Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2004 12:43:43 -0400 From: "Webmaster @ JT's Place" Subject: Boybands - X-Sync Chapter 3-19 Warnings and Disclaimers: I don't know any of the members of NSYNC, BSB or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading. ====================================== X-Sync -- The Darkchilde Saga Chapter -- 3-19 by JT Poole // Orlando, FL -- X-Sync's HQ -- Outside in the Quad // "Stop this Hephzibah, why are you hurting me?" JT cried out, a strange energy being floating above his body. "I made a big mistake bringing you back to handle this, I should have relied on your true self to handle things. I know now that the Phoenix doesn't belong here on Earth. You shall return to the cosmos where you belong." Hephzibah stated, tapping her staff on the ground again. "No! You can't do this to me Hephzibah!" JT screamed, struggling against Hephzibah's power. "I'm the Phoenix, I always have been!" "Yes you have been, but that must change." Hephzibah replied. "Your being here is causing too much to happen. The real JT isn't able to fully exist with you here." "He has lived, he has what he wants. Without me, he's nothing! What can he do with his magic, not a damned thing without my power and essence! JT needs my cosmic power!" JT shouted, kicking and punching at the ground, the spot where Hephzibah had him pinned to. "He doesn't need you Phoenix, he fares very well with his psychic powers I do say so myself and his bio-morphic powers are not to be underestimated either." Hephzibah stated, shrinking down to size, and leaning down to touch JT's body. "What once was, no longer is, put back right, forever is." "No Hephzibah don't!" JT screamed, as the energy being faded from his body and he collapsed. "Sleep my child, sleep. When you wake up, things will be as they should be. Now I must fix the Chosen One." Hephzibah spoke, tapping the ground again and everything unfroze as she faded away. "Now I must get rid of Jughyn before he causes anymore trouble. I must put back everything the way it was and change things so no one remembers what happened." // A Few Minutes Later // "What the hell's going on?" Justin asked, looking down on the ground to see JT lying there at his feet. "Baby, baby what's going on? Are you okay? Come on baby open your eyes." "What's wrong Justin?" JC asked, floating over to the two men. "It's JT, he's not moving! Something's wrong with him!" Justin screamed out. "Please baby, please don't be dead." "No it isn't, he's just asleep. Get him up and take him back inside. Whatever you do, don't let him get near Howie again." JC said, walking away as Justin picked JT up and carried him back to the house in his arms. // Inside -- Brian and Nick's Room // "What's wrong honey?" Nick asked, taking off his costume and throwing it across a chair in the room. "Hmmm, let's see...could it be that our best friend tried to kill us and that he's a telepath and he tried to erase what he did to JT." Brian answered him, taking off his costume too. "Well he said he was only trying to help him." Nick replied, walking towards the bathroom. "Yeah, but we all know that he really took advantage of JT in the strange state he was in. Hell Justin and JC both read his mind, he did all of that stuff to JT. All he wanted was to get off and he thought JT was some street whore and used him just the same." Brian explained. "You didn't have to say it like that baby." Nick said, turning the water on in the shower stall and testing it for the right temperature. "Then how would you like me to say it Nicky?" Brian asked, grabbing a towel and placing it next to the shower stall. "I don't know baby. Why don't we change the subject or something. That's between Howie and JT, not us." Nick said. "Do you know it's been a few days since we actually had time to be by ourselves?" "Yeah I know baby, and I am glad we are by ourselves now." Brian replied, using his magnetic power to close the door. "I'm going to use this time wisely baby." "Good baby, it's about time you take charge of things." Nick spoke, wrapping his arms around Brian's waist and placing a kiss to his lips. "I love you Brian." "I love you Nick." Brian said as the two of them stepped into the shower. // In JT and Justin's Room // "What's going on? Where am I?" JT asked, sitting up in bed, looking around the room. "Hi baby, nothing's going on. You are in our room baby." Justin answered him, kissing him on the cheek. "What time is it?" JT asked, sliding out of bed and walking into the bathroom. "It's a little after eight baby." Justin replied, getting up and walking over to where JT stood in the bathroom. "Where are the others?" JT asked, rubbing his temples. "I can't sense a damn thing." "Are you okay baby? Why can't you sense anything?" Justin asked, looking at JT with concern written across his face. "I don't know Justin. Something's blocking my psionic powers." JT said, closing his eyes. "Something is very wrong, I can't even levitate." "You are joking right?" Justin asked, stepping back from JT. "No I am not joking Justin, it seems my psionic powers are not working." JT answered him. "What about your other powers baby?" Justin asked. "What's going on here?" JT asked, as his body faded away and returned in the same spot. "What did you just try to do baby? You faded away, but came back. Is that what you were trying to do?" Justin asked. "No that wasn't what I was trying to do. Damn! What the hell is going on with me!" JT screamed as his eyes started glowing. "Baby your eyes are glowing. You are scaring me." Justin said, stepping out of the bathroom completely as JT walked towards him. "I am not trying to scare you Justin, I am trying to use my powers!" JT screamed, as he started floating. "Something's not right here." "What isn't right baby?" Justin asked, sliding along the wall away from JT. "This!" JT screamed as his clothing changed. "This must be some sort of an illusion! I am power! I am the Phoenix!" "Oh my fucking..." Justin spoke out just as JT faded away. "Where did he fucking go?" // Limbo // () "What did you do to me Hephzibah?" JT asked appearing in Limbo. "I knew you would come back here." Hephzibah stated, disappearing and then reappearing in front of JT again. "This realm is no longer yours." "What!" JT screamed. "What do you mean by this?" "Just as I said child, this realm is no longer yours." Hephzibah spoke again. "What? Why isn't it?" JT asked. "Look around you child, does this place resemble you?" Hephzibah asked. "Well I don't know." JT answered her. "This place changes a lot." "No child, this place resembles its owner's emotions. This place can't belong to you, you are not dark and dank like this place." Hephzibah said, touching JT's forehead. "This place has always been mine, if it wasn't mine, how am I able to get in here? I'm not dead!" JT screamed. "I brought you here child." Hephzibah answered him. "What does this all mean Hephzibah? What's going to happen to me?" JT asked. "What about my powers, what about bloodline?" "There's nothing wrong with your powers child, you have the same powers you have always had." Hephzibah stated. "Well if what you are saying is true, then I have nothing. I draw most of my powers from Limbo." "Nonsense child, you are very powerful without the power of Limbo." Hephzibah stated. "No I am not woman! Without Limbo's magic flowing through me, I am unable to use the powers I need to fully lead X-Sync." JT replied, slamming his fist into the cave wall where they were. "Child you have the power within you, you don't have to rely on Limbo's power. That power has always been within you child, since the day you were created. You may not be the owner of this realm, but you still have the power child." Hephzibah explained. "That's not possible Hephzibah and you know it." JT said, walking away from her. "It is possible child, when God and his Angels are concerned, it's very possible." Hephzibah stated, walking over to JT and touching his forehead again. "You are a Chosen One child, and you will always have the power." "But it's not the same of not having Limbo to go with it." JT said, tears running down his face. "What about Uncle, what about Grandmother? What happens to all the work they put into this place?" "Child you know they are sitting up high and looking down low, they are where they belong and you know as well as I know, that they are free from this place." Hephzibah stated, as JT started glowing. "Go home child, you have a man that loves you very much and very worried about you." "Wait Hephzibah...what's going to happen to us? What about Beyonce? I know something is different about her and me, I know there is, why not tell me that now?" JT questioned. "Child all will be revealed when it is ready to be revealed, you know this man." Hephzibah stated, bringing a smile to JT's face. "Don't let the others hear you talking like that, they will surely believe that you have been infected by a human." JT stated, floating up into the air in the room. "So can I still use my magic?" "You have the powers you were born with child along with the power that were granted to you as a Chosen One." Hephzibah stated. "Cool Hephzibah. Let's see." JT stated, waving his arms around, creating an abundance of energy and letting it project all around the room. "I'se Back Hephzibah! I'se Outta Here!" "Be safe child, I will always be with you." Hephzibah spoke, fading away too. // Back in X-Sync HQ -- JT and Justin's Room // () "Where did you go baby? You were only gone for a few seconds here." Justin stated, walking over to JT and wrapping his arms around him. "I was...I was in Limbo." JT answered him. "What's wrong baby?" Justin asked, wiping the tears away from JT's eyes. "I lost Limbo, it's no longer mine." JT answered him. "It's no longer under my control." "What? How can you loose something like that?" Justin asked. "I don't know baby, it's just not mine anymore." JT replied, hugging Justin as he started to cry. "I'm sorry baby." Justin stated, rubbing JT's back. "Maybe those people up there didn't want you being the solitary person watching that place." "Maybe so." JT said, looking into Justin's eyes. "I guess they wanted me to have time for what really matters." "And that is?" Justin asked. "You baby." JT stated, placing a kiss to Justin's lips. "I'm tired again, why don't we grab a shower and then go back to bed." "Sounds like a good suggestion to me." Justin stated, grabbing JT's hand as the both of them walked into the bathroom. TO BE CONTINUED... Contact Information Mail: Yahoo Group: Instant Messaging: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: gayboyjt2001 MSN: