Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2019 13:06:20 +0000 From: Isuccum Subject: Caleb 54 This work is copyright protected © 2018. You may not copy or reproduce it in anyway whatsoever without the express permission of the owner. Please note that my email address has changed. You can now write to me at to let me know what you think. Also if you want to be advised of when new stories or chapters of this story are posted, let me know and I will add you to the mailing lists. If you were on a mailing list before, I have lost all those when my email was hacked and closed down, so please ask again. Finally, please try and give a bit of silver to Nifty to help keep this site open and free. Hit the donate button on the home page and go on from there. Caleb Chapter 54 When she dropped Caleb off, Sarah had a quick conversation with Judy and amongst other items repeated to her what she had told both Caleb and Natasha in the car on the way over. She wanted Natasha to now wait until she'd had another session with her counsellor before having Caleb stay again. Sarah said that it would give Natasha time to think and see if it really was helping and if she definitely wanted to continue the therapy. Judy said she believed it was a good idea and it would also give Caleb a chance to think about it and decide if he wanted to continue to try and help Natasha in this way. This meant that it would be at least a fortnight before the two could spend a night together again. Natasha was not too happy about this, but Caleb told her that it was a good idea and she should not grumble too much. Natasha pulled a tongue at him and then giggled like the little girl she was. Sarah got a huge grin on her face and said, "I've not heard you giggle like that in a long time." "I've not felt like giggling like that in a long time." Natasha replied. "I'd feel more like it if Caleb could come around next Friday." "As much as I would like to see you giggling and enjoying yourself, I think we've got to be careful with this and make sure it is the right way to go about helping you." Sarah said. Judy used a little bit of the time she had before catching the bus for work, talking to Caleb after Sarah and Natasha left. She, like Sarah, wanted to be sure that it was the right thing to do. She also wanted to be sure that Caleb really was okay with being used in this way. "Okay, it might be being used, mum, but I'm not being abused or taken advantage of. We had a good time and talked more than anything else." Caleb assured his mother. Natasha, also told her mother that they talked a lot and that Caleb had been very kind and understanding. After Judy had left for work and he had helped Sheila get more comfortable as she waited for Jerry to come round, they sat in the lounge and Caleb shared with Sheila some of what he and Natasha had agreed could be shared. They had agreed that Caleb could share a bit more with Mark than anyone else and although it meant Caleb telling some of the same stuff more than once, he felt it was easier to share it separately with Sheila to reduce the risk that he might say something to Sheila which he didn't have permission to share. Mark and Jerry arrived only minutes apart and Jerry suggested that Mark and Caleb go for a walk first to talk; where they couldn't be overheard like the other time, and then he and Sheila would go out to give Mark and Caleb some privacy indoors. There were no objections to this plan and Mark and Caleb left the house soon after. Understandably, Caleb did most of the talking as they walked and shared with Mark some of the abuse Natasha had had to suffer at the hands of the men. When he got to the end of his account, Mark was silent for quite a while. Then he surprised Caleb, "I don't think you should try and talk Natasha into letting me join you guys. I think it might make her think we're trying to gang up against her. I want you to leave that and see if Nat will bring it up herself. I'll just have to wait and hear what you can tell me." "That's why I love you so much!" Caleb said, "You're always thinking of the other person before yourself." "Not always." Mark disagreed. "When I said I wanted to be a part of what you and Natasha are doing, I was thinking of myself first." "Yourself, or us. I think you were considering how this might affect our relationship. After all it's not what two people who love each other would normally agree to; is it?" "Well that might have also been a part of it, but I was also a bit jealous that someone else was going to be getting what I wanted from you." Mark admitted. "But you can have whatever you want from me." "No, I can't really. If I could we would be living in the same house all the time and sharing the same bed every day." Mark said. "That's not exactly what I meant and you know it." Caleb said, giving Mark a light punch on the shoulder. "Okay, I give. But that was pretty fast thinking for me." "Yes, it was. I must be rubbing off on you." Caleb said. "I'd rather you were rubbing something on me." Mark said. "We'll get to that when we get back unless you want to pull it out and let everyone who passes see it as well." Caleb suggested. "No, I think I'll pass on that idea and wait. But shouldn't we be heading back now?" Mark asked. "I guess we could, we must have been walking for about half an hour by now and it will take that long to get back." Caleb agreed. They had given Jerry and Sheila a good hour and a half before they made some noise on their return as a warning. It seems that it was not necessary as Jerry came out of the bathroom, naked, and greeted them before going into Sheila's room. A few moments later, Jerry wheeled an equally naked Sheila into the passage. Sheila greeted both younger boys and told them they would be going out as soon as Jerry had helped her use the bathroom and then get dressed. As all four of them had been naked in front of each other before, Mark and Caleb did not wait for Jerry and Sheila to leave before they began to undress each other. There also was no point in being secret about what they hoped to do as Jerry and Sheila already had a good idea of what that was. Both boys were totally naked, hard and were embracing each other in a kiss, standing in the middle of Caleb's bedroom when Jerry and Sheila left. Caleb's bedroom door was wide open and the two older teens both looked in as they said goodbye. It did not take Mark and Caleb long to make it to the bed and lie down on it in their favourite position where they could each suck the other. Although it hadn't been mentioned, if Caleb had asked, Mark would have told him that he too had enjoyed an orgasm that morning. Only for Mark, his orgasm was by his own hand and not someone else's mouth. Their earlier orgasms did not prevent them, in anyway, enjoying their respective blow jobs. Neither did it delay the onset of an orgasm this time. However, both boys used the signs from the other to edge him a bit and delay their cums that way. After they had each fed their semen to their lover, they lay side by side on Caleb's bed. "You know, I expected to feel things a bit differently knowing you had been having fun with Natasha, but that doesn't seem to have had any effect on me at all." Mark told Caleb. "I don't think it had any effect on me either. I love you and we both know that while I like Natasha as a friend, I don't love her and this is really just trying to help her." Caleb said. "I think that is the key to it. Also, you have been totally up front and honest about it. I know you're not sneaking around behind my back. I know I can trust you and you're just proving it even more with this." Mark said. They got up and went naked through to the kitchen to get a drink and then Mark suggested they have a shave to prepare themselves for the next week of school. After finishing their drinks they headed to the bathroom and Mark asked Caleb to shave him first. Caleb took his time getting a good lather going. He found that using shampoo made a better lather than shower gel and also used less product. Starting at his shoulders Caleb shaved all of Mark's back and moved on to the bum before doing both legs. Then he shaved Mark's arms and chest leaving his pubic region to the last. This way he could spend more time doing that and leave Mark with a solid boner once all the suds were washed off. That solid boner lasted for the whole time it took Mark to copy Caleb's route and render Caleb smooth and hard. Once dry, they moved back into the bedroom and jerked each other off to another cum shot each. They used Mark's boxers to clean off the cum and then giggled as the realised that Mark would now have to either go commando, or wear his boxers with the cum soaking them. "You should have come over commando, then you wouldn't have cum soaked boxers." Caleb said. "It'd be my boxers that were sticky with our cream." "Or you would have grabbed my shirt and I'd have a shirt with odd stains on it." "But it was you who grabbed your boxers. I would have grabbed my cum rag under the bed." Caleb countered. They were both still lying on the bed when they heard Jerry and Sheila return. Jerry called out to them and they replied telling him they were still in the bedroom. Jerry pushed Sheila's chair down the passage and into the bedroom. Jerry began, "While we were out, I got this great idea and phoned my mum. She agreed and so you two are invited to share supper with Sheila and me at my house." "That sounds great. I'll have to phone my folks and get their permission first." Mark said. "Okay, but I'll have to get something ready for mum for when she gets home first." Caleb said. "No, you don't. Mum has also invited your mum. She's phoned her at her work and dad will pick her up so that she doesn't have to catch the bus." Jerry told them. "So have your showers if you need them and then throw some clothes on and we'll all walk around to ours." "Let me phone my mum first." Mark said. He got up off the bed showing that his cock was still at a semi stage. Having cum twice in a relatively short space of time, he hadn't been able to maintain his hard on following the second cum. Mark walked, naked, through to the lounge where he used the phone to call his parents and quickly received permission to go around to the Cobb's home for tea. Caleb and Mark got dressed and the four of them set off from the house to walk to the Cobb home. Caleb had left lights on, even though it was not yet dark because he suspected they would be arriving home after dark. The three boys took turns pushing Sheila's chair which enabled them to go a bit faster and it wasn't long before they were lifting the chair through the front door and making the awkward turn into the living room. Amelia and Carol came through from the direction of the kitchen and greeted them. Amelia gave Jerry some jobs to do which Mark and Caleb immediately offered to help with. Carol said she would stay and keep Sheila company as she had done everything her mother had set for her. Colin had already left to pick up Judy and the meal was going to be ready fairly soon. When they were all sitting round the table eating, Jerry tapped on his glass with his knife and said, "I have an announcement to make." Colin looked at his son and asked, "I hope it's a good one." He had a smile on his face to show that he was teasing. "It might be considered good. At least Sheils thinks it is." Jerry said and then blushed. "I've decided that I want to go into medicine and specialise in what will best help me to help the person who I would like to have as my wife." Sheila coughed and turned red. She looked at Jerry with a big question in her expression. Jerry continued, "Sorry luv, I'm not proposing yet. But you are the person that I hope I will best be suited to help. I want to try and specialise in something to do with spinal injuries or the nervous system. I haven't really researched it enough to know what would be best or what I want, but I do want to do medicine, for sure." Caleb clapped his hands and stood up, "I know you'll be good at it because you've got the right kind of heart for it. Go for it!" "We'll help you as much as we can. We're glad you've made a decision and we can see that this is something you're serious about. Who would have thought that doctor's kit you had as a little boy would come to this," Amelia said. "You're mum's totally right. We're behind you all the way. We love you and want you to be happy and do what makes you happy. You've talked about being a doctor for a while now and so that bit's no surprise. Actually, the only surprise is that you're not actually proposing to Sheila. Or are you making a long-distance proposal?" Colin said and then chuckled. Both Jerry's parents knew that he was very much in love with Sheila and as young as he was, he was still hoping their relationship would last into marriage and if possible, a family. "Well, I'm still a bit old fashioned and if that proposal bit becomes more than something in the future, I hope you'll come and talk to me before announcing it, Dr. Jerry." Judy said. "I have not kept anything from you yet, and I don't believe that I've got any need to either. I'll do it right and proper when the time comes." Jerry replied. "There's not much left for you to hide from mum." Caleb said and grinned. Jerry turned red and looked down at his plate. Sheila moved her hand over to him and touched him. She hoped that one day that touch would be a proper hug, but for now the touch was the best comfort she could give. "I think there is something that has been hidden from us though." Colin said. "I had helped Sheila to have a shower and was taking her back to her bedroom to help her dress when Judy and Caleb got back the other day." Jerry said. "And maybe Jerry had had a shower too." Judy said. "You were naked in front of your future mother in law!" Carol exclaimed and then clapped her hands and started to giggle. Colin and Amelia were aware that Jerry helped Sheila with her showers and a bit more, and that he got naked with her. Colin had even offered to get him some condoms, but he had told his dad he didn't need them. Jerry had explained that he was not about to risk getting Sheila pregnant until she had been checked out properly and they knew she would be able to have a baby. Colin had commended him for that and told him that he was very proud of his son. Colin turned to Judy and said, "That means that you have seen more of my son recently than I have." And he chuckled. Once more Jerry looked down at his plate. "It's always the parents who are last on the list." Amelia said. "Not always," Sheila said and looked pointedly at Caleb. "I'm sorry, I think this has probably come about because of our situation. Because Caleb helps Sheila when I'm at work the two of them have been quite used to being naked in front of each other and me for some time. Maybe it's rubbed off on Jerry a little bit." Judy explained. They finished their meal and spent some time chatting together as a group before Colin offered to run them home so that they could get to bed in time for school the next day. There was not enough room for Jerry to ride with them so he stayed behind. When they got to Caleb's house, he amazed Colin in the same way he had amazed Alf with the apparent ease he had in transferring Sheila from the car seat to her wheelchair. He kept quiet, but in his head he said, "I hope that one day you no longer need to do that." Then he had another thought, "And I hope that Jerry also doesn't have to do it." Colin was reasonably sure that he would witness his son marry Sheila. But if pushed on what made him so sure, he wouldn't be able to give an answer. It was just one of those feelings a parent gets about their child.