Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 11:03:27 -0700 From: Dick Peters Subject: Twin Boy Family - 1 (sent previosly on June 12, 2014) I first saw the family, moving into the two bedroom apartment across the airwell from me, entering the building with some of their luggage. It appeared to a very pretty mother, an adorable 9 year old girl and her 11 year old twin sons. The boys were so pretty it took my breath away. We did not introduce ourselves due to the confusion of their arrival but I would soon get to know them very well in a way that I could hardly ever have dreamed of. When I returned from work late that night, I noticed that the lights were on in one of the bedrooms in the apartment which the family had moved into. Before I had a chance to turn on my lights, I saw a sight that stunned me and prompted me not to turn on the lights, leaving me invisible to the boys in the bedroom. My breath caught in my throat as I witnessed the boys, totally naked on their bed, watching TV and seeming to be wrestling with each other as they were watching. I could not immediately make out what they were watching but they were giggling about it and rubbing their bodies together in very suggestive ways. A light flashed on in the other bedroom. The boys mother approached a bed in the room and seemed to be affectionately stroking the head of the sleeping girl curled on the covers of the bed. The woman suddenly turned towards the window and I ducked fearing she would see me. I heard her voice: 'Boys, you need to go to bed' she said, her voice clear and rather loud with its insistence. 'I'm coming in there NOW!''. I peeked across to the boys room. They had ignored their mothers admonitions. Suddenly, presumably without knocking, the door to their bedroom opened and she walked in. Her look bore not the least consternation for the sight that greeted her. The boys pretended not to notice her as they continued playing with each other just as they had before she entered. And then a thought struck me, 'I've got to call Katie'. 10 minutes later, I opened the door to find Katie followed by her children, Krissy and Danny. Krissy was a caustic 11 year old trouble maker with a sharp tongue who was even more feisty than Katie. She refered to me as Uncle Dicky mimicking Katie's usage which was very irritating to me, intentionally so. When Katie first introduced me to her as Uncle Dicky, I told Krissy, with an angry glance at Katie, 'You can call me Dick'. 'Ok Uncle Dicky' she said with a cute smile and has referred to me that way since. 9 year old Danny, who was devoted to his smart, pretty sister in spite of the fact that she constantly bossed him around, was much sweeter. He is very cute and always seems to be flirting with me when we talk. Once, while we were chatting privately (on blankets next to Katies pool), Krissy came over and blurted out, out of the blue, 'Who do you like better Uncle Dicky, boys or girls?'. I wondered where that came from and was somewhat offended at the question. 'Why would you care?' I blurted out at the frequently annoying girl. 'I think you like Danny more than me. I guess its because he's cuter than me, right?" she needled me, sensing how attracted I was to her younger brother. 'Maybe it's because he doesnt bug me the way you do, Krissy'. She ignored my response. 'No really, he's so cuuute'. I get jealous when he talks with you cause he likes you better than me. Promise you wont steal him from me'. She was teasing Danny as much as me. Danny blushed but he never challenged his sister. 'Anyway, you can kiss him if you want Uncle Dicky, but you have to ask me first'. Before I could respond, Katie arrived at the scene and Krissy rushed off. 'What was that all about', she asked but I could only say 'Nothing' while Danny kept an embarrassed silence.