Date: Sat, 3 May 2003 21:13:37 -0400 From: JT Poole Subject: Boybands - X-Sync - Chapter 1-14 Warnings and Disclaimers: 1) If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this. 2) If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story. 3) I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction. Questions or suggestions can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good. X-Men are copyrighted by Marvel Comics and Stan Lee. Psychic Warrior, Hellfire, and Psion are the ownership and copyrighted by John Poole All other characters used that are not part of Marvel Comics, are the sole ownership of John Poole ============================== X-Sync -- Chapter 1-14 Will We Live or Die... by JT Poole // Orlando, FL -- Town Convention Center // "Psion where are we?" JC asked. "We are close to the Convention Center." JT stated. "Look up there, there' s the Sentinel." "There's my Bobby." Joey stated as his eyes turned red and flames shot from his eyes. "Hey watch those things before you hurt one of us." JT stated. "This uniform is very itchy. Why doesn't your costume look like ours?" Joey asked. "You guys have standard issue uniforms, the professor allowed us to have individually designed uniforms after we had graduated to the X-Men." JT stated. "So when does that happen for us?" Joey asked. "It doesn't. You guys are already part of a group, you guys can keep the costume you have on or make your own." JT stated. "Psion look over there. Is that the Magneto guy?" JC asked. "No, but whoever it is seems to have the same powers as him." JT stated as he flew up to confront the guy that was attacking the Sentinel. "Who are you?" "Who are you?" The strange man asked. "The name's Psion, as I asked, who are you?" JT asked. "My name is Pull. I am trying to stop this thing from killing that man." Pull said. "Well Pull, I don't know you or anything, but are you good or evil?" JT asked as Pull looked at him strangely. "Well you could be evil and just be fighting this robot because it did something to you." "I am not evil!" Pull stated as he flew away from JT and continued attacking the Robot with magnetic energy beams. `Oh guys, what are you waiting for? We need to free Iceman from that robot. ' JT stated telepathically speaking to JC, Justin and Joey. "Come on X-Men let's move." Justin stated as he flew up into the air and started blasting the robot with explosions. "Hey what about me?" Joey asked. "What about you Blaze?" JC asked as he flew upwards too, to attack the robot. "Oh never mind, I will just do this." Joey stated as his body caught on fire and he flew through the air too. "Oh my god! What happened to Joey? He's flying. It seems all of you have the ability to fly. Wonderful that means we have no one left on the ground to get stepped on." JT stated as he morphed his body into the image of Colossus and started attacking the robot with full force punches. "Look at Psion now, I am so amazed at all he can do." Justin stated. "Bobby, errr Iceman are you okay?" Joey asked as he grabbed on to the robot 's hand while trying to check the status of Iceman. "J...Joey baby what are you doing here?" Bobby asked as Joey continuously tried to pry the robot's hand open. "I am trying to free you. But we are having no luck. Professor X said that this was the strongest Sentinel that `The Right' had and they are using it wisely." Joey stated. "We are all giving it all we have and the robot doesn't even have a dent in it yet." "Well let's see what happens when I lower the temperature of its hand." Bobby stated as he iced himself over and began freezing the robot's hand. "Look at that. Just as I thought, he couldn't hold me for long." "Baby don't touch me, you might melt." Joey stated, as Iceman was able to get the robot to let him go. "Now that you are safe, we need to get the others and get the hell out of here." "I'm with you on that one." Bobby stated as the robot tried grabbing for him and Joey. "HALT MUTANTS! YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE!" The robot stated. "Wanna bet! Try this out for a bit." Another stranger stated as he started blasting the robot was sonic energy. "Cool, that wasn't even full power an he went down." "Who are you?" Bobby asked. "The name's Echo. Are you guys the X-men? I heard one of the guys say it." Echo stated. "Well we are a part of the X-Men, we are X-Sync." Bobby stated. "Cool man, I think someone needs to help that metal guy over there, he's falling." Echo stated. "Great! Incognito!" Bobby screamed as he created his ice slide and slid over to where JT was falling and tried to create an ice net to catch him in. "Baby the way he's falling like that, he's going to break that in his current form." "I know, we have to do something to break his fall." Bobby stated. "Why isn't he trying to save himself?" Joey asked. "I think he's out cold. I hope he didn't overextend his powers again." Bobby stated. "He did that already in the Danger Room today and he collapsed." Joey stated. "What! And he's here now trying to fight. He wasn't ready." Bobby stated. "Why did Professor X send you guys?" "Well since this is where we are from and where we are going to be located, the professor thought we should be the ones to handle this and to get some practice using our powers." Joey stated. "There's Justin, he's flying. I didn't know he could fly. Hell I didn't know any of you could fly. I was shocked to see you out here flying around with flames around your body." Bobby stated. "Well we are all mutants with powers. I guess we will have to explain it later." Joey stated as JC and Justin (carrying JT) approached. "Is he okay?" Bobby asked. "I don't know. He hasn't said anything, but he's breathing this time." Justin stated. "I tried to communicate with him telepathically, but all I got was silence, there's was nothing there." JC stated. "I know that voice, you are JC from N Sync." Echo stated. "No I am not." JC stated, getting scared that his identity was known. "Yes you are. I know that voice anywhere man, it's me Nick Carter." Echo stated. "Nick Carter?" JC, Justin and Joey all spoke in unison. "Yes it's me guys." Echo stated as he removed his mask to show his face. "Oh my god, you are a mutant too? How?" Justin asked. "Don't know, but I like it." Echo stated. "Ever since we discovered our powers we started practicing how to use them." "We who?" Justin asked. "Me and Pull." Echo stated. "Is Pull one of the BSB guys?" Justin asked. "Actually yeah, it's Brian and look out, here comes that robot again." Echo stated. "Enough with the pleasantries, we have to stop that robot before it destroys something else." JC stated. "Why don't you do what you did today and take this robot out too." Joey stated. "Well I tried that already, but it seems every time I dent the thing, it repairs itself." JC stated. "Yeah we already know that. That's why we are still here with this thing. It seems to be adapting to mine and Pull's powers." Echo stated. "When this thing first appeared today I zapped it with a giant sonic beam and it went down. We thought the thing was done for until it grabbed Pull and tried to kill him. If it wasn't for this guy here, Pull would be dead." Echo stated. "Oh my aching head. Is it over with?" JT asked as he regained consciousness. "Baby how do you feel?" Justin asked as JT eyes glowed and he reverted back to his human form. "I'm tired and I need food and sleep." JT stated. "What happened to that Pull guy?" "He's over there with JC fighting the robot again." Joey stated. "With do you mean again? Isn't that thing destroyed yet?" JT asked. "No it's still going. It seems this thing is able to repair itself." Bobby stated. "No, not a super sentinel." JT stated as he morphed back into his costume again. "Baby I don't think you need to do what you are thinking about doing. You are still too weak." Justin stated. "Look Catastrophe, I can't let this thing hurt any of you or destroy anymore of Orlando. I must do what I can to stop this thing." JT stated as he flew up towards the robot and started phasing his body as he passed through it. While phasing through the robot, JT started feeling weak again, but he did what he could to fight that off. Getting to the center of the robot, JT searched out the robot's power source so he could destroy it. Finding the source of the robot's power, JT cut loose with his telekinetic energy ripping the robot apart from the inside. Using his telekinetic powers while he was still phased put a great strain on JT's body and he started to feel faint. With his last ounce of power and strength, JT called out to anyone that could hear him. `Someone help me please, I need help!' JT stated telepathically with much despair and fear in his voice. "Did you guys hear that?" Joey asked. "No, hear what?" Bobby asked. "I heard it. JT's in danger, something's wrong!" Justin screamed as he flew up to the robot and started blasting the robot with explosions. "No Justin! Stop! Psion is in the robot. If you blow it up you might kill him!" JC stated. "How are we going to get him out? Come on, somebody think of something quick!" Justin screamed. "Let me try to use my magnetic power to open the robot, so that one of you can go in and get him out. Do you happen to know what part of the robot he' s in?" Pull asked. "I am trying to locate him, but that damn robot seems to be blocking my telepathic powers." JC stated. "Somebody do something!" Justin screamed again. "Calm down J. We are going to get him out of there." Joey stated. "I can't calm down! My boyfriend is in there! Someone get him out of there!" Justin screamed as his eyes turned red and his body projected an explosion against himself. "What the hell!" Joey shouted. "What just happened to him?" "Seems like his own power zapped him." JC stated. "Whoa boy." Pull stated as he flew up and caught Justin before he hit the ground. "I got him. Psion's in the chest of the robot, right there." JC stated as he pointed to the part of the robot that JT was in. "Well Echo drill me a hole will ya, and I will do the rest." Pull stated. "You got it." Echo stated as he projected a beam of concentrated sonic energy at the chest of the robot. "Finally this is over." Joey stated as Echo and Pull got JT out of the robot and it started crumbling. "Now that it doesn't have a power source, it can't repair itself." JT said as Pull lowered him to the ground. "I am dog tired now." Pull stated. "I feel like I can sleep for ages." "Seems like Psion is already asleep." Joey stated. "He should be. What he did, I would be sleeping too." JC stated. "This is the third time today that he has overextended his powers." "The third time?" Echo asked. "What did you guys do fight robots before you got here?" "YES!" JC, Justin, and Joey answered in unison causing Bobby to laugh at them. "Okay, well I guess this is one to fold away for later." Echo stated. "Our work here is done." "I'm Iceman, where are we going to stay around here?" Joey asked. "Well I hadn't thought about that. Did Psion say anything?" Bobby asked. "Nope, the professor sent us here as soon as he saw the robot." Joey stated. "Well I guess we are homeless until Psion is rested enough to teleport us back to New York." "Actually we are not homeless. We should be able to go back to our own homes here. Do you really think the Sentinels will track us down again?" Justin stated. "It's a possibility. We need to be some place where they can't detect us." Bobby stated. "I don't know where we can go then." Justin stated. "Why don't you guys come back to our place?" Pull stated. "It seems my magnetic powers are able to keep those things from detecting us. I learned a couple of months back that they couldn't detect us after some creep named ESP tried to force us to work for `The Right' and couldn't find us after we had escaped." "You guys were captured?" Joey asked. "Yeah they found us before we knew we even had powers and held us prisoner for a couple of days until our powers manifested and we escaped." Echo stated. "Damn, sounds like what they had in store for Justin." Joey stated. "They have been after you?" Pull asked. "Yes. That's what started this whole mess." Justin stated. "Problems are brewing guys. If the Sentinels found you here then they are going to find the rest of your band mates." Bobby stated. "Lance and Chris are in much danger." // In the recesses of JT's Mind // "Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The preacher asked. "I do." JT stated. "And Justin, do you take JT to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The preacher asked. "Oh yes I do." Justin stated. "By the powers invested in me, I pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the groom." The preacher stated. "It's about time those two tied the knot, we have been waiting forever for this. They are so wonderful together." Jean stated as she started to cry. "Oh I know. I am so happy for Justin and JT, they are so perfect together." Storm stated. "Wonder when Bobby and Joey are going to get married?" Jean asked as JT and Justin ran down the aisle. "Oh Justin baby. I am so glad we are married now. Where do you want to spend our honeymoon?" JT asked. "Anywhere baby, it doesn't matter as long as I am with you." Justin stated. // The Real World -- Orlando, FL -- Brian Littrell's House // "Honey...honey wake up." Justin stated to JT, trying to wake him up. "What! Where am I?" JT asked as he jumped up from the bed he was lying in. "Calm down baby, everything's okay. We are with some friends of ours." Justin stated. "Some friends?" JT asked. "Can these friends be trusted?" "I am quite sure they can be. They are mutants too and singers just like us." Justin stated. "Who are we talking about?" JT asked. "Brian Littrell and Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys." Justin stated. "They saved your life today." "Saved my" JT asked. "Well crazy ole you flew into that damn robot and scared me to death when you called out to me that you needed help. I didn't know what to do so I started trying to blow the damn thing up, but JC stopped me before I did real damage and Brian and Nick pulled you out of the robot after JC found out where you were in there." Justin stated. "Ah so he's awake now. How was your nap JT?" Joey asked as he and JC walked into the room. "I feel refreshed. I guess I needed that." JT stated. "Guess you did. You have been asleep for four hours." JC stated. "Four hours. Can't be, I just closed my eyes." JT stated. "Sorry dude, but you have been laid out in here since we got here and we have been here since 8 and it's now 12." Joey stated. "You must have been very sleepy baby. You even slept through us fighting about what to do about you." Justin stated. "What about me you guys were fighting about?" JT asked. "They didn't want me to stay in here with you. They thought I would be disrespecting our friends' house if I stayed in here with you. They act like I would be doing something naughty." Justin stated. "That you wouldn't. We are not that close yet." JT stated, causing Justin to blush. "So you all trust these guys?" "Yeah we do. We are on the same record label and we have toured with each other before." Joey stated. "Okay. If you guys trust them, I guess they are alright with me, since Justin stated they saved my life." JT stated. "Well evening sir. I'm Brian Littrell and this is my partner, Nick Littrell." Pull stated as he and Echo walked into the room. "I know you guys. I saw you on television a couple of nights ago singing a baseball commercial and I saw you on MTV in a video with some strange woman." JT stated. "We are both singers in the group the Backstreet Boys." Echo stated. "I just told you that baby." Justin stated. "You two are together?" Echo asked. "Is that why you argued with these creeps for not wanting you to stay in here?" "Yeah. I wanted to make sure my man was alright." Justin stated. "That is so sweet. Nick used to act the same way." Pull stated. "What do you mean by that. I still make sure you are okay." Echo stated. "Well yeah you do, but not as much as you use to when we first got married." Pull stated. "Well you just aren't paying much attention." Echo stated. "I hate to interrupt, but where is Bobby? Did he go back to what he was doing before we got here?" JT asked. "Actually he and Professor X are here. He asked that as soon as you awoke that you teleport us to our friend Chris' house so we can get them involved in all of this before the Sentinels and ESP catches them, even worse Magneto and his goons." JC stated. "Well I say lets get on the move then. We are outta here!" JT stated as he waved his hands and a strange colored energy wrapped around all the men and the room and they were gone. ============================== TO BE CONTINUED... Comments or Suggestions Contact Information E-Mail: AIM: SwainsboroGuy1 Yahoo: johntpoole ICQ #: 146925768