Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2018 21:14:37 -0400 (EDT) From: E MOSER Subject: Young Friends and High School: Francois: Family Secrets #33 Francois: Family Secrets #33 Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with his characters as individuals. Again, we have a publication error. This story actually comes after "The Wedding" and before any following it. Family Secrets #33 by Larry Marian Jenna Michelle Jefferson, just turned twelve, sat on a large floor pillow, her hand clasping the hand of Francois Mason M'Urk, looking at her parents across the room, Paige Jefferson and Mason Adams. Next to her sat her twin brother Oscar Paul and Samantha Paige, Surprise with his arm draped lightly over Sammie's shoulder. Next to Sammie sat Michelle Louise by herself. Around her parents were her Uncle Oscar, his wife, Aunt Harriet, her Aunt Jenna and Uncle Sam, Cousin Paul, Cousin Marsha, and Granddad and Grandma Adams, her father's parents. Also there were FM's parents, Uncle Francois and Aunt Cindy. Why do Mom and Dad look so worried, she wondered. She knew it wasn't because Uncle Francois was there. She knew that her mom and her African uncle slept together and it didn't bother her dad, who slept with Aunt Simone when she was with them. It had to do with this gathering of her cousins. She had to pay attention. Another thing that looked a bit strange were the paper bags that her dad, her Grandma Jefferson, Francois, Grandmom Adams, Cousin Yvonne, Cousin Paul, Granddad Doc, and Cousin Marsha all had by their side. Even stranger was that Grandma Jefferson had a much larger bag than the others. "Let's get this over with," FM whispered to her. "You just want to go back to the room and make out," she whispered back. "And you don't?" Doc Granddad, as she had learned to address him, stood up. "I hate to break up young love, but I'd like all of you kids to go sit with your respective parents. I don't think this will take more than five or six thousand years and way before any of us wants to get to sleep," he said and smiled. JM turned to FM and they both pursed their lips and went to sit with Paige and Mason for JM and Francois, Cindy, and six week old Madeline, for FM. Michelle went to sit with Susie and her grandparents, Doc Mom and Dad. "Nice. Okay. I know its not real nice to be eleven or twelve and be asked to sit with your parents, but sometimes you have to do an awful thing. " The noise from parents and children seemed a bit different. "Kids, up until today you have all been labeled by some twenty-five government agencies and three foreign governments, Top Secret. I'm glad to tell you that you are now only Secret. That has allowed six more officials in three different departments to know about you. "One of the aims of the Corporation - and I know all of you have heard about it - except for Madeline, who really only wants to nurse right now - but most of you have no idea of the projects of the Corporation. That is good. Some of them are Top Secret with chocolate sauce and a cherry on top. "So. Some fifteen years ago the Corporation wondered if it were possible to have some children from selected parents who would be exceptional in all ways. This was controlled by the fact that we are dealing with people, and not dogs or race horses or prize laying hens. "The corporation decided to go ask some young, for the most part, willing parents who themselves were very intelligent and well educated. We searched around and found some. Thirteen years ago we had agreements and some tests which found that most of the prospects would be great parents. The only major problem was the chosen mother was really too young to carry to term and deliver a healthy, normal baby. So the solution was to find a close relative, surrogate mother in most cases. "So here comes the first nasty question, kids. Please close your eyes. Close them and put your hands or your arm over them. Now, raise your hand - or other hand if you think you have at least nice parents. They can't see." JM raised her hand at once and felt Surprise do the same thing. He punched her in her ribs. "Okay. Seems like you have decent parents." "Now, here's the hard part, kids. Your parents and myself and some Corporation officials have talked about this for the last two years. We still aren't sure, but something needs to be said. Here's the situation. All of you know about how reproduction occurs. We also knew that our candidate parents were unique but, in the most case, young. One of the bad things about human sexuality is that the female is capable of becoming pregnant in many times but not capable of carrying the embryo to term. In addition, she may well be too young to be a mother without help." JM looked over at her mother and watched Paige smile and roll her eyes - exactly as she had done herself a few times and have Paige say "Don't roll your eyes at me, JM. It didn't work for me. It won't work for you." "Here's what happened. Naming names, Paige, Jenna, and Susie, were all impregnated. An egg or egg got fertilized from the sperm of a male they knew and liked very much or loved. So was one adult, who will be recognized in a bit. Now comes the hard part. In the case of the adult the fertilized egg remained in her womb, developed, and was born. In the case of Paige, Jenna, and Susie, the fertilized eggs were removed and planted in the womb of a close relative or the womb of a close relative of the father. In all cased the eggs became a fetus and the fetus became a baby. "And that baby became one of you sitting with us now. Any questions so far?" Surprise raised his hand. "Yes, OP?" GrandpaDoc replied. "How did our moms get pregnant? I mean was it some test tube and petri dish?" DocGranddad laughed. "No, Surprise. The old fashioned way between two people who had a lot of affection for each other - his penis inside her vagina until he ejaculated." "I feel better about that. Thanks, GrandpaDoc." "Any other questions?" JM raised her hand. "Yes, JM?" "Were there any problems?" "A few. On one time the first attempt conception did not occur. Four months later it did. On another, one of you got delivered by Caesarian Section. One foster mother could not produce milk. In all cases, the problems were solved. Any other questions?" FM raised his hand. "What's in the paper bags?" "In most cases, I don't know exactly except what is in any but mine. But the answer is, a gift to the child from the ghost mother or father. Here is where, as they say, the rubber meets the road. You are about to have revealed either the man who made your mother conceive you or the woman who carried you for some eight or nine months and delivered you. "None of the adults involved has a clue as to how you will feel. We hope for the best. We hope that Mom and Dad will continue to be Mom and Dad. We also hope that you will love the one who helped make you who you are and that you will continue to call them by the name both of which you are used to. So." Doc Mom/Grandmom stood up. "Oscar. I've sometimes wondered about your bedside manners. Kids. Here it is. I know for a fact that you are well loved, both by those who have raised you to this age and those who helped make you. You are part of an extended family. All I can say is, `Peace be with you, both now and forever.'" "Alright. If you have a present to give, please take it out of the bag and then present it to your child. Please sit and talk to the one you helped create. And talk to their parents." With that DocDad took a small wrapped package out of the bag, stood up and walked over to Oscar Paul. "I've never liked `Surprise,' even if you were one. I've always been proud that you carry my name. I am proud to have sired you." "GRANDPADOC!! YOU ARE MY FATHER?" Surprise's face twisted in a smile and a frown. He stood up and hugged GrandpaDoc. "I am. But I've seen you and Mason. He is your dad. Isn't he?" "And Mom is my mother?" "She is. For sure. And you could not have had a better one. " JM looked at her brother and saw him fight back tears, but happy ones, she was sure. Now she looked up to see Paul approach her. He knelt on one knee. "Hi, Jenna Michelle. You know who I am. Your mom and I made you. I am so, so proud of you. And so glad that Mason has been such a great dad for you. I hope you are not mad that I am your physical father." JM looked at him and smiled. "I know Mom was happy to have you as my father. But I have a Dad. I love you as my older cousin but thank you for what you did." She turned and looked. "OMG!! That's Dad with Susie and Marsha!!" She jumped up and ran to the three. "Susie!! Dad???" "Yes. And Marsha carried Mickie for us. I'm so happy!" JM looked around. In the center was GrandpaDoc and her mom and dad, all looking at the kids and smiling at the smiling happy kids. He turned to Paige. "Can you get peace in this riotous assembly, my dear Paige." She nodded. She strode to the center and raise her arm straight up. "HANDS UP!" she bellowed, so unlike her. Mason saw her, raised his arm and nudged FM who was almost crying as he thanked Grammie Adams. FM's arm went up and he touched JM. The circle grew rapidly and silence reigned. "This looks like so far, so good. We will see what the next few years will bring. Let us part for now and head for our bedrooms. I understand that some kids want a sleep over. If you have to ask your mom and dad, ask them. Ah. I see a smile. OP, don't ask me. Ask your mom or dad." Two hours later JM, FM; Surprise and Sammie sat on the two beds in their hotel room. "Mom didn't say where we had to sleep," Surprise said, looking at Sammie. "She didn't. And she smiled. "Look, brother, if you don't want to sleep next to Sammie, go sleep on the couch. You can have Sammie over a couple times a week and she can you have her over. I haven't been with FM since ... when??" "You going to...." "NO!! FM roared. "You know that. And you aren't either. But we are going to have some fun. Aren't we, JM?" "We sure are. And we probably want to get to sleep before Mom and Dad get riled up." The other three laughed. Through the door between the two rooms they heard Paige. "YES!" The four two teens and two tweens got into the two beds, FM and JM in one and Surprise and Sammie in the other and turned out the lights. Before she kissed FM hard for the first time, JM asked, "I wonder if the `yes' was for our not being upset? I know who my mom and dad are. They're next door making love. " The other three gave a low cheer. "Now, sister, dear, can we do the same?" "Obey the limits," the other three called. The four did. JM lay in the bed later. FM had brought her to cum. She had a wonderful guy. On top of that she knew she had the best parents in the world. And her father was a neat guy, too. She snuggled next to FM and drifted off to sleep. Dear Reader, When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected. Thanks. If you liked this part of "Francois" or any of the other Paige-Mason-Jenna stories, please consider a donation to Nifty. Comments, pro or con to the author are always appreciated