Date: Tue, 01 Sep 1998 17:15:10 -0400 From: Marc Mustacchio Subject: JOCKEY HOLLOW III: POST SEASON SURVEY SEASON III POST-SEASON SURVEY 1. What is your opinion of Jack's slurs towards homosexuality that were aimed at Josh? 2. What is your opinion of barebacking, the unsafe sex practice Bryan specializes in? 3. What is your opinion of Kenny's work? Do you think it is wrong for a gay FBI agent to be conducting an investigation? Is it a conflict of interest? 4. Who was your favorite new character introduced in the third season? 5. The characters in "Jockey Hollow" all have random acts of sex, would you like to see a long term relationship form? 6. Episodes 46-53 take place in one day, do you like this format or did you find it distracting? 7. Any additional comments?