Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 03:31:55 -0700 (PDT) From: Julian Otero Subject: Life Experience part 5 Please consider making a contribution to keep the Nifty Archive available. Life Experience part 5 Four in the morning when the call came. The first ring hadn't finished when I grabbed the phone. It was Alex's mother, my sister-in-law, Claire. My gut tightened, then froze, then boiled, all in a few seconds. My nerves were on edge since, raging against us, her son left in the early evening. No surprise, I was expecting a call, no matter I was hoping against it. I held the receiver with a clammy hand. "Is my son with you?" His mother's voice contained a mix of accusation and worry. "He's not home. Cal, where is he? His cycle's not here either! I'll kill the son of a bitch!" The bike was a 250cc Suzuki which Claire and me and my wife had presented for his sixteenth. "He's not here Claire. He left about eight last night." I tried to conceal the worry in my voice, my hands shaking. "Hold on, I'll see if he came back, if he came back here." Fuckin' kid, I thought, why did I mess with him? My wife was stirring. I my legs were weak and threatened to give way as I walked down to my son's room. Lewis, I reminded myself, hadn't even lived 13 summers yet. His cousin was more like a brother, and to me a second son. Oh, it was such a cozy arrangement we had with Alex and my family. Lewis' room contained the pleasant scent of his young adolescent persona, his body, his clothing, all the accumulated paraphernalia of boyhood. The night light threw reflections on the posters, pasted shapes on the walls, made points of light here and there. All was normal yet an eerie feeling overcame me and chilled my heart. His bed was empty. His room, too, had an emptiness, a strange absence I could feel. A quick check around the rest of the house revealed nothing. I told myself to remain calm. Perhaps they were together. Yes, they had to be. Together. Lewis wouldn't leave the house in the middle of the night for anything, and not alone. Leave the house and not tell us? Fucking kids! I was angry. I'll bust his ass. Anger cut through my fright only momentarily. He was with Alex and Alex was almost 17 and I knew not too stable at times. That's how the sex started; I was supposed to keep and eye on him, counsel him, at my sister in law's request. Yeah, he was an eye full, and handful, a nice smooth handful of teenage cock and sperm filled balls. Oh, christ! why didn't I leave him alone? Because... because... his fuckin' body was too tempting and the little cocksucker teased me with it. I was a fool. I trespassed the one place he didn't want me to go...forced myself into his ass. I was the one that needed watching. I tried to be noticeably calmer when I picked up the phone again. "Claire, Lewis isn't here either. I'm sure they're someplace together. Riding someplace. You know how kids are...They're come back in the morning" I said trying to sound confident. "It's the dead of night! We never should have given him a motorcycle, Cal." I pictured my slender son hugging his cousin's back, his hands groping between the older boy's legs, getting him hard riding fast the back roads through the night. No. Forget that for christsake! I told her I'd call as soon as I learned something. Through the rest of the dark hours I lay awake perspiring. I didn't mean to do what I did to Alex. Overcome with lust I lost control. I didn't plan it, I didn't mean—let's be frank about it—I didn't mean to rape him. There was a very long prison term for that act. He was so agitated when he left I had no chance to calm him, to sweet talk him, flatter his hurt pride, sooth his violated ass. And now he was with my son, I was sure of that. Out in the cool dark night. Oh jesus! The lights of the oncoming truck grew brighter very fast. Suddenly the speeding cycle swerved across the painted double line into the heavy truck's path. Before the driver could react the massive grill of the PeterBuilt tractor smashed their fine young bodies, snuffing out their life instantly. The police investigation that followed called it an accident. The corner's report found a high level of pain killers and cocaine in Alex's body and a smaller amount in my son's. It was an accident, of course, my wife keep repeating over and over, and wants a divorce. Oh, Alex. I'm filled with guilt and remorse. Did you have to take my only son with you? I had my doubts about the "accident" so called. I had my suspicions. Did he deliberately steer into that truck? If it was suicide did he have to murder my son? Lewis was just a boy. Hardly any pubic hair. I couldn't believe my son would agree to die like that: Lewis was too healthy and full of life and young for that sophisticated choice. I was haunted by these thoughts and would be evermore. Deep down I somehow knew my lust for boys, for my daughter too, would someday exact a price. But I had no idea the price would tear out my guts. I will respond to your email about this story. Julian