Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2011 21:57:54 GMT From: "" Subject: Blind Brian 8 I woke up the next morning in a fog and with a sheen of sweat covering me. I know I had a dream. But I couldn't quite put it all together. My covers were thrown off and my boxers were obscenely tented out from my rock hard, pulsing, almost hurting cock. It was hard, I had to pee, and I was chilled from the cold sweat covering my body. Plus, I was in that semi-conscious state of just waking up. The urge to pee took precedent over anything else, so I went and stood before the toilet and tried to push my hard rod down enough to aim at the bowl. I tried to think of anything non-sexual. I pictured myself in school listening to Mr. Wojec drone on about some boring play we were supposed to have read. I almost fell asleep standing there, but snapped out of it when I realized my dick has softened and was now ready for release. I played a steady stream around the sides of the bowl and watched as my dick receded as the stream weakened. I finished up and shook the last few drops of dew off the lily and stripped out of my boxers. I started the shower and stepped under the spray when it had warmed up. I was awake now, but still didn't have a clear picture of my dream. I thought about last evening and tried to reconstruct the events leading up to my bedtime. After dinner I went to my room, checked my email, and surfed a few favorite sites before I got a call from Brian. He just wanted to talk and recount the happenings of the day. He loved what we had done together and was still excited about seeing Tina in the park. He said he jerked off thinking about Tina and remembering how she smelled when he sat close to her on the park bench. I reminded him that I had the day off tomorrow and that Lisa was coming over. That was it! That was the trigger I was looking for! My dream had been about Lisa and about our spending the day together today. I still couldn't conjure up the details, but I knew it had to be hot and sexy. I finished up in the shower quickly, careful not to get too aroused while washing my dick and balls. I didn't want to waste a load down the drain if this day was going to be anything like my dream was! I dried off, finished all of my bathroom tasks and got dressed in my shorts and T shirt and flip flops. I was downstairs eating a bowl of cereal when Mom came down. "Wow," she exclaimed, "You're up early!" I hadn't even looked at the time yet, but I was up and showered and dressed before her, a new record for me. "Hi, Mom," I managed between bites. "So, I hear you're having a visitor today," she said with a weird sort of twinkle in her eye. I thought my heart was going to stop. Did she know about what Lisa and I were doing? Who the fuck told her? "Yeah, um," I mumbled and kept on eating. "I talked to my sister last night and she told me Lisa was going to spend some time with you today," she explained. "I think it's nice that she wants to be with her little cousin." "I'm not little," I countered. I could feel my face getting a little flushed. This was embarrassing; if she only knew that I was picturing Lisa's warm moist pussy right now. She's the one who brought up the subject and now my dick was getting hard as I thought about it. Jeez! Now I'm trapped under the table with a hardon in my shorts. "Well, I'm off to work," she said. "I left 20 bucks near the cookie jar so you can take Lisa to lunch, OK?" "OK Mom," I said. "Thanks." I was glad I didn't have to stand up before she left. She retreated to the garage and I heard her pull out and head down the street. I realized I had been barely breathing during that whole exchange and I let out a long sigh and then took in a deep breath. I wondered why Lisa would have revealed that she was coming over today? I guess it's better to be forthright about it than to be sneaking around. After all, it sounds benign enough for two cousins to be hanging out together, doesn't it. I finally looked at the clock and it was 7:20 am! Holy shit! Lisa wasn't supposed to be over until about 10. My hormones must be in overload mode. They're even affecting my sleep habits now! I was wondering what I was going to do until then when I saw a list on the counter. It was a To Do list my mother had left for me. There were about ten items on it and I scanned them until I saw CLEAN GARAGE. Not too hard, and it was something I liked to do that would fill in the time until Lisa got here. It was also get me some points with Mom. I went to the garage and dived right in. I straightened out the recycling bins and trash area, then put away all the loose items left on the workbench. I opened both doors and grabbed the gas powered leaf blower. This was my favorite part. You know how a push broom never seems to get every thing, and then it leaves a line when you pick it up or set it down? Not so with a powerful leaf blower! I pulled the rope a couple of times and it roared into life. I directed the flow of air into each corner and recess in the garage and then played it over the floor's surface. I blew the dirt, sand, and debris out the door and off into the side flower bed where it blended in with the mulch. I straightened up the tools hanging on the walls and was pretty satisfied with my job. I knew Mom would be, too. I managed to kill some time with that activity, so I went back in for another look at the list. I took out the trash and picked up the family room and was able to check off two more items on the list. I figured I had better stop there. I didn't want to show her too much or she'd expect that out of me every day! The phone rang and it startled me. I sprinted for it and grabbed it from its cradle. "Hello?" I answered. "Hey Mike, it's Lisa," I heard on the other end of the line. "I know it's early, but can I come over now?" "Sure!" I responded. I couldn't believe it! "You can come over anytime." "I don't know why, but I've been up for hours already," she said. "Me, too!" I said. We must be on the same wavelength. "I got up and ready before my Mom this morning. Come on over." "I'll be there in 15 minutes," she said and hung up the phone. I ran up the stairs and took another shower to wash of the grime and sweat of cleaning the garage. My cock was throbbing and calling out to me all during the shower, but I chose to ignore it. It finally went down enough when I dried off. I put on just a pair of loose soccer shorts and a T shirt. I paced the house, waiting for Lisa. I thought I heard a car and rushed to the front window in time to see her pull into the driveway. My God, it was only a little over ten minutes since when she called! She must have flown or been already on her way when she called. She carried her purse and a plastic bag as she came up the walk to the front door. I had the door open before she even reached for it. "Mike!" she exclaimed with a big smile. She came through the door, kicked it closed and grabbed me in a big hug. I felt her boobs press into my chest and noticed that she didn't seem to be wearing a bra. When we separated it became very obvious with her hard nipples poking out the front of her light shirt. Of course, my own excitement was hard to conceal, too. She was wearing a T shirt and shorts, too, like me, but she looked way better in them. "Hi Lisa," I said back as I looked her up and down. I noticed the bag and purse she had dropped just inside the door. "What's in the bag?" "Oh, you'll find out soon enough," she said with a sly smile. "Do you want to start where we left off?" "Sure," I said, "but how come you are so willing to do this stuff with me?" "Well, I like you and I'm comfortable with you and I like the fact that I can do a lot of first time things with you," she said. "Besides, you're awful cute!" She pulled me close to her once again and planted a big kiss on my lips. I kissed her back and we began to duel with our tongues and really get into it like I never had before. Her hands stroked up and down my back and slipped into the back of my shorts to cup my ass cheeks. I did the same and found that she had no underwear on either. "Oh man!" I moaned, "I'm not going to last too long at this pace." We ground our crotches together through the thin material of our shorts. Lisa broke our contact and pulled me over to the couch. We sat and she took my hands in hers. "Look, sometimes it's better to just get the first cum out of the way before we proceed with more advanced stuff," she said. She looked at me expectantly. "I guess so," I said, "I don't know too much about this stuff." I looked down to where she sat with one leg tucked under her. It made her shorts stretch tight across her pussy and I could see a damp spot where her lips were seeping. "Do you want to get it on?" she asked as she looked toward the stairs. "Yeah!" I said and we went up the stairs two at a time to my room.