Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2019 07:24:13 +0000 From: Isuccum Subject: Caleb 51 This work is copyright protected © 2018. You may not copy or reproduce it in anyway whatsoever without the express permission of the owner. Please remember that Nifty offer us this site for free. Please consider making a donation to help keep it free. Caleb Chapter 51 Judy and Caleb set off at a steady stroll heading towards the nearby park. At first, they walked in silence; each entertaining their own thoughts. Caleb was a bit anxious and waited for his mother to speak first. Judy didn't say a word until they had found a bench and sat down in the park. "You sounded quite cheerful when we phoned you. How was your time with the Millers?" Judy asked. "They were great, mum! Gail was so kind and wouldn't let me help in the house at all. She said we had enough to do normally and so I could have a break. It was very nice having that time off even though I don't mind doing what I do at home. And then Alf took us to the house every night and he has a neat sense of humour. He would tease Mark and me, but the one night when I had got quite upset with what you guys told me, first Gail comforted me and then Alf told Mark that if he thought it was needed, he could phone home and Alf would come to help, no matter what the time was. I really felt like I was loved and a part of their family." Caleb told his mother. "I'm sorry you got upset with some of our news, but I'm so glad you had someone to help you. I felt really bad having to leave you behind. I was, at least, pretty sure that you were with some good people and that has been proved right. They are really good people, aren't they?" Judy said. "Oh yes. You know that all of our new friends are nice people. Look at Jerry and his parents and his aunt. We wouldn't be at this point if it wasn't for Daphne. But there is one thing that is bothering me. When Sheils has these operations and whatever else, is she going to be going away or will they do them at the local hospital?" Caleb asked. "We don't know yet, but I think she will have to go to one of the specialist hospitals. I won't be able to take leave for all of it but I hope we will be able to travel and visit her easily. We'll just have to work things out when we know the details." Judy told Caleb. "Do you think, if it happens in school holidays, I'll be able to go and stay close to her?" Caleb asked. "I'm really not sure because you are still a minor and I don't think I can legally allow it. Now tell me, how was it with you and Mark staying alone at the house? I don't want the gory details though; mind you." Judy asked. "It was both good and bad. The good was being able to be and do what we wanted. The bad was having to make sure we got enough sleep and made it to school on time. It kind of cramped our time." Caleb said. "And were you late for school any days?" Judy asked. "Not once. Also, Jerry came by to make sure we weren't sleeping in, but he always found us ready." Caleb proudly informed his mother. "Thank you for not betraying our trust in you. I'm so proud of both of you and also glad that I know I can rely on you two to be responsible if something like this has to happen again." Judy said. "And we won't let you down then either." Caleb assured his mother. "Now tell me a bit more about what you think you and Natasha are going to be doing together. I think I need to know what I'm thinking about before I have a talk with Natasha's mum." Judy asked. "Actually, I don't really know because we have not discussed it much. We thought we needed to know we would be doing something before we made any plans. I don't even know if I will be getting naked with her or just helping her to enjoy a bit of fun. What I do know is that she'll be calling the shots, and if I want to try something, I might suggest it, but it will be up to her what we do. You know that I didn't see all the videos and pictures and so don't know all that she had forced on her and what she found nice or bad. So, I need her to guide me. All I do know is what I told you earlier – we're not going to have full on sex. At least that will ensure there is no risk of her getting pregnant." Caleb explained. "What if Natasha needs to have this `full on' sex; as you put it? Will you consider it if that's what her counsellor suggests?" Judy asked. "No. I've already told Natasha that won't happen. If that has to happen then she'll have to find another guy to do it with. If I'm not going to have it with my boyfriend, how could I even consider it with someone else?" Caleb said, again showing a maturity beyond his years. "You're reasoning is so right. That is exactly how I want you to continue to think about this sort of matter. Do that and even if you change and want to go out with a girl, you can still keep your virginity for whoever becomes your life partner. I love you very much, my young man, and am so proud of all of you." Judy said as she put her arms around Caleb and pulled him into a tight hug. "What do you mean when you say you are proud of `all of you'?" Caleb asked. "I mean there is not a single bit of you or a single thing about you that I don't love and am not proud of. You are a very special person to me and I appreciate how much you've had to sacrifice because of our situation." Judy said. "I don't think it's a sacrifice. We all have had to give in some way because of the situation but I think Sheils and you have had to give a lot more than me." Caleb said. "Don't put yourself down, Caleb. Maybe what you've not had and the other stuff you've had to do because of the way things are doesn't look that much, but it is as big and as important as everything else. Sure, Sheila has had a lot taken from her. It's easier to see what she's had done to her but look at what you've had to get through; going to the library to do your homework, helping your big sister with some very personal and menial things like wiping her after she's been to the toilet, not having the free time that all the other people in your year at school have had, not being able to just go and play, not being able to have many friends because of what you needed to do for us at home, not having a mobile phone or other luxuries that your classmates take for granted, not even having lunch most days. Do I need to go on?" Judy said, "No I don't need to; and now look at you, even with all that, you're still keen to help someone else because they've had a hard time. This is why I can say I'm proud of all of you." "Thank you, mum, I've never thought of it all like that. Sure, I've been sad at times and been jealous of others at times, but we've actually had a hard but good time together." Caleb said. "It's only been good because we've each done what we could to help. Even Sheila has done what she could. She's put up with a lot of loneliness and depression and feeling guilty and has done it mostly without telling you or me." Judy added. "Yeah, she's been brave in trying to handle it all herself but we've seen it. That's what upsets me so much, especially now that we know she should have got some better treatment when it all happened. It's so unfair and now she probably will never be as good as she might have been able to be if they had done their job right. I get so angry when I think about it." Caleb had to stop then as he gulped back a sob. "I also cry sometimes. It's okay to cry. It means that you are a loving person who cares. It's another bit of you that I love and am proud of." Judy said hugging him even tighter. "Come on, I think we need to head home now. Here." Judy pulled a tissue out of her pocket and passed it to Caleb to dry his eyes with. "Thanks mum. Please tell me when you're ready for Natasha's mum to speak to you." Caleb said as he stood up. "You'll be the first to know. I promise you that." Judy said and fell into step beside her son as they took a slow stroll back home. Again, they were silent most of the way. As they stepped through the front door, Judy suggested, "Perhaps you better go and check that those two are aware they have some company in the house again." "It's pretty quiet so either they're asleep or they've gone out." Caleb said. "Still go and check please. I don't want to embarrass or upset them." Judy said. "Okay." Caleb said and set off down the short passage to Sheila's room. As he got to the room, he noticed that it was empty but there was a pile of clothes on the floor, some of which were clearly not Sheila's. "They're not in the room and I don't think they've got all their clothes on either." Caleb called out in a loud voice. He was trying to make sure that wherever Jerry and Sheila were, they would know that they were no longer alone. Judy started down the passage to see why Caleb had said what he had when the bathroom door opened and a naked Jerry wheeled a naked Sheila out. "Hi Caleb, hi Judy," Jerry greeted them. "Sorry, have we interrupted you two?" Judy asked "Not really, we just finished our shower and I'm taking Sheils back to her room to get dressed." Jerry replied before Sheila could say anything. By this time Jerry had got Sheila to the door to her room and as he turned the chair through the doorway, it put him on full view to Judy. "Are you trying to show off, or tease Caleb?" Judy asked. She had noticed that Jerry didn't seem at all bothered about being naked in front of her. "Neither; or maybe both. I'm not really sure." Jerry replied. "Well, you've got nothing to be ashamed of." Judy told him, confirming that she had looked him over in his natural state. "Thank you. I think!" Jerry said as he pushed Sheila past the door posts and into her room. Both Caleb and Judy chuckled and went into the lounge. Once they were in the lounge; Judy asked Caleb in a much softer voice, "Do they know about this thing with Natasha?" "They know Natasha's asked me because they overheard me when I was talking to Mark about it. But they don't know any more than that." Caleb said. "Okay, thank you for being honest with me. I'll let you know in a day or two." Judy said. "Now I think I can get another load of laundry on." Judy went through to the kitchen. Caleb turned the television on and began to channel hop trying to find something that appealed and had only just settled on a channel when Jerry wheeled Sheila through with both of them being fully clothed. "Way to go, Jerry! Did you notice; mum didn't bat an eye?" "Now the two favourite males in my life have become exhibitionists." Sheila said and giggled. "You're not much better." Caleb retorted, smiling. "You mean I have a choice. Are you going to help me shower with a blindfold on?" Sheila asked. "Why would you want to shower with a blindfold on?" Caleb responded; knowing, full well, who Sheila had meant to be wearing the blindfold "Not me, silly; you. If you don't want me to be an exhibitionist, you'll have to stop stripping me, or wear a blindfold so that you can't see my twisted naked body." Sheila said. "Or I could just leave you dirty." Caleb suggested. The doorbell rang and Caleb went to answer it. He opened the door to find Mark smiling at him. "Hi, come in." Caleb said, standing aside to let Mark through the door. As soon as he was in, Caleb gave the door a push to let it close by itself and pulled Mark in for a kiss, and then told him, "I missed not waking up with you this morning." "Me too. That's why I came around now. How is everybody today?" Mark said. "We're all good. Come through" Caleb invited Mark to join them in the lounge. "Hi Sheila, hi Jerry." Mark greeted them and got similar responses from them. "Hi Judy," Mark said as Judy entered the room. "Are you alright?" "Oh, hello Mark. I thought I heard the doorbell. Yes, I'm fine, thanks. How are you?" Judy asked. "I'm fine thanks." Mark answered. "Thank you for helping Caleb to clean the house so well that we've only had our laundry to do today." Judy greeted Mark. "That was my way of saying thank you." Mark said. "Thank you for what?" Judy asked. "For letting Caleb and me stay here for the nights. For letting us use the big bed. For trusting us." Mark said. "And you didn't betray that trust. Thank you for that. It was also a help for me because I felt so bad about having to leave Caleb behind. At least I knew he had some company and somebody to help if he needed it." Judy said. "You'll always have somebody to help. As long as we are around, we will be ready and willing to help." Mark said. He knew he was speaking for both his parents as well. "Yes, your parents have made that clear too. Now can you help me to clear up a little mystery, please? Are you able to explain how some groceries managed to get into our house? Judy asked. "Dad brought them when he picked us up to go to the station." Mark said. "No ways! I was here and I didn't see any groceries being carried in." Caleb protested. "That's because I got you into Sheil's room while they did it." Jerry said. "What? ... When?" then the penny dropped, "So all that about where you should put the gift for Sheils was just a trick?" Caleb asked. "Yes and no. It was initially, but then you made a good suggestion which, you'll remember, I followed." Jerry said. "Between your two families, you're renewing my faith in humanity." Judy said. "I've thought for some time that this world has become a dog eat dog society. But now I know that there are still some decent people around who do genuinely care for others." Judy said. "Please thank your parents for us." Sheila said. "How about you thank them yourself when they come to pick me up. We have to go and visit my aunt and uncle for tea this evening, but I couldn't go a whole day without seeing you, so I asked them to pick me up from here on the way." Mark said. "How long have you got before they will be here?" Caleb asked. Mark looked at his watch. "If dad gets his way, it will be about half an hour, but I rather think it will be a little more than that. Mum hadn't even gone for her shower when I left the house." Mark was right and it took nearly half an hour longer for Alf and Gail to get ready and leave. When they arrived, Alf hooted to let Mark know they were there and he should go out to them. At the sound of the horn, Jerry stood up and asked Caleb to help him in Sheila's bedroom. His grin was almost splitting his face in two. "So that's how you did it." Caleb said. "You sneaky buggers." And both Jerry and Mark laughed. Caleb was going to have to explain that bit to Judy and Sheila after Mark had left. Judy got up and went outside to talk to Alf and Gail while Mark and Caleb said their special goodbyes to each other inside. Both boys had to make some adjustments before they stepped outside. Jerry, Mark and Caleb all agreed to their usual joining up the next morning on their way to school and Mark got in the car and left. The next couple of days seemed to fly past even though at the time they appeared to be going slowly. On the Wednesday morning, before he left for school, Judy told Caleb to tell Natasha she could get her mother to phone but reminded Caleb to make sure Natasha knew what times she could tell her mother it would be okay to phone. When Caleb got home from school on the Thursday, Judy told him that he had to keep Saturday afternoon free as Natasha and her mother would be coming around to discuss the whole matter. "You mean you and Natasha's mum are going to be with us when we talk about what Natasha wants done to her?" Caleb asked; a bit of a nervous tremor in his voice. "No, I don't believe the intention is to ask for explicit details. More it will be how you two are planning on approaching the whole thing." Judy said. She couldn't help grinning at Caleb's initial reaction to what he thought might be expected of him. Please note that my email address has changed. My Zoho account was squashed and I lost all the addresses and mailing lists I had on it. If you want to be advised of when a new chapter to this story is posted please write to me and ask me to put you on the list. Likewise if you want to be advised of when I post a new story ask to be added to that list. Write to me at and let me know what you think of my story too.