The Pirate Affair Chapter Nine Copyright 1997 by The city was now astir. The previous night, a drunken brawl had swept all along the waterfront. The resulting cacophony of sounds had kept Jack Rackham and his mates awake, not that they could have gotten much sleep anyway. Their trial was to be held just before sunset today. The pirate leader had stirred his men with passionate words. He told them how they were being victimized as a matter of political expediency. He never stopped to consider all the tortures he and his ilk had heaped upon their many victims. He speculated that there might be some softening of the government's case if he could bring Anne and Mary into the hearing. Then he almost laughed and snarled as he thought: the women had seen to their own safety, and at the expense of the rest of the crew. Damned them. Damned them both. Both women were pregnant. That would, at the very least, save their lives, but what about the fathers who had knocked the wenches up? Again he almost growled when he thought of the word "wenches" in the same sentence with the names: "Mary" or "Anne". Silently he wondered who the fathers were. It could have been him; could have been almost anyone except for that queer ass hole from the Cutlass. He had heard that the Doctor from Tortuga had come for the trial. He wondered if he was to be a witness, and if so, what could he testify to. The sun was well up now, and they had not yet been fed. Noon came and went, still no one bothered them. From outside the prison, they could hear that the party environment was being rekindled. By three O'clock, it became obvious that their jailers were not going to waste food on prisoners who surely would be dead before the moon had properly risen. At four thirty, a squad of armed soldiers had pulled them from their cells, and while still in chains, marched them out into the town square. The city was packed with on lookers. There had been much clamor until the crowd saw them being marched forth, then silence fell upon the gathering. It was so quite you could have heard a mouse fart. Two platforms had been constructed. The actual trial would be conducted atop one of them. The other stood as a grim reminder that this trial was only a hollow ritual: Six Hangman's nooses had already been prepared and swung ominously from their frames. These attestations that the trial and execution were indeed little more than a theatrical performance did not bring tears to Rackham's eyes, instead it brought anger. He would be damned if he would let them hang him without his first having his say. The man who would sit in judgment was dressed as though he were still in England, not the tropics. His black robe and powdered wig looked ludicrusly out of place. As they neared the bench, he saw Anne Bonney being escorted back to the cells. When she was close enough for him to hear, she said, "I'm sorry to see you here, but if you'd have fought like a man, you wouldn't ha' been brought here to hang like a dog." With little fanfare, Jack Rackham and his mates found themselves standing before the white man in the black robe. "I am Sir Nicholas Laws, and I have been appointed by his Majesty King George to bring you to justice." He looked directly into Rackham's eyes. Laws' demeanor changed from that of one who was merely a trier of fact to that of a cruel executioner. "You have been charged with multiple crimes against his Majesty including murder, theft, and piracy. How plead ye?" Rackham stepped forward. A soldier aimed his pistol in readiness. The crowd was again silent. "Your worship, we are not thiefs or murderers, any more than any other soldier in his majesties' service. "The Kings of England, France, and Spain have all sought our help in their wars. Our efforts not only assisted The Crown in the face of Her enemies, but contributed much to the economy of His majesties colony's. "And, as to hanging, it is no great hardship, for were it not for that, every cowardly fellow would turn pirate and so unfit the Seas, that men of courage must starve." Inwardly he grinned to himself. Anne Bonney had authored those lines. Sir Nicholas glared down from his seat. He did not blink. His voice was loud and clear and it seemed to cut off Rickham's last words, as he barked: "Guilty! Hang 'em!" Sir Nicholas Laws stood and left the bench. Before Rackham could react, he felt the sharp point of a long knife at his back, prodding him in the direction of the scaffolding. One of the guards said, "The two wenches is to be heard next week. Bet you'd like to have that brat grow'n in yer belly instead. I hears they's got more guts than the rest o' ya put ta gether." Rackham paused in his movement and was rewarded with a sharp stab in his backside and a tug at his belt. His pants promptly dropped about his ankles and he stumbled and fell flat on his face, nose sunk into the sandy soil. "Any o' ya want ta fuck the Captain?" One of the soldier laughed. Placing the point of his sword at the waist of the man's underpants, he pulled down, and swiftly cut them from the fallen man, exposing his buttocks for all to see. "Last fuck 'fore you enter the gates o' hell. Step forward and help yer selves." No one dared speak or move. Then, using his shackled arms, Rackham slowly raised himself while trying to pull his pants up. His chains prevented him from drawing the trouser all the way up. They slipped from his grasp, and he again stumbled, falling face first. He swore to himself; rose; and with an attempt toward some degree of dignity, waddled toward the gallows with his pants billowing around his ankles. When he reached the steps which ascended to the gallows platform, he found that his dragging pants also prevent him from reaching up to the first board. A sharp poke in his left butt cheek forced him to crawl up the stairs as might a snake. Each painful movement exposed his brown hole to all those who cared to look. A youthful voice yelled from the crowd, "May anyone fuck him?" The sudden roar of laughter that rose from the crowd covered any answer that might have been given to the bold youth's question. To Rickham's shame, his pego began to inflate. As he shinnied up the stairs, his hard rod seemed to be stimulated by its rough treatment. As he slithered on to the raised deck, the blade again prompted him to stand. His rigid pego pointed toward the crowd, and another roar of laughter saturated the atmosphere. Again the blade stabbed at him, moving him along to stand under the far noose. The rope was lowered over his head, and the line tightened. He could feel the blood pounding in his temples, his chest and in his cock. Time had slowed; each second became an eternity as five of his shipmates were placed along 'side him, and nooses placed over their heads in turn. Glancing to his side, he could see that none of the others had their manhood exposed as did he, nor did it appear that any of them were so shamefully aroused as was he. He looked outward into the crowd and attempted to will his member to soften, but alassit would not obey. The rope loosened. A rush of blood was released up his neck and into his brain. Then he heard a sudden snap, the boards under his feet were no more and his body was accelerating downward. That was followed by an immediate tug on his neck and jaw and the world went into slow motion. He could visualize his neck bones strain and separate. He could feel the tension and snapping of individual spinal nerves, each with a fiery sensation ... Each exploding like a fire cracker ... followed by some loss of sensation. He seemed to loose his ability to expand and contract his lungs, so he began to suffocate. The next pop was that of the motor nerve controlling the sphincter. He could feel his bowels being released upon his legs, and the foul stench that followed. A lighting bolt seemed to strike a motor nerve and his left leg jerked forward throwing his body into a swinging motion. Then there seemed to be nothing below his neck as his body swung gently from side to side at the end of the rope. His eyes still held the image of the crowd but that too began to dim. The roar of the onlookers burned into his ears. Altogether, it took 3 minutes for his brain to die. Those three minutes dragged on for what seemed like three centuries, each year, ten times longer than the previous. Each step towards death moved slowly, not as a staccato rhythm, but as a dull thud elongated into an eternity. The crowd looked on. The pirate's stiff pego had finally relaxed. His heart had stopped beating. There was no longer a pump working to fill an erection. ------------------------------- Jerry and Scott attended the hanging even though death was not something they cared to watch. Instead, they wondered if the ghosts of the hanged men would join their population. From the moment the trap door had been released the two watched the bodies carefully, but saw no signs of a departing spirit. All but Rickham's corpse were removed from their nooses as the remaining four pirates from the Revenge were brought to the gallows and subjected to this final act. The sun had set, but the crowd remained. Candlewood was lit and now surrounded the town square. Someone began passing a jug of rum, while someone else began to pick out an old sea chantey on a banjo. Like Halloween, the party began -- and there was dancing in the streets -- with Captain Jack and his merry crew decorating the macabre scene as their bodies swung from the ropes in counterpoint to the music of the revellers. Jerry, in a de-materialized state, had secreted herself in Anne's cell awaiting the woman's return. She had nothing planned, but she wanted to know the woman better. There was something about Anne Bonney that strongly attracted Jerry. In many ways they were similar. They both came from England. They both had gotten involved with pirates. Jerry's contact had been forced, while Anne had elected piracy as an adventure. Both women pirates had shown bravery in the face of overwhelming odds. Anne's cell door clanked closed. The short trip to and from the judge had finally tired her. She laid down and fell asleep. When she awoke, she found she had a cell mate. Anne stared at Jerry. The ghost returned the look, but with a smile. "Yer the pirate ain't ya?" Anne welcomed the friendly face, "Yeah. What ye in fer?" "You don't recognize me do ya?" "No. Should I?" "I was on the Swan Louie when you took my mate's young friend prisoner and had yer way with him." Anne's eyes narrowed. "Then yer me foe?" "Naw. Not yer foe. If anything, your admirer. Ya got more guts than any man I's ever seen." All through the night the two women talked, sharing their early lives. When Jerry told of her breakfast sausage adventure, Anne was howling in laughter. Then she paused, out of breath and said, "Sure wished you had that sausage with you now. I could use a bit of that. It's been too long since I last was ridden." Eventually the truth came out about Jerry. The two had become friends. Anne's only remark was, "Well I hope's we can enjoy each others company once the hangman does his job on me." "Do you ever regret taken up piracy?" "Oh no. Not even if it means I hang fer it. There is more spice in every minute o' livin' as a pirate as there is in livin' a year in some man's house. "I wrote a little poem; I hoped I could find someone who could set a tune to it. "Drain Drain the bowl, Each fearless soul- let the world wag as it will, Let the Heavens Growl, The Devils Howl, Drain, Drain the Bowl and fill." The light in the tiny cell had gotten a bit brighter as the new day began. When they heard the sounds of a jailer, Jerry said she must leave, but promised to return at the end of the day. Back on board the Seagull, Jerry sought out Jack and Scott. She sought their help in planning an escape for Anne Bonney. Jack was aghast at the idea. The woman had practically raped him. Jerry extolled Anne's virtues, to the point where Jack reluctantly agreed to at least listen and offer suggestions. Things had changed onboard the Seagull once Doctor Radliffe had debarked. The two ghosts became visible members of the crew. Scott and Jerry enjoyed a somewhat special status. Although they eagerly assumed duties as any other sailor might, they were considered as "special" by their shipmates. Every one knew of their needs and eagerly provided for them. Their ability to see at night also brought them more assignments as lookout, and less in ship's maintenance. All knew of the relationship between Scott and Jack; they were lovers. At first the captain had been reluctant to assign trivial tasks to the two, but once he discovered their eagerness to be treated like the others, he accepted them. The only thing truly different was that their sexual expertise gave them an edge. And also, there was their 'sometimes' invisibility and extraordinary mobility. But the matter of Jerry's interest in Anne Bonney would be a touchy subject, and thus was kept in the strictest confidence between the two ghosts and Jack. In the days between the 17th and 28th of November, Jerry sought out Doctor Radliffe and pledged her help. The Doctor's plan was to simply delay things until everyone lost interest. The major impetus was Sir Nicholas Laws. However he was already booked on a return voyage to England sometime in mid December. Being pregnant, neither woman could be executed before Laws' scheduled departure date. The trial of the women began on Nov. 28, despite the fact that Mary was running a high fever. If Mary expected to be hanged, she didn't fear it. In fact, she had told the court that she supported the idea of hanging as a way of keeping the pirate population from exploding. This was the second time Sir Nicholas had heard that argument, and he didn't like it either time. When he asked how they pled, the women responded, "M'lord, we plead our bellies. We are both pregnant, and it is against the law to hang a woman carrying a child." Mary recounted her many tribulations, insisting that she had never really wanted to be a pirate. Even though the court had been more patient with the two women than it had been with the men, the verdict was the same. They would be subjected to the hangman's noose once the babies were free of their mother's bodies. But Radliffe's attitude was: as long as they were alive, things could change. Once Sir Nicholas was gone, Radliffe would petition governor Woods to transfer Anne and Mary to Tortuga where he could look after their pregnancies. In Tortuga, he could ask the island's governor to commute their sentences to slavery, and he would then buy both women. The days passed, and everything seemed to be in limbo. Rather unexpectedly Radliffe was called to the jail. The attendant had not been on duty during most of Sunday other than to supply a mid-day meal, during the delivery of which he discovered that Mary had died. The death had an unexpected effect upon Jerry. The girl ghost had bonded with Anne Bonney and therefore now understood the spirit of adventure and the spice of that dish. The surge of adrenalin in the course of survival -- when the odd's are against you -- has been felt by everyone, but to a few, it becomes an addiction. The shop lifter, the petty thief, the burglar, the general, and the head of state, are all addicted. Some call it adventure, others have no name for it yet they savor the same drug. Jerry wanted some of that, but it was not within her reach. To sample that drug, you need to put something at risk. Her love for Lucy was the only thing she had of value. ------------------------ On the 14th of December, Sir Nicholas Laws boarded an English ship in transit to London. Radliffe sought an interview with the governor; and, pleading the needs of the people of Tortuga, sought the transfer of Anne to the jail in Cayona. On December 28th, The Swan Louie departed for Tortuga, accompanied by the Seagull. The woman pirate Anne Bonney was a passenger/prisoner in the custody of Doctor Michael Radliffe. On January 15th, the government records in Tortuga show the commutation of Anne's sentence to: life as a slave. On January 18th, the government records in Tortuga show the purchase of one slave, Anne Bonney, by Doctor Michael Radliffe for the sum of one thousand pieces-of-eight. On January 20th, the Swan Louie departed Tortuga for the Carolina's with four passengers: Lucy Granville, Julie Eyber, Doctor Michael Radliffe, and household slave: one Anne Bonney. The Seagull had decided to extend her voyage by continuing to act as escort. The Louie was no where to be seen as the Seagull pulled up her hook, and began her slow trip up Cayona Harbor's easterly channel. Once clear of the harbor, all of her sails were trimmed and set for a combination of good speed and a smooth ride. Within the next quarter hour her sheets were tensioned as tautly as the highest string on a violin. The hull bit deeply into the rich blue Caribbean sea, the water curling upward along her hull. Occasionally, eddies of wind generated by the air ricocheting from the sails would catch some of the froth, move it into the air thus allowing it to be caught by the natural breeze which sprayed it across the deck. Several hours had passed and the Seagull became confident that they would overtake the French ship within just a few hours. The pre-arranged course would take the vessels westward parallel with Cuba's northern coast. Once abreast of the east coast of the New World, the course would be altered into a straight shot north along Florida, and finally into the Carolina's. The Swan Louie would then put into Charleston Harbor for a few days before finally heading east across the Atlantic to France. Almost six months had passed since the Swan Louie had left New Orleans with her passengers. It would most likely be another two months before she reached her destination. It was somewhat after 1 A.M. on their third night out that Scott sighted a lone ship, stationary in the water, but with her sails full. If it had not been for his night vision, the ship would have gone undetected as it lay in wait, secreted within the shadows of a near by islet. "Jack, see if you can find Jerry and have her come up here, then tell the Captain about that ship. I bet you it's the Bloody Cutlass." The boy began to step into his pants, in preparation for his departure. Scott added, "You'd better tell the Captain first, and have the helmsman change course." Unexpectedly both tasks were attended to in the same visit. He found Jerry sleeping in the arms of the older man. Within seconds the girl ghost was standing alongside her male counterpart. "I feel like visiting Captain Frank, how about you?" Without turning Scott replied, "That's pretty much what I had in mind when I first spotted the Cutlass." The Captain was now at the helm. The change in course had not been radical. Jerry and Scott addressed him, "Sir, we wants ta take leave with yer permission and see what's happenin on the Bloody Cutlass." "Permission granted. How long do you think you'll be gone?" "Don't rightly know, but I think the Cutlass was the only shoal in these waters. Don't ye worry; we'll be back soon as we get's the lay o' the land." Moments later the two invisible spirits were close to the helm of the Bloody Cutlass. There was a sailor sitting on a cask. The only sound was from the wind which kept the sails full. A second sailor came through a hatchway, "Redge, what 'cha thinkin' 'bout?" The lad on the cask turned to his mate, "Ya relieving me?" "Naw. Another hour yet. What are you gonna do when they puts us ashore?" Jerry and Scott looked at each other wondering about that snippet of conversation. "Don't rightly know. The QM has been talking about he and some of the crew becoming land pirates, but Captain Frank says they should hold off on that 'til they's far away, else the King's men might catch on and still be after us." "Yeah. Heard that me self. Think Captn's right. You teaming up with anyone yet?" "Nope. How's about you and me joining up; just the two of us. Got any idea how much booty we'll be splitting?" Jerry whispered in Scott's ear, "Sounds like they are planning a career change." "Let's check out Captain Frank. But first let's take the wind out of their sails." Jerry looked at him quizzically, then smiled as she caught on to his double entendre. Scott climbed the forward mast, while Jerry stood by the sheet. No one else was about, and the two sailors were talking between themselves. Scott was in position near where the sail halyard passed through the top pulley. He signaled Jerry, who let out on the forward sheet. At the same instant that the halyard went slack he slipped the line off of the pulley wheel and the halyard jammed in the block. The sudden shift in trim upset the balance and the Cutlass lurched to starboard. This in turn spilled the wind from the other sails, and the two sailors found themselves in each others arms skidding across the deck. "What the hell was that?" The man who should have been tending the helm screamed. "Don't know but the QM is gonna be pissed." ------------------------------ Moments before "The Incident", as the event was soon to become known, Captain Frank had been alone with the cook's boy. In fact Frank had been playing with the lad for almost a quarter hour. The boy was certainly as ready as he would ever be. The youth was naked of course, and on all fours. The Captain had also shed his clothing, and then prepared the boy for an easy entry. The invading organ settled itself over the sphincter and began to push gently inward, rubbing at the opening. He pressed forward, then backed off, gently but insistently pushing a little deeper with each motion. He felt the muscles yielding in response to his hot poker. The "Target" had been lubed. The shaft had been in position. The tip was already being grasped by the sphincter. The entry was to be gentle. A little vacillating; back and forth. However, it was at that precise moment that the forward sail had lost her trim, and the Cutlass lurched to starboard. Her stern was being held by her anchor line. This caused the ship to fishtail. The Captain, and the boy flew across the tiny cabin, landing face down. The shaft, which had already begun its entry was flung all the way in, in a single, almost violent, push. The boy, who was hardly a virgin, had not been prepared for such an assault. As he landed on the floor, the Captain directly on top of him, shaft now buried to the hilt, his eyes went wide, and a large "O" formed upon his lips. After the shock and momentary pain, his lower regions now felt full, and ready. The hot cock-head slid easily back and forth in the depths of his bowels. He felt it moving up and down. Frank's hands worked themselves around in front of the boy and began to tug gently at his nipples. The boy's cock jerked upward in response to the tit-play. The sailor who had been at the helm was attempting to lower the forward sail, but the violent whipping of the canvas had wedged the rope hard between the pulley wheel and its block. Frank had withdrawn, just the head of his pego was nudged against the waiting hole. The boy again felt a firm shove, and his ass surrendered. Again the ship lurched, but this time to port. The boy felt the invading dick-head slip past his lost defense and plow itself deeper inside his body. His balls lurched in synchronism, and he felt a large drop of pre-cum well up and spill out of his own dick, dripping in a long, clear string to the bare deck. Then the Captain began driving in and out of his ass, forcing the boy's body to rock slightly with the motion, his balls banging against both of the boy's ass cheeks. The boy moved forward from the thrusting dick. The thumping of his nuts against the wooden deck only served to increase his stiffness. He found his body responding again to the sensations which were generated inside of him. He began pushing back as the Captain's pego pressed forward. His balls were getting rhythmically thumped, and his cock was wagging proudly in front of him as it continued leaking the clear fluid. Small droplets, suspended at equal distances on the stringy fluid, stretched to the floor. His dick throbbed, and his balls were beginning to ache. He couldn't stop the motion even though his dick and balls continued to bang against the wood. He tried to stifle the groan escaping his lungs, but couldn't; and Frank just pushed that much harder as he heard the youth's voice surrender to the pleasures of the flesh. Then the boy felt the warmth of skin as Frank's fist encircled his jangled balls and pulled them backward. They were quite sensitive now from their repeated thumping against the deck. The downward pressure now being applied caused his cock to twitch spasmodically. His nuts weren't being hurt, just placed under a slightly distressing pressure. He moaned softly as they were tugged gently, while feeling his pole slide and drool uncontrollably. Frank was nearing climax as he felt the boy's ass-muscles grip and relax on his dick as it rubbed back and forth over the bubbling prostate. The small gland was getting quite tenderized as the man-cock rode over it repeatedly. The boy's crotch had long since taken control of his movements. He reared back against a particularly hard thrust, clenching his muscles as the invading organ bottomed out. Then it was his turn to groan. Frank's voice raised in passion as an orgasm swept over him. The boy was furiously pounding his meat while his butt was being filled from the man's spewing cock; jet after jet of sticky white cum was flung up inside the youth. It was in this position that the two were engaged when Scott and Jerry entered the Captain's cabin. The boy's cock was ready to explode. Without even thinking about it, Jerry slid under them, capturing the volley that followed. The boy's pleasure was so intense that he did not realize it could not have been the captain's mouth that was servicing his needs. Scott looked on thinking back to that first time when Jerry had said, "Oh Gawd NO! You mean you think we are gonna have to live off o' that stuff. I'd rather eat pussy." Now there seemed to be little hesitation. Frank's blood was pounding in his ears as his shaft continued to pulse. Eventhough the climax was winding down, the pounding persisted. Then the sound of real hammering on the cabin door merged. "Captain! Frank, we need you on deck." The boy was still lying flat on the deck, his dark buttocks glistening with sweat and sperm as his seducer pulled on his trousers, replying, "What's happened?" The unbalanced sails had put the Cutlass into oscillation at the end of her anchor tether. As the wind continued to alternately spill and fill the ship rocked out of control. But, before the QM or the Captain could get on deck this movement had dampened. The sailor who had been at the helm was attempting to lower the forward sail, but the violent whipping of the canvas had wedged the rope hard between the pulley wheel and its block. The Quartermaster was the first officer on deck. The initial lurch had slingshoted him from his hammock. He had rushed down the passageway dressed only in his under shorts. His first orders were to the off duty sailor, "Get the Captain, and rouse the crew." The QM's experienced eye quickly assessed the situation. All of the canvas must be lowered if they were to prevent further damage. He shaped his hands around his mouth and shouted to the man at the top of the forward mast to cut the halyard. While his orders were being carried out he began loosening the aft sheets. Captain Frank rushed on deck, and up to the helm. He grasped the wheel, attempting to stop its wild gyrations. Other sailors emerged onto the deck. There was great commotion. Finally the event wound down. While the Bloody Cutlass was dangling from her anchor line -- her forward sail a tattered piece of canvas flung across her bow, and the rest of her sails laying in disarray across her decks -- there came a report from a look out: "Ahoy! Ship three points off our starboard bow." "Is she closing on us?" The wind carried the QM's question aloft. "No Sir. I don't think she's seen us." The man was wrong. The Seagull had seen the Cutlass long before the lookout had made his report. The prey would soon disappear over the horizon. The captain of both ships were silently relieved that there would be no confrontation. It took several hours for the pirates to get the lowered sails in order. The tattered forward sail would require an all-hands-effort for at least the next day before it could again be set on her mast. Captain Frank ordered the QM to set a small amount of sail, and raise the anchor. They would seek the shelter of the nearby island to their south. ----------------------------- Scott had ambivalent feelings towards the captain pirate who had robbed him of his family, his virginity, and indirectly his life. On the other hand Jerry's attitude was malevolent. Yet neither truly hated the scoundrel. The girl, more so than the boy ghost, recognized the spirit of adventure which drove the majority of these outlaws. Even though Scott realized what Captain Frank had robbed him of, the sensory aspect of his introduction to sex was always lurking in the recesses of his mind. When he recalled those early events, it always brought his pego to full mast. Both realized that regardless of what they did, world events would destroy the Bloody Cutlass. What ever pitiful play they might engage in would do little to delay the inevitable. By a stroke of luck, they had saved the Seagull from attack. They felt that they should confront the snake and pull its fangs. The ship had made its way into a small cove, and dropped its hook. They would remain there throughout the morrow and repair the sails. Captain Frank left the details of the short trip in the hands of the QM. Everyone was on deck when he closed the door to his cabin and undressed. He had had a long and trying day. That coupled with the his wild sexual escapade with the cook's boy had brought him to the point where the only thing he could think of was bed and sleep. Before hitting the sack, he took several long pulls on a bottle of rum, then washed it down with a tankard of warm ale. The alcohol hit him like a ton of bricks. He extinguished the lantern and laid upon his bed wearing only a flimsy pair of purple underpants. Their present course placed a quarter moon off the ships port beam, allowing a yellow light to create moving shadows as the vessel slipped through the ocean. He blinked at the image his mind had warned him must be an hallucination. The naked boy whom his eyes had lied to his brain about was none other than his English cabin boy. He blinked again, but this time the image he saw was the girl who had stolen the boy. Hair of the dog was the only solution. He raised himself from his bed, found the rum bottle and took another deep swig. The anesthesia had the appropriate effect. The hallucination disappeared into the cobwebs of his mind. He fell into a deep sleep. The two ghosts followed suite. "Capn! Capn!" The cook's boy had entered without knocking. Frank stirred as the sounds intruded upon his dreamless state. His head ached with a vengeance, warning him that he was treating his body shamelessly. He opened one eye, squinting at the brightly lit cabin of a new day. "Cook wants to know if ye want's some breakfast, and the QM needs to speak with ye. Want me to have him come in?" The pirate still was not fully awake. His hand reached beneath his purple underpants, and began scratching his pubes. The boy, remembering the thorough fucking he had received the day before looked askance thinking the man wanted to start his day with another ride. He turned and moved toward the door. "Naw, laddie, I think not on the breakfast. If ye got a bit a fruit, I'd like that. Ask Mr. Johnson to come in." The boy reached for the latch on the cabin door. Frank continued, "And as fer tother, we'll save the party 'til after dark." As the boy exited, the QM entered. "Captn' the crew asked me to talk to ya. They's not at all happy with what little booty we have to divide. No one thinks that abandoning the Cutlass is a bad idea, but they needs a stake." Frank looked questioningly at his second officer. "Most of the booty we have is not worth much; at least not to us. They's welcome to take as much of the grain, and booze as we got on board. As fer the valuables, we've got not morn a hundred quid per man." "That's why they wants to overtake the Swan Louie and take her two passengers for ransom. If the Louie takes the normal route she'll head west 'til she's at the southern tip of Florida, then change course and parallel the east coast all the way to the Carolinas. On the other hand, if we set our course to 300 we could reach those waters before she does. Then we board the Louie, take the passengers, scuttle the ship, and go on with our original plan." Frank's mind was still cloudy from his hangover. His head ached. His balls itched, and his bladder demanded immediate relief. "I'll have ta think about it. How's the repair work going on the sails?" "They's well underway. We could head north before noon if we's amind to." "Alright Mr. Johnson. Give me more details on what ye got planned." The QM put his butt down in a chair, with his boots on the bunk. "The original idea was that we would grab the Louie yesterday, scuttle her, and head for the Florida coast. We would put most of the crew, and our booty ashore, including yer self. Then I would put to sea, and put the Cutlass on the rocks. After we made it ashore, we would meet up with you, divvy up the booty, and then we'd each go our own way. The only thing different is that the intercept would be off of the Carolina's instead of these waters, and we'd need to make camp somewhere inland to hold the women while we sent a message demanding ransom. I hear's the Indians have been known to provide sanctuary if the price were right." "It sounds workable to me. Try ta get the ship underway as soon as possible. In the mean time I wants to think more about this. The most important thing, regardless of how poor or rich we is to be, is to allude the King's noose. They needs to think the Cutlass went down with all hands." Jerry and Scott looked at each other with raised eyebrows, then swiftly proceeded to the Seagull. If they acted quickly they could out fox the pirates, and still allow the saga of the Cutlass to reach that planned conclusion. It was not until after the two ghosts departed that Frank made his final decision. They would go with that plan, but would put their treasure ashore at the first opportunity just in case something went wrong. Jack was so happy to see Scotty that he threw his arms around him and kissed him in broad daylight, and in full view of the Captain and most of the crew. It would be necessary for both the Seagull and the Swan Louie to be active participants if they were to elude capture, and foil the pirates plans. Even though that goal was the stated one, there lay at the foundation of Jerry's decision to continue on to the Louie, her desire to enjoy the sweetness of Lucy. She materialized just inside of Julie's cabin. Being naked everytime she became visible was becoming a nuisance. She was out of direct view of the two occupants of the girls bed. Although it seemed unlikely that the pair would take note of even a band of Indians doing a war chant. The girl was on her back, legs wide apart. The bright red hair of her lover shown like a sunrise as his head was buried in her bosom. Jerry became invisible and moved into Lucy's cabin. The sounds of passion emanating from the other room had the girl in a turmoil. She pressed her pillow over her head. That only made it worse as her imagination took over and created more sensual sounds, crystallizing a fictional erotic picture of Julie and her lover. The girl ghost moved along side of Lucy and sat on the side of her bed and then became visible. As her form took shape her weight depressed the bedding. The scene took on reality. The girl peaked from under the pillow. Her mound had become moist. Momentarily she imagined that it must be the sailor, having satisfied Julie, who now sought to satisfy his own lust with her. The conjured spectacle repressed her good sense; subconsciously she wanted to be ravished. The view of Jerry sitting nakedly at her side, on her bed, and within her grasp satisfied nearly all of her anticipations. They kissed for a very long time before they allowed their concentration to shift to other parts of their bodies. Then, almost as if on cue, they both began to shift themselves, opening their legs to the other. Lucy's hand moved quickly down Jerry's body, lingering only for a moment to toy with her pubic hair before her fingers busily searched for and found the hardening clitoris. Jerry began pinching Lucy's nipples roughly, pulling at them with her small fingers, making Lucy moan in appreciation. She was content to leave her lover's moistening cunt unattended for the moment. Lucy continued her assault on Jerry's throbbing clit and lowered her head to the full and hard nippled breasts being thrust out to her. Jerry kissed the blonde head softly, moving her hand around to the back in order to play with her ass. She moaned as Lucy's talented lips, teeth and tongue began working on her long nipples. "Yes! I love that ... mmmmmm ... you know I love that so much!", she mewed. Her hips began rising and falling as she pushed her clit against Lucy's manipulating fingers. "You're so wet!", Lucy whispered hotly, as she spread open Jerry's pussy with her long fingers. "I love it when you're wet!" "I know! I know you love it ... make me wet ... I want to be wet for you." Lucy knew exactly how to work her lover to bring more and more of the pungent vaginal secretions to the surface, and did so purposely, knowing, just as Jerry did, that she would soon be sucking those very juices. Every contact their bodies made was electrifying now, but their thoughts were concentrated on just one thing ... Jerry's pussy juice. The ghost wanted to be as wet as possible when Lucy ate her. It was naughty for her to wish that, and she knew it. Naughty for her to want Lucy's mouth to be full of her cunt juice. Naughty for her to want so much for her secretions to be on Lucy's tongue and lips and, in fact, all over her face. Still, as much as her own naughtiness excited her, what really made her juices flow was the knowledge that Lucy's mind was just as firmly planted on those very same thoughts. There was a very hungry, extremely contented, sublimely happy, young woman working her way at that very moment to a spot between her legs where she would, for as long as she wished it, lick and suck and nibble at her clitoris and cunt lips. With knowledge comes freedom, and Jerry's knowledge of Lucy's naughty hungers allowed her the freedom to let her body movements and her words work together to inflame even further the desires that were already burning feverish within them. "Oh, Gawd ... so wet! ... so wet for you ... I want your mouth so much!" She pushed at Lucy with her free hand, almost shoving her off the bed, as she opened her legs even wider. Lucy slid quickly onto the floor, positioning herself on her knees in front of the spread-eagled ghost. Jerry grabbed her legs behind the knees and pulled them back, offering up her sex lewdly to the kneeling, turned-on girl whose nostrils were filling with the aroma of girl-fuck. Her face moved closer and closer to Jerry's wet and quivering cunt. She threw her head back, her hair tossing, and then raised it once more, staring into Lucy's eyes. There was a passion in her gaze that told more than words ever could. She was brazenly baring her naked sex hungrily offering a feast of her pussy. There was gratitude, commitment, overwhelming passion and shared excitement in her eyes as Lucy's tongue slid from between her lips and flicked at her clitoris, touching it. Jerry's eyes closed tightly and her head flew back once more. "YES!!! ... like that! Ohhhh ... Gawd!!!" She released her legs and pushed them straight up into the air, as her hands fell to her heaving breasts and began mauling them, her thumbs and fingers grabbing at her stiff nipples, tearing at them impatiently. "Ohhhmmmmph ... Ohhhmmmmph ... Ohhhhmmmmmmmphhh ...," Jerry moaned rhythmically as her orgasm began sweeping through her. Over and over. "Ohhhhmmmmp ... Ohhhhmmmmmph ... Ohhhhmmmmppp ..." It was a lewd sound ... a dirty sound ... it was the sound of a female in heat, a animalistic sound from deep within her, and it was a sound that was overheard in the adjacent cabin. The sailor raised his head, his ears as alert as those of a fox hound on a hunt. Julie giggled as she realized that Jerry must have returned. The seaman had presumed the other girl was alone. He was certain no one else on the ship could be with her, unless it were the Captain or the First mate. Even so that seemed unlikely, as the Captain had been on the bridge when he had surreptitiously entered Julie's cabin. Regardless of the reason, the passionate sounds echoed in his ears like the howl of a hungry wolf. His manhood was triggered as he slipped from the bed, and made his way to the water closet. He cracked open the door. He could see the two women as they lay naked. The older woman on the bed was a stranger to his eyes. Before he could deduce that that could not be possible, his rigid member slipped between the door and it's jam. Julie was directly behind him. She reached for the door handle and yanked it closed. "It's not nice to peek." The man howled from the pinching. The spied upon girls looked towards the source of the sounds, and then bounded for the door, pulling it open. Jerry glanced downward at the man. His penis was not erect so she presumed that he had not been watching them. Julie's hand found the instrusive organ and began massaging it. "Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt anything." Lucy spoke quietly to Julie. There was no passion in the room, and even though everyone was naked, Lucy suggested that they come into her cabin. --------------------------- The Seagull had trimmed her sails for maximum speed and was overtaking the Swan Louie. From the moment she was over the horizon; the lead vessel was aware of her presence, and the captain ordered her to heave to. When the two ships were within hailing distance, the captain of the Louie was rowed across for a conference. The two discussed a plan to entrap the Bloody Cutlass and bring her crew to justice. Both ships would turn north toward the Carolina's, but the Seagull would lag behind out of sight, just over the horizon. They presumed the Cutlass would not make her move 'til night had settled. Under cover of darkness, and running no lights, the sloop would move closer until the attempted intercept. At that time the Louie would flash a handful of gunpowder, and the Seagul would engage the pirates from the other side. ------------------------------ Life for Anne Bonney, onboard the Swan Louie, while far from unpleasant was foreign to her. Her owner did not treat her like a slave, but neither did he treat her like his equal. To the independent ex-pirate this was worse than being a slave; she was being treated like a woman. Each night, while being bedded by the good Doctor, her mind wandered from the sexual pleasures she was enduring, and instead tread the path of fantasy. Her mind constantly took her back to her early days in England when she was a "man". Her imagination rode that horse into the future with dreams of exploring the new world. She saw herself on horseback, riding freely into the sunset, living off of the land. In no way could Anne Brennan Cormac Bonney (Redliffe) exist as some man's chattel, wife, or salve. She had overheard the plans being made to trap the Bloody Cutlass and had decided, if at all possible, to use the encounter to escape. She noticed the frequency that the red headed crewman disappeared into Julie's cabin, and used his absence to purloin and hide clothes she could use to switch identities. As the sun sank below the horizon she readied herself. Then in the dark shadows on deck she stayed alert, watchful for the first glimpse of the pirate ship. It was shortly after midnight when she thought she saw movement in the far distance off of the ships port bow. Her eyes strained into the distance. Two hours later she could clearly see the oncoming vessel, as it steered a course which kept her hidden by the Louie's first sail. Her conscience bothered her; she felt like a traitor. But, as always, her goal and her willpower kept her from deviating from her plan. She would not alert the lookouts. As one-thirty grew near, the pirate ship was clearly visible. Anne changed into the seaman's clothes and stood just forward of the first mast. No one should take notice of her; in the darkness she was just another sailor on deck. She scampered up the mast to the top of the sail and tied a line so she could swing the distance to the oncoming ship at first touching. All was quiet except for the sounds of the ship cutting through the water. The angle of the intercept was less than 30 degrees. All onboard the Cutlass were in readiness for attack. The entire crew was grouped on her bow. Frank felt certain that the snare would be an easy one. His gaze was on the deck of his prey. As the two vessels impacted, the pirates let out a mighty shriek and jumped aboard for the capture. No one noticed the seaman who swept in the other direction, and into the upper regions of the Cutlass's forward sail. Anne remained hidden. It was the second impact that was her undoing. No one aboard the Cutlass had been watching her stern. When the Seagull hit, the vessel lurched and rolled. Anne went flying through the air and landed in the ocean some thirty feet to starboard. The unexpected attack from the Seagull astonished the pirates. In an attempt to break loose from what now was obviously a trap, she attempted a turn to starboard. The maneuver was effective, and the Cutlass moved rapidly away to the west. There was too much noise and commotion for anyone to hear the sound of surf pounding against rocks. The sickening sound of her hull being crushed, her timbers being split, her keel being broken, descended upon the pirates. Their plan was being fulfilled, but not as they had wished. The quick change in course had left Anne abandoned in the dark waters. As the Seagull passed she was able to grasp a trailing line. It appeared that one of the lines from a grappling hook had gone unnoticed. Both ships were attempting to move both north and slightly east, away from the rocky shore line. Anne had only two choices; stay with the Seagull, or swim for shore. Given two choices she had always chosen the most dangerous. Ten minutes later she let loose of her life line and swam towards land. Those ten minutes had been valuable ones in that the Seagull had carried her away from the rocky point, but not far enough from shore to make any difference. Her progress was faster than she realized. The shore swells were turning into surf. The sea was breaking gently on the shore. It was still very dark when she pulled herself upon the beach and crawled beyond the reaches of the water. ---------------------------------------- There had been only two survivors from the Cutlass. The Cook's boy had sensed the impending danger. He had cajoled his older lover to abandon ship during the boarding of the Louie. They had swum toward shore and heard the pounding waters of the rocky point. Holding on to each other they let themselves be swept south until they no longer could hear the perilous sounds. Then they swam toward shore. They stayed alert to what they could see of the ensuing battle. The encounter faded from view as they drifted south. But the sound of a ship breaking on the rocky point left little doubt as to what had happened. When they reached shore, they found a place protected from the night air, and fell asleep in each others arms. Early next morning they scoured the sea shore both north and south looking for signs of survivors. They could find none. They then proceeded south. It would be a days journey on foot to where the treasure had been hidden. END CHAPTER NINE THE PIRATE AFFAIR