Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2019 17:38:59 +0000 From: Isuccum Subject: Caleb 59 This work is copyright protected © 2018. You may not copy or reproduce it in anyway whatsoever without the express permission of the owner. Note. In this chapter I mention a `blue badge'. For those who are not familiar with the system in the UK, certain people whose condition prevents them from being able to move about without assistance can apply for a blue badge. This gives them the right to park in designated disabled parking bays which are always situated closest to the entrance to a shop or building. It quite often also gives them free parking when the general public might have to pay for it. Also in the UK there is a charity which makes cars available to those with a mobility allowance in their benefits and supplies a new car every three years. Motablilty vehicles are tax free and the charity provides the insurance at no extra cost to the client. Caleb Chapter 59 "We have managed to get the gagging order in place, and we should know in a few days if that has been enough to keep you safe. Please do not try to go home until we can confirm with the police that it is definitely safe to do so. If you need anything more let me know and I will get it for you. Please can you also tell your host to keep a tally on things and put a claim in for your keep? I don't care how wealthy they are, they are still entitled to get costs back." Daphne told them. "There might be some interesting information given out on the news, so you might want to watch it for a few days." "Thank you Daphne. What you have done for us has been really kind and we appreciate it very much." Judy said. "I'm glad that I've been able to do this, and actually I haven't done that much except be the one to raise it with those that have the power to do something about it and then act as the go-between." Daphne said. When Duncan and Sarah got back with Natasha, they put three boxes down on the table in front of their house guests. "We thought that while you need to keep a low profile it might be helpful to have some means of communication that would be hard to trace." Sarah said. "These are almost the cheapest phones on the market and are pay-as-you-go. So there's no contract for them and no address on them. When you need to top up the credit on them you do so using this card." Duncan said and gave each of them a card. "I'm sorry Caleb, it doesn't come with a touch screen or games or anything, but hopefully when your mum starts working with us, she'll be able to afford to get you a better phone." "You mean this is for me to keep?" Caleb asked. "Most definitely. After all you're going to need to talk to your boyfriend and other friends too. We don't know how long you'll need to stay here." Sarah said. "Thank you. I don't know how we'll ever be able to repay you for all this kindness." Judy said. "Just come through this and that'll be payment enough. We haven't got this far in our lives without some others being kind to us. This is our chance to pass that kindness on." Duncan said. "By the way, I've contacted your employer and told him you'll not be at work for a few days. Now don't worry, he's giving you paid, compassionate leave, so you will not lose out on any pay." Sarah said. Caleb waited a short while to be polite but as soon as he thought it was reasonable to leave he moved away and phoned Mark. From Mark he got the phone numbers of his other friends and phoned them in turn. The only thing he couldn't do was tell them where he was staying. Caleb then helped Sheila with her phone and connected her to Jerry. He left her in the privacy of her room to talk to Jerry. He let his mum know what he had done and moved off with Natasha to the annex. Soon the two were naked and exciting each other's erogenous zones with Natasha asking Caleb to do some things she hadn't had him do before. Later on Natasha would speak to her mother and get a few toys to help them with the therapy. But for that day and the next couple of weeks they had to make do with not having anything extra apart from some lube which Sarah had got after their first session, thinking it might come in handy. For the next couple of hours, they had a lot of fun and managed to edge Caleb to where he eventually had an intense cum; and also give Natasha four great orgasms with Caleb using only fingers and tongue to produce those four orgasms. They then had a shower and joined the others just in time for their meal. Judy had left Sheila alone for a while to give her a chance to finish her chat with Jerry before she went to check if Sheila needed any comfort help. After sorting that out, Judy took her for a stroll in the ample gardens the house was set in. This gave Sheila and Judy some time to discuss different things, not the least of which was Sheila's impending treatment. What they didn't know as they talked about it, was that Daphne had got back to the specialists who had examined Sheila and put to them the case: that, in essence, Sheila had now been on the waiting list for over two years for the treatment and as such should be moved to the top of the list. She also put the same argument in an email to the Minister of Health. The result was that things moved very quickly. Ten days after the news first broke, Sheila got a letter from the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (RNOH) in London inviting her for a pre-treatment consultation the following week. Sergeant Sean Meyers worked extra unpaid hours to help ensure the safety of their home and, going out of his way, would deliver their mail to Sarah's house each evening. Each time he would stay a few minutes and have a chat with Caleb. Sean, quietly revealed to Caleb that he was gay but was still in the closet because he wanted to get more established in his career before risking having his progression hampered by possibly prejudiced senior officers. Caleb in turn suggested that he should meet the twins, Sam and Thomas. Caleb spoke privately with Sarah who organised for the twins to be at the house at the time that Sean had delivered the mail the previous two days. Caleb called Sam and Thomas over while he was talking to Sean and introduced them. The three men started to have a conversation and about ten minutes into it Sam started to chuckle. "That wonderful and clever little cupid. Notice who's deserted us so that we have to talk to you?" Sam said. Caleb was nowhere to be seen. He had quietly slipped off giving his older friends (because that's how he viewed all three of them) the chance to get to know each other better. "That young man, I can't bring myself to call him a kid, amazes me every time I come into contact with him. If he were older, I might try to get into a relationship with him because I know he is bi, but he is still a minor and it would be illegal to be anything more than a friend to him." Sean said. "We know how you feel. He doesn't seem to have a jealous or selfish cell, let alone bone, in his body." Thomas said. "And look at what he's just done. He's kind of trapped here, not been able to go to school or see his friends, you come to deliver the mail and have a chat with him and he sets you up with us two because he thinks we could be friends." Sam said. "And what's more, he's got involved with this family because he's helping their daughter with some stuff." "And he's missing his boyfriend, but is sad for the boyfriend rather than himself." Sean said. "And he'd probably be a bit pissed off that we're talking about him rather than about ourselves." Thomas added. Sam and Thomas had a way of communicating, as many sets of twins have, that was not obvious to others which enabled them to know they were in agreement; so Sam asked Sean if he would like to meet up with them sometime for a drink or a takeaway. Sean liked the idea and they set up a time when Sean would visit them at their home. It seemed the little match-maker had been successful. It was a full week before the police deemed that it was safe for the Matthews to return to their home. Natasha had thought it very unfair that she had to go to school while Caleb stayed at home. Especially as she was not allowed to tell anyone anything about what had gone on. None of her classmates had put two and two together and come up with the correct assumption that Caleb was not at school for his own protection. Only those who knew of Caleb's home situation managed to work out that the news they had seen had some connection to him. The day they did move back, Duncan insisted on buying in some groceries for them because he said it was his fault they hadn't emptied the stuff out the fridge and now it would all be ruined. Judy's argument that they hadn't had to buy groceries for the week and had been fed very well were simply ignored. Duncan's few groceries were close to a month's supply and included foods that they hadn't been able to afford since the accident. Once they were settled back in their house, Judy went out and purchased several thank you cards which she had Sheila and Caleb join in with writing and signing. Caleb signed for both himself and Sheila because Sheila couldn't hold a pen much, let alone control it. Jerry and Mark didn't waste much time in coming round for a visit, but with Judy at the house they didn't feel they could get into anything very intimate. That would have to wait for another day. With the mobile phones to use, the two boyfriends had been able to keep up with things, more or less, as they happened so there wasn't a lot of news to tell, but they still managed to talk for the whole of the visit, except for the times when they were kissing. The wheels of the judiciary moved very slowly, but the social services had had a touch paper lit underneath them as far as Sheila was concerned. Two senior officials of the department made an appointment to interview the family which happened the same day they received the invitation to attend a pre-treatment consultation from the hospital. After making the expected apologies for the situation they spent a couple of hours talking and asking questions as they completed a book of forms with information which would then be used to assess the level of help Sheila would get. As the two officers learnt more and more of what Sheila's needs were and how the family had coped with them their wonder grew and grew. At the end of the interview they assured the three of them that they would give it their most urgent attention and would be back within a week to let them know what they could do for the family. Five days later they returned to explain the package they had set up for Sheila. In a nutshell apart from twenty four hour care, she had been awarded the highest care package they had to offer. In addition to this, they explained how the mobility allowance could be used to get a car. They also explained how to go about obtaining a `blue badge' which the family would find could be quite a boon. They advised that the first of the payments would be going into Judy's bank account within days and thereafter would be paid monthly. The consultation at the hospital revealed that the specialists involved in making the assessment on Sheila had not left it alone once Sheila and Judy had returned home. They had continued to consult amongst themselves and recommended that Sheila's treatment be carried out at the RNOH in London as this had the correct type of physio equipment for Sheila's post op needs. They explained that it would probably take five to six operations on her back to achieve the best results they could and this would take several more years as she would need a recovery period and serious physiotherapy in between each op. All of which was aimed at getting the muscles in her body to work properly. What was more exciting was that they wanted to start the treatment as soon as possible and could offer Sheila a bed in the hospital in two weeks' time. Sheila and Judy didn't even have to think about it or discuss it. They simply agreed to the date and decided to work things out to fit with that. In addition to working things out on the home front, Judy also attended a formal interview with Duncan and Sarah. At least those in the offices saw this lady arrive in smart clothes and enter the Director's suite of offices. Word had already been spread that there were people coming for interviews, including some current employees. Judy was the last on the list and had been placed there by Duncan's personal assistant at his request. His PA was already aware that there was something different about this final applicant, because she was the only one that the PA had not posted an application form to. Once Judy entered Duncan's inner office and his PA had left the silver tray with coffee and tea before closing the door as she left the office, the formalities ended. "This interview is purely a façade to prevent our employees thinking there has been any preferential treatment in the process. And really there has not been any. We simply have taken the opportunity to observe you while you have been with us at Sarah's home. That along with your CV and the references you have supplied means that you have actually had a more thorough interview than any of the other applicants. We only have one question to ask you today." Duncan said. "Actually, there are two questions." Sarah interrupted. "The first is, would you like tea or coffee?" Judy was comfortable enough with her possible future employers to be able to chuckle at Sarah's humour and accept a coffee. "The second question is, would you like the job? It's yours if you want it." Duncan asked after the tea and coffee had been poured and served by Sarah. "I think it is a role that I could carry out well and that will keep me challenged. The added benefits you have outlined make it very desirable for me. So yes, I would be very happy to accept it." Judy said. Sarah stood up and moved over to Judy, "Welcome aboard." She said as she bent to give Judy a hug. As Sarah straightened up, Judy stood and stepped over to Duncan holding out her hand to shake his. Duncan ignored the hand as he also stood up and gave Judy a hug. "Thank you for accepting the offer, we're both very glad to have you join us." "Does this mean that I now have to call you Sir and Ma'am?" Judy asked with a hint of merriment in her voice. "If you call me ma'am at any time, you can consider yourself fired. I'm sure the queen's close friends don't still call her ma'am unless in public." Sarah said. "And I'm Duncan only!" Duncan began, "But now we have a bit of a confession to make." "Yes, I'm afraid we haven't been quite as honest about some things because we didn't want that to sway your choice." Sarah began, "You will have to serve a three-month probation period during which we will expect you to get cognisant with the general way we do things as well as get set up with working away from the office. Also in view of your current situation, we are providing you with a top of the range laptop which has a built in dongle. Along with that will be a mobile phone that will work as your wi-fi to connect your laptop to the internet wherever you are in the UK, including at RNOH. We will also house Caleb while you are at the hospital with Sheila unless he opts to spend the time with his boyfriend." "At the end of your probation period you will receive an increase in remuneration along with a company supported pension and you will also have full access for you and your family to the company gym and leisure facilities. Oh, and family includes boyfriends and girlfriends for all executive staff." Duncan added with a smile. "As to your remuneration, we were thinking of starting off at eighty thousand rising to ninety thousand at successful completion of your probation." Sarah said. "Eighty ..." Judy said, and sat down. "Eighty thousand pounds a year!" "Sorry, were you expecting more?" Duncan asked. "More? No! Far less. I don't think I've earned that much in my life yet." Judy said. "Oh, that's all right then. Enjoy it as we can't reduce it, but believe me you will earn it." Duncan responded. "Sorry, that came as a bit of a shock. Are you sure it is the correct amount? It sounds an awful lot for someone who is working at home?" Judy asked. "Judy, we are most certainly sure this is a reasonable figure for the work you will do for the company. We are very mindful of paying all of our employees a fair wage and giving them opportunities to advance. I might just add, that even with our personal connections, I can assure you, one hundred percent, that you led the field of candidates for this job, way out in front." "One more thing, either Sam or Thomas will be available to run you where you need to go until you get settled in and we can decide what will be the most suitable company car for you. And, I don't think Caleb will mind seeing either of your two chauffeurs; they do seem to have taken a shine to him." Sarah added. "No, I don't think he will. He's missed not seeing them since we moved back home. Also, Sean, that policeman, although he comes by at least twice a week to `check on us' but he does spend more time chatting with Caleb than with Sheila and me." Judy agreed, smiling at her last comment. "Yes, I know that the twins have met with Sean at their home, so I'm guessing there is some sexual attraction between them. You do know that both the twins are bi-sexual?" Sarah said. "Yes, I was aware of that but I also overheard the three older ones talking and feel that I can trust them not to try anything with Caleb because he is underage. But they do admire him a lot." Judy said. "Actually, they admire all three of you. We took on the twins when they left school and had to teach them a lot. It wasn't until we took them on that we learnt they had, had a difficult upbringing. Their father was an alcoholic and drank most of the income until he died when they were about Caleb's age. Yet like your two, they showed us they were decent young men and worth the effort we have put into them. And they haven't failed us." Duncan said. "Now on a personal note. Because Caleb is not willing to have penetrative sex with Natasha, she has asked me to get her a dildo for Caleb to use in place of his penis. I wanted to check with you first that you were happy with that." Sarah said. "I'm not altogether happy that these two young folks are doing what they're doing, but I do believe they are being very mature about it and I know Caleb really felt he needed to help Natasha. He has shared with me how he understood what was being done to her affected her behaviour at school. Then the change that came when some of her peers showed her true friendship. When she found out that Caleb had seen some of the pictures and had not made use of the knowledge to take advantage of her or be mean she knew he might be able to help her. So, if that is what is needed to help Natasha and also help Caleb keep to his resolve on sex, I'm okay with you getting them some toys to play with." Judy said. "All three of our children have had a rough introduction to life and I'm impressed with how well they've coped so far. I want to do what I can to help all three of them. That's why I'm glad we've been able to offer you this position because it is more than just giving you a good job." Sarah said, "It's also more than just me being able to show some gratitude. It's doing what I believe we should all look to do when we have the means with which to do it. Simply help those who deserve it." "Well I hate to break up this lovely little chat, but Judy needs to go and tender her notice. While you need to go and visit a sex shop." Duncan said bringing the `interview' to a close. Duncan then called his PA in and introduced her to the newest employee of the company.