Visitors1-Genesis M.G. A sci-fi story with HEAVY scatological erotic content. ============================================================= WARNING!!!WARNING!!!WARNING!!!WARNING!!!WARNING!!!WARNING!!! ============================================================== This is THE most perverted sci-fi series I have EVER read, in fact it is the most perverted story of ANY kind I have ever read. It covers all topics, FF, MM, WS, and a few things that don't even HAVE abbreviations. The only thing it does NOT have is extensive S&M or snuff, it IS extremely scatological, however. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! If you don't like the sounds of this, don't read it. By the way, there is also a very good sci-fi element to this series with good characters and an intriguing plot. =============================================================== The Visitors: Adventures Across The 6th Dimension #1-"Genesis" Ship's Log-Battleship Nemesis, Commodore Mike McHugh commanding. "The crew has recovered pretty well from the sudden shock of being transported to the 6th Dimension. The ship runs well. "Scotty" is an excellent maintainence program- and a real kick to talk to. Lynne has taken charge of the "servants". Some people are kind of rustled by the concept of "slaves", especially unwilling ones such as Tessa. I certainly suspect some kinky activities between "Mistress" Lynne and her "charges". Lynne's metamorphic power also makes her ideal for the position of doctor since she can alter other people's flesh as well. She is studying anatomical references adamantly. She has already been experimenting with her own body- "altering" it. She has gamma- radiated herself a la "Hulk" and now has incredible strength, size, and invulnerability. I think she is also toying with the idea of giving herself a penis, something she's always wished she could have. This worries me. I hope she is careful. If the "rules" or limits of my powers remain constant, I may not be able to reverse whatever she does. Lynne is enjoying her gamma-radiated form and her hermaphrodite nature opens intriguing possibilities for her, she's become a very dominant and sexually charged woman! My friend Angel Ramirez still consistently scores the highest marks in the flight simulations, qualifying him for the position of fighter wing commander and the rank of Captain. Mandrake and Camilla have assumed their positions as well. Mandrake's resemblence to a real human is amazing, I usually forget he's a synthetic. Port is the commander of the storm trooper unit. He is enjoying his strength and invulnerability very much. he scores the highest in those areas. His ego seems to have gotten a superhuman boost as well. He seems annoyed by my position of command and Ramirez's position. Greg is an unusual character. He's Michelle's boyfriend and is a total "wuss", if I might be so blunt. He's so enamoured with Michelle that I think he would do anything short of spacing himself for her (and maybe even THAT!) He's pathetic. Michelle seems to be adjusting well enough, only Lynne is a little hard on her- understandable considering our collective past. I'm still uncertain that it was a good idea for them to share the same room- but Lynne says it will give them an opportunity to "settle some things". Well, I'm all for that, I've had enough of those two going at it already. I feel sorry for Inya. This new "power" of hers (superstrength and agility) unfortunately includes perpetual shitting which she cannot withhold. She MUST hold it and shit every thirty minutes at least. Tessa is a real bitch. it's funny that she is roomed with Inya (that must really disgust that stuck-up clean-freak)! Bobby, Neil and Sabine are Lynne's "personal servants"- I'm sure there's something kinky going on there. And Bobby's only 15 and Sabine is 14! And Neil is only 17! What's also odd about them is that they describe a completely different Earth from mine. Apparently, we all come from different alternate but semi-parallel universes. This ability to access 3rd dimension alternate universes seems to be one of the 6th dimension's unique characteristics. One unusual and unnerving aspect of this alternate "people" thing is: how do we know our friends are from the same universe? Is the Lynne aboard this ship MY exact Lynne, or is she a slightly different one? Who can know? I guess we can only find out when something happens to prove that they aren't one of us..." Commodore McHugh switched off the recording console and swivelled his chair sideways, contemplating his situation. How could this happen to him a THIRD time? And what was his mission THIS time? They had already defeated the "Universe Eater", so what dire risk brought him back to the 6th Dimension? Or maybe it was just an accident like the first time? All he and the others had to go by was the instructions in the computer, as related to them by Mandrake. Maybe he'll be able to raise someone on the communication channels. Perhaps his old powers might help him determine his purpose. He took a shower and sat naked on his bed and concentrate on expanding his conciousness... "Bitch! How DARE you disobey me?!" The sudden admonition from her mistress startled Sabine. "Mistress Lynne- what do you mean? What have I done?!" she pleaded, approaching her mistress on her hands and knees. "Cunt, you mean you don't even remember my orders?!" "No, Mistress, I...I..." "Come here," Lynne seemed to be seeming with fury. "But-" Sabine pleaded tentatively, a sob forming in her throat in anticipation of her Mistress's anger even as her cunt began to get wet for the very same reason. "HERE!!!" yelled Lynne, stomping her high-heeled mid-thigh black patent leather boot on the metal floor with a loud clang. "Yes, Mistress," she sputtered nervously as she scuttled over to her dominatrix. The bigger woman proceeded to grasp he by her hair, Ignoring her protests of pain and slapped her briskly three times across the face, completely stunning her slave. She immediately shoved the girl's face between her legs and pressed her open mouth roughly against her bared labia. Taken by surprise, Sabine assumed that her Mistress wanted her to eat her out again (as her usual punishment goes) and began to lick Lynne's cunt in earnest. "I ordered you to clean my bathroom. Now, since you 'forgot' to do so, I figure a sufficient punishment would be for YOU to be my bathroom until I can get ANOTHER of my slaves to do this task. Understood, whore?!" "Yms, Mrsstrrs," Sabine managed to mumble from between Lynne's legs. "Good, now, lick my feet. I have had a long day, and my feet really smell, so make sure you give them a good cleaning." With that, she pulled Sabine from her sopping cunt and shoved her down to the floor. "Y-yes, M-Milady," the stench of her mistress's sweaty feet disgusted her but the idea of being forced to degrade herself in this way turned her on enough for her to overcome her revulsion. She began by licking the top of her mistress's right foot, where the sweat was the least pungent. "No, bitch, the bottom!" Yelled Lynne as she pulled her foot from the young girl's grasp and spanked her with her riding crop. Sabine let out a loud startled yelp and rolled over on her backside to protect it from further abuse. Lynne used this opening to stick her filthy big toe in her slave's mouth, "Suck it, whore! Suck all the filthy shit off it!" After a brief moment of shock and revulsion, Sabine did just that, and with vigor once she realized that her Mistress must have planned this scenario- no one's feet get that dirty unless on purpose. She definitely detected a foul taste on the woman's feet, and it wasn't just toejam. "Mmm, yeah, that's good. You know, I can't believe that even in space, if I take a short barefoot walk through the park, you just can't avoid stepping in some animal's shit!" "Urrmgh!" Sabine was no longer very turned on by her Mistress's preparations. "Shut up, whore, just be happy i didn't bring the whole thing back here for you to eat! There are worse things than having to suck MY toes, cunt!" Sabine couldn't think of any but she had enough faith in her Mistress's ingenuity to continue her chore obediantly. Soon, she had thouroughly cleaded both of her Mistress's feet and had the nastiest taste in her mouth. "Good, good, but as I said, I've had a long hard day," (It mainly consisted of raping the hell out of all of her "personal servants") "and I feel all gross and sweaty. Now, since my shower is in no shape for usage, you'll just have to cleanse me youself. You may begin with my armpits." Again, she lifted the smaller girl up by her hair and shoved her face in her ranchy armpit. Sabine was revolted by the salty taste, but at least it wasn't as bad as the feet, so she quickly and competantly did as she was told. Soon she had completed the task her Mistress had demanded of her. She was ready to get some rest, this punishment session was going on a bit long. But to her surprise, as soon as she finished licking up the last drop of her mistress's sweat, the woman pulled her head back and placed her face over Sabine's. "Say ahhhhh..." Obsequiously, the girl did, completely perplexed by this new torment. It's meaning became horribly clear, however when she heard the odd snorting sound her Mistress was making followed quickly by the sickening feel of slime- covered chunks of snot dropping into her mouth and coating her tongue. They slid slowly down her tongue like snails into the back of her mouth, right on the opening to her throat. The disgusting feeling made her gag uncontollably. "Barf and that's fifty strokes with the cat o' nine tails, bitch!" Sabine hated the feel of the tart snots, but she hated the pain of her Mistress's whip more, so she controlled herself as best she could, the only sign of her discomfort being a slow stream of hot tears running down her cheek. Lynne continued the disgusting ritual for few more minutes, thouroughly disposing all the mucus in her nasal passage. When Sabine had swollowed what seemed to her to be ten mouthfuls of snot, Lynne stopped and ordered the slavegirl to suck and lick each of her nostrils in turn in order to insure their cleanliness. This was a fairly easy task for her since most of the offensive material had already been sent to her stomach. "Good, very good, you dirty little piece of shit! Now-" Lynne roughly dropped the girl to her knees with her riding crop and once again shoved the girl's face between her legs. Finally, thought Sabine, she would make her mistress cum and the session would be over. With that thought in mind, she ate her Mistess's cunt with renewed ferver. "Now, my little toilette, I am You are going to drink my piss." "Hrrrm?!!" Sabine began to panic. "yes, and if you spill ANY of it, I may decide that I have to take a SHIT too!" "Nrm! Nrm!" the little slave pleaded. "Well, then, swallow fast, bitch!" And with that, Lynne let a slow stream of hot yellow piss pour into Sabine's tiny mouth, making sure she kept it at a slow enough rate for her to swallow, at least for now. She planned to savor this perverse moment, making this prepubescent little slut drink her hot foul piss made her hotter than hell! She'd have to be careful not to cum before she was finished pissing! "You like my piss, cunt?" "Mrr-glurp-ack," Sabine had to catch herself as she almost spilled some of the tangy hot urine. "I can't hear you, you fuckin' little tramp! DO YOU LIKE MY PISS?!" she slapped Sabine's head, almost making her spill it, "Answer me, whore!" "Yss, Mrstrss!!" She managed to spurt out between gulps, her mouth half filled with dark yellow fluid, and rising rapidly- she had to take a large gulp that was a little to big and made her gag- but she still didn't spill any- she wouldn't dare disappoint her Mistress like that! She was revolted by the taste of her Mistress' piss, but she knew better thatn to tell the truth. "Liar!" Lynne cut off the flow. "No, Mistress, No!!" Sabine pleaded cringing from the blow she knew must be coming. "Yes! How DARE you contradict me!? I saw you gag! Well, we'll see how much you love your Mistress' piss- If you REALLY loved it, you wouldn't miss a drop, would you?" "No, Madame," Sabine didn't like where this was going... With that, Lynne shoved the little bitch's face back in her twat and let go full force- the piss filled the startled little girl's mouth, and though she pressed her face to the older woman's cunt as ahrd as she could and desperately grabbed her Mistress' ass trying to pull it even closer, she simply could not swallow any faster. Hot yellow piss ran out of her mouth and down her chin and neck, staining her small white breasts and made its way down to her almost hairless blonde crotch-which was aldready dripping with perverse excitment. About a good thirty second or so later, the stream trickled to an end, Sabine could swear she must have drank a gallon of her Mistress' piss- where the fuck had it all come from? She must really have prepared for this one, she thought. There was a distinct hint of alcohol in the unusually stong-smelling piss. She could feel her body was drenched in it and there was a small pool formed about her knees which were hurting from kneeling so much. In an attempt to appease her Mistress and make up for the spillage, she licked the cunt before her clean of the nasty piss and then proceeded to eat her out the way she knew she liked it best. Lynne moaned with pleasure but then suddenly pulled away. "Bitch!!! You don't DESERVE to lick my cunt! Look at that mess!" Sabine bent down and licked and sucked up the small pool of piss from the dirty floor which had an odd metallic taste. She thought that this was what her Mistress wanted of her, but Lynne had a much more severe punishment planned for her little slave. "Look at you, you're nothing but a little piece of shit!" Gasping from the strain of sucking up the piss, Sabine responded,"Yes, Mistress," she knew always to agree with her Mistress whenever she was supposed to speak- this usually eased the punishment. But Lynne was being unusally nasty today. "Say it! Tell me how much of a piece of shit you are, cunt!" "Yes, Mistress! I am zee worst piece off sheet!" "What kind?!" "Zee worst!" "How? What's the worst?" "Zee beegeest, smellieest, steeckieest piece of sheet!" Sabine was overemphasizing the phrase, like a little girl describing her favorite thing in the world. She knew well that her Mistress demands enthusiasm, or else! "And how do you taste?" "W- What?" This one caught Sabine completely by surpise. "HOW DO YOU TASTE, YOU FILTHY PIECE OF SHIT!?" "I....I don't know..." she had no idea how she was supposed to answer her. A great apprehension began to build up inside her- an uncertainty of what her Mistress would do next that both frightened and thrilled her. "Well, then, time to find out, after all, you ARE what you eat!" She pushed Sabine back so that her buttocks rested on her heels and then squated over her face, her throbbing anus poised directly over Sabine's mouth. "Mistress, please-NO!" she began to plead, tears streaming down her piss-stained face. She had NOT expected these sessions to go this far. "What?!" Lynne yelled and spun around, quickly slapped her twice briskly across the face,"Who is in charge?!" "Y-you are, I'm sorry..." The stinging pain of the blows reminded her what her Mistress was capable of. "I TOLD you that if you spilled ANY of my piss, you would have to eat my shit, too! Or had you forgotten, my little slut?" Sabine hadn't forgotten, but she had thought it was an empty threat. She'll know better than to make that mistake next time. "Now," she continued as she placed her asshole directly on Sabine's lips which were quivering with fear,"Show me how much you want my shit, spread my cheeks and lick my ass." Sabine proceeded to do so, overcoming the vaguely offensive smell that she knew would be increased a hundred fold soon. And when Lynne moaned in pleasure, she redoubled her efforts in spite of herself- nothing turned her on more than pleasing her Mistress. "Oooo...good, now shove that naughty little french tongue of yours in there- tongue-fuck my ass! Suck it, talk to it, make LOVE to my fuckin' ass!" "Oh, yes, I love your ass" Lick "I LOVE it!"-Lick-Suck-Kiss- Kiss- "Now- tell me how much you want me to shit in your mouth, you dirty little bitch!" "Yes, please! Shit in my mouth- PLEASE!" Sabine knew she'd better play along- but some small perverse part of her really DID want her Mistress' shit! "No." This shocked the hell out of her, and now that it was being denied it, she wanted it even more- that small part of her took over and all sense was lost to perverse lust- "PLEASE! I want it!" "No, whore, you don't deserve it." She began to walk away." "PLEASE! MISTRESS! NO! I REALLY want it!" she scrambled over to her Mistress' feet and grabbed her ass and licked, sucked and kissed it voraciously-"PLEASE, GOD, OH PLEASE!" she sighed with lust-filled breath. "Good." Lynne violently grabbed the little french girl's forehead and sat down on her face and let loose a long wet fart that splattered on Sabine's face who hungrily licked her beloved Mistress' ass and devoured the first bits of Lynne's load. The vile smell she once despised was now the biggest turn-on in the World! Then Lynne let loose the first sticky, wet smelly soft shit right in Sabine's mouth. Sabine was surprised at first and her first instinct was to pull away but Lynne's firm grip on her head made this impossible. She tasted the shit with her tongue, but before she could decide whether or not she could stomache it, the brown slimy thing was forcing its way deeper into her mouth! To avaoid choking, she began chewing it, spreading its taste around her mouth. She had to swallow in spite of her natural urges to barf which she managed to supress for the moment. The excess shit gathered about her lips and on her chin. She tried to shove it back in her mouth with her fingers, but some of it still dropped onto the floor. Once she finished the first piece, she began licking her Mistress' ass clean, but when she stuck her shit-and-piss-stained tongue up her ass, she tasted the tip of ANOTHER piece! This one came out much faster, it was softer and tasted even more stongly like foul dogshit! This one was bigger and she had to swallow without chewing in order not to spill much of it. She squished into smaller pieces with her tongue and gulped down piece after piece of the raunchy shit. After that piece, she felt Lynne's asshole dialate and a HUGE solid shit with yellowish-green streaks and peanut-looking things in it began to emerge! It smelled worse than a stablefull of horseshit and must have been four inches wide and a foot long at least! Sabine chewed and chewed and swalloed as much as fast as she could- she gagged on a particularly large piece of it and half-barfed, filling her mouth with regurgitated shit, hald decomposed by her own acidic fluids! Lynne seemed ignorant of Sabine's plight and the shit kept on coming, forcing some of the barf out of Sabine's bulging mouth and onto the floor. Sabine had no chopice but to force herself to swallow her own vomit and continue eating the rest of the shit which was getting wider now that she was apporaching the middle of it. The last six inches of it seemed to last forever and she thought she'd suffocate if this didn't end soon- some of the shit-barf had made it up into her nose and clogged it up. Lynne's anus finally contracted on the end of the shit and Sabine munched and gulped until she had the whole thing in her mouth. Before she even started to chew the tremendous mouthful of shit, she opened her mouth and gasped a deep breath air, but all she got was foul-smelling fart, and just as she was about to finish her intake, a large stream of diarrhea exploded out of Lynne's ass and right into her mouth! Sabine was shocked and glued her mouth to her Mistress' asshole in an attempt to drink it all down as she finished off the remnants of that last collossal shit. The diarrhea went down much easier even though it was inundated with shit-chunks. However, it was flowing so stongly that she couldn't stop it from spilling over, no matter how tightly she sealed her lips to her Mistress' anus. It ran down her chin even as she swallowed vigorously for all she was worth! The diarrhea was amazingly foul and tasted of piss and sperm- undoubtedly her mistress had been fucked up the ass and given direct piss enemas to prepare for this little session. All this preparation made Sabine feel extremely special and she swallowed the disgusting anal treat with renewed appreciation. About this time, she was feeling very full and was farting uncontollably. To her surprise, she herself let a long, soft shit out and it dropped right between her feet just as a hot stream of piss broke from her clit and splattered all over herself and the floor. The relief was heaven and she swallowed down the viscous diarrhea voraciously. Unfortunately, and to her disappointment, the flood of diarrhea finally ended with a few long, wet farts and there was no more to come. There was still some of that last chunk in her mouth and quite a bit of diarrhea when Lynne suddenly pulled away before Sabine could finish what was in her mouth and properly lick her Mistress' asshole clean- mLynne quickly spun around and grabbed Sabine by the hair with one hand and pulled her head all the way back into a position that made it impossible to swallow- she looked crazed with horniness. Sabine moved to clean off her mouth and chin, but before she could, Lynne stopped her verbally. "No! Don't touch it!" She looked at the mess on the floor and suctioned up a large amount of hers and Sabine's piss with a turkey baster she usually used for enemas. "You've got to clean up after yourself, little piggy!" Lynne squirted the piss into Sabine's mouth and she found that she could swallow the piss in small amounts, even in this position. She did so as Lynne sucked up the more of the piss and squirted it into her mouth. Finally, all the piss had been sucked up and Sabine still had about half a mouthful left to go when Lynne feverently commanded her: "Don't Swallow! Don't Swallow!"- Lynne then picked up heaping handful after handful of the shit debris and shoved it in Sabine's mouth, including Sabine's own shit! Once she had shoved it all in, she smeared the extra all over Sabine's face, hair, neck and tits. She then looked at the filthy little frech girl, enjoying her humiliation. Then she slipped her hand between the girl's narrow white thighs and found the dripping wet cunt- Sabine moaned through the mouthful of shit and piss and gyrated in response. "Look at you, you filthy little whore, this turns you on, doesn't it?!" She yelled suddenly fingerfucking her, Sabine groaned and nodded, closing her eyes in ecstacy-a bit of shit escaped her parted lips as she slid on her mistress' furiously working fingers. "Fuckin' whore, take this!!" Said Lynne as she whipped out her double-dildo and fucked Sabine's dripping cunt and shitty asshole simultaneously. "Don't swallow!!" she ordered again as she fucked the little bitch who was pushing herself on the dildo harder and faster. Overcome with lust, Lynne shoved her mouth down on the disgusting shit-covered lips of her favorite slave as she continued double-dildo fucking her and fingered her own cunt and ass. She parted the little slut's lips with her tongue and forced her way inside, deep kissing the little whore- feasting on the soft disgustingly foul yet exciting combination of shit, diarrhea and piss. She devoured the shit from Sabine's mouth sloppily, the taste of her own shit mingled with her sexslave's turning her on more than the ever fantasized was possible. As the girl began to moan, Lynne frigged herself faster, harder and deeper, eating the both of them eating the shit with lustful hunger. Their tongues touched through the mass of shit and the two came together, shit filling their starving mouths, entwined in their lustful tongues, and smothering their beautiful flushed faces. They collapsed to the ground and Lynne turned to her slave and caressed her shit-covered face and hair lovingly. She laid there upon her exhausted slave and chuckled remembering that it was SHE who had forgotten to TELL her slave to clean the bathroom. "Now, my dearest little shit, how do you taste?" "Delicious, My Mistress, Delicious," Sabine replied honestly. "Very good, bitch, and next time?" she grabbed her by the hair and pulled her face close to her own,"I won't be so easy on you!" McHugh emerged from of his mind-search trance slowly, he found when he snapped out of one too quickly he wound up disorientated and nauseous, at least when the mind-touch was THAT intense. As he poured himself a drink, he wondered at the change in his girlfriend Lynne. He always knew she was kinky, that was one of the reasons he liked her, but he never knew she could be THAT downright nasty! Oddly, it didn't bother him too much, and he decided he would have to mind-touch her private sessions more often... Suddenly, the console on his desk bleeped and the screen came to life. Mike liesurely strolled over to the console and acknowledged the page. It was Camille, and she didn't look happy; but of course, she NEVER looked happy. "What is it, commander?" McHugh asked with more than a little trepidation. "Commodore. You should come up here, there seems to be..." she paused. It wasn't a really good sign when Camilla felt it neccessary to pause for effect,"a problem." As usual, McHugh's intuition was correct. "I'll be right up," he said as he switched off the console and changed into his duty uniform. Things had been pretty quiet up until now, but he had a feeling that things were about to change. As usual, his feelings proved right... _____________________________________________________________________ End Act I, Episode 1 For Episode 0, "The Arrival" (in which the team first arrives), or a full Detailed Character description, post a request or send one to Comments are also appreciated.