel, it captured you because it believes you to be a mutant." "A mutant? What the hell is a mutant?" Jerrica asks. "Well any person that has super powers can be a mutant." Justin answers her, wrapping his arms around JT, showing affection in front of Jem. "I don't have superpowers, so I don't know why the thing grabbed me and picked me up in the first place." Jerrica replies, turning away from Justin and JT. "I'm sorry to burst your bubble lady, but you are a mutant. If you weren't one, the Sentinel wouldn't have grabbed you in the first place." Justin says, frowning as he picked up her thoughts. "I'm not a filthy mutant, I can't be." Jerrica says, tears running down her face. "Synergy! Synergy!" "Who the hell is Synergy?" JT asks, looking around the area. "Synergy I need you!" Jerrica screams out as JT and Justin are thrown back away from her. "What the hell?" JT asks, getting up off the ground erecting his telekinetic shield and levitating Justin as Jem's body start to glow. "Baby what's going on? Why is she shining like that?" Justin asks. "I think her powers are just now manifesting themselves." JT answers him, grabbing Justin and fading away from the scene. // A Few Meters Away // () "Baby why did we leave?" Justin asks, as he and JT appears. "Her energy levels were off the grid so to speak." JT replies as he grabs his head and falls to the ground. "Baby what's wrong?" Justin asks, kneeling down to help JT. "She's in great pain. We must...we must help her." JT says, standing up, the power of the Cosmic Energy Phoenix took control of his body. () "Jem calm yourself." JT says, blaring before Jerrica, his cosmic energy blazing all around his body. "Baby stop it, you're scaring me." Justin says, being held within JT's telekinetic energy field. "Calm yourself as well Catastrophe. You are not in any danger at the moment." JT speaks, floating all three of them to the ground. "Child your powers are yours and yours alone to control." "What is happening to me?" Jerrica asks, as she falls to her knees. "Your powers have revealed themselves to you." JT answers her, reverting back to Incognito. "You are a mutant Jem." "I guess I am." Jerrica says, standing up. "I need Synergy." "Who is Synergy?" Justin asks, walking up behind JT. "She's a super computer with the same powers that Jem just showed us." JT says. "How do you know that? Oh nevermind, you are psychics." Jerrica says, tears running down her cheek. "What do I do now?" "Come with us. We can help you." Justin says, hugging JT again. "I'm scared." Jerrica says, as JT and Justin hold out their hands to her. "I know you are, but we will help you, we will keep you protected." Justin says as she takes his and JT's hand. `Good choice Jerrica Benton.' JT telepathically says to Jerrica and JT as his eyes start to glow and the three of them disappear. TO BE CONTINUED... Comments or Suggestions Contact Information Contact Information Mail: Yahoo Group: Instant Messaging: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: gayboyjt2001 MSN: